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One Month One World One Year Challenge 2022


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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,261 Member
    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge: The Adventures of Dash Joseph Faireborn
    Table of Contents

    October 5: Hero Faireborn!

    Side Note:
    No storytelling for this daily image. In-game day was the day for Hero to age up to a child. I gave him the Whiz Kid aspiration and Genius trait. The game then decided to give him glasses. The only thing I changed was his wardrobe. I kept the facial features (including hair and glasses) the game gave him.
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,261 Member
    October 9th Comments:

    Let's have a vampire attack Kris and see if he runs away! Geesh! You'd think he'd be okay with a werewolf defending themself. And Adam of all Sims. He NEEDS to protect himself. And then there's Peirce. He needs to give it up. I'm picturing a showdown like the one in the final Twilight movie. Instead of the Voltari (sp?), it's Peirce and gang. Then on the other side it'll be spellcasters, vampires, and werewolves.

    That is going to be one awkward family growing up knowing Cale is the father of a child of all three of them. This is your dad who is also the dad of your sisters' children. :grimace: ... and so forth.
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,188 Member
    edited October 2022
    Oona Medicci, day 19 part 2
    bit game troubles I had, so I only post this for now. Oona was on her way to to bbq for one last time, before saying good bye to Windenburg... these 4 were on the road alone :) ( temporaly lot for Aaron and Jacob, they werent there)
    Oona and Girl2 hit it on .. love at first lick!

    OH, and when I loaded Sean's lot, he aged to ya
    YAY Congrats Sean!!
    I will put him up for dl when Oona is done Copperdale and ages up too.
    Sean has now only:
    -kijiko lashes
    -simstrouble hair (same as Cale had as vampire, but in case: )
    -luumia bodyhair
    -right eye is brown, pralinesims (if you want to go in details, and use ones matching eyes you use, why i am not including cc)

    Post edited by Ellupelluellu on
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 10th: Ranking up

    Today's Accomplishments:
    - Veteran werewolf
    - Ranked up to Delta

    While Kaori returned to Magic HQ to speak with Morgyn and the other sages, I made my way over to the Collective's hangout determined to get back into Kristopher's good graces.

    I contributed some of the produce I'd harvested from my garden that morning to the pack's resources, and pulled Kristopher aside to volunteer leading a yoga class for the pack once or twice a week.


    He loved the idea so I pulled out my yoga mats and we had a session right then and there.


    I had an ulterior motive for leading such a class, as I figured it would help strengthen and prepare my pack mates for any future fights we may or may not find ourselves in.

    After class, our pack went their separate ways and I returned home to ask Kaori whether the sages would lend aid or not.

    We cuddled up and she told me all about her visit.


    "They're willing to help," she said taking my hand, "but they'd prefer for this not to blow up into a full blown war, so their help will be subtle and from a distance. They've given me a bag of magical tracking powder which we're to throw onto as many of Peirce's followers as we can. They will then be able to track the powder and pick off the vampires one by one once they're alone."

    I nodded in understanding.


    "That'll help a lot," I said taking her other hand in mine, "I'll ask Caleb and the others if they'd be willing to take the powder and mark the vampire's who align with Peirce. They're more likely to successfully find his followers than we are. Once the spellcasters have thinned his ranks, we'll be able to concentrate our efforts on Peirce and his inner circle."

    Just then Andy walked in the front door looking a little irritated. I welcomed him in and explained we had an assignment for him and the others if he was willing to help out.


    That seemed to perk him up a little bit. After we explained what we needed done, he laughed and agreed to take the "pixie powder" and rope in Londyn, Dayna, and Eric for our secret mission. Caleb had already spoken with them and they were all in.



    Kaori handed over the bag and Andy tucked it away for safe keeping, promising to let us know when they'd tagged as many vamps as they could. I thanked him and in a flash he was gone. I've noticed vampires don't seem to like hanging out in Moonwood Mill for some reason, they always seem so eager to leave!

