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2 times the FUN! A Randomacy ~ NEW Chapter, 9.11


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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    It was very nice reading about and seeing the pictures of the engagement and wedding of Jeremey and Kayla Addy! :) Your story writing is very creative! It was nice that the teddy was holding the engaging ring! The wedding and reception sounds like it was a very nice as well as fun event.
    I will look forward to seeing the next update that you post in the story of their lives :)
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    It was very nice reading about and seeing the pictures of the engagement and wedding of Jeremey and Kayla Addy! :)

    Thank you, dear Rose!!! I am trying to improve the quality of my storytelling (especially in regards to pictures - remembering to pause and hit TAB, then C is key LOL) as this thread has become so much more than I originally thought it would be. Back before Christmas I discussed sharing a thread with Tanu but thought it would essentially be a summary, if you will, a way to compare our games. Maybe a story sprinkled here & there. But as I really got into the game this month - discussing it on s3 My Page, having a request for a story **coughcianecough**, and constantly text chatting with Tanu as we discuss/send photos back and forth (emails, too!) laughing and joking and gaining so MUCH pleasure from this co-experience that the thread kind of snowballed from there. I find myself wanting to share a bit of the behind-the-scenes magic with the rest of you, hoping that maybe this co-game experience might gain momentum as friends get together and do what we did :) Ah, a girl can always dream LOL
    rosemow wrote: »
    Your story writing is very creative! It was nice that the teddy was holding the engaging ring! The wedding and reception sounds like it was a very nice as well as fun event.

    Thanks for your kind compliments! I am trying to find ways to make each engagement and wedding a little bit different as each Sim is different. Tanu knows what Posey hints at (much like I know what a certain picture in one of her stories hints at). As I was organizing the writing on this "chapter" the word Posey jumped out at me and I remembered that bear re-color I did and knew it HAD to be a part of this!

    I'll let you in on a little confession of mine: seeing Tanu's stories here is inspiring me to do more with my own. The challenge is to not let her story influence my own version. For example, I am glad we didn't share photos of our starter house behind-the-scenes or I would have been mightily tempted to have decorated mine differently. Hers was certainly more cozy feeling than mine, I think.
    rosemow wrote: »
    I will look forward to seeing the next update that you post in the story of their lives :)

    Yay! We LOVE seeing your posts as you spread kind thoughts and scatter smiles here & there with each one.

    May you, and everyone else who stops by, find something to enjoy; something to smile & possibly chuckle or laugh over; perhaps even gain a friend or two as you read & connect with someone's comments during each visit ~ whether it is your first or twenty-first :)

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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited January 2015
    I loved seeing pics of the master bedroom. I bet Tanu gets warm fuzzies seeing her Wedding lot in pictures too!

    You are doing great with your pictures Addy. I took me a long time to figure out all camera controls like Q to lower the camera and E to elevate it, A to move to the left and D to the right, Z to zoom in and X to zoom out, and W to go focus on the background more while S comes to the foreground more. The mouse movements help with adjustments, but I use those keyboard commands a LOT! (And you won't believe how long it took me realize they were all left-hand finger stretches for all but the pointer finger!)

    TWINS... so that was your plan! GOOD plan.

    I can't believe Kayla told Jeremy she loved that his hair looked like he stuck his finger in a socket! But it is good she loves that about him too. I LOVE that they collaborate on books with him illustrating her writing. Those traits go so well together. I also like that you get a family trait to pass down to this generation. I like to do that too. It's like Tanu's Hidden Hertitage trait in a way... a binding element for the family.

    I'm sorry you stayed up so very late to post, but it is GREAT that you anticipate and cherish your simming time so much. Thank you BOTH for sharing with us.

    Oh, and that picture of Kayla walking towards the others with her wedding cake was PERFECT. We wouldn't have known what really happened if you hadn't mentioned it.
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    edited July 2017
    Yay, we'll call seeing pictures of your build in action a BONUS "gift" then @ciane **smiles** I hope Tanu likes it too ~ she is well on her way towards reaching her destination and the pictures she has been sending to my phone are pretty nice.

