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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    Congrats to the happy sim couple and beautiful picture @simgirl1010

    Really nice house designs @ddsims3world
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    Thanks everyone! It was a madhouse full of mayhem! 😄 One guest showed up in a wedding gown. Guests were sitting in the aisle. Others were doing pushups. The bride went up the aisle by herself. I had to exit without saving. Next wedding is going to be an elopement. 😄
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,216 Member
    @simgirl1010 I can’t wait to sit down later and enjoy this.🙂 I can relate to the guests doing their own thing. At Londyn and Danielle’s wedding, sweet lovable Darian decides that right in the middle of the ceremony would be a great time to put on his trunks and go for a swim.🤣
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    manicobsessivemanicobsessive Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited August 2023
    Thanks everyone! It was a madhouse full of mayhem! 😄 One guest showed up in a wedding gown. Guests were sitting in the aisle. Others were doing pushups. The bride went up the aisle by herself. I had to exit without saving. Next wedding is going to be an elopement. 😄

    Lol! I've had a guest show up in a wedding gown before too...the bride's mother. :o Plus, the bride got attacked by Mrs Crumplebottom for kissing the groom at the altar. Quite a memorable wedding. :D
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    @DaniRose2143 well you have two more weddings to look forward to. 😄 Take a tip from me and save after every activity.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,216 Member
    @manicobsessive I would have paid to see that!🤣
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member
    Yes, the meteorites caused the invisibility of the farm, Martha mentioned that a (long ^^') while ago. Let's hope they can reverse it and find the horses. And they definitly have to sell some products from the farm soon. The pay from Ji Ho and Jeb's tour won't last much longer to live off of... even though they don't need much.

    Saiwa called Ji Ho and Vlad over after Jeb and Kiyoshi's discovery: "Very well - let's see where the horses are! So - now do your magic!"
    The strong Bond between Vlad and Ji Ho allows them to cast powerful spells (such as a teleportation once when they were captured and bringing back 'friends' from another realm the other day, for example). It usually costs them an embrace and concentration to cast a such a spell.

    Vlad: "No - Ji Ho won't endure this anymore! You know how much he hates being touched after what he had to undergo in his past!
    And it drains him! The Resistance did fine before us - they will outlive without us!"
    Saiwa: "Vlad! Wait! - Ji Ho..." But they left...
    Saiwa calls after Vlad: "But what about the horses?!" Vlad: "Ach!"
    Vlad always loved to see Ji Ho swim and it soothed him eventually.
    They need no words to know how the other feels. The bond tells them.
    Vlad sighs eventually and they went back to Saiwa...
    '… Will you make me some magic with your own two hands? Can you build an emerald city with these grains of sand?
    Can you give me something I can take home? … I can do that, I can do that'
    Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love

    Aww the way Sai looks at them :3

    Ji Ho is exhausted... but their magic had no effect as it seems. No horses...
    Saiwa, aghast: "Why didn't it work? Is the bond broken? But what about the horses?"
    d70aead6bd57d9113e587b03ecffce84b09267d0.jpgThe Boys 2 - Therapy Game 🛺 A Dramedy 🚶🏼🚶🏻🚶🏽🚶🏽 The Boys 🥇 Their first year - A Dramedy 🚀 Lost In Space - A Space Opera 🐎 The Stables - A Horse Drama
    🎁 Best of Buydebug ☃️ Short trips to the Oggiverse - Short Clips 🎬 My Builds: Houses 🏘 Rooms 🛋 SciFi 👾 creatively edited Screenshots 🎨
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    floridameerkatfloridameerkat Posts: 1,190 Member
    One of my sims moved out of her parent's house and into a house with her longtime boyfriend in Britechester. They're part of my rotational save, so I'm only spending a week with them before I move on. I was expecting it to be a pretty boring week because I couldn't think of anything for them to do and they don't have kids yet. However, right after loading them, I learned that the boyfriend's mom, Lilith Pleasant, was homeless. It seems her nieces and nephews kicked her out after their mom died, so I moved her in with my sims. She's been helping out doing laundry and earning money through her side jobs of painting, gardening, and cross-stitching.

    While looking for Lilith in Manage Sims, I also found an elderly stray dog whom I moved in with them because I felt bad, only to learn the dog was actually a ghost (it did not appear in ghost form in Manage Sims). I had my sim's boyfriend go to the vet and get an ambrosia treat and an age down treat. So now they have an adorable, living, adult dog as well. The dog also had $20,000, so when I combined the households my sims got that money.
    Gallery ID: floridameerkat
    Family trees:
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    edited August 2023
    I've had my share of crazy stuff happening at my sims wedding @simgirl1010 , my sim elopes more than having a wedding or just a very small one with family only.

