Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    TrowiciaTrowicia Posts: 2,027 Member
    Kilan rescued a mermaid who rescued him weeks prior and mended his injuries to the best of her ability. She also checks up on him regularly, so they know each other quite well.

    He's only now finding out that she's a mermaid because his consciousness was in and out after he was rescued. He's really hung up on the thought that mermaids only existed in fairy tales, up until now.

    She woke up, surprised to see Kilan staring at her while she's "exposed", as she calls it. She's just in her mermaid form really - that's how Kilan sees it.
    I don't think she was ready to reveal to Kilan that she's a mermaid, but I guess it happened sooner than she wanted.

    They both had a bit of a freakout moment because of her initial reaction, but Kilan calmed her down and assured to her that she's okay and her secret is safe with him.

    They had a bit of a talk about her being a mermaid and Kilan made it clear that he didn't feel any other way about her, except fascinated and a bit attracted to her because of it.

    Neighbors stopped by to leave Kilan some leftovers from the barbecue they seem to host once a week. To protect Nalani's secret, they both agreed to keep her hidden in the bathroom until her magic wears off and she reverts back to normal.

    After all the company left (it was past midnight! I was wondering when they would leave) Nalani took Kilan outside to the shore so he could get a good look at her mermaid form.

    After Kilan got a good look at her, she motioned him to join her in the water. Almost immediately, she jumped onto him and planted a mermaid kiss on him, as a gesture of appreciation for everything he's done for her, especially what happened earlier in the day.

    That kiss was considered legendary and got Kilan obsessing for some more of that from Nalani.
    // take me back to 2018.
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    SimpkinSimpkin Posts: 7,425 Member
    Simpkin wrote: »
    Simpkin wrote: »
    Driving myself crazy looking for unidentified wild plants.
    Oh dear, my man is away from his family, two kids and wife. Living his aspiration.
    I finally found all the unindentified plants. I've just been fishing non stop waiting for the plants to get ripe and harvestable. I struggled finding chamomile and huckleberry.
    Now that I've found them, I'm focusing on the bugs. :D Just extended my vacation 7 days.

    phew!!! This crazy thing is done. I felt so bad for my sim.
    It was constantly raining and stormy. The poor cat couldn't be sent home either.
    I thought he was gonna die and all this waiting around and looking around dark rainy forest was for nothing.
    Then came the heatwaves and he got sunburnt badly. But he found all the insects!
    The wife was happy to see him back home. The kids were at school.
    The tired, burnt man. Probably not the best idea to relax on the floater in the middle of water with his unburn but... the man deserves a good relaxing.

    Seasons toggle button in build mode poll. Vote now please! :)
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 970 Member
    In my celebrity chef has happened! So, in addition to his alien kids, some of whom are still around and some of whom disappeared into the ether when their guardian died, he's had a couple of kids recently, Samira and Amaar. They were followed by twins, Khalil and Rayyan, soooo....things have been a bit intense for a bit. I was having an awful time with the toddlers not staying in bed and sleeping, leading to a Spiral of Suck: in desperation, I aged them up to children to have a little more control, only to have them taken away from neglect. After the usual "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and searching in vain for ways of getting the kids back (including having someone outside the house adopt, going through the phone and looking for an option to plead with the social worker people, poking around in manage worlds), I reloaded and made the toddlers kids instantly. The kid-seizing, oddly enough, happened at Christmas, but this time around his new kids and old kids were able to celebrate together.

    Meet the kids!
    Kal-el, or just "Kal" these days, was the first daughter-by-abduction, and though I'm fond of her I booted her out when she had a son, Jor-El. They've both survived where most of the other alien kiddies disappeared with their guardians' demise. Three, I think?

    Samira, my pet favorite, fulfilled her creativity aspiration and is working on a painting one. I sometimes try to take wardrobe inspiration from whatever they spawned in, and in Samira's case, that's a lot of boots and man jackets. If she were in the 1990s she'd be into grunge for sure.

    Danielle, who has actually moved back in and out of the house several times. She almost always wears a human form and is oblivious to manners. Her little half-brother Amaar, however, is used to it. Amaar is a young scout, and my first attempt to explore that.

    Finally, the twins, Rayyan and Khalil. They haven't really developed distinct personalities yet, probably because they went straight from the womb to being first-graders. I always age up babies and then I had to force-age them as toddlers because of some bug not letting them sleep.
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    Mr_SlimstaMr_Slimsta Posts: 31 Member
    I threw a BBQ party at my Sims House for the "Shrimp on the Barbie" Day. Was a great success and everything seemed to enjoy themself. Apart from a Sim that I found dead in my bathroom which was weird.
    Check out my latest build "Origami" - Build Showcase!


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    wrenstaleswrenstales Posts: 777 Member
    My Sim Mark hung around fishing with invisible Sims.
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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited May 2020
    @FurSimsOfficial @AlwaysAsking

    Alright, for everyone who wants Thor in their game - here :) The beard was CC so it had to be changed, other than that he's good to go!