    Anyways, so far everything seemed to be falling into place. Now all I had to do was convince the werewolves to help!

    I'm curious if this is happening to anyone else's werewolves.


    Their faces keep melting for some reason, and I don't use sliders which I read might be one reason this happens. They were both fine one minute, and exactly at midnight they both morphed into this! I keep removing their werewolf trait and re-adding it as that's the only way I can return them back to normal, but it just keeps happening. Fortunately it hasn't happened to Adam or Gael, but I'm perplexed at what could be causing this.

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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,188 Member
    edited October 2022
    Oona Medicci, day 20
    Like I said, Oona is done with aspiration, but i had troubles with game, ( okay , once my fault, i slept, forgot to pause, and she died) so just random pics here or there :)

    full 8 members, took few days to get the points, heh Oona is very logical now .
    Mike and Mona Langraab, thry do look like their parents :)

    Added them to dude club. Cale and D.J not here , as they already belong in 3 vampire related clubs.
    Oonas face when gathering started, she does not mind at all to pe part of this club :D



    Post edited by Ellupelluellu on
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited October 2022
    October - Day 10: "There is no wrong time to do the right thing.." Part Two


    When Robin walked away, Cale watched her go and noticed an attractive blond leaving the dance floor. She had a pink glow around her.

    (Oh man, another one here? Great...)
    (Why are you complaining?)

    (I just want to spend time with Marley.)
    (You had to know this could happen tonight.)
    (I wasn't thinking about anything else but Marley.)
    (Maybe I'll just pretend I didn't see her. Just for tonight.)
    (What if you never see her again? You don't even know her name.)
    (She's probably a local, I'll see her again.)
    (How can you be sure though? You can't. This might be your one shot at finding one of your children. Do you really want to risk it?)

    (No, I don't. I'm ashamed I'd even think about doing something so selfish.)
    (None of this was your fault though. Nobody would have to know.)
    (I'd know. It wasn't their choice either. It's the right thing, the only thing to do.)
    (What about Marley?)
    (She'll understand.)

    "Did you hear any of my conversation with Robin?"
    "Yeah. Wow, just wow. At least you'll get to meet some more of your children. That's a good thing, right?"
    "Yeah, about that..."

    "I noticed another here, a blond. I need to try to talk to her and let her know. I'm so sorry about this Marley. I wanted this to be our night."
    "Oh hey, it's alright. I can wait. I'll just have another drink."
    "She might not be the last here though gorgeous. I just don't know. Are you up for this to possibly happen every time we go anywhere?"
    "Don't worry about me Cale. I'm not going anywhere."
    "I knew you'd understand."
    "Of course I do. I know how they feel. They need answers, closure and so do you."

    "Is that her?"
    "Yeah...she could just be an alien too, but I need to find out."
    "Okay, I'll be right over there." Marley said, pointing to a stool at the end of the bar.

    Cale noticed that Joel was here too. Hopefully he'd get a chance to chat with him later.

    "Hi, I'm Cale, Cale Conrad. Mind if I sit here?"
    "Hey Cale, I'm Autumn Woods, nice to meet you. No, I don't mind, go for it, it's a public place. You can sit wherever you want."

    "Wait! I know you! You're a celebrity, a movie star, right?"
    "I used to be, yes."
    "Don't you live in Del Sol Valley or something? In a big mansion? What are you doing here in itty bitty Windenburg?"
    "No, I haven't lived there in years and it wasn't a mansion. But anyway, I'm here with my girlfriend, then I saw you and I had to come over and talk to you."
    "Won't your girlfriend mind?"
    "She understands, you might have something in common."
    "Can I ask you something?"
    "Are you an alien?"
    "What? An alien? Why would you think that? No, aliens aren't real."
    "Okay, thanks for telling me. What I'm about to tell you might come as a shock, but I need you to trust me and keep an open mind. Can you do that?"
    "Uh, alright. This is getting a bit weird, but go ahead. I'm listening."

