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Is the sims 2 better than sims 3? what's your opinion?


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    alwslaughinggirlalwslaughinggirl Posts: 244 Member
    They both have their pros and cons. I play all of the Sims games 1-4, and like them each of them for different reasons. Sims 3 had better graphics, but ran a lot crappier than Sims 2. Sims 2 has better family gameplay, and I love the Bon Voyage expansion pack; Sims 3 World Adventures was very lacking as a vacation pack. I love the open neighborhood in Sims 3. I appreciate it a lot more now that I have a computer that runs it better.
    I've been playing since TS1. My favorite games are TS2 and TS4.
    Origin ID- manda102784 <3
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited November 2014
    No, and that's coming from someone who doesn't like story progression, always played with it off most of the time, loves rotational play in these games, can't play a legacy one house for years and years, and didn't like there were no subhoods/travel live in other worlds etc. That's saying a lot I think as TS3 isn't my favorite of the three but no, the TS4 isn't better than the TS3, nor the TS2. And imho, not even the TS1. The nostalgia factor for the TS1 but no, not even the TS3 coming from someone who wasn't in love with it, either. The graphics speak for themselves. Real looking with detail and textures compared to food I wouldn't call food, etc. just a smudge on what is supposed to be a round object/plate. Details in these games mean a lot to some of us.

    ETA: I thought your title was the 'TS4' better than the TS3....did you change it after I posted this? Because no the TS4 is not better than the TS3 as stated here in my answer. But if you are asking me which is better 'to me' between the TS2 and the TS3 I would have to say TS2. But that is because I play rotational games. I put lots of households in the game and play them all. I don't set a schedule when to switch in the TS2. I just do on a whim, when I feel like time to switch! lol Anyway, I can't forget about the TS3 has wide open spaces and no load screens. But I wish I could have turned off aging 'per lot' if that makes sense instead of features being for the entire worlds or off and on. I would have liked more control over those things like per household.
    Post edited by Cinebar on
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    winterlocwinterloc Posts: 348 Member
    edited November 2014
    HI all,
    Is the Sims 2 better then the Sims 3? I think they both have their pros and cons. I like Sims 3 for being able to really see your Sims swim and dive and go boat riding etc. I like Sims 2 for simplicity. I like Sims 1 for the total silliness of the game.

    I do not have Sims 4 at this time and had opt out from buying it. With that said I have really been looking around at it and what I like is that the Sims can actually sit on the pool edge, or on the top of the play gym bars. I think it is a bit pricey but we will see maybe I will break down and get it.

    One thing with the Sims 3 it really stuffed up my little 500 gig hard drive. After seven years of the same two hard drives I decided to buy two new hard drives both terabytes. I also added in more memory and to the limit for this old girl computer. Now I am not worried about the hard drive maxing out and slowing down. All is good. :) My vid cards are to old ATI cross fires. So I do not know if they would handle Sims 4. I am thinking it could.

    Hi Cinebar awesome to see you here. :D

    Well happy simming everyone,
    Your Simmy friend Winterloc
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    windweaverwindweaver Posts: 7,375 Member
    These t2 threads were started over on the old BBS, weren't they? How cool is that where we can see this stuff again. I really miss that forum, everyone was so nice, and "Snarkless" boy those were the days, to quote All in the Family. Yeah, I know, I'm dating myself.
    My Origin Name is: Cynconzola8
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    RubiesandRainbowsRubiesandRainbows Posts: 197 Member
    I think they are really too different in my eyes to compare them. I don't really know why though. It's just that I tend to play the games when I have an idea for them, and for whatever reason, whatever idea I have fits really well with one, but kind of has to be shoehorned into the other. I think I'm really idea based with the Sims, because I think of something like "It'd be great to set up a school in Sims 2 where the kids live there!" and then I set it all up and get bored and do another idea.
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    Shadecaster101Shadecaster101 Posts: 1,343 Member
    I think the Sims 2 is slightly better. CASt, Graphics, and open world are the only reasons people would actually choose The Sims 3. The gameplay is better in The Sims 2, but the customization is better in The Sims 3, so it's really up to what you prefer.
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    ScarlettFireflyScarlettFirefly Posts: 74 Member
    Sims 3, but Sims 2 is fun to play once in a while.
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    cdeecdee Posts: 27 Member
    The amount of times I have wanted to revert back to the Sims 2 whilst playing the Sims 3 is a disgusting number. And by disgusting, I mean a very large number.
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    joleacojoleaco Posts: 2,250 Member
    Holy thread resurrection Batman!

