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Play and Share continued


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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Brief update. Haven't played much so far this weekend as I've been busy but I managed to get Blaze aged up and married off :) So here is what is happening with part of the Rainbow family:

    Blaze aged up into a young adult and finally got the credit for mastering inventing, logic and painting by getting a LTW of Renaissance Sim.

    His girlfriend and sister-in-law, Kyla Waters, also aged into a young adult. She has the Surrounded by Family LTW, and appropriate traits to match :) Here she is in her everyday outfit and her sleepwear (which I left as is because I thought it was lovely).


    Here they are finishing their courting, getting engaged and then married :) Kyla was so excited about it all, she couldn't stop thinking about the wedding and her ring all day!!





    Once they were married, they retired for some 'private time' :) Then I assisted them in having their first babies, twin boys (which will help the gender imbalance in the second generation somewhat).

    Meet Lindir: (mum's skin - though slightly greener, eyes from either parent, and grandpa's red hair)

    And Elladan: (all his father)

    He is very much like his father. In fact, I tracked down the picture of Blaze as a toddler and they're very, very similar :) I promise they are not the same pic!! I didn't even know that I had put Elladan in the same outfit as his father until I found Blaze's screenshot!!

    And here is a pic of Blaze holding Lindir while they wait for Elladan to grow up.

    Excuse the poor quality of the pic (it was early morning) but here is Blaze feeding the new chickens:

    I might continue on with the Rainbows for this week as I want to do the University experience with my Alphabet sims and I'm too busy this week to devote a lot of time to that. So I might see if I can get Heat married off as well, and then I've only got the two girls to go. I have renovated a couple of houses in Dragon Valley for the ones who will be moving out so we'll see if anyone moves into them first :)

    You can't fool us you just posted the same pic twice bwaaahhhhaaaaaahhhhaaaa lol. I just went :o when I saw that you had picked even the same outfit. He is just like his father lol. Wow that is just too freaky.

    Lindir is cute for sure. I like the name Elladan as well is that celtic?

    I see you got the chickens in game good. Glad to see it.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    LBell wrote: »
    Hello all.

    Hope you have been well.

    This is River and his son Dylan.


    Here is Wesker after a fight with fire. I think he misses his sunglasses.


    Original Wesker succeeded in creating an evil Plantsim daughter.


    The old Wesker is much cooler. The sims 4 version one needs sunglasses. He just don't look like Wesker without them. I am glad he got torched lol. Just kidding. I hope to see Jackson again.

    I love the babies in sims 4.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    Meet Kaley Green


    I bet you can't guess how she got her name :P

    I've been bored today so I decided to create her, to clarify this isn't going to be a story, this is just me screwing around. Here is the basic gist of how Kaley came to be and what my plans for her are.

    Kaley is part of what I am dubbing the hands off sims 4 legacy.

    Here is the basic set up. First off I did not create Kaley, I randomized her appearance, her clothes, everything. The only involvement I allowed was to match colors which I did just so she didn't end up wearing pink and neon green or some other such ridiculousness. I chose to coordinate her clothes around the color green based on her hair which the game chose for me.

    I also used a random number generator to select her trait (genius, art lover, goofball) and her aspiration (have a successful linege).

    Now I am going to start her on an empty lot. Now the rules.

    1. I don't get to build her house myself, I am only allowed to use rooms from the gallery or from maxis.

    2. I don't get to control her per se. Free will is on and I am only allowed to intervene in order to either A. Keep her from dying, or B. assist her in following her own whims and wants.

    3. The only other limit I allow myself is she is attracted to girls, anyone familiar with me should have known this was inevitable as I don't like playing male sims that much.

    4. The lineage will continue through adoption for as long as possible or until I get bored.

    5. I am deleting all pre made Sims so other Sims are randomly generated by the game

    6. Anyone added to the family is completely Ai controlled with the exception of the designated heir who will be controlled in the same way as Kaley.

    and that's the main idea of it. I won't be writing any kind of story for this I will just occasionally post updates on what she's been doing. So as said this is basically just me screwing around.

    That's about it. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and happy simming.

    Can't wait to see how this works out. Knowing you something will change lol. I bet it will be hard to stick to those rules ha ha ha.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited September 2014
    Time for more Dust and Journalism

    Chapter 3


    The sun beat down on Lillie's head as she ran around the neighborhood on her morning jog. She still wasn't overly fond of the climate but she was gradually getting used to it. At the moment though she was more concerned with her job situation. It had been three days since she'd arrived and she still hadn't heard anything back from the Oasis Springs Sun on her application. She'd been told before she'd moved down that she was likely to get the job but the silence was worrying.

    Lillie collapsed down onto a bench in the park. She hadn't kept up with her jogging much during and since the move and could already feel herself getting a bit out of shape.

    Lillie: Come on Lillie, you can't stop now, how will you ever become a star news reporter if you let yourself get fat and lazy.


    Yes! It was the call she'd been waiting for, this had to be the Sun, finally she was going to get to start her job and begin her path to fame and fortune. She fought back the daydreams suddenly rushing through her head trying desperately to sound professional despite the grin plastered across her face.


    Lillie: Hello

    Secretary: Am I speaking to a Ms. Lillie Robbins.

    Lillie: Yes this is Lillie Robbins.

    Secretary: I am calling on behalf of the Oasis Springs Sun regarding your recent application you submitted with us.

    Lillie felt ready to burst, this was it, her dreams were starting to come true.

    Secretary: We regret to inform you that your application for the position of reporter has been turned down.

    Lillie's heart dropped as she heard the words.... turned down? How...

    Lillie: But... I was told I was pretty much guaranteed the position...

    the professionalism she'd been maintaining started to crack

    Lillie: ....I've already moved out here and everything because I was told I was going to get a job...

    Secretary: I'm really sorry for the inconvenience but there was a change of plans. The reporter who was planning to leave has changed his plans and will be staying with the Sun so unfortunately the position is no longer open.


