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    Lckygrl1975Lckygrl1975 Posts: 1,582 Member
    @Julyvee94, Mirror shots are really good if they are done right. The one with Don, I think is typical of his character lol
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    @dreamerz13 :hushed: Sorry, I tried to figure out how to fix that image so you could see it, but I am just not that tech savvy.

    Awe. Sorry to hear that you're feeling crappy too. It definitely is the season. :confounded: I hope you feel better soon, and I can totally sympathize with the writers block/brevity. Whenever I'm sick I just don't have the energy to stay focused.

    @SilverDaybreak Thank you for leaving the comment and taking the time to read my legacy. I really appreciate it. Sorry it took me a while to get around to commenting back. I never know what to say :sweat_smile:

    @thesealofthesims lol, you too! I'm sorry, I don't really know how to get the picture to work, but it apparently wasn't showing up for a few people. :sweat:

    I have to admit - I've been pretty fortunate with allergies since we moved. Usually I spend half the year with congestion of some sort (mold in the spring, pollen in the summer and early fall) but we moved to Arizona at the beginning of last year, and as you can imagine there's not much mold in the desert. :yum: I have been getting sick a lot more this year though and this was definitely another head cold. :confounded:

    That gaming competition seems really cool. I know I'm a serial non-completionist. :sweat_smile: Good luck with the leader boards :grin:

    @Jazen "The Good Dinosaur" was alright. Definitely a movie worth watching, but I tend to be very judgmental of Pixar (because they're really one of the best animated movie companies out there right now), and honestly it just wasn't the masterpiece I'm used to seeing from them. Definitely worth red-boxing or renting from Amizon, and while I won't be rushing out to buy it right away (like I did Brave and Inside Out) it will be a welcome addition to my collection. The only real complaints were that the characters didn't seem very well fleshed out, and the ending felt slapped on. But, on the flip side, the characters were original and fun and it was surprisingly un-musical (which was kinda refreshing actually).

    @mastressalita *waves* Why hello beautiful. I don't know what to do with my life after reading your "purple day" entry. I know it was in memory of Earl, but in a way it was also kinda in memory of Rose - and how her life is slipping away from her with the dementia... It was so poignant and sad... And, I can imagine getting all those screenshots "through the years" would have been a ton of work! I just can't stop thinking about it. :cry: It was so unexpected coming out of such a light-heart-ed cat-based story... *gush*

    Anywhoodle - I totally agree with what you were saying about being careful not to fixate on the views and comments too much. It can be tough not too (since those things are so fun and pretty unique to this community in my experience) but as you said you really need to be doing it for yourself. I've been burned as a reader so many times by authors that stop mid FANTASTIC story because only one or two people were commenting on it, and it kinda hurts your soul to have to just abandon those characters. I think that's also why a lot of people don't check out "new" stories so often - they don't want to get invested without reassurance that there might be an end (so to speak).

    But, from the other perspective too, it is super frustrating when you're surrounded by such amazing talent here, it feels sometimes like it's impossible to compete with what other people are doing. So - I'd like to add that as an author it's so important to write what you enjoy and let that little spark of what makes your stories different just be enough. If you're constantly pushing yourself to do more, and have more, you're eventually going to burn yourself out and it's going to become a giant job you resent. If you find you enjoy pushing yourself, doing poses and cc and polished edited pictures, and you get a rush of completion, then that's fine. But, I found I needed to back up a little on that stuff, so I could just focus on what I enjoy of my own writing. This is a hobby and it really needs to be that first, as much as the jealousy sometimes sucks. lol :blush:

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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    edited December 2015
    Fine FORUMS! I'll just post this too right now since you wanna double post!!! dangitbrokenthing!

    New chapter!
    It was incredible to think that he was almost done with high school. Prom was just around the corner, and it got him thinking about how much had happened in the last few years – and how much had changed. The thing that really stuck out in his memory was how old and mature all the seniors had seemed to him back then. Even though so much about his life and himself had changed, he didn’t really feel like he looked any different. He was still just as scrawny and awkward as he’d ever been.

    I'm getting there....
    lol :sweat_smile:
    Post edited by RebornMonster on
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    RipuAncestorRipuAncestor Posts: 2,332 Member
    @thesealofthesims Gameplay-wise my fav is Radiant Dawn, but story- and character-wise Path of Radiance all the way! I like Awakening a lot too.
    My Sims stories:
    The Fey of Life - fairytales in life are few and far between (Forum thread HERE)
    The Chrysanthemum Tango - a story about life, death, magic, and how to be a good landlady (Forum thread HERE)
    Forget-Me-Not - some things just refuse to stay buried; an Ambrosia Challenge story (Forum thread HERE)
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    @sweetnightingale Oh, if you're looking for an easy reference to find stuff to read - then I'd suggest @mastressalita 's story index!!!

    She does a really good job keeping it updated - and since the authors have to "ok" their entry, most of them are active too <3

    I've found a couple good ones there, and it's just a nice tool to have. Plus - I have to give her props because of all the work that goes into something like that!!