    @Becka28 thank you! Stanley really is quite the adorable meerkat!

    The weather didn't get better. In fact, it only gotten worse. Tony hates it.

    Peter is a bit gloomy too.

    "You see kid, there are some things even a billionaire like me cannot fix. Nature just doesn't seem to accept money!"

    Oh yeah, that cake Peter is eating? To cheer everyone up, Steve decided to get all creative and make breakfast for once. And I must say it looks delicious.

    The bad weather didn't stop Tony and Steve to find ways to entertain Peter. They took him to Sulani's home of arts and crafts where at toddler hours anyone could drop their tots off for some fun activities. Something like a daycare, just not... a daycare. It's a Sulani thing, don't ask. (And isn't Peters formal outfit just too cute, I can't stop awwing!)

    "Your son will be in good hands, don't you worry!"

    Peter was very nervous at first. Is this another foster home? Are they going to leave him here? Of course, papa Steve did assure him that they'll be back in a couple of hours, but who knows. Maybe they've grown tired of him.

    It's quite hard to manage complicated thoughts when you're only four years old, so Peter decided to stop worrying and make new friends. The kids in the foster home never really talked to him, not nicely at least, but this little girl didn't seem like she was going to tease him because of his pacifier or inability to talk.

    The little girl immediately took Peter in her game, so that went alright!

    This kid was trying to get Peters attention the whole time.
    "What's you're name? Do you like hopscotch? I can teach you how to play!"

    He even shared his bananas with Peter when it was snack time and just like the little girl didn't mind that Peter didn't say a word, just smiled and shrugged.

    Best friends already!

    The sun came out for a short while and the tots went outside for dancing lessons. Peter was stayed very focused the whole time, fascinated by the process.

    Now time for some mischief! Or, should we say, a bit of unofficial art class while the teacher is out?

    Peter was pretty shocked by this idea. What shocked him more was that the kids took him in their team and even let him do the main part of their abstract painting.

    "You're so fun to play with, Peter!"

    Peter made very great friends with the other kids and didn't even notice how time flew by and his parent got back.

    "Oh Peter, two hours and we already missed you so much!"

    "Thank you so much!"
    "Don't mention it. Peter is a wonderful child to be around with. I can see that he's developing in the right direction. He really enjoys dancing, you should look into that!"

    "So, kid, enjoyed class and made a few friends, as I can see? Didn't miss us much, did you!"


    "Hold on. Did I just hear- did you just call me daddy?"

    "STEVE! Did you just hear that!?"

    Well who knew that all Peter needed to start talking was a few hours with kids his age that didn't judge.

    "That's Papa! Daddy and Papa!"

    Steve didn't even know what to say or who to thank. He just silently scooped up Peter and hugged him as hard as he could.

    Not that they loved Peter any less when he didn't talk, but today he got to listen to twice more chapters than usual just for saying "more please."

    Also bedtime kisses and hugs - they meant so much more than on a normal night.

    "Shh, concentrate, I'm giving you a romantic massage here!"
    "It's perfect, as always, but I really have something very important to say."

    "You know", began Tony quite nervously, "before we adopted Peter, I never actually thought of myself as a dad. Not ever. I was only accepting that we might have a child in the future because I knew that's what you always wanted. But now... Now it's just..."
    "I know."
    "Wait, was it that obvious I hated kids?"
    "You never hated kids, Tony!"
    "Okay, disliked."
    Steve smiled.
    "It was pretty obvious."
    "And yet you never left me to be with a guy who would actually adore those terrifying munchkins."

    "Because I knew, Tony. I knew there had to be that one child in the world which you would love with all of your heart. I felt it and I was right. I knew I was right when you first noticed Peter."
    "I always thought I'm going to give that kid we adopt all of the money in the world, be a good friend to him, but the hugs and the kisses and all of that stuff parents do will be on you. But it... it turned out very different."

    "I actually like the kid. Wait no, I love the kid. I love him as a father and I loved him from day one. And that's... that's a weird feeling. Especially now, today, when he actually called me his dad. I just... I just wanted you to know that I'm very glad that we did this. Became parents."

    "And I wouldn't change it for the world."

    |Beginning|Previous update|Next update|
    Post edited by Koteyka on
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    Mr_SlimstaMr_Slimsta Posts: 31 Member
    Today my sim threw a huge party at his new house.

    After working his way up from a small house in Willowcreek and now living up in The Pinnacles in a new Modern House, he thought it would only be right to throw a huge party inviting everyone he knows. It went really well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.



    Check out my latest build "Origami" - Build Showcase!


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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited July 2019
    I'm going to post every once in a while, and I'm going in order of the posts, so if you've posted again after these comments I will get to you! 😂


    I love your update about the dream she had!

    She was so embarrassed 😳 but he was hilarious.😅
    "So who is better? Real Kavani or dream Kavani." he teased as she laughed.

    "Hmm maybe you're tied."

    "Oh come on I bet he never made you pancakes for dinner."

