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Metrotopia: Download Now! *First post updated*


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    fatt_tony_13fatt_tony_13 Posts: 17 New Member
    edited March 2011
    Looks really nice. I cant wait to play it.
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    PurpleMelsPurpleMels Posts: 105 New Member
    edited March 2011
    Here's the update! :D

    I would've embedded the video into my post but I can' remember how. :/

    Love the fact that there are tons of homes.
    Can't wait to download it!
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    BetweenthefogBetweenthefog Posts: 44 New Member
    edited March 2011
    Finally got a chance to set down and write my thoughts on the video. These are just my opinion on nitpicky things that you may have already addressed, so take all with a grain of salt! Also, since I'm looking at a video, I may miss details you have placed that already address anything I say. It's looking great!

    I noticed about 1:18 that there's a undeveloped part of the map. If you don't have plans already, this could make an awesome place for a forest area, where you can have houses that can look over the city area or hermit-esque type places.

    The hills surrounding the city are okay, but they may be better if parts were removed to allow an ocean view, especially from beach areas. Make them scenic! Maybe model in some different textures, or have a road go through them that allows for some park areas.

    It may be good to try to vary your colors in modeling the ground a bit- for examples, maybe look at the EA worlds or worlds like Neverglade. I've heard people will layer by having textures at a lower opacity and run them over places that have tiling textures (like the EA shale pattern, which I don't think you used so this is just an example XD).

    I've managed to try something like that myself (ground texture layering) when I tried making a world of my own, but my computer pretty much hates the program so any action I do takes half a minute to do. No fun. :(

    Like I said, these are nitpicky things that probably only I notice- I'm giving a lot of feedback because I really like the way your world is shaping up, so don't take it the wrong way. :) I look forward to it!
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    shoni89Pshoni89P Posts: 22
    edited March 2011
    Hi! :) I know how to create CAW worlds and among all I've ever seen your Metrotopia is one of the BEST ever made!
    I would like to ask you for the CAW file so that I can translate it to Italian (you know, road names, lots etc.) for us Italians who like your masterpiece =) hope to get a positive answer ^^
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited March 2011

    Thanks for your long reply, I always enjoy and appreciate constructive criticism. :)

    That undeveloped area you see at 1:18 is going to have celebrity-type mansions overlooking the city. At the moment there are only two lots but if I find room I might try and fit another one in.

    Regarding scenery, those hillsides will be non-routable, so I won't be placing any parks there. However, I'll consider what you said about the views from the beach lots and see if I can improve that in any way. :)

    I've tried to vary the textures on the hillside a bit, but perhaps it's not very visible. I'm still working on the terrain painting in some places, although don't expect miracles in that department because painting is one of my weaknesses in CAW. :oops: :)

    @shoni89P: Thanks. :) When Metrotopia's finished, I'll consider uploading the CAW files somewhere, but I'm not too sure yet.

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    shoni89Pshoni89P Posts: 22
    edited March 2011
    You can eventually give me the link privately or pm to me, I do not want to steal your work, just make it easy for us Italians :)
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    BetweenthefogBetweenthefog Posts: 44 New Member
    edited March 2011
    Ahhh. The celebrity housing area sounds perfect- I didn't even think of that!

    As for the hills, it's okay! Keep in mind, I was looking at a video, so I couldn't fully appreciate your work.

    I suppose, if you need ideas for handling terrain and hills, maybe look at some real life photos for reference? Find photos that fit what you are wanting for your world, and use them as a loose guide. Also, maybe look at other worlds. has done a lot of nice, simple hills in their worlds, without many trees.

    I feel bad to be giving you all this advice like I'm nitpicking you to death without anything to show for it- I'd be making worlds too if my computer didn't hate CAW.
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited March 2011
    Ahhh. The celebrity housing area sounds perfect- I didn't even think of that!

    As for the hills, it's okay! Keep in mind, I was looking at a video, so I couldn't fully appreciate your work.

    I suppose, if you need ideas for handling terrain and hills, maybe look at some real life photos for reference? Find photos that fit what you are wanting for your world, and use them as a loose guide. Also, maybe look at other worlds. has done a lot of nice, simple hills in their worlds, without many trees.

    I feel bad to be giving you all this advice like I'm nitpicking you to death without anything to show for it- I'd be making worlds too if my computer didn't hate CAW.

    Don't feel bad, I like nitpicking. It shows that people are interested in what I create. :)

    Thank you that link, I will look at it and also see if I can find some images like the ones you suggested.

    Thanks for the advice. :)
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    edited March 2011
    Wow this palce looks incredible! :thumbup: You are doing fantastic work I only wish I could do.
    Here's hoping that whatever the next Ep is will not blow your plans out of the water and make your world obslete. Because scairly the new Ep, #4 will be announced within the next month most likley.

