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If you knew then what you know now about the game would you still buy it?


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    ShadowmarkedShadowmarked Posts: 1,054 Member
    I wouldn't of. I wouldn't of taken it off the table either for a possibility. I probably would have waited a bit longer for more packs that interest me. Right now my play style is rather limited and I end up getting board too quickly with the games current state. I pretty much only build houses now when I do play.

    Not a bad game but not quite worth as much as it costs for me.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,435 Member
    Considering what I learned about the game from on-line "let's plays" and from trying out the demo. FLARKING NO!!!! Not parting with hard-earned money for this...

    Already voted: NO.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    LiaRose1435LiaRose1435 Posts: 720 Member
    edited December 2017
    I bought it less than a year ago and I'm still having so much fun playing, so yes
    Am I too lost to be saved?
    Am I too lost?
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    Simulator4Simulator4 Posts: 652 Member
    Considering what I learned about the game from on-line "let's plays" and from trying out the demo. FLARKING NO!!!! Not parting with hard-earned money for this...

    Already voted: NO.

    So you didn't actually purchase the game? The question is would you still purchase it knowing what you know now? Meaning you've purchased at least the base game. Wonder how many more of those no's didn't buy it. ;)
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    ShadowmarkedShadowmarked Posts: 1,054 Member
    Simulator4 wrote: »
    Considering what I learned about the game from on-line "let's plays" and from trying out the demo. FLARKING NO!!!! Not parting with hard-earned money for this...

    Already voted: NO.

    So you didn't actually purchase the game? The question is would you still purchase it knowing what you know now? Meaning you've purchased at least the base game. Wonder how many more of those no's didn't buy it. ;)

    I would hope not many since the question asked for people who had to respond. I suspect not many since most of the people I know on here have at least the base game. No way to prove it either way though.
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    OlberOlber Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah, but like I did this time: much later (until there were enough EPs out to actually enjoy the game, because just the basegame was meh) and only on a discount. Not willing to pay the full price for TS4 and its EPs (with C&D being the exception, I really like that one and it's the only one I paid the full price for), because to me they've never really been worth that much money.
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    RomzarahRomzarah Posts: 195 Member
    Love the game, sure there is lots of room for better GPs, but the game is great..
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    LavenderlightsLavenderlights Posts: 76 Member
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    GrumpyGlowfishGrumpyGlowfish Posts: 2,212 Member
    I kind of knew what I was getting into when I bought it earlier this year, but I didn't really have a choice. TS2 was no longer working properly on my computer, I didn't want TS3 because of those weird pudding faces, and no one knew if or when there was ever going to be a TS5, so TS4 was more or less the only one left if I wanted to continue playing The Sims. So I got the game, hoping for the best, and not everything is as bad as I thought at first, so yeah, I would do the same thing all over again.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,552 Member
    No, I would have jumped in at toddlers and Parenthood after waiting for a good sale.
    Well, that's more of a delayed buy.
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    ElleysimsElleysims Posts: 133 Member
    I voted yes even though there are downsides and I found myself enjoying the some other sims more, I still play this. I buy everything on sale though so it isn't to bad.
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    ST7_MTNMANST7_MTNMAN Posts: 172 Member
    edited December 2017
    Considering what I learned about the game from on-line "let's plays" and from trying out the demo. FLARKING NO!!!! Not parting with hard-earned money for this...

    Already voted: NO.

    You answered the thread right and i am not referring to your yes/no answer thank you for participating!
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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member
    My vote is "NO". I researched for a year between Sims 3 and Sims 4, and then made my purchase. It started to be a game I dislike ever since the lbgt update. It made me view the game and many in the simming community more negatively. I now mod my very strict conservative values into the game to semi compensate for how EA ruined it.
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    ST7_MTNMANST7_MTNMAN Posts: 172 Member
    My vote is "NO". I researched for a year between Sims 3 and Sims 4, and then made my purchase. It started to be a game I dislike ever since the lbgt update. It made me view the game and many in the simming community more negatively. I now mod my very strict conservative values into the game to semi compensate for how EA ruined it.

    yeah that LGBT update really caused quite the stir for sure around here and not to mention when every post someone would type "bring back toddlers"
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    ApparentlyAwesomeApparentlyAwesome Posts: 1,523 Member
    I have to say, I am a bit surprised the no votes are outweighing the yes. Even if people who didn't buy voted, I thought for sure there'd be far more people saying yes and it'd be in the lead by double digits.