    And I'm so excited! They are official now!! Take that Whitney!! Lol

    I was actually wondering why he'd agreed to take her to that festival 🤔 It was so unlike him 😅 lol, probably because it was a dream.

    Watching to see if there's another update now .....


    Lol! I love the back story to your new story!
    It's a pity that on the day she became a YA her private plane had that accident!

    The thing about the men not being able to help with the fire has me worried though.

    And oh my gosh! The same thing just happened to me with the serial romantic aspiration!!! I got J together with the Maxis trailer Sim Raj (not Rasoya) and J is so in love with him that he wouldn't stop crying when Brant Hecking flirted with Raj. Raj didn't even flirt back! He had an energetic moodlet going, they were at a gym!


    So now I'm like, do I just change Raj's aspiration, or do I let him break J's heart?

    Keep me posted on what you decide, because I am leaning towards changing Raj's aspiration. I hate making my Sims cry lol


    Awww, your new sim sounds very sweet. What a great idea to share.

    Of course, if you have the "Dine out" stuff you could just walk into a restaurant and steal food. It's all the rage now 😂

    Anyway, idk if anyone said anything to you yet, but just switch to Imgur. I was a die-hard photo bucket user too, and just couldn't imagine trying to learn a new system. But it's way easier than Photobucket, and I'm sure a ton of people would walk you through it if you'd like help 😊


    Lmao, I don't think he should have a baby if he's homeless either. Wise decision on both your parts.

    Anyway, it sounds like your world will be well populated anyway 😅

    Keep us posted as to whether your 3 demons show up when you aren't playing them. We've had hilarious stories on the thread lately about Vlad cleaning people's houses, and singing naked or some such nonsense. Very un- evil-like deportment 😂


    Teehee, the rainbow would have excited me to no end! But hey! A talented (except in fishing) global Superstar is kinda fun too.

    But oh no! What changes will he bring to your "off the grid" Days of our Tribe folks! 😮


    Awwww, Moon is adorable! And her portraits of them are Soo cute.

    She looks properly dignified, like a cat, and he looks loyal and protective ❤️

    @Tixyen !!!!

    I can't tell you how happy I am to see you here again!

    I just kept wondering if you were ok, but knowing if just have to wait and see.

    It's great to see Aubree and her family again ❤️

    Gosh I wish they hadn't signed the lease for that trailer! Especially through a loan shark!!!! ☹️

    It seems like things could be ok again.

    I do love that, hearing someone else read a book to your child or grandchild when you know all the words to it. It's so nice to see traditions passed on.

    Anyway, I'm very happy to see you, and to hear what will happen with little Hazel. It's always the innocent that suffer during these times. 😔

    Lol!!! I guess I should check my Sim's inventory / mailbox too. I never saw that. Too funny

    Wait!! Oh my gosh! I'm so dumb. My sim was waiting in line to order scones one day, but he pulled out some random muffin I'd never heard of, and started eating it! I had wondered where it came from!

    Lmao 😂 Thanks for posting and solving one of the endless mysteries in this game.


    Oh my gosh!!!😮

    I hope she was ok. At least the game let you use the fire extinguisher!!😂


    Oh my gosh! Congratulations on nearly catching up!!!

    Totally awesome line from Kala's mom "Heh, this isn't my dark form" 😅


    Congratulations to your new Sims!

    And do you think Cassandra looks too old or to young to be a teenager?

    I always think she looks too young, but I figure that she just turned 13 a couple months ago, and is still in a preteen mindset 😂


    I saw that you uploaded Thor for us! I grabbed him right away. I just don't know where to put him. He might need to hang out in my library until I can get Sulani. I just can't see him fitting in any of the regular worlds 😅

    It sounds like it's interesting to come up with his lines 😂 So many inspirations.

    Did Tony really make that dish that was taken from Steve at the restaurant for breakfast on his own? Like, autonomously? If so, that is just crazy 😳

    Peter is so cute in his rain clothes 😍

    And whoa, I'm glad Steve came back in one piece, and obviously seashells make everything ok


    Wow, busy day with your Vampires!

    I can't believe Orange is so sensitive though 😅

    And oh my God at Geoffrey Landgraab 😳 Hitting on a teenager now? I feel more sorry for Malcolm every day.

    I don't remember why Rodrigo is human, it must be weird in a family of vampires. I'm sure I asked already, but at what age can you tell if a child is a vampire?

    Looking forward to more pictures!

    I'm glad you figured out how to post them!


    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    StutumStutum Posts: 1,146 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Thanks! She is indeed a nice sim, and with the "always welcome" trait in place, she simply cooks for sims she visits, and she just maxed out the cooking skill! :smiley:

    That sounds hilarious, I have to try that. xD

    Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try. :)
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    RevenwynRevenwyn Posts: 317 Member
    Anna Scott decided to haunt the house a bit. After destroying all the plumbing in the house, she went downstairs to do some serious video gaming:


    Then after her game was over, she picked up her violin


    Tired of that, she then destroyed all the electric items in the house.

