Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    In the middle of breakfast, Alexander's dad Nicholas came over to visit. Having learned about genetics in biology, I was always surprised that he was the only guy with black hair in the family. Clearly there was a secret redhead gene in Nicholas's family somewhere.


    Since it was a hot day, I jumped into the pool. It did feel a little odd to be in an outdoor pool in the middle of a city, but it made for some great views.
    If only I was an artist, I could paint this view, I thought.


    That afternoon, we decided to head over to Ohan'ali Beach in Sulani. For some reason - don't ask why - we brought the cats along too.


    I spotted a large lilo in the sea and headed towards it. As I let the waves carry me, I watched everyone else back on the beach. I had vague memories of coming here when I was younger and floating on a lilo then, too, back when Artemis and Apollo were still preschoolers and only able to sit in the shallows. Now they were both nearly teenagers. Where did time go? I couldn't imagine what it was like to be Mum and Dad and seeing their children growing up... I hoped to have my own children one day.
    It's too hot for this kind of thinking, I laughed to myself. I wondered what Alexander was doing... I bet he'd look really cute in just swimming trunks...


    Oh, the perils of being a pale-skinned redhead. I could feel my skin getting warmer, and scrambled to cover myself with sun protection.


    "Hey, look at us!" Xanthe said a while later. "Who said anything about redheads not being able to tan?"
    "Ooh, I know! You look amazing!" I replied. "Being tanned suits you."


    Once back in San Myshuno, I noticed that the cat bowls were empty. I like to try and be responsible so I filled them up.


    Mum had an acting gig coming up, and needed to practice action scenes. For some reason, this involved fighting with Dad.
    "Err, Erytheia? What on Earth are Mum and Dad doing?" Xanthe asked.
    "Relax, Mum's just practising for her next gig," I said. "Do you happen to know anything about the quadratic formula?"
    "Oh Plumbob, don't ask," Xanthe shuddered. "I hate algebra. Maths is easier without letters in it. Algebra makes me feel dumb."


    I just made some awesome glazed doughnuts #selfie


    One thing that's almost mandatory to do when the weather's nice is use a barbecue. I decided to make chimi burgers for everyone.
    "Hey! These are awesome!" Artemis said later.
    "Why thank you," I replied.


    I AM A TEENAGER AND MY LIFE SUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKSSSSSS (she was having a mood swing and had a +50 Angry moodlet, so I needed to get rid of that fast!)


    Other Masterson family happenings:

    It's always awesome when you get promoted without actually going to work!


    Another great sentiment to have towards your twin! They've both got this one. Only Erytheia has the Adoring one towards Xanthe, Xanthe doesn't have it towards Erytheia.


    Caroline came home from her gig, and still wasn't a Global Superstar. She's so close I can smell it...


    Heidi was sick and needed a vet visit. She looks so scared here! Don't worry, everything's going to be OK!


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    sunman502sunman502 Posts: 18,325 Member
    Keici Sullivan met Temperance, and maxed out the medium skill. Plus got her Paranormal investigator license, and slipped on some ice in Mt. Komorebi. And taken her German Shepard, Duke to the vet to be cured of a sickness today.
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    DuvelinaDuvelina Posts: 2,619 Member
    Villareal Main House


    Lucy’s announcement about taking Jacqueline as her model caused quite the commotion. Hugo got up to talk to Lucy and ask her whether this was really the best step for his little sister. Hugo, being the protective older brother, had noticed Jacqueline was becoming increasingly thin and seemed out of sorts.


    Lucy immediately confirmed her plan. Jacqueline was obviously made for fashion. Lucy had an eye for these things and Jacqueline was beautiful. Certainly beautiful enough to be a model for a huge campaign.


    Hugo couldn’t disagree with that. His sister was beautiful for sure, but he still felt unsure about these recent developments.


    Luna wasn’t as observant as her brother and pulled Jacqueline into a hug, congratulating her on this newest venture.


    Jacqueline put on a smile and told Luna thank you. This modeling thing would probably be fun. But as soon as Luna turned away, Jacqueline’s smile fell away from her face. She felt tired and weak. This was not in her best interests right now.


    After this breakfast together and the big announcement, it was time to start unwrapping presents. Right before the family got to this and the festivities could really begin however, Juliana sneaked out and put a prank gift in the pile. Whoever would get this particular present would be completely bummed out and Juliana was living for it.


    After unwrapping the presents, Neal did something completely out of character and he pulled his mom into a hug, telling her she was doing a great job hosting this party. Lucy loved her son and she didn’t have the bad experiences with him his siblings, Jacqueline and Juliana, did have. Lucy was pretty oblivious and believed her son to be a perfect little prince. This hug still surprised her because Neal normally wasn’t this affectionate but Lucy wouldn’t complain.

