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I'm going to be angry with EA if they blow off magic theme EP for weather


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    TheMomminatorTheMomminator Posts: 4,215 Member
    edited May 2012
    Does anyone in the last 12 pages of posts point out that EA has never announced the next EP? Until they announce it, they can't possibly blow it off.

    Oh and did anyone mention the famous warning "don't believe everything you read on the internet"? That one would seem to apply here too. Just because someone thinks they saw something in code doesn't an EP annoucement make.

    It could be magic. It could be weather. It could be something totally random that no one is expecting.
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    To7mTo7m Posts: 5,467 Member
    edited May 2012
    Does anyone in the last 12 pages of posts point out that EA has never announced the next EP? Until they announce it, they can't possibly blow it off.

    I asked that same question.... TWICE!

    Read the comments again!
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    SIMplifiedSIMplified Posts: 4,536 Member
    edited May 2012
    Oh and did anyone mention the famous warning "don't believe everything you read on the internet"? That one would seem to apply here too. Just because someone thinks they saw something in code doesn't an EP annoucement make.
    THIS. Survey says nothing. NOTHING. Especially when people realized that the polls "lie" and EA uses them to make us feel special. Remember seeing at least 4 threads on that?
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    SusiechanSusiechan Posts: 3,034 Member
    edited May 2012
    Personally, I will laugh when it is neither Magic nor Seasons.

    As I said earlier, when EA announces Magic as the next EP, there will be many angry protests/rants from season lovers. If EA announces Seasons as the next EP, there will be many angry protests/rants from Magic lovers.

    BUT, if EA announces neither both of them as the next EP then I am going to take my shelter because this forum will be FLOODED with rants/insults/any kind of protest from both season and magic lovers. :twisted:

    many of us like both season and magic, it just the priority that might be different. So if EA announces any of this two as the next EP, the other side (magic or season) will be upset and angry, yes, but they might come to term in the end and wait for their turn as long as the next EP after is the other one. It's like "well, we still gonna get it, just need to wait a bit longer, and by the way while I am waiting I can play magic/season first" It might not the case for everyone but it will for some of us will.

    Now, if EA announces the next EP not related to season/magic theme, hmmmmm there will be bloodshed :twisted: because the two party will join forces :mrgreen:
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    BariSaxyBariSaxy Posts: 4,699 Member
    edited May 2012
    Does anyone in the last 12 pages of posts point out that EA has never announced the next EP? Until they announce it, they can't possibly blow it off.

    Oh and did anyone mention the famous warning "don't believe everything you read on the internet"? That one would seem to apply here too. Just because someone thinks they saw something in code doesn't an EP annoucement make.

    It could be magic. It could be weather. It could be something totally random that no one is expecting.

    Nobody just thought they saw something in the code. They found a load of coding, all going toward a specific supernatural theme. Beyond that people found objects and even got sliders, all of which pictures were taken of so it's not like somebody just thought they saw it.

    All of that leaked with "EP7" is VERY significant. You can say that it's not 100% certain that the next EP is Supernatural. There's no denying that it isn't at 100%, however, you are greatly exaggerating the uncertainty. There is very little uncertainty. If there was as much uncertainty as you're making there out to be, I would be all over it because I definitely don't want a Supernatural EP.

    Of course, you can't believe everything you see on the internet, but every single Expansion Pack has been leaked. Usually through titles, but we can't forget the Generations and Pets leak. Of which, even though it was blatantly obvious nobody could have made that up, there were still members like you going around saying that it's not to be trusted.

    Coding in an official EA patch labeled under "EP7", as well as leaked objects and sliders are even more significant than a leaked trailer. Because we know this absolutely came from an official source.

    For those of us who have paid attention to all of the EP leaks and know how to discern real from fake (it's very easy to do), Supernatural is the next EP. If it isn't EA changed their mind, only after they leaked all of this stuff and got all of the Magic fans, who thought they were getting left out with just a few Store objects, excited.