    Gavin said enough was enough and he was sick of fixing things on a daily basis, and released her spirit to the netherworld.
    Like my T-shirt? Get it here: Revenwyn's Sims

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    tinahjalmartinahjalmar Posts: 1,595 Member
    My Sim Rhea now is level 6 in her career. And a week in Sim world had past when I had her throw a Kava Party. It turned out great, and I got a gold for the party. Of course after every party, you gotta do dishes. So she collected them all and instead of doing them in the kitchen - she goes to the bathroom to clean them! Ugh! But hey. It was a great party!

    Hey @Koteyka is Tony & Steve in the Gallery?
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited July 2019
    Thank you everyone for the well wishes!
    I did feel much better today, and I am attempting to stay hydrated 😊


    Your update is so cute 😊

    The toddlers are so cute at the park. And oh my gosh, pregnant again! Twins?? Triplets??!

    That's a bigggg tummy for second trimester 😳

    And geez, pets get sick at the most ridiculous times!!

    But it looks like they had a nice date anyway

    I may have missed the beginning of your current saga, but what's the deal between Bob and Eliza? Are they divorced? And yeah, sometimes just changing hair and clothes is good enough to fix a pre-made 😊

    This is Catarina Lynx and her son (red head) Sebastian. His father is Salim Benali. She cleans up nice! Though she has lost a little weight too


    Is Marcus her baby's father? I've never played him, is he known to get angry like that?


    Thanks for your kind words on Jasper and Laney 😅 He is my favorite "cool" guy 😂

    Lawrence is my favorite "sweet" guy, and Ian is my favorite "chivalrous" guy 😅

    And yeah, the alien thing is so fun - not 🙄 That's why she is a photographer (only) in my 3 other saves 😅

    But yeah, if you do the hidden object thing in build mode you can get the satellite. But if you don't want to do that then enter the scientist career, because it's one of the first things you learn to make, and you can make as many as you want to, and put them in your inventory, and put them in the yards of your played Sims when you go home from work.

    Thanks so much for mentioning my toddler park in your update! 😊 (Strangely my gallery name is ARIANNANEAL if anyone is looking for me, lol)

    Don't you just love the imaginary spaceship and pirate ship effects that come up with the steering wheel? So cute!

    Anyway .... can I just say that I'd like to smack Julie? 😠

    Uggg woman! Just get out of your son's love life!

    Barry's face is very sad when she tells him he has no chance with her. I kinda feel sorry for him.

    And ughhhhh, I can't believe Camila sent Todd that text! No manners at all!

    I did have to laugh at Barry's idea to look for a possible date at the haunted house 😅 Where is that? Is it a Maxis place?

    And yeah, Julie, take a long walk off of a short pier, ok? Geez, trouble maker!

    But maybe Jade Rose will be good with him. Maybe she doesn't want kids either.


    Is there any way to tell what the things in your tray are? I mean from the actual file folder? Not from your library? Boy, that would make organizing the trays so easy!!!

    Jasper and Laney don't get too much attention these days, so I'm not going to worry about them having kids 😅

    They are in all of my saves that don't have aging turned on. My main pair of them are in with Ian and Lawrence, but like I said, they are in all four saves so they can paint portraits and photograph weddings and parties.

    Now that I've discovered that you can have more than one sim host a party, they are always hosts too, because they both have level 10 cooking and gourmet cooking (they are hopeless as bartenders though 😄)

    But, I'm playing in my game with the premade's and their toddlers now, and that pair of Jasper and Laney are going to age up 😮

    It's going to be weird.

    Thanks for all of your help with the trays and gallery and inventories. Someday I will buy Island Living 😅


    Well, you did post again 😄 Orange is certainly learning! Smart boy! Vampires don't do sunlight 😅

    I love the "drastic measures" that she took to get everyone away from him 😄

    Hey, ya gotta do what you gotta do 😂

    Grab him quick next time and make him her boyfriend 😅

    Although, that doesn't seem to matter in this game. The married Sims are off woohooing with everyone in town, so boyfriend status probably doesn't stop much. 🤔

    It's great to see a bunch of your Sims in person. And Adelaide does look like quite a party girl, and I see that she's a blond like her brother. Isn't it interesting that Caleb's wife is at the party and Caleb is not. It's always so weird when that happens. As for the shirtless guy, LOL I would have said that he is @Becka28 's Sim Fabian, because he's constantly shirtless in her stories, but he's blond LOL.

    Oh my gosh I had to laugh when you said that Aelin waited until after she married Victor Feng to introduce him to her family, LMAO. and that is really crazy about the homework being in Cassandra's inventory. Where would she have gotten it?

    And okay about that being Cassandra, I just couldn't tell for sure 🤔 For one thing, because I wasn't on my computer, I was on my iPad and I couldn't see well, plus I was tired as could be, and couldn't see well anyway LOL.


    Your resort is absolutely amazing! Just beautiful. Wish I could stay there LOL. I can't wait to get this expansion, because I want to be able to build the piers and walkways over the water like you guys are doing. 😍

    What is in the cube-like building with the glass roof? And I think it has white walls, or perhaps clear?

