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Los Angeles BETA RELEASED!!!


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    Minimelo649Minimelo649 Posts: 373 New Member
    edited October 2010
    Hey guys thanks for hanging in there with me!

    Sorry for the lack of updates, comments and everything! Life can be a major roadblock sometimes, and unfortunantly i had some situations that prevented me from working on this world as much as I wanted to!

    The world is still going strong and im happy to announce that I am back to where I was before I lost some data and then some!

    Im back to the point where all I have is houses to furnish!
    If anyone still wants to help me do that.. I still have open lots available to furnish on Page 1!

    Now on to important matters...

    Would you guys like me to upload my world now so you can help me Beta test... while I finish furnishing? Plus that way I can include all bugs and glitches you find, plus the furnished houses in a major update!

    If this is a route you guys would like me to take please let me know, I can have it uploaded by tomorrow morning!

    Keep in mind, if this is what I do, you need to remember that a good portion of the houses are not furnished, and minimal testing has been done on my part, so there may be a large amount of things to be fixed.... but then again maybe not!

    So what are your opinions on this? Let me know and I'll make it happen (or not lol)


    I know I havent been timely with this release but I really want to make this world to be as close as to what I had pictured when I started the project, and to what you guys would like to see in a world!

    again thanks!
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    DamienMcGrathDamienMcGrath Posts: 265
    edited October 2010
    Minimelo649 YOUR ALIVE!!!
    for a moment there i was a little worried but i am so glad your back and with such great news!!!
    I personally would LOVE to help test this great world and it would be an honnor to help you :):)
    I hope all your personal matters are okay and i hope those roadblocks are moved :)
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    mangoparademangoparade Posts: 32
    edited October 2010
    I agree, I personally would love to be a beta tester for the world. Where would you be planning on uploading this - to the exchange or an alternate file sharing site?
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    Minimelo649Minimelo649 Posts: 373 New Member
    edited October 2010
    is the sims site allowing large uploads yet? I would probably upload itto Mediafire anyway! Like Mineral Town!

    ALRIGHT ive decided! Im gonna upload the world so you gus can Beta Test! PLus that way if anyone wants to furnish houses for me! they can do so easier!

    Ill come back later when its uploaded!
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    mangoparademangoparade Posts: 32
    edited October 2010
    is the sims site allowing large uploads yet? I would probably upload itto Mediafire anyway! Like Mineral Town!

    ALRIGHT ive decided! Im gonna upload the world so you gus can Beta Test! PLus that way if anyone wants to furnish houses for me! they can do so easier!

    Ill come back later when its uploaded!

    Awesome, please let us know once you've uploaded it Minime! And yes, I still love your Mineral Town (I suddenly feel the need to play Harvest Moon) o.O
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    Minimelo649Minimelo649 Posts: 373 New Member
    edited October 2010
    Ok everyone. The update is up on the first page and so is the Beta Test Download. Link also on the first page!

    As alwas let me know what you find, how you feel, and what you like! Just post on this forum!

    OH ALSO!!! I just realized today that one of the lots is a gas station, and I used the free Renault Twizzy Eco Charge Station...

    Im assuming if you dont have it, it just wont show up right?

    Well, if you would like it, I have provided the link below!

    Thanks again everyone! And get back at me!

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    DamienMcGrathDamienMcGrath Posts: 265
    edited October 2010
    oh :/ i dont download things for the sims from other sites so can you tell me how to download it and put it in my game?
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    WorldTraveler76WorldTraveler76 Posts: 415 Member
    edited October 2010
    waiting for it to download as I type this. I cannot tell you how excited I am. I will report back with any significant issues... but I cannot imagine there being any with the amount of time you spent on it!
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    white_lily_1988white_lily_1988 Posts: 1,664 Member
    edited October 2010
    It's a Great world, looks very beautiful and realistic :thumbup: especially at night :wink:. Few problems that I found: *none of the community lots have names; which makes it difficult to distinguish them because there are so many lots. *the gas station is missing for whatever reason. I can see it when I go to edit town thou in the lot picture, but in reality it's empty. *the bridge over the road doesn't work. When my sim was driving under the bridge, her car just jumped over that bridge. It's not a big concern, the road works normal, but it's a little weird to see something like that.....and funny :lol: But I like this bridge anyways :wink: just something with routing is wrong. *the biggest issue I had was error#12 when I was trying to save the game. I was getting it every time and still can't save it. My game is still running in LA while I type this message. Don't want to close it and loose everything, but I have no other way :(. Other than that, I didn't see any more issues. You did an Amazing job!
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    Minimelo649Minimelo649 Posts: 373 New Member
    edited October 2010
    Damien- all you have to do is click on the file named LosAngeles.Sims3Pack

    If for some reason you are out of the folder, and you see three folders, 2 named Mineral Town and 1 named Los Angeles. Just click on the LA one, then download that file! Then just save it to your desktop or something, and click on it, it will then install on the Sims Launcher!

    and White Lilly - Thanks! The names of the community lots were still a To Do. They would have been done after all the houses were furnished!

    The gas station thing stumps me. You DO have it installed in your game right! Im assuming because you said you can see it when you zoom out... maybe a member of the wonderful community has some insight on this!

