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JAMMIN JULY GIFT EXCHANGE ~~~ SIMS 3 ONLY ~~~ CC FREE ~~~ Gifting Now Open!!!!! :)


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    Catdog123Catdog123 Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited May 2015
    *hyperventilates* I'm so excited there's going to be another gift exchange! I've been waiting, hoping you would run another one, because I was always too shy before to enter, but regretted not joining and they sound like so much fun and... *takes deep breath* Okay, I'm good now. Need to calm down. I'm in the middle of several projects right now, because I have a bad habit of switching back and forth between things. So I am going to make myself wait until I finish at least one, maybe two of them before I let myself put in a letter. I want to make sure I can follow through on this and give my buddy my best. But I just wanted to say how excited I am about this and I really, really hope I can join in. :)

    You sound like me, I often have multiple projects going at once in game, I find making something for someone else really helps me to work on one project until its finished. I hope you are able to join :) plus it does look like cookies were promised which is always a reason to join the fun. :smiley:
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Catdog123 wrote: »
    YellowJane wrote: »

    u mean txt chat? ;) u kno, there was a time wen i used to type lyk ths all the time bc it was quicker bt 4 some reason i stoppd lol. i guess i grew out of it or smthng ;D + other ppl cdnt alwys understnd wut i was sayin yknow? got complicated and if ur talkin 2 ppl they might not thnk ur as intelligent as u act are etc ha ha


    Hehe If only it was txt chat. More just unintentional misspellings cause I am excited about what ever I am talking about. ;)

    I might not txt chat like you young whippersnappers (teen sometimes teases me about being too wordy), but I felt pretty pleased as I had absolutely no difficulty reading this, @YellowJane

    Unintentional misspellings have led to some pretty funny conversations between hubby & I as we IM or text periodically during the day. And this has nothing to do with getting excited over the topic we're talking about, @Catdog123, because when there is excitement or passion for the topic at hand... whooo you never know what will happen! He makes me laugh so much I sometimes start crying and then I gasp out "can't breathe, you gotta stop now!" As a matter of fact that happened just a little while ago as we were returning home from our outing to the museum. I can only imagine what people must think when they look over and see me. Makes me laugh even harder :D
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    Catdog123 wrote: »
    *hyperventilates* I'm so excited there's going to be another gift exchange! I've been waiting, hoping you would run another one, because I was always too shy before to enter, but regretted not joining and they sound like so much fun and... *takes deep breath* Okay, I'm good now. Need to calm down. I'm in the middle of several projects right now, because I have a bad habit of switching back and forth between things. So I am going to make myself wait until I finish at least one, maybe two of them before I let myself put in a letter. I want to make sure I can follow through on this and give my buddy my best. But I just wanted to say how excited I am about this and I really, really hope I can join in. :)

    You sound like me, I often have multiple projects going at once in game, I find making something for someone else really helps me to work on one project until its finished. I hope you are able to join :) plus it does look like cookies were promised which is always a reason to join the fun. :smiley:

    Psst... I also make...
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    Catdog123Catdog123 Posts: 1,024 Member
    :open_mouth: Cheesecake with strawberries! :love: *runs off with a piece*
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    YellowJane wrote: »
    Catdog123 wrote: »
    Yep was thinking of you Tanu and GC. :) Was looking at the older threads and I will probably post a few pictures here and a link to a thread or photo bucket (I am liking the album idea actually) if there is quite a few more which knowing me there will probably will be. My screenshots folder is embarrassingly hefty for the sims and my other PC games. Now that newer consoles can take screenshots I am in trouble when ever I play a game lol. :P Edit: Many of my posts will be edited as I am quite fluent in the language of typonese as I type as fast as I talk in real life and don't notice glaring mistakes. lol :P

    u mean txt chat? ;) u kno, there was a time wen i used to type lyk ths all the time bc it was quicker bt 4 some reason i stoppd lol. i guess i grew out of it or smthng ;D + other ppl cdnt alwys understnd wut i was sayin yknow? got complicated and if ur talkin 2 ppl they might not thnk ur as intelligent as u act are etc ha ha


