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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Turjan Thanks for the comments. Hopefully I will get a window unit soon.
    Elvira is certainly a study in contradictions!

    @texansky No, it doesn't sound like it will happen.
    Love seeing all the kids birthday pictures!
    oh wow! I had a fire cat in my farming game. It haunted the barn on the property. I loved it. :heart: So beautiful!
    Bekka looked like she had some fun at the party once she got rid of Zac and his texting.

    @Sprottenham I think we have all been there with our stories, lives and games. Just take the time you need and come back when you are ready.
    LOL...I would take a little snow (which I am not fond of) and send you some heat in a heartbeat. We have actually had a longer mild spring here than our usual. Normally it's a couple weeks of beautiful temps in 70's and then boom straight to 90's. It was in upper 80's and low 90's last week, but in the 70's over the weekend and so far this week as well.
    Nice that both made great grades and are ready to go home for Christmas. I had to laugh seeing her stand on more dirty clothes while she worked on another painting. That one looks like it is going to be a gorgeous painting.

    @GraceyManor Sorry you are feeling bad, but happy to hear it is not the covid.
    Sweet updates. Love the romance and fun they are having together. Oh, well bummer you are done with it.
    Lotsa reasons crashes happen. The folks at Nraas pretty much say the analyzer just tells you the game crashed. It doesn't pinpoint the problem. You have to be a detective at times to figure it out. Yes, I suppose it can happen with more than 8 in a household but I've played with more than 8 sims (30+) in many households and never had crashes in those saves just lag. :grin:

    @Johnsomething Welcome. Sounds like a it's good he is an animal lover with the one decent trait. :lol: I hope he doesn't have too many children. He looks very handsome. Apparently Cheyenne thought so too! :grin:
    Oh that Cheyenne certainly has a wandering eye. :wink:

    @Lamaaaay Welcome. Supernaturals are fun and can add something extra to your game.
    I've never had a meteor happen in my game, been playing 10 years now. I decided until it happens on its own I won't cheat one, even though i cheat everything else. :lol:

    @Silverofdreams30 Celina is beautiful.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Let 'em get married already! :grin:
    Your photos of simwife are awesome.
    I wish I had your way with descriptions.

    @Brandontaylor Thanks! yep, not fun for sure especially when everything is so pricey these days!
    Lovely seeing your sims at work and play.
    Christa looks cute. They will make a beautiful couple. Hopefully he will become a teen soon too.

    @emorrill Will make comments on your thread as soon as I have 5 minutes, well, maybe 10 since it was a long update. :grin: Perhaps the Grand will sleep a little longer and I can comment once I post this.

    Did y'all know sims could fly a kite in game? I did not until Saturday. My next build for Disney Magic Kingdom is a toy store so I added the toy maker gizmo that came with Midnight Hollow. I honestly never used it before so I sent blond Shane :love: and Gina in to play with it. I wasn't sure if they needed scrap to work it. No, they don't. I had them make kites and they were in the inventory so I sent them to the empty lot next door and they toss them in the air. They didn't do very well the first few tries but finally got them aloft and flew the kites higher each time, but not really very high. Shane got struck by lightning in the cloud free sky flying his kite! :open_mouth: I missed the lightning strike. Not quick enough hitting the c button at times. I love learning new things about this game. I need to see if they can use any of the other items that can be made with the gizmo but I ran out of time. I'm grand baby sitting today so had a few minutes while he naps to post this.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Pages 4350 - 4352

    @GraceyManor Great updates!

    @texansky Looks like all the Simselves have been busy.
    Same here, I end up putting in my own titles.
    Great updates!
    No, I forgot.

