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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    edited January 2017
    @Karritz I watched your video this afternoon. Lol at the man in Haley's pocket. What a strange glitch even for the Sims3. Enjoyed the video. Poor Haley, will she ever find it?

    @thuggishsplicer I transferred all my stuff to hubby's puter and so far it is behaving on his sorta...still lagging a bit, and not sure if that is me not having the graphics set right. I'm hoping I can finish the alien abduction story soon. Work has just been crazy for a part time job! Found out today one of the other nurses is leaving so they've asked if I can cover some for her until they hire a new full time one. Need money for puter, car tires, new vacuum and maybe fax/printer/copier said yep.

    @victoriae350 love the carpet in the nursery. Enjoyed the video. Elijah is adorable!

    @Charlottesmom Cool update, and what a great guy is Bunter. Looks like you had lots of fun making that chapter.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Charlottesmom Nice update to the story :smile: Got a bit confusing with all of the Morganas lol Sadly one picture didn't show up though :(

    @lanlyn Thanks for the comment :smile: The Eastenders story was from back in 2000 when they introduced a new family. In that scene 'Big Mo' sees her brothers ex wife and they never got along. She was actually a good character though and that was from the days when Eastenders was actually good :smiley:

    Nice pictures of the house boat as well :smile:

    I have not been playing The Sims this evening as I went out for a walk earlier and now I am listening to music. I am becoming suspicious of people at my work again and I think they are planning on moving me out at some point :(
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @king_of_simcity7 , you only had one Morgana to worry about, the one in the actual story, all the rest were outtakes and behind the scenes, they didn't exist in the story.... ;)

    Wonder which one didn't show up, was it in the outtakes section?
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited January 2017
    I need to give more feedback later, but honestly @Charlottesmom !! I loved your last update. It was super great, but I laughed so much! Hilarious! All those Morganas and babies! ...And the outtakes were awesome. ...Glad Bunter fought Morgana--one of them anyway. LOL ...And Grim joining in on the labor-fest!! OMG, too funny! ...I did love that Bunter adopted the little girl in the story.

    ...RE: the fairy baby's name. Why don't you name her Pari. It comes from the Old Persian language and means "fairy" or "face of an angel." <3
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @lanlyn , Pari it is, that is a very sweet name o:) .
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited January 2017
    @emorrill , That update was a two day project, breeding another set of Thornton and Morgana (both fairies with bright green eyes) to get the fairy baby, impregnanting another for the pregnant Morgana scenes (Bunter came in very handy!). I couldn't use the same Morgana as normal as she was a different skin shade and couldn't change it because she was pregnant with the genie baby (toddler in pictures) who I decided was a mistake. Why the fourth was pregnant I can't remember but she was one of the two who was in labor at the end. So funny they both went into labor after I did away with Morgana number two. It got a bit confusing but the end result was good. I remember now, one of the Morganas to give birth to one of the boys was impregnated by Vlad, not sure if the kiddo is a vampire or a non blue genie. ;):D

    Edited to add, I adore Bunter, lanlyn did an awesome job with him!
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @CravenLestat You must go through a lot of chloroform! ;) Pretty girls :)

    @MoonandStars83 Congrats on getting your new game started! Hope you get some good gaming in this weekend :)

    @jillbg Great excerpt! I hope he doesn't set any hay on fire ;)

    @thuggishsplicer Well we know that Matty will be getting more siblings if the save doesn't get too bloated ;) There could be something about that pose. I know I have a photo of my eldest nephew in that position and my brother went on to have another 7 kids LOL

    @Charlottesmom Yeah, I would have thrown out into the street without a dime! >:)
    Dang! She's up the duff?! :o
    LOL Fake belly! :D:D:D:D:D
    She really stuffed up! I can't tell you how much I am laughing at the baby being a fairy! LOL
    Awwww Thornton is such a softie! Of course he would keep the child and she will make a great sister for Kate :D
    I didn't see that coming! Bunter is the softie <3
    Bunter is my hero! :D
    OMG Your outtakes are hysterically funny! Your game must be a laugh a minute :D

