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Sims 2 vs Sims 4


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    AlwaysTheSunAlwaysTheSun Posts: 388 Member
    Emotions effect gameplay in The Sims 4? Please, my sim passed away and his family did not care..
    But when I nicely decorated house they were happy.
    In The Sims 2 Sims cry even weeks after someone's death.
    I love that The Sims 2 is so real, that you need to do shopping, buy clothes. Never liked shop in the fridge or in the wardrobe.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited July 2018
    joBagger wrote: »
    As I see it, TS4 is far closer to TS2 than to TS3. Before TS4 came out I was so excited about it and read all available news and remember one of the Gurus say that with TS4 they wanted to return to the roots. So the better comparison would be TS4 vs TS1.
    But if we were to compare TS 4 and TS2, I think we all agree that TS2 has better gameplay, better graphics, it is better thought out.
    TS4, on the other hand, has far superior CAS. But , in my opinion, that is its only advantage. All in all, TS2 over TS4 absolutely.
    I disagree. I played Sims 3 first, then - years later and after playing a bit of Sims 4 - Sims 2. What struck me was that it took me back to the Sims 3 vibe somehow, immediately. Sims 4 does not. Not saying that is a problem by the way, I’m fine with the versions having a new and different feel, but apart from loading screens there is nothing for me that makes Sims 4 ressembling Sims 2. I guess it might be the more lively behaviour of the sims for people in both 2 and 4, but 4 does that in a completely different and incomparable manner.

    And Sims 4 didn’t go back to its roots imo. The roots of The Sims was exaggerating recognizable human behaviour, with the direct effect it’s funny. Sims 4 is turning human actions into something cartoony (being funny is the starting point, not an effect) and it’s not based on human interactions, it’s based on buffs (auras coming from a shower or a painting or a lamp). They completely left the core of the original game.
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    simsterlyrocksimsterlyrock Posts: 28 Member
    Jumping on this bandwagon with my two cents.

    I've been playing the Sims 2 since 2006. I played the Sims 3 for several years, but then it just got too laggy and I changed back to TS2. The Sims 4 is good, but it's one of those games that I play for a few months, forget about, and then go back to, etc. I've always played TS2 and honestly probably always will. There's just so much to it and I'm still finding new things, even after playing it for 12 years.
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    EricasFreePlayEricasFreePlay Posts: 849 Member
    edited October 2018
    I have played (or tried to play) all 4 games in the series. I have to say that TS2 is my all-time favorite. The University and FreeTime EPs (which I am still waiting on for TS4), interactions, objects, homes, community lots, Memories, Lifetime Wants, Aspirations, Relationships, genetics, and Attraction features are much better in TS2 than the more recent games. The appearance of the Sims themselves are a tie between 2 and 4. I can play TS2 for HOURS compared to the other games in the series. This replay value is what keeps me going back to TS2.

    EDIT: I need only 6 more hours to log 1600 hours in Origin for TS2.
    Post edited by EricasFreePlay on
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    ClaimingTheFifthClaimingTheFifth Posts: 417 Member
    edited October 2018
    The best thing about S2 is the fact that nothing comes out of EA to mess up your game :smiley: I always loved building and the lack of a terrain tool (and it will never be) in S4 frustrates me immensely. I tried to go back to S2 and all I got was confusion because a lot of the building stuff is so different. It takes me all night to remember and begin to "get it" again. Then I try to go back to S4 and get confused all over again. Currently I'm building my mods file for S2 but am not sure - at my age - I can flip back and forth :s

    EDIT: Hang in there, it's looking like we'll get some kind of terrain tool in the near future....:-)
    Post edited by ClaimingTheFifth on
    That light at the end of the tunnel? It's a train.
    The five-second rule does not apply when you have a two-second dog.
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    mysterionzmysterionz Posts: 3,608 Member
    Time to add my cents to this ancient thread.