    Lillie had begun pacing back and forth across the park in frustration. This couldn't be happening.

    Lillie: But what am I supposed to do, I've moved out here, I bought a house, I'm going to have bills coming in any day now. You can't just leave me hanging like this.... what am I supposed to do?

    There was a pause on the other end of the phone.

    Secretary: Can you stay on the line for a second? I will call management and see if there is anything we can do.

    Lillie's eyes opened wide in joy, a tiny ray of hope, her last ray of hope.

    Lillie: Yes, thank you, I will hold.

    The next few minutes were the scariest of Lillie's life, what would she do if nothing could be done... then the secretaries voice came back on the line, Lillie clung to phone desperately hoping for good news.

    Secretary: Well I spoke with management and they have a compromise they would like to offer. We don't have any reporting jobs open but we have an open assistant position. It's a smaller position and it doesn't pay much but if you are interested you are more than qualified.

    Lillie: YES! That would be great thank you.

    Secretary: Okay, we will get the paperwork set up, you just need to sign. There is one catch though.

    Lillie: What's the catch?

    Secretary: If you want this job we need you here by 11am.

    Lillie: 11am? But that's an hour from now.

    Secretary: I'm sorry but that's the way things are. Are you still interested?

    Lillie was starting to panic again but this was her ray of hope, she couldn't afford to turn it down.

    Lillie: Yes of course, I'll be there. Thank you very much for the opportunity.

    Secretary: Okay then, we will be expecting you. You will be assigned an access card to enter the building once we get the paperwork finished. For now just introduce yourself at the desk and they will let you in. And welcome to the Oasis Springs Sun.

    With that the line went dead. Lillie's hand dropped to her side still clutching the phone. What had she just agreed to? She had to be there by 11am? She was all sweaty from her jog.. she had go home and shower... she had to change... there was no way she could make it in time.

    No, she thought to herself, she could do it. There was no way she was going to be stopped by a little obstacle like this. She wanted to be a star reporter some day, star reporters didn't get thrown off this easily. She would do it, she just needed to hurry and she could just make it in time.


    With that in mind Lillie rushed home as fast as her legs would carry her.


    30 minutes later Lillie stared at herself in the mirror, she was amazed and extremely impressed with herself. She didn't think she'd ever moved that fast in her life, she hadn't even thought she could move that quickly but she'd done it. She'd showered, she was dressed, and she had plenty of time left to get to the building where the Oasis Spring was based.

    She smiled as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, you see Lillie, you can do this, these setbacks aren't going to stop you. Your going to be Lillie Robbins star reporter, all you have to do is show them that.


    And after a few final words of encouragement to herself Lillie, turned and marched confidently out the door, ready to show the Sun why they would not regret hiring her.

    And that's it for this chapter. As always I hope everyone enjoyed it and happy simming.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    @venusdemilosims, Thanks! I have mine actually set in Medium graphics, & also carefully take shots w/ minimal "side effects"! LOLOL man Sierra is a TRUE rebel just by sleeping outdoors & in public. Funny pics!

    @IreneSwift, Your welcome! Thanks for the comments! The original walls & flooring came from Lunar Lakes patch w/ the futuristic look. Michelle used to had a husband in the past & yeah she was also part of the table tennis competition as well. I've no plans currently if she should have another husband or partner since I keep changing from time to time.

    @Colorist40, I find it strange that he doesn't wear shoes for his career! Which would consider him to be carefree sim! Indeed since whatever the sim is sketching won't ever be anywhere near what the subject really is. Must be that sims needed ALOT of lessons to even get one right. I don't think Agnes was heckling at Michelle since she didn't got any moodlet related to that, so it must be Dustin though since she is right in her sight. I heard from other simmers said there are no dishwashers in Sims 4 which is weird since more staple of Sims life of objects not in can be weird. Thanks for the comments! Yeah since I do needed to get back in the fold once in a while.

    @TadOlson, Your welcome! Money tree seeds would be difficult to tell from special seeds that can take too much time to figure out & take it to plant then wait for something to grow. Thanks for the comment! Very nice update!

    @Zabeth0, Hahaha okay! :) Yeah there are some strange sketching that sims can come up w/ that makes anybody scratch their heads especially when trying to sketch other sims especially nude drawings. Yep it does needed to be match w/ one another haha!

    @LBell, If only there are custom hairs in Sims 4 that would fit w/ your Wesker sim when he doesn't look anywhere near his Sims 3 especially the outfit. Hopefully there is someone who can make it happen so Wesker can get his things together to make other sims to fear him the most.


    Well time for updates:

    Time for Hudson long awaited return! Did you miss him? ;)


    This is where he was left off while chatting w/ Nick on his laptop while waiting for work.


    Well these two sims didn't realize that after viewing a weird video that 2 other sims giving a thumbs down & boo sign.


    Well Emerald was talking to her friend about a grim reaper while the way she had the cellphone like going through her head makes death would've happen very quickly.


    Ummmmm.........ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That guy already have a partner & cheating by doing a make out kiss.



    Dunk time when he should think about work first!


    At least Tyrone is the "true hero" by focusing on a small fire that he rarely get to do.


    Very simple job for him to get the fire out in quick time.


    He does notice that he does needed to still save more sims lives before he completes his lifetime wish. WHEN IT WILL HAPPEN??????


    Well she came late for work & snooping on Tyrone! For shame woman!



    Time for Tyrone to enjoy his first deep fry cooking & it was fish.


    Yep he does like his deep fryer!


    At least he knows about common sense about fire alarms!


    Time for quick Michelle update w/ fireworks!





    You got to like the true dark skies thanks to the lighting mod!








    That's it for now!

    Yay! Hudson is back. I did miss him.

    A cellphone inside the head. Now that is really getting inside someone's head ha ha ha.

    Wow Hudson has some moves in basketball. I didn't know anybody could jump that high in the air lol.

    Sims have no shame cheating left and right and sometimes in the presence of their other lover lol.

