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If you knew then what you know now about the game would you still buy it?


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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited December 2017
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    I think you'll find those people in fact have moved on from this game version, just not from the franchise. We are vocal for a reason: eventual successors. I think most of us aren't buying anymore (I know I'm not). You do have a point of course, but I think a forum is just as telling as Tumblr where it comes to a poll (I found it pretty informative this section of unsatisfied players is visited by a lot of people over 30, considering the majority of Sims players in general is not). On Tumblr you'll only find people playing the game, which will colour the outcome just as much. You'll probably get a different result if you post this poll in the Story section of Sims 4 here as well. If anything I think the comment section of a YouTube review (or trailer) might be a reliable source. LGR's 'Sims 4 is still meh' was pretty telling, but that video was pre toddlers and pre Parenthood and Vampires.

    Oh for sure. Tumblr would be no less skewed towards a different outcome. The only way to get a truly representative poll would be to do a random sample of the entire playerbase, which is not possible for a player to do. Everything else is just anecdotal evidence - amusing, but ultimately pointless.

    And frankly, I question the effectiveness of tens of thousands of posts about a game people aren't happy with. Putting aside how weird and unhealthy it is to fixate on a game that's not your jam for years and years and years, instead of just going to play one of the three other versions you do like or one of the thousands of other fun videogames out there, it's unlikely the opinions on this board are weighed any more than anyone else's out there.

    The best way to get EA to listen is to vote with your wallet and hope that enough people agree with you. Their bottom line and what their in game metrics are telling them are going to shape the next game - not a bunch of rants from the angry nerd contingent on the forums.
    Which is why I'm rather interested in comments and explanations than in the outcome of a poll itself (I voted yes by the way, even when being a disappointed Sims 4 player).

    I agree it's unhealthy to fixate on a game version that's not your jam, but speaking for myself - and why would I be an exception - that isn't the case I can assure you. As a player I'm purely fixated on Sims 3 again (after about two years of hoping to make the transfer to TS4). And concerning this forum: I visit the Sims 3 section and this one (Feedback), because I remain curious how certain decisions and features are received by players. I do own this game, so if C&D would sound amazing I'd buy it for sure. It doesn't sound amazing so far, to me that is, so I won't buy. I get that information from people who do play and enjoy Sims 4. And besides, this section is more than complaining about Sims 4, it's also discussing this franchise with likeminded players and players that have other opinions than me. I enjoy that and it's clear others do too.

    In the meantime history has proven (also for Sims 3) that 'complaining' helps. Voting with your wallet doesn't do the trick, because how will EA know what they did wrong then? They created this section to get feedback so apparently they are interested in that. If unhappy players would leave this section to Sims 4 fans, we'd never see open world or CASt ever again. It would become a very one sided section, with just one perspective. Sorry but I don't want to see that happen, I want EA to hear my opinion on that too. C&D has CAST. Now why do you think that is? Sims 4 has toddlers that can do things many simmers here asked for in many threads (and were hated for it by a certain group of players; "stop using the T word"). Why do you think that is?

    Sims 4 may not be my jam, The Sims is. And it's my only jam, the only game I like playing (and this goes for quite a lot of simmers I've learned). You won't see me on a FIFA or an Assassin's Creed forum to complain endlessly I don't like soccer or fighting in a game. That would be unhealthy.
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    DragonCat159DragonCat159 Posts: 1,896 Member
    edited December 2017
    Thing is, they don't seem to listen to feedback section anyways, so what's the point? You can argue "but toddlers, ghost and pools though?!", but that's three out of the kazillion suggestions/request. Feedback doesn't do anything and the whole internet including forums has enough rants and complaints that should already knock their heads into thinking "Wait... something's wrong about the game (well duh!)". The Least that can be done is simply voting with their wallet and not giving up into shiny DLC that you should is gonna disappoint you after regretting the purchase anyway.
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    NikNakNikNak Posts: 302 Member
    edited December 2017
    No. Even now I wouldn't, things are developing way too slowly and the devs keep choosing to ignore legitimate feedback. So they add pointless garbage that no one asked for like talking toilets and a gazillion wall decals instead of focusing on actually making a good experience. There are still hardly any consequences, and I think that's unlikely to change at this point. The only saving grace is the modding community, but even that is pretty limited.
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    DragonCat159DragonCat159 Posts: 1,896 Member
    NikNak wrote: »
    No. Even now I wouldn't, things are developing way too slowly and the devs keep choosing to ignore legitimate feedback. So they add pointless garbage that no one asked for like talking toilets and a gazillion wall decals instead of focusing on actually making a good experience. There are still hardly any consequences, and I think that's unlikely to change at this point. The only saving grace is the modding community, but even that is pretty limited.