    Last year my male sim wedding started off great and then in the middle of the weddings vows Becca and Julia started acting out, then at one point a flirt bug kicked in with them trying to start drama because Becca and Julia were best Friends of him and his brother who is sitting next to Becca.


    Becca act like she wasn't happy to be there, and Julia started acting out.


    This is just my opinion, and I could be wrong, I feel some sims get mixed up with best friends being a relationship developing into a romance and think the sim like them, I felt Becca and Julia assumed this, but my sim never liked them that way.

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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,587 Member
    Got an update with Colette, the kids and Warner. I have some pages left to read but I'll return to leave come comments and awesomes soon🙂
    Back home Colette was with the kids, after a long day they were all spending some time together. 6EmmndE.png
    During the day Colette went to the spa. She was getting herself a hot stone massage. yLVBsgD.png She brought Nora along hoping she could get a manicure but apparently she can’t…guess she’s too young. It’s all good though, Nora was allowed to use the meditation stool. wNiCV5T.png I didn’t realize I clicked start meditation class😅 Nora led one woman through the class. Atta girl Nora! daoTGYF.png Her pupil got up mid session however. I think she was embarrassed she was the only one there following a child 😭 u4cGrQR.png She almost got away with it. Until, “sit back down, please” zHl2WcP.png Busted, better luck next time. She sat back down. Nora continued her class without interruptions. y1aR4qw.png

    Over in Strangerville:
    Warner entered the room and stepped on to the platform in front of him. He noticed that the thing screeching looked like some sort of plant. He wondered if it was possible to communicate with it. ScCcV2p.png For a split second the plant actually seemed to understand him. Warner thought he hit a break through. He asked it to stop polluting the air with its spores and summoning its vines around town. It responded by blowing a raspberry at him. a1Pb81D.png It’s arm began to flail about causing Warner to jump. He was sure it just made an attempt to grab him. iSGyhan.png “Hah, not fast enough!” Warner taunted. In a split second it quickly launched another attempt. This time wrapping itself around his legs. fBURdZz.png It made little to no effort to drag him on the ground. Warner felt like his children’s toys whenever they would swing them in the air. Uwl4qiG.png He was sure this was the end for him, Warner considered himself lucky when the plant simply let him go. Without thinking twice he quickly left the lab. He made the walk back home and looking back towards the lab, the skies above it looked ominous. dQMJ8rx.png “You fool, you confronted it?! You’re lucky to be alive. Next time you’re not going in alone.” His partner Patrice told him. ar37LAI.png In the meantime, Patrice had him collect spores to create a vaccine to fight the infections. She sent Warner back to lab and taught him how to create it, after creating the first batch he took one for himself. “Gross, this taste horrible. Must means it works.” Fi0yquS.png Warner called Patrice for his next assignment. “I got the vaccines, now what?” “Distribute it around town” she answered.q4UZjLn.png Warner was sure there was a much more professional way to distribute the vaccine, but for now he wanted to have some fun. ntH9G7F.pngAHzrsyD.pngO0eyiTt.png
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited August 2023
    Nectar making and knitting!
    Benjamin headed to where the nectar maker was and started to make some strawberry nectar:
    He filled several bottles of the stuff and placed them on the aging rack:
    Afterwards, Benjamin cleaned the nectar maker:
    Meanwhile, Princess Roddy was upstairs, doing some knitting and listening to the winter holiday station. His aunt, Shelly Heart, joined him. She picked up her nephew's beloved kitten, Eachann, and showered him with affection:
    Later, Princess Roddy finished his knitting:
    He had made a pink octopus!
    The princess then checked on his plants and did some plant care. After that, he fed Eachann.

    So many mushrooms and not a badger in sight!
    Screenshot only section! And yes, the title is a reference to the badger badger badger song by Mr Weebl.

    Food, swimming and more!
    Princess Roddy sat on a nearby bench in the Bramblewood. His aunt, Shelly, arrived and sat next to him, giving him a great, big, loving and warm cuddle:
    The pair then ate some food. Princess Roddy had ramen, whilst Shelly had Kalua Pork:
    After letting things settle, the pair went for a swim:
    They chatted to each other:
    Princess Roddy and Shelly swam around some more, then they headed to the shore. Shelly smiled and gave her adorable nephew a very great, big, loving smooch on his cheek:
    And a very great, big, loving hug:
    The princess smiled and gave his favourite aunt a kiss on her cheek. Then the pair went back to Dianthus Hall.
    Riding through San Sequoia!
    Princess Roddy saddled Tammy up. Then the pair headed to San Sequoia, where the princess and his Clydesdale mare had an enjoyable ride:
    Princess Roddy hugged his horse:
    Then it was over to the Celebration Centre's stop off stable for a rest:
    Afterwards, Princess Roddy and Tammy went back home to Dianthus Hall.