    Sims 2: Cutscenes, never afraid to push the boundaries with romantic interactions, family gameplay.
    Sims 3: Pudding face, open world, laggyish (for me), limited family gameplay, Townie fashion police.
    Sims 4: Best toddlers, diverse, multitasking, no lag, solid family gameplay (with Parenthood), Townie fashion police.
    Oh hamburgers!
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    x4m1r4x4m1r4 Posts: 3,901 Member
    edited September 2018
    This is hard.. I like TS2 because, there's moment short clips (like having first kiss, etc.), and a memory system which I kinda like, because I don't have to remember when or what's happening in my Sims' life. Unlike TS4, there's nothing to remember, but just to experience at the current moment, which could last max 2 days?, and I need to keep taking photos and worse, to keep my spreadsheet up to date (for my legacy family). But what I like about TS4 is, my Sims are multitasks... just like us in RL, for example, reading books in the toilet, but, not sure about the eating part in the toilet.. besides, TS4 gives a lot of varieties, especially in CAS. It shows, the openness that EA has implemented to appreciate diversity.. which is excellent! I think the reason why we still like the TS2, especially me, is probably because of, it is one of the first simulation games that introduced 3D, unlike TS1. Eventually, we'll always remember the first thing happened in life, because it gives us a great memory.. Still, TS4 is doing very well, especially with the Seasons, Parenthood, & Vampire. I'm very impressed. :)
    Post edited by x4m1r4 on
    OID:- x4m1r4
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Since this indeed is an ancient topic and I was the one who started it I'd like to request to please stay on topic: Sims 2 vs Sims 4 basegames (september 2014 basegame). So no Sims 3, no toddlers and no Parenthood, Vampires or Seasons. That was not the subject.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited September 2018
    Sims 2 Sims will sit on the floor to study/read if there isn't a chair. I would probably do that than sit on the toilet to read or eat. They read the paper while using the facilities. :lol:

    TS2 Best Toddlers, more family play, better reaction to their environment and each other. :moo: :cookie:
    Bugs- probably about the same at the start. The big, bag jump bug was the worst for TS2 base game but there were others.

    I can't compare any of the rest of TS4 because I haven't bought any. :fearful:

    I don't remember my first computer game not a lot of firsts in my life. I remember the Best and Worst in my own mind.
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    BaristatyeBaristatye Posts: 96 Member
    JoAnne65 wrote: »
    Dan1el1996 wrote: »
    hmm ... I think it's a bit silly to compare The Sims 4 with The Sims 2, because TS2 is 10 years old and the technology was not quite like that is now!

    I know it's a bit stupid to compare TS4 with TS3, but it is the most natural to do!

    anyway I feel that TS2 is better than TS4, because to be 10 years old, I still play it!
    TS4 missing so much awesome features!
    Like pools, family tree, todlers, cars (work cars was awesome!!), and services! TS2 had charm, something TS4 is missing!

    I'm not saying TS4 was bad, but missing things to make it really fun!
    Of course comparing a sequel to the direct prequel is the obvious thing to do, but gameplay wise it isn't in this case.

    I know a lot of people were quite frustrated with Sims 3, because they didn't like the gameplay.
    Are those people completely happy with Sims 4 or do you think you will keep returning to Sims 2? And if so: why?
    'Charm' may be a bit vague. That feeling can so easily be caused by sheer nostalgia ;-)

    To me it just seems Sims 4 has all the features people liked about 2 (except for pools, toddlers and - indeed - cars), but with the advantages of a 2014 game.

    I think the Sims 2 is by far the best Sims game there is. I can't even stand to play sims 4 :neutral:
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    Scorpina2009Scorpina2009 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Sims 2 will always be my favorite. I love the random occurrences and unexpected things that would happen. I also liked the way the sims could look up at you: like if I made a messy sim clean up after himself, he would look up at me and make a face like "do I really have to?" and groan. LOL
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    SimsophoniqueSimsophonique Posts: 1,410 Member
    edited October 2018
    My favourite is the sims 3. But between the sims 2 and the sims 4 between the sims 2 that makes me crazy with the crashes with cc even though I clean the cc folder, and the sims 4 which I can't enjoy it all the time because it's boring I don't know really.