    Agree. They also had lots of opportunities to make a feature/addition/mechanic how we expect them too, but they still manage to screw it up badly. For example, the elevators. Don't know how you manage to lock that object away from buy mode catalog, when nobody asked for that to be done ._. Countless more examples...
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    ST7_MTNMANST7_MTNMAN Posts: 172 Member
    I would just like to say first of all just because this is in the feedback part of the forum does "not" mean that someone is negative and anybody who says otherwise is profiling a playerbase that is actually trying to make an impact to better the game for "everybody!"

    Second of all at the top of the feedback section is a closed thread started by EA Mage on how to make polls. So that is an indication to me that they could look at the topic and the results and get a clearer picture of what fans think rather than go through each post trying to decipher.

    Now am I foolish into thinking this will make a difference perhaps, but as they always say "You won't know if you don't try."

    Words that I always live by in my everyday real life is "You cannot become what you want by staying what you are." It holds true to this day in alot of aspects of my life.

    Including how i respond to others on the forums that think somebody who discusses a game in the feedback section is a negative nancy. Really befuddles me sometimes when i get labeled that way when all i am simply trying to do is have a voice about how to better the game for everybody.
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    MelpomenaMelpomena Posts: 207 Member
    Voted Yes. I enjoy the game even if it needs quite loud improvements. I'm still having fun. I enjoy the fact that every iteration is different.
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    AuzzPandaAuzzPanda Posts: 1,235 Member
    edited December 2017
    We're all brainwashed into thinking the dlc should make it better when the base game had to be good and hold it's own in the first place! Try any single other game out there, they barely go over 3 dlc packs and are much much bigger and in depth than this cash cow of a company. It wasn't like this with sims 2 and midway sims 3. heck sims 2 even had details like hair movement. 2004! ugh! The only reason i even launch the game and have some fun every now and then is because of mods and cc

    [Formatting removed by CM]
    Post edited by EA_Lanna on
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    icmnfrshicmnfrsh Posts: 18,790 Member
    Bought this on release even though I knew it had no pools and toddlers. I still wanted to give it a chance then

    If you had asked me in 2015 or 2016, I would've said no. Now, it's at least partly decent, and at the very least I'd be curious if I hadn't bought it. Although I'd probably wait for a sale.
    Don't manhandle the urchin. He's not for sale. FIND YOUR OWN! - Xenon the Antiquarian, Dragon Age II