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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    YellowJane wrote: »
    tanubanue wrote: »
    YellowJane wrote: »
    'Sup fam! *waves at aunts*



    A gift exchange! It's nice to see some of these things are still going on, over here. I can't join this one, but I did want to stop by and say hello on the thread - as well as letting you know what a great thing it is you're doing :smile: I do miss the old forums lots and lots, so it's really nice that at least a few old faces are here when I drop in.

    I hope you're all doing great :blush::wink: Miss ya :cry:


    My long lost nephew!!!! I'm still waiting for that email you know!

    I do really miss seeing you but I know what life is throwing at you makes if difficult to be here but please know your Aunt Tanu thinks of you tons and hopes you'll have time to email again soon. I loved talking to you and sharing things that way. I think it's good your taking a gap year at this time. It will all work out just wait and see!!

    Of course if that novel is published then your Aunt will be able to purchase a signed copy correct?? B)

    Looking forward to having you stop in as often as time allows as well. Take Care! Huge Hugs!!!

    Wait a minute! Stop everything!!! OLD FACES?? Hmmm.... Just what are you implying young man!? :p

    Tanuuuuuuuuuuu :D

    Which email is this!? I'm so sorry! Let me know what I've not done, and I'll set it straight asp :dizzy:
    I will of course email you anyway, soon as :) I hope so, it's always good when things work out ;) it's been a tough year, tbh, for lots of reasons aside school - but I'm getting through it :) and writing helped! It is in many ways quite dark in terms of novels, but I am pleased with it! ;)

    Of course I'd send you one! If it makes it, ha ha. You see, publishing here would mean it'd be released in the UK first, and like all these things, if it does well, it may get published in the USA. Usually here in Europe, if it 'makes it to America', it's considered a roaring success, ha ha ^_^ You don't know how lucky you guys are!

    Random I know, but do you guys watch the Ellen Show? I see her on YouTube, and wish we had her here :lol:

    Pfft old - you!? Nahh you have to be at least 70 to be oldish ;) and even then - it's not for definite!

    The ones we were sending back in forth in which you were going to do some googling and such lol We were sharing about our worlds and talking about differences between here and there and such. :) You also shared some other stuff with me too and while worried I knew you would email when you could so I look forward to it!

    UK copy or USA copy doesn't matter to me! lol I'll even mail you postage B)

    Nice backout of the old faces comment although 70 is looming closer every second lol Hugs again!
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    *hyperventilates* I'm so excited there's going to be another gift exchange! I've been waiting, hoping you would run another one, because I was always too shy before to enter, but regretted not joining and they sound like so much fun and... *takes deep breath* Okay, I'm good now. Need to calm down. I'm in the middle of several projects right now, because I have a bad habit of switching back and forth between things. So I am going to make myself wait until I finish at least one, maybe two of them before I let myself put in a letter. I want to make sure I can follow through on this and give my buddy my best. But I just wanted to say how excited I am about this and I really, really hope I can join in. :)

    Kay I really really really really think you should get your self moving and finish whatever it is that needs finishing because we really really really would like you to join in the exchange!!!! PLease!! So stop reading this and get to work! lol <3
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    YellowJane wrote: »
    Thank youu :) and woo for the supporting creativity! It's too easily pushed aside and forgotten. It's important to remember :open_mouth: I never understand people who value science ABOVE creative things like art and so on. They criticize artists for not being as clever as them, and go home to revise to some music. MUSIC = ART. Hello!?!? ;)

    I agree. My girl is in a magnet program (computer engineering) at a STEM school ~ Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ~ but doesn't want to pursue computers as her interests have grown/changed a bit since she started there 3 years ago. She has always enjoyed writing and for one of her electives took a Creative Writing class this year. Her teacher talked about submitting some of her work. She also took a guitar class last year.