    Those sims are obsessed with that fryer lol.

    That fish looks good.

    That woman is stalking Tyrone lol. He should maybe hook up with her, use her and throw her away. That will teach her to mess with Hudson lol.

    Great update.

    I can't believe you would want a world that dark. It is nice for fireworks love the pics of them by the way, but other than that forget it. lol I don't like Midnight Hollow for that reason.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    LBell wrote: »
    ddsims3world: Thank you. I completely agree. I am keeping an eye out for any new styles and possibly sunglasses for Sims 4 Wesker. Great update. I have definitely missed him. I love the fireworks!

    I bought them an iPad... they do not like to share...


    Yay Jackson buddy lol. Now now Jackson you are a grown man, you should have learned to share by now lol.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    An update: I know it's been a while since I last did an update on the Johnson Household (real life has kept me very busy lately). So onto the update…Danica is now a child and to my surprise she got the loser trait. Even though mommy and daddy spilled her, she still got the short end of the stick. That's ok though since hopefully the next time she ages up I'll be able to pick her traits. Although Danica didn't get a birthday party (I forgot it was her birthday oops), she did get a brand new bedroom makeover complete with a new bed, nightstand, a pink lamp, and some pink walls. I forgot what her favorite color is since I'll probably make her next room according to her favorite color. Oh well for now she has a nice girly pink room. Crystal is still working on her garden so her money tree is almost perfect. As for Tyron, he got promoted in the criminal career so now he's almost lvl 4. The twins are now toddlers and are still being ignored by their parents. Crystal and Tyron are planning on selling their house after Crystal gets her money tree to perfect quality.

    Oh funny story, Crystal got an opportunity to enter a cooking contest (even though she has 1 point in her cooking skill).She decided to make hot dogs since she didn't know how to cook very much and of course they turned out terrible. Instead of Crystal trying again to make something that wasn't horrible I had her go onto the cooking contest with her horrible hot dogs. I didn't expect her to get first place or even place at all, but to my surprise she got first place. The little pop up said "the judges were wowed by Crystals dish with it's unique flavor." :D

    I also didn't know and just found out today while playing that when toddlers aren't hungry they throw their food from the high chair onto the floor.

    I hate how those two ignore the toddlers. Poor dears. I think that is funny not that Crystal deserves to win anything lol.

    Yeah I love how the toddlers get cranky and do that. You can't make me eat this slop I always imagine them thinking lol.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Well, that was a lot of effort completely wasted :( I decided to create a gothic house from the blueprints in Dragon Valley and spent two hours getting everything right. I had to use some bedrooms from other blueprints, as well as the study, living room and corridors. I retextured everything, changed some furniture, took some pics, and then went to save.

    And the game froze.

    I lost everything!!!!!

    So, I will redo the house when I have some more time to spare but here are the pics I took today.

    The house (I think I will need to change the roof)

    Complete floor plan:

    Front of the house:
    Dining room & Kitchen:


    Entry and Living room:

    Master bedroom & ensuite:

    Back of the house:
    Bathroom & Boy's room:

    Girl's room & Nursery:

    Study & Reading room:

    At least I've got these so I can recreate everything but I'm going to have to learn to save more often and hope it doesn't freeze each time!!

    Edit: I forgot to add that I found out about the 'Through the Spy Glass Bathroom set'!!! It's currently on sale though I don't have enough points for it yet. Once I've saved up enough points for it (probably when it comes back on sale again or on DD), I'm going to create an 'Alice-in-Wonderland' type house for sims who are eccentric or just have a sense of whimsy when it comes to decorating. Too bad they didn't create a living room set but I'm sure I can find enough stuff to make the rest of the house :) I might not have the best sense of style when it comes to decorating houses but gee, I love doing it!!!

    Awww so sorry that happened. At least you took pics to recreate. I usually don't even do that much so I have to wing it lol.

    I love those blueprints, but not so much the decorating how they did. I like your house lots. Hope you can get it recreated soon.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    TadOlson wrote: »
    msbeckycat-I hate having to do system restores like I did when I started downloading the 157 patch by accident and it turned out to be corrupted by a virus and I was told by AVG to stop the download and run system restore.I ended up being rolled back to 155 and stayed there for about another week until the NRaas Mods were updated for 157.I redid the patching to 157 and the only issue I had was with a faulty Supernatural disk which is replaced.
    LBell-I'm glad there's regulars here to respond to.
    IreneSwift-Rudy isn't going to school now because it's too close to summer and there's no school n the summer anyways because I set it up that way in story progression.She'll likely get registered as being home-schooled.
    GBA91101Nver4get-Great written update!
    MayaRoas1138-I hate it when the game freezes and it dosen't happen to me very often except for when my fan died and my computer was overheating.Great pictures!I'd pop out into edit town to do save as to different file names several times during big builds to make sure I don't lose everything.I did that very thing about six times while building the community pool and it never froze once during the build.
    Here's my update fro Glen Harbor
    Rudy Wagner got up early and got to Woodlands Campgrounds to eat her breakfast before heading out to Garden House to get produce harvested for sale at the grocery store.
    She got started on the fruit trees and moved on to the smaller plants after finishing the trees.
    Cory Ivanovitch decided to go dumpster diving while a space rock crashed down on the ground in front of Garden House.
    Rudy also ended up going dumpster diving herself before having to have a bath and eat dinner.
    She ended up heading to Garden Market to sell the produce to the grocery store there before heading home.
    Rudy got some of the produce she didn't sell planted on her lot when she got back.
    She got taken by aliens before getting into her tent to get to sleep and got back after midnight.
    Rudy managed to find she had over 10000$ after selling the money bags from the money tree and got her house started before going to bed at 1AM.