    I haven't voted because I didn't buy it but knowing what I know now, if I had bought it at launch I probably would've regretted it a bit. Especially if I'd paid full price for it. Knowing what I know now I still have no plans to buy this game but I'll still keep giving it a try and looking into it to see if my feelings change.
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    poltergeistpoltergeist Posts: 1,411 Member
    i only began playing it this year and bought all ep/gp/sp this year (except toddler crap). so, yes. although, i wish i had waited to buy the basegame because i bought it at launch and couldn't even run it til years later.
    it isn't the best sims game, but it is a game i enjoy and find entertaining. yes, it could be better, but so could many of my favorite video games.
    origin id: kuhpflanzen ∘ tumblr

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    momboqueenmomboqueen Posts: 1,721 Member
    I voted no but only because I would not have bought it right away. It has become much better the toddlers are awesome with hindsight I would have waited for them to buy.
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    kremesch73kremesch73 Posts: 10,474 Member
    edited December 2017
    I voted no.

    I loved it at first, but that was when I assumed they would make improvements to the areas I care about and thought they would do better this time around with fixing issues. I also hoped they would finally make the game so I wouldn't have to use mods. Probably a silly thing to expect from this franchise at this point, but I had hoped.

    If I had known then that after 3 years there would still be no way to edit or create the teeny-tiny neighbourhood-worlds, or that no improvements would ever be made to build mode, I would have passed on it without a second thought. On the bright side, I never would have gotten into S3 if it weren't for 4. So, there's always that. :*

    The main thing that attracted me to Sims 2 was the ability to create my own neighbourhoods from the get-go, and Body Shop. Yeah, I do like to play, but I only like to play in what I create myself. Personalization and freedom to play the way I wanted was what attracted me to this franchise in the first place. I don't want a game that plays itself or ignores my commands. I don't enjoy the bizarre happy utopian overall feel, and I'm more than tired of the all-or-nothing platforms. I don't see any of that changing any time soon, or at all in this iteration. So yeah. I wouldn't have bought the game if I knew then what I know now.
    Dissatisfied with Sims 4 and hoping for a better Sims 5
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    DoodlyDoofusDoodlyDoofus Posts: 1,188 Member
    Nope. I would not buy it. Yes, I love the game right now and have over 800 hours on it but that's because well, I honestly expected it to be as big as Sims 3 right now with all the content (yeah, Sims 3 level of content. No way in hell would this game ever have Sims 2 levels of content!). Like, I don't mind having the game in my library but like I said, if I knew what it would be like 3 years since the game came out....yeah I wouldn't have bought it.
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    monkeypants1monkeypants1 Posts: 320 Member
    edited December 2017
    I have to say, I am a bit surprised the no votes are outweighing the yes. Even if people who didn't buy voted, I thought for sure there'd be far more people saying yes and it'd be in the lead by double digits.

    I'm not. This is the section of the boards where the people too silly to move on from a game they dont like hang out and write tl;dr essays for years and years while simultaneously buying tons of content for a game that makes them miserable, lol.

    This place is hardly representative of all players. If you polled this same question over on Tumblr you'd probably get a much different answer.
    Post edited by monkeypants1 on
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    VromanceVromance Posts: 72 Member
    I voted yes but I would've skipped buying all the expansion packs except Get Together.
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    DragonCat159DragonCat159 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I have to say, I am a bit surprised the no votes are outweighing the yes. Even if people who didn't buy voted, I thought for sure there'd be far more people saying yes and it'd be in the lead by double digits.
    For me, it ain't really a surprise. Just by taking a look around: the reviews, the internet, the reception from fans, their mood and vibe, and most of us knew it's gonna turn out to be a disaster since the beginning of backlash and rants it received before the launch. Seems from my observation that negativity always outweighs the positivity in the feedback section. Hardly you'll find a praise for this game.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited December 2017
    I have to say, I am a bit surprised the no votes are outweighing the yes. Even if people who didn't buy voted, I thought for sure there'd be far more people saying yes and it'd be in the lead by double digits.

    I'm not. This is the section of the boards where the people too silly to move on from a game they dont like hang out and write tl;dr essays for years and years while simultaneously buying tons of content for a game that makes them miserable, lol.