    (Why is that man staring at me like that? It's creepy.)
    "Please excuse me for staring, I did not mean to alarm you. I was just admiring your drink. I rarely see anyone order it other than myself. You must be a man of culture, as am I. Very handsome too I might add."
    "Uh, thanks. It's the first time I've ever ordered it. Not a very wide selection for vam- for my price range."
    (Is he hitting on me?)

    "You can say it, vampires. See? I ordered one as well. Go ahead, try it. I'm quite sure you'll enjoy it."
    "It looks...interesting." Joel took a sip and then smiled. "Ohhh yeahhh, delicious! Oh hey, I'm Joel, Joel Hunter."
    "Oh of course, how rude of me. I am Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar."
    "Lucifer? Your parents named you after the Devil."
    "Well, to be fair to them, they did not know I was to be the Devil at the time."
    (He thinks he's the Devil? Cuckoo alert!)
    (He could've just meant he was a devilish child.)
    "True, how could they? All parents don't know how their kid will turn out. Still weird they'd name you that. I don't know anyone that's named their child Lucifer or would even want to saddle their kid with that name."
    "Why would they even contemplate such a thing? It's my name and there is only one of me."
    (Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo...)
    (Oh come on, he's just teasing, having some fun with you.)
    (Maybe...but, I think I'll go dance.)
    "Excuse me, sorry, I have to go."
    Lucifer said watching Joel zip over to the dance floor.

    Cale was deep into explaining things to Autumn when Joel zipped by him followed closely behind by Molly Masters. Molly had overheard the conversation and was a bit weirded out by the dark, handsome man.

    "Are you alright? I know it's a lot to take in and sounds unbelievable, but what reason would I have for lying about it? I will happily agree to DNA testing if that will help. I'm just trying to find all my children and make things right."
    "It is a lot to swallow, but I'm fine. I'm just sad for all those wasted years. I only wish you'd found us years ago."
    "I know I do too. It took a long time for my friend to develop the device we used."

    "But hey, how many women can say they had a child with a handsome, rich, famous, Global Superstar HERO?! Right? We'll be famous, just like you! Oh My Gawd! I can't wait to tell everybody!"
    "Yeah, hehe, that's right. hehe"
    (Uh oh...)

    "She walks in beauty like the night. Of cloudless climes and starry skies..."
    "Oh that's beautiful."

    "Would you like to hear more? Do you have the time? It's quite are you."
    "Oh, well thank you. Sure, what the hell, I have some time to kill. I'm Marley by the way, Marley Connors."
    "Connors. Ah yes, I see the resemblance. Tell me Marley, would you be related to Greg Connors?"
    "He's my Grandfather. How do you know him?"
    "We are in business together."
    "Oh really?"
    "Yes, I am Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar. However, your Grandfather insists on calling me Hades, if that helps you."
    "Well I'll be dammed."
    "Ah, no, I am, but you are not. At least not yet."

    "You may tell anyone you wish, I won't stop you. But I want you to think about what you're saying. Are you ready for the publicity? Paparazzi hounding you day and night? Because that's what will happen. I was hoping we could keep this in the family. I left the spotlight a long time ago. Fame was fun for awhile, but it wasn't really who I am."

    "I try to lead a simple, quiet life now, grow a garden, work to help the environment, spend time with family and friends. Fame means the end to all that, you'll have no privacy to, well, live your life the way you want to. I can handle it, I'm used to it, but the two of you are not. I'm just trying to help spare you both from experiencing all that when it's unnecessary. Please, just think about it."

    "You really are a good guy, aren't you? I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have walk up to me and say, 'Hi, I'm your baby Daddy!' No wonder everyone loves you."
    "Not everyone, believe me. But thank you for saying that."

    Cale and Autumn parted ways for now and he walked over to where Marley was standing talking to someone.

    "Excuse me." Cale said walking between the two. "I'm back, thanks for waiting gorgeous." He said kissing Marley's cheek while completely ignoring Lucifer.

