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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    donnabaileydonnabailey Posts: 683 Member
    Back with more feedback, I hope to get close to caught up today...

    @bekkasan Thanks so much for the lovely comments. :smile:

    @Nikkei_Simmer Nice legacy wall! Not hard to see that a RL photographer would want pictorial evidence of his family! I need to get Tracey to start snapping photos forthwith. :smile:
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    @donnabailey Wyatt is adorable <3 He's a tiny Tracey! I always thought Tracey was cute but now that I see what he would have looked like as a toddler, I am totally in love! <3

    @Mikezumi Thank you so much, what a nice comment. :heart: He IS Tracey's mini-me! He's adorable, but I hope more variation shows up in the subsequent kids. Five Tracey clones might be a little odd LOL. At least Wesley looks a bit like Leigh. :smile:

    I'm controlling of almost every aspect of their lives, but with seven sims and a dog in the household, I know the day will come with Tracey's family that I'll be letting them all go their own way and hope for the best! I don't think I can micromanage seven Sims without losing my mind. :lol:
    I find the same thing is true for me re: the songs becoming earworms. If it's a great old song I grew up with, there's an excellent chance it'll be stuck in my head for days. I'm STILL humming Chapel of Love. :smiley:
    I think this game DEFINITELY likes to toy with us! At least there haven't been any more radioactive bugs. :smile:
    You're very welcome. :smile:
    OMGosh, I can't believe you experienced that kind of insensitivity while you were pregnant! What kind of a "man" would let a pregnant woman stand on a train??? Unless he was very old and frail or disabled, that's inexcusable. :angry: I was lucky to be treated kindly by most while I was pregnant. But then I never lived in a city large enough to have public transportation like trains. And I was lucky enough to have a car, so no city bus most of the time. Though you do meet the MOST interesting people on a city bus, that's for sure! And yes, your sentence made perfect sense. :smile:
    Seasons is one of my favorite EPs. I love the weather, of course, but the festivals and parties are lots of fun too. The gift giving party is by far my favorite.
    Thank you so much for the lovely comments! :heart:

    Maeve is SO cute! I love her hair.
    Great pic of Elva levitating! It does sort of look like she's dancing on the table lol.
    Your Simself is so adorable. I love it when she shows up in your pics. :smile: She does always look happy, she must be having a grand time!
    I never let my active sims work in the criminal career, I have odd morals, I guess :lol:. I don't want my people being evil or criminals! I really dislike the red glow for the Emperor of Evil. It's awfully distracting. Is it the eye candy LTR that makes them sparkle? Don't like that one either haha. But then I think that one comes with WA, so I don't have to deal with it anymore.
    Aww, Ita and Douglas are so cute together! Douglas certainly doesn't seem to be in a hurry to do anything :lol:
    Shay looks less than thrilled at being left to teach Maeve to talk! :smiley:
    I just love Shay's interactions with Grandpa Nevan. :smiley:

    @TadOlson Thank you for the nice comments. :smile:

    @PalmArrow Alan aged up very handsome. I think he looks more like Clark too, though it's a bit hard to tell because of the glasses.

    @emorrill You're very welcome. :smile:
    Oh no I wasn't upset with the update, just a little sad for Sam and Donna. It's too bad they couldn't work it out, but Donna had a valid point. Even if she believed Sam, she didn't want to put herself through worrying about him all the time, which is certainly understandable!
    I can't wait for the next update! I'm curious to see where Sam will go next. :smile:
    I always wanted children, but not THAT many LOL. My sisters are much older and I became an aunt the first time at 11! I saw up close how much work children are, and one or two sounded good to me. I wound up having 2, and that's perfect for me.
    I was irked Tracey sat in a chair while Leigh had to sit on the floor at the gift giving party. I wish the Sims were just a bit more artificially intelligent (okay a lot more) enough that a man would give his chair to his PREGNANT wife. SMH. :lol:
    I love the mistletoe kiss, it's so cute. Not sure why they go for the neck, though.
    Thank you! The pacifier is by Lutetia at TSR. It's called the Nuk pacifier set. There are toddler ones too.
    Wyatt looks so much like Tracey it's uncanny. I have NRAAS SP which is responsible for the genetic blending, but I'm not sure how much blending there was here LOL. Maybe more of Leigh will show up when he's older.
    Both my (RL LOL) children look exactly like their father. They both got my brown eyes (his are green) and my teeth, but otherwise they are daddy-clones. :angry: Oh, well, one of my granddaughters looks a bit like me! :smiley:
    Thank you for the pic of you and hubby. They're beautiful. Ya'll look so radiantly happy it warms my heart. :love: I have to upload some of the pics of me and my Billy, and then I'll send you a couple. :smile:
    Oh, hubby is right, it was AWFUL waiting to see what was going to happen over that summer! At the time there were rumors that Patrick Stewart might not be returning to the show, so everyone was on pins and needles to see what would happen. It was awful, the waiting! :lol:
    Thank you so much for the wonderful comments. :heart:

    @Emily4331 More amazing vampires! Sarielus is one hot grandpa. And Margaret is creepy. Very creepy. She's meant to be creepy? Cuz girl she be creepy! LOL :love: your Sims, they're always incredible. Gadreel is gorgeous, if a bit intimidating! And again your photos just awe me. I can't wait for the story to begin! :heart:

    @CravenLestat Beautiful pictures of Amnestria and her unicorn! :love:

    @Mazakeen Great updates!

    @Silverofdreams30 Thank you so much for the nice comments! :smile: I'm so sorry I haven't replied to your PM yet, I'm terribly behind in everything. :cry: Love your party pics, everything broke at once and chaos reigned! LOL. Almost naked Thornton is definitely not a bad thing. Awesome updates. :smile:

    @Charlottesmom I knew to watch for the hand holding this time, it's so incredibly sweet. I love the tender look on Tracey's face. :heart: I didn't see feet, though :lol:
    They wasted NO time starting their family, and the babies are arriving in VERY short order! I wanted to get the baby making out of the way. :smiley:
    I love the name Wyatt too, Tombstone is one of my favorite movies (bittersweet now with the loss of Bill Paxton and Powers Boothe :cry: ) and I ADORE Kurt Russell's depiction of Wyatt Earp! I can't believe I've never used that name before. And Weird Science is a great movie too!
    I love the bathing animations for the Store changing table. So adorable!
    It's nice you've been getting more time to play. Maybe hubby needs to go away more often...
    Joe is DEFINITELY a booger, and I can totally see him being that kind of a guy to think birth control is the woman's problem. Maybe 18 years of child support for all his love children might reform him! :lol:
    Can't wait to see more of this amazing story!
    Thanks for the lovely comments. :heart:

    (Misunderstood part 6)
    The utter GALL of that man, accusing his betrayed wife of being cold! Men!! :lol: (No offense guys, I love ya'll, really!)
    And yeah, if your husband is shacking up with half the town, that is sort of your business, JOE. (where's that eyeroll emoji again??)
    Awesome job capturing the facial expressions by Caroline to work into the story!
    Oooh, so who WAS on the phone?? Bessie? Jenni? AN AS YET UNKNOWN ADDITIONAL LOVER????
    Awesome update! :heart:

    Back later with more. Happy Simming everyone.
    Appaloosa Plains Townie Makeover Project!

    The Claw Machine Diaries Challenge

    Though nothing can bring back the hour
    Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
    We will grieve not, rather find
    Strength in what remains behind
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Page 1585

    @MoonandStars83 Glad your game is still running smoothly! That's a relief that the IF reverted back to doll form!

    @Silverofdreams30 Great update! Lots of muscled chests!

    @Charlottesmom LOL I know how hard it was for you to come up with a Connor! ;)
    Oh! Caroline and Nick! Vita is an evil cow!
    Now I am wondering how this will play into the future!

    @emorrill Thanks for the lovely comments :) I have most of my sims learn Sim Fu but not all. Most of them have the disciplined trait so learn it themselves. In the few cases where they don't have the trait, I have them learn in case they are to be heir.
    I use SP to turn off aging (and romance) for my SS. It's under sim settings.