    Race Against the Clock: Can your elder sim turn back the clock before their time runs out?
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    SimmerNickYTSimmerNickYT Posts: 703 Member
    edited December 2017
    I voted "Yes".
    I'm still addicted to this game everyday. I'm a builder (not much of a gameplayer) and when I get a building idea just I have to do it in TS4. On the one hand I love build mode, because it has push and pull, practical roofing, multiple foundation heights, sprandrels, friezes, roof trims, wall trims, multiple wall heights, etc. But then I also hate build mode! I hate how there are no terrain tools, no CASt, no seperate foundations, no terraced/semi houses, no building our own apartments, etc.
    I've spent about €150 on this game and I don't know why I keep throwing money at it. I know that the many packs lack quality and quantity, but I just need content in my game. I just can't turn my back on this game now anymore after spending all of this money. I want to not support this game anymore, because of some terrible decisions that are being made by EA. But then I also just want to play the newest iteration of The Sims and keep this creative outlet of mine. EA has done a great job at this game! They get the most profit with doing the bare minimum and absolutely ruining 5/6 years of Simming for many! That's what it's all about; money. Giving your customers just enough for them to keep being invested in the game while making huge $$$.
    But I'll probably still keep on buying future packs. Even if Seasons still lacks, I'll still buy it because I need it. I'm desperate. So if I knew then what I know about the game now I would still buy it. Despite all of its downfalls (and probably many more downfalls to come) I am still able to see it's good sides. I'm still able to have fun with the game.
    Post edited by SimmerNickYT on
    Not so obsessed anymore with building in TS4!
    YouTube: | The Gallery:
    Twitter: | Origin-ID: SimmerNickYT
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Thing is, they don't seem to listen to feedback section anyways, so what's the point? You can argue "but toddlers, ghost and pools though?!", but that's three out of the kazillion suggestions/request. Feedback doesn't do anything and the whole internet including forums has enough rants and complaints that should already knock their heads into thinking "Wait... something's wrong about the game (well duh!)". The Least that can be done is simply voting with their wallet and not giving up into shiny DLC that you should is gonna disappoint you after regretting the purchase anyway.
    Must say I'm not under that impression, I think they do listen, but within the limits of what they can do and what they had in mind for Sims 4 already. And I think that's perfectly defensible, stick to an original plan. Anyway, this is not the subject of the topic, sorry ;)
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    CupcakeWitchCupcakeWitch Posts: 542 Member
    I have to say, I am a bit surprised the no votes are outweighing the yes. Even if people who didn't buy voted, I thought for sure there'd be far more people saying yes and it'd be in the lead by double digits.
    Some of the "NOs," including mine, are more of a "would have waited to buy" instead of a never buy. So it is skewed that way

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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited December 2017
    I might carry on and put up a fuss at times over things in the game, or as in Sims 4's case - not in the game - but first and foremost I am a simmer - it is sort of my passion, and no matter what I would have bought it sooner or later.

    The Sims has been with me through some of the worse times of my life. It's like a very good friend that has just always been there to at least make me smile and get me through - so I would never turn my back on a good friend - even if they were having a bad day - I'd be there.

    People say - The Sims is just a game.
    I say, you have no idea what you are talking about.
    But to many of us - the Sims is not just a game.
    It is a lifeline. It is a friend when you really need one. It's always there for you - no matter what kind of horrible day life throws at you. It gets you through.

    So yes - I'd have bought it knowing all I know now and not be sorry at all.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    I don’t play TS4 anymore and only played it shortly because I found it too simplified, slow and boring. So I only bought the first GP and the first EP which I hardly even played. So do I regret buying them? No, not really because I needed to buy them to try them. If I hadn’t bought them then I wouldn’t know if this was the game for me just like TS2 was for a couple of years. Maybe I shouldn’t have bought the EP though because I almost didn’t play it. But I wanted to try both the basegame and to see what GPs were about. So no, I didn’t at all regret buying them :)
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    simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,360 Member
    I have to say, I am a bit surprised the no votes are outweighing the yes. Even if people who didn't buy voted, I thought for sure there'd be far more people saying yes and it'd be in the lead by double digits.
    Some of the "NOs," including mine, are more of a "would have waited to buy" instead of a never buy. So it is skewed that way

    This. I voted yes but would have waited for toddlers to be introduced but there was no maybe option or buy later option. So my vote was actually a no, but not a never.
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    OEII1001OEII1001 Posts: 3,682 Member
    Certainly would. Vampires are very high on my list of important features, and these vampires are the best ever.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    I might carry on and put up a fuss at times over things in the game, or as in Sims 4's case - not in the game - but first and foremost I am a simmer - it is sort of my passion, and no matter what I would have bought it sooner or later.

    The Sims has been with me through some of the worse times of my life. It's like a very good friend that has just always been there to at least make me smile and get me through - so I would never turn my back on a good friend - even if they were having a bad day - I'd be there.

    People say - The Sims is just a game.
    I say, you have no idea what you are talking about.
    But to many of us - the Sims is not just a game.
    It is a lifeline. It is a friend when you really need one. It's always there for you - no matter what kind of horrible day life throws at you. It gets you through.