    Hubby and I went to the museum to see a DooDad exhibit ~ re-purposed materials in art/sculpture. It is a competition for students of all grade levels. The theme this year involved using plastic bottles and plastic bead necklaces. Such creativity! I got really inspired and wanted to know if I could do something similar with the Sims as a create contest. Still thinking about that one ;)
    YellowJane wrote: »
    Oooh German! I know German :) not 100% fluently but I'm steadily getting there. I do it for A Level - it's my next exam, in two weeks. Ich habe seit sieben Jahren Deutsch gelernt, und obwohl ich oft Fehler mache, begeistere ich mich dafuer, und eines Tages habe ich keine Zweifel dass ich voellig fliessendes Deutsch sprechen koennte ;) Es ist ja eine schoene Sprache, und ausserdem ein schoenes Land. Freut mich dass er Deutsch uebt! Viel Glueck, plum!

    Had to use Google translate, but once I got the gist of this... color me impressed. 7 years worth of studying this language?! No wonder you "sound" almost like a native to me :) Hubby had a quick course when the Army sent them to Germany for three years, but since he left there in '89 there hasn't been a need to keep up with practicing. What little I have seen him do, I know he'll be able to get the basics (meals, lodging, etc) while we're there without any problems.
    YellowJane wrote: »
    You're coming to Europe, woo! Whereabouts? Let me know if you come to the London area - I can give you local advice, ha ha ;D

    Here are the strong possibilities (where hubby stayed and visited during his time there), but we're still planning so this isn't the final list of go-to:
    Germany: Munich, Muenchweiler-Pirmanses
    Austria: Innsbruck
    Switzerland: Bern, Geneva
    France: Paris
    Yes, London too
    Ireland: Avoca and Enniskerry in County Wicklow (where Ballykissangel was filmed!)

    All this and possibly more in three fun-filled weeks! Super excited!!!
    YellowJane wrote: »
    Psychology - what a great career choice, if I may say so myself :) really important, too! She will go on to change and save lives, I am sure. I can see about her worrying about leaving friends, though :worried: Although if it helps, my mum said she made some of the best friends of her life at uni, and enjoyed it a lot more than school! Of her friends now, as many are friends she made in uni, as ones she made at school :) she'll meet some great new people I'm sure - bc everyone there will be as passionate about the things she is, as her ^_^

    Hmm... something tells me that YOU have chosen this path, too. In a way it saddens me that there is such a need for this field, but I'm also glad that there are people with the passion and commitment who are more than willing to help assist others and help in whatever way possible.

    Thanks for your kind words. She has a strong core group of friends and they are realizing that they will no longer see each other on an almost daily basis. They will adjust as all of us who went off to college did. Some relationships will grow stronger and others will grow apart. All is good. She will make new friends, too because she fits in with a variety of groups due to her various interests (academic, athletic, nerd stuff). I think a lot of it is fear/concern for the unknown factors because she is a gal who likes to know what to expect and plan accordingly. She isn't big on loosey-goosey last-minute "oh, let's do this!". hubby knows she'll do fine. I knows she'll do fine. Now we are working on getting her to know too.
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    So happy to see your letters Silva and Ciane!!!! Yay!! :)
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Well, after seeing @Shannen's impassioned speech about this, it would be hard not to join. I'm just not sure I can commit the time, though. Also, I'm a terrible builder. That's why I go to the Gallery for Sims 4, and in Sims 3, I go to the Exchange or use whatever came in the world I'm in. I <3 Shannen, though, so it's tough to pass up. I'm involved with a few other games on the forums and also have 2 stories I write. So, I don't have any spare time. However, for her, I'll think about it. <3
    Origin ID: lovesstorms
    Seeking a Cure for PSC
    - 20 Things About Highly Creative People
    Lovesstorms's Stories
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,724 Member
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    Well, after seeing @Shannen's impassioned speech about this, it would be hard not to join. I'm just not sure I can commit the time, though. Also, I'm a terrible builder. That's why I go to the Gallery for Sims 4, and in Sims 3, I go to the Exchange or use whatever came in the world I'm in. I <3 Shannen, though, so it's tough to pass up. I'm involved with a few other games on the forums and also have 2 stories I write. So, I don't have any spare time. However, for her, I'll think about it. <3

    I hope we both feel we have the time to join...

