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Escape Room with a Twist - One Last show before the Forums comes to an end

AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
edited May 3 in Off Topic Chat
It’s 6 pm Friday when you get home from work. As usual, you pick up the post on your way to the front door. As you quickly go through the letters a postcard catches your attention. There’s no recipient name on it. You inspect the postal stamp and are surprised to see where it comes from. You don’t know anyone from Dragon Valley.

You turn the card around and look for the sender’s name but there’s nothing... Just a message.

That’s strange… Your colleagues didn’t mention a party this weekend... And Dragon Valley from all places...

“Aww, maybe they forgot to tell me. Or they want to surprise me. After all, it's my birthday in a month...” You think and throw the card on the coffee table. You open the fridge and go and relax on the sofa with a cold one. You watch the local news on the television and wonder what you will wear to the party.

Rules & Gadgets:

As you guessed by now you need to escape from Dracula’s Castle. You will be locked up in several rooms and must find ways to open doors or find hidden stairs to escape the castle. There are 2 entrances to the castle, therefore the 8 players will be divided into 2 groups. After 5 episodes you will be caught up together and solve the last puzzle to finally escape the castle’s ground.

Or will you?

Between your sims are a traitor or a saboteur that was hired by Dracula himself to prevent you from escaping the premises. If the saboteur succeeds you will be fed to Dracula’s minions that also dwell in the corridors of the Castle of Darkness.

So, this is your mission: You must find ways to escape from the endless rooms and corridors of the Castle of Darkness and also try to figure out the identity of the Saboteur.

After each episode, you will let me know who you think the saboteur is. Before the final challenge, every one of you must have guessed the saboteur right during the gameplay. Otherwise, you will be locked up forever and be fed to Dracula’s bloodthirsty minions! It doesn’t matter when in the game your guess is right. You may be right after episode 1 but wrong after that. Your first right will unlock a lock. But only that one. If you guess later on the same sim, it won’t count.

Let’s pretend the final door has 7 locks, 1 lock for each player, we don’t count the Saboteur. Each right guess from a player will unlock a lock. You need 7 right guesses, 1 from each player, to unlock the final door. You only get 1 guess per episode. There will be 5 episodes where you can guess the saboteur. So, allies may help figure it out. You only get 5 guesses, so use it wisely or you will be minion food forever!

And beware of the ghosts. There are a lot of them wandering through the corridors… But don’t be scared too much. They may be a source to help you with a quest.

Ways to play this:
I will give you a sketch of the room you’re in. I will single out a few things that you can ‘inspect’ or ‘interact’ with. You can also ‘inspect’ other areas of the room if you think it’s necessary or may need more info.

So, you may use the words: Inspect, look out the window, pick up, look at, give the object to, or use the object.

Be creative. And make it fun! 😉

Let's Go!
Post edited by Alleenmens on


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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    edited May 24
    The Door:

    Post edited by Alleenmens on
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    edited May 26
    Challenges & Missions
    Although there are two groups, we will play one group challenge at a time to limit confusion. Group number 1 will start.

    I’ve re-read previous Escape games and noted because of all kinds of factors, time zones, work-related stuff, and whatever, the games went really slow. Some players only came on the thread once a day or maybe only once or twice a week. We can understand that, but because we have limited time, we need to speed things up a bit.

    So, I thought that all the players could play in both group challenges. However, only group players can find objects and act with them. Non-group players are open to discussion and can suggest how to use the objects and what must be done to solve the challenge. I’m sure that will speed things up and it will also help you find the Saboteur.

    Please let me know if you are going to be absent for more than a day then we can let 1 of the non-group players take your place for that day. I really don’t want to do a challenge for more than a week. Then we will definitely run out of time, and I’m sure other people on the forums want to see the outcome of the show! And although we don’t know for sure when the Forums will be closed, they say by July, I want this show to be done by the end of June. So, we only have 8 weeks and we need to do 11 challenges and I need to do the episodes in between. But with your help, I’m sure we can do it!

    Group 1/Challenge 4:
    Part 1:
    You push open the creaky left-hand door in the passage, revealing a narrow walkway shrouded in dim light. To your right, the walkway dead-ends at a sturdy, ornately-carved wooden door that appears firmly locked. A shiver runs down your spine as you glance to the left. There, a set of dusty stone stairs spiral upwards, beckoning you into the unknown.
    With a mix of trepidation and determination, you ascend the stairs, each step echoing eerily in the silence. Reaching the top, you find yourself on a wide balcony overlooking the passage below. Two grand double doors lead into what appears to be the main bedroom, but a gleaming silver lock thwarts your attempt to enter. Your gaze then falls upon a smaller, octagonal room nestled beside the bedroom. Inside, a lone desk with a dusty computer sits amidst a clutter of mysterious objects, bathed in the faint glow of the moon filtering through a cobweb-draped window. A sense of anticipation hangs heavy in the air, urging you to delve deeper into the secrets this room may hold.

