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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    So finally time to do an update or two!

    I noticed I said chapter 11 part 1, this will be chapter 12 so no split in chapters this time.

    " Someday or one day"

    Chapter 12



    " Hi everyone, it's me Teresa I know it's been a while since we last saw each other.
    the weather has been too hot for the creator to really enjoy playing,
    and she was also busy with visitors but we are finally back on track now!


    "It's me Gwen!, I hope you all have had a nice summer so far, mine has been very uneventful
    and not too much progress, but I think things might look up soon. Oh let's go on to the story now.


    " I was late with my homework, mother had told me to work on it as soon as school finished for the day,
    I really do hate homework"


    " It makes me bored, I try to focus real hard but I feel like its overrated with homework"

    Gwen did not like homework, not a whole lot of teens did, but she still had great grades in school.


    Teresa had been painting, being creative let her brain do a think at the same time, she had to tell
    Gwen about her father, and that he was still alive she just had to figure out a way to do that. Shen napped before
    it was time to make dinner for the both of them


    The early afternoon slowly turned into afternoon, Gwen had finished her
    homework and now it was time for dinner.


    Teresa had grabbed a bowl waiting for Gwen to finish, then she sat down.

    " I need to tell you something Gwennie, something I have to hold up deep inside me and
    It slowly wanting to come out, so I decided it's time to do something about it".
    She said while looking at a surprised
    " Really what is it, mom"? Gwen said and looked back at her, clearly confused.

    Teresa took a deep breath " Your father is still alive Gwen, I know who he is it's just the time never came for me
    to let you know about it."

    Gwen's eyes were big of a surprise, confused, and happy all at the same time.

    " What?, and you decided now was the best time to tell me?, mom you should have done that ages ago I have been trying to find out about it on my own"!

    Teresa sighed " I know sweetheart, and you should of told me you wanted to know more about him, I could have told you
    sooner, but I feel its good this is out in the open now, we just need some time to sit and talk about it, but for now, I think you need to go
    out and have fun with your friends and clear your mind a bit".

    Gwen nodded " Its a good, idea I call them to the beach it's our favorite spot"

    To be continued

    @bekkasan , @emorrill, @DivaDoodle , @chonkie
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Silverofdreams30 I was happy to see the update. Teresa looks gorgeous in her ruffled, high neck top.
    I understand about that homework. I dislike having to come home from work and finish paperwork!
    That sure is a pretty view of the inlet.
    I'm glad Teresa told Gwen. Hopefully they will talk some more soon and she will learn more.
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    CeresInayCeresInay Posts: 37 Member
    I hope the conversation between between Teresa and Gwen goes well. Looking forward to that.
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 : I can understand Gwen! I didn´t like to do my homework, either, when I was a teen.
    (And untill now I don´t think that they helped me to get better marks in school... :D )

    Great that Teresa is telling Gwen about her father now, but I think it is a bit unfair of her to say to Gwen that she should have asked more about him....
    It´s never good to tell lies and lying about the death of a father is really, really bad, I think....
    If I were Gwen I would have yelled at my mother and wouldn´t have spoken to her the next days....

    I really look foward for Gwen meeting Matthew!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    edited July 2021

    Thank you, it has been a while since I played
    this save but the weather is better here now.


    Thank you,
    Gwen and her mother have a good relationship and she's
    a calm person who doesn't get angry a lot. She understands why her mother did not tell her about
    her father, they just need to sit down so her mother can explain why she never mentioned him
    to her.
    more to come soon.


    Thank you for the sweet comment.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 Late to the party a bit, but I gotta say this was another very well written update and I love Teresa's frilly top dress! (I must know where you got that, if you remember. ;) )

    YAY she told Gwen about her dad! :smiley: I'm so relieved. Kids know so much more than we give them credit for and I could imagine Teresa very well knew Gwen was searching for him and it was hard for her to keep contained. We mom's definitely know what our kids are up to even if they think we don't. :p

    I can't wait for the next part when they all chat together! <3
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Silverofdreams30 what a great update!