    During all the fun, Lucy’s old apartment neighbour Penny Pizazz joined the party. They used to be great friends and Lucy was elated to have her show up out of the blue. Catching up with an old friend made her happy.


    Jacqueline needed some time to herself, letting the news sink in. She walked out in the cold, the wintry air hitting her in the face. Jacqueline didn’t mind so much, it felt good even. The woodworking table was out in the garden waiting for her. It used to be Hugo’s but after he moved out of the house, Jacqueline took over and found out she loved woodworking. Her look might not be the most appropriate but Jacqueline couldn’t help but work on a project for a while.


    At this point, most people split up and did their own thing. Neal found the fondue in the kitchen and enjoyed some chocolate-covered strawberries on his own.


    Lucy wanted to try some new massage techniques and used her husband Paolo as her dummy, Allyson using the computer upstairs to play videogames.


    Downstairs, Luna, Hugo, Juliana and Jacqueline were hanging out together. The situation was still awkward between Hugo and Luna but they made it work for the occasion, although Hugo had a hard time even looking Luna in the eyes.


    Neal wasn’t joining his siblings in their conversation. Most of them didn’t like him and he didn’t feel like hanging out with them. Instead, he started working on his homework.


    In the kitchen was an encounter with Paolo and Allyson where Paolo asked her whether she had been a good girl this past year.


    Allyson seemed a little shy but answered she had been a good girl nonetheless.


    This was followed by one of her outbursts when Paolo said something she didn’t like.


    Lucy noticed her son was doing his homework on his own and decided to indulge him and help him out. Lucy didn’t notice that she didn’t explain very well and had no idea what she was talking about. Neal could do his homework himself perfectly but he let his mother talk away regardless.


    Evening fell and Father Christmas showed up! Allyson couldn’t help but ask him for a present and apparently she had been a good girl after all because she got one.


    Paolo and Lucy were hanging out together in the kitchen, laughing at jokes and enjoying each other’s company.


    Neal still hadn’t finished his homework when Allyson joined him at the table. They started throwing insults back and forth. Seems like they found their match!


    Juliana excused herself to her bedroom and couldn’t help but work on her vocabulary and debating skills in the mirror in her room. She couldn’t stop practicing, otherwise she might forget.


    The evening was closed out together at the table with Hugo, Luna, Paolo, Lucy and Allyson. They were having a comfortable conversation together but a couple people were missing.


    Juliana was right outside, invested in a game of chess.


    Neal was upstairs, using the computer to troll some forums.


    And Jacqueline was in her room, trying to calm herself down and reason with herself. This modeling gig couldn’t possibly be that bad. She’d be able to do it. But Jacqueline herself wasn’t convinced she looked beautiful or thin enough to pose for pictures…
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    She did it!!

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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    Ahhh, look who are all grown up! Artemis wants to be a Purveyor of Potions like her dad, and Apollo is a Renaissance Sim. I chose that for him because the Greek god he's named after was the god of multiple things, like medicine and music among others. It's a shame there's no archery in Sims 4, because that's what the goddess Artemis is known for, but oh well. I thought it'd be nice for her to follow in Peter's footsteps.


    Apollo really looks like his dad, especially when I experimented with putting Peter's hairstyle on him. They've got a similar physique too.

    Also, both Artemis and Apollo became 1-star celebrities upon aging up.
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    MyriadSimsMyriadSims Posts: 1,197 Member
    My sim sabotaged her husband's spaceship and he died. I do this thing in my game where when a sim dies, the family gets a random amount of life insurance money that is the household funds divided by five, so since they had 50k simoleons, the wife now has 60k from the life insurance money of the husband she killed.
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,068 Member
    @Lucy_Henley nice screenshot, too: "....aaand now it's time for a nap"
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    SERVERFRASERVERFRA Posts: 7,192 Member
    I remade my Rapunzel Tower & Rapunzel. I made sure she could use her stuff. I gave her the Indoorsy & Sendary Lifestyles. She also has an indoor garden in her tower.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,998 Member
    @mightysprite yes, exactly! She left for work at 7pm so this was over 11 hours later that she came home! Poor Caroline was exhausted.


    Summer was over, meaning that autumn was rapidly approaching. With it seemed to come a spate of illness. For example, whilst cooking breakfast one morning, Xanthe developed a rash!


    That evening was the Romance Festival, so naturally I thought of heading over there and inviting Alexander. As it so happened, once I'd arrived, he messaged me!
    Excellent timing! I replied. I'm already there!
    I'll see you there, then!


    "Hey look, let's try this sakura tea," I suggested.
    "It does look enticing," Alexander said. "I wish the weather was nicer, though."
    "Yeah, it's not a great idea to have an outdoor festival with no shelter."


    Of course, with the whole flirty festival atmosphere, kissing was a natural activity. Neither of us cared that Alexander's dad was nearby... he knew we were in a relationship, and kissing was as far as we went.