    @Emily4331 Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    Poor Shay, only level 1 when his sister is about level 8 or 9. It will be a while before he can hold his own sparring with his dads or granddad ;)
    I was amazed when I saw the ghostly rubber ducky!
    I have never had a sim at the top of that career track myself but I have placed some of my favourite evil sims in town over the years and seen several with the red glow.
    Good luck getting your sims done! I am looking forward to your story :)

    @donnabailey Although I lived in an outer suburb of Melbourne, I worked in the city for 24 years before I became a mother. I imagine I would have been given a seat closer to home because people seem to be nicer in less densely populated areas. It was when I was traveling within the city or coming home that I would have trouble getting a seat when pregnant. I think it's just part of city life :/
    I used to micromanage my games when I first started but that was because I didn't have mods. With the sim days so short without relativity I had to micromanage to get the family where I wanted them. Now I know they will mostly take care of their own needs (even if that means they mostly woohoo ;) ), I am happy to let them go for long stretches of time. I still make sure they stay on track for what I have planned for them but there is so much more time in the day for them to be themselves :)
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    My SS is friendly and has a good sense of humor so she is quite happy just wandering around town making friends and telling jokes :p It doesn't hurt that she is immortal and doesn't have to deal with romances gone bad ;)
    I love the evil trait but a played evil sim is a lot nicer than an unplayed one ;) I don't have them in the criminal career though because I don't like the hours ;)
    I never use the eye candy LTR. I think I tried it once when I first got whatever EP it came with but it drove me crazy!
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited June 2017
    Emily4331 wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer Sorry about your save! Darn free vacation! :(
    Fingers crossed that take two doesn't break! Love the descriptions and pictures of the family!
    Pshaw no one can write darker stories than me, so bring it. :tongue:
    Poor Haruo. :(
    I think River can for sure help mend him! :3
    Get her, River!
    Nothing better to get over your mommy blues than a good roll in ze hay!
    In all seriousness, it is too common for parents to be so hard on their children. I know sometimes they believe it is for the best, but sometimes it is a lot harder, but a lot more important to support your children's desires. As they say, "The road to plum is paved with good intentions." :smile: I am thankful for growing up with a mostly loving family, but my mother's childhood was far more rocky and dark and I think that is the reality for a lot of people, sadly. :(

    I always ixnay the "free vacation", my kiddo. :D

    I'm numbering my saves now... and using Save As. :D

    Oh...I'm doing this for catharsis and Sims 3 just offers a way of therapy (under the guise of telling a story) - saves me a defamation lawsuit from the Mo(n)ster.

    As I told @emorrill and @ShojoDagger. River reminds me of someone I know really well. :D

    hehe... Yes...definitely.

    Unfortunately...psychological abuse is hard to prove in a court of law but the wounds are there and unfortunately...there is no recourse except to heal oneself. I've told my own kids that I will support what they long as it is legal and morally correct. Their life is their life...and they have to make the choices that they do. I expect them to walk an upright path and I will support them the best that I can. I never liked being hammered as a square peg into a round hole as a child and I refuse to do the same to my children.

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    Rulla runt i höet? Inte idag, tack. ^^

    Many nice updates! :smiley:

    I haven't played today, but started my game over and over again while troubleshooting! When sims use the umbrella they reset. I've had rain and hail turned off for a long time, so I don't know when this problem started. It's some kind of mod conflict/bug, because the umbrellas work fine if I take out the mods.

    Annoying problem, but the nice NRaas people are helping me. :smiley:
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    SimsxZelda_fanSimsxZelda_fan Posts: 179 Member
    edited June 2017
    @Emily4331 Lol That is quite the coincidence. Tbh, I have had this lil idea on the backburner for about 8 yrs or so - since Sims 3 came out - and I have tried my hand at it back in '10 (and failed miserably) so this time -- now that I have a better idea of how to seduce men [LOL] -- I feel like I could pull it off a lot easier

    Lilith was always an interesting topic to me. I sorta see her legend as a sort of origin story for promiscuity and perhaps prostitution, it seems symbolic that its only the broken hearted and rebellious women are the only ones her spirit is able to possess. And I always saw Samael as a literal angel like Gabriel or Michael, his death bringing abilities are a necessity in life. Because without death, we'd be stuck in this realm forever etc etc. So I wouldn't say he's a chaotic evil or even demonic, just a necessary part of the balance of nature.
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    Another group finished:

    All brand new!

