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Knitting Gameplay Questions for the Community!


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    awellenblawellenbl Posts: 2,970 Member

    Q1: I would not like any Fame gain for Knitting, but I'd love an effect on the Parenthood Character Values. Completing projects could for example raise the Responsibility Value.

    Q2: That would be fine with me.

    Q3: As long as it's also possible to knit sitting somewhere else, I wouldn't mind that.

    Q4: Longer than painting seems fine. It should definitely depend on the scope of the item and not take much longer than writing a song.

    Q5: Would be fine with me. But if I directed them to sit somewhere, it'd be great if they stayed there.

    Q6: My grandma did teach me to knit. I remember mostly that I sat by her feet and that she told me stories. I think it should influence the relationship positively as well.

    Q7: Don't have any experience with this.

    Q8: No idea.

    Q9: No idea.

    Q10: I would love that.

    Thank you for asking. :)

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    lacianalaciana Posts: 29 Member
    1: No, to fame through knitting.
    Cats & Dogs - sweaters and toys. There are even sweaters that can be knit for guinea pigs. :)
    Seasons – hats and gloves.

    2: Happy! Doilies, of course, but crochet wedding veils and mantillas are very lovely as well.

    3: I'd rather not see the desk be tied to knitting.

    4: I've done very little knitting, but a blanket should take longer than a pot holder.

    5: Mrs. Crumplebottom.

    6: I can remember my mother teaching my nieces how to knit when they were little girls. It would be nice if there were interactions where the Sim teaching demonstrates a stitch and the student shows his/her work.

    7: Sims can donate money to Toys for Elder Sims on the computer. They should be able to donate knit items to them as well.

    8: Random scratching and an uncomfortable moodlet.

    9: Don't have any.

    10: No. It should be user-directed.
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    plus1Diamondplus1Diamond Posts: 25 Member
    A1 - Laundry Day: Freshly laundered sweaters provide a warm, comfy moodlet - as well as have a chance of shrinking in the dryer, which provides a negative moodlet.
    Seasons: Some knitted clothing continually gives off static electricity, making lightning more likely to either strike the sims wearing it directly or right around them - good for gem foraging.
    Cats & Dogs: Pets can receive their own knitted clothing, & cats will play with yarn balls.
    Get Famous: Donating knitted goods to charity can bestow some fame. Sims can make knitting vlogs & gain followers/fame for their works.

    A2 - That’d be totally fine by me. The more, the merrier!

    A3 - Allow the desk to be a part of the knitting process by using it to enhance/finalize the designs of crafts, as well as possibly giving off a continual focused or inspired moodlet?

    A4 - Sims should have the option to pause/resume a craft until completion. Lengthened crafting time depends on the craft type &/or size for realism, but not so long that the process becomes tedious & unsatisfying.

    A5 - Yes, or kneel on the ground until seating becomes available, as it’d be more frustrating for a sim to cancel the task if no open seating is perceived. There can be an option to make a sim ‘knit here,’ & subsequently sit down while knitting, as it is with eating. I’d enjoy watching non-played sims walk the town with a knitting satchel over their shoulder & crafting as they walk.

    A6 - I personally do not have this kind of experience & therefore couldn’t give an appropriate answer. I’m sorry!

    A7 - I again do not have any personal experience in this area, but would greatly enjoy having the option to sell goods in an Etsy-type store!

    A8 - There has to be a unique perk or consequence to wearing these sweaters that makes players insist on making their sims wear one to begin with. I want to hearken back to an early suggestion made in the previous forum done by SimGuruNinja to have a sweater so wildly hideous that sims die instantly upon wearing it - so severe that perhaps only evil sims who knit can craft them. Also, a ‘good luck sweater’ or ‘good luck socks’ - that if your sim can bear with the incessant itching & terrible rash moodlets they’ll notice that everything else in life otherwise is coming up roses.

    A9 - Snitches get stitches! …Yeah that’s all I got, my bad.

    A10 - I want to see sims autonomously knit in parks & such, also. As for autonomous mentoring, ONLY if the sim being taught already has some points in the knitting skill. I’d dislike if in the middle of a dinner party, Granny Sim decides that right then & there would be the best time to regale in the wonders of knitting leg warmers.

    Thank you for incorporating our direct feedback on the direction of the upcoming stuff pack within these forums. I hope that I wasn’t too late & that you’ve read all this, & that my own feedback could be helpful to you all, as well.
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    PixelPrincezzPixelPrincezz Posts: 321 Member

    First of all, thank you for the questions, is good to know you guys want to know our opinion on stuff like that, okay here it goes:

    A1 I like the idea of crosspack, I'm not sure if the 15 CAS items and 28 Build/Buy mode items we've voted for are going to be the only ones to appear in the pack but, in case there's room for more things I'd like to be "crosspacked" with Cats and Dogs pack in a way you could knit your pets some clothes and maybe even toys; In "Seasons" we could be able to knit some Holiday related things as well; Oh and regarding the "Fame" question, yes, I think we should be able to get fame by knitting too. Even University could have something that included knitting as an extra activity, let your creativity flow ;)

    A2 I like the idea of Crochet items as well, in my opinion they can be pretty; If there was an animation for this specific thing it would be even better but, if not, then I guess is fine.

    A3 I agree that the idea of knitting on a desk is unusual, but maybe if big objects like chairs or couches, etc are craftable on them it would make more sense, even though is not something I find "mandatory" but is cool.

    A4 I think it should take a while to our sims finish their knitting, especially if the object is a big one, they don't have to take awfully long to finish but being able to resume knitting and taking a while seems accurate to reality.

    A5 I think I'd be more comfortable with my sim sitting down to knit, but is not a big deal if they can do it standing.

    A6 I love the idea of "Teach to Knit", especially for grandmas teaching their grandchildren, it can be a very sweet moment and very useful for story telling as well.

    A7 That's a hard one for me so I'll leave for those who understand about it.

    A8 Whoa, okay...They could get an uncomfortable mood if the object was crafted by a low knit skilled sim, etc; get itchy and grumpy, but I guess it should depend on the relationship level they have with the sim that gifted them, if the receiver sim really likes the giver sim, then they could "work it out" even in a not so comfortable mood.

