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EA silence on family play and family play fans


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    SchweighsrSchweighsr Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited December 2014
    I was a bit concerned on a thread earlier where someone criticised me trying to keep things calm on here-intervening quickly trying to avoid getting to thread closed or for you guys falling into getting abused on here. I'll admit that upset me. I would never want any of you to think I was acting in a 'jumped up' fashion where I'm better than you. I even got criticised for calling it 'my thread'. I hope everyone who participates here knows me better and I do so to try to protect everyone-I do not believe I'm 'better' than anyone and I've often said this is truly 'our' thread because of all you wonderful people who participate.

    Oh, @sparkfairy1, you have been great. No, better than great - you have been warm and wonderful and kind and polite throughout this whole discussion. Some people will do anything to derail the kind of criticism we are aiming at EA, please don't take their accusations seriously.

    I have enjoyed participating in this thread a great deal, and that is entirely due to your efforts, sparkfairy1. I'd give you a pat of the back, but I can't reach that far.

    But, I am with @AnaCecilia63 at this point - The Sims Forum no longer holds any interest for me - and I have always been very active on the Forums. I'll check in from time to time, but I think I would rather play TS3 than bother with EA's drama and 'vision'. TS4 isn't for player's like me so there is no reason for me to follow the site for news about patches, EPs, etc. I'll be waiting for TS5 - if there ever is a TS5 (and if they actually bother to make it worthy of the Sims' name). Until then there are other forums where I can get my fix of socializing with people I will probably never meet. Maybe some day in the future a company will produce a great life simulation game and I will eagerly give them all my money for it. But that day isn't today, that company isn't EA and that game isn't The Sims 4.
    Anavastia wrote:
    Being a game of 2014 im just not looking to play the same thing i already own. I'm looking for advancement strictly towards the simulation of the game and i don't see that happening with sims 4 because honestly i don't think it's capable of it. The mechanics of the game prove at least that, with dev's not even being on the same thought process as fans, it's not going to be capable ever. What im personally looking for EA fell extremely to the wayside and i have every intentions of treating this game like a side game. Which is why i refuse to pay 70 dollars for it. Their side games have always been 19.99. Most app or mobile games are 10.00 so i think it's far for me to pay between those prices sims 4 actual worth. If it adds in something that actually is appealing and worth playing as a side game. Right now since it has nothing new and nothing that trumps sims 3, no point in me even wasting 10 to 20 dollars. That is the reality of the situation for many players who feel as I do.

    Ana has quite a number of important points in her post, but this is what I wanted to address: The Sims 4 should have advanced the series and it didn't. Instead, EA took the easy way and made TS4 into a scripted, RPG-like game where there is a single path to every goal. That is the exact opposite of a simulation game - but it is much, much easier to program. I see nothing in the TS4 base game that allows me to believe that any sort of simulation-play can built on that foundation. I will bet real money that the new careers added in the December patch are every bit as scripted as the existing game. In TS4 you do it according to EA's "vision" or you can't do it at all.

    For the fans who hated TS3 because it didn't allow their preferred rotational play-style, well, TS4 is even worse because players can't freeze time for a family that they play but are not currently controlling. For the fans who liked TS3 - well, TS4 wants to pretend that the open world and CASt options never existed. In other words, there is no reason to move to TS4 from either of the previous versions of The Sims. On one hand you have an old game that satisfies the way you play with it's add-ons and EPs filled with weather and pets and vacations and every thing - and on the other hand you have the half-completed, beta-test version of a game that insists that you play EA's way or you are wrong that doesn't even have stuff that was included in previous base games.

    Every Sims fan had hoped that EA would build on the foundation of the existing series. We all waited with eager hearts and open wallets for a game that we love to take advantage of new technology.

    It is sad that we didn't get it. The developers were more interested in pushing their "vision" down our throats than in keeping the spirit of the series alive. I hope that their "vision" keeps them warm while they are standing in the unemployment line. I will just have to content myself with playing The Sims 3.

    edit: fixed borked formating
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    xBob18xBob18 Posts: 7,893 Member
    Give us an OFB EP in TS3 EA. >:(
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    RockleyfamilyRockleyfamily Posts: 5,730 Member
    Wow this thread has grown so much since I was last here. I wish I could like some of these posts more than once ( runs off to make 20 new accounts and goes on a liking spree) .You guys have said it better than I ever could.