    This place is hardly representative of all players. If you polled this same question over on Tumblr you'd probably get a much different answer.
    I think you'll find those people in fact have moved on from this game version, just not from the franchise. We are vocal for a reason: eventual successors. I think most of us aren't buying anymore (I know I'm not). You do have a point of course, but I think a forum is just as telling as Tumblr where it comes to a poll (I found it pretty informative this section of unsatisfied players is visited by a lot of people over 30, considering the majority of Sims players in general is not). On Tumblr you'll only find people playing the game, which will colour the outcome just as much. You'll probably get a different result if you post this poll in the Story section of Sims 4 here as well. If anything I think the comment section of a YouTube review (or trailer) might be a reliable source. LGR's 'Sims 4 is still meh' was pretty telling, but that video was pre toddlers and pre Parenthood and Vampires.
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    monkeypants1monkeypants1 Posts: 320 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    I think you'll find those people in fact have moved on from this game version, just not from the franchise. We are vocal for a reason: eventual successors. I think most of us aren't buying anymore (I know I'm not). You do have a point of course, but I think a forum is just as telling as Tumblr where it comes to a poll (I found it pretty informative this section of unsatisfied players is visited by a lot of people over 30, considering the majority of Sims players in general is not). On Tumblr you'll only find people playing the game, which will colour the outcome just as much. You'll probably get a different result if you post this poll in the Story section of Sims 4 here as well. If anything I think the comment section of a YouTube review (or trailer) might be a reliable source. LGR's 'Sims 4 is still meh' was pretty telling, but that video was pre toddlers and pre Parenthood and Vampires.

    Oh for sure. Tumblr would be no less skewed towards a different outcome. The only way to get a truly representative poll would be to do a random sample of the entire playerbase, which is not possible for a player to do. Everything else is just anecdotal evidence - amusing, but ultimately pointless.

    And frankly, I question the effectiveness of tens of thousands of posts about a game people aren't happy with. Putting aside how weird and unhealthy it is to fixate on a game that's not your jam for years and years and years, instead of just going to play one of the three other versions you do like or one of the thousands of other fun videogames out there, it's unlikely the opinions on this board are weighed any more than anyone else's out there.

    The best way to get EA to listen is to vote with your wallet and hope that enough people agree with you. Their bottom line and what their in game metrics are telling them are going to shape the next game - not a bunch of rants from the angry nerd contingent on the forums.
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    ApparentlyAwesomeApparentlyAwesome Posts: 1,523 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    I have to say, I am a bit surprised the no votes are outweighing the yes. Even if people who didn't buy voted, I thought for sure there'd be far more people saying yes and it'd be in the lead by double digits.

    I'm not. This is the section of the boards where the people too silly to move on from a game they dont like hang out and write tl;dr essays for years and years while simultaneously buying tons of content for a game that makes them miserable, lol.

    This place is hardly representative of all players. If you polled this same question over on Tumblr you'd probably get a much different answer.
    I think you'll find those people in fact have moved on from this game version, just not from the franchise. We are vocal for a reason: eventual successors. I think most of us aren't buying anymore (I know I'm not). You do have a point of course, but I think a forum is just as telling as Tumblr where it comes to a poll (I found it pretty informative this section of unsatisfied players is visited by a lot of people over 30, considering the majority of Sims players in general is not). On Tumblr you'll only find people playing the game, which will colour the outcome just as much. You'll probably get a different result if you post this poll in the Story section of Sims 4 here as well. If anything I think the comment section of a YouTube review (or trailer) might be a reliable source. LGR's 'Sims 4 is still meh' was pretty telling, but that video was pre toddlers and pre Parenthood and Vampires.

    It's not like a was expecting a huge double digit lead, just by ten to fifteen people or so. Like @DragonCat159 pointed out the feedback section is more negative than positive, but it's not like a was expecting a huge double digit lead, just by ten to fifteen people or so answering the question and probably not interacting with people here because it's more negative and they may feel some type of way. It's still a Sims 4 section of the forums, but what's telling to me are the people who wouldn't have brought the game right away if they knew what they know now and voted no.

    But I agree with @JoAnne65. I think most of us have moved on, some may still hold out hope but the only reason we who write the long winded essays are still around is because we're here for what comes after this. Not loving the game doesn't mean we don't love the franchise and I personally want to be as specific as possible about what I would like to see in hopes a possible TS5 is better than what we have now.
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