    "There's still time for some dancing before they close. Unless you'd rather just go home. I'm sorry it's so late. We didn't get to spend much time together."

    "No apologies Cale, you know I understand."

    "I love you. Let's go home. I want you all to myself."
    "I was hoping you'd say that."

    Outside as they reached the end of the front steps of the club, Cale suddenly stopped turning to face Marley.

    "Wait, stop."
    "What is it Cale? Everything okay?"
    "Everything's more than okay."

    "I just wanted to say, you're incredible. So understanding of all this. Sometimes I have a hard time digesting it all. It can get overwhelming if I think about it too much. But then I remember I have you, my rock standing by my side. How do you do it? Stay so calm and cool about it?"

    "Because you're my rock Cale. Together we can do anything, right? As long as we have each other."

    "I love you so much. You make me so happy."
    "Right back at you Tiger."
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my October 10th post above! Comments/replies coming up next. I hope y'all had a great day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Gawd! Look at Aaron, just look at him! He looks fantastic, been working out a lot eh? :)

    Oh man, I listened to the song and followed along with your story using it and by the end, when Hunter showed up and they kissed...I'm in tears here! I literally gasped when I saw Hunter in front of the moon as a bat. I just KNEW it was Hunter. Who else would it be? Epic, just epic reunion, epic use of lyrics with the screenshot, just freakin' perfect! <3<3<3

    Pfft, who cares about the clipping! I didn't even notice until you said that. hehe

    Yay Delta! Won't be long now and he'll be the Alpha! \o/ Oh, I didn't know that about teens and YAs. How did I miss that all these years? o.O Thanks for the info!

    Double Yay! Apex! Congrats to Aaron and to you! :)

    Oh you are sneaky and such a hopeless romantic like myself, I LOVE that it all happened on their anniversary! So perfect Aaron was able to control the beast inside for the first time while Hunter watched. Gah! I can't wait to find out how Hunter was able to locate Aaron. So, so glad they're together again! <3

    From the Mod? I'm not using a Mod, all this happened to CJ naturally. It wasn't supposed to happen, he cured himself, but it didn't 'stick' for some reason. So now, because I made him a Spellcaster after he was cured and now he's a werewolf again, he's a 'natural' hybrid. o.O

    I know right? I thought his messed up ears was some kind of pole! HAHA Sheesh! No, I didn't know that. At the time, I do remember now that you mention it about Aaron. But no, CJ is a Spellcaster, he can cast spells, make potions, transportalate, everything a Spellcaster can do. It's so bizarre! But I love it! <3

    Thank you so much for links to that mod to find hidden traits/info. I'll check it out to see if there's any clues in there what's going on. It's definitely a glitch, I wonder what causes it?

    Yup, you are right!

    Gah! Conan! I said Colin. I'm so sorry about that. But anyway, yeah, I don't see that happening either now that you say that. No way! Aaron and Hunter belong together! I could still understand if Conan did have a crush on him though. ;)

    I'm glad you did try it on Aaron, he does look very hot with it! See why I love this beard so much? hehe I guess it's not that bad to use it all the time. I used a Maxis default beard on all my guys in the past before the challenge, so this one is actually different for me. :)

    Oh man, I can't wait to see both of them after reading your description of both! You made Aaron a Merman? Oh coooool! I bet he made a very hunky one! ;) Um, will you be showing pics of that? hehe Just curious...

    GAH! Curse you Vlad and your itty bitty speedos too! It's not HER fault though. Just get rid of Vlad and voila, no problems anymore. I get it though, you'd always be thinking about the speedos and nobody wants that. o.O

    I swear Simstrouble makes the best hairstyles! I have more of theirs than any other creator of hairstyles. :)

    Yes, he does! <3

    It's like the phrase "Go big or go home" is their motto when it comes to Sims objects eh? HAHA!

