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"Sims and Friends: Share Your Stories!!


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    MunnieSimsMunnieSims Posts: 235 Member
    Hey everyone! So I have a blog site up and running for my sims stories. Currently it is kinda empty since I haven't decided what to write yet. I will update you guys once I've decided what I want to write. :smile: Look at my sig for the link to my blog site.
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    CitizenErased14CitizenErased14 Posts: 12,187 Member
    Sorry to do a bit of a "drop and run" today. I hope everyone is doing well!

    So pleased to announce that (Para)Normal Neighborhood is officially back! :) Look for another update this weekend!

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    ra3reira3rei Posts: 2,418 Member
    Hope all of you are doing well this day.

    @sweetnightingale what a perfect user name for a singer! I look forward to reading your work, looks like you have a lot going on. I love finding folks like me who can't focus on just one story. And a fellow frozen Midwesterner! Waves hi!

    Since the majority of folks over here are Ts3 folks, i figure you all might be more interested in my update today then the writers lounge folks.

    Biblioteque ISBI 1.3

    It's attack of the toddlers this time, since after my fourth kid, I stopped having my tb 'try for baby'....shame about that risky woohoo mod... :) This is my first time playing an ISBI, and first time playing with NRass....

    I've been experimenting with understanding tumblr by posting updates to my TS3 ISBI. Honestly I'm still kind of terrified of tumblr. It's not really a story but I do a roundup of those posts every week or so on my blog. We're almost done with generation 1. So if you enjoy the "follow the sims around" type stories, it's pretty painless to "read."

    I do usually post one or two out of order by mistake...still trying to figure out tumblr, so reposting them on my blog gives me a chance to correct those mistakes.

    This is the only notice you'll see from me about this, since I'm not a big one for this type of promotion...if I were to write a plot based Ts3 story...ah that would be different.

    Check out Raerei's Fortress for Builds, Short Stories, and maybe some longer stuff.
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @TheNay83 send you a PM about my book. :) Thanks for the interest.

    @dreamerz13 sorry you had so many computer issues. It really shouldn't be so hard to play a game. :('re trying to hide out on tumblr are you??? I just joined a few months back because a lot of CC creators were moving away from blogs :( and going to that instead. I don't do much on there, but if you are inclined to look me up, the name is the same. Well mostly, I added Simmer in front. :)

    @IvoryButterfly hope you were able to get the pose player working. I still don't own S4 so I can't be of any help. I saw you started another story. :)

    @SilentWolf01 (super late reply) yeah, I'm not sure why blogger puts the next post way at the bottom like that. It's odd, but at least it's there. :)

    To all the newbies, welcome. :) hope you enjoy yourself here.

    @thesealofthesims LOL on your sim's book title. I read 50 Shades and I didn't get what all the buzz was about, but I can be odd like that. The hubs and I watched the movie when it came on HBO, we were bored. He ended up checking sports on his phone (movie watching was his idea) and I did more writing on my stories. We were in the same room, so quailty time all the same. :)

    @Julyvee94 how do you do the spoiler thing? I've not see that option before? It's cool.

    @RebornMonster how was The Good Dinosaur? My boys want to see it, but we haven't made it to the movies yet.

    @Silverdaybreak the birthday thing sounds fun. I used to have my simself (S3) up for download, but I think I took her down. Not sure. I have my whole family made though because I was bored one day, I can just separate her out. I don't have the S4 demo thing. I uninstalled it from my computer after I was done playing around with it.

    @sweetnightingale yes. I've known @Silverdaybreak for a few years now. She was getting back into being active on the forums and invited me back to the thread. As I have found out, I can quickly fall behind since this is a happy chatty bunch. :)

    I'm sure I missed some things, but I had like 10 pages of reading to 'catch up'. I'm sure I'll fall behind again since I want to get chapters out for both As Life Goes and Kiss of a Vampire before the fam and I leave for AZ in a few weeks. I got one chapter for As Life Goes written and shots done, but I need to get the next one finished since they go together and I don't want to leave a cliffy-ish ending for weeks. It's started, but I need to buckle down and finish. Same for my Kiss story. Things are getting even more complicated and I keep painting myself into a corner. :(

    Happy Simming everyone. :)

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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @ra3rei - Awww, thanks. :) I actually picked my username from the scene in Disney's Cinderella when she was singing "O Sing Sweet Nightingale." I've often been told I sing like a nightingale and that I'm a sweet person so...there ya go. :) Glad I'm not the only frozen midwesterner around here. I swear, it takes me six months to thaw out and by the time that happens, it's starting to turn cold...again. LOL! *waves Hi Back*

    I do hope you enjoy my stories when you get a chance to read them. I'm kinda crazy like that with having several going at once. My favorite, though, is "Forever in Time" and is the one that gets updates most frequently. Before starting that one, you might want to read through Lenora's Bachelorette Challenge first, as that will give you some very detailed history about her (she and her husband are my founders). My banner that features Aurora is her daughter and is Gen 2.