    @lanlyn Sims show up wherever mine are - I think the game pushes them.
    Thanks for the lovely comment :D I was kinda hoping for some reaction from the NPC from the stink bomb but it wasn't to be. Maybe if I had him do it in a crowded area it might be different. I will have him whip up another one tomorrow if the other kids don't have any in their inventories :p
    The planters are a great addition! Always nice to see a little green, especially if he can get harvestables out of them :D
    BTW Your Bunter is gorgeous <3

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    @Charlottesmom The picture seems to have appeared now, it was an outtake 'You get too close to a fight you risk personal damage!!' shows a fight taking place. I know a few people have been having issues with photobucket though
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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Charlottesmom The picture seems to have appeared now, it was an outtake 'You get too close to a fight you risk personal damage!!' shows a fight taking place. I know a few people have been having issues with photobucket though

    Glad it showed up, photobucket has been slooooow for the past few days. Glad it hasn't konked out totally!
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    victoriae350victoriae350 Posts: 342 Member
    @bekasan I think it came with a set! Thank you for watching the video :)
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    Emo-usagi2187Emo-usagi2187 Posts: 600 Member

    Aw i can't upload it yet but i will once i get my game upload ones i have old ones.
    [img][/img]48163509141_6d283a2fcb.jpg06-30-19_1-14-16 AM by Jeannita Szalai, on Flickr
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    Emo-usagi2187Emo-usagi2187 Posts: 600 Member
    But I your sims guys some i would love add my game my teen bf npc one is so boring haha am ready dump him he don't talk much or do anything my sims since started to date lol.
    [img][/img]48163509141_6d283a2fcb.jpg06-30-19_1-14-16 AM by Jeannita Szalai, on Flickr
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited January 2017
    I saw there were a couple more birthdays in the extended family, so I thought it was time to visit their homes for a closer look.
    Eda and Zac are now adults. Their kids from eldest to youngest are Rod, Max and Bob.
    Hob and Marlon will be aging up in the next day or so. Their kids are Stephanie and Shane.

    Update to main household below :D
    I have lost count but I think the baby may be new :)
    While Jensen, Kaz and Matty were visiting the park, the newspaper boy joined Matty at the dollhouse.
    I kept seeing Benni Hennessey in Matty's queue but I don't like sims picking up my toddlers so I kept cancelling it out. Benni decided she could fill her social needs by pinching the newspaper boy's cheeks instead ;)
    Poor Daw was trying to concentrate on his homework but Ibb and Jaz decided that a pillow fight was in order. I don't know why they often pick that spot near the dining table :/
    I sent Kaz to the park because he had a wish to meet someone new. Since I saw that Don Lothario and his son Peter were there, I also sent Ibb. Ibb introduced herself to her future father-in-law. You can see Kaz in the background getting to know Peter :)
    While Kaz went to introduce himself to Don, I let Ibb have her way with Peter ;)
    Back at home, Diot and Matty were building up their relationship over the block table :)
    Jensen also rolled a wish to meet someone and when I saw that he hadn't met Peter, I quickly teleported him to the park. He had to wait patiently to get an introduction in ;)
    Since Hamon and Daw were already pulling faces and telling jokes, I had Hamon who has a good sense of humour, impersonate a celebrity because it is one of my favourite animations :D I should have taken a video because an image doesn't capture the hilarity of it!
    I found Ibb playing billiards by herself in the basement so I sent Daw down to play table tennis with her - he could do with the exercise ;)

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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    Well I said I will share pictures of my room since redecorated:



    My computer where all the action happens


    One year ago. My computer was where my bed is now. See if you can workout which box is the Ambitions one ;)

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    @lanlyn thank you for your comments. I think that weird male sim getting out of my sim's car may have actually have got out of a taxi. After watching the completed video about 10 times I managed to work out that there was a taxi where she put her car but it was almost completely off screen and hidden by her car so I can assume he must have got out of it. He wasn't a tourist or paparazzi because I checked his name and he just had a normal sim name, not followed by a description of any sort.