    Group 2/Challenge4 :
    To add some extra excitement, I've prepared 3 special challenges for Group 2! The episode will reveal about what happened before, during, or after these challenges, so keep your eyes peeled!

    Group 2 / Challenge 4
    Part 1:
    1. The Pharaoh's Scales
    As they explore the chamber, the group stumbles upon a strange contraption. It consists of two large golden scales, each holding a different object. On one side sits a gleaming golden scarab. On the other, a dusty, ancient scroll. Above the scales hangs a series of tablets etched with cryptic symbols.
    The Tablets:
    Each tablet displays a number and a symbol. Here's the breakdown:
    • Tablet 1: 7 - Snake
    • Tablet 2: 12 - Ankh
    • Tablet 3: 4 - Eye of Horus
    • Tablet 4: 9 - Feather
    • Tablet 5: X - Empty
    The Challenge:
    The group realizes the tablets hold the key to balancing the scales. To activate the mechanism and potentially reveal an exit, they need to fill the empty tablet with the correct number.
    The Clue:
    Engraved on the base of the scales is a cryptic message in hieroglyphics.
    "The sum of life, protection, and truth, balanced by the weight of wisdom, reveals the path forward."

    Once they place the correct number on the empty tablet, the scales may activate, revealing a secret passage. This could be the first step in their grand Egyptian adventure!
    What is the correct number?
    Part 2:
    2. The Guardians of the Nile
    Deep within the pyramid, the group stumbles upon a vast chamber adorned with intricate murals depicting scenes from Egyptian mythology. In the center of the room stands a shimmering pool of water, its surface reflecting the flickering torchlight.
    Suddenly, four figures materialize from the water, each resembling a powerful Egyptian deity:
    • Bastet: A fierce lion-headed goddess, representing protection and the domestic cat.
    • Thoth: An ibis-headed god, associated with wisdom, writing, and magic.
    • Anubis: A jackal-headed god, the protector of the dead and the guide to the afterlife.
    • Hathor: A cow-headed goddess, known for love, beauty, and music.
    The Guardians Speak:
    "Welcome, travelers," booms a voice that seems to emanate from all four figures at once. "You stand before the guardians of the Nile, protectors of this sacred place. To pass, you must demonstrate your knowledge and overcome a trial for each of us."
    The Trials:
    1. Bastet's Trial: Bastet steps forward, her eyes glinting with challenge. "Who is my sacred animal, a symbol of protection and the hunt?" she asks.
    2. Thoth's Trial: Thoth raises a staff etched with hieroglyphs. "What object represents my domain of knowledge and magic?" he queries.
    3. Anubis' Trial: Anubis stares intensely at the group. "What path do I guide the souls of the dead towards?" he inquires.
    4. Hathor's Trial: Hathor sways gracefully, a musical note escaping her lips. "What instrument is associated with my power of music and joy?" he asks.

    What are your answers?
    Part 3:
    3. The Bridge of Burden
    Exhausted but determined, the group reaches a vast chamber. A gaping chasm slices across the room, its depths shrouded in an unsettling darkness. Their only hope of crossing rests on a precarious wooden bridge, its skeletal frame straining under the weight of age.
    Weight Restrictions: A weathered inscription carved into the bridge's support pillar catches their eye.
    It reads: "Heed the burden you bear, for the bridge yields only thrice its own weight. Cross with care, for greed shall bring despair."
    Confused whispers ripple through the group. The inscription mentions a weight limit of 120 kg and the bridge can only be crossed three times! They quickly assess their situation.
    Inventory Check:
    The group rummages through their backpacks, taking stock of their supplies:
    • Backbacks (Ben & Liam: 8 kg each, Sarah & Maya: 5 kg each)
    Characters Weight:
    • Ben: 75 kg
    • Liam: 80 kg
    • Sarah: 57 kg
    • Maya: 63 kg
    The Crumbling Clock:
    As they strategize, the bridge groans ominously under its own weight, a constant reminder of their limited attempts. Each crossing weakens the bridge further with 10%, adding a sense of urgency to their decision.
    Failure and Success:
    If they attempt to cross with too much weight on a single trip, the bridge groans and dips precariously. With a loud CRACK, a vital support beam gives way, reducing the bridge's capacity for future crossings. However, if they work together, strategize effectively, and stay within the weight limit, they can successfully cross the chasm within the three attempts, and they will find their way out of the pyramid, and they will be free.
    What will they do? Can they cross the bridge within the three attempts?

    Post edited by Alleenmens on
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    lillibattenberglillibattenberg Posts: 1,294 Member
    Count me in!!
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,846 Member
    If it starts after my holiday is over ^^
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    If it starts after my holiday is over ^^

    When will it be over?
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,846 Member
    Alleenmens wrote: »
    If it starts after my holiday is over ^^

    When will it be over?