    A9 I'm not good at puns at all but maybe a sim could complement another saying something like "Wow, you look knit (neat)!" That's as far as I can go with puns, sorry.

    A10 I personally would prefer the interaction to be user-directed, I don't like the idea of autonomously becoming a master in knit or anything really, especially if you like rotation gameplay; I think if we had a better personality system where sims are driven by their traits, and favorite stuff, etc, then a sim could "learn how to knit" just cause it fits their personality but not go crazy on it either; since that's not the case, I prefer to choose which sim will knit and which ones wont.

    I'm not a big fan of "story intrusive" interactions, I think we could have a better attraction system, have favorites, hobbies, and "trait" driven interactions like if a sim is "hot headed" they could get frustrated if something they do, like for instance knitting, don't turns out as they expect, or a more loving sim could have more patience when teaching other to knit and I think this should go for all the game interactions, not only this pack. That's something I've been wanting ever since I started playing the sims 4, it would make such a big difference on my game.

    Anyway, thank you for letting us speak out and I hope you find the answers helpful and meaningful. I'm sure you can't personally answer to all of us but, if you can, let us know if some of our ideas really helped you and the team.

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde
    EA ID: PixelPrincezz
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    edited March 2020
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    A1: As others said, it would fit in well with ROM.

    A2: Crocheting, being made of knots and holes, makes the ugliest and most impractical things, if what you wanted was warm, and soft, and stretchy. Ugly Afghans are always at Goodwill for just cause. Where crochet shines is limited to macrame (plant holders from the 70s that might look fresh by now), doilies (which unlike a thneed, nobody, nobody, NOBODY needs!) and crocheted lace, which requires such fine thread and tiny hook and so much time that it may have made sense for the French nuns credited with its invention, but not many other people these days.

    A3: Knitting (yes, I can knit. Scandinavian style, in multiple colors at once, even! Shocked?) requires arm, elbow, and needle room. I think it would be uncomfortable to do at a desk. Whenever I have seen people do it around a table, they generally work in their lap, sometimes supporting the skein or the rest of the work (if it's a sweater or something large) on the table or desk, but that's about it. Generally people knit sort of in their laps, wherever they are seated. So it can be done at a table, but like it's still mostly in your lap.

    A4: Fast knitters using the more ergonomic Scandinavian style can work up a baby sweater in a single afternoon, maybe shorter. Booties in a single conversation if it's a good one. Adult sweaters, a week seems reasonable even for a fast knitter if they have anything else they ever need to do all day but sit knitting it. Several weeks to months isn't uncommon esp. if a person puts it by, for a while here and there. I have seen a woman who was my knitting instructor, knit a really nice multicolored sock in a couple of hours, a nice big one for her hubs.

    A5: Where would they store their skein of yarn? In their armpit? It would be really hard, as well as uncomfortable as heck, because almost nobody knits for only 10 minutes at a time, and standing stock-still while concentrating on that would cause all kinds of pain, not at all like standing while being free to move. The arms have to be a certain way, so the upper back would ache, and again, where does the skein go? And you periodically have to yank more yarn from the skein. Doing it standing up sounds really awkward!

    A6: Scandinavain aka German knitting looks different from English-style (which is also most frequently used in the US) in that you simply slip the yarn from one needle to the other, whereas English-style you have to stop every stitch and wrap it manually around the knitters make that look easy, but it's less ergonomic and then if you want to make, say, Scandinavian sweaters with those pretty snowflakes and designs knitted right in? If you learned Scandinavian/German to begin with, you're in luck: you can easily use several colors of yarn at once. If you learned English-style, you have to learn a whole new style. As for teaching/mentoring, based on when I took a class, when the teacher helped me, she sat beside me and knitted to demonstrate, or took my work to show me what she meant, in her hands, or sat next to me to see what I was doing and give verbal instructions occasionally putting her hands on mine while I worked. It was a side-by-side thing.

    A7: There is or was, actually a group of (mostly if not entirely) women (but that's totally beside the point, anyone can knit) who used to knit hats and mittens to donate to the public library and other public spaces, for anyone who needed one to simply take, as there were a lot of moms with little kids or babies and toddlers in tow, one or more of whom might have lost a hat or mitten en route, or kids who came in who just didn't have such even though they needed it. I don't know about Etsy.

    A8: Lets say a Sim is wearing an awful, itchy sweater that they’re wearing only because somebody gifted it for them. What kind of things would you like to see happen to them? Do you mean the Sim who inflicted it on them, or the sweater itself? In either case, BURN! HAHAHA I would say stick the offending sweater on a scarecrow, but don't donate it to a thrift shop..that's just passing the misery to another victim. The most ecologically friendly thing would be, unravel it and use it to make something non-wearable. Potholders? A small rug?

    A9: I got one for ya:

    A10: I think "invite to teach knitting" should be autonomous, kind of like "invite to teach dancing". But no pushy autonomous knit evangelism, please! Maybe go so far as the expert knitter could autonomously "Offer to teach knitting" but then the target Sim can accept or decline?

    I usually like more autonomy than the game currently affords, which is why I outsource for extra autonomy. I don't see it as necessary to make knitting, or the teaching of it, any different from any other skill, in how it is treated as far as autonomy goes in the game. I know a Sim can work on skills autonomously, like painting, so choosing to knit autonomously ought not to be different, but teaching it? I could see offering, but the Sim can accept or decline the offer. Knitting being a gendered or age-specific activity is a notion peculiar to recent times and places where a constant supply of knitted woollens were needed by everyone, as a matter of safety and survival due to the cold climate, children started learning to knit (gender irregardless) at around 5 or so, and everyone generally sat knitting in any spare moment they had, in which to do so, regardless of age or gender, because socks, mittens, hats, sweaters, all made of good wool yarn, were needed by everyone. So everyone knew how to knit because it was a basic survival skill, not considered some "lady of leisure" activity. Also repairing holes in knit socks in a way that wouldn't have knots to chafe. Survival skill.