    I forgot to mention that we welcomed two new hens into our family, Chica and Lindy. Of course, Pippin's not too happy and has been chasing them around. It's a sort of a pecking order thing. It's rather comical, though.

    And next week, I have a few days (relatively) alone at home. Mum and Dad are going camping again, so that means ben and jerry's, drumming and thinking up more entries for this thread! (And watching stuff that I got for my birthday, which is this Sunday.)
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves Good luck in Strangerville 🤞🏽🤐I don't know if you did the full mission before, but I have
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,216 Member
    @simgirl1010 That was a beautiful ceremony.❤️ Great choices for their vows. Hannah and Elliott are a lovely couple and they are going to have a wonderful life together!🙂

    Nora is a treat!🤣 I'm so happy she didn't get to have a manicure this time because this was so much funnier. I prefer Warner's way of getting vaccinated. I don't get freaked out by needles, but I don't like the way they always make my arm sore.

    Ooo, strawberry nectar sounds delicious.😋 Polar bear plunge! Princess Roddy and Shelly are going to need more food to warm up again.🥶
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited August 2023
    Even though it was freezing cold, Princess Roddy and Shelly aren't affected by the cold weather. In fact, the entire Furystrykar household isn't affected by extreme temperatures. They could wander around in their hot weather outfits in winter and cold weather outfits in summer.
    Or even their sleepwear outfits! :p
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    edited August 2023
    @BlueSeaWaves Nora's a boss. I would have sat back down also. :D

    Thanks @DaniRose2143! 😊
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,216 Member
    @DreamPrincess I wondered about that. I had forgotten about the iceproof and heatproof reward traits. I used to give those out all the time but I haven't done that in what seems like forever.🙂
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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,853 Member
    edited August 2023
    Thanks everyone! It was a madhouse full of mayhem! 😄 One guest showed up in a wedding gown. Guests were sitting in the aisle. Others were doing pushups. The bride went up the aisle by herself. I had to exit without saving. Next wedding is going to be an elopement. 😄

    haha. @simgirl1010 all weddings should be an elopement in this game. lol😂
    I always forget to change the formal dresses so I quite often have more than one guest come on a wedding dress. How rude!

    Sometimes I think it was the programmers secret inside joke have a laugh- and making that pack a hilarious mockery bc this generation is not into traditional customs of that do not fit this economy and time we live in. I'm pretty sure they could have done a better job at it. It is funny.

    Weddings were always bad- i think the allowed one nice one when i first got the game- then ridiculous storms for every other. Somehow TWS made it worst lol
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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,853 Member
    edited August 2023
    [img][/img]53124332703_1ea39e65d9_k.jpgScreenshot 2023-08-17 at 8.21.19 PM by leucosia x, on Flickr

    53124251995_464f0dbbee_k.jpgScreenshot 2023-08-17 at 8.21.27 PM by leucosia x, on Flickr

    53124333463_e5f9e4c474_k.jpgScreenshot 2023-08-17 at 8.29.32 PM by leucosia x, on Flickr

    Hard at work at this vampire's vineyard, making nectar in berry colored adidas slippers- yum. Looks like Princess Diana wanted to pay a visit but no one heard the door.

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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,745 Member
    Thanks everyone! It was a madhouse full of mayhem! 😄 One guest showed up in a wedding gown. Guests were sitting in the aisle. Others were doing pushups. The bride went up the aisle by herself. I had to exit without saving. Next wedding is going to be an elopement. 😄

    Haha, I never had that happen :)

    Awesome pics and congrats!
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    @Simmerville thanks! I had a heck of a time trying to keep her out of the pics. 😯
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,098 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves Haha Nora is the greatest!

    Charlie's having fun at college, and burning the midnight oil.

    more here

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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member
    edited August 2023
    Jeb and Jack are still busy with farm improvement.
    They closed the hole Jack fell in and are now working at the patio.

    Jack is weeding and planting. And Jeb is doing the wood work.

    Early evening already - they did a great job! Looks so much better and the goats approve :3

    They decided to hold the 'Meteorite Meeting' outside.
    Vlad doesn't listen anymore. He's so done with this nonsense.