    I'm not a big fan of Tumblr myself and really have a hard time with it. I've tried Wordpress before with my stuff but had a hard time with it then. Maybe I'll try revisiting it at some point, but Blogger seems to do pretty well for me for what I'm doing.

    Hey, nothing wrong with promoting your challenge. :)

    I think you'll enjoy playing with the NRAAS Mods. I have several in game and there are a couple that I simply cannot do without. LOL!

    @jazen - It's always nice to get back into a thread after an absence. Yep, I'm finding this out myself. This is a chatty group and it's very easy to fall behind.

    Looking forward to seeing your next updates. :)
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    Jerome and Michele have an eventful wedding.

    The whole time during the wedding, I kept wondering where the baby was and was terrified Michele and Jerome would get home and find Social Services there. Can you tell I haven't played S4 for too long?
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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    @sweetnightingale: Cool. I've never really been much on opera. Nothing against you, it's just not my thing. But like you, I'm not into heavy metal or rap, unless it's one of the songs done by Weird Al Yankovic. Jazz and blues aren't my thing either. Myself, I prefer the golden oldies. Listening, mind you, even if I do sing along. I don't mind the winters myself, just because everything dies, the allergens and the bugs. Spring and fall, I'm miserable. Summer has tornado season (it's embarrassing, but I admit storms scare me). So winter is the only time that's okay for me. Indeed. If there were no nuts, where would we be? I should have collected something small like that. I collected LEGO sets, and now I'm out of room. :tongue:

    @RipuAncestor: Well, thanks for being understanding. :) It's not that I mean to be that slow. It just happens.

    @Jes2G: Impressive. Very impressive. :)

    @jazen: For the working people, not sure how happy Monday can be. :tongue: Of course, I'd like the experience. Finding a job these days is like panning for gold in the 1800s.

    @MunnieSims: That's cool. Hope you're able to fill your blog with lots of good stuff. I hope inspiration comes and doesn't let go. :)

    @ra3rei: If it's any consolation, I'm not big on this kind of promotion either or really any kind of promotion. I hate promoting my stuff because it feels like I'm asking for attention instead of letting it come because people are genuinely interested.

    @jazen: I never read the book myself. Never had much desire to, and from what I heard, it's garbage. But the fact that it was adapted from fan fiction really intrigues me. As for your writing woes on being in a corner, it might be wise to have some kind of timeline ready to refer back to, if you don't have one already. :)

    @everyone: Well, the writer's blah seems to be lifting. I actually sat down to write a bit and this time, I found words coming. It was for a Fire Emblem one-shot I've been working on for a better part of the year. My one-shots usually run long because I have to fit an entire story in one chapter. But there's hope. :D

    Also, the talk earlier about music kind of made me wonder: have any of you ever downloaded music because you heard it from a game? I've done that a few times, but I don't mean music specifically for the game, but existing music that gets put into games. First time I ever did that was when I bought The Sound of Winter after hearing it on NHL 12. Others followed, like Safe to Say (MLB 09) and Like This (NBA 2K10). That last one has the distinction of being the only rap song I ever really liked.
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    Also, the talk earlier about music kind of made me wonder: have any of you ever downloaded music because you heard it from a game? I've done that a few times, but I don't mean music specifically for the game, but existing music that gets put into games. First time I ever did that was when I bought The Sound of Winter after hearing it on NHL 12. Others followed, like Safe to Say (MLB 09) and Like This (NBA 2K10). That last one has the distinction of being the only rap song I ever really liked.

    I purchased the GTA: Vice City boxed set because I loved every sing radio station. The box set also includes the commercials and radio station "bumpers". The box set was such a hit, I no longer have it. Everyone who heard it wanted to "borrow" a CD or two until it was borrowed into non-existence.
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    @jazen it's just spoiler in those BBCode brackets like this (without the *)

    [*spoiler]This Is a spoiler[/spoiler]

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    ra3reira3rei Posts: 2,418 Member
    @thesealofthesims that's exactly how I feel. So I tend to put a single promo in every now and again when I think new folks might be interested. Then I leave it to fate.

