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Fate Always Loses Hold... The Everlast Legacy. Chapter 4 - Malo [10/1/15]


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    OceanBeautyIIOceanBeautyII Posts: 27,012 Member
    edited April 2011
    Yuppers, I don't like them, never will!

    Yeah, it's naice :wink:

    Oh, and are you popular...???

    Good to hear.

    No, I'm not popular and I'm OK with it. :wink: I don't want popularity at all, not by being a cheerleader, or by dating the 'all important' captain of the football team. Really I prefer being in my room all alone by myself and anyway people wouldn't really be my friends (not like I know what they really are) they'd just be using me. :roll:
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Ahmagad me too! I'd rather have no friends than loads I can't trust, and I'd rather be boyfriendless than date some freak. My friends care about popularity, but it's not for me!
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    OceanBeautyIIOceanBeautyII Posts: 27,012 Member
    edited April 2011
    Ahmagad me too! I'd rather have no friends than loads I can't trust, and I'd rather be boyfriendless than date some freak. My friends care about popularity, but it's not for me!

    Thank you! 8) It's not often you meet people who don't care about popularity and fitting in. As it says on my story fitting in is like having chains on your dark, twisted, creative mind because you're not yourself.
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Coolgirl12 wrote:
    Ahmagad me too! I'd rather have no friends than loads I can't trust, and I'd rather be boyfriendless than date some freak. My friends care about popularity, but it's not for me!

    Thank you! 8) It's not often you meet people who don't care about popularity and fitting in. As it says on my story fitting in is like having chains on your dark, twisted, creative mind because you're not yourself.

    Yeah, if no-one accepts you for who you are, they're the losers. I'm kinda quiet at school, no-one really likes me, but I gotta admit, I don't care.

    MCR taught me not to care, I loves them!

    Another song you may like a lot: Vampires Will Never Hurt You by MCR.

    Listening to it now, it's off their first album, I really like it!
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    OceanBeautyIIOceanBeautyII Posts: 27,012 Member
    edited April 2011
    Coolgirl12 wrote:
    Ahmagad me too! I'd rather have no friends than loads I can't trust, and I'd rather be boyfriendless than date some freak. My friends care about popularity, but it's not for me!

    Thank you! 8) It's not often you meet people who don't care about popularity and fitting in. As it says on my story fitting in is like having chains on your dark, twisted, creative mind because you're not yourself.

    Yeah, if no-one accepts you for who you are, they're the losers. I'm kinda quiet at school, no-one really likes me, but I gotta admit, I don't care.

    MCR taught me not to care, I loves them!

    Another song you may like a lot: Vampires Will Never Hurt You by MCR.

    Listening to it now, it's off their first album, I really like it!

    I know. I used to care but by the sixth grade if people didn't accept me for the dark, non-girly girl that I am then they can stick it up theirs. :twisted:

    The song that taught me that is Just Stop by Disturbed.
    I'm about to leave in a few minutes so I'll listen to it later.
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Totally, but can I just say that I'm not American. How old is 6th grade?

    K, but I'm going to bed now, cya tomorrow :wink:
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    melodicspike21melodicspike21 Posts: 24,180 Member
    edited April 2011
    Pffft, fitting in is over-rated 8)

    I'm uberly quiet in school (unless you're a friend) :P.
    Buh yeah, I can trust my friends :D I just don't tell anyone secrets >.>
    Our wee group at school... let's just say we're different :lol: We sunbathe in the middle of the road, we make weird bird noises at random moments, we joke about me being obese, we all have different hobbies etc.
    They all listen to mainstream stuff, but I don't 8)

    I'm going to check out some of these songs you two have been on about :P
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    melodicspike21melodicspike21 Posts: 24,180 Member
    edited April 2011
    Oh wow, I does love Breath, I must admit, it's a good song >_< you has good taste, but heaven help us is better!

    Oh, and Our Lady Of Sorrows is good too :)

    Any Green Day is cool...

    Anything like J.L.S, the wanted, one direction, JB is less good... bleeeeuuuurrrrrgh.

    As for tea, I shall make a pot.

    Anyone want a cuppa?

    My day has been crap btw, my friends are annoying me (my so called best mate said that MCR are sh*tty. Guess who is getting ignored atm?) and I broke 5 mugs and a teapot...

    You're in school? BAHAHA! :lol: I'm not :P *gloats* Are you lot in England not off for the Royal Wedding?
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Ikr? I'm fine the way I am!

    And you lot sound like a bunch of weirdos, it's amazing! And yes, that is always the best way to trust people - not tell them anything!