    All of the lounge chairs and palm trees look so perfectly placed! And those must be floaty types of chairs in the water in front of the two hut like buildings?

    What is inside of those buildings? I can kind of see, and it looks like the one is probably a bar.

    What did you put up inside of the tall resort building? Or is it just there for looks lol?

    The beach/bar club is adorable. It's so much more rustic and perhaps native looking. I like how the lights are strung out on the pier by the tables and lounge chairs. And I think those are the pizza floaties in the water there aren't they? LMAO

    I can see the stilts clearly under the round building out in the water in that picture. That is so cool looking. Can your Sims swim it down there, and can you take pictures of them? That would be amazing.


    Oh yeah I remember that you had had to do something to Holly. I don't remember if I saw what you did to Evie, and I don't recall seeing Lucas really clearly since he had that creepy smile. I know that I was trying to check to see if you had fixed it LOL


    Hey! That's super cool, what was her aspiration? I don't have Island living yet so I don't know what it would be if it was from that new expansion. 😊


    LOL, I think this is the third time that a cooking related fire was mentioned while I have been commenting on this thread. 😅 These Sims need to stick to making salads until they level up a couple times 😂

    And isn't that so ridiculous when people invite you to their house and then they aren't there? Although maybe she was trying to set you up with her roommate LMAO.

    Let us know what happens with him. Will the acquaintance get mad at him for being flirty with her roommate? Well, if so, it was her own fault 😅


    Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Hemsworth. Both for the wedding and the new baby. Cerise is a very pretty name. I agree.

    Are they building a sand gnome? Or what is that? I can't see it very well and I don't have this expansion. 😂

    You might be right about doing fire dances when you're pregnant, however I think that perhaps it is unsafe to do fire dances all the time! It looks fun though.

    The little toddler Cerise is very adorable! (and I'm finding it absolutely amazing that my phone knows how to spell Cerise when I am talking into it, not typing).


    Good job to Rhea on getting to level 6 in the conservationist career!

    And we often have the conversation on this thread that you can go into the manage worlds area of your game and change townie's names when they are too difficult to pronounce. LOL.

    Or if they are the 3rd Gengi Haswega in your save! 😊 It makes life much more comfortable when you know how to say your Sims friend's names 😅

    The kava party sounds very nice. And yes, the drive me crazy when they do the dishes in the bathroom. I have heard that they will do the dishes in whatever sink has the highest reading though. So maybe that's why?

    And yes, @Koteyka are Tony and Steve in the gallery too? Because LOL I just grabbed Thor from there, so why not the guys too? Also, are they in there with Peter? Because boy, you'd never come up with that cute of a kid otherwise! It looks like you have a bunch of CC on all of them though. Maybe it would be too difficult to make non CC editions of them?


    Oh my goodness Avery is so patient with Zion. I swear I would have snapped on him a thousand times.
    Same old stuff. Went to work, walked the dog, bought a spaceship, cooked dinner...

    And did they even have three million simoleons? LMAO

    He's so funny 😂
    Hey look at these buttons and stuff!

    I definitely have to agree with Moon about the costumes. Oh wait, not costumes, that is the standard wear for an alien culture right?

    Now, the question is, is Avery ever going to be able to convince Zion that they never left Earth?

    And is Moon ever going to wake up from her nap and make everybody pay for making her wear that juvenile outfit? 😂😅


    LOL I just noticed that Zelda saluted Abraham back. I have never seen that interaction before!

    Gunner is very adorable, but I have to agree with Kala, I don't think she should have been fighting a giant plant monster when she had a toddler at home.

    I do have to say that Abraham did try very hard to help the people of Strangerville. You can't fault him for giving up too easily. 😂


    Hmmmm, I may have remembered who Demarcus was if I hadn't been half asleep. He did look like a movie star in that picture though! LOL.

    I read that name Izzy Fabulous pretty often, and I laugh at it every time 😂 so thank you for the recommendations.

    And yeah, if Willow is about to grow up anyway it would be kind of pointless to move back home. And if I had 50,000 simoleons I wouldn't be living in a tent letting Wolfgang burn it down every other day for one minute longer than necessary. I imagine you probably can't sign on the dotted line to buy a home when you're a teenager! LOL

    Once again, the man in the first picture, off to the left of Brant, makes me think of Ian, I guess I just see him everywhere 😄 But yeah Brant seems to be a pretty useless bouncer. It's funny that he is chosen for that, is it MCCC that does that? Because in the regular game he has that job as a personal trainer.

    Jeez her luck with those guys was just unreal. Dustin cheats on her and then breaks up with her for infidelity🙄. Malcolm takes her on a date and decides to yell at her and say never call me again 😳. I have to agree it would have been nice for her to get pregnant with his child because of the MCCC child support system LOL

    it was really funny that both of their mothers were at the restaurant at the same time.