    Thanks for your compliments/encouragement! You might laugh but I tend to forget I am in "tab mode" after I take a picture more than I like or care to admit. I take a picture, then go to do something and view starts swirling... is a bit bothersome on my poor eyes. Yet I keep doing it lol

    Twins... plan... reality...
    Soon you will see
    What the game meant to be

    I was sure on a roll this morning wasn't I?!
    I was actually teary-eyed both times I wrote the proposal from each guy and I kept reading/editing until it sounded like them.
    Jeremey's hair really suits him and they strike me a fun couple - they BOTH rolled a wish to pillow fight after the proposal so there ya go ;)
    Writing and Painting go hand in hand with Children's Books and I thought it would be neat for them to work together instead of her doing both.
    I can't believe I didn't think of a family trait to do in my previous games... I really like that concept.

    I wasn't up late. I was up early as I did go to bed, but got up way earlier than expected so I just went with it. My hubby used to work the midnight shift when we first dated/early years of marriage and he would pen the sweetest poems for me to find when I woke up because that is when inspiration struck. His mojo must have visited me ;)

    It was a lovely moment, wasn't it?! Oh? Really? Then perhaps I shouldn't pen things around 1:30 - 4:00 as my thoughts and tongue seem to be less guarded ;)
    Post edited by ADWilson on
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    It is an awesome picture. It's like waterfalls!

    That is sweet that you'd get love poetry. My hubby finds great cards and does fun spontaneaous poetry, but no true mushy stuff of his own. It's great that you have some to tuck away and pull out and smile at!

    We have a much nicer today with warmer temps. I couldn't keep the birds fed yesterday it was so cold that we refilled those feeders four times and have no more sacks of seed for them (just a bin full).
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member

    Tanu is using Addy & Tanu's Delight by cmbaker16

    To download this, go to...
    ====> Links <====
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    The picture that Tanu sent to you Addy of the icy and snowy landscape is so very nice! :) It is very special that your husband used to write poems to you. They would have been very lovely for you to read when waking in the mornings,
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member

    Ah, yes... those poems are indeed special. I can remember getting up to get ready for work & my roommate was already gone (she was a zookeeper and had earlier hours than me)(Oh! I am pretty sure I had previously mentioned somewhere - here, My page - that I used to work at our local zoo. Hubby did too. That is how we met. We even held our wedding there, but that is a whole 'nother wonderful story in itself!) Back to poems. **ahemstayontrackahem** I would be in the kitchen and the window over the sink looks out onto the driveway so I would periodically see him walk up the drive (so handsome in his work uniform!), go to the front of my car and place something under my windshield wiper, then walk back to his car and drive off (he worked the overnight shift and was heading home to go to sleep). Not exactly furtive, but he was definitely doing it as a surprise each time :) He would write the poem whenever inspiration hit, place it in the plastic bag newspapers come in and leave it there for me to find! I never let on that I would get up early just to stand at the window, drinking my tea and smiling oh-so-BIG watching as my honey did that. Such a wonderful way to start the workday, that's for sure.

    He even wrote the poem that was read at our wedding. Sigh. So beautiful.

    Oh!!!! I just looked up at the wall and saw the one he left ON my computer keyboard for me to find when I woke up on my Birthday last year:

    Your day of birth
    was made for mirth.

    Can't be irate
    when you talk like a pirate.

    So, don't be grim
    go play some Sim.

    You're in my thoughts
    even the ones that are naught(y).

    See! My tendency to sprinkle rhymes here & there was noticed by him and he wrote one in that style just for me! Now you know one more reason why we will be celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary in May.
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    It is very special that your husband would write a poem and place it on the windscreen on your car so that you would find it later in the morning, and also very nice that unbeknownst to him you would be enjoying watching him placing the poem there. I can visualise the smile that would have been on your face when you were watching him to do that. :) The reading of the poem that your husband wrote for your wedding would have been a very treasured part of your special wedding day. :)
    It is very nice that you held your wedding at the Zoo :) With you both working there, it sounds like it was a great place to be married, at the place where you met each other.
    Sending sunshine smiles to you to take with you throughout today in all that the day holds for you :)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    Woot! How nice to still love the one you are with and to still be with the one you love... together longer than you were alone. : )

    Happy, happy day.
    We all have Sims to play.
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    ciane wrote: »
    Woot! How nice to still love the one you are with and to still be with the one you love... together longer than you were alone. : )

    Happy, happy day.
    We all have Sims to play.