    @emorrill Hey, Leah's going to be the same age I am, lol
    Oh yeah, I forgot she is pregnant.
    Let's hope it's a peaceful Christmas.
    If Harvey is younger than Elliott, then that means with Harvey being the "father" of the group, Elliott would have to be the "grandfather", lol. I think he'd prefer to be considered a "father" or an "uncle" though since he isn't that old. :lol:
    It's nice to hear Haley apologize to everyone.
    Sounds like Abigail got something dirty, lol
    Emily got a nice gift.
    Haley seemed like she was wanting something a bit more.
    Sebastian got a really good gift.
    Sounds like she got an iPod, lol. I heard Apple isn't going to make them anymore.
    I could see Harvey being good at chess.
    What are the odds of Sims getting the same gift? :lol:
    Alex's gift to Maru was nice.
    Her gift to him wasn't, though.
    Sebastian needs to calm down, I don't think Alex will do anything bad towards Maru.
    Hi, don't worry about it. I'm catching up pretty well.
    Great updates!

    @Johnsomething Sounds like you gave him a good backstory to start with.
    I'm glad that even though he can be grumpy and a loner, he at least has some people he does like to hang with.
    Uh oh, looks like a scandal started, lol
    Probably good James didn't get with her then.
    Great update!

    @Silverofdreams30 Great job on the Sim!

    @Nikkei_Simmer Great throwback pictures!
    You're welcome.

    @Karritz Yeah, I don't play with the IF's much either. I usually just try to turn them into gold with the Philosopher's Stone. Sometimes I get gold, other times they just disappear.
    Thanks. It's kind of funny, because I just sold her before reading your comment yesterday.

    @bekkasan I know. In the town I live, gasoline jumped to $4.75 now, and it seems I'm constantly doing price changes at work.
    I have a good feeling about Christa. Since Jacob is a fairy, he's going to live quite a while, but I'm not sure I'll feed her Life Fruit to keep her around like I am doing so Brandon has Lily a while.
    Jacob became a teen last night, I've got to get that update posted here pretty soon.
    Did not know about the kites.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited May 2022
    I have a question on my mind. We need elder muscle sliders that make buff elder sims. Haruo would lose his muscles when he turns into an elder? I don’t think so. He’d probably look like this guy. “No mess with this jiji.” (Slang for ojiisan)
    This guy is 72 and still buff. So I wanna see elder muscle sliders. 😁🤣

    @Brandontaylor - I went by my local gas station - $2.229/liter (3.8 liters to a US gallon) = $8.47/US Gallon. It’s nuts. I can’t afford a Tesla but I’m seriously considering one.

    @bekkasan - yeah. I know, I should let them get married. But I did let’em break their uh…you know agreement tp… 😁👍. Hope Mama Fiona doesn’t find out.

    That oughta buy me the vacation chapter outta them. 😝.

    Thanks she had that long hair when she came up but it was her normal color. But since she had it colored purple for a while, I used that on the Simself. Now it’s green.

    I guess it goes well with where she works at current. 🤣

    My teachers in high school fostered my love for creative writing and English class was a class I always looked forward to.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    I will read and comment on your newest story update tomorrow.


    Thank you
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Hey friends. :grin:

    ***I have a question for all of you, that will prove helpful in writing & illustrating the next part of my story chapter.*** :blush:

    What kind of sim activities would you imagine seeing - or would like to see - certain couples (including friends: Alex and Maru) doing for fun? :)

    They're heading into Spring so outdoor activities are okay! :smiley:

    Think about it and share with me your thoughts. :blush: If you'd like...

    Thanks a bunch! :kissing_heart:
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    mycami21mycami21 Posts: 752 Member
    Hi everyone :) It's been a long time since I've commented here.

    texansky said:
    Hemera Fin is the Simself of @Hemera123
    I don't know how many of the Simself creators are still active. I started trying to tag the creators in each post. I got Cami Kat from @mailin32 and I gather that she is the same person as @mycami21

    I had gotten an e-mail notification last week letting me know that @texansky had tagged me in a post. I want to apologize for taking so long to respond but the day I was going to do so my internet went out because the broadband company that is laying cable in my neighborhood cut my phone/internet line & did a shoddy job repairing it so after we got some rain my internet and landline phone went out & I had to have my phone company come out to properly fix it. Today was the next day that I was able to come on and respond. :)

    Yes, mailin32 is my alter ego as it were. lol I had created my EA account a couple of years before I joined the Sims forums. I just tried changing my EA username to mycami21 no idea if that will actually change anything lol :p