    The early design process is a very fun time for me, and I hope I painted a picture of the sort of questions that get brought up during this development stage. Lemme know what you guys think!

    This was fun! I haven't knitted in years, and never did it seriously, just took a class or two because I wanted to know how.
    I learned about circular needs, knitted scandinavian mittens in 4 colors using 5 double-pointed bamboo needles, tried to learn how to loosen up, as I was a "tight knitter," and learned that people often have great conversations while knitting, and that it has a soothing spatial/mathematical quality to it, and a rhythm.

    I also learned that while Scandinavian/German knitting is more sensible in many regards, it takes a lot more effort to learn to purl easily. The teachers made it look so easy, and I found it so hard. But once one masters it, the ease of being able to slip the loop from one needle to the other without stopping to wrap anything, makes up for it. Also, it is possible to knit back and forth without ever turning your work over, but that takes some mental gymnastics when your pattern has to be reversed in your head every other row, and purl becomes knit and knit becomes purl!

    Once I could do it reasonably well, I wasn't really interested in doing it just to do it. I had other things I wanted to do, and I was never good enough to be able to watch TV while knitting...I had to look at my work. But I appreciate that it's both a comforting and practical activity, and also potentially subversive in that it easily accommodates for codes made of zeros and ones, or dots and dashes, because of purl and knit, dropped stitches to make a small hole, and so on.
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    NushnushganayNushnushganay Posts: 9,418 Member
    edited March 2020
    Two more things: one, make sure to make it possible to study knitting by a book and/or internet, because that is totally possible and how a lot of people do it.

    Additionally, could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE including a Doctor Who iconic Scarfy Warfy as a wearable or build/buy item? Preferably wearable?

    Surely it can be altered enough in name and description that BBC wouldn't be upset. If we're talking knitting and we don't include the most famous piece of knit in pop culture, it would be a sad omission.

    Okay third thing (sry): It's useful to wind a center-pull ball of yarn from your skein before starting. The center-pull ball is less likely to have large knotted clumps pull out of it, than the skein, and by making it center-pull, it doesn't have to roll around in your lap, it just sits there while the yarn pulls from the center. Best of all, if you tuck in the loose end of yarn on the outside, even if you drop it, it won't go unwinding itself as it rolls across the floor. And apparently there's such a thing as a ball-winder...another object to buy in build/buy, maybe? I always did it by hand, even used my fingers to get started instead of a tube of some sort.
    Racism is EVERYONE's fight #BLM #StopAsianHate
    Let's make Liberty and Justice For All a reality.

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    Maladi777Maladi777 Posts: 4,393 Member
    Q1 Laundry. The knit items could shrink in the washing machine and wearing them could cause the same discomfort as itchy sweater in Q8. This could actually apply to all laundry.

    Q2Crochet-like objects - yes please. I know of a few friends who are hoping for crochet-like wall hangings and have creative plans with them...

    Q5Could knitting get a sim in such state of rapture that they would walk the streets knitting, come thunderstorm or blizzard, they're immune to everything even death...? We could call it knitting frenzy. It could even be similar to alien abduction. No? Well, it was a nice (and very random) idea. And the moddders would probably have to address it anyway. :smirk:

    Q10 I'd prefer the 'teach to knit' to not be autonomous. In conversations knitting tips could add a minor skill gain, also an interaction similar to 'help a kid with homework' would either help gain skill or finish the knitting project faster.
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    kw4222kw4222 Posts: 16 Member
    Q1: It would be really special to tie to magic in some small way! Maybe a special golden-thread. Or a spell (or dipping the itchy sweater in the cauldron) would remove the “itchiness” factor from the gifted sweater.

    In the spirit of DIY, really would love to see the pack complement the woodworking workshop! Maybe the rocking chair could be crafted at the woodworking workshop (please please please!!!), then the cushion could be knitted?

    Q2: Definitely open to as many craftables as possible. I think some crochet objects would be wonderful!

    Q3: I would not knit at a desk- way too uncomfortable for an extended period of time. I would personally skip this and spend the time in development in other areas.

    Q4: No specific timeframe, but definitely appreciate this intention!

    Q5: No. PLEASE have them sit while knitting (and stay seated!!). Trying to get Sims to sit through an entire meal is already difficult enough…

    Q6: Yes!!! For me, learning how to crochet/knit was difficult and a little frustrating at first. I had to learn in shorter bursts, but as I improved I could knit for longer times without getting frustrated (and it became a calming activity). Maybe beginner sims get some kind of tense moodlet more often at the early stages of the skill? Some of the benefits of having someone teach me was 1) helping manage frustration and 2) catching mistakes early on, so I wouldn’t have to unravel the dang thing so often. So, maybe learning during “teach to knit” helps mitigate/prevent the negative moodlet that comes from learning the skill.

    Q7: Maybe tie to social media presence! Promoting your own items through social media is a HUGE part of boosting your business. Therefore, maybe your social media following is tied to how many sales you make. Or maybe you can post a specific listing to social media, and it will increase the chance of that object being sold.

    Q8: I would like to see them use the “soothing skin balm” (from outdoor retreat) to remove the moodlet!

    Q9: Don’t have much to share!

    Q10: NO. Do NOT make this autonomous. While I could definitely see autonomous talk about knitting, it’s not like people are walking around in the real world trying to recruit an army of knitters! lol.

    Other feedback: I definitely want as many craftables as possible! In my community vote, I definitely favored the items that are craftable. I also really appreciate the art team lately providing a blend of patterned/colorful and neutral swatches for all items. I think this was done particularly well in the tiny living pack. So I get that the community voted for a colorful, pastel theme, but I’m also hoping to get neutral swatches of everything!
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    julienrob2004julienrob2004 Posts: 4,179 Member
    edited March 2020
    The uncomfortable itching or scratching would soon become annoying as we know how over the top EA make it , so things like that happen way too often

    No please do not make it autonomous , I don't want my sims being bugged non stop and dropping their queue because some random sim keeps trying to make them do knitting

    What do they mean with donation game play , does that mean another pack later to fill out what could be left out of this pack . Or do they mean your sims knit something then donate it to a charity etc
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    phantasmkissphantasmkiss Posts: 1,520 Member
    edited March 2020
    Q1: Crosspack!
    I'm not into knitting for fame, but maybe a tie-in for the laundry pack I don't use? Knitted things can shrink, after all. I HAVE IT. A knitting festival. I'd have a festival every day. Maybe a knitting holiday, where things get yarn bombed. Yes. I could go for some yarn bombing.