    There was a 'love guru' at the festival, and people could ask her what the future of their relationship would be. Even though I wasn't the kind of person to take it seriously, I thought it would be fun to ask.
    "Yes, I can sense that you two are very comfortable together," she said. "Possibly you have known each other since childhood. I can see that yours is a match to last the ages. I wish you both happiness for the future."
    "Thank you very much," I said. "It's true, we were friends as children."


    I've said previously that although my main passion is cooking, I also enjoy other creative pursuits. Following my musing the other day about being able to paint the view from the balcony, I obtained an easel and decided to practise my painting skills. I had positioned the easel right in front of the window, but I wanted to take a casual approach at first and develop my technique.


    As Alexander had a key to our penthouse, he was able to drop in whenever he wanted. We decided to have a chat in my bedroom.
    "So..." he said, looking around, "I can't quite tell... what's your favourite colour?"
    I laughed.
    "I'm guessing, with your heritage, you know what my name means?" I asked.
    "Actually, I don't really know any Greek," he replied. "My parents decided to raise Helen and I as monolingual. I know some basic words and phrases but that's it."
    "Ah," I replied. "You'll laugh, but Erytheia is actually from the Ancient Greek 'erythros'... meaning red."
    We both ended up laughing.
    "My parents already liked the name 'Xanthe', and they found out it comes from 'xanthos' which means yellow. Since they guessed that we would both have red hair, they thought it would be fun to use a name that meant 'red'. I've done some research and the name Erytheia is mentioned in the Twelve Labours of Hercules, as one of the beings who guard the golden apples Hercules must gather."
    "That's pretty cool," Alexander said. "No need to explain where Artemis and Apollo come from."
    "Nah, Mum and Dad decided on those names when they discovered they were going to have twins again, as the option for boy-girl twins."


    We went outdoors, and ended up continuing the conversation on names.
    "So, what does 'Alexander' mean?" I asked.
    "It means 'defender of man', or something," he replied. "Which is rather a lot to live up to. It'd be cool if I was interested in a military career, but I'm not. I'm not quite sure what I want to do yet."
    "Yeah, some names do seem like a lot to live up to. Another of the Greek goddesses is Aphrodite, who was the goddess of beauty. It'd be an unfortunate name if the kid turned out to be plain - well, plain by society's standards, anyway."
    "Absolutely," Alexander agreed. "That could open up the kid to a lot of bullying."
    "So, are you interested in having kids, then?" I asked.
    "Yeah, I would love kids," he replied with a smile. "It's funny, men and boys don't get asked that question anywhere near as much as women and girls do."
    "No, they don't," I sighed. "Luckily I do want them."
    "Yes, I reckon we would make great parents," he winked. "Not any time soon, of course!"


    Most of the rest of the screenshots I took don't feature Erytheia, so I'll just do a general overview of Caroline's Celebrity Tile ceremony.

    Good afternoon, Del Sol Valley. We're here to provide coverage of the latest Celebrity Tile Ceremony on Starlight Boulevard. This afternoon we're celebrating the achievements of actress Caroline Masterson, who is here with her devoted husband Peter and her younger set of twins, Artemis and Apollo. The older set of twins unfortunately cannot be here, I'm told.
    That's right, Dave. Caroline Masterson is a very versatile actress; never typecast, she can turn her talents to any role.


    Now we come to the moment itself! Caroline raises her tile, and carefully places it down in the slot. Congratulations, Caroline, your name has now been forever immortalised on Starlight Boulevard.


    To finish off, here are Artemis and Apollo getting to practise their magic. Artemis is getting mentored by Peter, who can somehow teach her even though he's nowhere near her... Apollo managed to learn the Despairio spell.



    I'll be going to the Sulani save next. Perhaps Lucy van Beers can *finally* graduate from university! :D:D
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited March 2021
    So, this isn't the full update, but here's a preview with some of the non-story stuff that happened in the game. The house is still undergoing renovations, but I reduced the house to a two story home instead of a four story home! I may repeat a few images in the story update, but I'll have them in spoilers. I just want to make a quick update so you know I'm still here.

    Calum recited love poetry to Arihi


    Zeph sang "Hotter Than Sin" autonomously... @Becka28 the merfolk in my game definitely sing very well, but most of them have max singing, and I tend to make them creatively gifted.


    Kemps sang "Funky Sims." Old timer... He is the pod elder, so I guess it works... He's not a bad singer either. Triton Beach seems to be a major hangout for merfolk, with a lot of mermen, the creative ones, visiting often... Vesper, Aaron, Reef, Rylan, and Kemps seem to be regulars in my game. Sara Kailani and Arihi tend to show up often. For those who don't know.