    Thanks, ciane! I had to stop and think... yup, I have been with him longer than when I was a single lady. What a nice, comforting thought. Cute poem :)

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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Hey everyone! I am back from our trip and I just have to share one more quick picture with everyone~

    This Sea Turtle is over 120 years old. He was injured and would not survive if in the wild. I have seen him many times in the years of my visits to the aquarium to Boston both as a child myself and with my daughters. I really liked this time of year because the aquarium was quiet and I had time to just sit next to the glass for the longest time and just share some time with him. Me watching him and him watching me. It was very special to me and I wanted to share a moment of it with you. ~

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    Hello Tanu :) The Sea Turtle is very nice! It is very special that he is over 120 years old! It is nice that you have enjoyed visiting the aquarium over the years both when you were young as a child and then with your family. You would have lovely memories of visits to the aquarium. It would have been a quiet, restful and peaceful time that you could spend just sitting there yesterday watching him, taking time out from your concerns and the pressures of your life, to just be calmly resting your mind and renewing your mind and body for the days ahead. Thankyou for sharing the special picture with us. :)
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    edited February 2015
    Tanu's Legacy ~ Generation Three ~ Jasper's Arrival and a Departure ~

    I will post Generation Three's Rolls when Jasper becomes a Teen :)

    A little while later Zach's baby girl did indeed have a baby! A beautiful baby boy joined their family! Jasper arrived Healthy and Happy!


    Life for the family settled into a comfortable hum of everyone doing their parts to take care of Jasper and to keep the household running smoothly. There were certainly wonderful things about living as an extended family.

    Rorie kept up her practice in the family magic skill ~


    and Zach quite liked watching Nichol age ~


    and even reached the highest belt in his martial arts skill ~


    Everyone was excited to take Jasper to his first festival as a toddler and the first thing they did was take a family picture ~


    Rorie had no way of knowing that when that picture was taken she was already pregnant for their second child.

    Also if you remember, back when she was a teen, Rorie had a chance to become a ghost for a day at the fall festival. (Pauses so you can go back and look :p )

    However she had no way of knowing that as she went off to look for eggs with Jasper that on the other end of the festival this was happening ~


    By the time Zach reached her she had heard the cries of the festival goers and she had seen them all running in the direction of the death. But she couldn't move. She clutched Jasper to her and just stood there. She couldn't see or hear anything and could only feel her child wiggling in her arms. Jasper was looking at her trying to figure out what was wrong and why their fun hunt had suddenly ended. He didn't understand that Daddy wouldn't be going home with them.

    Meanwhile Wei suddenly found himself back at home alone. He didn't quite understand what had happened yet or why no one else was home or how he had gotten there. He noticed the plates on the table from the families lunch and thought that maybe doing something familiar would help. It took him a few tries to keep the plates from just sliding through his hands but then he got the hang of it.


    As time went on Nichol and Zach took care of Jasper while Rorie tried to get through each day shattered ~


    Nichol didn't want to rush her but she pointed out that she had a toddler and a baby on the way and needed to get herself together soon. Rorie knew that and as time went on she began to feel that Wei's spirit was never far away ~


    Wei was doing all he could to comfort his family and watch his son grow up ~


    And he was pretty sure Zach knew he was there that night in the thunderstorm. The gnubb pieces couldn't just knock themselves over ~


    And then after a bit more time things started to return to normal ~


    And Rorie seemed once again ready to face the world ~


    That's just about the time that the family welcomed baby Hannah ~

    Post edited by tanubanue on
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    rosemow wrote: »
    Hello Tanu :) The Sea Turtle is very nice! It is very special that he is over 120 years old! It is nice that you have enjoyed visiting the aquarium over the years both when you were young as a child and then with your family. You would have lovely memories of visits to the aquarium. It would have been a quiet, restful and peaceful time that you could spend just sitting there yesterday watching him, taking time out from your concerns and the pressures of your life, to just be calmly resting your mind and renewing your mind and body for the days ahead. Thankyou for sharing the special picture with us. :)

    Thank you Rose. I hope that his picture brought you a smile and some peaceful thoughts as well. He is very beautiful and I was so excited that his picture came out so well. <3
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    It was sad that Wei passed away @Tanu ! It is nice though that he is still present though, but as a ghost. It was great that they took the family picture at the Festival before Wei passed away. It is nice that now there are now two children in the family.
    It is a very sad update, but it was nice to end the update on the happy note of little baby Hannah being born. :)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    First, I love the sea turtle. When I was swimming in Hawaii once, I saw a huge sea turtle swim overhead. It was a bit scary as they can be very big and I only saw the black blob. But they are gentle creatures. I bet it was very peaceful watching each other.

    Second, oh my! Wei died! That was a shock. Who knew festivals could be so very life threatening?

