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  • Hm. Technically, maybe I should have answered "yes," but in a practical sense, "no" fits. I think I did once try to make a Sim that looked like me and had similar traits. But that's not what I play. I play Sims games for the escapism, to get away from my everyday life. I don't want to play me. I want to play all the…
  • Personally, I'd totally ignore the want to break up. Sims 4 AI is primitive and fairly ludicrous, IMO. If a Sim is in a committed relationship, they will always get the want to get out of it. If they're not, they will always get the want to enter into one. It doesn't matter if the relationship (or lack thereof) is good or…
  • Breaking News! They're going to say something, and some people may not like it. Mmm . . . okay.
  • Thanks for the giveaway! Please enter me.
  • Already planning to jump ship for Life By You, which means I probably won't bother with TS5, unless they do something REALLY special. Adding a subscription fee would NOT be it.
  • Life by You is looking really good to me right now. I expect I may well skip TS5 if LbY turns out as good as I hope it does.
  • This right here. For anyone who's actually well-grounded in English grammar (I know -- thing of the past, I guess), "live," that sounds like "alive," is an adjective. "Live," that sounds like "give," is a verb. Adjectives are descriptive modifiers for nouns, verbs describe some manner of action. So the natural (according…
  • Thanks for doing these giveaways! I'd have to say my absolute favorite was computer classes, though those were actually not really official yet. (I've been around for a bit -- when I was in HS, the school had just gotten computers in and didn't yet have a formal class structure. Those of us interested were doing…
  • In TS4, it's kind of hard for me to choose. I've really not played Britechester much as most of my college-going Sims so far have been heading toward science/tech careers. Foxbury has just been the place that best fits their needs. I probably wouldn't hesitate to say Foxbury if it wasn't for all the crazy verticality and…
  • I got 6 out of 16 and got 'Carnival Ace.'
  • Thank you for the giveaway! I'm from the USA here. Scored 86% -- 30/35 correct.
  • Quite the topic. It gave me a good chuckle or two. :smiley: I guess it really kind of depends on how you and your spouse think of it, as far as 'cheating' or not. From what some have said here, it sounds like Patchy is not really a human/Sim if you play the game as intended. It's only when you use a cheat or mod that he…
  • When the money dries up.
  • Sounds like you've got things figured out, but I'm pretty sure this is one of your issues right here. "Alter Disguise" means specifically to edit the human-looking "disguise" of the alien, thus it will not access the alien side of the Sim. You generally want "Change Sim" or "Plan Outfit" on a dresser or mirror to get full…
  • Looks like I'm joining the bobsled team. ;) Thanks for doing these giveaways!
  • This is exactly how I feel. It's not a matter of 'realism.' It's that height in The Sims is used (or at least was used) to visibly differentiate between ages/life stages. I for one like that differentiation and would prefer to have it back again.
  • Yes, I definitely miss cars. They were fun and entertaining even back in TS2 which had a 'closed world' just like TS4 does now. I really do wish they'd been in TS4 as well. But that's just one thing of many I wish they'd done with TS4.
  • As long as I've understood the option as you've written it, your Sims 3&4 combo seems to be what I want. (Others seem to be interpreting it differently sometimes -- thus why I state it this way.) What I'm looking for is that each "world," like Oasis Springs or Willow Creek should be entirely open-world. You'd have a…
  • For overall ease of use, sure TS4's build mode is very user friendly. But I love all the things you can do in TS3 that simply aren't there in TS4. Pools/water, Create-A-Style (a very big thing for me), Create-A-World, and all the crazy and cool things you could do with advanced techniques using 'constrainFloorElevations…
  • Well, the way you phrased the option in the poll is rather off-putting, but I chose what I did in hopes of going with the most 'neutral' response. All in all, I think it's a good idea. It would certainly be nice for those who pay attention to and care about their ceilings. Myself, I'm not really that worried about them. I…
  • Can't really vote as I do both. I usually have an idea of what I want to do with a given Sim, but sometimes something happens and it just gives me a new idea, so things change a bit. I'd say I follow the "Flexible planning" option.
  • I had to go with Beella Goth. Bella is just so iconic to the Sims franchise. (Yes, so too is the plumbob, but it's more a 'thing' -- you don't see the term/name so much, so I don't feel it really conjures "The Sims" to mind to such a degree when I hear it.)
  • Well, given the list of options, the "bring on the The Sims 5" option is the best fit for me. Have to say though, that comes with a HUGE caveat: TS5 needs to take the game back to elements from TS2 and TS3 that have been cut from the TS4 iteration. I'd like to see an open world and Create-A-Style customizations back, but…
  • I could be mistaken, but I believe they were actually turned off by default in the patch that made them optional. I seem to remember having to go turn them back on manually in my game.
  • Just answering the questions that I feel I have something to say about -- a few are just outside of my experience, really. Love crosspack functionality. That said, Fame is not one of the things I'd work into it. Just take cues from real life. While people definitely get famous from acting, singing, sports careers and…
  • It's been a little while now, but I'm pretty sure that I first learned about The Sims (original game) in a magazine article. It was most likely in PCGamer, as that was the magazine I followed most regularly back then. It sounded a little weird (So, you play these 'Sims' and you have to make them eat and use the toilet and…
  • 6 and 17 are definitely my favorites. The others are a mixed bag. A few I'd only ever use on kids (though that's not all bad).
  • Not bad, I got 75%. Thanks for hosting another giveaway!

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