    One point I thought I'd mention though. Some of you were saying that it's not likely they'll patch toddlers into the game because the work it would take, they'd want to be able to make money for their work. There are a lot of people who haven't bought ts4 because of the lack of toddlers who might be inclined to do so if they were brought into the game. EA releasing a free toddler patch would make them money, they'd be getting new customers buying the base game. :)

    Wishful thinking I know, it's such a shame threads like this are needed. I know a lot of people who loves ts2 and didn't love ts3 that much but I don't remember ever seeing threads like this when ts3 came out....
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    edited December 2014
    Schweighsr wrote: »
    I was a bit concerned on a thread earlier where someone criticised me trying to keep things calm on here-intervening quickly trying to avoid getting to thread closed or for you guys falling into getting abused on here. I'll admit that upset me. I would never want any of you to think I was acting in a 'jumped up' fashion where I'm better than you. I even got criticised for calling it 'my thread'. I hope everyone who participates here knows me better and I do so to try to protect everyone-I do not believe I'm 'better' than anyone and I've often said this is truly 'our' thread because of all you wonderful people who participate.

    Oh, @sparkfairy1, you have been great. No, better than great - you have been warm and wonderful and kind and polite throughout this whole discussion. Some people will do anything to derail the kind of criticism we are aiming at EA, please don't take their accusations seriously.

    I have enjoyed participating in this thread a great deal, and that is entirely due to your efforts, sparkfairy1. I'd give you a pat of the back, but I can't reach that far.

    But, I am with @AnaCecilia63 at this point - The Sims Forum no longer holds any interest for me - and I have always been very active on the Forums. I'll check in from time to time, but I think I would rather play TS3 than bother with EA's drama and 'vision'. TS4 isn't for player's like me so there is no reason for me to follow the site for news about patches, EPs, etc. I'll be waiting for TS5 - if there ever is a TS5 (and if they actually bother to make it worthy of the Sims' name). Until then there are other forums where I can get my fix of socializing with people I will probably never meet. Maybe some day in the future a company will produce a great life simulation game and I will eagerly give them all my money for it. But that day isn't today, that company isn't EA and that game isn't The Sims 4.
    Anavastia wrote:
    Being a game of 2014 im just not looking to play the same thing i already own. I'm looking for advancement strictly towards the simulation of the game and i don't see that happening with sims 4 because honestly i don't think it's capable of it. The mechanics of the game prove at least that, with dev's not even being on the same thought process as fans, it's not going to be capable ever. What im personally looking for EA fell extremely to the wayside and i have every intentions of treating this game like a side game. Which is why i refuse to pay 70 dollars for it. Their side games have always been 19.99. Most app or mobile games are 10.00 so i think it's far for me to pay between those prices sims 4 actual worth. If it adds in something that actually is appealing and worth playing as a side game. Right now since it has nothing new and nothing that trumps sims 3, no point in me even wasting 10 to 20 dollars. That is the reality of the situation for many players who feel as I do.

    Ana has quite a number of important points in her post, but this is what I wanted to address: The Sims 4 should have advanced the series and it didn't. Instead, EA took the easy way and made TS4 into a scripted, RPG-like game where there is a single path to every goal. That is the exact opposite of a simulation game - but it is much, much easier to program. I see nothing in the TS4 base game that allows me to believe that any sort of simulation-play can built on that foundation. I will bet real money that the new careers added in the December patch are every bit as scripted as the existing game. In TS4 you do it according to EA's "vision" or you can't do it at all.

    For the fans who hated TS3 because it didn't allow their preferred rotational play-style, well, TS4 is even worse because players can't freeze time for a family that they play but are not currently controlling. For the fans who liked TS3 - well, TS4 wants to pretend that the open world and CASt options never existed. In other words, there is no reason to move to TS4 from either of the previous versions of The Sims. On one hand you have an old game that satisfies the way you play with it's add-ons and EPs filled with weather and pets and vacations and every thing - and on the other hand you have the half-completed, beta-test version of a game that insists that you play EA's way or you are wrong that doesn't even have stuff that was included in previous base games.