    Reef was the original founder from my first attempt at a Legacy. Aaron is Kylen's Husband and son and law to Reef and Sara. Rylan is Kylen's identical twin brother. Sara is Reef's wife. Vesper is one of the mermen I created with traits targeted for "Get Together" and he's a music lover. Kemps just shows up everywhere the pod is, including wherever his nieces, nephews, and brother goes. He likes to keep an eye on the pod.


    So, Dina the Spectre is a thing. I didn't know special ghosts with names existed.

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    Metior_Ice wrote: »

    Reef was the original founder from my first attempt at a Legacy. Aaron is Kylen's Husband and son and law to Reef and Sara. Rylan is Kylen's identical twin brother. Sara is Reef's wife. Vesper is one of the mermen I created with traits targeted for "Get Together" and he's a music lover. Kemps just shows up everywhere the pod is, including wherever his nieces, nephews, and brother goes. He likes to keep an eye on the pod.

    To elaborate on Aaron, Kylen and Aaron both seem to have crushes on the Zalrian Twins. Kylen took an interest in the Twins, and that's how I found out he was gay. Kylen even gets jealous seeing the twins in a relationship. Aaron fell for Kylen very quickly, but now I think he's more of a player like Don Lothario, but with a particular interest in twins.

    Like, he thought the female bartender was a pest and wanted her to go away when he began socializing with Dylan and Zeph. Dylan and Zeph are straight, and the interest was not reciprocated. Dylan and Zeph are very polite, so they don't have dramatic reactions to stuff like this.

    But for flower emohji's sake, Aaron is married to Kylen, I did not expect him to lean towards non-commitment without the trait. Also, I didn't expect such a strong interest in another sim, much less both of the Zalrian Twins.

    It seems that Aaron might deviate from his relationship with Kylen in the future. We'll wait and see. I don't have a lot of gay relationships in my game, so there aren't a lot of fish for Aaron to catch.

    One of the big reasons for the lack of gays in my game is because I play with merfolk the most. I don't like the stereotype that merman = gay.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,153 Member
    Here is my latest part. I hope I am not stepping on anyone's toes with this.


    During his last terms Hans finally enjoyed at least a little bit of the university life. Although Christmas was a little bit sad, when being alone.


    A night he can't remember what was happened.

    He wrote to his parents that he want to start his own life and won't move back to them.

    And he has finished the University in 1943.

    But during the ww2 the life for someone with an family background from an enemy state wasn't easy then. He was denied to get a better paid job, denied to join the allied forces (he could have been a spy / his deathrollnumber was 9) and has take every odd job which was available, with this he had already luck, it could have been worst. Later he found a part-time job as diving instructor.


    He listened to the news about the war and the losses from the german forces in his tiny one room apartment
    But his family helped and visited him whenever they can.

    Now to the deathrolls.

    I place this part in a spoiler for reasons. The dice was mean and it was depressing, but rule is rule. So don't look it, if you don't want.
    The greater parts of the Kaufmann family have to mourn.

    The oldest sister of Luisa Kaufmann, her son and both grandsons died, leaving only the daughter-in-law back alone.
    (I made no picture, I was shocked, that part of the family had have always bad luck in this game.)

    Lea Kaufmann, wife from Otto Kaufmann (youngest brother of Wilhelm) and mother of 5 children died.

    Helene Kaufmann, wife of the late Karl Kaufmann (brother of Wilhelm) lost her daughter-in-law and grandson.
    The other deathrolls I won't mention here, but they happened.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    Metior_Ice wrote: »

    Reef was the original founder from my first attempt at a Legacy. Aaron is Kylen's Husband and son and law to Reef and Sara. Rylan is Kylen's identical twin brother. Sara is Reef's wife. Vesper is one of the mermen I created with traits targeted for "Get Together" and he's a music lover. Kemps just shows up everywhere the pod is, including wherever his nieces, nephews, and brother goes. He likes to keep an eye on the pod.

    To elaborate on Aaron, Kylen and Aaron both seem to have crushes on the Zalrian Twins. Kylen took an interest in the Twins, and that's how I found out he was gay. Kylen even gets jealous seeing the twins in a relationship. Aaron fell for Kylen very quickly, but now I think he's more of a player like Don Lothario, but with a particular interest in twins.

    Like, he thought the female bartender was a pest and wanted her to go away when he began socializing with Dylan and Zeph. Dylan and Zeph are straight, and the interest was not reciprocated. Dylan and Zeph are very polite, so they don't have dramatic reactions to stuff like this.

    But for flower emohji's sake, Aaron is married to Kylen, I did not expect him to lean towards non-commitment without the trait. Also, I didn't expect such a strong interest in another sim, much less both of the Zalrian Twins.

    It seems that Aaron might deviate from his relationship with Kylen in the future. We'll wait and see. I don't have a lot of gay relationships in my game, so there aren't a lot of fish for Aaron to catch.