    Oh poor Rudy as if she doesn't have enough to deal with. Hooray for her getting so much money from the money trees. She will be able to get a big portion of the house set up with that money unless she is looking to make a big house, but with just her, that wouldn't be necessary.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    Time for the first update on Kaley Green, first though a slight adjustment to the rules (I wrote the rules, I can change them if I want :P )

    I realized when I started that it takes a bit for things to get going and can sometimes get a touch slow so to spice things up a little I am allowing myself to additionally direct her when it is something I legitimately feel she should do. I will still mainly follow her desires but I will occaisionally throw in certain actions based on the scenario, and example of this will be in the update. It is all still based on her personality and her actions though I am just giving them a little nudge as appropriate.

    So with that out of the way.

    The Life of Kaley Green

    Day 1


    Meet Kaley Green. She was a straight A student (genius), she loves art though she has never painted any herself (art lover), and she's a bit of a goofball (goofball... I'm not sure that actually needed to be said :P ). Now she has moved out on her own to start her new life with the goal have eventually starting a family and seeing them be successful (aspiration, have a successful lineage)


    This is her new home, compliments of Ruthless KK via the gallery titled the "good start cottage." Pretty good start indeed. The only change I made was removing the trees and bushes because I am personally not big on that kind of stuff on my lots. Now for the first action for this hopefully crazy and amusing story, Kaley is going to!!!!


    I did mention it started out slow :P She literally read for like 3 hours, at that point I decided I was allowed to "motivate" her in certain directions for the sake of alleviating my own boredom at having to watch her read.


    Finally she got a whim to do something mischievous. So I sent her out to talk to the first sim I saw (Tina Wilkerson). they chatted for a little bit and Kaley started a preposterous rumor that there was a monster that lived in the river. Really, Kaley? I get it's supposed to be preposterous but really?

    It seemed Tina didn't fall for it either but she at least must have found it funny because the two seemed to get along well enough.... until Kaley got distracted.


    by a pretty girl and burgers. Can't say I disagree. The girl's name is Kamryn Jaramillo (hell of a name) and she and Kaley got along really well. Plus Kaley was happy and wanted to make a friend so I figured Kamryn would be a good start. Turned out she was a really good start. Kamryn turned out to be art lover like Kaley as well as being good and a bookworm. I am thinking we may have found Kaley's future girlfriend, that was quick. Though how if that works out still remains to be seen.


    The two had a long conversation, continuing well past when the other guest left. At that point Kaley got the desire to dance to music so I decided to once again "motivate" her into inviting her new friend to hang out at the Rattlesnake bar to listen to music dance and continue to chat.


    It seems Kamryn was all for the idea. They continued talking and dancing to the music for a bit (man I love the multi-tasking in this game) until they started to get tired and decided to sit at the bar.... that was when evil stuck.


    Patrice Rizzo... public enemy #1, or at least Kaley enemy #1

    Kamryn sat down at the bar and Kaley was going to sit next to her, maybe do some flirting, maybe got a little relationship going on I don't know what was going to happen.... we could have had full blown Kaley/Kamryn woohoo on the bar O.o ... you never know. But we will never get the chance to find out...


    ...because Patrice decided to steal the seat next to Kamryn and butt into the conversation *grumbles irritatedly* she even had the gall to try and flirt with Kamryn (which thankfully Kamryn didn't seem into)


    Luckily the evening went well and Kamryn left having had a good time.


    After Kamryn left though Kaley and Patrice had words, sorry I can't tell you what those words were I was to busy cheering Kaley on to pay attention to the thought bubbles. Afterwards Patrice left in a huff and Kaley went home in a bit of a bad mood.

    I don't have pictures for the rest of the evening because I went to fix dinner and my game didn't pause. By the time I realized it was already the getting close to the next morning. Luckily the free will seems to be pretty capable because she had eaten and was asleep in bed with max needs aside from energy (which she was sleeping so I wasn't worried :P ).

    And that's it for day 1 in the life of Kaley Green.

    What will happen next?

    Will Kaley and Kamryn fall in love?

    Will Patrice fall off a cliff (I certainly hope so)?


    Will Kaley ever stop reading that darn book (yes actually, she finally finished it after which I deleted it :P )?

    Find out next time on


    Cool start. How neat to already find someone to hook up with and she didn't have to even put in much effort. It weird they have so much in common at the start.

    Maybe after seeing what happened at the bar, she would have been better off inviting Kamryn home to dance to music. Seems Kamryn knows who she wants and that is why she ignored Patrice.

    This is a fun start to a great idea. Can't wait to see more.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    Time for more Dust and Journalism

    Chapter 3


    The sun beat down on Lillie's head as she ran around the neighborhood on her morning jog. She still wasn't overly fond of the climate but she was gradually getting used to it. At the moment though she was more concerned with her job situation. It had been three days since she'd arrived and she still hadn't heard anything back from the Oasis Springs Sun on her application. She'd been told before she'd moved down that she was likely to get the job but the silence was worrying.

    Lillie collapsed down onto a bench in the park. She hadn't kept up with her jogging much during and since the move and could already feel herself getting a bit out of shape.

    Lillie: Come on Lillie, you can't stop now, how will you ever become a star news reporter if you let yourself get fat and lazy.


    Yes! It was the call she'd been waiting for, this had to be the Sun, finally she was going to get to start her job and begin her path to fame and fortune. She fought back the daydreams suddenly rushing through her head trying desperately to sound professional despite the grin plastered across her face.


    Lillie: Hello

    Secretary: Am I speaking to a Ms. Lillie Robbins.

    Lillie: Yes this is Lillie Robbins.

    Secretary: I am calling on behalf of the Oasis Springs Sun regarding your recent application you submitted with us.

    Lillie felt ready to burst, this was it, her dreams were starting to come true.

    Secretary: We regret to inform you that your application for the position of reporter has been turned down.

    Lillie's heart dropped as she heard the words.... turned down? How...

    Lillie: But... I was told I was pretty much guaranteed the position...

    the professionalism she'd been maintaining started to crack

    Lillie: ....I've already moved out here and everything because I was told I was going to get a job...