    Q2: “Crochet-Like” objects craftable through Knitting
    Happy? Strong sense of ennui? It would depend on the objects. Give me the ability to make my kids knitted toys. Even better if they can play with them, or drag them around like a lovey.

    Q3: Cool crafty desk
    Requiring a desk-sized piece of furniture would be a no from me. As it is, I use the one-square nugget desk a lot for computers. Please don't make me have a separate desk with my other desk, it would just end up unused like the telescope.

    Q4: How long have some of your knitting projects taken?
    I don't knit. I saw the Try Guys knit things and they each made a little project over the weekend...

    Q5: Standing up and knitting?

    Q6: “Teach to Knit” interaction.
    I usually forget the mentor action exists. It should definitely exist for this skill too.

    Q7: Etsy store-like gameplay
    I've only purchased... although one of the things I purchased was a knitted turtle. I had it sent to a friend. It was amazing.

    Q8: Awful, itchy sweater
    My first thought was sad moodlet, but that's too easy. I want a bittersweet or happy moodlet, like Suffering for Love. They're wearing it because they love someone and to make them happy. Maybe the Sim who made it gets a They Love It moodlet.

    Q9: Knitting puns.
    I don't get the point.

    Q10: Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous?
    No, please. I hate it when my Sims autonomously learn gaming or something. What if I want someone who is terrible at something?
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    V3nd3tt4V3nd3tt4 Posts: 1 New Member
    Q1: I'm so in for crosspacks! Overall what you've mentionned sounds great. Not so sure about the fame thing tho except for knitting vlog (like any other vlog). Other ideas:
    - Cats & Dogs: Cats playing with yarn.
    - Seasons: Ability to knit items such as sweaters( It doesn't need to be new ones) which would give positive moodlets such as "Ready for the cold weather" or "Winter fest spitit" (christmas decorations or clothing).

    Q2: I've no problem with that. It would make a nice addition to have crochet-like objects.

    Q3: I love its design. It could work both as a regular desk and a crafting table with knitting interractions when you click on it.

    Q4: A bit like painting, there could be small, medium and large knitting projects. They'll take more or less time. From a gameplay perspective, I don't think it should take that long tho. It could get repetitive.

    Q5: I've seen people knitting while standing. So that's ok by me.

    Q6: Teaching how to knit feels like a must. It could be an activity for the club, give a "bonding" kind of moodlet (happy) or even influence traits from the Parenthood game pack. The emotional control value maybe? Because it's a relaxing activity that teaches patience.

    Q7: The Etsy gameplay could work either as a freelance career or an odd job (Island Living). The system of notation of the latter would be quite fitting in my opinion. Pro knitters would manage their page from the PC and post their creations via the mailbox. Online byers would be delivered by mail as well and could rate their purchase.

    Q8: Itching, red spots if they wear it for too long, moodlets. Unconfortable for the giftee, embarassed/sad (gloomy sims)/angy (hot-headed sims) for the gifter.

    Q9: I'll pass on this one!

    Q10: I think it should work like the help with homework. Level 10 knitter shouldn't autonomously mentor other sim unless the learner is already knitting.
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    lisamwittlisamwitt Posts: 5,114 Member
    Q1: Cross functionality is always great. I don't have thoughts on fame, because my Sims always opt out and I've never used that feature. But, it might be funny to have your Sim get a "Banksy" persona from yarnbombing stuff around town. Lol.

    Q2: I don't knit, I crochet. So I'd love to see the ability to do some crocheted items. If you do both, just make sure the animation is correct. I can't even tell you how often I see crocheted items online referred to as knitted and knitted items referred to as crocheted.

    Q3: I crochet in a comfy chair. My sister knits, and also does it in a comfy chair. Usually while watching tv. Doing it at a desk would be awkward and uncomfortable. That said, I could see Sims doing it just as another place to be able to do it. And it would be cool if they could do small crafts at the desk or use it to block knitted or crocheted pieces. My dream would be that a sewing machine can be pulled up out of it like the old Singers, but I know that's probably not even on the radar.

    Q4: There needs to be a variety of projects that take different times. I've made quite a few blankets that have taken me weeks or months, but I've also done hats or scarves that only took a few hours. I'd want those options with my Sims. If all projects took a really long time to do, I'd probably end up rarely ever using the skill. I already get frustrated with some things in the game that take a really long time. It gets boring.

    Q5: I want them to sit. But it needs to make sense. If there's a perfectly good chair in front of the tv they shouldn't be sitting on the end of their kids' bed while their kid is trying to sleep. If they are out, they could find a spot to sit on the ground cross-legged. That's what I would do (and have done). I've never worked on a project standing. But, if sitting on the ground isn't an option for whatever reason, then okay, I'd deal with them standing. Better than walking miles away for a chair because there isn't one at the park.

    Q6: My mom taught me to crochet. We sat side by side on the couch and she showed me what to do with her own yarn and hook. Then I practiced (with ugly, cheap yarn) just doing it until I got it down. I've tried teaching my own kids, but it's not their thing. So I think it could be funny to occasionally have a child not want to learn (unless the player as them requested it). I also learned to finger knit as a child and a lot of my friends did too. We made bracelets mostly. It would be fun to have this be an option for children.

    Q7: I'm not into selling stuff. I mostly do it for fun because I'm just a crafty person. But I'm sure there are plenty of players that would like to be able to sell items, so it should be an option.

    Q8: Scratching, maybe a rash. Maybe an embarrassed moodlet if it's ugly. I have to say though that this isn't something I'd want to see all the time, it would get annoying. Maybe only if someone with low skill gives them (or wears themselves) an item of clothing. But, past maybe level 2 or 3 I wouldn't want it to happen. On the flip side, an ugly winterfest sweater could have a positive moodlet or make your Sim feel cheerful or playful.