    I will try to come on here more often. To be honest I have missed you guys and have felt a little bad for completely dropping off the rails like I did because I feel as though I have made some good friendships here. <3
    emorrill wrote:
    @texansky Aww, such awesome comments you gave out to everyone. <3
    Yeah this whole wobbly-dizzy feeling that comes and goes when it feels like and getting worse after I chew a meal and my ears get clogged up, is just weird. :confused: And it is very much keeping me from doing certain things that I need to get done. My eyes and head are actually handling being on the computer and reading this morning so that's good. Hopefully it's "slowly but surely" getting better. :star: But yeah I may go see an ENT cause I imagine when I let my Doc know the symptoms are still present, he may send me to one. Thank you for the well wishes. <3
    I dunno...I don't see the mustache rubbing off on Penny. :lol: But if others see it like you do it's totally those "handlebars" I tell ya! :joy: It's one of many reasons why I made Harvey get rid of it. :p (Well, guess he has the mustache again now, but never handlebar style again! )
    I actually have a notebook where I will jot down story thoughts (and create my outline). :blush:
    Awwww! Look at my sim babies! :smiley: They are adorable! <3 I am loving the heck out of reading your simself gameplay! :star: I also love that Mark and I hooked up. :lol: He's my buddy on here so I think he'd get a chuckle over it too. :blush:
    Cute that Cami Kat and Nikkei Simmer are together. I miss @mycami21 <3
    Sam and Kami playing chess and getting all competitive was super cute. :blush:*Sigh* I love seeing my Sam. He's so so sexy!! :love:
    Welcome Tinyspacefox's sims! :)

    @emorrill I've missed you too {{{hugs}}} I feel really bad that I never responded to the last message you had sent. A LOT happened last year & I didn't want to burden you. I promise I'll message you tonight. I see that you have been sick. I hope you're feeling better now. <3

    It's nice to see so many familiar names still posting. I glanced at some of your posts and the stories have been just as awesome as I remember. :D
    I have to go for now. I will try my best to not be as much of a stranger.

    Daily Deal Thread
    What Happened in your game today? 1000 plus pages strong.

    Pictures and descriptions of the Clue characters and of Boddy mansion I created can be found here

    Stephen and Sakura's Werewolf/building challenge

    My Studio
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Shouldn’t have messed with page files made my graphics look terrible lol
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    Hi, @mycami21 - glad to see you back. 😁

    Interesting game that @texansky has been playing. 😄👍
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Could someone recommend some facial sliders? I feel like all my sims look the same.XD
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    @GraceyManor and anyone else who’s interested: if you’re new to custom sliders, please first ensure you have NRaas MasterController installed. By default, the game only allows 20 sliders to be used, but with NRaas MC, up to 100 sliders can be installed in each facial panel.

    Moving on to the sliders themselves, I highly recommend this pack of 17 facial sliders, uploaded to Tumblr by kosmokhaos. They were originally created by a user named Ahmad, who has since taken down the original upload.

    OneEuroMutt also makes excellent sliders. Their website also has handy pictures that show you what each slider does. I personally use a lot of their brow, cheek, nose and chin/jaw sliders.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited May 2022
    @TinySpaceFox - I’ve been trying to get the sliders to show up before my computer went down so I’m gonna have to wait to muck with NRAAS MC. 😁

    I’m also not going to enjoy having to download SWTOR, Mass Effect LE, Simcity 4, FSX and Cities Skylines all over again. 🙄

    It drove me crazy the first time around.🤪
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member

    I am caught up reading this thread, but am too tired to comment right now. Will tackle that tomorrow.

    I am halfway through my Simselves Week 3 - Friday and have two posts fully written. I just need to add the pictures so I can post them. I will do that tomorrow as well.

    Good to see you back on here. I actually took about a five-year break from Sims 3 and the forums myself.

    If you are feeling really ambitious, or are really bored, and want to go back and read my Simselves story from the beginning, the post linked below contains links to the six posts from 2017 and includes the first post from this year.