    Secretary: I'm really sorry for the inconvenience but there was a change of plans. The reporter who was planning to leave has changed his plans and will be staying with the Sun so unfortunately the position is no longer open.


    Lillie had begun pacing back and forth across the park in frustration. This couldn't be happening.

    Lillie: But what am I supposed to do, I've moved out here, I bought a house, I'm going to have bills coming in any day now. You can't just leave me hanging like this.... what am I supposed to do?

    There was a pause on the other end of the phone.

    Secretary: Can you stay on the line for a second? I will call management and see if there is anything we can do.

    Lillie's eyes opened wide in joy, a tiny ray of hope, her last ray of hope.

    Lillie: Yes, thank you, I will hold.

    The next few minutes were the scariest of Lillie's life, what would she do if nothing could be done... then the secretaries voice came back on the line, Lillie clung to phone desperately hoping for good news.

    Secretary: Well I spoke with management and they have a compromise they would like to offer. We don't have any reporting jobs open but we have an open assistant position. It's a smaller position and it doesn't pay much but if you are interested you are more than qualified.

    Lillie: YES! That would be great thank you.

    Secretary: Okay, we will get the paperwork set up, you just need to sign. There is one catch though.

    Lillie: What's the catch?

    Secretary: If you want this job we need you here by 11am.

    Lillie: 11am? But that's an hour from now.

    Secretary: I'm sorry but that's the way things are. Are you still interested?

    Lillie was starting to panic again but this was her ray of hope, she couldn't afford to turn it down.

    Lillie: Yes of course, I'll be there. Thank you very much for the opportunity.

    Secretary: Okay then, we will be expecting you. You will be assigned an access card to enter the building once we get the paperwork finished. For now just introduce yourself at the desk and they will let you in. And welcome to the Oasis Springs Sun.

    With that the line went dead. Lillie's hand dropped to her side still clutching the phone. What had she just agreed to? She had to be there by 11am? She was all sweaty from her jog.. she had go home and shower... she had to change... there was no way she could make it in time.

    No, she thought to herself, she could do it. There was no way she was going to be stopped by a little obstacle like this. She wanted to be a star reporter some day, star reporters didn't get thrown off this easily. She would do it, she just needed to hurry and she could just make it in time.


    With that in mind Lillie rushed home as fast as her legs would carry her.


    30 minutes later Lillie stared at herself in the mirror, she was amazed and extremely impressed with herself. She didn't think she'd ever moved that fast in her life, she hadn't even thought she could move that quickly but she'd done it. She'd showered, she was dressed, and she had plenty of time left to get to the building where the Oasis Spring was based.

    She smiled as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, you see Lillie, you can do this, these setbacks aren't going to stop you. Your going to be Lillie Robbins star reporter, all you have to do is show them that.


    And after a few final words of encouragement to herself Lillie, turned and marched confidently out the door, ready to show the Sun why they would not regret hiring her.

    And that's it for this chapter. As always I hope everyone enjoyed it and happy simming.

    Oh man it is a shame she got her hopes up so high as it seems for nothing, but then again at least they were impressed with her enough to offer her a position in the company. I think this girl is determined and won't let things like this set her back. She is a go getter, and I am sure she will succeed.

    I am impressed how fast she was able to get ready. It would take hubby that long to crawl out of bed lol.

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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    @everyone I will have a Shrek update hopefully by tomorrow. My son bought sims 4 for me, so I was playing that yesterday. I also was dealing with anxiety yesterday so all I did was play sims 4. I am also going to update Kendra within a day or so as well. I am not going to let sims 4 keep me from updating my stories or playing sims 3 as I still love that game.

    @Celiria Do your sims in sims 4 seem to have a problem with quickly decaying needs? It seems to me their needs in sims 4 go down lots faster. or is it just me? lol Also Hulin update this week.

    @puddingroy I did two sister updates within this past week if you didn't see them go to to read the last two updates, but thanks for mentioning that.

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    LBellLBell Posts: 3,511 Member
    Colorist40 wrote: »
    LBell wrote: »
    ddsims3world: Thank you. I completely agree. I am keeping an eye out for any new styles and possibly sunglasses for Sims 4 Wesker. Great update. I have definitely missed him. I love the fireworks!

    I bought them an iPad... they do not like to share...


    Yay Jackson buddy lol. Now now Jackson you are a grown man, you should have learned to share by now lol.

    Sorry to disappoint but that is not Jackson. That is River. :D Jackson is taking time out of my games for a while.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited September 2014

    Regarding Kayley:

    I know, I was surprised too. The fact that she met a nice pretty girl who loves art literally less than 50 feet away from her (Kayley's) home. The park they were eating the burgers at is literally right behind Kayley's house. Though admittedly hooking up will have to wait, since

    A. I am trying to play somewhat realistically so no meeting, dating, and marrying within the course of an evening


    B. there has been no sign of romantic feelings between the two so far and by the rules I set forth I am not starting anything until Kayley has the want or I see some sign that she reasonably would make a move or Kamryn makes a move.

    I did think about inviting her to Kayley's house to listen to music since they were nearby but I figured that since they just met the bar would be more appropriate. Personally I think Kamryn turned down Patrice just because Patrice gives off a bad feeling (that may be bias on my part though), I did find out that Patrice has the mean trait so it seems my senses are at least somewhat accurate :P

    Glad you enjoyed it, it was fun to play as well.

    Regarding Lillie:

    A go getter is one way to phrase it, honestly I would lean towards she has a high opinion of herself :P . And yeah she got ready quick but then again all she really had to do was get home, take a quick shower, and get dressed and it's not like her clothing style is that complex seeing as she wears a long sleeved shirt and jeans. Plus she was already awake so getting out of bed wasn't a problem.

    edit: I haven't noticed any issues with needs decay. I haven't paid close attention but it seems fine to me. Did you get the game or are you basing off of videos?
  • Options
    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Celiria wrote: »

    Regarding Kayley:

    I know, I was surprised too. The fact that she met a nice pretty girl who loves art literally less than 50 feet away from her (Kayley's) home. The park they were eating the burgers at is literally right behind Kayley's house. Though admittedly hooking up will have to wait, since

    A. I am trying to play somewhat realistically so no meeting, dating, and marrying within the course of an evening


    B. there has been no sign of romantic feelings between the two so far and by the rules I set forth I am not starting anything until Kayley has the want or I see some sign that she reasonably would make a move or Kamryn makes a move.

