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If you knew then what you know now about the game would you still buy it?

ST7_MTNMANST7_MTNMAN Posts: 172 Member

If you knew then what you know now about the game would you still buy it? 287 votes

35% 101 votes
64% 186 votes


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    FelicityFelicity Posts: 4,979 Member
    edited December 2017
    My advice to anyone would be to join the origin game club, whatever it's called, for $5 (make sure you remember to cancel your sub). All the sims 4 stuff is free on it. Actually, if you like it, just keep paying the $5 a month, and those spells where you're bored, unsubscribe. Rinse and repeat. You'll end up spending far less $$ than if you purchase stuff, and I don't think Sims 4 is going to have much longevity.

    I must have been half asleep -- I can't find where I (thought I) that the expansions are part of the vault. Uhhh, to quote Rosanne Rosanadana (if you don't know, you're young), Never mind.
    Post edited by Felicity on
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    RnM92RnM92 Posts: 222 Member
    edited December 2017
    For me from what I know now, I'd be even less likely to buy it. Infact I probably wouldn't buy it at all. I bought it just a few months after it came out. I tried to ignore all the negative hype and wondered what all the fuss was about, so I decided to see for myself. At first I didn't mind the game too much and thought it was an ok game, I honestly thought it was going to get awesome EPs like the previous games, so I stuck it out. And as time went by the novelty of the game wore off and I started seeing all the flaws and disappointments more and more until I got so fed up with it I stopped playing (CL was the final straw for me). Also the disappointing packs riddled with bugs came and by now, I can see they're not going to improve. Yes a couple of the game packs of late have been good but they're not enough on their own to turn it around for me. So yeah, knowing what I do now I'd actually be less likely to buy it.
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    LadyKynLadyKyn Posts: 3,598 Member
    Don't think it matters at this point? Some people either still enjoy it, don't enjoy or still aren't completely satisfied with it. Same thing can be said with any sort of purchase made with any item if we could foresee into the future. Coulda, woulda, shoulda~

    I still don't regret buying the Sims 4. Some misgivings or no misgivings, I still have fun with and look forward to what Sims studio will be able to do to help it evolve more and improve so it can stand firmly on its own along with seeing more things from the sims community.

    @Felicity Thought it was just the Sims 4 base game that was free when you joined Origin Access?
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,045 Member
    I got it when it first came out, as in a brick and mortar store with disks and book, before I started hearing about the problems. Maybe it was because I've been in Simsland since the initial version (as in release day), or overall have hugely enjoyed the series. It has a lot of good things in it, has great potential, but the bugs and 'say, what?' elements are killing it for me. So, I voted no, and still do nearly all simming with TS2.
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    GruffmanGruffman Posts: 4,831 Member
    I voted yes.

    I would still get the Sims4, as I do enjoy it, so that is why I said yes ... just don't ask me if I would buy it on release for the price it was back then.
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    FelicityFelicity Posts: 4,979 Member
    edited December 2017
    LadyKyn wrote: »
    Don't think it matters at this point? Some people either still enjoy it, don't enjoy or still aren't completely satisfied with it. Same thing can be said with any sort of purchase made with any item if we could foresee into the future. Coulda, woulda, shoulda~

    I still don't regret buying the Sims 4. Some misgivings or no misgivings, I still have fun with and look forward to what Sims studio will be able to do to help it evolve more and improve so it can stand firmly on its own along with seeing more things from the sims community.

    @Felicity Thought it was just the Sims 4 base game that was free when you joined Origin Access?

    It looks like everything is at the moment. Maybe it's a me thing? I had gone into the store not logged in and everything was listed as free.

    Edit: Oh shoot, I can't find what I saw before. So yeah, disregard what I said.

    But yeah, if you want to buy Sims 4, look for sales. Good sales. Because the game itself is only mediocre, really. It's fun until it's not, and the not happens a bit too quickly. Building is fun, though.
    Post edited by Felicity on
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    ST7_MTNMANST7_MTNMAN Posts: 172 Member
    LadyKyn wrote: »
    Don't think it matters at this point? Some people either still enjoy it, don't enjoy or still aren't completely satisfied with it. Same thing can be said with any sort of purchase made with any item if we could foresee into the future. Coulda, woulda, shoulda~

    I still don't regret buying the Sims 4. Some misgivings or no misgivings, I still have fun with and look forward to what Sims studio will be able to do to help it evolve more and improve so it can stand firmly on its own along with seeing more things from the sims community.