    And my answer is Yes!
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    xBob18xBob18 Posts: 7,893 Member
    I love them both, but I like TS3 better.
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    AMariseSAMariseS Posts: 2,458 Member
    I like 'em both. I never played 2 on PC before they gave it to us for free, so it's all pretty new to me. I don't like how ugly the Sims are, and lack of CASt after having it for so long in 3 is really limiting, but there are lots of objects & interactions that I enjoy. So...I like 'em both. I'll always have a special place in my heart for 3 since it was my first PC game, despite the bugs & lag. (All praise Twallan!)
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    gayarsgayars Posts: 2,229 Member
    check out custom hair and skins for sims 2. Enayla is the best as far as skins.
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    sporkloversporklover Posts: 1 New Member
    Personally I prefer Sims 2, without a doubt.

    The Sims 3 does shine more than the Sims 2 in several ways, but I have been playing the Sims 2 for much, much longer than I have the Sims 3 so...I suppose that's why I prefer it lol. I only played the original Sims a little bit, but I grew up playing Sims 2, so it will always have a special place in my heart. I've spent so many hours with Sims 2 it's ridiculous.

    I prefer the more "cartoony" look of the Sims 2 as opposed to the more realistic look of the Sims 3. I also like the sims themselves behave more in the Sims 2 than the Sims 3. Sure, they're "dumber" in Sims 2, but that makes gameplay more interesting and funny for me.

    I can definitely understand why a lot of people prefer Sims 3, but I will always love Sims 2 the most.
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    For me, definitely! I have played Sims 2 since it came out, and have all the expansions and stuff, as well as some CC. I tried Sims 3, and like a few things (open neighborhood, exotic adventures) but gave up on it after a couple each of expansions and stuff packs. Why? All the Sims look alike, no matter what you do, and have billiard balls for heads. Any place you go indoors, other than their home, they disappear. There is no ability to do stories, just post screen shots. In Sims2 you have a much greater ability to customize their faces and their heads are more properly shaped. In town, any building you enter enables you to retain Sim control and interact with other Sims, villagers or townies. Since I'm a writer, I like doing stories, which I may do to my heart's content is Sims2. In build and buy modes I can actually see what I'm doing, not hoping for the best in a dark twilight. One may actually have a wide variety of interpersonal interactions with other Sims. Aging is handled much better, for me, anyway, as it is done in parallel, and is controllable to a great extent. Sims2 provides much more freedom in clothing design as one is not restricted to the Maxis models and patterns. If I want my Sim to look like a medieval character, she/he does A comic character? No problem. Any other look imaginable? Have them covered. The castle parts work a lot better, too, and are readily found. I could go on, but in general I have found that Sims2 is more flexible for how I play, is more stable with fewer crashes, and runs quite happily on my venerable XP machines - which is a lot more than I can say for Sim3. Now if it would only run on Windows 7...
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    In reading through the whole thread I got the feeling from the Sim3 folks that much of what they like is a result of the later expansions and packs, some 21 of them including the base game. That strikes me as a lot of addition, which implies that a lot of material/capability was left out of the base game. I have through Fast Lane Stuff, and have yet to see a piano, as one instance. That also implies that someone was thinking more of 'ka-ching' than game quality, so Mr. Haiden seems to be right on target with his observations. There is so much in Sims2 to use/do that have yet to take full advantage of it - and I have the game installed on 3 machines with it being a rare night one of them doesn't go simming an hour or two. Definitely bang for your gaming buck (or Pound, Franc, Mark, &c).