    I did think about inviting her to Kayley's house to listen to music since they were nearby but I figured that since they just met the bar would be more appropriate. Personally I think Kamryn turned down Patrice just because Patrice gives off a bad feeling (that may be bias on my part though), I did find out that Patrice has the mean trait so it seems my senses are at least somewhat accurate :P

    Glad you enjoyed it, it was fun to play as well.

    Regarding Lillie:

    A go getter is one way to phrase it, honestly I would lean towards she has a high opinion of herself :P . And yeah she got ready quick but then again all she really had to do was get home, take a quick shower, and get dressed and it's not like her clothing style is that complex seeing as she wears a long sleeved shirt and jeans. Plus she was already awake so getting out of bed wasn't a problem.

    edit: I haven't noticed any issues with needs decay. I haven't paid close attention but it seems fine to me. Did you get the game or are you basing off of videos?

    My son bought it for me yesterday so played it yesterday specifically the goths and I found it was like sleep, eat, use the bathroom, have some fun, get some social boom back to being hungry, tired lol. Funny thing is I finally seemed like they weren't doing anything but existing doing those things lol so I used the cheat to max their needs. Then it didn't seem so bad, but after a while after doing that it seemed like it was becoming a cycle of again just doing their needs so I don't know. Just thought you might have an idea or maybe it just me lol.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited September 2014
    @Colorist40 sorry, I don't really know. I've seen other people complain about motives but as said I haven't had any issue with it myself.

    Have you been using any mods for Sims 3 like nraas' relativity? Because that could cause the issue because you're used to the altered day length.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    @Colorist40 sorry, I don't really know. I've seen other people complain about motives but as said I haven't had any issue with it myself.

    Have you been using any mods for Sims 3 like nraas' relativity? Because that could cause the issue because you're used to the altered day length.

    I use mods but I don't use relativity.

    So I don't know lol. Just thought maybe it was me lol. It seems like one minute oh their hunger is good it is still half a bar and in the green, next minute it is yellow and going down fast lol.
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    edited September 2014

    It had been about a month since Shrek had caught the love of his life kissing his father. He was still miffed plenty at his father, but he still talked to him only because he wanted his father to get the wedding plans going. Fiona would be 17 in a few days, and he thought maybe, seeing she would be 17, they could move the wedding up. He didn't want to lose her. He was afraid when she turned 18 she would leave him, and strike out on her own. If that happened, he wouldn't be able to stop her, and then he wouldn't care what the Ogrids did to him, or his father, curse his hide. Thinking of his father kissing Fiona still infuriated him. If he didn't need him, he so would cut him out of his life. He knew the Ogrids would only deal with Barthus in this matter as it was protocol, because he signed the contract.

    For the past month Fiona had avoided him. If he tried to initiate even the most smallest of small talk, his attempts went ignored. She spent most of her time out with that 🐸🐸🐸🐸 donkey and dragon or inside holding and talking to P.u.🐸🐸🐸🐸 This made Shrek angry. I get it, he would think to himself. You hate my guts. Ok, I got the message, but for crying out loud would it kill her to at least acknowledge his existence?

    Finally after seeing her mope around as if the world was going to end, and feeling sorry for herself, he couldn't take it anymore.

    One morning without even getting dressed, he went to find Fiona. He was going to put a stop to this. He walked into the computer room. As he entered she got up from the computer. Bitterly he thought she was getting up to leave the room so she wouldn't have to deal with him.

    Shrek hiding his irritation the best he could: Fiona? Please don't go.

    Fion had been hurting so bad, hating Shrek and wishing she could be rid of him. She wanted to leave, but where could she go? Even if she could find some place besides Moonlight Falls, as she found out the hard way that the people in town didn't like her kind; she had no money. This meant she couldn't leave anyhow. She might not be able to be with Barthus, but she wanted to be near him. At least if she stayed here, she could see him once in a while, and maybe her dream of being with him would somehow come true. She dreamed about how one day he would sweep her into his arms and take her away. How often she had dreamed of this. She sighed, what was the use of dreams? They never turned out like they did in the movies. If life was like the movies, Shrek and her would have fallen in love, had kids and lived happily ever. She let out a bitter snort. Yeah like that would ever happen. She smiled cynically to herself. Not that she wanted it to mind you.

    Shrek saw the scornful look of bitterness on her face.

    Shrek: Look Fiona, I know things haven't been easy for either one of us, but I was hoping that we could maybe call a truce?

    Fiona: Shrek....

    Shrek interrupting: Before you say anything, just listen to me. I want to say that I um.... all of a sudden Shrek seeing Fiona looking at him was at a loss for words. What could he say to reach her? She was looking at him like he was some loathsome bug to be squished. Did she really hate him that much? No! It couldn't be. She was just hurting right now, and she couldn't see how she needed him. Once she saw that, he was sure she would realize that she was in love with him as well. He just had to be patient.

    Shrek excitedly: What I wanted to say was since it is your birthday in a couple of days, maybe if you would like, we could get away somewhere just you and me?

    Fiona shocked, realizing for the first time he was in his underwear, was more appalled at the suggestion than she otherwise would have been.

    Shrek mistaking her look and silence as encouragement continued: I mean you could pick the place, any place at all, and we could, you know, just like start over and get to really know each other. I know I would like that a lot, he added softly.

    Fiona thinking: What a 🐸🐸🐸🐸 he was! He actually thought he could get her away to seduce her into his bed?