    Good eye! That is indeed Hunter sitting across from Robin beside the dance floor. :) Yep, the bartender was my Vlad. hehe

    Yes, he thought he'd shock her and she shocked him twice as much! o.O

    Hello Hero, nice to meet you. He's really cute, I like the glasses. :)

    Yep, that's one messed up family for sure. I tried to figure out all of the relationships, and it just boggles the mind. I hope nothing like that has ever happened in real life, but I'm guessing it's possible. Appalling to think about though. o.O So glad this is just Sims. hehe

    Oh man, they're wolf puppies! So, so cute! Just adorable! I love their Mom too! Awww, love at first lick, I love that. So cute how she's got her little paw on Oona's lip. <3

    Well now, Hellooooooo Sean! He grew up VERY well. I knew he would, just had a feeling. :) Yay! So glad to hear you'll be uploading both of them. Hopefully I'll have HSY by then so Sean can have his beard. :)

    Aww, Oona gave Mama a pet too! Fishing with Jon, how sweet. <3 Wow! Mike and Mona look almost identical to their parents, like a younger version of them. Gorgeous!

    hehe I don't blame Oona, I'd love to be the only girl in a gym Dude club. Especially THOSE Dudes. hehe

    HAHA! Whatcha so sad about Joel? Do you want to be a Merman too with a gorgeous tail?

    Fantastic updates! *Hugs* <3
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,188 Member
    @Karababy52 ,
    thank you for your comments :)
    "Well, to be fair to them, they did not know I was to be the Devil at the time."
    Have you been watching the show already? that line is just what he would say :P Great!:P

    LOL at "Cuckoo alert!"

    When I read your update, I heard Tom's voice in head, very well done :p

    Aww , I love Marley and Cale together <3 But of course im biased :p

    Aw. Girl2 really showed that love at first lick <3 she asked to be carried, or she asked something, if puppy can ask :D As Oona took her up to her face right after <3

    Oh yes, Oona might be a teen, but she aint blind ;)

    @LegacySims2017 ,
    Oona is sending Hero her best, plus saying glasses are kinda cool :P

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 11th: A long day

    So my game ended updating itself even though I'd turned automatic updates off awhile back, and after a long day at work I'm too tired to go in a make sure all my mods are working. So I'll just share a picture of Gael kicking a ball back and forth with Rory instead.


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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited October 2022
    October - Day 11: "Your inner peace shines brightly on Sunday..."


    Finally, Cale was able to collect the last batch of cricket flour he needed for an aspiration milestone. Bye bye crickets! The bug hotel will stay, but the crickets have checked out!

    He's also maxed out the Fabrication skill! Congrats Cale!

    I intended to just take a shot of Cale thinking, but sometimes in tab mode when you get too close to something, it disappears. Very handy in tight shots. Usually the entire object will fade out, but this time the fabrication control panel stayed visible!. I thought it looked kind of cool so included it.

    He did some Commando Training to tighten up his muscles and work out some aggressions.

    Back inside after having a shower, he played a little Sims Scuffle and had a chat with Marley before bed.

    Monday morning Cale tended his garden and swapped out his Spring plants for Summer varieties, including a Cherry tree.

    Every new plant needs to be researched, of course. Cale already had this Cherry tree, it was Perfect. But, I noticed he'd never done any research on it. Opps!

    No reason for this screenshot other than I thought Cale looked good. I can tell he's a bit more buff after the training last night.

    Same with this shot, no reason other than I thought it was pretty, even if it is an overcast day.

    He had just enough time to fill up the bird feeder before it was time to head for work. He wondered how long it would take before the birds found the food.

    Apparently not very long.
    (Cool! They're not even afraid of me.)

    I always send my Sims out front a few minutes before their work shift begins so they're not late. While he waited I took advantage to have a little mini photoshoot. Oh yeah, you know you look good. Look at that expression. Just like Josh used to do, Cale turns and looks straight at me all the time. I don't mind...

    Anybody else love that top for their male Sims? I sure do!

    Okay, enough posing, time for work. Have a good one Cale!