    Your story of having one of your sims in someone's inventory for a while was interesting. I'd have been worried too if my sim got stuck in a boat and had to travel in another sim's pocket.

    I'm glad you have found that info on the secret buried food under the tiny round shadow useful. There are other things that happen to block access to tiles too. I'll do more of those videos as I come across the issues.

    In the next video in my IP series my sim Muriel is blocked from using the oven. I never could work out what was there as I couldn't find a jig of any kind by using BuyDebug or Master Controller and there was no round shadow. I got rid of the problem by clicking an apparently empty floor tile and choosing NRAAS > Debug Enabler > Radius Purge and I typed in a 1. It fixed the problem. I was worried I might delete the stove or counters but they stayed put so I was relieved about that.

    @Bekkasan I'm glad you go to watch and enjoy the video.

    See my response to lanlyn re the man in Haley's pocket.

    I am going to try to uncover all the islands with this game. This means Haley has to find the island. But right now she's having problems finding a shark to fight. I'll work on her scuba diving skill so she can go to all of the dive spots.

    I sent Judy diving and I think she was in Mermaid Grotto dive spot and she was attacked by a shark. I got a little bit of the fight on video. I'll try to add it to one of my upcoming videos. I've started working on No 5 now.

    By the end of episode 4 they have found 2 islands. That happened within minutes of starting the game.

    When I decided to start this game, I got Judy from my witches village game because she had so many skills and she had a collection helper. Then I added a few extra sims to the household. When I looked into her inventory I found she had 2 collection helpers so I gave one to Craig and sent him out looking for shells. Suddenly he found 2 islands when I wasn't looking and it happened at the same time. One was the island they get from being close to it but I didn't see him go close to it and I didn't tell him to go to it either. The other was from finding a message in a bottle. The collection helper seems mandatory if looking for anything in Isla Paradiso.

    Much later I added Sam to the household - to have another male sim - but mostly to have someone in the lifesaving career as that is the path to another island.

    I haven't done much work with Sam yet. I'm just sending him off to work when I notice he has work to do. But he'll star in a few future episodes.

    In Ep 5 you'll see another island revealed although I again missed it happening and its reveal is only partly on the video. I'm trying to fix that but not having much luck so it may have to be just me telling about it.

    Haley is on the path to finding 2 islands but she hasn't found any yet. I'll keep her at it until she gets them both.

    Then I'll need to read up on how to find the remaining 2 islands as I am currently clueless about them. I might do that now actually, as I might be able to set some of the others onto the path of finding them today.

    Happy Simming everyone.
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    OriginalMaraOriginalMara Posts: 1,669 Member
    Ugh, 'net has been down the last two nights... playing catch-up!

    @TadOlson -- I suppose I could have a back-up, but it'd be hardly worth it for those rare times PB acts up lol.
    @OriginalMara , Photobucket sure keeps us on our toes!
    **LOL!! Jason's bear named Bear! Too cute <3
    **Cute playing on the beach picture!

    Haha, I know!

    And thanks! I was like, I don't want it to be the Wugglesworth... but couldn't think of anything better. So I was like, yeah, Bear the bear! lol
    (His imaginary friend is named Jack... because of his ocean/pirate-themed nursery, and Jack Sparrow, hehe; though I'm not sure if I want to bother with the IF too much. Jason has only played with him once or twice... but I keep finding the thing teleporting around the house!).

