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Official petition to close the TS3 Store and put those objects in the game


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    twoxninetwoxnine Posts: 7 New Member
    edited July 2009
    twoxnine signed.

    I hate the fact that they recycled quite a few items from the sims 2 and didnt create many new ones to go along with them....except for in the store.
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    dipsetzdipsetz Posts: 1 New Member
    edited July 2009
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    XtianXtian Posts: 80 New Member
    edited July 2009
    I understand both sides of this argument, really, I do. I think a big part of the issue is the value of a dollar (or other currency) to many people and when you're considering virtual widgets some people have a hard time trading currency one can touch for something one can't.

    I think the other part of it is overall (and no offense here, folks) some people are just cheap. :-) That, and there's a global recession on. :wink: Let's face it: It was easy enough to fork over $50 for a full game, but when it comes to paying $20 for an SP or a set of items online, it seems harder for some to want to do this, doesn't it?

    Yes, I hear you -- a big part of it is the **'value,'** but SPs have **always** been priced that high, and that figure has **always** been close to half of the cost of the base game, and the total count of the number of items in this latest set (as well as in those of several others) is very close to the number of items in many of the TS2 SPs many of us purchased. I don't see much difference there.

    I think the third part of it is younger players who either don't have a direct means to buy SimPoints or whose parents won't fork over the cash. And, I of course feel sorry for the Canadians and their predicament of not being able to find storefronts which sell SimPoint Cards. Sorry, Canada. :cry:

    But the bottom line, Kids, is The Store is here to stay. Micro-Transactions are the future of the gaming industry, and some might justly argue that future has already arrived. My Son spends a fair chunk of his allowance on virtual widgets for a PS3 game he plays, 'Little Big Planet' ( <3 that game!) and he's not alone - many games offer micro-transaction content these days and are raking in huge profits from those revenue streams.

    So, 'Official Petition' thread or Rant Thread or no thread, EA is a company out to "get more money from its customers," as someone in another thread like this one put it, and that's *not* unusual in the least. Or even wrong. And If you don't like it, vote with your feet -- It's quite simple, just *don't buy.* Period. Sorry you're all cranky about it etc., but face it -- there have been enough threads like this one cluttering up the forums already and that ought to prove to all of you StoreHaters your complaints are falling on deaf ears. The most effective way to express your displeasure is to boycott the store entirely, and if enough of you do *that,* then you might find EA changing its tune or at least listening.

    Please don't take my comments the wrong way -- I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, and this is mine. :mrgreen:

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    JaxW1217JaxW1217 Posts: 111 New Member
    edited July 2009
    I've been mulling this over and have come to the conclusion that this whole thing makes me angry.

    I am being asked, if I want to buy all the sets in the store, the same amount I paid for the the collector's edition.

    I want everybody to see exactly what the numbers are and then you can draw your own conclusions.

    I tabulated the amount of items per set, cost in points, and dollar value for those points excluding taxes.

    In order to buy all full sets, including the Ultra Lounge Set, you would pay $80 excluding taxes for a total of 192 items.

    This figure excludes all other store items such as clothing and hair styles.

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    AletoilAletoil Posts: 130 New Member
    edited July 2009

    Only for a couple reasons. For the people who say "Don't buy," I can refuse. Many others can. Unfortunately, MILLIONS of sims players will be on TS3 by years end. With 2 expansions coming, for the majority who wont buy from the store, there will be the subset who will. As long as someone is buying, the idea wont seem poor for EA. I would rather the current prices be lowered dramatically, as if we get what they have now for free, most people wont want the freebies to end. On the other hand, I am one of those simmers who dont care how much they gave me, ill still take more. Free items now to keep me more satisfied, ill buy all the expansions later. I ignore stuff packs, as they are rips(sorry) but even in the face of CC, im one to support a developer. I dont like that my wallet is the biggest target, though. Seriously, why did the store open, in the face of us simmers realizing a sheer lack of items such as Pianos and hot tubs which have been in BASE games past, right after release? Buy 50% of the items in the game, find the rest in the store a couple days later? Wow. WAit 2-3 months and pretend it was an afterthought, at least, not the deliberate ploy. TL: DR. Yea, I said it.
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    JaxW1217JaxW1217 Posts: 111 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Xtian wrote:
    I understand both sides of this argument, really, I do. I think a big part of the issue is the value of a dollar (or other currency) to many people and when you're considering virtual widgets some people have a hard time trading currency one can touch for something one can't.