    So yes - I'd have bought it knowing all I know now and not be sorry at all.
    Exactly this!
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    ErpeErpe Posts: 5,872 Member
    I have to say, I am a bit surprised the no votes are outweighing the yes. Even if people who didn't buy voted, I thought for sure there'd be far more people saying yes and it'd be in the lead by double digits.
    Some of the "NOs," including mine, are more of a "would have waited to buy" instead of a never buy. So it is skewed that way

    This. I voted yes but would have waited for toddlers to be introduced but there was no maybe option or buy later option. So my vote was actually a no, but not a never.
    I wouldn’t have waited for anything unless I knew for sure that the price would drop within very few days. When I want to try something then I buy it immediately if I can afford it - and if it is just a game then I fortunately can :)
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    Thing is, they don't seem to listen to feedback section anyways, so what's the point? You can argue "but toddlers, ghost and pools though?!", but that's three out of the kazillion suggestions/request. Feedback doesn't do anything and the whole internet including forums has enough rants and complaints that should already knock their heads into thinking "Wait... something's wrong about the game (well duh!)". The Least that can be done is simply voting with their wallet and not giving up into shiny DLC that you should is gonna disappoint you after regretting the purchase anyway.

    If people waited for everything in their life to be perfect - we'd all have nothing at all. Keep that in mind.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    Jordan061102Jordan061102 Posts: 3,918 Member
    It's a huge NO for me. Even if I love Parenthood & Toddlers the game is boring. If I want have fun with TS4 I'm obliged to not play TS3 for a long time. But I don't want, cause I love TS3.
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    DragonCat159DragonCat159 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Thing is, they don't seem to listen to feedback section anyways, so what's the point? You can argue "but toddlers, ghost and pools though?!", but that's three out of the kazillion suggestions/request. Feedback doesn't do anything and the whole internet including forums has enough rants and complaints that should already knock their heads into thinking "Wait... something's wrong about the game (well duh!)". The Least that can be done is simply voting with their wallet and not giving up into shiny DLC that you should is gonna disappoint you after regretting the purchase anyway.

    If people waited for everything in their life to be perfect - we'd all have nothing at all. Keep that in mind.

    I know the fact that "you can't please anyone". I just feel like their not even putting any effort into that, just very very very minimal. A lot of small/tiny requests would have already been executed/implanted. Stuff that could have already patched in aren't.
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    KJBKJB Posts: 173 Member
    I think I got it for $15 or $20 so yeah *shrugs*. I enjoy the game. There are times when I don't play for a while, but I get back into it eventually.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited December 2017
    In fact, @monkeypants1, I CHOSE to vote with my wallet - which is why I haven't sunk ANY money into this particular iteration of the Sims franchise. I have sworn that TS4 will not get any of my hard-earned cash, not even in the hopes that it will get better. I'm devoting my cash-resources to getting the entirety of the TS3 franchise (I came into the TS3 fold late...(after TS4 was released, on the advice of a Simmer (who is taking a break from Simming - @immortalkaos80 who is a very good friend of my wife - we met @immortalkaos80 in the Highlander board a long time ago). I went into TS3 and was hooked ever since. I will probably even go backwards and get TS2 Ultimate Collection.

    And frankly after trying the TS4 demo just to see if it would fit my expectations of the Sims franchise, Nope...not even going to bite on that game.

    The simple fact is that like children, they are trying to get away with as much as they can get away with @Writin_Reg. There are two ways that you can play this: Give into their demands and shortcuts or draw a line in the sand saying that we won't buy this if those lines are crossed. And the continual cutting of integral features in the game and turning them into DLC that is subpar at the very least is definitely crossing that line by a country mile.