    @sweetnightingale I found tumblr a mystery and a frustrating one at that. But since i work in the tech industry I figured I should probably figure it out and the best way to do that is use it. If I had a differnt job, i would have continued to avoid it. I've been using Wordpress for about six years now. If you do end up wanting to make the switch, feel free to ask me anything. if not, blogger is cool too. I tried it out and liked it, but at the time, wordpress had a better variety of themes, so it won all those years ago when I moved off livejournal.

    So I didn't see who asked this, but regarding the Downloading of game music...
    I have the sim city soundtrack on my work computer as 'being productive' music. As for 'real' music in games...not so much...since I rarely notice music until I've olayed the game far too much, and the games I play don't normally have existing music that is put into it. Although remakes of game music double yes. I recently discovered Peter Hollens's acapella remakes of skyrim and civ 4 music....:)
    Check out Raerei's Fortress for Builds, Short Stories, and maybe some longer stuff.
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    MunnieSimsMunnieSims Posts: 235 Member
    Hey everyone I am back again. lol So I've made my first post which is just a kind of intro. Check it out here :

    @thesealofthesims Thanks I hope inspiration strikes me too. :)
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @thesealofthesims - No worries. :) I don't do opera as much as I used to. I did it all the time in college, as vocal music was my major but I find that a lot of audiences aren't all that gung-ho on it. I'm pretty versatile as to what I sing as long as it's not jazz, blue, heavy metal, or rap. LOL! Oh yes! The Golden Oldies...nothing in the world like 'em. My favorite is 50's DooWop. :) I'm not much of an outdoorsy person. In fact, if I were a Sim, I'd probably have the Hates the Outdoors trait. LOL! I'm not a fan of bugs. The hubs loves to sit outside and I end up going out too because he likes me to. But when the bugs get too bad, I'm outa there. Yeah, tornado season isn't cool either. We had one come through here this summer and now, part of our town looks like it's been through Armageddon. :( People had to relocate until they could rebuild. Some are still rebuilding. Ah, so you're into the LEGO sets. It's amazing what people can do with them. Pens and journals aren't the only thing I collect. I have a massive DVD and book collection and they've spread so much that I have no room to put in any more. LOL!

    @ra3rei - I don't blame you. Working in the field you're in, you almost have to master such a challenge. Tumblr isn't that user friendly and I finally just shook my head and said, "No way!" I'll probably keep my current stories on Blogger and maybe use Wordpress for new ones I'll make. I don't mind Blogger but yeah, I like the different themes, and Wordpress has a lot of them. Blogger isn't bad and you can easily change colors and stuff, and it's definitely improved over the years. I like it but have always wanted to get proficient at Wordpress since that seems to be the one that most folks go to for their stories. :) Thanks so much for the offer of help and I might just take you up on it if I run into a snag. Hmmm. I wonder if anyone does Livejournal anymore. It used to be pretty popular years ago but I never really got into it much.
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    RipuAncestorRipuAncestor Posts: 2,332 Member
    @thesealofthesims Hey, we all have things to keep us busy. I'm glad your writer's block is lifting. And Fire Emblem is awesome!
    My Sims stories:
    The Fey of Life - fairytales in life are few and far between (Forum thread HERE)
    The Chrysanthemum Tango - a story about life, death, magic, and how to be a good landlady (Forum thread HERE)
    Forget-Me-Not - some things just refuse to stay buried; an Ambrosia Challenge story (Forum thread HERE)
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    SocallucyfanSocallucyfan Posts: 1,170 Member

    @sweetnightingale Thanks for the tip. ;)
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    Whoa! i been busy with preparing for finals and this place has been super busy. Hello sim 4 players i'm glad that you're hanging with us sims 3 playerss. I currently have a legacy going but it's on pause due to no inspiration i suspect studying for finals and stressing has something to do with it. Hopefully it returns quickly after wednesday of this week because i want to complete it.
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @thesealofthesims *hugs* That's awesome! Yeah, if I had more games then I'd join, but I don't, so...
    @jazen It is weird!