    I agree, walk away from the alien, walk away quickly. And Nico is absolutely adorable. His eyes are just amazing. I'm glad he turned out to be nice 😊

    The starlight accolades awards bug is so funny, all the celebrities sit on the floor hey? Well good, that leaves more room for people that sneak in because Brant is a useless bouncer LOL. Dustin's reactions to the break up are just awesome, I love his outfit and I'm so glad steam came out of his ears when she kissed Niko! haha

    The aftermath was definitely interesting. but what are you going to do, when it's too late to stop, then it's too late to stop. And I agree, when you're not sure if you want it to be successful it always is. 🙄

    I say go for it, let her be a scientist. I found that to be a very fun career path, except for a couple of areas that may have been buggy, but somehow both Lawrence and Laney made it all the way to the top so there must be work arounds 😊


    Oh, the unidentified wild plants are for an aspiration. And now he's trying to do a bug one and a fishing one? I didn't even know that a bug one was available.

    Then, the most important question .... did you yourself extend your vacation for 7 days so you could play Sims? Or did he extend it so he could find bugs? LOL

    Ahaaa, I see that you have updated again, and he is finally done finding everything! Yay, congratulations to him!

    And yeah, maybe he should lay down in the house to relax instead. 😅


    Your sim Kilsn is quite good looking. And that's very nice of him to rescue that mermaid!

    What a nightmare that the company didn't leave until after midnight. He really doesn't look very pleased about it does he?

    I think that what happened in the ocean afterwards probably made up for the inconvenience that they caused LOL


    My gosh, what a nightmare of having your kids taken by social services because of a bug!

    I hope I don't have that bug in my game. I have about 20 toddlers in my neighborhood, maybe I'll stay in my other save where I don't have any toddlers right now LOL.

    I think it was the right move to re-upload and make them kids right away, even if it does leave them without much of a personality.

    All of the kids look pretty happy, except perhaps Samira, but maybe she's just cold LOL.

    The twins are very adorable! I love the look of wonderment on the little girl. And they seem to be having a great time playing dolls.

    I can't seem to remember the backstory, is your celebrity chef Sim an alien? Or is his spouse an alien? Or is he just abducted all the time? 😂


    Okay, that's about the most random thing that I've heard of. Some random Sim was dead in your bathroom. Did you ever see Grimm show up? I don't think it would be fun to just have a dead Sim in the bathroom forever lol 😜

    I can see the house better in your second update though. Wow is that ever cool!!

    Where is this house located? I do not have Get Famous and I have a feeling that it must be there. Did you build it or is it a Maxis item, or did you get it from the gallery? It is really beautiful, especially with the lights and the fountains at night 😍 I imagine everybody had a good time! How in heaven's name did you get so many people to come to one party? LOL


    Oh my word!!! I was already ohhhing and ahhhing and tearing up because he had so much fun with the other little children! They didn't judge him! And they were soooo nice. They hugged him and played with him, and oh my gosh that little dancing interaction is so cute!

    I was just so happy for him, and then you have to throw that at us too!!!

    Oh my God, he talked!!!

    Just so amazing, he is so cute in that picture with the violins behind him, and he looks so happy to be talking!! I guess a day with some nice little kids really made a big difference didn't it?

    Steve & Tony's conversation was just the sweetest thing. Yeah yeah, it brought tears to my eyes, what can I do? 😄 Steve is quite an amazing guy isn't he? Having faith that Tony was going to come around like he did. Well, he certainly was right ❤️


    That's the most amazing picture ever!!!!😍😂😅

    How long did the invisible Sims stick around?


    Oh yeah, that "always welcome" trait is a nice one isn't it? Nobody ever gets mad at them for doing something "inappropriate" LOL.

    And yeah, I haven't tried out the "steal food from the other customers" restaurant bug from my end yet. But I've certainly had a lot of my Sims have their food stolen LOL


    Oh my goodness, what is up with Anna Scott?

    Also, I seriously did not know that they could play video games. 😄

    I think Gavin made the right choice, it might have been hard, but wow that's a lot of trouble she was causing!!
    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    EmschmemEmschmem Posts: 84 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I don't have the new EP yet either! Her aspiration was just the normal Nature aspiration with the Freelance Botanist subcategory :) But I cross-bred all the in game plants as well, which was pretty cool!
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    Emschmem wrote: »
    @AlwaysAsking I don't have the new EP yet either! Her aspiration was just the normal Nature aspiration with the Freelance Botanist subcategory :) But I cross-bred all the in game plants as well, which was pretty cool!

    Oh cool! I'm pretty sure I had one Sim make it through that one too, isn't the last thing raising a cowplant?

    It is quite fun to crossbreed the in game plants! Do you have Get to Work? Because if you can get to Sixam you can grab their plants and cross breed them too!