    Q9: I can't think of anything that hasn't been said. There is something crocheters jokingly call themselves, related to the fact that crochet means hook, but I can't say that here. Lol.

    Q10: No. I turned autonomy off for my played Sim because I was always annoyed at their decisions. I need to pee... so I'm going to go play a computer game. The baby is crying... I'm going to bed. And some actions once canceled, actually take a very long time to stop.
    Also, I'm constantly annoyed by NPC's breaking into my queue to idle chat when I'm on a date, eating, or doing homework. It makes everything take hours longer than it should. I don't want Sims randomly trying to teach my Sims to knit when they should be doing what I told them to do instead. I also don't just want every Sim sitting around knitting all the time, it should only be Sims who've taken an interest in learning it because you wanted them to.
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    thespookysimmerthespookysimmer Posts: 2 New Member
    Q1: Seasons, a tradition of gifting sweaters (I’m picturing Molly Weasley making all of her kids sweaters in Harry Potter), being able to gift the craftable items, various moodlets (positive for some sims, negative for others). A scouting badge for knitting or count towards the creative badge.
    Spa Day mud baths and other soothing baths could help relieve the itchy moodlet from certain sweaters. Knitting classes as electives in university and classes that other sims can sit in on.
    I also like the idea of having a sim who makes knitting videos (Get Famous) and then sells their crafted items on the Etsy site.
    Spellcasters being able to magically knit (it would be really cool if they could have the knitting needles just floating and knitting for them, like the animation happening with no sim there).
    Pets: cats playing with yarn

    Q2: I wouldn’t mind if crochet-like objects were craftable through the knitting skill, the more things to make the merrier (in my opinion)!

    Q3: I wouldn’t mind if they could knit at the desk, but I wouldn’t be bothered if they can’t. Maybe they could just be able to sit at the desk chair and knit, not necessarily having to be tied to the desk itself?

    Q4:I would love for some things to take longer to make. I think there should be some items that take just a couple sim hours, but others should have to be put down and come back to over a course of a few days (working for an hour or so a day). Not so long that it gets annoying but long enough that it’s realistic. I also think it’s important to be able to multitask while knitting, sims should be able to knit while chatting or watching tv, but maybe have a higher chance of making a mistake while multitasking.

    Q5: I think standing and knitting is fine, but sitting would be preferred. Maybe have the option to sit on the ground or floor and “knit here”?

    Q6: I definitely want a “teach to knit” interaction. I’d love for any sim that has a knitting skill to be able to mentor someone who has a lower skill than themselves, and I think it would be cool if people who have mastered the knitting skill should be “better” at mentoring and the sims they mentor should increase their skill faster.

    Q7: Yes to etsy and donations for knitted goods. I went to a camp for children with various illnesses and people donated knitted blankets and bears to each of us campers, I still have mine. Positive moodlets from buying things “made just for me” “one of a kind find” etc. Possible negative outcomes like a bad review or an item being sent back. If you start a shop it would be cool to be able to post things we’ve made and also have the option to “open your commissions” so people can order custom things, so like you’d get an order for one blanket and one teddy bear or something like that. Stay at home parent grind. (kind of like the freelancer career)

    Q8: I’d love to see some itchy animations, an uncomfortable moodlet from wearing the itchy sweater, maybe some (family oriented/good) sims would get a positive moodlet and “feel loved” because they’re thinking of the person who made it for them or gifted it to them. Mean sims could snicker or make fun of the sweater. A small chance of breaking out in hives (red splotches all over).

    Q9: Ill leave these to everyone else lmao.

    Q10: I think at least in played households “teach to knit” should be player directed, I think it would get a little overwhelming if all the sims in your world were knitting all the time.
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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    Is the time it takes to create something artificial or real?

    I just made the comparison with Robotics in another thread and realized the ONLY reason it takes more than an afternoon to craft ANY thing in Robotics is because apparently all Sims are too dumb to turn the power off and keep getting electrocuted for no reason. It is so obvious the electrocutions are there only to add fake difficulty to the crafting.
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    Buttercup_DandyButtercup_Dandy Posts: 2 New Member
    Q1: Crosspack! I’m planning on making Knitting compatible with things like Get to Work Retail Lots (including Mannequins!), Get Together’s Club Rules, and City LIving’s Yard Sale Table. What else would provide fun crosspack functionality? For example, should knitting provide Fame in some way?

    I don't think Knitting should provide fame, but I think it would be cool if pets could get into the knitting supplies. If you have seasons and live in a warm place like Oasis Springs, Strangerville, and Sulani, then you should have a negative moodlet to wearing something you knitted, and a positive moodlet when you are knitting, "thinking about winter getaways." (This could tie into the winter resort survey!!)

    Q2: If some “Crochet-Like” objects became craftable through Knitting, how would you personally feel? Happy? Enraged? Strong sense of ennui? We can’t guarantee unique animations for crocheting, but I’d like to still potentially provide them as a craftable object for players.

    I would be so annoyed!!!! Crochet looks very different from Knit, and as someone who does both as well as prop design in theatre, I absolutely hate seeing someone "knitting" something that's obviously crocheted.

    Q3: There’s a cool crafty desk floating around in concept art that you guys may have seen (49 - 52 in the object vote). What would knitting at one of these desks mean to you, if anything? Asking around the office, nobody knits at a desk, but I’m curious if anyone would find value if the new crafting desk tied in with knitting somehow.

    I've never met anyone who knits at a desk, however I do know people who draft knitting designs at desks. Perhaps higher-level knitting skills would have to draft designs at desks before knitting a certain design.

    Q4: I’d like Knitting to actually take some time to craft, something Sims can save for later and come back to. In your experience, how long have some of your knitting projects taken? I’ll try not to make it feel too grindy, but definitely longer than it takes to paint in our game.

    It should depend on the project knitted. If it's a washcloth, someone with low skill might take a few hours, but someone with higher skill might take a half-hour. A knit sweater could take up to a month for someone with lower skill, but I've known people who can do it in a few days.