    Keep on trucking we look forward to seeing the final result

    P.s. My hometown, Christchurch is ruined and 160+ are dead :-( :-(
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited March 2011
    Update- 03.03.11

    Some new pics. :)

    Views from one of the hilltop celebrity mansions, still under construction:


    A view of the city looking towards the residential area and hillside:

    This picture requires some imagination. Imagine this, with more trees, landscaping and houses on the hillside:

    Chip's Diner, overlooked by two skyscrapers:


    Views of the restaurant and 'courthouse':


    Walkway by the sea, offering stunning views of the residential area and lush rolling hillside that lays beyond:


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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited March 2011
    I've been trying to work on Metrotopia tonight, but have lost work several times due to crashing. :x

    It's really discouraging... I think I'm gonna find out how to use 'Large Address Aware' and try again tomorrow... :(
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    HoneytipsHoneytips Posts: 84 Member
    edited March 2011
    Absolutely fantastic work!!!! When do you think you might be finished? Can't wait to download and play with this world!
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    MATZMATZ Posts: 1,854 New Member
    edited March 2011

    This is breath taking! I have looked at EVERY PICTURE AND READ EVERY COMMENT!

    But can I suggest something that will make it 1 million times better... the textures you’re using, the green grass is stunning, but I think the one little thing that makes this world look very... not real at all is how the green grass goes straight into the river... There needs to be some sort of... hmm, rock like or sand like textures there, just to give it that real vibe to it, if you did that I would be sure to recommend this world to most deferentially everyone I know :) otherwise.. S T U N N I N G ... W O R L D
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    BetweenthefogBetweenthefog Posts: 44 New Member
    edited March 2011
    Don't give up- as someone who works with computer illustration from time to time, I can emphasize with having that happen. Sometimes, it's good to step away for a day and refresh your mind when that happens- in the end, there's no time limit here, and I think a lot of people want you to release something you feel satisfied with than feel rushed in order to get it out quickly. Whatever you learn here will transfer over to whatever world you make next, if you decide to.
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited March 2011
    @Honeytips: I aim to finish this by the end of the month. I keep saying 'a few more weeks' but I'm going to say the end of the month so I have a specific target. I can't say for sure though, this is taking me longer than I thought it would, but having said that, I won't be rushing. :)

    @MATZ: Thanks. :D I will definately take your suggestion on board, as I agree that in some places the grass looks a bit strange going into the water.

    @Betweenthefog: I'm going to try again today. :) I'm going to use Large Address Aware to try and stop my crashing, so fingers crossed. :)

    I'd like to make another world after this one, but if I do it won't be for a long time as I want to just play for a while instead of creating. I also want to work on my painting and sculpting before I start another world.
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    2008022620080226 Posts: 27
    edited March 2011
    Excellent work alexspoom13! I can see you really put your heart into this! It's so beautiful to see someone working so hard!!

    You'll get the best reward .. knowing a lot of player will be using your world. Isn't that fantastic? You'll be famous :D

    I thank you in advance!
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    Aeroprincess87Aeroprincess87 Posts: 6,422 Member
    edited March 2011
    Gorgeous! I've really been wanting to play a city but Bridgeport sucks and so far this is the best city I've seen so far. Can't wait for it's release. :)
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    Meteora97Meteora97 Posts: 416
    edited March 2011
    Is it gonna have distant terrain?
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited March 2011
    Meteora97 wrote:
    Is it gonna have distant terrain?

    No, but as you can see I've added hillsides so it looks like Metrotopia isn't just two islands.
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    BetweenthefogBetweenthefog Posts: 44 New Member
    edited March 2011
    I like that idea- while distant terrain is neat, islands tend to work just as well as long as there's no squareish edges to break the illusion. There's been worlds I've tried that were beautiful, but suffered due to the 'square island with tall mountains on the edge' syndrome.
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    JudilandJudiland Posts: 2,332 Member
    edited March 2011
    :shock: WOW! This is gonna be great.
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    simaidan117simaidan117 Posts: 42 New Member
    edited March 2011
    This looks awesome, i cant wait to you realease it, i dont really like bridgeport its just too crowded however i love the look of this one, great job...bookmarked
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    blueeyed32blueeyed32 Posts: 1,469 New Member
    edited March 2011
    Love the update! The residential area looks stunning :)
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    2008022620080226 Posts: 27
    edited March 2011
    No more updates?
    I am so looking forward to this..i check it every day. :mrgreen:
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    alexspoom13alexspoom13 Posts: 7,439 Member
    edited March 2011
    20080226 wrote:
    No more updates?
    I am so looking forward to this..i check it every day. :mrgreen:

    I'm working on completing the houses and other lots at the moment, as well as building the celebrity mansions, and I don't feel there's much new to share right now. I've been quite busy recently so the next update might be a while, but hang in there as I'm trying to put 110% effort into this.

    Thanks. :D
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