    Hope everybody is fine! Just preparing for finals and trying to bring my grades back up in the last two weeks. XD
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @Socallucyfan - You're most welcome. :)

    @SilentWolf101 - Good luck on your finals and with your grades. I sure don't miss being in school, that's for sure. Best of luck and I hope you get the scores you want. :)
    So, here is an update to my story "Forever in Time." I'm definitely scouring the thread for stories to read and it looks like there's a lot to choose from. :)

    "Forever in Time" Chapter 35, Look Who I Brought to Dinner, Da

    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited December 2015
    Ugh, this cold is kicking my butt. >.< And I don't know if it's because I'm sick and miserable and my brain is like dead from fever but writer's block is also kicking my butt, which is stressing me out because I need to get stuff out of the way to do Christmas/New Year's with my Ellison Legacy. Which I know is a few weeks yet, but still. I need *at least* one update between now and then, and I suspect I'll want 2. But we'll see. And I'd like to work on my other legacy too, but I'm even more lost on that one... my game threw something at me in that one and I still don't know whether to use it or not. I keep fighting myself over it. At least my Ellison legacy has direction, I just don't know how to get there yet, my Levine Legacy has no direction until I figure this out. I'm not even there yet anyway, but I like can't do anything until I figure it out anyway because when I think of it I think about what lies ahead. Though I also swear I'm about to put it up to a coin toss XD.

    Anyway if I'm brief and don't get to everybody again, forgive me. I'm pretty out of it so I don't think I'll stick around long, but I'm bored while my game loads XD. This save is pretty slow to load haha (that's my own fault, it's all good... I just distract myself for half an hour or so).

    @dreamerz13 : A message to your computer and internet: Give poor Dreamerz a break so she can enjoy playing her Sims and a hassle-free time online for once!!! Hugs!

    *hugs* My internet is fine now thankfully, it seems the router didn't like it's new home on the new electric fireplace/entertainment centre, but we adjusted it and it's okay now. My game is being nice too, but that may be that I haven't been in my problem save all weekend (it's loading now though, so we'll see).

    Hello, everyone,

    I can't remember if I ever posted on this thread before but I've had it bookmarked for a while now and have been lurking a little. I am Sweetnightingale - my real life name is Sharon. I'm married with two daughters - one still living at home. I have 3 dogs and am from the freezing cold midwest.

    I'm a die hard Sims 3 fan. I have all the Sims games and enjoy Sims 2 but not so much Sims 4. Sims 3 is my normal go-to game for fun playing, my stories, and my LP's on my Youtube Channel.

    Of course, I have other hobbies and interests aside from playing Sims. I'm a semi-professional singer and also sing with a semi-professional choir called the Prairie Singers and have been with them now for 2 years. I play flute and a little piano, and I teach private music lessons. I also enjoy writing fiction - Sims stories and other material. I love reading, writing, scrapbooking, journal keeping, and I'm such a crazy person when it comes to pretty paper and what you can do with it. :) I'm also all aobut the fountain pen and have over 100 pens in my collection plus oodles and oodles of ink to go in them. So yeah...I'm a bit of a nut that way. LOL!

    Soooo...for my Sims related stuff, I write stories and do LP's on my Youtube Channel. I'm not super active on the forums but I am an active member of the Going Solo Group, so I have about 3 GS stories going on at the moment. LOL! They are all very different and I am tackling the gameplay and such differently for each story. If anyone is interested, here are my stories as well as my Youtube channel.

    Hello, welcome. I can relate, and probably then some to the freezing cold, haha, I'm up in Canada. That's cool you play flute and piano too, I almost played flute in band in school but opted for the clarinet, still wouldn't mind learning flute though someday... and piano. The fountain pen collection sounds really cool. I have one, lol, and it's a cheapo I'd kind of love to invest in a nice one but my penmanship is AWFUL so I don't know how much it's worth to me, lol but fountain pens are really cool and can make some purdy writing.

    That is a lot of stories! How do you keep up with all that and a youtube channel? I'm jealous of people who can keep up with so many. I have 2 and am struggling to find the chance to add a 3rd. I'll check out one of yours when I get the chance though, but I have like 800 stories to get to so I can't promise it'll be soon.