    One of the big reasons for the lack of gays in my game is because I play with merfolk the most. I don't like the stereotype that merman = gay.

    I'm quoting because it is related to my plans to restart the Kailani Legacy.

    So, the legacy challenge I'm planning for involves a kind of fetch quest that ends with the recruitment of 7 other mermen with ancestral connections to the Mua Pel'am's Ancient Council of Elders.

    Similar to other legacy challenges with predetermined goals, This legacy focuses on the contents of the other packs and the heirs associated with their packs.

    The founder's objective is to establish a stable household. The next seven heirs are to recruit 7 others into their "Club" that will act as the council of heirs. Recruitment must come after completing a pack related task.

    The White Tail: Lir and the new founder of the legacy will start out as a teen and will be the adopted son of Kylen and Aaron. Lir was orphaned as a teen and has amnesia. He doesn't remember his parents, but he is somewhat aware of his responsibilities as a heir to the Elder Council.

    Lir's main goal is to establish a stable household and produce a heir within two cycles (for my game, that's two seasons rotating through all the households in my game. 1 rotation = 28 sim days.)

    The seven other mermen that complete the council are scattered across several different worlds.

    The Blue Tails: Dylan and Zeph are in Sulani still thanks to them having an intact elder lineage. Their Blue Tails not only mark them as heirs, but their tails are also inherited from their mother who has an ancient ancestral connection to Sulani. Their tail color is important for being true heirs to the Elder Council. This means that Kemps has blood ties to the original Blue Tail, and it's his blood tie that allows him to act as an Elder in the absence of the Elder Council.

    Dylan is all about Sulani, so the heir that recruits him will also have to embrace Island Living.

    Zeph is the scientist. The heir that recruits him will need to Get to Work as a Scientist.

    The Green Tail: Alen is dedicated to the care of pets and loves animals. The heir that recruits him will need to embrace Pets.

    The Yellow Tail: Aiden is all about the Eco Lifestyle and the heir that recruits him will need to embrace that lifestyle.

    The Red Tail: Jason is the Doctor that lives in the city. The heir that recruits him will need to embrace City Living.

    The Pink Tail: Jack is the life of the party and spreads the cheer with every party and concert he throws. The heir that recruits him will need to Get Together with other sims.

    The Purple Tail: Akira is in a strange situation where he needs help. Akira is in Strangerville which is a strange place for a merman to be, much less call home. Akira looks tough, but he's a bit of a sci-fi geek, or whatever passes as Sci-fi for merfolk.

    As for how they got scattered, my working theory is that it's revenge from the Darkfins for being banished. They conjured a monsoon that scattered the heirs to the council after the council banished them. Afterwards, the council fell apart without the heirs to replace the leaders. The blue tails would have been completely wiped out if Dylan and Zeph were born with their father's tail colors.

    As for Lir, I'll be keeping an eye on Aaron and Kylen's story while Lir, who is inheriting the Kailani Name, founds the household and makes an unstable, practically homeless, situation more stable.

    If I'm being honest, this thread helped me choose the packs for the seven mermen.

    So, the legacy will follow

    The Founder
    The Conservationist
    The Scientist
    The Veterinarian
    The Eco Freelancer
    The City Doctor
    The Partier
    The Secret Agent
    The Legacy

    The Legacy will take everything developed over the generations and do fun stuff with the 7 other mermen or make the worlds a better place. It's too far beyond me to know for sure what they will do, but it will be something that the legacy's legacy. The complete club with all the recruits and the accumulation of everything the legacy did might be what this part of the legacy is.
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    @GrimlyFiendish Don't go praising me yet. I used cheats to keep Grim at his base weight.