    Here we have Alexander:

    The twins are Robin and Adriana. The woman is Armosa Hanniver:

    Seem pleasant enough, right? :tongue:
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Emily4331 I will make a proper comment on your post in a bit. It's Saturday morning and I am trying to get ready in case I visit my sister.
    I just wanted to say that Armosa looks so much like Katey Sagal! :o
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    CororonCororon Posts: 4,276 Member
    Mikezumi wrote: »
    I just wanted to say that Armosa looks so much like Katey Sagal! :o

    I was just going to say the same!
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @Kesminlix That is an great makeover on Sam. I give him hair in my games too. He was my ghost child's bff so, he had to have hair :)

    @Silverofdreams30 Ava's makeover is just as gorgeous as her previous look. She's got a great face and can probably look awesome bald. :) Thornton is a hottie.

    @SimsxZelda_fan I hope you enjoy. Heartbreaker's are hard to play for me. Those hurt looks and broken hearts get to me.

    @king_of_simcity7 Great video.

    @lanlyn Hi there, lol at the tourist sunbathing in the fog. :grin:

    @PalmArrow You did an awesome job on Laurel and Hardy! I've rec'd and dl'd. I think they will be awesome in Midnight Hollow. I don't have seasons in, so they won't be able to use the cool umbrella's, but, maybe I can give them a cane.

    @Nikkei_Simmer I enjoyed the update. Nice muscles on Haruo. Lovely private wedding and I think River seems to be up to the task. :)

    @Charlottesmom Interesting twist in Caroline's story. :)

    @Emily4331 wow...more beautiful vampires! love them. I agree with @Mikezumi and @Cororon. She does look like Katey Segal. :)
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited June 2017
    bekkasan wrote: »
    @Nikkei_Simmer I enjoyed the update. Nice muscles on Haruo. Lovely private wedding and I think River seems to be up to the task. :)


    The Idealized SimSelf...has the energy to get into the gym to build up those "muscles" :mrgreen: that the RL Self finds too boring to do. Same as with the martial arts. :D

    Oh, River is mentally tough. :D

    Before my fall down a set of improperly maintained stairs...and my resultant back injury. I deadlifted a 350lb fridge alone into the back of a truck. So even without weight training...I could lift a decent amount of weight. Of course my back and arms complained about it for two weeks after. :D
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Emily4331Emily4331 Posts: 10,850 Member
    This was an easy group to make. And, in fact, it has the 2 last vampire sims!

    Prepare for nightmares: Hermani -

    Belle Astrore:

    And a human, if you can believe it! Bruno Augustine:
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited June 2017
    Bella's pretty in a kind of a "I need to check my neck for teethmarks in the morning" way. Her eyes are mesmerizing. :D Really awesome Sim creations. @Emily4331

    And Hermani scares the living plum out of me.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer I cannot imagine deadlifting a fridge! Somedays, I don't want to pick up my purse. :grin: Look forward to more of the story.

    @Emily4331 omg....Hermani is just downright scary looking. I'm totally awed with your talent. Love the freaky veins on his face. Girl, you got the right stuff! Belle kinda scares me too. She looks too innocent if you know what I mean. She's the one ya have to worry about and Hermani is probably a teddy bear. :open_mouth: omg...Bruno is just too freaking smexy!! Be still my heart! <3:love:
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited June 2017
    Misunderstood Part 8 B:

    This is a continuation of Part 8 I had to get a few more pictures in game...

    The affair between Caroline and Nick was going wonderfully, Nick had never been happier.


    Caroline however was getting sick of being "the other woman" even though Nick insisted he and Vita barely had a marriage anymore.


    She loved Nick with all her heart but was thinking about her future, Nick obviously had no intention of leaving Vita.