    @Felicity Thought it was just the Sims 4 base game that was free when you joined Origin Access?

    @LadyKyn Well In my opinion it does still matter and alot of others feel the same way as i do. Because if the development team sees these type of conversations then maybe they will do something about it. If you are ok with mediocre games and you don't mind dumping money to the man then that is your perrogative.

    When you have people who put on the blinders and ignore all the things people bring up because "they don't wanna be negative" we know they are having the same issues b/c it happens without mods. It is the base game where these issues are! They are not "bugs!"

    And then you say same thing can be said about any purchase? Ok what if you bought a car and you were told it could drive itself and so you let go of the steering wheel and i dunno put on makeup and then your car runs over somebody. You gonna tell me that you will just take the punishment and spend time in prison or are you gonna blame the car maker b/c it didn't do what they said it would?

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    StrawberryYogurtStrawberryYogurt Posts: 2,799 Member
    I got it half off so yes. Wouldve bought it again just to see what it was like playing. Ive also bought the camping gp on sale, which i find was worth it. Im not spending anymore on this series however.
    The Sims has currently lost its identity. Bring it back for TS5


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    CupcakeWitchCupcakeWitch Posts: 542 Member
    I said no, because for the most part, what I’m paying and what I’m getting isn’t adding up. I would have waited until the series was done, when the prices were way down, and then bought it. I’m glad I got the basegame and other packs on sale but I wish didn’t play full price for some others.
    I enjoy some elements of the game but the price isn’t worth it.

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    ST7_MTNMANST7_MTNMAN Posts: 172 Member
    edited December 2017
    Cynna wrote: »
    I've expected the game to get better. By now, I expected us to be, at least, six substantial EPs in. We are not.

    I'm already financially invested in TS4. I'm too stubborn (and probably too stupid) to call it a loss. I keep banging my head against a wall and hoping that the next EP, or the next GP will be the one. I'm like that person that can't stop buying the Lotto and, over the years, if I'd saved that money, I'd probably have the money for the new house that I had hoped the Lotto would buy.

    It's really crazy, but there it is. I'm on the yet another Sims hamster wheel. I'm not too big to admit that I've definitely got impulse control issues when it comes to buying.

    Knowing what I know now, I won't be so quick on the draw if there's a TS5. I'll wait before my initial investment, I'll assess. And if I don't like what I see, I'll won't buy just to say "At least I tried it".

    Yep, I'll go cold turkey. I'll ask a good friend to talk me down whenever my itchy finger starts inching towards that Purchase button. If I don't make the initial investment in the first place, perhaps, I won't be feel the need to keep trying and trying. That's my hope, anyway.

    @Cynna Well i am sorry you feel like because you are already invested that you feel obligated to keep buying the packs.

    Unfortunately that is how these companies work with their marketing tactics. If only companies had morales like they used to where the customer actually mattered.

    But unfortunately for us gamers the marketing scheme has been exposed and it is evident that people will buy packs or DLC no matter what and it is a shame that this is what we like as entertainment and it is being exploited and not just EA but most of the game developers.

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    CynnaCynna Posts: 2,369 Member
    edited December 2017
    ST7_MTNMAN wrote: »

    @Cynna Well i am sorry you feel like because you are already invested that you feel obligated to keep buying the packs.

    Unfortunately that is how these companies work with their marketing tactics. If only companies had morales like they used to where the customer actually mattered.

    But unfortunately for us gamers the marketing scheme has been exposed and it is evident that people will buy packs or DLC no matter what and it is a shame that this is what we like as entertainment and it is being exploited and not just EA but most of the game developers.

    No, I don't feel obligated. EA isn't twisting my arm. I freely admit that it's my own weakness. It's something that I desperately need to work on. Because, here I am, still fighting for a game that continues to figuratively spit on a base that has supported it for going on nearly twenty years now.