    He came home with another promotion! Congrats Cale! He's now a Level 6 Policy Planner. And that's it for this update. Mostly just filler stuff for the aspirations. All he needs to do to complete both aspirations is reach Level 10 in the Civil Designer career and do five gigs in the Freelance Crafter career.

    In tomorrow's update, Cale gets a surprising visitor!
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my October 11th post above! Comments/replies coming up next! I hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    No, I haven't, just clips a few months ago, so makes me happy I'm able to mimic what he might say. Thanks!

    hehe I'm afraid Joel didn't quite know what to think of Lucifer. I guess he should've known if Vampires, Grim, Spellcasters, etc. are real, why wouldn't the Devil be real eh? Ah well...

    Wow, that's quite a compliment, Thank You! <3

    Of course I'm biased too, but I love them together too! <3

    Awww, that's so adorable! Maybe Aaron and Hunter will let Oona adopt Girl2 one day? Just an idea anyway. :)

    No, Oona is definitely not blind! I'm sure she's noticed how much Jon likes her and is enjoying the attention. Dare I say she may have a crush on him too? Hope so! :)
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    permanentrosepermanentrose Posts: 3,789 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry to pop in without actually having time to look at any of your posts. I was wondering if we were planning to do this challenge again next year - I wanted to start getting a save and a character ready if so, because I think I could commit to this again next year <3
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    I've had a massive headache all day and will not be posting anything today. Thanks for understanding.
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    permanentrosepermanentrose Posts: 3,789 Member
    edited October 2022
    Decided to make a small post, because this is what I eventually wanted to do with Robin if I had played out the challenge. She's going to be a background character in a new save I'm working on.

    She married her childhood frenemy, Ophelia - a classic enemies to lovers story haha.
    And Robin is now a super hybrid (vampire, spellcaster, and mermaid). Of course she had to take a minute to growl during the wedding ceremony :D

    Just a few more cute photos :)
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited October 2022
    October - Day 12: "It's only when you take responsibility for your life, that you discover how powerful you truly are..."


    Later that night, Cale heard a knock on his front door and was startled to see the Grandson of Vlad standing there when he went to answer it. He had a pink Aura.
    (Of course, Gloria.)

    Confirmation what he and Robin had suspected to be true.

    (You know what this means now?)
    (I need to contact all the other girls from my past.)

    "Shawn? Straud, right?"
    "You remembered."

    "Of course, you're the Grandson of Vlad, we sparred in Forgotten Hollow, and I whooped your butt. Some people make an impression on us, we feel as if there's a connection there though you've never met them. I knew back then there was something familiar about you, but I didn't know what. Now I do."
    "Okay, well uh, thanks, but what are you talking about? I've just been looking for you to see if you wanted to spar again."
    "Sure, of course, I'll spar with you anytime. But first, there's something you should know."
    "Is it about Aunt Robin? I already know. That's how I found out where you live. She told Mom she'd met an old friend, Cale Conrad, at Padnic and found out you lived in Evergreen Harbor. They noticed me listening right about then and stopped talking. So yeah, I know you were friends with Aunt Robin. If that's it."
    "Yes, I've been friends with Robin since we were teens and that's part of it, but that's not all..."

    Shawn agreed to have a chat with Cale on his back patio.
    "Alright, what's going on? What's so serious?"

    Cale told Shawn the story of what had happened to him starting with his abduction by aliens that consequently led to the birth of his 100 children.

    "Shawn, you have a pink aura around you. I know you're not an alien, so that means..."

    "...I'm your Father."

    "Oh I see, you knew where Aunt Robin lived so you naturally went after easy prey in your alien addled brain. But, since Aunt Robin wasn't there or something, you decided to seduce my Mom instead. Any chick will do, right?"
    "I don't know. I had no idea who I'd been with or what I was doing, don't you get it? Gloria, your Mom wasn't just any chick. We were friends when we were teens too. We...had a history."