    Link :
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @RebornMonster - Thanks so much for the tip. :) Yep, I'm aware of the thread you mentioned, and my stories are actually in teh database. I jsut wasn't sure it was affiliated in any way with this thread although I did see some of the same folks from here have stories over there. It's a great database and I can't even begin to imagine the anount of work that @mastressalita does to update everything. I also give her props and koodos for all that work.
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm still not doing a good job on sticking around but then again I kinda been busy with writing and doctor visits. I really only show up on Tuesdays cause it's the day that I update my thread. New chapters come out on almost every Tuesday. I'm happy to say that the first season of my main story is completed. It always feels good to finish something. Well I hope everyone is having a good week. :)
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    @TheNay83 Congrats on the completion of the first season!!

    I definitely understand about not coming around much. I feel like I go weeks without saying anything too. :wink:
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    @RebornMonster , Thanks! I use to be on a lot but a lot of good people left and coming on started to feel like a chore. Time change I guess. It's also good to see other are still playing 3 as well. I have a strong dislike towards 4, my friends know too well how I loathe it lol But I stick around more, I may actually find something to read. I'm always writing but barely have any stories to read. Most of my favs are MIA and some are writing for 4. I'm on Tumblr a lot and there are people who write on there but Tumblr's format for stories is not ideal and I just miss about 70% of their story anyway. I just admire the pretty pictures haha.
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    @TheNay83 God, I know that feeling. There's not really anyone on here anymore that was here when I began (though I suppose that's to be expected since that was like two years ago) and sometimes it makes me so sad missing everybody that I just loose the energy to even try. I mean, I wasn't that active back then, but there were like a dozen users that really fostered my love for this community and with them gone I feel like a part of my heart is missing. :heartbreak: I follow those that are still active on Tumblr, but it's near to impossible to have a conversation on there and I miss half of what get's posted and then can't find it when I try to find the other half of everything! :confounded:

    I'm glad I'm not the only person that feels that way though - and now that I have one I don't know if I could give up having a tumblr.... the pictures ARE so pretty!! :love:

    I have a love-hate relationship with the sims4. I adore the new building tools they have, and I like a lot of the changes they made because I feel like it'll make the game more stable in the long run - but on the other hand I just don't like the look of it, and it's so limited since it's brand new. I tell myself I'll just download a lot of CC and it'll be fine, but in the mean-time I can't imagine writing a story with it myself. I don't mind when other people use it, or even watching streamers and the like, but I usually just poke the game for twenty minutes or so then start loading 3. lol :mrgreen:
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @sweetnightingale, @dreamerz13, @thesealofthesims *hugs* Thank you all so much. :) My finals are next week.
    @RebornMonster Heyo! Nice save with the double post! I hate those... :P
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    @sweetnightingale I'm glad you've heard of it. :lol: I don't think it's technically affiliated, though this is one of the places she'll automatically pull updates from for works that are listed (if they plug them here) :grin:
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    @SilentWolf101 lol. thanks :kissing_smiling_eyes:

    I'm pretty used to them. I draft in a separate tab before I post, and if I forget and just hit "post" from the separate tab (instead of copying it over to the regular forum page) it almost always does that. :cold_sweat:

    Good luck on the finals!! You can do it :mrgreen: !

    Oh - and I've been loitering occasionally at your "share your house" thread. I know you invited me to post my builds over there, and I plan on it once I've got the pages done for them on my building blog, but until then I've just been oohing and awwing for now. :smile:
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited December 2015
    A good Tuesday evening to you and it looks like things have been busy here in the last two days. Now to catch up with some of your posts.

    @sweetnightingale: Nice to meet you and thanks for joining the thread and hope that you've enjoyed your stay so far. I've just returned after a long hiatus from the thread. Read and enjoyed Lenora's first chapter and hope to read more as time goes on.

    @RipuAncestor: Enjoyed the second chapter of your story. Hope you're having a good day.

    @Jes2G: Hope you're having a great day and am enjoying Noemi's first part in your video Random challenge.

    @Jazen: Hope you're having a wonderful week, too but I'll say Happy Tuesday. If you can separate your Sims 3 Simself out that would be great. I could probably recreate her for Sims 2 and 4 for social gatherings there.

    @MunnieSims: You're new blog looks great!

    @CitizenErased14: Don't worry about dropping and running since there are only 24 hours in a day when sometimes it seems we need a lot more than that. I've been lurking since Sunday. Enjoyed the 9th chapter of Lucas's story and will be interesting to see how things develop from here.

    @Ra3Rei: Enjoyed Austin's first chapter in Generation 2 of your legacy family. Nice addition to the family estate, too.

    @Pinkslinky: You have quite the 'plum' story going on there. Leave it to Sims to show up at the most inappropriate moments.

    @Socallucyfan: Waves 'hello'!

    @winterbaby20: Finally got around to checking out your Wisteria legacy and enjoyed the intro to the first generation.

    @SilentWolf101: Wishing you all the best as you prepare for your finals.

    @Dreamerz13: Glad that your computer seems to have gotten over it protesting mood and is working better for you. Hope that you're having a great day! Hugs!