    Every Sims fan had hoped that EA would build on the foundation of the existing series. We all waited with eager hearts and open wallets for a game that we love to take advantage of new technology.

    It is sad that we didn't get it. The developers were more interested in pushing their "vision" down our throats than in keeping the spirit of the series alive. I hope that their "vision" keeps them warm while they are standing in the unemployment line. I will just have to content myself with playing The Sims 3.

    edit: fixed borked formating

    Thank you @Schweighsr. You've made me feel better, thank you for your kind words :smile:

    I couldn't agree more with your post. In a lot of ways I also feel hurt that EA didn't treat the sims with enough respect considering the omissions, releasing far too early and eliminating so much progress previous titles made. That makes it even worse-it's not the game's fault-it has a lot of very dedicated fans who want to love it-but the way it's been handled is completely unacceptable to me as a customer.

    Quite frankly I'm pretty disgusted with the way the fan base have been treated since too. To act like any disappointment is the 'fault' of the player and the complete inconsistency in the way you treat different fans too. So for us family players it's unacceptable to ask for clarification on if we will ever be catered to in sims 4 and then over on twitter or even ask guru posts on other subjects it's perfectly acceptable to do so. Of course that creates discord and it's sending a message (even if it's unintended) that certain fans are second class citizens in the eyes of EA.
    We didn't choose to have our playstyle ripped out of sims4. That was visited on us by EA. I think we are perfectly entitled to expect better. We paid the same as every other player.
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Wow this thread has grown so much since I was last here. I wish I could like some of these posts more than once ( runs off to make 20 new accounts and goes on a liking spree) .You guys have said it better than I ever could.

    One point I thought I'd mention though. Some of you were saying that it's not likely they'll patch toddlers into the game because the work it would take, they'd want to be able to make money for their work. There are a lot of people who haven't bought ts4 because of the lack of toddlers who might be inclined to do so if they were brought into the game. EA releasing a free toddler patch would make them money, they'd be getting new customers buying the base game. :)

    Wishful thinking I know, it's such a shame threads like this are needed. I know a lot of people who loves ts2 and didn't love ts3 that much but I don't remember ever seeing threads like this when ts3 came out....

    @Rockleyfamily I wish so hard that you are right! To be honest I think they were hoping we would 'forget' about toddlers with these other patches but it's really not gone that way. I think they miscalculated how their hardcore fans know their own minds and don't have to just accept anything they give us.
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    JaciJadeJaciJade Posts: 1,078 Member
    I'm curious to see what tomorrows patch will bring but I'm not expecting anything. I suspect they overhyped this patch much like they did the game before launch.

    I think I'm about ready to throw in the towel myself and go back to playing S3. I'm trying really hard to hang in there but at this point I just want to play again. I'm planning on downloading and backing up all my store content for Sims 3 because I don't trust EA to keep the store open.

    I'll of course be in and out the forum here because I do believe in the cause but EA has pretty much killed all of my hope. In the mean time I may as well enjoy playing S3 and S2.
    Thank you EA and thank you Maxis..we got our babies back, Yay!
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    JaciJade wrote: »
    I'm curious to see what tomorrows patch will bring but I'm not expecting anything. I suspect they overhyped this patch much like they did the game before launch.

    I think I'm about ready to throw in the towel myself and go back to playing S3. I'm trying really hard to hang in there but at this point I just want to play again. I'm planning on downloading and backing up all my store content for Sims 3 because I don't trust EA to keep the store open.

    I'll of course be in and out the forum here because I do believe in the cause but EA has pretty much killed all of my hope. In the mean time I may as well enjoy playing S3 and S2.

    I bought a couple of USB memory sticks and have already done so. At this point my trust in EA is almost zero. I wouldn't put it past them to try to 'force' us to like sims4 by turning off support for 3.

