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Too hurt to keep coming here

I can't keep coming here or look at Sims 4 stuff anymore. I am contemplating cancelling my preorder. :cry: I am not posting this for EA, but for others feeling this way--just walk away. They don't deserve your web traffic numbers either!!!

I'm really hurt right now. I think I'm done for good now :cry:
OriginID Starwing6
my Sims 4 story blog:

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    pandabearroxpandabearrox Posts: 2,295 Member
    edited July 2014
    Is this because of that darn demo?

    I also really want it, EA is making their own fans run away.
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    rekandtrsrekandtrs Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited July 2014
    What.. :(
    Don't go! What happened?
    The Demo thing has me down in the dumps too
    I feel like the kid in timeout watching all the other kids have fun.
    But don't leave..
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    MylitaMylita Posts: 4,447 Member
    edited July 2014
    enkeli63, I am sorry to hear this! I can understand how you feel. Be well, take care of yourself.

    No friends requests, please.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    edited July 2014
    Don't let a thing like a Demo do this to you. After all we are all getting it soon. Anyway maybe when we get it all the kinks will be out of it and we will have a better go at it.
    Sorry to hear such sadness out here.
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    YazFoxxyYazFoxxy Posts: 1,219 Member
    edited July 2014
    What's up? :( don't leave.. If it's about the demo, most of ain't got it too. It will come out eventually.
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    Mariefoxprice83Mariefoxprice83 Posts: 8,124 Member
    edited July 2014
    enkeli63 wrote:
    I can't keep coming here or look at Sims 4 stuff anymore. I am contemplating cancelling my preorder. :cry: I am not posting this for EA, but for others feeling this way--just walk away. They don't deserve your web traffic numbers either!!!

    I'm really hurt right now. I think I'm done for good now :cry:

    I have some sympathy with this perspective. I'm not happy with the situation either. I'm tempted to walk away, but I am not strong enough to actually do that right now :(

    Yet I still like seeing the new pictures and I desperately hope I'll get it every day. Fingers crossed we all get lucky ASAP.
    Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
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    wickedjr89wickedjr89 Posts: 1,777 Member
    edited July 2014
    Don't go :( I also feel like a kid in timeout watching all the other kids have fun when I didn't do anything, it sucks. But we will all get it eventually and hopefully kinks will be worked out so we'll have a better go at it. Many of us don't have it yet either. Everyday it's getting harder to watch more people having fun while us without it are sitting in timeout watching them, EA sucks but try to be patient, we'll all get it soon (though it doesn't feel like it now).
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    SimpkinSimpkin Posts: 7,425 Member
    edited July 2014
    Come on, it's just a demo.
    Although I remember my heart aching when I couldn't buy S2 Seasons and Pets cause my computer couldn't handle them. :?
    Seasons toggle button in build mode poll. Vote now please! :)
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    kovu0207kovu0207 Posts: 6,209 Member
    edited July 2014
    Evalen wrote:
    Don't let a thing like a Demo do this to you. After all we are all getting it soon. Anyway maybe when we get it all the kinks will be out of it and we will have a better go at it.
    Sorry to hear such sadness out here.


    It might be the 12th of August before simmers like Enkeli63 get the demo, over a month
    after the first lucky simmers. :(

    It's very difficult to be positive and excited when you are being left out of pretty much the only thing EA have provided so far, that might actually hype you up for the game.

    I sympathise with you OP, but please don't leave i'm sure you'll be in the next wave. :)
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    NekonyamiNekonyami Posts: 39 Member
    edited July 2014
    I totally understand how you feel.
    I hate this so much. I almost want to give up on simming right now. No pools, no toddlers, and no freaking demo. It's so awful - I've been a simmer ever since TS1 and I feel so done.
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    delonarieldelonariel Posts: 615 New Member
    edited July 2014
    I'm baffled that EA has even managed to turn TS4 supporters away from them now. They must have realized people would be upset to have to wait and get the demo a month after others...
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    halimali1980halimali1980 Posts: 8,246 Member
    edited July 2014
    I personally if got the Demo in Aug and not in July I would not download it. There is no point to use a demo only 1 month before the game release, because I'm already getting the game and the demo is limited to young adults which means I cant even make my families and get them ready for the game.