    Oh right I don't like homework either! It is good Gwen still have wonderful grades!

    I'm so glad Teresa is going to finally tell Gwen about her father and that he is still alive!

    Such beautiful pictures!!!

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    Thank you,
    more of chapter 12 will be posted after this.


    Thank you, more to come.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    Chapter 12, part 2 continues



    Gwen called her friends to the beach, she had fun sliding on the water while waiting
    for them to arrive.


    It was a lovely afternoon for beach enjoyment.


    Later a few of them sat by the fire, Gwen decided to let them know what had been
    going on.


    " wow, so you finally found out that your father is here in this very city?"
    David Chesterfield asked and looked very surprised. Gwenn nodded " Yes, my mother finally told me and we will talk more about this
    matter later"
    , "She wanted me to clear y head and have fun with my school friends, cause it looks like this is a heavy story for her to tell".
    " I mean, nothing bad, bad but just heavy for her you know it can't be easy having this big of a secret for so long".
    Gwen was a mature teen for her age, she was an understanding person it was just her personality.


    Parker listened very carefully to Gwen's story, his family had it not too easy either with his mum leaving them,
    after her sister moved in, and his father's affair with that said sister. Parker himself had always been talked about as the lousy playboy that did nothing more than woo girls, but really he had never had a girlfriend, not a serious one anyway he for sure was more misunderstood as a person. He was happy when Gwen had moved to the city, she became his friend, she did not care about his terrible reputation, she was one not to care about that stuff. He was happy to finally find the missing piece of his life, a good friend.
    After a bit, he felt it was a bit too much to take in so he had to stand up and leave the firepit.


    " ill be back, I need a moment," he told the others and left.




    The teens were not the only ones by the beach, Damien had also taken an afternoon off to enjoy
    the water, he had followed his son Zero there but not to hang with them.


    Parker needed a moment by the water to reflect what he had just heard,
    Gwen sensing something was off excused herself for a bit to the others by the fire and came down to see how he was doing.
    she gave him a friendly hug.


    " Are you alright"?


    He sighed " I don't know, I think what you told us got to me somehow
    you know how I have always been that terrible lazy bad guy who never cares about others, your story got me thinking, I do care
    I'm not heartless, we playboys have feelings too"

    Gwen nodded

    " Hey, I know you are not a terrible loser ok, never think that about yourself, you are a nice person
    people just have to learn to know you better, I did


    " I know, I know, since my mother left us it has been crazy, to say the least,
    I have no time to myself anymore you know in a way or stories are a bit similar don't you think

    Gwen agreed

    " Sort of they are yes, I don't know so much about my father yet though but hope to find
    out ore from my mum soon

    They talked for a bit longer before deciding to join back with the others, but before


    " Thank you, thank you for being a good friend," Parker told her before
    they headed back

    To be continued.

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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Silverofdreams30 I enjoyed the update! Its good to see Gwen with her friends and they are close enough she felt comfortable sharing the news with them.
    Sure is a pretty world!
    Parker seems more sensitive then playboy type to me. He sounds like a sweetie!
    Damien looks totally chilled out!! :love:
    Gwen is a very good friend to Parker. Love her insight at such a young age. So mature and smart!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    thank you, yes she is a mature personality for her age.
    I kinda like the two together, who knows they might start to date at some point haha.
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Siverofdreams30 Great update!

    I love how you have expanded the dialogue!

    Poor misunderstood Parker! I'm glad Gwen gave the chance to actually know him instead of going on the rumors!

    I'm really glad that Gwen could open up to her friends, it is very real to how teens are. I really like this!