    It was leaked through an unquestionably official EA source. So yes, if they don't go with Supernatural for EP7, they will have blown Magic fans off. EA leaked it themselves (whether it was intentionally or not is irrelevant), so they are accountable.
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    Rianna90Rianna90 Posts: 103 New Member
    edited May 2012
    While the leaked code does indicate some sort of addition of supernatural creatures and magic to EP7, we don't know everything. Plus, that patch was a mistake. There is always the possibility that it was code that had been worked in a while ago and then discarded or saved for later for some reason. Also, some of the surveys that were released indicate worlds with magical wizards and fairies among other things, while in the code, there was mention of a magic cauldron, which has already been released in the store. So it could be that the code was from an abandoned EP and they are planning to release the other stuff in the store or in another EP, just like the released the Mechanical Bull (found in leaked Pet code) with Showtime rather than Pets.

    Honestly, none of us know. My guess is we will eventually get most if not all of the Magic stuff, whether in an EP or in the store, and we will most likely get weather of some sort. The rest, who knows. Honestly, I am one of those who doesn't care as long as the EP is decent and not full of glitches. I prefer Seasons and will decide whether to get Magic based on what else is in it. Getting upset because one thing is released before another is really a waste of my time.
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    AnavastiaAnavastia Posts: 6,515 Member
    edited May 2012
    Does anyone in the last 12 pages of posts point out that EA has never announced the next EP? Until they announce it, they can't possibly blow it off.

    Oh and did anyone mention the famous warning "don't believe everything you read on the internet"? That one would seem to apply here too. Just because someone thinks they saw something in code doesn't an EP annoucement make.

    It could be magic. It could be weather. It could be something totally random that no one is expecting.

    I said this 2 times already. Very much agree people are getting upset over nothing more than a rumore. Ea hasn't announced anything yet.
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    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited May 2012
    Anavastia wrote:
    Does anyone in the last 12 pages of posts point out that EA has never announced the next EP? Until they announce it, they can't possibly blow it off.

    Oh and did anyone mention the famous warning "don't believe everything you read on the internet"? That one would seem to apply here too. Just because someone thinks they saw something in code doesn't an EP annoucement make.

    It could be magic. It could be weather. It could be something totally random that no one is expecting.

    I said this 2 times already. Very much agree people are getting upset over nothing more than a rumore. Ea hasn't announced anything yet.

    i just think its fun to guess and discuss things
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    didiruvalcabadidiruvalcaba Posts: 294
    edited May 2012
    Well the way the rumors are going magic is next weather/season is still in marketing... and magic is been made so who knows! maybe its not magic or weather!

    how ever it goes I will see the game play and such and then maybe get it...
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    Rianna90Rianna90 Posts: 103 New Member
    edited May 2012
    Actually, there are lots of weather things already in the game code as well..and they have been there since the base game. So not sure we know what is coming first. ;)
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    didiruvalcabadidiruvalcaba Posts: 294
    edited May 2012
    Rianna90 wrote:
    Actually, there are lots of weather things already in the game code as well..and they have been there since the base game. So not sure we know what is coming first. ;)

    Well saying that means that they are having a hard time making it with less bugs as possible is it has been there since base game.... so it means it has to be freakin awesome! and with lots to do and add to the game, I bet its going to be hard on some computers but working had to get a luxury is worth it!
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    ShinobuTypeErrorShinobuTypeError Posts: 2,838 Member
    edited May 2012
    100% agree with barisaxy's last reply. Even though I know she wants Seasons, she still understands where the Magic fans are coming from on this.

    As a Magic fan, I did believe that we weren't going to get an EP and that the store content was going to be it for us. After that code was leaked, it actually gave us hope that, hey, maybe we really are going to see a Magic themed EP, after all.

    We were allowed to get our hopes up, even if we should have known better, and then out of nowhere things start leaning toward a Seasons EP instead. That's just disappointing. Now, if they had leaked or announced a Seasons pack and there had never been any leaked magic stuff, I wouldn't have cared either way. I do want the Seasons people to get their EP, I'll probably buy it too. It's just kinda cruel to the magic fans if they did decide to scrap that stuff in favor of other themes.

    At the very least, they had better release all that leaked stuff.. whether it's in a magic Ep, or just additions to others.. but I would personally prefer an exclusive EP.