    You're right, it's exploitative. It's evident. It's just hard to say goodbye to a series that I have loved so long. As technology advances, the day will come that I won't be able to play the older games anymore. The newer games ensured that I'd always have the Simmies that I love. Unfortunately, for me, that looks like it's coming to an end.

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    ChazzzyChazzzy Posts: 7,166 Member
    Cryinggg at “No” being the top answer right now
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    ST7_MTNMANST7_MTNMAN Posts: 172 Member
    Chazzzy wrote: »
    Cryinggg at “No” being the top answer right now

    @Chazzzy Well it really wasn't a fair poll anyways b/c most people who are dissappointed in the game probabally already left the forums.
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    AstreonAstreon Posts: 1,291 Member
    Yes, I would have.

    While I’m annoyed by the all the bugs and poor design choices, I still get enjoyment out of the game. The game has its up and downs, but just because it has its fair share of downs, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t buy it because as I mentioned, there’s still a lot of fun in it for me. The graphics are all much better than the previous games (naturally), and that’s enough for me to at least give it a try. I’m not super impressed with everything, but I’m not completely disappointed either.

    Also, it’s the latest release in the franchise. What I know now isn’t everything; there’s still plenty to expand on in the future, and for all I know, the game will become much better. All the bugs would (hopefully) be fixed and there will be more content that will give me more enjoyment out of the game.
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    Dreamie209Dreamie209 Posts: 3,165 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hmm my reason for saying no was because at the very least If I waited around this time (like how the console players are), I would have probably accepted it a bit more. 3 years ago, I'll admit I regretted every penny my husband spent as an anniversary gift on the basegame (I'd go back in time and say "NOOOOO! Cancel Purchase!" :lol: ). And it would have saved me a bit of a headache and that "I lost a bestie" feeling that I got when I first played TS4.

    But thinking about that, if everyone had merely left this alone...would we even have the same things we have now? Some might not think that the "complaining" does anything, but within that "complaining" came a lot of well needed ideas that I believe inspired the devs. For years now, the devs stated that they really wanted ideas from us, they wanted to know what we wanted from the game. And weather one is happy or sorta disappointment in the game, I think we can all agree that there's always room for improvement.

    That being said, this year felt like a true release. Even though there are a good amount of things that i'm pretty disappointment in, the game has come a long way, and for those few i'm happy for and I do get surprised by some of the thoughtful features. Yet the disappointments, I kinda sigh every now and then.

    Yet I do have faith that the game will at least have a good end (similar to how TS3 did). Even though TS4 isn't my favorite in the series, I'd give it a A for effort for it's shortcomings. I'd like to at least like it for what it is someday.
    Fun Times, Cherished Memories, All under one Dream. Visit: The Dreamhouse and AbbyDreams
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    TerraTerra Posts: 1,353 Member
    Yes, because I got a great discount when I bought the game! :lol:
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Yes, because I'm glad to at least know what the game is about. I don't learn that from let's plays, I have to experience it myself.
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    Sha2520032003Sha2520032003 Posts: 2,258 Member
    Yeah I would still buy it. I just don't think I would have payed full price for it.
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    LadyKynLadyKyn Posts: 3,598 Member
    edited December 2017
    ST7_MTNMAN wrote: »

    @LadyKyn Well In my opinion it does still matter and a lot of others feel the same way as i do. Because if the development team sees these type of conversations then maybe they will do something about it. If you are ok with mediocre games and you don't mind dumping money to the man then that is your perrogative.

    When you have people who put on the blinders and ignore all the things people bring up because "they don't wanna be negative" we know they are having the same issues b/c it happens without mods. It is the base game where these issues are! They are not "bugs!"

    And then you say same thing can be said about any purchase? Ok what if you bought a car and you were told it could drive itself and so you let go of the steering wheel and i dunno put on makeup and then your car runs over somebody. You gonna tell me that you will just take the punishment and spend time in prison or are you gonna blame the car maker b/c it didn't do what they said it would?