    My mood october 2018.
    Follow and read Miss V Detective (ts3 story)
    on wordpress: / on dreamwidth:
    Follow me on tumblr (sims only) (please no triggers I am autistic asperger)
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    violaineTviolaineT Posts: 48 Member
    TS2 was a huge step from TS1 and the creators did put an incredible amount of work to release a completely new product.
    It was still focused mainly on a social life simulation with high quality interaction and details.

    TS3 and TS4 did both change focus.
    TS3 offered a mini and full customizable city simulation ( but the Sims went less lively)
    TS4 focused on emotion which is a nice try but a complete failure to me. I guess the team had same dream as me when I played Sims original many years ago. So they got green light after all these years but it's a failure, gameplay didn't improve at reverse it's boring

    I never get bored of the gesture of a sim hiding his diary in TS2, while I find not funny at all after all, when a sim put his finger in his nose each time he starts to learn to cook in TS4.
    Same goes for many other interaction.

    So why this failed? I just think that when they made TS2 they were more free to do what they wanted to do and didn't bother too much on marketing.
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    violaineTviolaineT Posts: 48 Member
    Let me tell a bit more. By putting emphasis on emotion, TS4 is getting away from a life simulation. You don't go take a cold shower or drink a potion each time you get nervous in real life. Emotions is a good idea but shouldn't become the main theme of the game, just be a bonus.
    Now about quality of interaction TS4 still miss a lot. Compare babies with TS2! Not only that... Do you have "very first kiss" equivalent in TS4?
    What you have is new orientation to make laugh 8 to 12 years old customers a few times...
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited October 2018
    violaineT wrote: »
    Let me tell a bit more. By putting emphasis on emotion, TS4 is getting away from a life simulation. You don't go take a cold shower or drink a potion each time you get nervous in real life. Emotions is a good idea but shouldn't become the main theme of the game, just be a bonus.
    Now about quality of interaction TS4 still miss a lot. Compare babies with TS2! Not only that... Do you have "very first kiss" equivalent in TS4?
    What you have is new orientation to make laugh 8 to 12 years old customers a few times...

    Exactly, TS4 would have made a good phone game where you had to get the right emotion to level up, oh, wait, that is probably what the intentions of emotions in TS4 are all about anyway, yep, get focused if working at the hospital (so you can do and perform the right job and level up) and get focused or inspired while writing a book (so you can level up) get inspired (so you can paint a good painting and level up) get confidence (so you can get a promotion and level up). Pretty much describes the whole idea and gameplay behind TS4.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    DabbingKermitDabbingKermit Posts: 3 New Member
    Even though The Sims 2 is dated, i prefer it over Sims 4. It has that goofy atmosphere that I enjoy a lot. The Sims 4 on the other hand is... dull. It has fancy graphics, realistic sim creation and bunch of other cool stuff, but it's so 🐸🐸🐸🐸 boring.
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    SimsAddict_244SimsAddict_244 Posts: 274 Member
    edited October 2018
    The Sims 4 does feel more like a RPG what with the players having specific goals to succeed and receive medals rather than players having to figure out what to do within a time limit though you could argue that it was to make the game more casual-friendly. I also don't like some of the social interaction that people already mentioned—sims having their "first kiss" with everyone they meet. In previous sims games, I never complained about a lack of space to place my lots in the neighborhood and I thought it wouldn't be a problem because to me, it was an obvious feature for a sims game to have. Even despite me not being a builder, I feel like there's a limit on what I can do per worlds and I didn't understand the purpose of empty worlds like Newcrest but now I want more worlds like that because of how restrictive that game is on that point. This restriction is usually for mobile sims games, which I still found so frustrating despite some big improvements in later updates.
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    TheSimsandThewhoTheSimsandThewho Posts: 7 New Member
    I Play Both but I like ts2 better
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    HejixHejix Posts: 1,056 Member
    Ts4 has better graphics and options to tweak your gameplay, ts2 has more silliness and randomness. Second is more fun to play!
    I want to play ALL the premade families! One day...
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    WildIrishBansheeWildIrishBanshee Posts: 2,120 Member
    Frankly, I love them both - 4 is really growing on me. I'll wait til 4 is complete before I compare. I skipped out on 3 entirely.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    Hejix wrote: »
    Ts4 has better graphics and options to tweak your gameplay, ts2 has more silliness and randomness. Second is more fun to play!

