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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    _Gina_Gina Posts: 253 Member
    Wellp, I took a break from Ahura because I didn't know how I wanted to continue that chaos and couldn't help but go back to my favorite established family, the Goths. Things this time around are a little more mundane (no ghosts... yet) but still interesting, at least to me. XD

    Mortimer decided to pursue his dreams of becoming a true renaissance sim by taking a shot at higher education.
    He enrolled in the communications degree at Britechester (which is the distinguished one) and is not involved in many of the uni activities, but homework still takes up a lot of his time.

    Even so, he makes sure he still exercises regularly, because physical and mental growth are both important to a sim like him, with aspirations to well-roundedness... and besides he is not getting any younger and keeps his health in mind.

    Also, he is still there for his family. Taking Bella on a date during the weekend...
    ...helping Cassie when she was very nervous about an upcoming dance class...
    ...encouraging Alex in his sciency pursuits... but we'll get to that.

    Bella worries, as per the usual.
    ...look. She's a cheerful, sunny sim in a dreary household. She's the odd one out, I can't help it. More plot-relatedly, she doesn't want her children to grow up gloomy, she wants to protect them from whatever it is the Goth name inflicts on its wearers... but she's failing, miserably.

    Case in point, Alexander is way too serious for a child his age. He doesn't make friends with other kids, either. He's either got his nose in a book, or tinkering with some science experiment or plays chess with sims older than him because he says that "kids are stupid." Bella worries what that means for him if he actually grows up this way, will everyone be stupid when he's an adult? The last straw was when he asked to join a "chess club." Bella doesn't know much about the people that run that organization, but what she does know gives her a bad feeling. She tried to forbid Alexander from going on grounds that she worried for him being the youngest member by far, which did not go over well...

    ...and caused Cassandra to get involved.

    Cassie and Alex are very close, you see, even though Cassandra is older... or perhaps because of it.

    ...and so Cassandra promised to join the club with Alexander and go with him to every meeting, just in case. Given there are two other teens there, Bella had nothing to say against that, even though she wanted to.

    When it comes to Bella's marriage... she doesn't have anything to complain about. Really. Sure, Mortimer is busy, juggling a job, classes and when he does have time for family, puts the children first. That's only proper! And he still does manage to go out with her sometimes and she appreciates that. They went to a party this week and Bella met a lot of interesting people. Some were friend material... some more investigation material.
    ...but still. Bella can't help this weird feeling in her gut. It's not like she and her husband are not romantic, they are. It's just... the sort of romance, she guesses? He hasn't told her "I love you" since... she doesn't even know when. They used to stargaze together... she misses those times. She's taken to reading some sappy books for fun. (Which takes up the time she could be playing chess and actually meeting the requirements of her career, ahem, but she isn't thinking about that right now. ;D)

    Cassie and Alex are doing well.
    Especially since Cassandra found the stray. One day, out of the blue, there just was a tomcat in front of the house. He'd sit on the wall, he'd sleep in the grass, he would not leave, he'd stare at everyone who would go in or out.

    Mom said he looked like there was something wrong with his eyes, dad said he looked like a disguised demon. Cassie agreed with dad (she usually does) and added that it was awesome. She wanted to keep the cat... and he wasn't mean at all!

    They did take him to the vet just in case, and while the doc was stumped and never saw anything like it before, he agreed there was absolutely nothing wrong with the kitty and he sees perfectly fine. Cassie was overjoyed and named her new pet Damion.

    Dad gave her a lecture about caring for the animal, which is so rare from him that she actually listened. And here's the thing. If mom did the same thing, she'd say it in ways that would make Cassie mad. But it's different with dad. Dad understands that she only has miserable grades in school because she doesn't care about it. Because she knows that ninety percent of the stuff they are trying to cram into kid's heads is completely useless. Dad is the one who notices she isn't really irresponsible, that she never missed her violin practice once, that she actually sticks to stuff that matters to her. He was just making sure she realizes that Damion depends on her now, because they don't know if he was someone's pet before and if he can hunt. And... Cassie didn't, really. Now she does and she'll make sure that her kitty is always happy because she loves Damion already.

    Oh! And then the kids went to the club.
    Alex was just over the moon having someone other than dad that he can chat with about the stuff that actually interests him... and play chess with.

    And Cassie had more fun that she expected. Wolfgang and her really clicked.
    He just gets her, you know? Isn't it strange, how having a fellow gloomy sim around can cheer you up... in a way? But then, knowing you aren't alone feeling a certain way is a relief.