    The pics are so pretty, I love that word and it's colors!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    Thank you, I love Legacy Island III its such a
    pretty world.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,137 Member
    edited August 2021
    @Silverofdreams30 Poor Parker. :( Guess all of us are misunderstood by people sometimes.
    Were you doing a little hint at how the way Parker feels is how Gwen's dad personally feels as well? ;)

    She's so sweet. And I agree with @bekkasan she was very mature and kind towards him in that moment. Love the picture of them together at the very end. <3 It makes me wonder if they might someday become more than friends. :smirk:

    Edit: Oh and it was very lovely to see Damien. :love:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    Hehe who knows, I might have :p ,
    Thank you it's interesting to explore different kind of
    stories within one story.
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 : what a beautiful world!
    The pictures at the beach are so colorful and nice!
    Gwen is very understandigly (?) towards her mother. If I were her I would have demande my mum to tell me everything NOW and not in the way Teresa reveals who Gwen´s father is. Gosh, how hard can it be to tell your daughter who her dad is??? Especially when Teresa knows how hard Gwen wants to find him??
    Sorry to say, but I think Teresa is a bit selfish here. :s
    I would say that Gwen is more mature than her mother.

    Aww, Parker being misunderstood! And that even before he had even done something! That´s just because his father´s bad reputation. It must be hard for Parker to have such a bad reputation and it is good for him that Gwen is able to see his real character!
    Maybe we see the beginning of a young teenage love here?

    Beautiful pictures of them at the beach!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    Thank you, yeah Gwen is a lot more mature than her
    mother in this
    situation, but Teresa will explain everything soon.
    Yes, I quite like Parker and Gwen together, plan to eventually have them start dating.
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    CeresInayCeresInay Posts: 37 Member
    Poor Parker. Gwen is a sweetheart and a very mature teen, it can be see how understanding she is to both Parker and her mother.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    Thank you, next chapter is coming.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    " someday or one day2

    Chapter 13


    Teresa had decided now was the time to talk to Matthew, so she called him up
    about meeting somewhere that evening, luckily he was not busy that day.


    Two hours later they had decided to meet up by a local bar.
    Matthew had arrived first so he waited for her to arrive.


    Teresa arrived looking a bit nervous and distressed. ( I changed her clothes alter was a bit to
    fancy for this place haha). But he stood there calmly so she could relax a bit as she walked up.


    " Tess, is now a good time for you to tell me what's been going
    on with you since we parted ways"
    ? He asked, not angry or anything just
    a bit tired of all the drama.

    She nodded

    " I ... yes it's time this has been going on for too long already and you
    like everyone else involved deserves to know the story

    Matthew stared a bit confused

    " Everyone else?, there are more involved than just us"?

    " Yes, but for this, I think we need to sit down but there are too many people inside and no benches here
    to sit".

    " We have the ground, com on nothing to be afraid of here, not even a little
    He said and sat down.

    FW2R7H4.jpg ( Here I changed her clothes)

    ( I later added a bench so they moved there)

    " Ah see there was a bench, much better the ground is not comfortable", right I do not
    know where to start but you need to know the real reason why I left"
    . she started and looked at him.


    " It was my roommate, she told me you guys had dated a long time and she was still salty about
    how it had ended between you guys, she warned me about dating you and I was young and naive so I
    listened to her"

    Matthew fumed a bit " What, I never dated that woman for a second even,
    why did she tell you we did, that was a lie"
    . He had never dated her roommate and that was the truth
    to it, he had no idea why she had told her untrue stuff like this. He shook his head a bit annoyed at this whole ordeal.


    " She did, maybe she secretly crushed on you and did not want me to have a chance at happiness," Tess said
    and looked a bit sad.


    " I have no idea , as you know I am not good with relationships, not since my dad left
    my mother and I was only a young boy"
    he sighed. His past was something he could not talk about with anyone, it was
    too personal and so he kept it to himself.

    Teresa nodded, this discussion had gone better than she thought, there were no arguments and
    they talked like the two adults that they were. She would not pressure him more about his past life growing up, it was
    too painful to him and she could understand that. she explained more as to why she decided it was best to leave him behind that she needed time to grow as a person, also that she really had believed her roommates lies. She had at one point ended up moving out from that apartment,
    and left the city.