    Several folks mention CASt as a major reason for liking Sims3. What is that? I would think Create a Sim would be CAS, so am wondering.

    By the way, have been doing this game since Sims1 came out way back when. That game, old as it is, had good things that have yet to see in any successors: roaming street musicians, vendor food carts for things like hot dogs and ice cream, snack shops, variable restaurants - Ritz to 'Joe's Diner', each type of outfit had a distinctive rack, burglar alarms could be installed outside, radio controlled boats & fish food in parks, picnic baskets that enabled you to have one - complete with blanket. There was a game tool that enabled you to put your own that were in the 'my pictures' folder into the game. Dates with your sweetie were not time restricted - you could really build relationships, not 'push buttons' in a desperate race to beat the clock. Those were the days. EA, if you look at these posts, consider that list a suggestion for Sims4.
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    LaAbbyLaAbby Posts: 3,742 Member
    The Sims 3 because it was my first. Graphics are a TON better, and there's the whole open world ordeal.

    But, I really enjoy the Sims 2 interactions, Sims 3 seems to be missing plenty of those ...

    I think each game has its own charm though :innocent:
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    pandie00pandie00 Posts: 590 Member
    > @peterskywalker said:
    > While I enjoy both the sims 2, the sims 3, and now the sims 4, I still like the sims 2 the best for these reasons.
    > 1. The sims 2 had more charm than the sims 3 and I loved the variety in the animations. (Especially when sims talked and did make out.)
    > 2. Children felt like children in the sims 2. They would play a variety of games with other child sims like cops and robbers, marry mack, etc.
    > 3. Families were done MUCH better in the sims 2. Adults could give their kids family kisses, snuggle with them on the couch, dance with them, swing them around and more. Furthermore, children cared more about their parents, crying when they got in fights. Finally parent would sometimes autonomously tuck their children in when sleeping, or console their children when they were crying.
    > 4. Sims would interact with each other more autonomously, and they had more interactions with each other in the sims 2 . Sims could play games, as well as talk, and almost every object they used, sims could ask others to join. You could even ask sims to watch you as you played video games with another sim.
    > 5. The sims 2 had the perfect challenge level. When your needs got low, you didn't have a ridiculous amount of time before they passed out or starved to death adding more drama.
    > 6. Sims were more romantic in the sims 2. The kissing was more raunchy, and it sounded more real than the kisses in the sims 3. Sims would sometimes snuggle in bed, and when cuddling on the couch, sims would autonomously hug each other, and rub noses, etc. Also married couples would occasionally automatically romance the other.
    > 7. The sims 2 had less bugs, and didn't lag as much as the sims 3. Even with a good PC, the sims 3 sometimes lags a bit, and that is with nrass mods to help the lag.
    > 8. There was a lot of detail put into the the sims 2. The sims 2 had a ton of small details. For example, sloppy sims mixed bowls differently and create more messes, created puddles when showering, would pee in the shower if their bladder need was low, could salvage and eat from the trash can, would burp and fart more, would play a different animation when they had hygiene failure and more.
    > 9. The animations were really detailed and awesome in the sims 2. Sims move the pieces correctly when playing chest, would play poker correctly, with animations for folding, adding chips to the pot, flipping new cards, flipping chips while idling and more.
    > 10. The aspiration bar/wants and fears were done much better in the sims 2. I like how you can purchase things in the sims 3 with points you acquire from completing wants, however, the sims 2 had a much better system. If you completed wants, you got points as well which you could spend on interactable items that helped your sims. Furthermore, your aspiration bar rose, making your sims happier, and allowing you to use these objects you bought without consequence. If you don't fulfill their wants, or fulfill their fears sims become unhappy, throwing tantrums, worrying, and going crazy (playing with a flour sack for family sims, romancing a mop for romantic sims, etc.)
    > 11.Finally you still find surprises in the sims 2. Playful sims in a house with almost no activities may start playing with the fridge, sims who showered in a cheap shower while another flushed the toilet would sometimes get out of the shower and yell at the other person (because the water suddenly got hot or cold), toddlers would sometimes puke on sims when thrown up into the air, toddlers would sometimes autonomously dance when a stereo was on, etc.