    Speaking of Grim, let's see where Grim Jr is!
    Turns out, Grim is at this cool lounge. You see, his wife died one day before Valentines Day. So the newly widowed Reaper refuses to spend this Valentines Day alone. He's not replacing Sabrina....but come on, he had plans for that day. He'll be miffed if he spends the holiday single. Surely there'll be someone to take the Reaper's offer.
    Grim: "One strong drink that'll knock me on my 🐸🐸🐸🐸!"
    Bartender: "Sir, it's 9AM."
    Ugh, why must the lamest people come around when I'm trying to get Grim a date.
    Well maybe Grim can woo any potential mate with his singing ability.
    I mean, lack of singing ability.
    Okay, off to a new lounge. He's sure to find a date here.
    Not looking good already.
    Grim: "I am going to need a stiff drink to get through this."
    Old Man: "And that was the story about the third time my lumbago flared up."
    Grim: "Alright, I'm done with this."
    Grim: "PAY FOR YOUR SINS!"
    Old Man: "Arg, my Lumbago!"
    Grim Sr: "Really, Grim?"
    Grim Jr: "I just REALLY don't want to see old people now."
    So Grim took a nice long stroll through this hot desert heat in that Sith Lord getup there.
    Oh so he came across this Rowan chick. She's probably as good as it's going to get.
    Grim: "Now this is going to sound weird, buuuut."
    Grim: "My wife just died!"
    Grim: "And I need a date for Valentines Day!"
    Rowan: "Pick me up at 8."
    And here we have Grim laughing maniacally while cooking dinner. What's he putting in Anakin's plate?
    Aw what a nice family dinner.....with a noticeably empty seat.
    Grim: "I'm so happy to get to share this dinner with my three loving kids, and Anakin."
    Anakin: "Love you too, dad."
    Meanwhile, Grim decided that Jewel needed more training.
    With that unsure look on her face.....Yeah she REALLY needs to train.
    Samara: "Hey so like, Dad's training Jewel pretty well. You should probably train too."
    Anakin: "You can't just drag me away from my game!"
    Later that night, this girl just broke in and clipped through the rails of the stairs. Well let's hope she makes a quick recovery.
    It's Valentines Day and time for Grim's date.
    Grim: "Here's to a healthy one night stand that won't lead to anything serious!"
    Oh Grim, you're scummy but you have a way with the ladies.
    Grim: "Ah, I see you're an alien. That's neat."
    Anyways, into the bush they go!
    Well the Reaper kids are back from school!
    Well Samara isn't going to be the only one not having a date on Valentines Day, and since this girl already fused with their railing, might as well get with her.
    Meanwhile, Anakin had his own date set up with Blanca.
    Luckily they were already pretty close so they don't have to waste too much time here getting acquainted before sucking face.
    So they decided to cuddle by this fire....Yeah, they're in there somewhere.
    Ah thanks for bending over, there they are.
    Though this guy is killing the mood for sure.
    Anakin: "Too bad my dad's not here to kill this dude."
    Like father like son, whether they want to admit it or not.
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    sunman502sunman502 Posts: 18,325 Member
    I didn't play at all today. But yesterday I was building two new house. A Japanese inspired one that's called Heiwa Hiragana, and classic mansion type called Candlewick. Both have the haunted lot venue type.
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    KristinaKristina Posts: 582 Member
    edited March 2021
    I feel like all I do right now is work, sleep, and sneak in the odd hour or two of Sims where I can. Although I did read all of @Becka28's Slate-related updates today between other activities and I'm in love with him and his story. Can't wait to see more!

    In my last update my fourteenth gen heiress, Morgen Pohl, married a fifth-gen Sim from one of my PS4 families, Dragana Cordero, and they welcomed their firstborn Noel Pohl.


    After Noel they quickly welcomed little Nellie Pohl into their household.


    Once avid travellers, Dragana and Morgen accepted that with two youngsters they would be homebodies for a while and made some renovations to the lot. A new patio and swimming pool was one of them.


    But when Nellie aged up to a child they could finally get out and explore again! Here is Nellie demonstrating to his invisible audience what happens when your brother eats his matcha-flavoured ice cream crepe too fast.


    As children they were polar opposites. Noel achieved the mental aspiration, earned straight As in school, and was an avid badge-collector in the scouts. Meanwhile Nellie was a social butterfly, a creator, in drama club, and he could usually be found hanging out with his three closest friends: Jun, Tsuchiyo, and Kenta.


    Nellie was also the only member of the family close to their grandmother, Charlie, who alienated herself from the family after she divorced the 13th gen heir in order to run off with the legacy founder, Ernest. Yes, their flirtation was autonomous.


    Despite their differences the siblings were close.


    So close that they were late to school more than once because they were having too much fun just hanging out! They are both looking at Morgen here, who was not particularly impressed.


    In fact, the whole family is close. Aside from grandma it has been a very peaceful and drama-free happy family generation.


    However, can the same be said for the N-generation?
    As soon as Nellie aged up he put the moves on both Kenta and Tsuchiyo, and the latter was the most receptive.


    Noel might have some feelings about this. I'm not sure what they are. Please don't ask me. I don't even understand what is happening in this screenshot other than Tsuchiyo autonomously kissing Nellie when the clock struck twelve at New Year.


    What is much more clear though is that despite having a boyfriend already Nellie clearly has the hots for his new mentor at the gym. Introducing Ricardo...


    Oh, and somewhere in there Dragana died.


    Just kidding! She did age up to elder though.

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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited March 2021
    Winterfest Extra

    The family gathered around the tree to decorate, butler included.


    Father Winter was aiming to not please...



    But he crossed a line when he yelled at Rocky, who was doing nothing wrong.


    First, Dylan sang his Aegean's Question.

    Ember followed up with ZipZap while Dylan summoned a lava bomb, unleashing his fiery rage.