    Also, great update with Morgana! She cracks me up for some reason! :smiley:

    @king_of_simcity7 -- Great update! Can't wait to read more of the family!
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    Emo-usagi2187Emo-usagi2187 Posts: 600 Member
    Yea I think something is up with photobucket have account there cause apparently is not letting me upload on to here but that's okay though, ill keep posting what's happening in my game right just loading up. My current game right is in Island paradise. I just got fed up with the boat house could not make room gift opening party. But I did fixed it at the new house so worked out fine But I thinking my teen her bf he getting too boring plus he a npc haha. Plus he hates art so nope not me. ;P Once my sims ages up ill show my sim self.
    [img][/img]48163509141_6d283a2fcb.jpg06-30-19_1-14-16 AM by Jeannita Szalai, on Flickr
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Emo-usagi2187 I am pretty sure you need to be a member before you can post pics. I can't remember the specifics but you need a certain number of posts and points to become a member. Until then, keep posting text and eventually you can play with the big kids ;)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,355 Member
    emorrill wrote: »
    lisasc360 wrote: »

    Didn't anyone notice that there was an 80's song title in this phrase here that @emorrill added? Well I did and I just like the way that it was slipped in.
    "Hello Naomi, this is Sam Beckett. Uh...I'm never good with these blasted answering's almost 3:40 and your ex-husband hasn't arrived to pick up Evelyn. She's doing well. Please give me a call back as soon as you can. 555-867-5309. I'd appreciate it. Bye."

    The song title is under the spoiler... :smiley: I just <3<3<3 80's... :smiley:

    @lisasc360 YES!!!! I was waiting for someone to notice that! ;) Brownie points to you! Hee hee!
    You can guess that I love 80's music as well. :tongue:

    YES... :) Love the music from the 80's as well as the movies. I just watched Weird Science last night on the BBC channel, it's such a fun movie to watch... :)

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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    edited January 2017
    @CravenLestat So, I've become the Clothes Police, eh? :# ...I love the outfit combo on your Mystery Sim Two. It goes very well together. Great color too.

    @emorrill Fun that @lisasc360 caught your music reference. I sure didn't! Nice little Easter Egg addition to your story. ;)

    @Charlottesmom Just a couple more comments about your update. Morgana certainly isn't the brightest genie in the lamp is she? Forgetting her tummy pillow with Edward! And then trying to pass off a fairy infant as Thornton's!
    "Do you think I'm a total i*d*i*o*t?? Werewolf plus genie does NOT equal Fairy and that baby is clearly a fairy!"


    Oh c*r*a*p Morgana thought to herself....she was so excited about getting back into the money that the fact that this child was a fairy baby never entered her mind.
    I never saw this coming! So awesome! :D ...It sounds like you worked really hard to present us with this update. Loved it!

    @Mikezumi Great family shots of kids and grandkids. Neat to see them together as separate families. ...Cute pic of Matty and the newspaper boy. And of Diot with Matty. ...Loved the picture of Hamon doing an impersonation. I haven't seen that in ages! I'll have to check it out again. Can they only do it when the Celebrity system is turned on?

    @Karritz I've used that radius purge fix a couple of times. It worked for me too. And it was you who offered the suggestion!

    I happened to see what looked like a ghost ship in Al Medina just as the sun rose over the horizon.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited January 2017
    @lanlyn Thanks for the lovely comments :D
    It is a base-game interaction and only for sims with the good sense of humour trait. It is usually found under "special". It really is a fun one :D
    Your pic of the ship is beautiful <3
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,035 Member
    @Mikezumi Thank you. I have a few sims with the Good Sense of Humor trait, but I sometimes forget to look under Special. I've been playing with the Celebrity system off for quite some time now. That's why I asked about it. :)
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member
    @Mikezumi I love seeing the paperboy playing with your little one at the dollhouse, so cute. Stephanie is very pretty! She reminds me of someone on tv, but am having one of those more frequent elder moments and cannot think of who!

    @lanlyn The ghost ship pic is just awesome!!!
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    Emo-usagi2187Emo-usagi2187 Posts: 600 Member
    Right now am working my teen new clothe it spring xD my teen sims who lives alone gothic girl i don't have lot of teens stuff. But I do have a few cc nothing major though. but hard pick when my sims is gothic >< lol. I stop using exchange and use resourse but am picky though haha.
    [img][/img]48163509141_6d283a2fcb.jpg06-30-19_1-14-16 AM by Jeannita Szalai, on Flickr

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