    Jack hopes Saiwa doesn't notice the new plant in front of his window until Jack is out of the line of fire ;)
    Song of the day: Sting - Desert Rose
    'And now she turns. This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams.
    This fire burns. I realize that nothing's as it seems'.
    d70aead6bd57d9113e587b03ecffce84b09267d0.jpgThe Boys 2 - Therapy Game 🛺 A Dramedy 🚶🏼🚶🏻🚶🏽🚶🏽 The Boys 🥇 Their first year - A Dramedy 🚀 Lost In Space - A Space Opera 🐎 The Stables - A Horse Drama
    🎁 Best of Buydebug ☃️ Short trips to the Oggiverse - Short Clips 🎬 My Builds: Houses 🏘 Rooms 🛋 SciFi 👾 creatively edited Screenshots 🎨
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    Brd709Brd709 Posts: 2,147 Member
    edited August 2023
    For this update we welcome the McBOSS family to Newcrest! For those who don't know, this was the family that Youtuber jacksepticeye made when he played the Sims 4 when it first came out. I found his gallery page on the gallery and downloaded the family from there. I hope re-create some of those crazy moments this family had and introduce some new scenarios with them.

    When I finally placed the McBOSS's in the game, i placed them on the exact lot they were located in on jacksepticeye's game (Pebble Burrow in Oasis Springs)

    Here are some of their early shenanigans:

    Steve McBoss telling little Billy off (or helping him with his homework)

    Steve fire dancing:

    Little Abby seems really concerned about her father getting struck by lightning:

    Betty and Steve sharing a romantic moment:

    The McBOSS's go to check out the old Holguin house after they moved out and Steve buys it for 2.5 million Simoleans!

    Little Billy and Abby got "lost" during the move so it's just Steve and Betty for now:

    As you can see i've modelled the Holguin house after the newer house that Jack built for them after the kids were gone. It was later revealed that Steve was one of the people involved in the bank heist that my sim self's uncle Jimmy was involved in, of course Jimmy is not too happy to have Steve living next door:

    Before moving to the Holguin house, Steve also made a work place rival with my sim self's wife Emily. Both of whom are in the entertainment career. Steve has also had an influence on Jimmy's son Riordan as he asked Betty if he should change his job, Betty advises him to do what's right for him and he later calls Betty to tell her that he is also now in the entertainment career!

    Little Bitty McBoss arrives!

    Betty and Steve share a passionate kiss!

    Steve passes out after a long date with Betty:

    Stay over guest Eleanor Sullivan enjoying her best life:

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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    edited August 2023

    The Text


    Opening Thoughts Detective Keith Wales

    Some find their significant others who will bring them happiness, money and some bring loneliness; a person’s face can tell you what love has brought them.


    Most people are still not happy even if they won the lottery, I have always been a very private man who value his privacy and finding true love.


    Can you see your true love if they’re staring you in the face?


    Spice Market is a neighborhood in San Myshuno

    When family and friends hear that someone is dead that they care about a flood of emotions hit and things that appeared strange before their death become evidence.

    Detective Wales: Mr. Arun Bheeda, Hello

    Mr. Bheeda: Hello Detective Wales, my friend texted me around 12:00 am asking for money.


    The police station started to get all kinds of leads that can help solve the case. Today I’m meeting up with a friend of the victim Arun Bheeda who stays in the neighborhood. He and the victim became friends while working together for a short time at Quality Assurance.
    The day before the victim death he received an urgent text message from the victim appearing desperate for money, but with Mr. Bheeda and his wife expecting a baby there was very little he could help the victim with.


    Text Messages:

    Victim: I’m sorry for texting you so late, I owe someone money and I was hoping you could help me; I was hoping you could help me out, I need to borrow 2,000.00

    Arun: I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you, me and my wife are expecting a baby.

    Victim: Yeah, ah… these are dangerous people I owe

    Arun: Are you alright, I don’t have that kind of money on me.

    Victim: What am I gonna do.

    Arun: Is there a reason you need this much money.

    Victim: Somebody calling me, I’ll text you later.


    Arun Bheeda: I’m sad his no longer with us and finding out he was killed a build away from where I stay is sad.

    Arun Bheeda: All we want is Justice Detective

    Detective Wales: We will find who is responsible.

    I took a screenshot of the text messages and sent it to Sergeant McDonald, it so happens she in the neighborhood, she found out the victim have a half-brother who stay in Windenburg.


    Detective Keith Wales Home in Sage Estates

    Trying to achieve relaxation before my daughter wakes up, before I can do that, I hear a knock at the front door. It’s Marcus Flex and Thorne Bailey.

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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    @misty4m great start. I love a good murder mystery. 👀

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