    Rorie is gorgeous. I love that she is a witch. I also love that she has one of each gender. It's great to have both, I think. It'll be fun to see if they eat with chopsticks.

    Now, will she bring him Wei back to life or live with a ghost or maybe...

    Great pics and great story-telling.

    Hugs and welcome back!
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member

    Table of contents has been updated to add "Jasper's Arrival and a Departure" to Tanu's Legacy.
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    ciane wrote: »
    First, I love the sea turtle. When I was swimming in Hawaii once, I saw a huge sea turtle swim overhead. It was a bit scary as they can be very big and I only saw the black blob. But they are gentle creatures. I bet it was very peaceful watching each other.

    Second, oh my! Wei died! That was a shock. Who knew festivals could be so very life threatening?

    Rorie is gorgeous. I love that she is a witch. I also love that she has one of each gender. It's great to have both, I think. It'll be fun to see if they eat with chopsticks.

    Now, will she bring him Wei back to life or live with a ghost or maybe...

    Great pics and great story-telling.

    Hugs and welcome back!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the picture of the sea turtle too! I got a chance to swim with them in Bermuda and their gentleness really was amazing. They seem to take care of you while you are near them and give you a nudge or two as if to say good job! lol

    Wei dying was a huge shock to me as well! I was just playing along watching Rorie pick up eggs when I heard Grimmy's music. I was not that concerned as elders often die on community lots but when I zoomed in and saw Wei I was like "What the....!!!" I quick grabbed my cell phone and snapped a picture and sent it to Addy with the caption "OMG that is Wei!!" His head stone said he died of hunger even though they had lunch not too long before they left and there are food carts at the festival so I'm not sure what happened. I didn't snap any other pictures while they were there and I have to Thank Addy again for emailing me his passing picture so I could post it as it was the one and only one I got.

    If you would like I can email you a copy of Rorie and you can either play her sometime down the road or drop her in your town if you like. Her hair will be a bit different though as I'll change it first as hers is a cc hair. Just let me know. And Jasper just turned into a child and I have not had a chance to see if he will eat with chopsticks or not. I hope he does. Zach, Nichol, and Rorie all go around the house singing the songs from China lol.

    Thanks for the welcome back!
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Thanks for updating Addy! :D
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Had a chance to go back and read about Jeremy and Kayla's nuptials. Wow what a great wedding picture where all family members are where they should be! That almost never happens! lol
    I also got a kick out of Ladybug showing up. Poor Johnnie out shined by a puppy!
    I really like Posey and I think she should be in the household in the other 'realm' as well. Baby Hannah needs a bear named Posey! I'm happy she had such an important job in the story.

    I love the chatter Addy and I have back and forth behind the scenes and even though we both have an idea of what happens or is going on it is so very fun to see it in pictures and read it in story form.

    Thanks again for this thread Addy! It is so much fun!!
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    christinebremnerchristinebremner Posts: 3,513 Member
    Hi ladies! :) How is everyone going? Hope you all had a great weekend so far. :)

    I am thoroughly enjoying both stories, but I must admit I am getting myself confused as to who is who's sims as the founders are the same! LOL :P But it's so good to read how their lives are turning out, each different and the pictures are awesome as well. :)

    I was so shocked Wei died! :( I gave out a cry of noooo when I read that, poor Rorie she was so in love with him!

    How did he die?
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Hi ladies! :) How is everyone going? Hope you all had a great weekend so far. :)

    **waves** Hello, @christinebremner‌! Things are good, moments where we are a bit busy, but we still find time to have some fun :)

    FRI night - Teen had semi-final district match in soccer. They lost (played number 1 school, a team the school hasn't scored a single score against in the 3 years my girl has been on the team - fact: 2009 was when the last point happened.) but the girls didn't give up and tried throughout the entire game. They played better against them than in the two regular season games. No point, but really, really close this one time. There is always next year... a chance to score a point and turn that momentum a bit. That is what I tell her is a win in my books when they play them, if they can score that one point :) So... we told her what good things we saw her doing during this game and went out for dinner & pie afterwards.