    And Yuki is just fun. Cassie was hungry and she had her suspicions about the people looking after the chalet actually using some of the stuff...
    ...and Yuki was into that kinda mischief so she kept watch while Cass investigated and sure enough! There was food in the fridge!
    Everyone got grilled cheese to snack on while pondering their chess moves that day.
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    Hi! I started making Sims for my new Aroma Challenge. I think I’m going to play the single household version where they’re all roommates but can’t decide whether they should be teens who move in to go to university or just young adults. I also don’t have High School Years so not sure if that would make a difference.
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    Hi! I started making Sims for my new Aroma Challenge. I think I’m going to play the single household version where they’re all roommates but can’t decide whether they should be teens who move in to go to university or just young adults. I also don’t have High School Years so not sure if that would make a difference.

    I don't have HSY also but I'm going to be working on a story about Alexandra Goth being a celebrity heartthrob and I'm just going to focus on building on a big lot to give the imagine his in class, there is so many things we can use that is already in the game.
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    @misty4m I really like that story idea! There’s always cc for clothes as well, I haven’t played Sims 4 in so long I forget how to do it :joy:
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    I only had one sim in my old gameplay date the Flower Bunny @Daephene once, I felt I needed to end it because she could only see him only on Holidays.


    I had her flirt with a sim she didn't really like to end the relationship and it hurt the Flower Bunny so much he had to sit down.


    My sim was a major celebrity also and she started dating Dreamer son and got married to Dreamer son in my game.


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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    @misty4m I really like that story idea! There’s always cc for clothes as well, I haven’t played Sims 4 in so long I forget how to do it :joy:

    I understand what you mean, I still play the sims 2 and sims 3 game off and on. When I come back to the sims 4, I get the controls confused with the other games. 😆
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    misty4m wrote: »
    I understand what you mean, I still play the sims 2 and sims 3 game off and on. When I come back to the sims 4, I get the controls confused with the other games. 😆

    I went into Sims 1 for the first time in forever and it took me a good 10 minutes to figure out how to move the camera :joy: I do love how they all still have a place in our hearts though
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,004 Member
    I wish I could play Sims 3 but it’s such an old game (comparatively speaking) that it doesn’t work on my PC. It’s been over a year since I played it… *sigh*
    I do enjoy Sims 4 though. I just wish I had the option of playing both!
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,004 Member
    It’s now Spring for the Wilsons. Isaac and Mary are both due to age up.
    On the recent New Year’s Eve holiday, I got everyone to make a resolution. Nicola’s is to become a better student… except that I forgot she was already an A student, so she can’t actually improve. I’m wondering why that option came up for her, though… perhaps it’d work if I cheated her back down to a B grade and then got her to improve from there… or I could just wait and leave the resolution unfulfilled. None of the kids are in Scouts so I couldn’t choose the option for them to go up a level in that.
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    I wish I could play Sims 3 but it’s such an old game (comparatively speaking) that it doesn’t work on my PC. It’s been over a year since I played it… *sigh*
    I do enjoy Sims 4 though. I just wish I had the option of playing both!

    Oh that’s so sad! I wish that for you too, Sims 3 is my favourite. I know there are lots of fixes and mods and things online but it can be a challenging one to run sometimes.
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    I wish I could play Sims 3 but it’s such an old game (comparatively speaking) that it doesn’t work on my PC. It’s been over a year since I played it… *sigh*
    I do enjoy Sims 4 though. I just wish I had the option of playing both!

    Maybe one day you can, that's how I created my banner because I still play them all, I have the sims 1 on a different computer but I haven't played that one in a while.
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    FacellaFacella Posts: 22 Member
    I'm doing the 100 baby challenge atm. So today I had 2 birthdays and countless destroyed dollhouses. Thinking about kicking out my newly young adult son cause he's evil and keeps breaking the doll houses, making his siblings cry. Patchy also keeps randomly popping by to smash a dollhouse or two. But I have twin infants and a newly aged up toddler, so the mum needs all the help she can get. Might lock out Patchy though, it's nice of him to help out in the garden but since he can't get me pregnant, I don't need him in the house.
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    Brd709Brd709 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Four strangers stand outside the former Holguin house: (Of course it had to be raining in Newcrest when i wanted to take a shot like this!)
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited August 2023
    @Daephene, page 1214
    Thank you!

    A sleeping princess, snow pal building and more!
    Princess Roddy felt tired, so he went up to the attic room of Agatha and Arabella Crumplebottom's house. He changed into his masculine sleepwear outfit and climbed into bed, falling fast asleep and entering the dream world:
    When he entered the dream world, he found the palace grounds completely covered in snow. The princess heard the crunch of the snow as he walked around, trying to make sense of it all. Then he noticed something else. A tall Christmas tree with pink heart shaped lights and decorations. 'I don't remember putting that up last Christmas...' Princess Roddy thought.