    So either I get it and try in July or wait for Sept
    Everything I post is an opinion here and I think every post of others is as well.
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    To7mTo7m Posts: 5,467 Member
    edited July 2014
    I am sorry to hear your sadness OP and I sympathise as I feel the same. I do think this whole demo thing has got out of hand though. I didn't get one either but personally, with the state the game is in right now I don't even want it. September is not far off for those that DO want the game, so why not just wait?

    I will not be purchasing TS4. There is no way. Not now. Not ever. Taking out key features to add walk styles and emotions killed it for me and the reasons they have for doing such things is not good enough. Toddlers are a MAJOR life group and without them in the base game (for whatever reasons) is stupid. If they had limited time to make the game then clearly walk styles should NOT have been a priority.

    Majorly disappointed. Was looking forward to this game only to have my heart ripped from my body and crushed!

    Thanks EA!
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    MadsunnyMadsunny Posts: 182 Member
    edited July 2014
    Is it really worth leaving over a game ???...Ive spent a lot of my hard earned Wonga on Sims over the years and like others I get a bit disappointed every now and again...its seems to me they don't listen half the time. And I do feel there prices are a little steep and could relax there prices...and that Sims 4 is not containing certain items. And that we have to wait our turn for a go on the demo (i'll wait)..I guess rather than being a little dramatic and say your leaving..just stop the preorder for now until it comes out,wait and watch others play for a bit,read the forums (and that goes for all you others who are unhappy about the game)..They said it was going to be different and a whole new way of life for the sims and change is good...its not the end of the world (though some would think it is!!)...Be paitent,watch the forums,learn to except change and enjoy the ride....and las but not least...Don't leave!!...ttfn
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    alyssasim87alyssasim87 Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited July 2014
    Im sorry you are upset.

    I dont have the demo either. Im sure there are a lot of us who dont. Im ok with waiting til the actual game comes out.

    Also I know Im really sad about the toddler thing.
    my origin id is simkitten87

    Im a simmer forever <3
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    orkhid22orkhid22 Posts: 2,226 Member
    edited July 2014
    So let me get this right? You're cancelling your pre-order because you didn't get the demo first? :?
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    sc038sc038 Posts: 364 New Member
    edited July 2014
    enkeli63 wrote:
    I can't keep coming here or look at Sims 4 stuff anymore. I am contemplating cancelling my preorder. :cry: I am not posting this for EA, but for others feeling this way--just walk away. They don't deserve your web traffic numbers either!!!

    I'm really hurt right now. I think I'm done for good now :cry: are literally acting like a little kid who wants attention. the fact that you are a grown person is just embarrassing. if you want to leave just leave! dont try to get us to convince you to stay cause honestly it is just not that big of a deal for us to care a whole lot.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited July 2014
    enkeli63 wrote:
    I can't keep coming here or look at Sims 4 stuff anymore. I am contemplating cancelling my preorder. :cry: I am not posting this for EA, but for others feeling this way--just walk away. They don't deserve your web traffic numbers either!!!

    I'm really hurt right now. I think I'm done for good now :cry:

    What? I thought you were super excited for this game? If it's the bad vibes around here, there are other sites that are extremely happy and post nothing but good news and everyone loves the good news. No descent at all. If it's about the Demo, ah, who wants a demo with one life stage in it? It's too close to release to even worry about that.