    Yuppers, we're back :roll: but we're off todae, the weekend and Mondae. I diden't watch the RW though, I just saw what they were wearing and went :lol:
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    OceanBeautyIIOceanBeautyII Posts: 27,012 Member
    edited April 2011
    My mom wanted me to watch the Royal Wedding, but when she left I turned the TV off. It got boring.
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    OceanBeautyIIOceanBeautyII Posts: 27,012 Member
    edited April 2011
    Pffft, fitting in is over-rated 8)

    I'm uberly quiet in school (unless you're a friend) :P.
    Buh yeah, I can trust my friends :D I just don't tell anyone secrets >.>
    Our wee group at school... let's just say we're different :lol: We sunbathe in the middle of the road, we make weird bird noises at random moments, we joke about me being obese, we all have different hobbies etc.
    They all listen to mainstream stuff, but I don't 8)

    I'm going to check out some of these songs you two have been on about :P

    Yeah, I was in a random group at school, when we were allowed to eat outside at lunch we would actually sing theme songs from TV shows like ICarly and Phineas and Ferb. :lol:
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Me and my friends made up the pizza version of 'eeeh, mecarena' for some reason :wink:
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    Skip45Skip45 Posts: 19,876 New Member
    edited April 2011
    You get off for the Royal wedding?
    What. The. Hell.
    (this wedding is seriously bugging the jeebers outtta me!)

    yeah.... i stalk.
    SO WHAT!
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Well, I lives in England, all schools stay off because we are important :wink:
    (In case you get offended easily - I know I do :P - jk, it's cos it's our country yanno?)

    But yeah, most people are off, and the people who aren't either work for the NHS or their bosses are greedy bast*rds.

    What can I say?
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    xRainbowxxRainbowx Posts: 9,071 Member
    edited April 2011
    heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy *has the-dude-who-says-"ive been expecting you"-to-james-bond-with-the-white-kitty's smile*

    I actually must of been blind, how i didn't check this out before. But alas, only one chapter has been released and we are all calm to read and write and make daisy chains :mrgreen:

    ermmm....too cheesy? :? ...well definetely creepy anyway :roll:
    I loved the chapter! :mrgreen: AND Storm! :mrgreen:

    ((Is Storm and Cloud related? ;) I love the link between names :P ))

    BAI! :D:D
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    melodicspike21melodicspike21 Posts: 24,180 Member
    edited April 2011
    :shock: So much monkey-business :lol:

    @Becky: :lol: Yesh :3 we are a bunch of weirdos :lol:
    I don't go back till the 3rd :D Yaaaay!! :mrgreen:
    *gulp* That's soon though :shock:

    @Cool: Random groups are the best - because nobody knows what the hell we're on :lol:

    @Skip: Well, we're probably off for it - since the north is technically a part of the UK, buuuuuhh... I think we're still off for our Easter holiday's anyway :lol:
    I'm glad it's over - all Yahoo would ever TALK about is the wedding :lol: Though I liked looking at the dresses :3 and hats ^-^
    Stalkers are welcome :mrgreen:

    @Raiinnnbooww: Rainbow! We meet again :hunf:
    :lol: Daisy chains!! I like making daisy chains :3
    Thank youuu :mrgreen:
    Yarr, Storm was Cloud's daddy in my in game legacy - Storm wasn't the founder though ;)

    I know I've been saying this for days, but NEXT CHAPPY OUT TODAY!!! :D Btw, Storm is a veeerrry paranoid sim ;)
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    My b-day is the 7th >_< Random :wink:
    But you are vair lucky, although I'm off todae, Sundae and Mondae as well!

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    ilovetaylorlatnerilovetaylorlatner Posts: 5,790 New Member
    edited April 2011

    S'amazeeeeeee tbh
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011


    I missed you...
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    ilovetaylorlatnerilovetaylorlatner Posts: 5,790 New Member
    edited April 2011
    My Grandma died :(
    I missed you too! Did I miss anything interesting? Btw I have a new blog if you fancy following me ^_^
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Aww, sorry :cry: Really wish I didn't ask...
    I don't think so, but I don't really pay attention to the GD forums. I still have my MCR obsession, but that's nothing new!
    I'm following >_<
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    ilovetaylorlatnerilovetaylorlatner Posts: 5,790 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Ah don't worry, life goes on. That sounds a bit insensitive :XD:
    Hehe, no that really is nothing new! I'm actually just writing like, a page long thing about LDH for my blog ;)
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    And kind of ironic :shock:
    I've even made a Killjoy Simself and looked up my killjoy name! It's Radio Bruiser, which I kinda like for some reason.
    Can't wait to read it!
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    ilovetaylorlatnerilovetaylorlatner Posts: 5,790 New Member
    edited April 2011
    I've written it, it's in the noteworthy writers and stories section ^_^
    haha cool name ;)
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    prettyone27prettyone27 Posts: 5,900 New Member
    edited April 2011
    Read and left a comment on your second post on the Home page >_<
    You make one! Just type into a search engine 'killjoy name generator.'
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