    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    edited July 2019
    @AlwaysAsking well, it was a long time after my sim broke up with her now ex-girlfriend (still friend though). It was a smothering relationship since my sim couldn't just go to explore the jungle etc. because the woman was always around. I don't even remember where Marie and Bob met though I believe it was in Selvadorada. They were just friends but then it somehow changed into something more. I wasn't sure it is going to be a long term relationship because Bob absolutey hated Marie's dog and it was a huge deal breaker. Now they're just OK. Marie asked Bob to divorce with Eliza. It didn't work out between them anymore. It was a peaceful divorce. Eliza started a new career, she completely renewed the interior of her house. She started seeing Marcus (who she met in a gym). Marcus is non-committal. He's not a bad guy. He didn't plan to start a family. His plan is to party until he can.
    Wow, good job with Catarina. I could never find anything to not to make her look ehm... scruffy. In a different save my sim was Catarina's friend. Anytime my sim went to visit Catarina in her house I could smell the terrible stench IRL. I couldn't do anything but end their friendship.
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    EmschmemEmschmem Posts: 84 Member
    Oh cool! I'm pretty sure I had one Sim make it through that one too, isn't the last thing raising a cowplant?

    It is quite fun to crossbreed the in game plants! Do you have Get to Work? Because if you can get to Sixam you can grab their plants and cross breed them too!
    Yes! Cowplants are so funny to me still, I love them! And wow tbh I didn't know that!! I guess I still have a few more plants to grow!
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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    edited July 2019
    You can tell if a child is a vampire when they are toddler, it shows in CAS and their needs icon has fangs.
    Rodrigo's father was still a human when he was born, with only one vampire parent there is 50/50 chance that the child turns out to be human.

    Adelaide is the more sensible one, but she still likes to dance every once in a while. You will meet Angelique at my next update, she is the one you should be calling a party girl.

    Caleb was there, he was chatting with Noelle. He and Anastassia are always together, unless it is the gymn. Anastassia hates getting sweaty. :D
    Post edited by AngeliqueAdelaide on
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    Willows story continued

    Nico called Willow and asked her on a date. She was slightly tense because of pregnancy and kept on wanting to yell at him, but as he is not Malcolm or Dustin I kept cancelling it out and eventually the date went well.

    Her mother came to visit. Willow shared the big news. Her mother was certainly impressed that her teenage daughter who lived in a tent was having a baby (and that she would now be a grandmother).

    Her mother didn’t want to nag but suggested Willow should come home. Willow refused and described the wonderful house she was putting on the plot. (as wonderful as I could build in half an hour as willow creek houses are samey and boring and I wasn’t feeling build mode).
    Best uninspired screenshot of uninspiring green house for Willow.

    2nd trimester
    Nico feels Willow’s extremely enormous 2nd trimester baby bumb.

    And they have another nice date – Willow learns that as well as being a geek, Nico is good and cheerful. (She knew things I obviously didn’t when she went for Try for Baby)

    Hmm what shall I cook in my brand new kitchen with a real fridge and stove – nothing I will eat cereal like I have every day since I ran away.

    Mum approves of the baby’s room.

    3rd trimester+ aging up
    A healthy pregnancy activity is getting eaten by your own cowplant.

    And the cowplant moodlet hid the gone into labour alert so - bang - surprise home birth.

    Welcome baby Joel. (great pick by the game, normally I roll the dice for ages)

    She called Nico and asked him to hangout. She gave him the key to her house but is not quite ready to share her space.

    Baby Joel started to cry – this sent Nico into new Dad panic

    Annnnd I think I have found my new favourite male sim – stop being sweet in what was to be my drama save

    Oh no – could you be any sweeter – has Brock been giving lessons on the sly.

    An hour later and its time for Willow to age up. (love the jealous look on the hot guy and Malcolm directed at Nico.) The guy with the glasses is Lucas Munch – can’t see if he is hot or weird but he is definitely flamboyant.


    Rub it in to your exes how happy you are now by flirting in front of them.

    Go Hugo Villareal!

    This is the very attractive woman he was kissing.

    Willow’s mother, forgetting that she is actually married, tried it on with Demarcus

    And Dustin

    Luna Villareal also had her eyes on Dustin (its amazing how attractive being a 3 star celebrity can make a man)

    First meal of first full day of being an adult – left over birthday cake

    Willow has this adulting thing under control. (Malcolm has already called three times asking her out – she accepted the third one a rabbithole trip to the circus).