    @dreamerz13: Yeah, that was one moment when I wanted to let all the words I know fly. I don't swear, but I know all the words. :tongue: Of course, I found an easy way around the saving problem - use Save As. I've given away a few games myself, mostly because after I played them, I thought they sucked. Yeah, I remember one guy on Wipeout, he wound up getting a wipeout named after him, The Jacob Mann. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it. If you haven't seen it, you can YouTube it, but this guy did a vertical split on the course's signature obstacle - the big balls. Only thing I ever saw my Sims do while idle is clap their hands and laugh, at least that's the only thing I remember. :P

    Ah, yeah I've heard that works. I always just save or save and quit unless I'm saving to one of my rotation saves (like save1,2, and 3 of the same game) but I don't do that every time, because I'm too lazy to type in the one I want, even if it's changing 1 number lol. I don't get save issues generally though, I was when my game was having issues last week but other than that it's not an issue for me *knock on wood* and the cause of that is resolved. I might have to look that up. I don't watch wipeout much (I don't even watch TV much) so I don't recall seeing that. Haha, sims do that one a lot, sometimes it's like it's all they know.

    Sorry to do a bit of a "drop and run" today. I hope everyone is doing well!

    So pleased to announce that (Para)Normal Neighborhood is officially back! :) Look for another update this weekend!


    This looks really cool. I need to put this near the top of my stories to check out. You had me at paranormal, lol.

    jazen wrote: »
    @dreamerz13 sorry you had so many computer issues. It really shouldn't be so hard to play a game. :('re trying to hide out on tumblr are you??? I just joined a few months back because a lot of CC creators were moving away from blogs :( and going to that instead. I don't do much on there, but if you are inclined to look me up, the name is the same. Well mostly, I added Simmer in front. :)

    It shouldn't but after 6 years of TS3 you get used to it. Still frustrating at times though, and we really shouldn't have to get used to it. Though the main problem is resolved and was 3rd party content related. I go through phases over there on tumblr, sometimes I'm super active for a while, then I won't post for ages. though I think steadily becoming more active XD. I usually lurk daily though because yeah most CC creators are going over there and I'm addicted to CC. I'll try to remember to look you up next time I'm on which I need to head over there soon anyway. I'm brittssimblr over there (I was soooooo creative XD ), so if they pop up that's me.

    Pinkslinky wrote: »
    Jerome and Michele have an eventful wedding.

    The whole time during the wedding, I kept wondering where the baby was and was terrified Michele and Jerome would get home and find Social Services there. Can you tell I haven't played S4 for too long?

    for some reason I thought it was going to be Derick serving the drinks. Well, he didn't disappoint and showed up anyway, what a creep. Congrats to the newly weds though.

    Hope everybody is fine! Just preparing for finals and trying to bring my grades back up in the last two weeks. XD

    Ouch, finals are no fun. Good luck though, I hope getting your grades back up goes well.

    Okay my game is to sim a bit. Have a lovely evening or whatever it is where you are, everyone.
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    IvoryButterflyIvoryButterfly Posts: 1,199 Member
    @Jazen hello, and yes I've finally gotten rid of my own 'Writers blah' myself, and I'm glad to hear that yours is lifting too.

    @SilentWolf101 hope you like my writing :D

    @everyone have a great week, I'm off to get working on my second chapter, it's not going to be very long, but the 3rd chapter I think will make up for it :D
    The Universe & I have agreed to disagree with each other!
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    Lckygrl1975Lckygrl1975 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Hi Guys

    Happy tuesday :)


    This is the chapter I have been dreading. I decided to not do explict pictures and let the writing say it more instead but I hope you enjoy.

    Painswater Point
    7.35 Fear and Sadness

    @IvoryButterfly, Hi and how are you? New story is great

    @jazen, I thought you didn't come here lol Nice to see you here too :)

    @everyone else this thread is so busy wow but waves and says hi to all and hope you are doing great :)
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    How is Get Together? Please, let me live vicariously through you all.

    Michele and Jerome keep on keeping on! Their baby aged up-- of course while they were woohooing, somebody's gotta be watching them!

    Good thing he looks so much like his dad. There could have been consequences and repercussions if he didn't.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    People talk! What are they saying?

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    @Pinkslinky: I've got a friend who's like that. I'd lend him a DVD or a season of one of my TV shows, and it seemed like he'd never return it. Well, he eventually did, but still, I learned not to lend to him too often. Sorry to hear that you lost what sounds like a good set (even though I don't play GTA).

    @ra3rei: I guess neither of us like to blow our own horns. Well, for a while, I never really paid much attention to the music. I certainly wasn't looking for stuff to download, at least until after I got my iPod and the YouTube downloader. Then I got songs from Sonic the Hedgehog, and on of my favorites, the ending theme for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I never paid much mind to the Sim City sounds, mainly because I was always mad at how my cities always fell apart.