    Graphics? You like flat paint? I think I like textures and if I have a better pc setting things higher matters in TS2 and TS3, but no so much in TS4, that bowl is still not round and the clothes are still flat without textures. As I have said I like to count the threads in my Sim's outfit. :D Better options to tweak gameplay? Such as what? That's a new one on me. Not being snarky, honestly curious how you can claim either.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited December 2018
    Frankly, I love them both - 4 is really growing on me. I'll wait til 4 is complete before I compare. I skipped out on 3 entirely.
    From my OP:
    Comparing to that game, do you think Sims 4 is as good (comparing basegames of course), worse or better?

    So, not the 'complete' games with all DLC, but purely the basegame. The frame so to speak, the rack. That's what I was wondering when I started this topic.
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    SimsILikeSimsSimsILikeSims Posts: 1,634 Member
    Emotions effect gameplay in The Sims 4? Please, my sim passed away and his family did not care..
    But when I nicely decorated house they were happy.
    In The Sims 2 Sims cry even weeks after someone's death.
    I love that The Sims 2 is so real, that you need to do shopping, buy clothes. Never liked shop in the fridge or in the wardrobe.

    Emotions do affect gameplay. Not the same way they did in Sims 2, but they do affect gameplay. In Sims 4, Sims become sad when they mourn at the urn or gravestone, or for a period of time (yes, shorter than Sims 2) if they actually witness the death or were in proximity if they were close to the Sim. (It used to be Sims in proximity didn't notice: that was fixed in an update patch.) Sad Sims have certain interactions unlocked, like "Cry it out (in bed)" or "Call Sadness Hotline" or "Water Plants with Tears". Unlike Sims 2, Sims 4 Sims are not obsessed with urns and gravestones and do not autonomously keep returning to them. With that said, I do miss the memory system of Sims 2. Sims 4 Sims really don't have much in the way of memories to reminisce on, and the ones they do have are not organized in any kind of meaningful way.

    Sims 2 focuses more on the shopping experience, but Sims 4 really only addresses it in Get to Work with retail stores. (Yes, individual books can be placed for display and marked for sale). On one hand, I miss having the Sims 2 type of bookstores and grocery stores, but on the other hand, I like the convenience of Sims 4 shopping for books in bookshelves the household owns and having to have on hand specific harvestable ingredients for cooking recipes before you can cook recipes with fresh ingredients. And yes, those ingredients can be sold at retail stores. In some ways, it mimics the modern practice of ordering groceries online for home delivery, or buying books online (except without the package arriving at the doorstep where it might be stolen by...kleptos). I do occasionally miss the burglars from previous Sims games.
    I have been playing The Sims since 2001, when Livin Large came out. My avatar deliberately looks like Chris Roomies from TS1.
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    Noree_DoreeNoree_Doree Posts: 1,470 Member
    For me I believe the sims 2's base game came with a lot more in-depth details than the sims 4's base game. So right of the bat 2 wins in my book. Of course there are pros and cons to both, however, I think the sims 4s cons out weight the cons in the sims 2. I mean I like both games, but I still feel like something was missing in 4s base game. I mean beside all of the obvious it's like they didn't have time to add that magic touch as they did with the sims 2.
    "Bada su the gorn bada su the brawn bada bady oda aba donk donk donk gerbits gerbits vo gerbits".
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,449 Member
    The sims in TS2 got something a little weird, the therapist and the social bunny are things we will never see again in the series.
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