    By the end of the month I'll be back in the Netherlands ^^
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    SkeldaSkelda Posts: 15,310 Member
    I honestly probably could play depending on when we start!
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    We can start as soon as I can get 7 or 8 players... ;)
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    If it starts after my holiday is over ^^

    Are you back?
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,846 Member
    Alleenmens wrote: »
    If it starts after my holiday is over ^^

    Are you back?

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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    Okay, I got the venue... Just busy working out the challenges... I think 5 or 6 will be enough... You can create your sims so long... And I think I'm just going to use one of your sims... Otherwise the place will be overcrowded...
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    Okay, guys and girls, you can start making your sims and send it to me with your Application form. Please don't post your form on the thread. Just PM me or send it via Discord. Thank you very much!
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    edited April 30
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    Guys and girls, please send me your sims. I'm working on a schedule and want to start with the first Challenge on Monday and before that, I want to do an Intro episode. So pretty, please... :blush:

    @lillibattenberg @M13Vulpecula @Skelda @Smarties101 @SimTresa @HayloHusky @rosey1579 @lovesstorms
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    edited May 2
    I got 4/8... We're getting there, guys!
    Post edited by Alleenmens on
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,846 Member
    Alleenmens wrote: »
    I got 3/8... Come on guys!

    Give it a day or two ;)
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    Alleenmens wrote: »
    I got 5/8... We're getting there, guys!

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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    edited May 3
    Can you guys choose a number between 1 and 8 for your sim? I want to split the group in two. They will each do a different set of challenges and then there will be one final challenge where everyone together will resolve the last puzzle.

    First come first serve:
    1. Lo
    2. Smarties
    3. Lilli
    4. Skelda
    5. Haylo
    6. Vul
    7. SimTresa
    8. Rosey

    @lillibattenberg @M13Vulpecula @Skelda @Smarties101 @SimTresa @HayloHusky @rosey1579 @lovesstorms

    Post edited by Alleenmens on
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,846 Member
    I choose 6
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    Okay, guys and girls, we're good to go! Expect the intro sometime over the weekend and Monday we will start with the challenges...

    @lillibattenberg @M13Vulpecula @Skelda @Smarties101 @SimTresa @HayloHusky @rosey1579 @lovesstorms
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    edited May 4
    And the Saboteur has been informed! >:)

    Have fun guys and girls... We will start the challenge on Monday!

    @lillibattenberg @M13Vulpecula @Skelda @Smarties101 @SimTresa @HayloHusky @rosey1579 @lovesstorms
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    AlleenmensAlleenmens Posts: 18,990 Member
    Alleenmens wrote: »
    Challenges & Missions
    Although there are two groups, we will play one group challenge at a time to limit confusion. Group number 1 will start.

    I’ve re-read previous Escape games and noted because of all kinds of factors, time zones, work-related stuff, and whatever, the games went really slow. Some players only came on the thread once a day or maybe only once or twice a week. We can understand that, but because we have limited time, we need to speed things up a bit.

    So, I thought that all the players could play in both group challenges. However, only group players can find objects and act with them. Non-group players are open to discussion and can suggest how to use the objects and what must be done to solve the challenge. I’m sure that will speed things up and it will also help you find the Saboteur.

    Please let me know if you are going to be absent for more than a day then we can let 1 of the non-group players take your place for that day. I really don’t want to do a challenge for more than a week. Then we will definitely run out of time, and I’m sure other people on the forums want to see the outcome of the show! And although we don’t know for sure when the Forums will be closed, they say by July, I want this show to be done by the end of June. So, we only have 8 weeks and we need to do 11 challenges and I need to do the episodes in between. But with your help, I’m sure we can do it!

    Group 1/Challenge 1:
    The group wakes up in a dark place. It smells awful. Like poop! When they feel around them, they realize they are locked up in a small room or maybe a cell. Are they in the dungeons of the castle maybe?
    In every cell, there is an object that can be used to get them out of their cells or help them see things better.

    You can roleplay as your character if you wish.

    Remember Non-Group Players are open for discussion and what they think can be done to solve the challenge.


    Group 2/Challenge 1:
    The group wakes up in a room that appears to be Dracula’s sleeping quarters. Dracula’s altar is opposite the door. The Door is locked and they must find a way to unlock it. Somewhere in the room, there will be objects that can help them with their quest.

    When you want to inspect the octagon rooms, just specify which one, Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, or Bottom Right.

    Remember Non-Group Players are open for discussion and what they think can be done to solve the challenge.


    You can check it out but we will officially start Monday at 7 am my time. I think @lovesstorms is the only American in this group. Maybe she can just do one action before going to bed... ;)

    @lillibattenberg @M13Vulpecula @Skelda @Smarties101 @SimTresa @HayloHusky @rosey1579 @lovesstorms
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