    I'm how ever pretty sure makeign sims is also a posibility.
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    anettesb wrote: »
    Well, after seeing @Shannen's impassioned speech about this, it would be hard not to join. I'm just not sure I can commit the time, though. Also, I'm a terrible builder. That's why I go to the Gallery for Sims 4, and in Sims 3, I go to the Exchange or use whatever came in the world I'm in. I <3 Shannen, though, so it's tough to pass up. I'm involved with a few other games on the forums and also have 2 stories I write. So, I don't have any spare time. However, for her, I'll think about it. <3

    I hope we both feel we have the time to join...

    I'm how ever pretty sure makeign sims is also a posibility.

    True and I am definitely decent at making sims. :) I do, too, @anettesb!
    Origin ID: lovesstorms
    Seeking a Cure for PSC
    - 20 Things About Highly Creative People
    Lovesstorms's Stories
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    anettesb wrote: »
    I hope we both feel we have the time to join...

    I'm how ever pretty sure makeign sims is also a posibility.

    True and I am definitely decent at making sims. :) I do, too, @anettesb!

    @lovestorms and @anettesb and anyone else thinking similar thoughts :)

    Hopefully both of you are able to find the time and join in the fun that we have here!

    Making Sims counts as a homemade gift. Writing a little story to introduce them/help the Giftee (and others!) get to know them a little bit better is also a gift itself... so those combined make for a very nice present that ties in with the created Sim or build ~ @ciane can certainly chime in on how a story makes a lovely homemade exchange gift :smiley:

    If building from the ground up isn't your thing, perhaps there is a pre-made that needs some TLC with a re-model (add a room here & there, maybe a 2nd floor or a basement, landscaping, using favorite pieces that your Buddy has mentioned in their letter to personalize it, changing the existing floorplan so it makes sense and quite possibly works better, CASt away... the possibilities are definitely many!) This is just another suggestion as we have had Buddies include the mention of re-models in the letters they wrote. Another possibility... working with a friend (even another Buddy) ~ @Terrylin built a beautiful home in Oasis Landing and I placed furniture/decorated (went crazy with CASt) as a surprise gift for @tanubanue on a homemade exchange that the three of us co-hosted.

    Hopefully these suggestions helped relieve some of your concerns about the "making" part. Reading your Buddy letter leads to inspiration and an idea or two about a gift to make. Sometimes Buddies need a little help getting ideas or wanting feedback on what they're doing... please know that you're not alone in this as Tanu & I have had many behind-the-scenes "chats" bouncing ideas, giving opinions on screenshots or items emailed to us for "close inspections".

    As for the time, regarding check-ins... you can check in early (before the deadline date) and many Buddies do. The only time that you can't check-in early is during the gifting period itself because we have a set day to start sharing the gifts and revealing who you are a Buddy to. If you have peeked at any of our previous gift exchanges (as well as the ones that were done before we started co-hosting) you'll see that once the gifting period opens... there is a flurry of gift posts. Once gifts start "being dropped on the gifting table", Tanu and I get super busy checking for CC and adding the links to the front page post so that everyone knows they are good to go.