    Way back in the middle of the thsi thread I asked the community about the bridge! I had found no way to make it work the way I want, as I dont think its possible to make it work the way I want! We took a little mini poll and keeping it the way it is now is the winner! So, thats "technically" not a bug, just something thats out of my hands!

    Now this error issue#12... is that the saving issue? The one where all you had to do was Save As, instead of just Save? Then create a new save file! and you should be able to save? or am I getting that confused... I think this problem came with World Adventures?
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    tj19941994tj19941994 Posts: 653 New Member
    edited October 2010
    It's a Great world, looks very beautiful and realistic :thumbup: especially at night :wink:. Few problems that I found: *none of the community lots have names; which makes it difficult to distinguish them because there are so many lots. *the gas station is missing for whatever reason. I can see it when I go to edit town thou in the lot picture, but in reality it's empty. *the bridge over the road doesn't work. When my sim was driving under the bridge, her car just jumped over that bridge. It's not a big concern, the road works normal, but it's a little weird to see something like that.....and funny :lol: But I like this bridge anyways :wink: just something with routing is wrong. *the biggest issue I had was error#12 when I was trying to save the game. I was getting it every time and still can't save it. My game is still running in LA while I type this message. Don't want to close it and loose everything, but I have no other way :(. Other than that, I didn't see any more issues. You did an Amazing job!

    I think you are talking about the twizzy station. 2 ideas:

    1) You don't have it in your game, download it in the twizzy pack from the store.

    2) Go onto the lot and place it for yourself, it's really not a very hard item to place if the outlines are easy to see.

    Good luck!
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    white_lily_1988white_lily_1988 Posts: 1,664 Member
    edited October 2010
    Yes, I just realized that I didn't install twizy pack. I had Eco-pack thou. It has almost same items. That's why I didn't istall the other one.

    I was getting save error#12. I din't try "save as" option, maybe you are right and it will work)

    Regarding the bridge - I'm fine with it as long as the road works fine :D. It looks kool :wink:
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    blackythelab96blackythelab96 Posts: 31 New Member
    edited October 2010
    I like this city! It is amazing!!!! I love how the rabbitholes have buildings connected to them. It's also really cool how you put the Eiffel Tower in your world... and it has a rabbit hole sign with it, saying Eiffel Tower and its open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. But its an amazing world!!!!!
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    Minimelo649Minimelo649 Posts: 373 New Member
    edited October 2010
    I like this city! It is amazing!!!! I love how the rabbitholes have buildings connected to them. It's also really cool how you put the Eiffel Tower in your world... and it has a rabbit hole sign with it, saying Eiffel Tower and its open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. But its an amazing world!!!!!

    ummm.... huh? lol

    White Lily- Thats what I said inmy post. Its basically just a really funky 4 way intersection... lol!
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    mangoparademangoparade Posts: 32
    edited October 2010
    Ok, so I've been beta testing the world and I've come across an issue. When I attempt to save, I receive Error Code 12. Is anyone else having this issue? I'll continue to look for bugs :)
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    white_lily_1988white_lily_1988 Posts: 1,664 Member
    edited October 2010
    Ok, so I've been beta testing the world and I've come across an issue. When I attempt to save, I receive Error Code 12. Is anyone else having this issue?

    That's what I got. I tried "save as" option and it didn't help either :(
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    DamienMcGrathDamienMcGrath Posts: 265
    edited October 2010
    is saving the only issue? i mean its a pretty big problem but as soon as that is fixed i will surley download :):)
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    LuckieoneLuckieone Posts: 478 Member
    edited October 2010
    I think your world likes really nice, i really like the homes and sunset looks pretty.
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    Arcangel2Arcangel2 Posts: 119 New Member
    edited October 2010
    It is looking like Magic! Just two things

    1. Is it Custom Content Free (Store Items ARE CC)
    2. Will it be on the Exchange (I got a virus from downloading a lot for TS2 on file sharing sites)

    If these are both done than you have a perfect world!
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    koolyaidkoolyaid Posts: 789 New Member
    edited October 2010
    I like it! Are you going to update it now that Late Night is coming out and put up EA skyscrapers? Sorry if this question was asked already I didn't feel like going through 33 pages.
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    LuckieoneLuckieone Posts: 478 Member
    edited October 2010
    Oh i just love your world, thanks for creating it.
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    shipofsimsshipofsims Posts: 905 Member
    edited October 2010
    Well I am going to download and take a look. the pictures are beautiful, can't wait to see it ingame.

    Ok I am ingame, it looks great. I send my sim to work out and when she wanted to leave she couldn't use the stairs. So she is stuck at the gym.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    don151516don151516 Posts: 761 New Member
    edited October 2010
    Your world is so amazing, exciting, and perfect! The only problems I really see is there's a bit of land with trees under water out in the ocean. Other than that, it is superb.
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    NeicyRayNeicyRay Posts: 181
    edited October 2010
    OMG!! I love it! Looks awesome...keep us posted, I cant wait to play it. I've Been waiting for someone to make Los Angeles, I tried but Im not that good with making worlds from scrath because I cant get the terrain right so I threw in the towel. Your world looks awesome though, when do you think it'll be ready?
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    SenkoLightSenkoLight Posts: 3,131 Member
    edited October 2010
    World looks fantastic..great work

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