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  • Yeah, I also wish there was some kind of story. I'm like "oh, I caught you you .... ?!?! What did you do again?" Even repetitive cases would be better. I didn't mind so much when this interrogation mechanic was in Sims Medieval because even then they had a slight semblance of a story and it's not exactly like they cared…
  • @bshag4lv Thanks, that makes me feel a little better.
  • > @Kaerfus said: > Sadly, reloading saves didn't do it for me due to the fact that I had saved more than five times after it... So I saved my family to the Library and started with it later. Lost all the money and items, but the Aspiration progress and career levels were still intact. See, that would have been more secure.…
  • Thanks. I had looked at that, but my only other option was Slot 2. Running just slot 1 seems to give me no progress at all. Maybe I should have been doing more backup saves like this person. I feel like I had more than I do now though.
  • No, I did, but somehow it lost everything but the January 30th one.
  • That's the only one I can find besides the auto save slot 1 which seems to not have any progress at all on it. The others are missing. I can't find the original Sims 4 file in my recycle bin either. I tried the 'save' I had in there, but it was the one that was created when I restarted the game. The old one seems to have…
  • Well, I took the advice some other people were posting to try moving the save files and mods, delete the Sims 4 file, and then restart the game, then put in your stuff and now I can cook, but have managed to delete *3 months* of progress. My sim doesn't even know her husband anymore... So yeah, I'd say manually deleting…
  • Can I just note that the cache method is probably *much* safer than dragging out and then deleting the whole game folder? I ended up reverting to a much earlier save somehow and lost my twins.
  • Hey, please post if you manage to fix this somehow. I'm having very similar issues and repair alone didn't work. I'm not sure whether I need a cache clear or what.
  • I'd rather have *some* sort of toddler then none, especially if it's at least a little better than the babies right now. I finally got my first babies and they are so much more of a chore than babies in the past. Sims treat them like afterthoughts. But my couple is too young for grown children right now. A toddler stage +…
  • Yeah, signed.
  • Bathtub might be more difficult, but definitely on the shower (and hot tubs!).
  • > @Dizzy1103 said: > I also HATE that teens look exactly like adults. I would pay for the expansion pack that makes playable, movable babies, toddlers, and recognizable teens apart of this game. Maybe even add in another life stage like pre-teen. Yeah, if they had time to add that in along with toddler it might fix both…
  • I think it would help a whole lot. The object babies are one of the weakest parts of the game and speed aging to a child is just weird with 'young' parents. Almost all of my sims are going to have kids at some point, so it makes a big gameplay difference.
  • Yeah, I'm surprised especially by the lack of aspirations for the new careers. They even added in a new one for the Game Pack, and that didn't have whole careers which usually each have their own aspiration/lifetime wish etc.
  • Wow, it looks so cheap. She just keeps putting the baby down each and every time and can't just hold her child or hand him off to someone else (my biggest wish for the Sims 4 for babies and toddlers RIP). Just depressing. Can't believe some people think it looks good.
  • Yeah, this just enforces the fact that I won't be getting The Sims 4 when it comes out and will wait until it is cheaper. They totally meant for this to be an online game-- that's the only reason they'd need babies to be objects. I mean, does this mean you can't take them to lots with you? Are you stuck on lot with babies…
  • More than walking off screen, that's for sure. I'm a "community" player so I like seeing the different workplaces.
  • Are we supposed to be happy about this? Going off the map in a visible town is just going to look weird. Bleh. The rabbit hole buildings were a little annoying but I liked them better than going off lot. :cry:
  • At the moment, not buying. Will probably eventually buy it once they've added toddlers in via a patch or expansion (however long that takes).
  • Wow, this makes a lot of sense. I almost wish the Simmer community could raise money to discourage EA from releasing the game before it's ready. A lot of the biggest problems right now (closed-ish world, Sims walking off screen for work) aren't going to be simple corrections/additions like swimming they can add in…
  • Yeah, they took up space, but they gave your town the feeling of a real community. A real town doesn't just have restaurants and stores. It has places to work. I have a very 'community' play style where I really concentrate on developing the town as a whole and the open world of the Sims 3 was great for that. And if we get…
  • I liked the career rabbit holes too and am pretty disappointed they are disappearing. My neighborhoods will feel much less real without places to work. And what about when we get cities? It's one thing for everyone to have to commute from the suburbs, but it would be ridiculous if there weren't jobs in the city. And it…
  • Yeah, the shortness of the load time doesn't really console me if we are talking load screens between residential lots in a neighborhood too. That is way disruptive. Also very not happy about the way they got rid of rabbitholes and went back to the boring old walking off the world technique. See, people? This is what all…
  • Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that. It sucked when a Sim accomplished his Lifetime Wish early in life and then was sort of directionless. I wonder if you gain a trait permanently when you accomplish it or if you change that too when you get a new Aspiration.
  • I'm disappointed that there are apparently so many loading screens since I did tend to zoom back and forth when playing and play big families. At least I'll actually get some homework/embroidery done next year...
  • I think there's plenty of ways to make schools more interactive without opening up the school so we can see students sit in class. Honestly, University was a pretty good simulator of being stuck in a large lecture class except without powerpoint slides or laptops. It is just hard to keep a real life boring experience…
    in Schools Comment by xena311 June 2014
  • I agree that I'd like to see careers for the NPCs. That way they would have a job history and might even be able to continue their jobs if you move them in. Those might be fun Ambitions style jobs for a Sims to have. You get assigned to go to a Sim's house and either clean, babysit or repair an object or you have to…
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