    I'm with you @JaciJade we could not have done more to try to be heard. But it's no good if that's not really appreciated :-(

    On a side note my mum has just been rushed to hospital. Please will you guys join me in hoping she's ok. I'm very worried :-(
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    JaciJadeJaciJade Posts: 1,078 Member
    Oh hugs Sparkfairy I'm so sorry to hear about you Mum. I do hope she is ok so I'm praying for her. I just lost my Mom in May this year so my heart goes out to you.
    Thank you EA and thank you Maxis..we got our babies back, Yay!
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Thank you @JaciJade‌, I'm sorry to hear that and I really appreciate your support *big cuddles*
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    kimjo313kimjo313 Posts: 3,865 Member
    edited December 2014
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
    Abraham Lincoln

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    Wildley CuriousWildley Curious Posts: 5,349 Member
    I hope you Mum is okay - you both have my prayers Sparkfairy1. *Gives you a big huggle*
    “I was so sure that I knew what they needed and what I wanted to sell them that I never stopped long enough to find out what it was they wanted to buy.”
    ― Chris Murray, The Extremely Successful Salesman's Club
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    I hope your mom is ok too sparkfairy. *hugs* That's so sad to hear about your mom JaciJade and I'm sorry for your loss. My mom is just going under the knife again soon for her skin cancer scares. If only EA knew how important families are to us.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    htairchix3htairchix3 Posts: 875 Member
    @sparkfairy1, I hope your mom is doing better, I will pray for her. @JaciJade, Sorry for your loss of your mom. I remember a few years back I lost my mom, and my brother within the same year. Took me awhile to get over that. Hugs to all.
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    htairchix3htairchix3 Posts: 875 Member
    @Scobre, I will say a prayer for your mom too. Hope she gets better real soon.
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    VertKillerVertKiller Posts: 223 Member
    Hoping everything is alright with your mother.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    htairchix3 wrote: »
    @Scobre, I will say a prayer for your mom too. Hope she gets better real soon.
    Aww thank you. Skin cancer sadly is a constant battle and never fully goes away. My mom is the rock of the family, so just the thought of not having her around scares me. I'll pray for everyone's moms too and for JaciJade to find a wonderful mother in law someday.

    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Sending everyone my love. I feel very blessed to have some kind simmers around me :smile: sending my love to your mom too @Scobre *big cuddles*
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Sorry to hear that Sparkfairy and Scobre, I hope everything's going to be alright.
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    ShearsyShearsy Posts: 727 Member
    @sparkfairy1‌ I hope your mum is okay. Sending hugs. You too @Scobre‌ it sounds so scary. Im glad she has the family around her my fingers are crossed it goes well.
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    JaciJadeJaciJade Posts: 1,078 Member
    Thank you to all for your support.
    Thank you EA and thank you Maxis..we got our babies back, Yay!
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    ParyPary Posts: 6,871 Member
    I wish you guys all the best for your Mums, I'll keep you in my thoughts. Jacijade I'm sorry for your loss.
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    Jarsie9Jarsie9 Posts: 12,714 Member
    sparkfairy1, it's been years since my mama passed; I sincerely pray that yours will recover from whatever is going on with her right now. Hugs! Prayers are coming your way.
    EA Marketing Department Motto:
    "We Don't Care If You LIKE The Game, Just As Long As You BUY The Game!"
    I Disapprove (Naturally)
    I Took The Pledge!
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    Katlyn2525Katlyn2525 Posts: 4,201 Member
    edited December 2014
    @ sparkfairy1 I am very sorry about your mom. Sending you both **hugs** and well wishes to your mother. I hope she recovers and feels better soon.
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member
    Thank you everyone :smile: I'm glad I could let you know. No news yet so trying to do busy distraction things!

    So who is popping on tomorrow to watch what's going to go on?
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    Swjosdotschka2Swjosdotschka2 Posts: 110 Member
    Hey there, fellow Family Players!
    I've been rather quite lately - not because I lost interest in the topic but because life was keeping me busy for the last weeks. I'm glad to see that you all moved on and kept this topic alive. But I am dissapointed to see that we are - after a page numbre with three digits, not even worth a "we are listening" anymore. On the other hand: Who wants to hear THAT again anyway? To be honest, this is exactly what we tell our customers when they simply do not get (after explaining them the whys over and over again) why we will never have a particular product. We get bored with those explanations after a while and just say. "Oh, we are listening, but unfortunately we can not do anything." In EAs words this would be "We are listening, but we can not please everyone." Meaning they CAN NOT and DO NOT WANT to please us. After all these "leaks" and all the silence this is clear as a day. We will not get a satifsfying family play ever. And comparing the sales data of Sims 4 with everything from Sims, it is also clear as a day that Sims 4 is the last Sim sequel. And I am pretty sure that it won't have as much expansion packs as the other titles.