    At this point, Zephyr called a thunderstorm, bringing torrential rain and lightning. Dylan lured Santa into the sea with his Siren's Call.

    Dylan dove underwater and dragged the old man down.


    Dylan: "Look who's on the naughty list now. You shouldn't have yelled at Rocky."

    Father Winter waddled over to the fireplace and disappeared in a cloud of smoke, evading torment from Zephyr.

    Soon after, Zephyr cleared the skies and made it sunny again.

    That almost killed Jade who stood in the sunshine for hours.

    Jade: "I'm literally burning to death. Time to check my social media timeline and update it."

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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited March 2021
    @Metior_Ice Remind me to ALWAYS give merfolk nice christmas gifts. Your last post with Father Winter had me giggling wickedly. Plus I hadn't really thought about it but I guess Merfolk would be great singers wouldn't they. It is always a pleasant surprise when a sim sings beautifully. I forgive sims like AKira a ot just because they ake me smile when they sing. (actually I smiled when Quin and Rohan sang but not because it was good LOL) Plus I've been meaning to say I love your pool design with the lotus and the turtles on it. SO beautiful.

    Quin & Rohan
    previous update

    I love their current household shot

    Plus I was relieved to see Quin happy again. He rarely goes off the home lot unless Rohan is with him and that horrible paparazzi incident really seemed to upset him.

    Nothing much has changed between these two

    And Beowoof wants lots of attention and huggles as normal (plus as many baths as a doggo can get.)

    Trainng a stubborn Pupper
    Beowoof is stubborn and a troublemaker (and Loyal). He is very resistant to any sort of training. But training him is something Quin loves and will do autonomously - Beowoof has learnt heel and sit miraculously thanks to Quin's persistence. Quin now wants to teach him to fetch.

    Beowoof actually got the ball the first time Quin threw it......

    and brought it back.

    Every other time he threw it Beowoof would look at the ball then at Quin with a giant question mark above his head as if he didn't understand. This is how I know Beowoof is smart and evil LOL He showed that he knew exactly how Fetch worked and then proceded to show he couldn't be made to do it.

    Good thing Quin enjoys the game regardless of how Beowoof plays and sometimes Beowoof does fetch the ball because I think he feels sorry for Quin (whom Beowoof actually adores).

    Also I think playing fetch in their beautiful house is as annoying to me as them playing with their soccer ball in it. But I suppose it is Quin and Rohan's house and they can do with it as they choose.

    Of course Rohan wants attention too.

    His "my brain has melted" face made me giggle.

    His brain melted because Quin gave him the "smoulder"

    followed by the bedroom eyes - how is Rohan supposed to sustain his normal brain functions?

    Yeah well okay - we all know what happens next

    Next morning there was a visitor at breakfast....

    Rohan wants to tell Morgyn off but Quin calms him down and promises that he will handle the issue.

    Quin tells Morgyn to go home - that all these visits have to stop..

    I felt sorry for Morgyn so I had Quin do this (Quin really didn't want to) - I see it as a goodbye kiss - we shared something ages ago, I understand it meant something to you but its over - lets part as friends.

    I should have trusted Quin. This small sign of affection sent Morgyn crazy and then wanted Quin back again.
    SO Quin had to be absolutely clear that he wanted nothing more to do with Morgyn.

    Poor baby.

    As usual when Morgyn is around Rohan was strutting around showing off that he IS with Quin. I noticed he got as naked as possible.

    He stood like this until Morgyn disappeared. Then he and Quin autonomously went and did what they do best. (Not sure why Quin has the player trait because Rohan ignores it totally and is as jealous as anything at least whenever Morgyn is around.)

    Goings on at the gym
    Quin and Rohan went back to the gym to get Quin's confidence back. They were both extra flirty with each other.

    It was like no one else existed.

    Which was just as well because the horrible paparazzo was there

    Although he was finding himself having to deal with a super flirty sim's attentions that he didn't want.

    Rohan blocks the paparazzo from view

    I was so busy watching Rohan and the way he is looking at Quin that I missed what when on in the background. It looks like the paparazzo punched the guy in the chin. (anyway he left which made me and my sims happy).

    In the end I gave up trying to force them to work out because this is what they kept queing up instead.

    A revolting and smelly Beowoof was a great crowd deterrant.
    Post edited by Becka28 on
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    edited March 2021
    @Becka28 Thanks, I ended up removing the pool in the remodel, but I might add it back later. It's funny how merfolk will autonomously use a pool to sleep, but they don't do the same thing with the ocean.

    Merfolk in the sims 4 don't start out as good singers, but I go out of my way to make them good singers.

    Dylan and Zeph, in particular, have vocals that actually make them very good singers. They have level 10 singing with a "Warm" tone on the higher middle pitch range. Something about that combination makes them very good singers, especially with Rock and Pop songs. Also, they aren't too bad with Jazz and Country.