    They made sure to never meet at Nick's house anymore, Nick had a feeling Vita knew something was up as she had been trying to be nicer to him lately. Caroline showed up his doorstep one day anyways...they talked out back by the pool.






    Vita was NOT happy.....



    Caroline was called every horrible word in the book and told she was NEVER to see Nick again or Vita would make her wish she was dead!


    Caroline was no dummy, she knew Vita was dangerous so she got out of there fast! Nick or no Nick she didn't need her life ruined...or ended...


    Nick was Pi*ss*ed!! He watched Caroline go......he would call her later and apologize.


    "And before you think about calling or seeing your sk*ank know that I have people watching you!!" Vita yelled..


    He was overcome...never seeing Caroline was going to kill him.


    Vita knew Nick wouldn't give her any guff, she had him completely under her control....he was afraid of her.


    About two months later Nick finally worked up the kahoonas to have a friend give Caroline a message to meet him.


    Nick wanted to hug her bus she backed away, Caroline told Nick she had met someone nice who didn't have a psycho wife and she was dating him, she didn't love him like she still loved Nick but it was enough for Caroline.

    Nick was crushed....


    "What the he*ll did you want me to do Nick wait around for you to get divorced from Vita, she would never let that happen! I'll always love you Nick, with all my heart, you are the love of my life but I just can't deal with your situation"


    Without another word she left....


    Later that week Caroline became Caroline Frio...


    and months later little Paulo was born...


    Caroline worked up her courage and called Nick, she figured he might like to meet his son...



    Nick was stunned! He knew Caroline was pregnant as he did see her around town but he figured the baby was her new husband's...


    Caroline told Nick nobody could know Paulo was his, she wanted everyone especially Joe to think the baby was his.


    Nick reluctantly agreed, but he hated the idea of another man married to the woman he loved and caring for the son that was His!




    Post edited by Charlottesmom on
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    @emorrill I tend to write a lot of fanfiction (mostly based on JAG)

    ...and I learned that one has to practically describe the scene in a story in a way that the reader is able to picture the scene in his/her head due to the fact that unlike in Sims 3, in fanfiction, you don't have the ability to show it in picture form. And for someone who likes I do...trying to describe a scene in detail is sheer torture.

    "Rock Creek Park, Washington DC Monday 2200 hrs EST

    Walking through the park, Parlovsky looked neither left nor right. He was well aware he was safe. His demeanor was that of a predator. And a predator feared no-one. Even at this late hour, Parlovsky knew that the common thugs who frequented this park would not dare to approach him and if they did, an untraceable Makarov lay within the pockets of his overcoat and another homicide would be noted in the annals of crime within the Metropolitan limits. DC Police would find the victims but not their executioner.

    The few birds awake at this hour protested at his passage through the undergrowth of forest. He watched his steps as he knew that timber rattlesnakes, a deadly viper, hunted within this park and were active at night. To be bitten by one of these would be painful if he survived the experience (and that would only be if he managed to reach a hospital in time) as a potent concoction of both neuro and haemotoxic venom would be pumped through three inch fangs sunk into his leg. The closest Russian counterpart, the Russian adder did not have such as the timber rattlesnake. A bite from the Russian adder was survivable with time and medical attention. The timber rattlesnake was a dice-roll, even with anti-venom. Parlovsky had no such desire to meet with such denizens of this forest. He was not afraid of the snake but predators survived by exercising prudence.

    As he approached the meeting place he did look around, his analytical, calculating scan taking in the possible threats. His eyes locked in on a dark figure in black standing within the clearing.

    "You have come." The figure spoke. "I have notified the Direktor of your monetary requirements." He gazed at Parlovsky with no fear as Parlovsky stepped into the clearing, his Makarov, out in the open, held loosely in one hand. Parlovsky knew that meant his SVR contact had others in concealment with weapons trained on him.

    "What became of the request?" Parlovsky inquired casually, his loose stance belying the coiled springs inside. He had an idea of where those who accompanied the SVR contact were covering him lay in wait.

    "Three hundred million rubles is a large sum to ask for, Comrade Mika." The contact cautioned, his eyes surrendering nothing in terms of his intentions.