    Q5: If your Sim wanted to knit something, but they couldn't find a place to sit, would you be okay with them standing up and knitting? Asking for a friend...

    Standing- no. It would be super uncomfortable to stand and knit. Where would you put the yarn??????? And you'd have to adjust the yarn all the time which would make the project take longer. It's more reasonable for sims to sit on the floor, criss-cross apple sauce.

    Q6: Along with the Mentor interaction, I’d like to include a proper “Teach to Knit” interaction. I’d love to have that moment where the Knitting Master granny teaches their grandchild how to knit. For those of you who experienced similar things, what was that experience like for you? I’m curious what people think this should look like - both animation and story wise.

    My grandmother taught me how to knit this past summer. She was really patient, and I grew quickly frustrated (in the beginning). She would take the knitting needles and show me the stitch (pearl and knit, pearl and knit), then hand it back to me. I would do a few stitches in a row and then she could look at it and correct me.... Oh and she did this all while she was playing the Sims XD! I was sitting on the floor next to her rocker.

    Q7: I’d like to have some Etsy store-like gameplay, as well as donation gameplay with Knitting. For those of you who may have gone down those paths in real life, what were some interesting takeaways or stories you’d like to see represented?

    Q8: Lets say a Sim is wearing an awful, itchy sweater that they’re wearing only because somebody gifted it for them. What kind of things would you like to see happen to them?

    Have you ever seen that episode in Spongebob where Spongebob is trying to gift Squidward a sweater, and Squidward hates it, and then Spongebob keeps giving him more and more absurd sweaters, including one made of tears? We could do something like that....

    Q9: I need your best Knitting puns. Feed them to me.

    Just unwind....
    I'm at my knits end!
    An officer pulled up to a speeding car on the freeway... He could see the driver was knitting! "PULL OVER!" He shouted. "No, it's a SCARF!" She replied.

    Q10: This is my biggest question, so I saved it for last. Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous? While this might sound trivial, I feel this is very important for gameplay. I’m interested how people would feel about their level 10 knitter trying to spread their knitting knowledge on others. Let's say you have someone in your family who is a level 10 knitter, if this interaction is autonomous the entire house is going to get a real deep dive into knitting, perhaps constantly.

    I feel like the AI should have something to say about who gets into knitting with level 10 and who gets annoyed. Based on personality traits and a flip of a coin, sims within the family could either learn from autonomous interactions or become furious with knitting for a while. When they have this furious with knitting moodlet, they should have negative relationship with anyone they interact with who knits or is wearing something knit.

    What are your thoughts on potentially “story intrusive” interactions like this, would you be okay to find your family one day all high-level knitters through natural autonomy? Or should this only be user-directed, meaning on you have the ability to choose who gets schooled on knitting. I’d love to hear your thoughts about these sorts of things.

    It should mostly be user-directed, since some story-tellers don't want specific sims to know about something like knitting. I mean, could you imagine someone like Lilith Pleasant being an avid knitter just because Angela is? (TS2)
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    KaitlinMarieKaitlinMarie Posts: 58 Member
    Q1: All of those are awesome ideas for crosspack functionality except for fame. I can't say I've ever seen someone get famous for knitting. But maybe a Guinness World Records style achievement would be fun (worlds largest ball of yarn).

    Q2: I think this would be a nice addition though I don't personally have experience with either of these activities.

    Q3: I like the idea of being able to knit everywhere so I don't see a desk being specifically necessary. However, if other projects could also be done on the desk then that would be cool.

    Q4: I agree with previous posts in that the bigger the project the longer it should take. I don't think it should be made that easy with the projects being quick to complete.

    Q5: Standing and knitting would be fine! But I think that they could also potentially sit on the floor. Maybe if its possible to make it a random chance? Or maybe younger sims sit on the floor while older sims stand when there's no seating around.

    Q6: 100% to the "teach to knit". I can't offer anything on the animation/experience though.

    Q7: An Etsy style gameplay would be awesome!

    Q8: Definitely let the sims be visibly scratchy with an uncomfortable moodlet. Maybe if the gifter sees it they could get a moodlet as well. Like a mean sim (who made the sweater) would enjoy seeing the discomfort that they caused but a good sim would feel bad/sad.

    Q9: No way crochet

    Q10: NO! There would end up being an army of knitters lol I think they should definitely be able to teach but only when you tell them too. But maybe children could get warm and fuzzy moodlets when an elder teaches them as its like bonding.
    Gallery name: Kaitlinxo143
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited March 2020
    Q1: I don't think knitting should provide fame, I think it would take away from the homey vibe that I get from knitting,

    Q2: I would feel very happy and have nothing against crochet, I think it would go nicely with a little hidden touch or add on to this pack!

    Q3: I have no qualms I mean no one may knit at a desk in RL but these our sims and they can be a little quirky so why not? I would not mind.

    Q4: I don't have prior experience but maybe a few days? I definitely don't wish it to take as fast as painting or writing does in the game, maybe more of the length of programing or music writing?

    Q5: That is fine! In Sims 2 Crumplebottom use to stand and knit and glare scornfully at the all the PDA xD.

    Q6: I would love this! I think it should very soft warm interactions not to many animations of doing wild hand gestures, the voices of the sims lower, gentle, soft, maybe a pricks the finger thing and the one teaching checks the finger and assures the sim that is okay.

    Q7: I think donating would be so sweet and Stsy (for the sims would be really nice additions). Like the higher the skill the more their things are worth. And maybe like odd jobs request of things to knot and maybe some only take a certain level of crafting so some only take level 4.

    Q8: Maybe have it based on relationship levels? If it from someone not to high on their scale, uncomfortable? A friend level relationship a 1+ buff of uncomfortable but fine and they can switch off. and if in the best range, a uncomfortable but happy buff that alternates?