    A few moments later the princess woke up, feeling refreshed and recharged:
    He changed into his masculine cold weather outfit and went outside. It was still snowing. Princess Roddy decided to make a snowpal. Arabella Crumplebottom joined him:
    Afterwards, the princess received a great, big, loving hug from Agatha Crumplebottom:
    She gave him a very great, big, loving smooch on his cheek:
    Princess Roddy smiled and chatted to Agatha. Later he got some supplies from the garden shop:
    'Thank you for stopping by, Princess Roddy!' Arabella said. She gave him a great, big, loving hug:
    A very great, big, loving smooch on his cheek:
    And one on his forehead:
    Arabella then gave the princess a very great, big, loving hug:
    After chatting, Princess Roddy said goodbye to Arabella and Agatha Crumplebottom, and went back home to Dianthus Hall.
    Relaxing in the hot tub!
    The Furystrykar household headed outside Dianthus Hall and went into the hot tub:
    Shelly Heart gave Princess Roddy a great, big, loving and warm cuddle:
    Benjamin cuddled Hamish:
    And Sophia received a very great, big, loving and warm cuddle from Shine:
    After they felt they had warmed up sufficiently, the household went inside. Princess Roddy went upstairs into his bedroom and gave Eachann, his beloved kitten, a treat:
    Eachann purred happily. Princess Roddy smiled and carried his kitten over to the sofa, where he brushed his fur. Eachann fell fast asleep!
    Tuna Casserole!
    Benjamin went into the kitchen and prepared Tuna Casserole:
    When he finished, he called his family to the table. Soon, they tucked into the food:
    'A delicious meal as always, honey!' Shine said, smiling. 'You're most kind, my fair maiden.' Benjamin replied, looking fondly at his big and beautiful wife. Once everyone had finished eating, Princess Roddy took the dirty plates and put them in one of the dishwashers:
    Then he went upstairs and checked on his indoor plants, which were doing well.

    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,004 Member
    misty4m wrote: »
    I wish I could play Sims 3 but it’s such an old game (comparatively speaking) that it doesn’t work on my PC. It’s been over a year since I played it… *sigh*
    I do enjoy Sims 4 though. I just wish I had the option of playing both!

    Maybe one day you can, that's how I created my banner because I still play them all, I have the sims 1 on a different computer but I haven't played that one in a while.

    I hope I can, too. I only ever played the Sims 1 base game on PC. I did once get a copy of Sims Unleashed in a second-hand shop, but there was no game manual and therefore no installation code! Oh well.
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 990 Member
    The last time I update on TS1 Cassandra, she was in her last semester of college, living with her robot Kilroy and her baby boy Victor, named after her husband Victor Feng. Hubby and she still lived apart because she was in college. Cassandra had a very good time in college, publishing her indie PC game "Henford Valley", a super-addictive cozy farming sim. Unexpectely, however, she became more interested in AI and robotics, making improvements to the robot her husband bought for her and unexpectedly turning it -- him -- into a creative powerhouse and a creature that scientists all across the world wanted to study.

    Victor and Victor

    Flash forward to the present, annnnnd...oh, boy. Cassandra just turned into a proper adult, and little Victor is now in high school and applying for college. :D It's brutally hot where I live, so I've been binging on TS4 and Stardew while listening to podcasts. Cassandra had another child by Victor, named Samantha, but after she witnessed one of her friends Kinsley in a physical fight with the friend's husband Lomax (Tomax?), Cassandra urged Kinsley to dump the guy and move in with her. So she did, and so did the baby she soon had. Kinsley named the baby girl Victoria, and the girls resolved to raise the kids as siblings. Samantha came along shortly after that, and after Victor Feng died, Kinsley put some moves on Cassandra and now they're an item, with two science babies named Cameron and Casey. Gender-neutral names for a reason -- they're boys, but I may change them to girls depending on what they look like as teenagers.

    Victor and his half-siblings

    Before Victor Feng died, I made Cassandra and Victor Jr go pay Victor Sr a visit in San Myshuno, his wife is still around. And they have three kids. o_O I think what happened is I remember Lily dying, but that happened and I lost it when I lost power and the game didn't save. I put Casandra and Victor together again after rebooting, not realizing Lily was still around. Anyhoo, Cassandra was surprised to learn that Victor had a family, but she has made sure that Victor and Samantha get to know their half-siblings.

    The Lab

    Cassandra began making LOADS of money right out of college as a professor of processors or something, so my in-game story is that she was offered a job at the university and decided not to join Victor. They remained married, however, and while he lived Victor came over at least every other day to hang out with the kids and 'catch up' with Cassandra. Given Victor's job as a statesman, Lily's business empire, and Cassandra's tech skills, I view the three of them together as creating a massively successful business: Victor puts policies into place that allow it to happen, Cassandra provides the AI/robotics brilliance, and Lily has the capital to finance production and distribution, creating a Goth-Feng tech empire.