    "It's like there's a pink elephant in the room and no one's allowed to talk about it."
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    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited May 2012
    you magic lovers need to chill just b.c they relased seasons SURVEYS doesnt mean its the next ep those surverys are usually for thing rhey are either just starting to work on or on things they may be considering. i'm more than confident seasons will make its return but if anyone knows anything about the suverys you would know that just b.c people like it doesnt mean it will make the cut for example the showtime survey where they asked about social features and it didnt get voted very and low and below we have the crap we didnt ask for. EA uses the surveys as more of guidline but in the end they will do what seems fit and if release a magic ep so be it if they release seasons so be it. just gotta be patient as i have said in the past nothing is set in stone kp stuff pack isnt even out yet so theres no way they'll be talking about the next ep anytime soon
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    EcoMagic1EcoMagic1 Posts: 55 New Member
    edited May 2012
    I for one thought they should of had zombies in generations and werewolves in pets. But, it's no biggie, I just want Werewolves and Zombies in my game. :-)
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    BariSaxyBariSaxy Posts: 4,699 Member
    edited May 2012
    EcoMagic1 wrote:
    I for one thought they should of had zombies in generations and werewolves in pets.

    Nah. I'm glad they did things the way they did. Imaginary Friends and Unicorns were something different from the standard overdone creatures that we usually get. I'm SOOO happy they put Unicorns in Pets instead of werewolves. Unicorns are a creature I actually like. Because unlike so many of the others, it's not some creepy undead creature.

    I was happy that, just for once, EA gave me a creature I like.
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    Vasculio294Vasculio294 Posts: 738 Member
    edited May 2012
    Shame on you Katy Perry ;P see what did to my thread! *rofl*

    your thread was not great (dont want to get banned) anyways i certainly wasnt impressed with your attitude at all

    Cry me a river! Did i ONCE back lash any of you on your comments. NOOO...
    If you don't like my topic. Don't post in it! Plain and simple ;)

    nahh just adding my two cents i'm sure you saw my statment and if not then your the only op i know who doesnt read what people say seems like your the one crying a river since you cant get your way :mrgreen:

    Take your two cents else where! This is me not being rude ;)
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    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited May 2012
    Shame on you Katy Perry ;P see what did to my thread! *rofl*

    your thread was not great (dont want to get banned) anyways i certainly wasnt impressed with your attitude at all

    Cry me a river! Did i ONCE back lash any of you on your comments. NOOO...
    If you don't like my topic. Don't post in it! Plain and simple ;)

    nahh just adding my two cents i'm sure you saw my statment and if not then your the only op i know who doesnt read what people say seems like your the one crying a river since you cant get your way :mrgreen:

    Take your two cents else where! This is me not being rude ;)

    i'm a member of this site which means i've paid for with my own money atleast the base game of the sims 3 which means i have every right to be on here and post whatever i want whenever i want whever i want to. your stanky attitude isnt wanted but you dont see me letting it ruin my day thats not me being rude :wink:

    have a good day
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    BariSaxyBariSaxy Posts: 4,699 Member
    edited May 2012
    i'm a member of this site which means i've paid for with my own money atleast the base game of the sims 3

    I'm not doubting that you have, but I registered to this forum before I even got The Sims 3.
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    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited May 2012
    barisaxy wrote:
    i'm a member of this site which means i've paid for with my own money atleast the base game of the sims 3

    I'm not doubting that you have, but I registered to this forum before I even got The Sims 3.

    you CAN register as a member but CANT post on forum unless you have a game registerd if things were different back in 09 who knows but i know thats the way now.
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    Vasculio294Vasculio294 Posts: 738 Member
    edited May 2012
    Shame on you Katy Perry ;P see what did to my thread! *rofl*

    your thread was not great (dont want to get banned) anyways i certainly wasnt impressed with your attitude at all

    Cry me a river! Did i ONCE back lash any of you on your comments. NOOO...
    If you don't like my topic. Don't post in it! Plain and simple ;)

    nahh just adding my two cents i'm sure you saw my statment and if not then your the only op i know who doesnt read what people say seems like your the one crying a river since you cant get your way :mrgreen:

    Take your two cents else where! This is me not being rude ;)

    i'm a member of this site which means i've paid for with my own money atleast the base game of the sims 3 which means i have every right to be on here and post whatever i want whenever i want whever i want to. your stanky attitude isnt wanted but you dont see me letting it ruin my day thats not me being rude :wink:

    have a good day

    I don't care if you were a member of the Twilight club! Your stanky attitude an't welcome in this thread.
  • Options
    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited May 2012
    Shame on you Katy Perry ;P see what did to my thread! *rofl*

    your thread was not great (dont want to get banned) anyways i certainly wasnt impressed with your attitude at all