    @IvoryButterfly: Hope you're having a good day my dear friend and look forward to our next chat on FB.

    Lckygrl1975: Just checked out the start of your story and it looks interesting but a little too much fighting and strong language for my taste. I think you were with the thread before I left and it's nice to see you again.

    @thesealofthesims: Waves in passing and hopes that you had a great day.

    @RebornMonster: No worries, it's usually awhile before I get back to reading a blog. Just read the second chapter and left a comment.

    @msbeckycat: Nice to meet you and will also extend a welcome since I've just returned as hostess of this thread. Enjoyed the pictures of your Love family on your blog. Would love to get to know you a bit better on your next visit.

    @TheNay83: Hope you've had a good week, Nay and nice to see you pop in again.

    A good Tuesday evening to you and it looks like things have been busy here in the last two days. Now to catch up with some of your posts.

    @sweetnightingale: Nice to meet you and thanks for joining the thread and hope that you've enjoyed your stay so far. I've just returned after a long hiatus from the thread. Read and enjoyed Lenora's first chapter and hope to read more as time goes on.

    @RipuAncestor: Enjoyed the second chapter of your story. Hope you're having a good day.

    @Jes2G: Hope you're having a great day and am enjoying Noemi's first part in your video Random challenge.

    @Jazen: Hope you're having a wonderful week, too but I'll say Happy Tuesday. If you can separate your Sims 3 Simself out that would be great. I could probably recreate her for Sims 2 and 4 for social gatherings there.

    @MunnieSims: You're new blog looks great!

    @CitizenErased14: Don't worry about dropping and running since there are only 24 hours in a day when sometimes it seems we need a lot more than that. I've been lurking since Sunday. Enjoyed the 9th chapter of Lucas's story and will be interesting to see how things develop from here.
    @Ra3Rei: Enjoyed Austin's first chapter in Generation 2 of your legacy family. Nice addition to the family estate, too.
    @Pinkslinky: You have quite the 'plum' story going on there. Leave it to Sims to show up at the most inappropriate moments.

    @Socallucyfan: Waves 'hello'!

    @winterbaby20: Finally got around to checking out your Wisteria legacy and enjoyed the intro to the first generation.

    @SilentWolf101: Wishing you all the best as you prepare for your finals.

    @Dreamerz13: Glad that your computer seems to have gotten over it protesting mood and is working better for you. Hope that you're having a great day! Hugs!

    @IvoryButterfly: Hope you're having a good day my dear friend and look forward to our next chat on FB.

    Lckygrl1975: Just checked out the start of your story and it looks interesting but a little too much fighting and strong language for my taste. I think you were with the thread before I left and it's nice to see you again.

    @thesealofthesims: Waves in passing and hopes that you had a great day.

    @RebornMonster: No worries, it's usually awhile before I get back to reading a blog. Just read the second chapter and left a comment.

    @msbeckycat: Nice to meet you and will also extend a welcome since I've just returned as hostess of this thread. Enjoyed the pictures of your Love family on your blog. Would love to get to know you a bit better on your next visit.

    @TheNay83: Hope you've had a good week, Nay and nice to see you pop in again.

    Now I have a special treat for you that Lorraine Tedford included in her update. It includes a special surprise for @pixelqueen, @simlady36, @julyvee94, @AuroraLockwood, and @MedleyMisty

    @CathyTea & @Simslover163: You did make appearances in the update as well as to the off-the-record party at the end.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    I’m glad, @SilverDaybreak! My day was ok, but this week seems to be going by very slowly…especially upon realizing Christmas is like two weeks away! I feel rushed now.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    @Jes2G : Maybe a visit to Lorraine's special off-the-books party will get you jump-started.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    he he, I don’t want to be jumpstarted lol. I want it to sloooow doooooown.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    he he, I don’t want to be jumpstarted lol. I want it to sloooow doooooown.

    OK, then unwind with some music and a piece of cake.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    he he, I don’t want to be jumpstarted lol. I want it to sloooow doooooown.

    OK, then unwind with some music and a piece of cake.

    How about pie? I have pie. :D

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Jes2G wrote: »
    he he, I don’t want to be jumpstarted lol. I want it to sloooow doooooown.

    OK, then unwind with some music and a piece of cake.

    How about pie? I have pie. :D

    Maybe at the next party. Cakes are better to put candles in.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Jes2G wrote: »
    he he, I don’t want to be jumpstarted lol. I want it to sloooow doooooown.

    OK, then unwind with some music and a piece of cake.

    How about pie? I have pie. :D

    Maybe at the next party. Cakes are better to put candles in.

    Nah, I don’t need candles.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Oh, where do I find the party anyway, @SilverDaybreak?

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    @jes2G, It's part of Lorraine's latest update on my blog. The link is at the bottom of my big post above. Shhhh, 'It's a surprise for some birthday Simmers'.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    @jes2G, It's part of Lorraine's latest update on my blog. The link is at the bottom of my big post above. Shhhh, 'It's a surprise for some birthday Simmers'.

    I clicked it. It took me some place weird. Wait…that didn’t sound right. Anyway, the link is broken lol.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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