    Cassandra and Victor. They're best friends and often hang out together.

    This continues. It's disturbing but funny.

    Victor and his girlfriend Julianne. Amusingly enough, Julianne is the Maxis-Goth's daughter. I'm hoping to match Victoria with the Maxis-Goth's other son Vincent to merge my TS1 Goths with the TS4 2.0 Goths.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,216 Member
    Taking a break from working on the rewrites to make a signature image for Under The Tartosan Sun. I haven't figured out yet how to make it a clickable link though. Here's the picture at full size...

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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,853 Member
    [img][/img]53115271616_300a716521_k.jpgScreenshot 2023-08-14 at 5.13.08 AM by leucosia x, on Flickr
    this happened a sims week ago, and I havent played with the family in a week, I just loaded in their house and I found this:

    53115473654_2dff3f2c9a_k.jpgScreenshot 2023-08-14 at 5.11.25 AM by leucosia x, on Flickr

    I couldn't be happier for this retired couple. Grandparents/ great grandparents none the less.
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    @DaniRose2143 love the poses. Hope you get it all figured out soon.

    @LeucosiaX the horse is looking pretty unconcerned. :D
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    Lenny_OggLenny_Ogg Posts: 3,696 Member
    edited August 2023
    A new day at the invisible farm.

    Saiwa and Jack are sitting at Vlad's bed (again) to see how he's doing after their first kiss and if he's still suffering from the bond's cravings.
    Vlad: "I'm fine. Can you leave now?"
    Saiwa: "That`s good to hear. Make sure to spend enough 'quality time' with Ji Ho so you don't get sick again."
    Vlad sighs.
    Then Jack went over to Ji Ho... where he had already prepared his whiteboard...
    Jack: "See? Nothing is holding you back anymore! Vlad doesn't need to keep his distance to you because there is no curse. And you thought you could only love Luci, but there is no Luci. It was Vlad (and the selfish bond). So you were already able to love him. And before he gave his life to save you from Genji he even healed you from your trauma that kept you from loving.
    And you two are magic together - literally!"
    Ji Ho scribbles... "Ok! I'll do my best!"
    So Ji Ho is really learning to love Vlad! Omg Jack!
    Post edited by Lenny_Ogg on
    d70aead6bd57d9113e587b03ecffce84b09267d0.jpgThe Boys 2 - Therapy Game 🛺 A Dramedy 🚶🏼🚶🏻🚶🏽🚶🏽 The Boys 🥇 Their first year - A Dramedy 🚀 Lost In Space - A Space Opera 🐎 The Stables - A Horse Drama
    🎁 Best of Buydebug ☃️ Short trips to the Oggiverse - Short Clips 🎬 My Builds: Houses 🏘 Rooms 🛋 SciFi 👾 creatively edited Screenshots 🎨
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    A few family photos before the ceremony begins.

    Julianna helping Hannah with her dress.


    A group hug with mom and her sisters.



    The bride and groom.

    Hannah, her sisters, and parents.

    Hannah, Elliot, and Hannah's maternal and paternal grandparents.

    Hannah, Elliott, and Elliot's, parents, maternal and paternal grandparents.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Daephene thanks! They were too fun to make.
    @Daephene thanks, yeah all good so far just another new schedule to adjust to,thanks again I love my random mix of families. The perfect timing, yeah they seem to have the makings of people who hate eachother after the relationship is over but they can be cute when they want to be.

    I think I'm getting better at being awake, I know no one cares but basically I've been out of it as I can walk to work it isn't too far but I do have to get up at 1 am and start in that area to do so peacefully on my days off just zzzzZZzzzz lol. Anyhow I have just a few pics more of Bob and Eliza.
    "Aren't you tired yet hon?"

    "This baby is coming whether he wants to or not!" shimmy shimmy

    "That....that's not how it works."

    "Don't step on my dreams Bob."

    Liz almost immediately shimmied her way to twinville....
    Naturally, only one of them is fussy, I got my eye on you doodlebug.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    Beautiful photos of their wedding @simgirl1010
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    misty4mmisty4m Posts: 2,313 Member
    I know how it feel to be tired @RedDestiny92, I just moved into a new place and there still a lot of unpacking to do and I need to buy a few new things and my son allergies are getting to him and he sleep in the daytime because of it so I'm drained from that.

    Nice story of Bob and Eliza
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,004 Member
    edited August 2023
    I had Mary open the restaurant for the first time in ages... and a fully transformed Kristopher Volkov showed up! :o


    Turned out he had a dining companion, Jess Sigworth. That was extra fun because she became Possessed halfway through her meal and so had the crazy-eyed look going on.

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