    My posts after that are on the following pages:

    4339 (2 more posts), 4340 (4 posts), 4341 (5), 4342 (3), 4343 (7), 4344 (3), 4346 (4), 4347 (6), 4348 (2), 4349 (7), and 4350 (3).

    There are 1153 images posted so far and I have another 55 to post, so a total of 1208 screenshots and notifications. Just giving you a warning. :lol:
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Thanks so much! I have MC already installed.=)
    I just have to wait until my computer resets.(Had an issue with a driver, had no choice but to reset to manufacturing.Now I have
    to reinstall sims lol)
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited May 2022

    Welcome back, cant remember if I have talked to you on here I joined this thread 2016.
    I posted in another before that
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member
    edited May 2022

    I used to play Swotr, but not installed on my pc now either on the desktop or laptop
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited May 2022
    When you realise your big project is due tomorrow and you haven't started.

    Pages 4350-4351

    @GraceyManor Good to hear you avoided Covid!
    Hey, maybe Diavolo just likes kids' books, let him like what he likes, Molly!
    Such a pretty sky! Love the purple notes <3
    Aw, perfect set-up for a confession of love. You did good, Diavolo :) (I love that expression too!)
    Sorry to hear you lost your Obey Me game :frowning: corruption is never fun! I wish you best of luck with your next story!

    @texansky I wouldn't be surprised at Al for getting up perfectly after making a snow angel. Should we be surprised that elder Sims can do such things, when pregnant Sims are totally indestructible? Never underestimate the power of Sims! :tongue:
    Hi David. Nice to see your grumpy self!
    I don't get what's the big obsession with swimwear in winter, either!
    Cami Kat is totally me at every gathering :tongue: maybe I have a bit of Emma in me too!
    Awwww, cute little puppieeeees! I hope they find good homes soon! Wonder how they'll look when they're older?
    I sure hope Jamie brings those poor kids inside, they'll freeze to death out on the porch!
    If you're wondering, the leaf icon is a glitch. There was originally going to be another icon in the game for insulting texts, but something got messed up along the line, and so when a Sim sends (or receives) an insulting text, the speech bubble defaults to a placeholder image of a birch leaf. There are mods out there that change this, though.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Did you write all that in the car again? You've really got quite the muse! :tongue:
    A cruise and then a big expensive wedding? River and Haruo must be loaded! Okay, to each their own...
    I low-key hate that Sims don't even try to run away from disasters, be they house fires or meteors. But I guess if they did, Grim would be out of a job!
    I can't play without NRaas MC (specifically MC Cheats). It makes managing my Sims so much easier! And if I didn't have space for all the custom sliders I use, I wouldn't be able to recreate TS4 Sims in TS3.
    Re-downloading so many games is gonna be a drag, for sure. At least you could play TS3 while you wait!

    @Johnsomething Hello and welcome to the thread! I hope you enjoy your stay here :)
    James and his personality will make for an interesting game indeed :) I like giving my Sims at least one "negative" trait too, if I can. Makes them feel more human.
    And we're starting with breaking up the Fox family, are we? Oh my. :tongue:
    Okay, Booker was in on this too? This is wild :D looks like Cheyenne might not be the family woman James was looking for after all...
    At least he's happy with his horse for company!

    @Lamaaaay Welcome! Hope you're having fun with the occults in TS3 :>
    Oh yes, meteor showers give you so much of that sweet cash :tongue: they're still always a little bit scary when they happen, though!

    @Silverofdreams30 Celina turned out wonderful! I love that blue heart pendant especially :)

    @Sprottenham aw Ranveig, you don't have to worry, your baby boy is on his way home safe and sound...
    It's kinda sad to see how Ranveig is wrestling with the thought of her little boy growing up and moving on. Hopefully she comes to accept it one day.
    Little Robert looks like a chip off the old block! How he finds chess more entertaining than other stuff, like the computer, is beyond me :tongue:
    Unicorns for Audrey sounds like a real action-packed book, Oliver :tongue:
    Oh yes Eirin, nothing says "holiday cheer" like lawn flamingoes! Father Winter uses them to pull his sleigh, doesn't he?