    Q9: There are no puns here >:V

    Q10: NO. Please no automatons on this, it would go rapid in less than a sim week, I think it should be player-driven who we want to have the talent/hobby of knitting.
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    AyradyssAyradyss Posts: 910 Member
    Just answering the questions that I feel I have something to say about -- a few are just outside of my experience, really.
    Q1: Crosspack! I’m planning on making Knitting compatible with things like Get to Work Retail Lots (including Mannequins!), Get Together’s Club Rules, and City LIving’s Yard Sale Table. What else would provide fun crosspack functionality? For example, should knitting provide Fame in some way?
    Love crosspack functionality. That said, Fame is not one of the things I'd work into it. Just take cues from real life. While people definitely get famous from acting, singing, sports careers and sometimes even painting, I've never seen any celebrities of knitting, just personally. As others have suggested, a knitting course would be a cool elective class in University. And you could have knitting be a skill that you could gain via a 'pick-up' course (the ones you pay $250 to attend) at University. Some of your other questions did cause me to think of things like credit toward the artistic/creative badge for kids in scouting and that donating crafted goods could affect the parenting/values system as well.

    Q2: If some “Crochet-Like” objects became craftable through Knitting, how would you personally feel? Happy? Enraged? Strong sense of ennui? We can’t guarantee unique animations for crocheting, but I’d like to still potentially provide them as a craftable object for players.
    I'm all for the addition of 'crochet-like' objects as well. While it's technically a different process, the overall general idea is there -- creating items from yarn/twine. I can accept a little inaccuracy in the depiction if it means I get a wider variety of things I can create and use in-game.

    Q3: There’s a cool crafty desk floating around in concept art that you guys may have seen (49 - 52 in the object vote). What would knitting at one of these desks mean to you, if anything? Asking around the office, nobody knits at a desk, but I’m curious if anyone would find value if the new crafting desk tied in with knitting somehow.
    While I'd hope that we could do our knitting while sitting at the desk. (Or -a- desk in general), I don't see why it needs to really be 'special' or different than sitting anywhere else and knitting.

    Q4: I’d like Knitting to actually take some time to craft, something Sims can save for later and come back to. In your experience, how long have some of your knitting projects taken? I’ll try not to make it feel too grindy, but definitely longer than it takes to paint in our game.
    Well . . . this is a tough thing to balance, IMO. Knitting a sweater takes some time in real life, certainly. But then so too does creating a painting. What about writing a book? That can span a real-life year or more. Writing songs . . . these things can be pretty highly variable, I'd say. Overall, you need to make the amount of time feel like it's non-trivial, but you need to keep in mind that the average Sim, given default settings, only lives so long. They need to be able to do things swiftly enough that they can accomplish things in that fairly brief lifetime at a satisfying pace.

    Q5: If your Sim wanted to knit something, but they couldn't find a place to sit, would you be okay with them standing up and knitting? Asking for a friend...
    Honestly, I'd really rather have them sit down on the ground. Yes, it's possible to knit standing up, but it's far from optimal (and usually requires some extra 'gear' as some have pointed out). This isn't a huge issue for me, but my preference is definitely more toward sitting. (Also, if you want it to take a longer time, again, standing seems not to work so well with that.)

    Q7: I’d like to have some Etsy store-like gameplay, as well as donation gameplay with Knitting. For those of you who may have gone down those paths in real life, what were some interesting takeaways or stories you’d like to see represented?
    Just want to say that I'd love to see the donation aspect come into some of the Parenting/values system -- perhaps it could/should also count toward the artistic/creative badge in the scouting for kids.

    Q8: Lets say a Sim is wearing an awful, itchy sweater that they’re wearing only because somebody gifted it for them. What kind of things would you like to see happen to them?
    Hmm. Well, the obvious thing would be a small (+1) "Uncomfortable" buff/moodlet, I suppose. Though the use of the buffs and moodlets this way really gets a bit tiresome sometimes. I wouldn't overdo it.

    Q10: This is my biggest question, so I saved it for last. Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous? While this might sound trivial, I feel this is very important for gameplay. I’m interested how people would feel about their level 10 knitter trying to spread their knitting knowledge on others. Let's say you have someone in your family who is a level 10 knitter, if this interaction is autonomous the entire house is going to get a real deep dive into knitting, perhaps constantly.

    What are your thoughts on potentially “story intrusive” interactions like this, would you be okay to find your family one day all high-level knitters through natural autonomy? Or should this only be user-directed, meaning on you have the ability to choose who gets schooled on knitting. I’d love to hear your thoughts about these sorts of things.
    Please, no autonomous teaching! Having a Sim do an action that's basically 'one-and-done' like sitting down and knitting something is fine. But teaching skills autonomously at random that affects RNG-only-knows how many other Sims in the game -- not good. Just don't do it!
    Pay for product -- not potential!
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    ButteredToastButteredToast Posts: 47 Member
    Q1: For cross-pack with City Living festival, is it possible to have a knitting competition similar to Finland's Heavy Metal Knitting Championship? It's knitting while listening to heavy metal music (complete with dancing and head banging of course). I don't know whether it is possible but it would be a sight to see! That way, the knitting skill itself won't increase Fame but winning a knitting competition would (along with bragging right interaction).

    Q2-Q9: going to skip as there are already good ideas here.

    Q10: I would prefer non-autonomous "teach to knit"/"ask for help in knitting" interactions.
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    BiancamdBiancamd Posts: 3 New Member
    I would say teaching to knit (or knitting in general) shouldn't be an autonomous interaction. Maybe kids could autonomously ask their grandma or mom to teach them tho, if they are creative sims.

    Regarding how it was for me in real life, i remember a lot about getting taught how to hold and move the needles and a lot of going through the loops in slowmo.

    Please don't make the knitting take too long tho, maybe sweaters could take longer than plushies and other smaller stuff.

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    kw4222kw4222 Posts: 16 Member
    Q1: Another crosspack idea, for City Living: Arts and Crafts festival!!! Have a festival (similar to the flea market, romance festivals, etc.) for crafting and selling craft-able goods!
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    ChampandGirlieChampandGirlie Posts: 2,482 Member
    I was late to seeing this so I'm just going to answer it. I have no idea if my answers will be in sync or out of sync with other players.

