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The gift of sharing together each day of the year


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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
    I was writing the above post when you were writing yours and didn't know that you has posted. I hope your Mum's injection goes well tomorrow,
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    Mazzy_elfMazzy_elf Posts: 55 Member
    edited April 2014
    I know, but mum told me if it gets to the point where it's upsetting me I shouldn't answer the phone any more... but I would feel so guilty.
    I mean I could because if there's an emergency she has one of those buttons on her wrist so she should press that if she needs help... but I don't know if she'll know that that's what it does.
    ... I also sometimes get a little worried that she's going to press it because she doesn't know what it does and have all number of people come to 'help' her XD
    Sometimes she doesn't understand how to use the phone so I do get a break sometimes XD
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    LebannaLebanna Posts: 1,157 Member
    edited April 2014
    I can't imagine what it's like to have a family member with alzheimers.
    And good thing your mom went to the doctor when she thought it was alzheimers. Now she know's it's not and gets treatment. :)
    my symptoms are similar to your moms. I am extremely tired, after 1 activity I can hardly stay awake (doesn't matter if it was an activity of a whole day or just 1 hour, result is the same..) I get a fuzzy head, can't concentrate and forget random words.
    My mom also has b12 deficiency and she has different symptoms. though also tired she gets sore muscles and flu like symptoms.

    You mom will probably feel better after the first few shots :) (does she get a start up of 1-2 a week? for a few weeks? Or does her doctor have a different approach?) I had 2 a week for 5 weeks, and after that once every 2 months. ;)
    Writer for Platinum Simmers

    Gallery ID: Annabelli_22
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    kateoverendkateoverend Posts: 7,985 Member
    edited April 2014
    Mazzy_elf I am so sorry to learn of your troubles, I shall say a prayer for you and your Mum *hugs* Your Mum is blessed to have your love and support ❤
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited April 2014
    I think I am doing better and definitely better some of you and your families. I am not sure I should go help feed the high schoolers today. We'll see.

    I still have so many lots yet to judge, so maybe I'll make some good progress today.

    We had some nice rain yesterday, but I think the sun will shine today. Have a happy, happy day!
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    Mazzy_elfMazzy_elf Posts: 55 Member
    edited April 2014
    Lebanna wrote:
    I can't imagine what it's like to have a family member with alzheimers.
    And good thing your mom went to the doctor when she thought it was alzheimers. Now she know's it's not and gets treatment. :)
    my symptoms are similar to your moms. I am extremely tired, after 1 activity I can hardly stay awake (doesn't matter if it was an activity of a whole day or just 1 hour, result is the same..) I get a fuzzy head, can't concentrate and forget random words.
    My mom also has b12 deficiency and she has different symptoms. though also tired she gets sore muscles and flu like symptoms.

    You mom will probably feel better after the first few shots :) (does she get a start up of 1-2 a week? for a few weeks? Or does her doctor have a different approach?) I had 2 a week for 5 weeks, and after that once every 2 months. ;)
    That's pretty much exactly what my mum describes... I'm not sure about the timescale of things but they're giving her 6 shots in quick succession and then I'm not sure about the next lot but after that they want to try her at once every 3 months.
    It seems to be every other day ATM.
    Yeah Alzheimer's is not much fun, especially with how it's portrayed in the media, which is why I really appreciate what Seth Rogen, Samuel L.Jackson and Terry Pratchett have done in recent years, I don't often look up to celebs LOL but those guys are on my list of heros n_n

    kateoverend: Thank you poppet <3
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello Lebanna :) Thinking of you with your tiredness and finding it hard to concentrate. I hope the next injection can help to relieve your symptoms more.
    Hello Kate, :) Ciane :) and Mazzy_elf :) I hope that your judging goes well Ciane. You are very kind to take the time to play all the lots and look through and see the features of each build. It would involve a lot of time and work for you. Enjoy the sunshine weather of your day. :)
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
    I just thought that I would post a poem here that I wrote recently :) . It is an acrostic style poem, where the first letters of the lines of the poem are the title of the poem.


    Talking to fellow simmers from around the world on the forums each day
    Having a look at their creations makes a smile on my face stay
    Each build, each Sim, has a story behind it
    So much time is put into designing, building, furnishing bit by bit.
    It is exciting to open up a forum thread and discover a new build or sim in a post.
    Making simming friends is what we all like the most
    Saying a big thankyou to everyone for the delight they bring to me and my day!

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    LebannaLebanna Posts: 1,157 Member
    edited April 2014
    Great poem Rosemow! Very clever with title as first letters!
    It always makes me smile when I see a comment from you on a build or sim :) I can tell you really looked at their creations and took in every detail!

    And thank you for the well wishes :) I don't normally tell about it (although I don't particularly mind) :mrgreen: I was just too late with my injections haha. I should have listened to my body better
    Writer for Platinum Simmers

    Gallery ID: Annabelli_22
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
    Just saying a hello to everyone :)
    If you are tired or in pain , I send cushions to gently surround you and for you to lay your head on
    If you are happy, I rejoice with you and would release lots of colourful balloons
    If you are sad, I send a heartfelt message to say " I care".
    To everyone, I send beautiful colourful rainbow raindrops that come in the midst of the sunshine and rainy times of life.
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    YellowJaneYellowJane Posts: 6,589 Member
    edited April 2014
    You too Rosemow, I hop you have a great week! :mrgreen:
    Nice - carry on with poetry. Writing is a gift if you enjoy it :)
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello Yellowjane :) I hope you have a nice weekend. Your new modern build that you have uploaded is great! I enjoyed looking at the photos of it on your showcase thread in CC.
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    CatherynBlueCatherynBlue Posts: 1,550 New Member
    edited April 2014
    Oh this thread is lovely! You are a beautiful soul rosemow, and we are all so lucky to have you in our community (absolutely lovely poem, by the way, it definitely put a smile on my face)

    Hmm.. what can I share? Well obviously I've returned to the forums and that's made me really happy because I adore this community.