    @AlwaysAsking I don't know why Brant is a bouncer but the game seems to pull in random sims into the job - I think he has the look down. I always think that sim is Ian from the back - he has same skin colour and hair and has the white suit Ian had at festivals but from the front he has Travis Scott's style face - he is kind of old man young looking and is quite odd (and disappointing as he is not Ian).
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Kala wasn't feeling well and took a pregnancy test, hissing uncontrollably the whole time.
    Kala: "Sweet, pregnant again!"
    Kala: "Hey look, pregnant again!"
    That's when Kala decided to give Gunnar some vampire advice.
    Maybe teaching your son how to kill someone with your vampire strength wasn't the best idea.
    Needless to say, Abraham can't feed TWO vampires so Kala planted some plasma fruit trees.
    Since she's a high enough vampire level she decided to teach as many weaker vampires as she could.
    Kala: "Sweet, super speed."
    Kala: "-And they all lived happily ever after."
    Kala: "Hiss"
    Well little Maggie aged up to a Teen so Abraham invited her over.
    Not the best place for the stereo because everyone has to dance in the hallway, but still, mother son dancing session! How cute.
    Maggie and Abe's day is going pretty well all things considered.
    Abraham: "Alright, fun and games is over. Now drop and give me 20!"
    Maggie: "You.....can't be serious."
    Oh he's serious.
    Well since Maggie's already here Abraham decided to throw a party.
    Chaya: "Alright, time for dance party!"
    This was a mistake.
    Also, Zelda moved in because her wife just died of old age. She did not last long at all.
    Zelda: "Ha, who's the old one now?"
    Yadira: "Still you, you're much older than me. You'll probably die years before I do."
    Aww look at Gunnar playing with Grandma.
    I mean, also had to have him meet his other Grandma as well.
    While Gunnar plays with his other grandma, Kala and Zelda practice their sparring. They want to go at the Mother Plant again and this time they'll be READY for it.
    Hmm, this looks like it'll be a scary movie. Who's watching it?
    I feel stupid for even asking that question.
    Abraham: "Kala, what are you doing?!"
    Kala: "Just turning some poor sap into a vampire. Don't worry!"
    Abraham: "No I mean what are you doing out there at this time? Sun's going to cook you up."
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    SimpkinSimpkin Posts: 7,425 Member
    edited July 2019
    @AlwaysAsking it's the same aspiration for indentifying all the plants and finding inscects. Also I wanna complete the collections too. :)
    And I extended the sim's holiday lol. I'm good enough at this game so I don't need a week myself to get something done in it. :D
    Seasons toggle button in build mode poll. Vote now please! :)
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    hunniboo1hunniboo1 Posts: 1,510 Member
    My newest sim creations..they probably are the prettiest sims I have made


    The Best of Hunni's Builds
    Feel free to follow my builds!!!!!!:)
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    StutumStutum Posts: 1,146 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Yes, it comes in handy for cooking and enjoying proper facilities without getting kicked out. xD It's also a must to have if you want to join the upper crusts. ;)

    Haha, I've heard about sims who steal your food, haven't had restaurant food stolen from me myself, but someone stole the drink my sim made once. =P
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    Mr_SlimstaMr_Slimsta Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you everyone for the well wishes!
    I did feel much better today, and I am attempting to stay hydrated 😊


    Okay, that's about the most random thing that I've heard of. Some random Sim was dead in your bathroom. Did you ever see Grimm show up? I don't think it would be fun to just have a dead Sim in the bathroom forever lol 😜

    I can see the house better in your second update though. Wow is that ever cool!!

    Where is this house located? I do not have Get Famous and I have a feeling that it must be there. Did you build it or is it a Maxis item, or did you get it from the gallery? It is really beautiful, especially with the lights and the fountains at night 😍 I imagine everybody had a good time! How in heaven's name did you get so many people to come to one party? LOL

    Haha yes Grimm showed up to clean up the mess! The house is located in Del Sol Valley up in the Pinnacles. It's a house I finished building yesterday, really happy with the final product. I use the mod that allows 24 hour parties and also to lift the 15 sim cap at parties and puts it up to 200. I love the mod, parties feel more realistic and more enjoyable to do then just having 15 sims walking around for a couple hours haha.
    Check out my latest build "Origami" - Build Showcase!


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    FurSimsOfficialFurSimsOfficial Posts: 2,362 Member

    Thank you :) The big white building is the main hotel. It contains 4 very luxurious rooms. Below there is a restaurant with an open buffet and of course also a reception.
    Behind the open pool there is a little spa facility center for the ultimate relaxation. Do not have pics of all this for now. Maybe later.
    Also, this resort is NOT meant for children on purpose, cause I only want to bring my wealthy and snobby sims there. I know kinda mean :D

    The little building on the beach is indeed a bar. I wish drinks could be served to our sims while laying in the lounge chairs, so I tried to keep the bar as close as possible and put some drinking trays side of the lounge chairs as well. It must be the ultimate lazy holiday.
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Trowicia I love the story you have there they make such a cute couple and I really like the poses, makes me wonder how long the fact that she is a mermaid will stay secret.
    @Koteyka aww that update was just adorable I really love how the little munchkin opened up with new friends, and made his daddy's days too cute.

    Lol yeah I wanted to have a little random fun but I wanted to end it quickly so it could be obvious it was a dream, Kavani may take her word for it when she's not feeling too good but is still well enough to party but that would have been off it I left it as normal huh heh. I'll be updating today, and I'm glad you're feeling better but before I don't think you were I tagged you for the other story so this one is getting an update today.

    I don't think there is another way to see whats in the tray than looking in game that's why I throw caution to the wind and just tidy up when I think I need it. They are so popular they have to spread it like royalty maybe they need a dog since you don't play them much to have a kid lol. No problem happy to help where I can.

    Awesomes out, it's hard to keep up when I have things to do or just not in the mood but it sure is nice to pop back in and see everyone having a good time, that makes the sharing much more enjoyable. To me anyways..stay tuned
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day

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