    I think the other part of it is overall (and no offense here, folks) some people are just cheap. :-) That, and there's a global recession on. :wink: Let's face it: It was easy enough to fork over $50 for a full game, but when it comes to paying $20 for an SP or a set of items online, it seems harder for some to want to do this, doesn't it?

    Yes, I hear you -- a big part of it is the **'value,'** but SPs have **always** been priced that high, and that figure has **always** been close to half of the cost of the base game, and the total count of the number of items in this latest set (as well as in those of several others) is very close to the number of items in many of the TS2 SPs many of us purchased. I don't see much difference there.

    I think the third part of it is younger players who either don't have a direct means to buy SimPoints or whose parents won't fork over the cash. And, I of course feel sorry for the Canadians and their predicament of not being able to find storefronts which sell SimPoint Cards. Sorry, Canada. :cry:

    But the bottom line, Kids, is The Store is here to stay. Micro-Transactions are the future of the gaming industry, and some might justly argue that future has already arrived. My Son spends a fair chunk of his allowance on virtual widgets for a PS3 game he plays, 'Little Big Planet' ( <3 that game!) and he's not alone - many games offer micro-transaction content these days and are raking in huge profits from those revenue streams.

    So, 'Official Petition' thread or Rant Thread or no thread, EA is a company out to "get more money from its customers," as someone in another thread like this one put it, and that's *not* unusual in the least. Or even wrong. And If you don't like it, vote with your feet -- It's quite simple, just *don't buy.* Period. Sorry you're all cranky about it etc., but face it -- there have been enough threads like this one cluttering up the forums already and that ought to prove to all of you StoreHaters your complaints are falling on deaf ears. The most effective way to express your displeasure is to boycott the store entirely, and if enough of you do *that,* then you might find EA changing its tune or at least listening.

    Please don't take my comments the wrong way -- I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, and this is mine. :mrgreen:

    The fact that content was witheld from the game at release and distributed at a cost is unnerving. There is over $80 in content that I do not have access to after tapping my wallet to the tune of $80.

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    ofmontrealofmontreal Posts: 404 New Member
    edited July 2009
    i'd be down with the store if every item was 1 cent so they can still make a money. when you add up the cents there is lots of money. because there will be thousands of people downloding items. ha i don't know if it would work just saying.
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    DarkPhoenix22597DarkPhoenix22597 Posts: 81 New Member
    edited July 2009

    Why would pay money with so much free CC on the web any way?

    I have a strong suspicion most of the "items" in the store will turn up in the first EP or SP anyway.
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    GJR1stGJR1st Posts: 75 Member
    edited July 2009
    Dont you know online petitions dont work seen it all before just a waste of space
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    CassidieCassidie Posts: 70 New Member
    edited July 2009
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    Bikerguy96Bikerguy96 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited July 2009
    I personally think that it's just wrong. Am I going to need to actually buy a piano for my sims? Open the store up to anyone that purchases and regs. the game! :!: :!: :!:
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    KarazaraKarazara Posts: 764 New Member
    edited July 2009
    This game came with practically nothing compared to the TS2 base game. And where did all those "missing" Items go? To the TS3 store of course, where they want you to hand over 5 or more dollars so you can buy virtual items that should have been in the game to begin with. The game already costs a lot. I think it's wrong to rip us off like this.


    Please sign if you think the store should be closed and the items put into the game, or future EP's.