    Cry me a river! Did i ONCE back lash any of you on your comments. NOOO...
    If you don't like my topic. Don't post in it! Plain and simple ;)

    nahh just adding my two cents i'm sure you saw my statment and if not then your the only op i know who doesnt read what people say seems like your the one crying a river since you cant get your way :mrgreen:

    Take your two cents else where! This is me not being rude ;)

    i'm a member of this site which means i've paid for with my own money atleast the base game of the sims 3 which means i have every right to be on here and post whatever i want whenever i want whever i want to. your stanky attitude isnt wanted but you dont see me letting it ruin my day thats not me being rude :wink:

    have a good day

    I don't care if you were a member of the Twilight club! Your stanky attitude an't welcome in this thread.

    ooo how'd you know i was a member of the twilight club team jacob for me !!!!! and the only stinking up their own thread is you didnt your momma teach ya stick and stones love.

    i'll play your little game the thought of the matter is i think your rude and thats that if you dont care then why do you keep replying to only me rather than replying to people that agree with your junk :roll:
  • Options
    Vasculio294Vasculio294 Posts: 738 Member
    edited May 2012
    Shame on you Katy Perry ;P see what did to my thread! *rofl*

    your thread was not great (dont want to get banned) anyways i certainly wasnt impressed with your attitude at all

    Cry me a river! Did i ONCE back lash any of you on your comments. NOOO...
    If you don't like my topic. Don't post in it! Plain and simple ;)

    nahh just adding my two cents i'm sure you saw my statment and if not then your the only op i know who doesnt read what people say seems like your the one crying a river since you cant get your way :mrgreen:

    Take your two cents else where! This is me not being rude ;)

    i'm a member of this site which means i've paid for with my own money atleast the base game of the sims 3 which means i have every right to be on here and post whatever i want whenever i want whever i want to. your stanky attitude isnt wanted but you dont see me letting it ruin my day thats not me being rude :wink:

    have a good day

    I don't care if you were a member of the Twilight club! Your stanky attitude an't welcome in this thread.

    ooo how'd you know i was a member of the twilight club team jacob for me !!!!! and the only stinking up their own thread is you didnt your momma teach ya stick and stones love.

    i'll play your little game the thought of the matter is i think your rude and thats that if you dont care then why do you keep replying to only me rather than replying to people that agree with your junk :roll:

    I'm only doing this now because you keep taking the bait... you just can't let go can you? o.O
  • Options
    christine400christine400 Posts: 5,554 Member
    edited May 2012
    Shame on you Katy Perry ;P see what did to my thread! *rofl*

    your thread was not great (dont want to get banned) anyways i certainly wasnt impressed with your attitude at all

    Cry me a river! Did i ONCE back lash any of you on your comments. NOOO...
    If you don't like my topic. Don't post in it! Plain and simple ;)

    nahh just adding my two cents i'm sure you saw my statment and if not then your the only op i know who doesnt read what people say seems like your the one crying a river since you cant get your way :mrgreen:

    Take your two cents else where! This is me not being rude ;)

    i'm a member of this site which means i've paid for with my own money atleast the base game of the sims 3 which means i have every right to be on here and post whatever i want whenever i want whever i want to. your stanky attitude isnt wanted but you dont see me letting it ruin my day thats not me being rude :wink:

    have a good day

    I don't care if you were a member of the Twilight club! Your stanky attitude an't welcome in this thread.

    ooo how'd you know i was a member of the twilight club team jacob for me !!!!! and the only stinking up their own thread is you didnt your momma teach ya stick and stones love.

    i'll play your little game the thought of the matter is i think your rude and thats that if you dont care then why do you keep replying to only me rather than replying to people that agree with your junk :roll:

    I'm only doing this now because you keep taking the bait... you just can't let go can you? o.O

    theres nothing i have to "let go" of i commented on your attitude you PAGES ago in paragraph and you didnt say one thing and i said something back. you took the bait and your NOT gonna rail me in i'm just getting a kick that you dont care about me or anything i have to say yet you waste your finger energy to reply to me rather than reply to people who support to your whining just makes me laugh
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    didiruvalcabadidiruvalcaba Posts: 294
    edited May 2012
    Magic or weather are nice.... so please just get along! we are all here for the same reason we like to play a game thats all a freakin game!
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    BlackVenusFlytrapBlackVenusFlytrap Posts: 667
    edited May 2012
    Can we please stop all these Seasons VS Magic madness already?
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