    Ooh, I know! All my super hard work for school in the last couple of months has paid off. I don't have all my marks back yet, but I'm ranked top of the year level in Drama so far thanks to my straight A for my directing task! :mrgreen: and I got an A- for my Italian speaking exam, after being sick for a several days and missing a week's worth of Italian lessons, I'm top of my business certificate class, and I got a B+ for my English assignment! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    That probably sounded like bragging but I'm just so happy that all my hard work paid off!!
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited April 2014
    I don't thinking it's bragging to be proud of your hard work. Great job!

    Yay, I made progress today in the judging department. I still have a very long way to go, but I have met my goal for the day when I finish judging the lot my Sim is in currently. :D

    I love looking at all the lots and I get great ideas from them as well. I just hate the assigning of points. :(

    Today was gorgeous. I watered the lawn with some rain catch water this morning, and I've been outside a few times with the dogs. But, mostly I've been at my computer looking at the lot in game and forum entry and the pics.

    I love your poems Rose. You are very talented. I still need to write a rispetto for this week. I best do that tonight as tomorrow is the last day.

    I hope everyone's winter weather is now leaving for the season (in the northern hemisphere anyway)

    Have a happy, happy day and a great weekend.
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    JessabeansJessabeans Posts: 3,714 Member
    edited April 2014
    That is a very lovely poem. :)

    I hope everyone has had a great week and is able to fully enjoy this weekend.

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello CatherynBlue, Ciane and Jessa :) Thankyou for your kind words on my poem. :)

    It is great to see you back on the forums CatherynBlue :) Congratulations on achieving the great marks for your studies! It is great news to hear! It is a great result from the hard work that you put in. It is great! :)
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    CatherynBlueCatherynBlue Posts: 1,550 New Member
    edited April 2014
    Thank you rosemow, it's great to be back :D
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    GNRxSas7837GNRxSas7837 Posts: 812 Member
    edited April 2014
    Thats a lovely poem Rosemow. I do enjoy reading your poetry or kind words.

    I dont ever really have much to say in this thread as not alot happens in my life. I suffer from panic attacks so i cant really do much and struggle going out. Like the most exciting part of today was i went on a lovely walk around the park with my other half.

    I can really relate to Mazzy_elf . I have and still am going through it too. Except my nan didnt know who i was on four occasions.

    I hope everyone is well, and had a good weekend.

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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello GNRxSas7837 :) It is lovely of you to post on this thread. Just popping onto the thread and saying hello brightens mine and other simmers day.
    It was nice that you were able to go for a walk today around the park with your other half.

    I hope that everyone is having a nice day :)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited April 2014
    Been busy judging contests. I do see that light at the end of tunnel getting brighter now.

    We got some nice rain this morning. I hope we get some more tonight.

    I hope you all had a great weekend. I got some raking done and hubby mowed the lawn. The weather here is nice, but is suppose to be cold tomorrow.

    I hope you find smiles and happy thoughts.
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    DubkipzDubkipz Posts: 424 Member
    edited April 2014
    Oh man! We're getting rain over here too, or at least tonight we're supposed to be. It's pretty nice, but I'm having to mentally prepare for the horrid Texas heat ahead of us (it get's really out down here.)

    It's wonderful that you and your husband got to do some yard work! I'm not a big fan of doing outside chores (I'm deathly afraid of bees and wasps, and they seem to be everywhere) but boy do I love to garden. Whenever I can successfully get out in the garden without being stalked by my buzzing foes I can really get things done.

    I hope everyone has a good upcoming week. I hope the weather is nice for you all, and I hope you enjoy doing whatever you love. Let's wish for happy thoughts and carefree moments!
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,729 Member
    edited April 2014
    Hello Ciane and Dubkipz :) I hope you are having a nice day.
    I hope that you cope okay with the heat of Summer Dubkipz.It sounds like the temperature gets quite high in Texas in Summer,
    Springtime is a nice weather season.
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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    edited April 2014
    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    LebannaLebanna Posts: 1,157 Member
    edited April 2014
    Glad the weather is getting better Ciane, :) Is spring finally there?

    Dibkipz, must be difficult during the summer then, with wasps and bees. I'm not a big fan of them either, but it's not too bad for me. We will probably have a lot of them this summer, since we didn't have a real winter (hardly froze and now snow), which means, probably ALL the eggs survived. So the harsher and longer the winter, the better ;)

    I won a Sims contest in my country! For the 14th anniversary they asked people to send in a screenshot or collage or something. They would pick images to make a Sims Photo book of it. And 50 people who got in would win the book! I send in an image with a view of my houses and my simself.

    This was my entry

    And I won the book! I got it a while back and it's so cool to see everyone pictures and Sims adventures. I was super excited when I found out I was the very first entry on the first page! How awesome is that!?

    Writer for Platinum Simmers

    Gallery ID: Annabelli_22

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