    Fiona: You filthy, filthy beast! Get me away, romance me, and get me into your bed so that I will have no choice but to marry you, is that the plan you and your father cooked up? Well you two are a pair. Poor innocent little Fiona, just take her on vacation, throw her a few crumbs of kindness, feed her some lines of romantic slop, and she will throw herself at you, isn't that the way it goes Shrek?

    Shrek startled at her vehemence: No! No, Fiona. You got to believe me. I never had any....

    Fiona snorting: So tell me then Shrek, if that isn't the plan then why are you standing here in front of me in your underwear? Hmmmm Shrek? Why?

    Shrek not knowing how to defend himself against her bitterness sputtered: You got it all wrong Fiona. I meant no offense, I just wanted.....

    Fiona: I know what you wanted, and you can forget it!

    Fiona spitting out each word like a curse in her anger: I - will- not- love -you! I-will-not- be - your- plaything. Now go back to your daddy and tell him to rip up that contract, because, I sure as h$#% -won't marry -you! With that she brushed past Shrek purposely hard knocking him off balance and flounced out of the room.

    Shrek stood there with his mouth hanging open. He couldn't believe how angry she was. He shook his head. He knew that they had their issues since she moved in, but honestly he couldn't understand her hostility. Hadn't he tried to be understanding, in spite of her attitude? Geesh, women! Who could figure them out? He tried to bend over backwards and this is the thanks he got? Well fine! Let her stew in her own juices then. If she wanted to apologize he would be willing to listen, but he would be darned if he would approach her again. This time she would have to come to him!
    Post edited by Colorist40 on
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited September 2014
    @Colorist40 Can't say then, the only other thing I know of is that motives go down faster when doing certain actions. Outside of that I can't really say.

    edit: oops found it after I posted the slightly edited version
    Post edited by Celiria on
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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    @LBell OK, I thought that might be Dylan's mother leaving the room, but you didn't say anything about her, so I wasn't sure.

    @Celiria Well, it was so obvious that the Green part is because her clothing and hair were all green, I thought you must mean her first name.

    I guess you have learned not to take anything for granted, regarding saving your sims and your games. Hopefully, you will not make the same mistake again.

    I guess Colorist has your number, she said she knew you would change the rules. But, so what. If things aren't working the way you'd expected, sometimes you have to do that.

    I love that little house. I might have said that already, if you posted a picture of it when you first introduced Kaley.

    Well, things really seem to be working out well for Kaley and Kamryn. They enjoy the same activities.

    Is Patrice an evil sim? Or is she just butting in where Kaley doesn't want her to?

    Was Kaley being mean to Patrice all on her own? I guess that in itself tells you something about how she feels about Kamryn.

    Patrice might fall off a cliff if she gets a little help.

    I guess you're going to have to remember to adjust the free will setting each time you switch games. You're probably used to that already.

    Good update on Lillie! Good for her for asking if there was another position she could take. Being there already, she will be at an advantage when the next reporter job opens up. And good for her for getting herself into high gear and being ready on time!

    @GBA91101Nver4get Crystal and Tyron may be successful in their career endeavors, but they are total failures as parents. It's not too unrealistic that Danica would get the loser trait. When real life parents lavish affection and gifts on one child and ignore the others, it isn't any better for the spoiled child than it is for the neglected ones. The spoiled child will usually grow up feeling the world owes them a cushy life, and always blame something or someone else for everything bad that happens to them, instead of taking responsibility for their own choices that caused those bad things to happen. They very often do grow up to be losers. So I think the trait is very fitting for Danica, under the circumstances of her upbringing.

    Now, that is just crazy about the cooking contest. My sims that have high cooking skill enter them, and often lose anyway, even though the meal they entered was of high quality.

    The first time that one of my toddlers threw food on the floor, I hadn't seen it, but I wondered why the highchair was so filthy. The next time it happened, which was more than a year later, I was watching, and realized then what had happened.

    @MayaRose1138 Good luck getting the color combination you need.

    If one of your household members has enough LTH points, you could get them a collection helper, which would be a big help at finding the special seeds. Once anyone in your household has one, they can pass it to someone else. What I do with it, is when my sims are all busy, or else I'll pause first, I'll go into map view with it set for whatever it is I want to find. I'll zoom in on the tag closest to their home and hover my mouse, if it's seeds, to see what kind it is. If it's the right kind, I'll click on it and select for them to collect it, and move on to the next. This way, I don't waste my sims' time sending them out looking where there isn't anything they need. Then when they finish whatever they were already are doing, they will get right on the collecting, and I can keep looking for more while they're getting the earlier ones. If they catch up, or if I need to check on someone else, I'll put the game on pause, so as not to waste of any of my sims' time doing nothing.

    At least you have the pictures of the house. I've lost hours of effort before too, but usually when I go back, after all the moving and changing and experimenting, I know what I want. So I can do it a lot faster going back. With your pictures, you should be able to get it together in much less time than the first time around.

    It is a nice house. I like the layout.

    @TadOlson Oh, no, poor Rudy! After that long day of hard work, she gets home, ready to get cleaned up and rest, and she gets taken away by aliens. Then they keep her way past when she should be sleeping. But at last with the amount she got from the money bags, if the next day is shorter because she had to sleep in, it won't be too bad for her. I hope she can afford some new clothing before too much longer. Those rags she's wearing can't be keeping her very warm in the early morning or evening chill.

    @Colorist40 Shrek still doesn't get it! He is so blind to his own actions! Bending over backwards? Hardly! He treated her like dirt from the time she set foot in his house. And he expects her to be receptive to his ideas? He's reaping what he himself has sown. HE'S the one who needs to apologize. BIG TIME. He needs somebody to slap him upside the head and chew him out royally!
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    Colorist40Colorist40 Posts: 7,104 Member
    IreneSwift wrote: »
    @LBell OK, I thought that might be Dylan's mother leaving the room, but you didn't say anything about her, so I wasn't sure.