    It's hard to appreciate without video. I think I might be able to get a short clip of one of them singing. They have the same vocals.

    Santa wasn't very friendly for someone that was supposed to be a "Good" sim. However, merfolk can still pack a punch in the water. That Siren's Call is more powerful than most occult abilities, it fills ALL of a mersim's needs and depletes ALL of the other sim's needs. If the sim shares thr household with the merperson, the Siren's Call can and will drown a sim that doesn't leave the water quickly, provided that they are close enough to the shore and strong swimmers. If you cut off a way out of the water, townies will drown.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    In a way, the way merfolk meet their needs in the sims is a significant reason why I get bent out of shape over the merchildren not having a merform.

    Merfolk do not need bedrooms, bathrooms, or living rooms designed in a conventional way. Because merfolk can meet all their needs except eating without leaving the water, an indoor pool essentially becomes 90% of the home, with "grottos" making up the bathroom, bedrooms, and living room.

    The physical abilities merfolk have that I wish kids could have include being able to sleep in the water and the faster swimming that could potentially be developed. They don't need merfolk magic, even if kids with Sulani Mana can summon lava bombs but can't conjure thunderstorms.

    As things are now, a merperson's home with toddlers and children is a very weird build. The home gets this divide between human needs and merfolk needs. It's just the aquatic nature of merfolk that throws things off when the kids are essentially human with a tendency to be drawn to the water like teens and up.

    Well, that's my little vent... I will say that the Siren's Call might've been nerfed by the developers. I mean, sims subject to that ability by merfolk have critical need failures across the board. If they survive drowning, they can still starve to death or die from mortification after a bladder failure. Meanwhile, merfolk that use that ability have all their needs filled, including hunger and bladder.
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    KristinaKristina Posts: 582 Member
    edited March 2021
    This morning I woke-up, thought sod it, and decided to just spend all day in my PJs playing Sims until someone bribed me away with the promise of lamb and wine.

    At the beginning of the session my Sims were living in a household of five. Now that figure is two - and one of those faces is new.
    I'll list the most obvious: Dragana, Morgen, and Kasey (the dog) all passed away today. :cry:


    Fifteenth generation heir Noel grew-up to a young adult and enrolled in university. Usually when I take Sims through university I have them remain in their own household, so to shake things up a bit I decided to have Noel move into a shared house. While for most university students studying is the last thing on their mind, Noel was fixated on his studies. He made it into a distinguished degree, Communications, at the University of Britechester on a super scout scholarship and took four classes per semester. But when Friday night came he was always up for a good time!


    In fact, it was at one of these weekly parties that he first met his future bride, Hana.


    They tied the knot in the heat of the moment at the Romance Festival on the Saturday between his second and third semesters.




    Noel's university experience was brief, but he came out of it having completed the Academics aspiration as well as becoming a debates champ, a secret society member, and having twelve A+ grades to his name. Plus many good friends, a new wife, and direct entry to level 8 of the business career... although I meant to select salaryperson and only realised my mistake while Googling it just now so I'll have to fix that tomorrow. :joy:


    And then the next two hours were spent building Noel and Hana a new house, because I'm kind of tired of the one I've been using over the K-M generations. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it (and play his brother Nellie a little) tomorrow.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @Kristina I've been following your updates. Out of curiosity, is this the Alphabet legacy?

    My first attempt at a legacy ended because of a broken save after eco living came out. So I'm impressed by gen 15.

    My first heir turned out to be gay, so figuring out the succession got a little difficult.
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    KristinaKristina Posts: 582 Member
    edited March 2021
    Metior_Ice wrote: »
    @Kristina I've been following your updates. Out of curiosity, is this the Alphabet legacy?

    My first attempt at a legacy ended because of a broken save after eco living came out. So I'm impressed by gen 15.

    My first heir turned out to be gay, so figuring out the succession got a little difficult.

    It is indeed an alphabet legacy! I had a save related-issue impact this family shortly after Eco Living came out as well. It wasn't even loadable. I reverted my game back to an earlier state (can't even remember how I did this, because I made no back-ups, but I remember having to completely replay Morgen's childhood and teen years) and then had some annoying glitches that led to me taking a 7-month break from the game. When I started playing again recently it had thankfully been patched. :sweat_smile:

    When my Sims have a same-sex partner I either rely on a one night stand with someone of the opposite sex or use the CAS modification cheat to change how they procreate. e.g. for my M-gen I made it so Morgen's wife, Dragana, could get other Sims pregnant so Noel & Nellie are the biological offspring of both of their mothers. It's the only cheat I let myself use - well, besides moveobjects and resetsim!
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @Kristina I actually did that cheat to create Lir. I'm not against the same sex couples, but I struggle with figuring out the succession. Very insightful, thank you.

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