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  • No spiral stairs, no bunk beds, no ladders. These are all things I would think to put into a "Tiny Living" pack. The Murphy bed and the entertainment center combo are nice, but I doubt I'll buy the pack just for those. Certainly they could have found new items that hadn't been made for The Sims in the past too -- futons,…
  • I have to say for the most part, no. There aren't really that many 'Game Changers' I even bother watching. Many, IMO (not all, mind you) just seem to be very over-the-top with praise and hyperbole about the smallest things. Not my cup of tea. I generally like LGR's reviews, though he's obviously one of those who is not…
  • This is pretty spot-on for me too. Just tallying up every lot may sound impressive on paper, but lots per world -- and lots open to building without destroying all the functional community lots that give a world its 'flavor' -- are what matter. (Granted there are some things you can nuke without ruining the feel of a world…
  • I think my ideal version of classes would be kind of a blend of the two. For the most part, classes would be rabbitholes, as the usual day-to-day stuff would (IMO) get kind of tedious and repetitive to keep playing through. But then I'd like to see things like 'lab days' maybe once a week or so, where there were special…
  • Hmm. I too got Environmental Science. Thanks for doing these giveaways!
  • At this point, I'll give it a definite maybe. I kind of expect that eventually, I'll probably buy it on sale, but honestly, I've been disappointed in TS4's offerings, and right now it's very wait-and-see. BTW: Maybe you didn't buy the Generations EP? It brought shower woohoo to TS3.
  • Well, I went with the 'no' option because to me, saying "more free will" means more of the same, which would be terrible, IMO. Now BETTER AI/free will would be awesome. Making more intelligent decisions, based more on their actual needs and their traits -- sure, that would fine. But these same Sims who keep going to get…
  • For the most part, I'm a "Why not both?" person. I ended up coming down on the vampire side after considering Scoed's point of view though: This feels pretty "on the mark" to me. I think the vampires are actually better-balanced in terms of strengths and weaknesses and make for ultimately more interesting characters, if…
  • I weighed in as neutral on this one as I'd kind of like spellcasting to be a skill, but fully expected it to be a lifestate, given the way it worked in TS2 and TS3. Having read through the posts thus far, there are some good points on both sides and I think there are definitely both good and bad aspects of implementing it…
  • The only guess I can field that I feel relatively confident in is: Not University. (I know, I know -- my inner cynic is taking over. FWIW, I hope I'm wrong. But . . . time will tell.)
  • Afraid the "Sabrina" reference is lost on me. I only watch a little TV these days, and haven't seen any of those shows. (I know of the original, from Bewitched, that I watched some re-runs of in syndication, who just wiggled her nose. And then there was Jeannie (different show) with her pony-tail flip.) As for…
  • Sweet! Someone else who read the old "Myth" books by Robert Aspirin. Those were a lot of fun! :) I still pull some of them out now and then when I'm in the mood for a light read. I think that the 'resemblance' to the Harry Potter series is kind of relative. Myself, I do indeed get a 'Harry Potter' feel from the RoM…
  • Thanks for holding this giveaway! I ended up with: You got: Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) You're in luck because the costume options for Willow are endless! You can be nerdy high school Willow, Ghost Willow, Joan of Arc Willow, Dark Willow, or even do a couples costume as Willow and Oz OR Willow and Tara!…
  • Hmm, yep. Just got the "You don't have permission" error here myself. Hopefully they'll fix it before too long.
  • Delphine has some fun with her dolphin companion, Flipper.
  • My "No," is a qualified one, like many of the responses I've seen here. No, I wouldn't want Sulani to be as limited as the current vacation sites in TS4 are. I definitely want to be able to move a household in and have them live there regularly, not only visit. That said, as others have said, I'd love to have some kind of…
  • Well, I like them both, but for me, Island Paradise is definitely the better of the two. I agree with sentiment that some have voiced, that Island Living just doesn't feel like it's a full EP to me. I think it's good for what it is, but value-wise I rate it as a GP. I loved all the things that IP brought to the game:…
  • I'm sure I'll have both, some nice, friendly mermaids and some sinister ones. Probably not as many scary types though, as I prefer for the 'mean' Sims to be more the exception than the rule in my game.
  • Same here. I'm glad it's not just me. Anyone know what's up? @simgirl1010 -- Would love to enter, but I'm not getting a survey/quiz at your linked site. Thanks for running a giveaway though -- that's still very cool and generous of you!
  • Aye, that pretty much sums it up!
  • A picture from @EsReverniDrawrof
  • Supernaturals/occults -- whatever you like to call them. I want the faeries, witches, genies and mermaids!
  • Supernaturals. Especially Faeries, Witches and Mermaids. (I do like the beach/island themed idea with swimming, boats and such, and that would likely be something to go with the Mermaids as they need a decent environment.)
  • Supernaturals. That's really the only thing I still REALLY want from this game. Some of the others would be nice, some I don't care about at all. (Personally, I couldn't care less about "Freeing the babies," but I know lots of folks seem to want that.)
  • I'm definitely a blend of several of these, as most people are, I expect. But I had to give CC Shopper the top spot. The description of spending hours browsing CC and then yet more hours in CAS using it all just fits too well. That said, I really want to be a Supernaturalist, but thus far, TS4 has been rather limiting in…
  • Here are the pics from @kiley -- Some family fun in the sun: Nice shots! That's a good-looking family. :smile:
  • My namesake, Ayradyss, flying through the neighborhood. Well, not really. ;) Actually, this shot caught her mid-dive as she's doing a swan dive into her pool.
  • I generally like my ghosts and keep them around. The ghosts of families I play, or favorite NPCs, anyway. If it's just a random townie ghost, I might get rid of them. That said, I do use the MCCC mod, and I use one of the features of that to turn off autonomous "Possess to Break" actions, so they don't go around breaking…
    in Ghosts? Comment by Ayradyss April 2019
  • Generally I prefer one or two. I prefer small Sim households overall -- tend to feel kind of overwhelmed with large households as I like to control everything. So I went with one for the poll as that's probably my most frequent option.

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