    @MunnieSims: I'll be sure to save it to my favorites, so I always have it.

    @sweetnightingale: Nice. I'm more a 60s guy myself, and I'm especially fond of Garry Puckett & The Union Gap. I actually met him twice. Yeah, I'm not a big outdoors person either. We've had some close calls with tornadoes here, but I'm sorry to hear that, about your town. :( Yep, I used to play with my sets, but now I collect them. I even had the bragging rights to the biggest set ever made at one time...then they made a bigger one. :tongue: Sounds like my game collection too.

    @RipuAncestor: Yeah, life has a way of doing that. Indeed on both counts. Which game is your favorite? Me, I'm a bit partial to the Tellius series (Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn if you haven't played them) but Awakening was pretty good too. I'm looking forward to Fates and hoping that maybe Nintendo will put Binding Blade on the Virtual Console. Hey, I can dream can't I?

    @winterbaby20: Ah, the dreaded finals. The playoff of the academic world. Been there a lot, so that's really understandable. I remember after studying or even taking them, I didn't want to use my brain, only rot it. :tongue:

    @SilentWolf101: Well, I wish you could. We could use some fresh blood, and someone to take me down. It's not over yet, but I'm thinking I'm going to win. Plus, you'd probably have to join Guide2Games, as the contest was started and stayed on there, so I always assumed it was for members of that site only. Still, if you were able to, we would have enjoyed some new faces. :) But I understand the situation. Good luck with your finals. :)

    @sweetnightingale: Yeah, there's a lot of good ones. I'd say mine, but that would be a bit self-serving. @RebornMonster does a good job too, as does @Colorist40. Haven't had much chance to read any of the others yet, or I'd give some more recommendations.

    @dreamerz13: Bummer on all counts. :( Sorry to hear you're so miserable. It's definitely no fun being sick. It's no fun having writer's block either. That's what I was doing a lot, Save and Quit, and then the issue started. Only thing I didn't like was having all these files, but I deleted a lot of the old ones. Hey, those things take up space. I hope you never get those issues, and I hope yours stay issue free. It's not on much, and the last couple of years, they really went downhill. Their obstacles seemed more like cheap shots. But yeah, the Jacob Mann is something to see. As one of the YouTube commentators put it, it'll be a story to tell his kids...if he adopts. :tongue: I don't watch a lot of TV either, except for some old stuff, although I never miss an episode of Gordon Ramey's shows (MasterChef, H***'s Kitchen, Hotel H***). Well, can't give Sims points for being too smart. :P

    Not a lot of time right now, so I'll have to end it there.

    @everyone: *waves* Hope everyone is doing well. I'm a bit excited for tonight. The Capitals play the Red Wings again, and I hope they can kick some red butt tonight. Of course, what I really want to see is them beat the heck out of the Rangers and the Penguins. The Penguins may be their league rival, but I have a bit of a sports grudge against the Rangers.
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    Related to game music, I did download the soundtrack from Assassin's creed II because it was amazing :) My favourite song is called "Ezio's family", it doesn't have any real lyrics, it's just beautiful by itself :)

    @Lckygrl1975 That chapter image screenshot is amazing! I really like shots were sims are seen in the mirror :) I have a great one of Don Lothario (It's sims 4 though, hope no one minds)


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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @dreamerz13 - Hi and thanks so much for the welcome. :) I guess I shouldn't complain about the freezing cold. Parts of Canada get much colder than here, so I guess all things considered, we're fortunate. That's so funny! I actually was originally going to take up the clarinet but changed my mind in the end and decided on the flute. I did buy a clarinet a few years back and started teaching myself. I kinda got away from it because I got active with other things, but maybe I'll pick it back up.

    I'd be curious as to what kind of fountain pen you have. I have a good mix of both modern and vintage - some very cheap and others actually quite pricey. My handwriting isn't so good either but it doesn't deter me from using my pens. Actually, it makes me stop and think more and forces me to slow down, so the handwriting is neater when I use a fountain pen.

    No worries on the stories. There's so much to read and only so many hours in a day.

    @thesealofthesims - Thanks for the recommendations. It's a little overwhelming scrolling through here to hunt for something to read. I'll add these to my list and see what happens. :)

    @Pinkslinky - I haven't had a chance to play with Get Together yet. I've had some other stuff to deal with this morning, plus our choir has a concert this evening, so not much time to play around with it. I'm not a big TS4 fan but am looking forward to loading it up and seeing what's there.
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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