    @Brandontaylor Daisy is such a kick-a$s Sim that she doesn't even need to sit on her motorcycle!
    I see His Highness Jacob requests only the finest royal robes for his dining chamber :tongue: (I approve of his meal choice!)
    What an eclectic band to have: a Fairy, a Plumbot and a PlantSim!
    Lovely to see Lauren getting in on the martial arts action, but it must hurt to be whacked by a metal hand! :D
    Hah, almost forgot about Brandon and his pranks! Maybe he pulled one on Daisy too!

    I've been playing my game, but I don't have many screenshots to share except this little handful:

    For years, my Sim Martin has worn a red top.

    It's a nice top, but recently, I've not been feeling it anymore. A while ago, I found this handsome-looking CC cardigan and I honestly think it suits Martin much, much better:

    It's also scientifically proven that playing the piano makes you 200% sexier. :tongue:
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member

    Welcome to the thread, enjoy posting
    it can sometimes be slow here and sometimes it is more going on :)


    Lovely photo of David, thank you


    Thank you

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    polrbearpolrbear Posts: 939 Member
    I keep exploring new things in the game, and my sim Jay started using the canning station. I've had the canning station for years but can't actually remember ever actually having used it before. I started Jay off making jams, which was super cute, and she could eat them with scones or toast, but then I saw on the Sims 3 guide that preserving cucumbers turned them into pickles.

    Lil me was so excited, and I bought cucumbers for her to pickle and everything, (she keeps giving ripped off by that stand, but it gives her good access to fancy world adventures fruits to make into jams) and she made pickles... but when you 'open jar' on the pickle jar it just gives you a cucumber back :rage: oh man I was so disappointed... and then I sent my sim to eat more jam :rage:
    I play Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, and The Urbz: Sims in the City on gamecube and ds. Main Game: Sims 352033322186_3a08467dc6_o.png
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    JohnsomethingJohnsomething Posts: 57 Member
    edited May 2022
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. The only thing about James - he is more handsome than I wanted him to be. This "cutie boy" face takes away from the "rugged harsh farmer" aesthetics I initially wanted to give him, but my face shaping skills can only get me so far.

    I enjoy reading your posts/stories too, It helps me understand hows my playthrough is similar or different to yours.

    @Nikkei_Simmer Oh boy I wished I had your teachers in high school.
    Post edited by Johnsomething on
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited May 2022
    @TinySpaceFox - not this time, gas prices are insane up here (nearly the equivalent of $9.00/US gallon, my muse has typically had no concept of trying to be rational in where she coaxes me to write. However this time she even heard when I nearly yelled “holy ‼️⁉️©️✖️ing 💲🚫💢✝️!!!! Are the gas companies out of their minds?!!!” …in the car as I drove past the gas station after making a quick run to the local Walmart to do a bit of mid-pay-period grocery stock-up (snacks and chips actually Yeah she’s taken to writing at home at least for the foreseeable future. She’s not happy about not going on car rides and I’m not going to go sit in the car all day at home just for her benefit.

    It’s gonna be at least eight months yet before I can replace my computer so yeah. I’m gonna be on the sidelines with Sims 3 just writing out my story in text format hoping not to go stir-crazy in the interim.

    I’m still vacillating between a desktop and a gaming laptop; or maybe both, but now my wife needs a computer because hers is acting up 🙄 (how convenient)…so well that just delays mine since well she gets to buy hers first. Such is married life. 😁 (to the kids: Take notes).

    Hmmm…I’ve heard that line before. Being able to play “A River Flows In You” may make you 200% sexier. But I found in my experience that being able to play Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier negates that effect rather quickly.

    @Johnsomething - yeah, two of my teachers were excellent conveyors of the passion for the written word. They did their best to foster a love of creativity. Most of my classmates found their creative writing assignments to be a bit of a mundane chore. Get it done, get it over with. But in class the two teachers showed me, at least, a writing style that dove into the motivations of the different characters; to go deeper than just the surface details of relating the every day activities of the characters (what are they thinking; what drives them to do that? And it all comes pouring out on paper, hence the reason why my text-based fan-fiction (no pictures; no games to draw inspiration from) can run into the tens of thousands of words.