    Since it the full CAS will be in the game with all the life stages. (except toddlers)

    Just contact Ryan or the Origin help team and get one, that is what everyone else is doing.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    bflurybflury Posts: 2,603 Member
    edited July 2014
    Cinebar wrote:
    Just contact Ryan or the Origin help team and get one, that is what everyone else is doing.
    It helps if she is willing to show her ***** :)

    Smart *** comment aside, I know this doesn't help much, but I agree with Cinebar. The demo is lame its one life stage and slow (on a brand new i7). Your not missing much, I closed it after a few minutes.

    They are clearly picking people at random (aside from one infamous example). So just wait it out. That said, your post didn't really say you were bummed about not getting a demo, so maybe it is just the negative vibe in the forum itself. In that case, I'm sorry but that seems to be the general opinion around here.

    Regardless if it is the demo or otherwise, if it makes you feel any better I would agree the entire PR team needs to be fired. They haven't been helping the Sims series for years now and I can't believe they let it get this bad.
    "In Short, The Sims 4's biggest problem is that The Sims 3 exists." - Kevin VanOrd, Gamespot. Scored 6.0 of 10.
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    sweetface44sweetface44 Posts: 2,958 Member
    edited July 2014
    wow really uplift yourself after all its not like this game will determine your real life.. these are luxuries in life not needs.. there are people in this world fighting to live each day don't have a bed to sleep in at night, are in the hospitals and might not make it back home.. please its a fun game and I enjoy it too but its not worth your own happiness..
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    Halle_MHalle_M Posts: 6,539 Member
    edited July 2014
    Sorry. :cry:

    I simply don't care about the demo, personally, but I can totally sympathize with those who do want it. It's too bad EA chose to release it this way. They should have waited until things were stable enough to support a mass giveaway and just given it to their most rabid and mouth-breathing fan sites to review first.
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    AlnairanAlnairan Posts: 2,424 Member
    edited July 2014
    Huh. I guess EA should have known that a lot of simmers are not used to closed betas. I wouldn't have guessed, to be honest. It is so normal to me.
    Origin ID: Gabby-Abeille
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited July 2014
    Alnairan wrote:
    Huh. I guess EA should have known that a lot of simmers are not used to closed betas. I wouldn't have guessed, to be honest. It is so normal to me.

    No, what some aren't familiar with about EA is they do this stuff to get people foaming at the mouth over a game not that many people actually want. They may like the CAS but not the game as much. It's a way to make 'everyone' want the CAS because they got left out. Actually, Charlie isn't as stupid as some think.

    ETA: This about this because they said 'special invitations' would be sent out everyone wants to feel special. A closed Beta is just that, you don't spill the beans most of the time. You aren't even allowed to discuss EA's secrets until the game is released. Doing it this way makes even those who hate the Art Style and the Sim even want the CAS demo. That's something.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    cman20102010cman20102010 Posts: 136 Member
    edited July 2014
    I know im in the minority but Im not going to play the cas demo until the day before the game comes out, I will make my sim then so Im set to jump right into the game and start the day it comes out.
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    AlnairanAlnairan Posts: 2,424 Member
    edited July 2014
    Cinebar wrote:
    Alnairan wrote:
    Huh. I guess EA should have known that a lot of simmers are not used to closed betas. I wouldn't have guessed, to be honest. It is so normal to me.

    No, what some aren't familiar with about EA is they do this stuff to get people foaming at the mouth over a game not that many people actually want. They may like the CAS but not the game as much. It's a way to make 'everyone' want the CAS because they got left out. Actually, Charlie isn't as stupid as some think.

    ETA: This about this because they said 'special invitations' would be sent out everyone wants to feel special. A closed Beta is just that, you don't spill the beans most of the time. You aren't even allowed to discuss EA's secrets until the game is released. Doing it this way makes even those who hate the Art Style and the Sim even want the CAS demo. That's something.

    1 - The "special" part is true for most betas.
    2 - Not every beta is under a NDA. It has been fairly common to drop the NDA several months before launch.
    3 - Closed betas are also used for marketing.
    Origin ID: Gabby-Abeille
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