    @Celiria Well, it was so obvious that the Green part is because her clothing and hair were all green, I thought you must mean her first name.

    I guess you have learned not to take anything for granted, regarding saving your sims and your games. Hopefully, you will not make the same mistake again.

    I guess Colorist has your number, she said she knew you would change the rules. But, so what. If things aren't working the way you'd expected, sometimes you have to do that.

    I love that little house. I might have said that already, if you posted a picture of it when you first introduced Kaley.

    Well, things really seem to be working out well for Kaley and Kamryn. They enjoy the same activities.

    Is Patrice an evil sim? Or is she just butting in where Kaley doesn't want her to?

    Was Kaley being mean to Patrice all on her own? I guess that in itself tells you something about how she feels about Kamryn.

    Patrice might fall off a cliff if she gets a little help.

    I guess you're going to have to remember to adjust the free will setting each time you switch games. You're probably used to that already.

    Good update on Lillie! Good for her for asking if there was another position she could take. Being there already, she will be at an advantage when the next reporter job opens up. And good for her for getting herself into high gear and being ready on time!

    @GBA91101Nver4get Crystal and Tyron may be successful in their career endeavors, but they are total failures as parents. It's not too unrealistic that Danica would get the loser trait. When real life parents lavish affection and gifts on one child and ignore the others, it isn't any better for the spoiled child than it is for the neglected ones. The spoiled child will usually grow up feeling the world owes them a cushy life, and always blame something or someone else for everything bad that happens to them, instead of taking responsibility for their own choices that caused those bad things to happen. They very often do grow up to be losers. So I think the trait is very fitting for Danica, under the circumstances of her upbringing.

    Now, that is just crazy about the cooking contest. My sims that have high cooking skill enter them, and often lose anyway, even though the meal they entered was of high quality.

    The first time that one of my toddlers threw food on the floor, I hadn't seen it, but I wondered why the highchair was so filthy. The next time it happened, which was more than a year later, I was watching, and realized then what had happened.

    @MayaRose1138 Good luck getting the color combination you need.

    If one of your household members has enough LTH points, you could get them a collection helper, which would be a big help at finding the special seeds. Once anyone in your household has one, they can pass it to someone else. What I do with it, is when my sims are all busy, or else I'll pause first, I'll go into map view with it set for whatever it is I want to find. I'll zoom in on the tag closest to their home and hover my mouse, if it's seeds, to see what kind it is. If it's the right kind, I'll click on it and select for them to collect it, and move on to the next. This way, I don't waste my sims' time sending them out looking where there isn't anything they need. Then when they finish whatever they were already are doing, they will get right on the collecting, and I can keep looking for more while they're getting the earlier ones. If they catch up, or if I need to check on someone else, I'll put the game on pause, so as not to waste of any of my sims' time doing nothing.

    At least you have the pictures of the house. I've lost hours of effort before too, but usually when I go back, after all the moving and changing and experimenting, I know what I want. So I can do it a lot faster going back. With your pictures, you should be able to get it together in much less time than the first time around.

    It is a nice house. I like the layout.

    @TadOlson Oh, no, poor Rudy! After that long day of hard work, she gets home, ready to get cleaned up and rest, and she gets taken away by aliens. Then they keep her way past when she should be sleeping. But at last with the amount she got from the money bags, if the next day is shorter because she had to sleep in, it won't be too bad for her. I hope she can afford some new clothing before too much longer. Those rags she's wearing can't be keeping her very warm in the early morning or evening chill.

    @Colorist40 Shrek still doesn't get it! He is so blind to his own actions! Bending over backwards? Hardly! He treated her like dirt from the time she set foot in his house. And he expects her to be receptive to his ideas? He's reaping what he himself has sown. HE'S the one who needs to apologize. BIG TIME. He needs somebody to slap him upside the head and chew him out royally!

    You are right he thinks in spite of the situation he had been understanding. After all when his father left her on his doorstep he didn't throw her out. He allowed her to stay in spite of her as he calls it "nasty attitude" lol. He thinks he was being pretty nice for putting up with her lol.

    He wants to make things work, and he can't believe in spite of his efforts she is still rebuffing him. He knows she is hurting, but he feels like she just needs to stop and meet him halfway.

    He does love her, and it is her anger that is hurting him. He really feels like she should get over it lol, because he has and actually fell in love with her. He thinks she is carrying her hurt like a warm comfy coat, and he just wants her to forget and work out things between them. He doesn't understand that for women (as he has never been with one lol), don't work that way.
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    ddsims3worldddsims3world Posts: 4,519 Member
    Look we got a child! She is to be Michelle's new daughter!


    Michelle & Emily will be together as a mini family. Their update will be tomorrow! B)
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    I photographed for the next chapter just need to upload them
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    @IreneSwift you have it backwards, the free will does save for files. So I don't have to switch back and forth because the separate saves remember the gameplay settings. It's the graphic settings that are universal.

    Patrice isn't evil, just naturally meddlesome though she does have the mean trait. Me referring to her as evil was more just me trying to be funny, that and I don't like her because of her actions :P .

    I pushed Kaley to do the mean interactions, that was one of the primary examples of where I felt that the action made sense given the situation, I mean honestly how would you feel if you were having a great time with someone and then some random person barges in steals the chair you were going for and blatantly flirts with the person in front of you, you would probably be ticked off as well.

    I'm glad you enjoyed both updates.
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    venusdemilosimsvenusdemilosims Posts: 1,918 Member
    edited September 2014
    @Celiria, loving your story so far, keep it up!

    @ddsims3world, Michelle's daughter looks like a chip off the old block!

    Haven't gotten a chance to play much this weekend... but the last time I went in game, Sierra, my main sim's rebellious 3rd child, dropped another bombshell.


    Yep, she wants to be a ghost hunter... like her mom was. This after she's spent 2 semesters in college studying physical education for her LTW of professional athlete like her dad.


    Needless to say, these parents will be glad to see the back of her. Lol
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