    "I've known Robin a little longer than your Mom, but the three of us became very close after I was stranded on Crumbling Isle. The two of them found me at The Bluffs. I didn't know where I was at the time. But that's another story."

    "We were all teens at the time, young and wild. We were just having some fun."

    "They made me an offer almost any young guy would find hard to refuse. Especially one like I used to be. I don't think I have to spell it out do I?"
    "No, I get it and I've heard the story of 'some guy' Mom and Aunt Robin found wandering around naked at The Bluffs. I thought their giggles about it were because of that. Guessing there was more to it now."

    "I couldn't refuse, I was just a kid, I thought they were both hot. I knew Robin already, but your Mom...she seemed so exotic to me. They were both so bold and full of life back then. How do you say no when two gorgeous girls offer themselves to you? Could you?"

    "Okay, no, probably not. So Mom wasn't just some chick then, you knew her already. Mom would never tell me who my Father was. Whenever I asked, she just said he was gone. I figured that meant you were dead or left her for someone else. But, turns out from what you're telling me, she just didn't know... this is incredible."
    "Bizarre circumstances, yeah. I'm so glad my friend was able to find a way to possibly find all my children now. Otherwise, they, you and I would never know each other and go through life always wondering."

    "Hey, Mom's still single, or I should say single again. She never did marry, but I had a few 'Uncles.' "

    "Maybe you'd like to get together again? She could use a great guy like you."

    "I mean, if you're single?"

    "I'm not. I have a girlfriend."
    "Aww man, really? Would you like another one?

    "No, I don't juggle a bevy of beauties these days. I've settled down. I was even married for...a while. Marley is more than just my girlfriend, I love her!"
    "Aww Dude, what happened? You seemed like such a bad butt in Forgotten Hollow. Remember the advice you gave me?"
    "I wasn't in a very good place in my head when you knew me there. I'd given up, told myself I wasn't going to care about anyone or anything. I was wrong Shawn. Nobody got hurt by my actions with the ladies, but it still wasn't right. I grew up and got over myself."

    "Huh, so you're not the playboy, bad butt vampire I thought you were anymore eh?"
    "I can still whip your butt sparring hot shot. But no, I'm not a playboy and I don't feed on humans anymore either."

    "Pfft, what fun is that? There's nothing like fresh if you ask me."
    "You're right, I know. But I just don't want to hurt anyone anymore."

    "So, then why are you still a vampire? You know a cure was found, right? "
    "I know, I'm the one that found it, but Marley is a vampire too. She was born a vampire, like you. I can't ask her to give that up and die with me in our elder years. I'm staying a vampire so I can be with her."

    "She must be something very special."
    "She is, she really is. I've known her since we were teens too actually. It wasn't serious back then, but it is now."

    Father and Son sat in silence for a moment.

    "Hey, I'd still like to spar if you have time?"

    "I'd love to Shawn, but I have work in the morning. I don't sleep much these days, but I do have a project I need to complete for a meeting. Could you come back tomorrow night?"
    "Yeah, I can. I have nothing but time, it's Summer and I don't go back to Uni until the Fall Semester."
    "Alright, then see you tomorrow night. Would....would it be alright if I... hugged you? I'll understand if you don't want to just yet."

    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my October 12th post above! Comments/replies coming up next! I hope y'all had a fantastic day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member

    Yes, I'll have a thread for the challenge in 2023! :) Not sure if I myself will participate, but I will be here to post comments and answer questions anyone may have for it. <3
    Ah, yes, Ophelia. I remember her, of course. They both look very elegant in their black lace gowns. Congratulations to Robin in your other save. Incredible that she's a multi-hybrid Sim now. Is she very glitchy for you? Probably not since I'm guessing you have a hybrid stabilizer Mod. Very cool! :)
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,188 Member

    @Karababy52 ,
    I would of not taken these kind of news so well :P I mean no matter what the backstory was. Good for Shawn for taking it so well :)
    Does he have a son called Luke? Hihi for giggles I ask, as that :
    "...I'm your Father."
    instantly reminded me about Star Wars, and legendary "Luke, I am your father" :D Okay, as nerd I know that is famous quote for many reasons, the most important one of them is that its wrong, Vader never said it. (He said: "No, I am your father") okokok, sorry, off topic :sunglasses:
    Great update!