    SAT - Teen is on one of the Robotics teams at school and this weekend is what they call "Build Blitz" (take their plan and turn it into a robot). Dropped her off so she could help in any way possible. She is lead on the Awards team - essay, team video, scrapbook, Community Outreach (Volunteering) & Networking, Spirit Squad - so isn't "hands on" with the robotic end of things. She joined the team last year because of her writing skills. Their efforts thus far this year had won the team a small award during off-season with their essay and video on Community Outreach which in turn gave the team a confidence boost and a gift certificate towards parts :)

    Weather is gorgeous down here in sunny FL so we pulled out our folding chairs and took our indoor only cat outside into the fenced-in backyard. Sunny, a light breeze and 72 degrees... aaah, lovely. We talked and looked at the clouds as we kept an eye on her. Our two cats are both 17 (just like our teen) and this one has gone from enjoying being outside and actively wanting us to take her out to having to be carried out and placed in the grass. We think her memory is going and it is a little sad to see, but we know she needs whatever it is that chewing grass provides her and periodically give her a small "outing" with us nearby.

    Hubby and I game together. LOTRO. Secret World. Marvel Heroes 2015. This weekend in LOTRO, one of the guilds known for their musical performances (Yes! Characters CAN play instruments and there are mods with huge songbooks) is once again hosting their version of Woodstock. We met at night in the ice and snow up outside the main Dwarven city, by a frozen pond, some characters put down campfires and (with headphones off and speaker volume up) our characters joined the crowd dancing, cheering/clapping <== yay for all the emotes one can do! I recall us dancing (characters and us at home, too!) as I recognized Billy Idol "Dancing with Myself" (fave in high school!!! still a hearththrob to me - been to 3 of his concerts over the years) and teen stopped her solitaire game when she heard OneRepublic "Counting Stars" (a fave of hers & mine) and swayed in her seat with a smile once she recognized it. We're nerds. Game nerds :)

    TODAY - Drop teen of at boyfriend's for a good part of the day. She gets along well with his two younger sisters as well. One planned outing is for them to go to IKEA so bf and her can start looking/getting ideas for college dorms, etc. 2016 graduation will be here before we know it. Hubby & I will probably game a bit, do errand running, laundry... dun dun dun. LOL

    Okay, time to end the mini-novel ;)
    I am thoroughly enjoying both stories, but I must admit I am getting myself confused as to who is who's sims as the founders are the same! LOL :P But it's so good to read how their lives are turning out, each different and the pictures are awesome as well. :)

    Yay to enjoying the stories! Not so yay for getting confused. Is it because we purposely chose to play the same founder couple? This means you (and everyone else!) are seeing them in BOTH versions of the game living different lives and bearing different offspring. Any ideas/suggestions for what we can do one our end to make this less confusing? Maybe some of our lurkers (we have LURKERS!!!) might be a wee bit confused, too.

    I know that once our founders take a trip with Grimmy to tropical islands [courtesy of ciane who knows that I am already experiencing separation anxiety as I typically never play with aging on (turned it off when I experienced my first death) and Zach & Nichol are just around the corner, peeking at Elder stage in my game. **gasp** **grabs a sip of water**] our two games won't look alike as much and perhaps it will be easier to tell them apart. Until then, please don't hesitate to let us know what we can do to help lift the clouds of confusion.
    I was so shocked Wei died! :( I gave out a cry of noooo when I read that, poor Rorie she was so in love with him! How did he die?

    Me too! Y'all should have seen the texts that went flying back and forth when Tanu told me what had happened in her game as it was "going down".

    Way back when it happened (yes, it happened in the game a long, long, long time ago)...

    January 10th
    Tanu: (sends picture to my phone)
    Tanu: Omg! That's Wei! I don't even know what the heck happened.
    Addy: Gasp!!!
    and the convo went on from there. Can't say any more as it would give away SPOILERS (said with a smile, a la River Song - character in Doctor Who - style).

    My understanding of it, all had eaten recently and went to the festival. Tanu was focused on watching Zach hunt eggs when suddenly the "mood music" happened signaling the upcoming arrival of Grimmy and the rest is history. I'm sure Tanu could tell you this much better than me. After all, she was there ;)

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,704 Member
    It was very nice reading about all that your weekend has involved Addy :) It has been an enjoyable, fun and interesting Friday night and Saturday for you and your family. I hope that you all enjoy what you are doing today.
    It was very sad when I saw Wei had passed away! I kept looking at the pictures and reading the words, because I thought that I had made a mistake and wasn't seeing it correctly!
    Sending smiles to you Addy, to Tanu and to everyone else who is reading/posting in this thread. :)
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    Makayla_MakaPakaMakayla_MakaPaka Posts: 771 Member
    This is cool! But Narrator Addy needs to calm down, crazy sims will be crazy sims!
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