    Q1: All of this is very cool. Aside from what you've mentioned, I want pets to be able to play with yarn, especially cats. It seems natural. I like the idea of the ability to have an "Etsy" business or knitting club. I'm really neutral on knitting as a path to fame. Lol. Maybe it could increase a sim's good reputation?

    Q2: I'd be willing to see some crochet. I'm not overly attached to just having knitting. I hope that we'll see other arts and crafts such as pottery and glass, which are what I actually wanted when I voted for this theme. If crochet is easy to add, it makes sense to me.

    Q3: I voted for the big white desk though if the other desks make it, I'd work with them. I'm fine with the ability for sims to knit at desks and would probably have some do that. I don't actually knit myself.

    Q4: As above, I don't knit but it makes sense that most projects should take longer. Maybe a sim could get faster as they gain skill. Smaller projects could take about a day of knitting, longer projects might take closer to a week? I'm basing this on people who I have seen knitting blankets or sewing quilts. It seemed like they'd work for days. A faster sim such as a professional might be able to knit in a few hours. So, in thinking about this question, hobby knitters could be slower than professional knitters.

    Q5: I'd rather have them sit to knit, but if they can stand to knit I would not mind.

    Q6: Along with the Mentor interaction, I’d like to include a proper “Teach to Knit” interaction. I’d love to have that moment where the Knitting Master granny teaches their grandchild how to knit. For those of you who experienced similar things, what was that experience like for you? I’m curious what people think this should look like - both animation and story wise.

    This is the most interesting part of the pack for me. I want sims to be able to teach knitting to others especially older sims teaching younger ones. I think it would be cute to see a grandparent teaching a child or teen. It might make me more motivated to make sure that kids have time with their grandparents. I guess I imagine them sitting together with the younger sim learning to mimic the older sim and sometimes making mistakes. The older sim could gently laugh or correct them. I guess I picture some very sweet interaction.

    I'll admit that I've never experienced this myself. Knitting was not ever really a thing among those I know well. The ability to have family skills seems very cute though and is one that I'd want to replicate for other interests. It would help households to be more unique.

    Q7: I haven't gone down that path but I know people who have their own businesses that they promote on social media. I really like the idea of being able to donate knitted goods to the less fortunate whether in game or out of the game. Donate a nicer sweater to that poorly dressed townie. Lol.

    Q8: Lets say a Sim is wearing an awful, itchy sweater that they’re wearing only because somebody gifted it for them. What kind of things would you like to see happen to them?

    I like the idea of someone getting embarrassed by wearing an ugly sweater. There could be the ability to have ugly sweater parties. (I have actually been to one). I can also imagine teens getting embarrassed when coming home from school in an ugly sweater.

    Some might find it irritating to have their sims get itchy wearing ugly sweaters but it's really optional. Lol. I could understand it if a sim might break out in hives for a few hours due to a sweater or get really sweaty resulting in their hygiene dropping. Obviously, someone could overheat in the wrong season or even possibly inside with a poorly made sweater in winter.

    Q9: I need your best Knitting puns. Feed them to me.

    I wool try to think of one.

    Q10: This is my biggest question, so I saved it for last. Should the “Teach to Knit” interaction mentioned above be autonomous? While this might sound trivial, I feel this is very important for gameplay. I’m interested how people would feel about their level 10 knitter trying to spread their knitting knowledge on others. Let's say you have someone in your family who is a level 10 knitter, if this interaction is autonomous the entire house is going to get a real deep dive into knitting, perhaps constantly.

    I'd rather that it's not autonomous. I'd like managing who has the skill but that's my playstyle. I lightly keep track of all of my sims. I'd be totally cool with seeing a townie who is donated a new knitted item wearing it autonomously though.
    Champ and Girlie are dogs.
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    TiarellaTiarella Posts: 661 Member
    edited March 2020
    More thoughts on cross-pack tie-ins:

    Most of the knitters in my family prefer to dye & spin their own yarn. Obviously the latter isn't going to be part of the pack, but the former might be possible using the Laundry Day wash-tub animation. It'd be great if sims could gather ingredients such as the emotion-berries from Jungle Adventures & add them to the 'dye tub,' so that their final knitted product had appropriate buffs/skill bonuses (good ones for well-made items, not-so-good ones for low-quality, bungled projects--or deliberately sabotaged ones!).

    It'd be lovely if each game-world had a unique yarn with unique properties. That'd allow cross-pack tie-ins, and a new collection for people who enjoy completing those. (The knitters in my family love trying unusual yarns.) Possible properties? Maybe Sulani Silk gives you more social confidence, while Selvadorado (eh, spelling?) Silk deters insects from biting. Desert world cottons keep you cooler in warm temperatures & make it harder to overheat; winter world wools do the opposite. (I'm not being specific 'cuz of course the names I want completely fled my mind as I typed! Hah!)

    And as @Cyberqueen13 said earlier, Seasons needs a knitting tradition added to the list of traditions! The speed-knitting contest I suggested earlier would also make a good Seasons tie-in, if it can be programmed in.

    It's fun trying to come up with these tie-ins; I've seen some great ideas in simmers' posts! :smiley:

    edited after I tracked down who'd mentioned a knitting tradition. :wink:
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    TiarellaTiarella Posts: 661 Member
    edited March 2020
    Reading through the first couple pages of posts, I suddenly realized that the stuff pack didn't--as far as I remember--seem to give sims the ability to knit shawls. Toddlers have some outfits with capes, so there's an existing template for the basic shape (roughly!), at least for toddlers. (The capes I remember for adult costumes are too long in the back!) I don't suppose there's any chance for our sims being able to knit lace shawls?

    More important: implicit in many posts is the assumption that sims will be able to knit and talk at the same time. This really needs to be programmed in! 0.o It'd be a HUGE disappointment if sims can't multitask when knitting. Knit & talk, Knit & watch tv, knit & listen to music...though I wouldn't have 'knit and eat,' unless you can also code in a chance for your yarn to get stained from spills. :tongue:

    eta: fellow simmers, thank you for all the great suggestions! I enjoyed reading your posts, whether EA adopts 'em or not, & wish I had time to read every page of 'em. Know that your fellow simmers appreciate your efforts. :smile:

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