    I couldnt say better! That's why i was so in love with sims 2... I liked the the sims 3 graphics but the game lost his charm... That's why i only bought the base game... With sims 4 I dont know yet...
    “Instead of putting players in the role of Luke Skywalker, or Frodo Baggins, I'd rather put them in the role of George Lucas.” - Will Wright.

    12-01-2017 <3
    Rebuilding Genetics Family Tree

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    Ken_Carson_SimKen_Carson_Sim Posts: 54 Member
    I love more the sims 2 and 3 than The sims 4.. I think is because of the lack of toddlers. I do not like the lighting inside houses in my opinion it´s too dark.
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    BrittanyChick22BrittanyChick22 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I like the sims 2 but I'm not crazy about the sims 2. Maybe its because I didn't grow up playing the sims 2 but started out playing the sims and bustin out on gamecube then got into 3. I do play the sims 3 a lot more than sims 2 because theres so much I want to do in the game currently. I think they're both great, there are some things that sims 2 can't give that sims 3 does and some things that sims 2 gives but sim 3 doesn't.

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    KayeStarKayeStar Posts: 6,715 Member
    This is going to vary a lot. I personally prefer The Sims 3, but they are very good games in their own right and I enjoy both. I guess it depends on how you play. If you really just want to get into the game and start playing, Sims 2 would probably be more fun for you. If you like game playing as much as customizing and aren't bothering by loading times, however, Sims 3 might be better.
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    Olivesplum06Olivesplum06 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Every person has their preference, I love both. Depends on how the mood strikes me, I often miss the classic townies and such in TS2, I like the look of the sims better, and it runs sooooo much smoother and faster than TS3 for me. But I LOVE the open world, NPCs doing their own thing, living lives etc. They are both brilliant games, just wish I had even a sliver of interest in TS4 as the other two.
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    iDorketteiDorkette Posts: 5 New Member
    Personally I prefer The Sims 2, for gameplay and for designing lots & Sims. It managed to retain a little bit of that original toony sort of look & feel that Will Wright originally had made in The Sims. I LOVED that. (I've always valued a retro & classic look more so than a realistic look, but that's probably just me and my age showing lol.) Of course, this is coming from a girl who has been Simming since the very birth of The Sims, and has idolized Maxis for long before that even, ever since playing SimAnt in first grade. And omg, the soundtrack, the soundtrack! It was beyond EPIC. Granted so was the soundtrack for The Sims, you hear that everywhere nowadays...I hear it used in commercials on TV and in YouTube videos all the time lol.
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    r0b0tman5r0b0tman5 Posts: 109 Member
    I much prefer The Sims 2 over The Sims 3.
    Been playing The Sims since The Sims 1! B)
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    Jacktut2068Jacktut2068 Posts: 1 New Member
    I'm only 11yrs old and I personally grew up with the sims 3 I loved it and played it for hours. But then I got introduced to the sims 2 which I think is much better in my opinion cause of the cinematic cams when they are giving birth, marriage, first kiss, etc. I love the family trees cause they actually have more ancestry then the sims 3
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    JessicaSimstonJessicaSimston Posts: 2,519 Member
    I'm only 11yrs old and I personally grew up with the sims 3 I loved it and played it for hours. But then I got introduced to the sims 2 which I think is much better in my opinion cause of the cinematic cams when they are giving birth, marriage, first kiss, etc. I love the family trees cause they actually have more ancestry then the sims 3

    I agree :)
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