    Matthew knew she had more to tell , but he would not pressure her he let her take the time she needed,
    and they had no rush to go anywhere this evening.

    ( I later moved them to another spot)


    They decided it was calmer to go to the camping ground, not too many other people
    there to disturb.

    " There is something I need you to know, and its actually not easy for me to tell
    you this, since I should had done that a long time ago".

    To be continued in the next half of the chapter

    Tagging: @bekkasan , @emorrill , @DivaDoodle
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    DivaDoodleDivaDoodle Posts: 1,858 Member

    @Silverofdreams30 Great update!

    I love how all this is unfolding!

    The pictures and all the simmies themselves are so beautiful to look at!

    Great job! :smiley:
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Silverofdreams30 I enjoyed the update! Teresa looks so pretty in all her outfits. I'm glad they are having the talk.
    Matthew is always gorgeous! :love:
    Oh that roommate was such a liar! It is a shame she trusted her but she still might have left anyway.
    I'm so looking forward to how he reacts about her being preggers and not telling him. Soon I hope?
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    AlexaKryAlexaKry Posts: 2,706 Member
    @Silverofdreams30 : Grr, I dislike lying! And why did the roomate had to? There wasn´t even a price to win?!?!?!
    It is just sad that Teresa believed her and that this lie influenced her so much! Who knows what could have happened if Matthew and Teresa were a couple for some time? Maybe they could have grown to be better together???
    Nice poses you´ve chose and nice dresses on Teresa, I have to agree that the black one is a bit overdressed when you sit on the ground. :D
    I like Matthew and his prudence!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member

    Thank you, I like using poses but it can be difficult to
    settle them correctly.


    Thank you, I took enough screenshots ,
    so going to post the second half of chapter 12 today.


    Yep a terrible roommate she had , going to post more
    soon thank you.

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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,219 Member
    chapter 13 continues

    I had to split it up since it is quite long.




    While her mother was out doing her stuff, Gwen decided to call Parker and ask if they could
    hang, not as in a date but as friends, he agreed so they would meet up.



    Ah hour later they met up by the internet cafe place, he was already there
    when she arrived.

    " Sorry I'm a bit late last minute touch up you know," she said and smiled.

    Parker who had no idea what so ever with what she meant with that sentence just nodded

    " Its totally fine, this is not a date remember we agreed to hang as friends" Gwen giggled,
    " Yeah, I remember it was actually my idea".


    Parked had to run to the bathroom so Gwen waited outside.


    While she waited Zero arrived, they greeted each other .

    " I'm waiting for Parker, we are hanging today" She told him


    " Cool, let me just finish my homework" he then said and sat down.

    Gwen shook her head, she had already finished her stuff right after school.

    " Enjoy uh your homework", Parker later returned.


    When Parker arrived, Zero stood up " Hey pal, good to see you" they too
    greeted before the other two decided to head off.

    At the same time, Teresa was about to tell him her biggest secret of them, all she told herself
    just to do it, you will feel better when it's done. " A while after I left I figured I was pregnant" she started,
    Matthews's eyes got huge of surprise " You was what?" Teresa nodded " it was not the best time of my life when I found out, I had to deal with
    that news slowly and I had no means to contact you about it back then, I was broke and stayed with my parents and they were not famous and had no contacts in that work field
    " She sighed " My life has never been easy, I had to work 2 day jobs to be able to support me and the baby it took a while until I was back on track with finances, but I wanted to give my baby all it could need and when I gave birth to her, she was my everything, my world".

    Matthews's face was not easy to read, was he angry, sad or all of the two at the same time. Teresa sighed.
    " I'm sorry I never told you, I know it cant be re-done and that you might not want to forgive me for this, but know you have a daughter, a 15-year old that is amazing and just as wonderful as you were back then.".


    " I'm sorry, this is a lot to take in I need a moment," He said and walked off to sit by himself.

    Teresa nodded " I understand, I will be over there cooking I think we both need some food".

    He nodded ad sat down deep in his thoughts.

    To be continued.

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