    I hold the developers accountable for this debacle and thus I vote...NO with my wallet. It's not a matter of "not turning your back on an old friend." It's holding a developer accountable for their actions and saying that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Just like raising a kid, sometimes tough love is necessary.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    ninaumininaumi Posts: 363 Member
    NickSims wrote: »
    I voted "Yes".
    I'm still addicted to this game everyday. I'm a builder (not much of a gameplayer) and when I get a building idea just I have to do it in TS4. On the one hand I love build mode, because it has push and pull, practical roofing, multiple foundation heights, sprandrels, friezes, roof trims, wall trims, multiple wall heights, etc. But then I also hate build mode! I hate how there are no terrain tools, no CASt, no seperate foundations, no terraced/semi houses, no building our own apartments, etc.
    I've spent about €150 on this game and I don't know why I keep throwing money at it. I know that the many packs lack quality and quantity, but I just need content in my game. I just can't turn my back on this game now anymore after spending all of this money. I want to not support this game anymore, because of some terrible decisions that are being made by EA. But then I also just want to play the newest iteration of The Sims and keep this creative outlet of mine. EA has done a great job at this game! They get the most profit with doing the bare minimum and absolutely ruining 5/6 years of Simming for many! That's what it's all about; money. Giving your customers just enough for them to keep being invested in the game while making huge $$$.
    But I'll probably still keep on buying future packs. Even if Seasons still lacks, I'll still buy it because I need it. I'm desperate. So if I knew then what I know about the game now I would still buy it. Despite all of its downfalls (and probably many more downfalls to come) I am still able to see it's good sides. I'm still able to have fun with the game.

    Yeah, I feel the addiction too, but I must refrain from giving in to it since I really can't afford it. I have a lot of other things to invest in and only when/if I get enough "wealthy" I will allow myself to purchase new DLC's. For now, I must learn how to have to enjoy the game with such a few DLC's.
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    SimmerNickYTSimmerNickYT Posts: 703 Member
    ninaumi wrote: »
    NickSims wrote: »
    I voted "Yes".
    I'm still addicted to this game everyday. I'm a builder (not much of a gameplayer) and when I get a building idea just I have to do it in TS4. On the one hand I love build mode, because it has push and pull, practical roofing, multiple foundation heights, sprandrels, friezes, roof trims, wall trims, multiple wall heights, etc. But then I also hate build mode! I hate how there are no terrain tools, no CASt, no seperate foundations, no terraced/semi houses, no building our own apartments, etc.
    I've spent about €150 on this game and I don't know why I keep throwing money at it. I know that the many packs lack quality and quantity, but I just need content in my game. I just can't turn my back on this game now anymore after spending all of this money. I want to not support this game anymore, because of some terrible decisions that are being made by EA. But then I also just want to play the newest iteration of The Sims and keep this creative outlet of mine. EA has done a great job at this game! They get the most profit with doing the bare minimum and absolutely ruining 5/6 years of Simming for many! That's what it's all about; money. Giving your customers just enough for them to keep being invested in the game while making huge $$$.
    But I'll probably still keep on buying future packs. Even if Seasons still lacks, I'll still buy it because I need it. I'm desperate. So if I knew then what I know about the game now I would still buy it. Despite all of its downfalls (and probably many more downfalls to come) I am still able to see it's good sides. I'm still able to have fun with the game.

    Yeah, I feel the addiction too, but I must refrain from giving in to it since I really can't afford it. I have a lot of other things to invest in and only when/if I get enough "wealthy" I will allow myself to purchase new DLC's. For now, I must learn how to have to enjoy the game with such a few DLC's.

    That's great for you for refraining yourself and learning how to enjoy the game with few DLC's! I'm not really "wealthy" either and €150 is a lot to spend on a game, but I was able to buy many DLC's for that kind of money. I have never paid full price for any DLC or the base game itself. So look out for sales. The Origin sale right now for example is the perfect time to buy Stuff Packs that you don't want to pay $10 for. Next to everything I have spent I also have refrained from many packs that I knew I didn't need and after seeing reviews on some of them I don't regret never buying them!
    Not so obsessed anymore with building in TS4!
    YouTube: | The Gallery:
    Twitter: | Origin-ID: SimmerNickYT
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    Katlyn2525Katlyn2525 Posts: 4,201 Member
    The answer is Idk. The game has both good features and bad. I don't regret trying it out for myself. I don't use mods or CC so I see the game for what it really is. I think that it is sometimes easy to forget if you change the gameplay when using these things. Is it my favorite Sims game?Absolutely not. To me, it is rather lackluster compared to the others.
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