    Hope this helps you and gives that gentle nudge, nudge to join, join us! Please do
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    ShannenShannen Posts: 2,811 Member
    @Lovesstorms I <3 you too! Aww Lollie, you may or may not be a good builder but even if it's true that you are not, You are very talented in your story telling and sim making (London Ramsey... Oh la la) ..your sims are so beautiful and you are few overly creative people I know. If you joined, Addy and Tanu would match you with someone who would give you a challenge but not take you to far out of your comfort zone. However, I know how swamped you are Lo, please don't stress yourself. *Hugs* <3
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    Well, after seeing @Shannen's impassioned speech about this, it would be hard not to join. I'm just not sure I can commit the time, though. Also, I'm a terrible builder. That's why I go to the Gallery for Sims 4, and in Sims 3, I go to the Exchange or use whatever came in the world I'm in. I <3 Shannen, though, so it's tough to pass up. I'm involved with a few other games on the forums and also have 2 stories I write. So, I don't have any spare time. However, for her, I'll think about it. <3

    That was quite the speech wasn't it? Brought tears to my eyes she did! lol

    It's not about the building skills here it's more about getting to know someone new and having fun. And also anticipating getting a gift for your game too.

    Addy did a great job in explaining that it doesn't have to include building at all. I try very hard to match people up in a way that allows you to use your creativity without stressing you out. That having been said if you join I now know that creating sims and their backstory is something you really enjoy and are good at. So I would not match you with someone who wants a mansion built for a buddy. Also my email is on my page and is always open to everyone who is unsure about what they are creating and just wants reassurance or maybe needs a suggestion here and there. I enjoy helping people.

    All that being said it sounds like you have a lot on your plate so if you don't feel you can join right now then please drop in here and there and see what's going on. And come back around gifting time to see what gifts are exchanged. You may find something you would like for your game and as always I ask that gifts get recommended as buddies put their hearts into this.

    So please join us either as a buddy or just as a friend. Either is fine with us. And nice to meet you!! :)

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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    anettesb wrote: »
    Well, after seeing @Shannen's impassioned speech about this, it would be hard not to join. I'm just not sure I can commit the time, though. Also, I'm a terrible builder. That's why I go to the Gallery for Sims 4, and in Sims 3, I go to the Exchange or use whatever came in the world I'm in. I <3 Shannen, though, so it's tough to pass up. I'm involved with a few other games on the forums and also have 2 stories I write. So, I don't have any spare time. However, for her, I'll think about it. <3

    I hope we both feel we have the time to join...

    I'm how ever pretty sure makeign sims is also a posibility.

    I hope you can join too Anette but I don't want you to feel stress over it. But please drop by often I like to see you! :)

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    ShannenShannen Posts: 2,811 Member
    @Tanubanue Awwww <3
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    I hope we get some more letters soon or this is going to be far too easy for me to match everyone up! :pB)
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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    tanubanue wrote: »
    I hope we get some more letters soon or this is going to be far too easy for me to match everyone up! :pB)

    ... and we can't have that, now can we?! LOL
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Well, I'm considering it. I'm torn because social stuff is fun but I don't want to leave my readers hanging for months because other things get in the way. Currently, I'm leaning 70% towards doing it.
    Origin ID: lovesstorms
    Seeking a Cure for PSC
    - 20 Things About Highly Creative People
    Lovesstorms's Stories
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    90% sure you get 1 from me
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    tanubanuetanubanue Posts: 4,116 Member
    ADWilson wrote: »
    tanubanue wrote: »
    I hope we get some more letters soon or this is going to be far too easy for me to match everyone up! :pB)

    ... and we can't have that, now can we?! LOL

    Lol No we can't because I need to drive you really really crazy with texts and calls and such lol :p

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    ADWilsonADWilson Posts: 6,755 Member
    tanubanue wrote: »
    ADWilson wrote: »
    tanubanue wrote: »
    I hope we get some more letters soon or this is going to be far too easy for me to match everyone up! :pB)

    ... and we can't have that, now can we?! LOL

    Lol No we can't because I need to drive you really really crazy with texts and calls and such lol :p

    **puts hand up**

    Oh, wait! That's me. **chuckles**

    There will be a flurry of texts and calls and such anyway, because that is just how we roll ;)

    However, we do want...
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