    I don't find it mediocre if you do that's fine. You asked a question and I answered it. Opinions varies. It is not without it's problems much like any previous games and other improvements are needed and I do want to see more, but I still like playing it. Crazy right? If someone else just absolute loves the game and finds no faults with it that's fine too if they still feel satisfied with their purchase. If you're not satisfied with your purchase that's fine. No one is the wrong because of their personal experience with it.
    Post edited by EA_Lanna on
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    SimsLovinLycanSimsLovinLycan Posts: 1,910 Member
    edited December 2017
    I voted "Yes", since, despite this game's flaws and certain behind-the-scenes business decisions made about this game on EA's part, I still have fun with it. Besides, if you were to tell me back in 2014 that TS4 would not only have Child sims I could leave at home without someone to babysit them without having to worry about that blasted overzealous social worker grabbing them up and ruining my story, but eventually Toddlers that are actually fun as playable sims, I'd be on it like white on rice.

    I still, to this day, say that TS4's biggest advantage over TS2 is the greater flexibility with family structures which allows you to make more realistic and diverse families. Family play was never my favorite thing in TS2 because there are so many unrealistic restrictions on Toddlers, Children, and Teens in that game. It felt very forced, like I could only play one very traditional type of family without being punished for it as a player. Even with the missing sim-to-sim play options for Children, TS4's family play feels much more organic to me because of that flexibility in terms of family structure and the lifting of TS2's unrealistic restrictions for younger sims. So, oddly enough, I really enjoy playing families in TS4...especially Toddlers, which were actually my most hated life stage in TS2.

    I complain about TS4's faults on the forums a lot, but it's still a fun game despite the bugs, exclusions, and balancing issues...Sort of like how I like Monster Rancher Evo despite its absence of tournaments, the exclusion of one-on-one interactions with your monsters, and the mini-game-based performance system which replaces weekly training for strengthening your monsters because the improvements to combat and dungeons, the explorable towns, and that annoyingly lovable doofus Barron Dotty just still make my day every time I boot up the game. (And, yes, I compare The Sims 4 to Monster Rancher Evo a lot, but that's just because there are so many parallels between the two in terms of reception by longtime fans, major features being dropped, and huge improvements to old features that the two games are practically twins.)
    There is a song I hear, a melody from the past...
    When I woke for the first time, when I slept for the last.
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    geoffreypageoffreypa Posts: 355 Member
    edited December 2017
    NO, I should have waited for sims 5. Bugs, bad base game, bugs, bugs and more bugs lack of game play(not talking about game objects), small neighborhoods, no true worlds, not able to place new or edit lots, no Terrain tools and so on an so forth. the only thing that kept me playing is my love of the sims and the gender patch ( I big thing for me to have my guys able to have baby's without mods). last straw was yet another half-backed xp and then 2 saves got wiped after the save game patch. The bugs are to many and to often and too long before there fixed if ever. finally it was the bugs that killed it for me ( and no I'm not on a lap top I'm on a gaming computer).
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    ChadSims2ChadSims2 Posts: 5,094 Member
    I would still get it but I would have waited for a sale like I do now. The base game was not worth $60 even now with all the patches to it its still not as we are stuck with bassinet babies no cars or world editor or even ways to change these stagnate worlds and adult-teens.
    Sims 4 went from "You Rule" to "One of the stories we want you to tell"
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    ST7_MTNMANST7_MTNMAN Posts: 172 Member
    geoffreypa wrote: »
    NO, I should have waited for sims 5. Bugs, bad base game, bugs, bugs and more bugs lack of game play(not talking about game objects), small neighborhoods, no true worlds, not able to place new or edit lots, no Terrain tools and so on an so forth. the only thing that kept me playing is my love of the sims and the gender patch ( I big thing for me to have my guys able to have baby's without mods). last straw was yet another half-backed xp and then 2 saves got wiped after the save game patch. The bugs are to many and to often and too long before there fixed if ever. finally it was the bugs that killed it for me ( and no I'm not on a lap top I'm on a gaming computer).

    I feel ya brother and i am not sure why they don't or haven't addressed the gameplay part of it thus far.

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    gummybear0724gummybear0724 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Yes I would. I love this game so much.
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