    "What price security to the Rodina? Yuri." Parlovsky asked, his guard up. "If the Americans get information out of Constantin, it could mean collapse of our intelligence network in Amerika and loss of any edge we have in national security. What need have the politicians to keep such large amounts but to spend it on vodka and babushkas with no teeth?"

    Yuri snorted down derisive laughter. "Ah yes, better that we spend it rather than those old, doddering fools in the Kremlin who wouldn't know a security threat if one came up and bit a large piece out of their 🐸🐸🐸🐸." He continued, "Mika, it took some maneuvering, but I was able to get you the money. The Direktor will however be very annoyed if all this comes to naught. Maybe even annoyed enough to pick up a broom to sweep those responsible out with the garbage."

    Parlovsky knew a warning when he heard one. Make Constantin disappear or you won't live long enough to spend the money."
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    Will do feedback tomorrow but wanted to post these really quick (husband will be home in 1 hour...vacation is over! :/ )

    Caroline is a Connor gender switched, but she still has Connor's gift of "The Stare" she added a few fun twists to it though...





    I was kinda hoping Toddler Connor would join in but he was being a good little cutie pants...

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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    @charlottesmom Let me see if I remember this correctly....

    So, Xander is really Joe's son and Paulo is really Nick's son?
    Caroline had Nick's baby and Bessie had Joe's baby?

    Wow! There is so much drama in this story I just can't get enough! :joy:

    But Jared and Connor are definitely Joe and Caroline's...

    Love it! You know I can't wait for more!


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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited June 2017
    @emorrill , Yup, you got it! That thankfully is the end of the baby drama! After a few Bessie/Buster scenes it will be mostly about Jared. I have a point A and a point Z written out but boy do I take 5 thousand side trips to get there! ;)

    Edited for stoopid speling erors
    Post edited by Charlottesmom on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    I won't be visiting my sister until tomorrow so I played for a while instead :) Now I will go do some grocery shopping so my son doesn't starve to death ;) Will catch up, make comments and update my game when I get back. Chocolate and scotch are running low too ;)
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    edited June 2017
    @emorrill , Yup, you got it! That thankfully is the end of the baby drama! After a few Bessie/Buster scenes if will be mostly about Jared. I have a point A and a point Z written out but boy do I take 5 thousand side trips to get there! ;)

    Join the club honey! :p
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Sam Hair Decisions

    I don't know why I am posting this because...I think I have settled on which one I am going to use but, I always welcome other opinions too. ;)

    So, using my new Signature pic as a RL can see that Scott Bakula (in his earlier, Quantum Leap days) had a little more bushier hair than his days on Star Trek: Enterprise (Center) to the present.
    The hair I've been using for a while on Sam is the BEST representation I could find out there of how his hair looks NOW (and even in some of the later Season's of QL...).

    However, I want to go back to his original hair look when QL first started. :)

    As you all know it's been a DOOZY trying to find hair that matches just right....I'd find something that looked pretty good and then slap it on Sam in the game and it's like..."Meh....that just doesn't work after all." *facepalm*

    Like THIS CC hair for example:

    It looked perfect in the pictures, but then actually slapping it on Sam...the bangs fall down far too long and the back of it...just isn't right. *sigh*

    So I go back to 3 signature EA hairstyles the mostly resemble it.

    I have used this one in past updates and I still very much love it, but...It's not quite...perfect. (My Perfectionism sometimes, I tell ya! ;) )
    But it's pretty darn close (if you refer to the far left pic in my signature collage :) ).

    Then I tried this one...
    It's good.......but like one of you pointed out to me ( @bekkasan <3 ), the "bangs" are too....plastered to the top of his head and don't really fall down freely (as you can see in the middle pic of my sig collage where he is resting his chin in his arms. <3 ).
    So *sigh* I might use this one, but I dunno yet.