    My current Sims 3 fanfic “The Chikamori Selfacy”currently sits at a whopping ninety one-thousand words in text alone over on fanfictiondotnet.

    My JAGfic “There Is No Spark of Interest” runs at an eye-widening one hundred and twenty-six thousand words.

    I should try and write my own books but world-creation and character creation other than those interacting with worlds and characters created in a sandbox like Sims 3 is something my muse doesn’t like to do.

    Insert whiny Karen voice, “what, you expect ME to build everything in this story from scratch. Nope, I’m going on vacation…to Tahiti!”

    Yeah she’s a stubborn muse.

    I kinda tend to think she looks like Michelle…
    …one of the girlfriends of the Chikamori cousins that Haruo and River met at University.

    I’m being uncharitable - she’s really nice…she’s just got that resting *****-face problem. 😝
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member

    Sorry to hear about your wife's computer. I hope you receive some kind of windfall so you can buy both hers and yours soon!

    I can't imagine all of the custom content needed to recreate just that one scene, much less an entire story. :open_mouth:

    Thanks for giving a visual of your Muse! She's very pretty, but I can see the resting ** face. :lol:

    I'm glad Bekkasan Sim was able to move on from that post. Zac Whipsnake certainly knows how to play the field.

    I didn't know that the red ghost for cats also represented a fire death. I have at least one cat in my Forsythe Legacy that is red. I don't remember if I witnessed her death, but I don't remember seeing any that died from a fire.

    I did not know that they could fly kites either. I just got Midnight Hollow on March 12th, but I haven't played with it yet. Nice pictures. It looks like the Sims are having fun. Well, until Shane got struck by lightning!

    Thanks for your comments. These Simselves are always keeping me on my toes. That's why there are anywhere from 3-5 posts per Sim day. :lol:

    Seeing Alex face-plant on the bowling lane would be fun. J/K - he's redeemed himself in my eyes.
    Maybe the slip 'n slide?

    I changed my EA name to texansims, but it only changed it for Origin and, and the help center. The one on the store/exchange and the forums is still texansky.

    Sorry to hear that changing the page file messed up your graphics and that you had to reset your computer to factory default. I removed my suggestion about the page file from my previous post.

    :lol::lol: at forgetting about your big project until the last minute! The expression on his face!

    Too true about pregnant Sims being indestructible. Never underestimate the power of Sims indeed!

    I'll be sure to get pictures of Brandon and Prince Flannagan as dogs.

    I didn't know that about the birch leaf. Interesting bit of trivia.

    Where did you get the cardigan for Martin? I'd like to add it to my Simselves game.

    Too bad about getting a cucumber back instead of the expected pickle.

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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    @texansky Don't feel bad, the reset had nothing to do with my graphics,
    my internet adapter went haywire lol.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited May 2022
    @texansky - I have @Mikezumi to thank for coaxing me to use mods and cc. I may have to do a revamp on the Nikkei_Simmer sim to make him look more like me (at half a century plus a pair I don’t look like my “young Haruo” appearance any more - I had muscles when I was working in security) when I get my replacement computer.

    I’ve been using cc skins and other enhancements such as cc eyes, hair and eyelashes, had nose masks, will have to find those again. I also use a bunch of different hairs and other cc clothes and frankly, I don’t think I can go back to playing Sims 3 with no cc. 😐

    There’s a big difference which I tend to be inclined to favour.
    I tend to like my River (right). 😁
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    TinySpaceFoxTinySpaceFox Posts: 1,110 Member
    @texansky Here’s the link to Martin’s cardigan:
    The link to download via Dropbox is at the bottom. Enjoy!
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Got my game all back(Thank the maker for having a floppy disk with backups of my mods and such)
    Installed it back, and I go to use MC to make my sim learn all recipes and the option is missing.

    Is where it usually is, but under books, is only change written books and toddlers now.

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