    /Signed Fluffymonkeym

    I see the store as no different than the "Stuff Packs" Sims 2 had, and I didn't see a lot of furor over those. And I've seen no evidence that stuff in the store was ever removed from the game; the game has a lot of stuff in it already for a base game (it's not fair to compare it to Sims 1 plus its expansions, or Sims 2 plus its expansions; it compares reasonably well to those base games). And if you don't like it, don't buy it; nobody's forcing you to buy what's in the store, and nothing in there is any different than items the base game already has except for appearance. So no, have to say I disagree with you there, so consider this petition not signed by me.

    If you just refuse to pay real money for what's in the store, you still can get a few free items there and use your free 1000 sim points to get a few things.
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    KarazaraKarazara Posts: 764 New Member
    edited July 2009
    GJR1st wrote:
    Dont you know online petitions dont work seen it all before just a waste of space

    Precisely. For that matter the vast majority of petitions, online or otherwise, have next to zero effect on anything.

    Heck organize a boycott of the online store if you feel that strongly about it people; voting with your wallet is about the only thing that will have any real effect on the way EA does things. I can tell you that nobody with the power to do anything about it cares the least about this petition or will even bother to read it.
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    iFreakdomiFreakdom Posts: 1,208 New Member
    edited July 2009
    /Signed iFreakdom
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    Sims3PizzaDudeSims3PizzaDude Posts: 35 New Member
    edited July 2009

    The concept of stuff pack already annoys me. Now the store. Please no. Just don't feel like spending money on virtual objects. I've already spent much money buying a new computer for the game (old one too slow to run the game), so please spare me from this store thing.
    I know I can boycott the store by not buying stuffs from it and in fact, I didn't, didn't even use the free simpoints, but that doesn't mean I don't want the store stuffs, just that I can't and won't spend money to buy them off the internet. Is it so hard to put free (and quality ones, don't tell me about the Fanta fridge) items on the site for downloading? They did that in TS1 and early on in TS2. Where are all the generous people, all gone to work on Spore? :roll:
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    Jammy945Jammy945 Posts: 24 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Signed :)

    This Game Has Nothing Compared To The Sims 2 base Game
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    AcUnleashedAcUnleashed Posts: 124 New Member
    edited July 2009
    /Signed AcUnleashed

    We don't deserve this. I try to be loyal with EA though looking at those prices at The Sims 3 Store kills me! Just don't dare to tell me that those objects are "supposed" to be in the game and they just removed it for them to sell it in the store!

    It's a great game but these things are trying to stop me to love it more. Put those objects in the game for free and I'll or We'll be happy.
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    poompotterpoompotter Posts: 4 New Member
    edited July 2009
    / Signed

    All the things in the stroe should be in the base game !!!

    and plz redesign the HAIRSTYLE!!
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    45rpm45rpm Posts: 2,606 Member
    edited July 2009
    I could see it if there were really really special things but in my opinion
    most of that store stuff should just be in game. I very much doubt they
    will change it though. No comments at all on why they went this route.
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    alinicole94alinicole94 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited July 2009
    / Signed
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    Gambinozz548Gambinozz548 Posts: 383 New Member
    edited July 2009
    i don't know if i already signed or not but i will sign again i was actually just about to buiy some points when i realized the thing i wanted the ultra modern set thing costs 29 dollars thats about as much as an expansion which has more items int it.. this is rediculous gah i can't spell it's early..


    or if you need my real name

    Gabrielle Alexis Brown

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    SuidolemSuidolem Posts: 52 Member
    edited July 2009
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    bigwillaybigwillay Posts: 26 New Member
    edited July 2009
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    missaznkalimissaznkali Posts: 37 New Member
    edited July 2009

    /signed missaznkali
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    BzakBzak Posts: 90 New Member
    edited July 2009
    If the prices were not so high. I mean Empire total war came out with a bunch of new units that you can buy. They cost like 2.50$ for all of them together. That is resonable. Im not gonna shell out the price of a game or two for a bunch of junk that honestly I probably will forget I have or never use. Especially when I cant even save the game half the time without it corrupting.
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