    Then I tried this last EA style hair where the part is reversed (Gotta have that part!):
    But once again, that bangs are too plastered and are pointing UP not DOWN. :confused:
    The side and back of it looks perfect though...
    Ugh! :confounded:

    To be fun I thought I would throw on THIS hair for @charlottesmom because I see her use it a lot on her good lookin' man sims. ;)

    Oh hey...this RL hairstyle of his resembles that one pretty well. :mrgreen:
    Smokin' hott!! :love:
    Sorry it's so huge! :lol:

    And also to be silly I threw on this longer hairstyle because Scott has done a couple of roles with hair like this and I am all like, " are such a hottie, but that hair makes you look ridiculous!!" :cry: Had to see it on him in the Sims! ;)

    RL example here:
    Oh gosh heaven help us!! :anguished:
    He looks horrible!!!


    If you would like to share your thoughts on the best hairstyle (even the silly ones :p ) I welcome them. Thanks for reading and putting up with my fangirling. ;)

    Keep Calm and Sim On my friends. <3
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    OriginalMaraOriginalMara Posts: 1,669 Member
    @TadOlson -- I didn't realize pets who are taken away go to the adoption pool! I just figured they disappeared forever.

    @Charlottesmom -- How long did you have to search the shelves until you found a Connor bottle? :tongue:
    Ugh, such a tease! I did wonder who Caroline had had an affair with, after the previous installment of the story and knowing what Joe was going through...
    Two months between ending with Nick and marrying Joe, wow, quick! But then again, I guess she had to. ;)
    Another half-sibling, ahahhaha.
    This really is like a daytime drama! :lol:

    @Emily4331 -- I have always been a fan of more 'realistic' house layouts. I prefer to decorate and furnish them like that. But Sims just prefer to eat outside on the deck and not in the dining room!
    Even back on Sims 1... when I would get low scores for layout hahaha because of hallways and such and it taking Sims longer to go to some rooms.
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @OriginalMara , I was shocked when it was the first bottle I turned around because the name wasn't showing, I was jazzed! My son Matthew was miffed because like 2 years ago when he found Connor for me I was going to pay him $5.00 if he found it this year. I had a good collection 2 years ago, all our names plus a good chunk of my favorite Sims names (Connor, Jared, Simon, Sebastian etc...) my son Zach recycled them by mistake..he was trying to be helpful so I wasn't mad. Matthew seems to be very easy to find this year, have bought it 3 times already.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @emorrill -Hairstylists can sometimes latch onto a hairstlyle and keep giving it to you thinking you still wanted it even when you've lost interest in it.Great pictures!
    @Mikezumi -Great update!Thanks for the comment.
    @Nikkei_Simmer -Great reboot!I had social workers corrupt saves.I also don't use the free vacation opportunity as they can have free vacations around town at any time.
    @Silverofdreams30 -I would have very small parties if the sims ever threw any because my towns have small populations.Great update!
    @bekkasan -I love farming items in my games.
    @lovingreds001 -Hi there!I felt like you in the hot weather as I couldn't load my game when it was very hot outside.
    @Kesminlix -Great makeover!
    @Lisasc360 -Thanks for the comment.
    @king_of_simcity7 -Great video!
    @SimsxZelda_fan -That sounds like fun.I might have some sims do that kind of thing.
    @lanlyn -Great pictures!
    @PalmArrow -They could make great replacement social workers though they'd still be playable ones.
    @MoonandStars83 -Thanks for your comment.Great update!It's great to have the game stable.
    @Emily4331 -Thanks for the comment.The chicks are a cute feature of the store coop.They lood great.I might have vampires working as social workers if they're the only oned available.
    @donnabailey -I have to use story progression from NRaas to manage inactives as the EA bugfest ruined a few older games on me.
    @Cororon -Thanks for your comment.I had that happen with a glitched Mod once and had to redownload my NRaas Mods to reinstall them.
    @OriginalMara -I found out when naother family adopted a pet taken from one of mine after they called to have it taken.
    Eli wished to buy something for 50$ or more and bought that typewriter for 50$.
    It's actually a cheaper desktop computer that dosen't looks like one.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,141 Member
    Ok, do any of the rest of you have this problem with MC???

    I send a Sim to CAS (using MC) and some of the CC hair I downloaded doesn't show up! :confused:
    Or is that another issue entirely?

    It's bugging the heck out of me! :confounded:

    Thanks. <3

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