    @permanentrose , welcome back! Nice that Robin is doing fine :)

    @RememberJoy , Take care of yourself , rest, and I hope you feel better soon! :)

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 13th: A double date

    Today was Mira's first love day with a romantic interest and she was sorta freaking out, never having been on a date before. I suggested doing a double date so she might dip her toes in and get an idea about what to do. She loved the idea and Allyson said she was cool with it too, so that evening we found ourselves outside of the beach restaurant once again.


    We all flirted it up with our dates, Mira watching me closely as I gave Kaori a rose and told her how beautiful she looked.


    She in turn pulled out a rose I'd given her earlier and presented it to Allyson with a hesitant comment at how lovely she looked.


    Once we were all seated (I tried to have them sit at different tables but it wasn't working out), we ordered our meals and continued our flirting.


    When our food came we all dug in and there were many ohhs and yums as we appreciated our delicious meals.


    When we finished up, Mira and Allyson excused themselves to take a midnight swim.


    I'm sure it was very romantic.


    Kaori and I made our way out to the beach as well and did a little kissing under the starlight.


    By now it was getting very late, so Allyson and Mira said goodnight and we all headed back home.
    Mira thanked me for the double date and asked if she might take Allyson out by herself sometime. Of course I grinned and said yes. They'll soon both be young adults and I'm glad she's starting to feel more and more confident on her own.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited October 2022
    October - Day 13: "Interlude..."



    Daily post pic will be the only update for today. :)
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my October 13th post above! No story mode for yesterday. Not much going on really except Cale working hard and spending time with Marley. It was also one of those days where I felt like going back to bed and getting up on the other side. The weather didn't help since it was cold, windy, and stormy, just an all around dark, dreary, depressing day where nothing seemed to go right. I'm sure y'all have had days like that. Anyway, today's update will have a bit of story mode, but probably won't be very long. Hope y'all have a great day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    I'll admit that quote from Darth Vader did cross my mind when I wrote that. I looked up the quote actually for a different post and found out it was wrong. I had no idea beforehand. I like Star Wars, but I've only seen the first movie in theaters when it was released. Anyway, thanks for your comment! :)
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    October 14th: Spending time with friends and family

    The day started out beautiful with a pack meeting.


    When I returned home I found Caleb waiting for me.


    He wanted to report that Eric and the others had already identified and tagged a handful of Pierce's followers, and that the spellcaster's could begin to do their work when they were ready.


    As he was leaving I asked if he'd mind if I transformed, and he seemed pretty OK with it despite our two specie's history.


    When I asked him if he was willing to make peace between our people, he agreed to put the old rivalry behind him and move forward as friends... at least with me.


    It's a start.


    After he left, Mira asked if we could all go swimming together, so we made our way down to the lake to have a little family time.


    Gael tried to go swimming, but he still has an aversion to water, so we went fishing together instead.


    Kaori opted out of swimming to instead get some sun on the beach, but Pax and Mira jumped in together and had a good time splashing about.


    When we returned home, we found Carol and Arielle waiting for us, so of course I had to immediately pick up the little tyke and give her all the love.


    We spent a few hours chatting and catching up, and I was even able to get Carol to empathize with werewolves!


    As evening set in, Carol picked up Arielle and headed home just as I was getting out my camera for some family pictures!

    Oh well, maybe next time.

    I did get some good ones of the kids though!


    Later that night both Gael and myself were getting dangerously close to rampaging.

    When my fury topped off before I could get all the way into the safe room, I used my will to resist and was able to almost immediately regain control!


    Gael was next, but I was fortunately able to pacify and bring him back soon after he started rampaging.


    You know, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this werewolf thing.

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