    <b>And THIS is exactly the reason why I will NOT give up and will NOT leave the thread and I beg all of you, whoever has the times and nerves, please keep on "shouting". Keep on voicing your opinion. Why? Becasue EA has made its bed and now has to lie in it. Lets not make it easy for them. Lets not give them the excuse that there is "simply no interest in the Sims anymore" on a silver plate. THEY failed, THEY have to stand up for it. I will not let them blame us by just sitting here and being quiet. </b>

    I am a faithful customer. I have every right to voice my opinion and I will do so ever and ever again, until they apologize propperly, or ban me or shut the forum down. I will not be fooled by facebook. Yeah, I know, there you see only happy people and those who complain get jumped on. The interesting part is: Comments on sides EA does not control or those who are not driven by a fansite <b>very</b> close to EA do not have only positive comments....

    Anyway, before I dive in into the toddler discussion again, let me answer some of @Sparkyfairy1 ' s questions.

    When did my Sims journey begin?

    Actually, it began with the very first sequal. With Sims 1. I remeber playing Sims as a girl of 14 years at the flat of my uncle. He did not keep on playing but I was hooked the very first moment. You know what I remeber that I liked the most in the first hour of playing. That you had to tell your Sims to flush the toilet. No, not because I had a potty humor. But because this was just one aspect of the richness of details The Sims had. And those cute little details got even better with every expansion pack. I bought EVERY expansion pack right on release date with my small pocket money of around 20 DM (10 € round about now) a month. EVERY expansion pack except hocus pokus. I felt almost bad to not buy it, just to support EA. It felt unloyal to me not to buy it but I knew from the moment Sims 2 with all its different lifestages were announced and the GREAT and REALISTIC genetic system I would never play Sims 1 again. I was right and I did not skip one expansion pack or stuff pack with the Sims 2, I even do have both christmas packs. (On a side note: I was happy when they gave the ultomate collection away for free on origin. Finally I do not have to work for HOURS to re-install Sims on a new machine :lol: ) Besides all official content I have over 8 GB (compressed) User Content.

    Still, as much as I love(d) the Sims 2, I was looking forward to Sims 3. Finally Sims with different body types. More skin colours. A better CAST!
    Then came the disapointments: No rotational gameplay supported. No realistic genetics. Sims did not recognize each other propperly anymore. The first aspect was a killer argument for me, so it took years before I bought Sims 3 and it's Add Ons. Still, now I have: Base game, World adventure, high end loft stuff, Ambitions, Fast Lane Stuff, Late Night, Outdoor Living, Generations, Town Life, Pets, Showtime, Diesel Stuff, Seasons.

    I was never happy with the Sims 3 and I don't know if I will ever be, though there are enough mods out there now that will support my playstyle.

    So, the announcement of Sims 4 was a relief to me and when I heard that EA now supports rotational game play again, I was all happy and even apologised for not trusting them. Oh gosh, how much I was bettrayed! No babies (objects are no babies), no toddlers, teens not different from adults, no family play. No propper recoouration (and I am not even talking about CAST but about the Sims 2 type), no pools, no terrain tool... A naked, overpriced game that is not even worth the title "Sims 4". It is nothing more than Sims 1.5. "Back to the roots" sounded great but what it meant I think no one of us could ever imagine.

    In a perfect world, what could EA do?

    Apologyse propperly and openly. Here AND in public. Create a propper Sims 5 and give all those who bought Sims 4 a 5% of the sale price. Because we all know now, since a lot of players with technical knowledge explained it to us, there is no hope to change Sims 4 towards a better family play. The base just is not good enough, the core is standing in our way.

    We are not living in a perfect world, so the least I expect from EA is a REAL apology, without those passive-aggressive sentences like "we can not please everyone", "it is just a base game!" and without the unfathomible brazen LIE "we are listening". You are not EA. Last but not least it is proven by the gag order on your Gurus.

    I know you are not listening. But we are. And that is why I myself will not stop SHOUTING at you. Isn't that what you wanted? As I said earlier: You made your bed. Now sleep in it.
This discussion has been closed.
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