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Daughters of Hesperia - An Amazon Challenge Inspired Story (Rebooted)


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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Haflinger wrote: »
    Oh yay! I’ll have to read.

    I’m sooooo torn. I want to write more, but now I’m half unsure if I want to wait and see what the game pack’s world looks like because it might be total wilderness.

    But I have a plot and characters and am trying to do things a bit differently this go around.

    Let me know when you do have it up, I'd love to read yours! I'd love if the new world was wilderness, honestly.
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Jubilation (1.38)

    The tribe celebrates the birth of its princess.
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Lessons Begin (1.39)

    Marcella begins training.
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    The Qualities of a Priestess (1.40)

    Timandra is once again summoned to the palace.
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Diana of Hesperia (1.41)

    Diana reflects on her life as it is now.
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    MrsRacooneyMrsRacooney Posts: 2,091 Member
    1.37: Finally, the long awaited heiress! I wonder, did you plan that this child would be a girl or did you just let Molpe surprise yourself?
    1.38: My, now we see how much the tribe has actually grown. So many young, promising women and even two girls still (not to mention the boys).
    Oooooh, so that was why Molpe was hesitating to let Anikka take the test. Because she was afraid Anikka wouldn't take it well to be announced crown princess when she had already started being a provider.
    1.39: Marcella really does her best. It will be a long way but Gorgophone will adjust to the new situation. It's always hard when things change and you're young. She needs stability, and maybe Marcella can give her that.
    1.40: Daw. I don't think Molpe would be angry with Polgara if she explained she wanted to have a child. Quite on the contrary, Thaleia would have a friend to grow up with, then.
    1.41: Awww, Odysseus is still such a cute child! Bringing back little presents :bawling: Diana is finally finding herself and it warms my heart. I'm just afraid that the past she let finally rest will catch up to her soon :grimace:
    Chapters | Updated 09/26
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    1.37: Finally, the long awaited heiress! I wonder, did you plan that this child would be a girl or did you just let Molpe surprise yourself?
    1.38: My, now we see how much the tribe has actually grown. So many young, promising women and even two girls still (not to mention the boys).
    Oooooh, so that was why Molpe was hesitating to let Anikka take the test. Because she was afraid Anikka wouldn't take it well to be announced crown princess when she had already started being a provider.
    1.39: Marcella really does her best. It will be a long way but Gorgophone will adjust to the new situation. It's always hard when things change and you're young. She needs stability, and maybe Marcella can give her that.
    1.40: Daw. I don't think Molpe would be angry with Polgara if she explained she wanted to have a child. Quite on the contrary, Thaleia would have a friend to grow up with, then.
    1.41: Awww, Odysseus is still such a cute child! Bringing back little presents :bawling: Diana is finally finding herself and it warms my heart. I'm just afraid that the past she let finally rest will catch up to her soon :grimace:

    Hello! As always, I'll go point by point on this!

    1.37 - I always roll with the punches! This was chance, plain and simple, and I gasped out loud when Molpe gave birth to the long awaited princess - talk about the eleventh hour!
    1.38 - Yes, the tribe has certainly grown from simply being Molpe, Anikka, and two men! There's a full next generation that is continually growing, and the future certainly looks bright. And yes, Molpe was worried she would have to make Anikka the Crown Princess and stop her training should she fail to give birth to a princess.
    1.39 - Gorgophone is someone I view as a bit of a difficult person. She's a little prickly, and she's unsure of things at the palace because she doesn't have a defined role like everyone else does. So, yes, she could definitely use some stability, and Marcella can hopefully take her under her wing, like Anikka did for her.
    1.40 - That discussion is definitely coming soon! Polgara puts all the children in the tribe ahead of herself, but she does want her own baby, and I think that Molpe would absolutely agree. Polgara has put in a lot of work to raise the children, from Anikka all the way up to Thaleia, and now that they don't have to rely only on her for that, she can now think about it properly.
    1.41 - Diana has definitely found a home here, and she has a past that could very much catch up with her and cause trouble if things got that far. However, I have plans in that direction...which is all I'll say for now, because those plans might end up changing in the future.

    Thank you as always for reading and leaving such lovely comments!
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Apple of My Eye (1.42)

    A discussion about futures.
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    SpectresValkyrieSpectresValkyrie Posts: 317 Member
    Okay, so not 100% caught up yet but working on it! So far still enjoying the story so far! I like the evolution of the characters into their roles and am excited to see where they will go. Currently on chapter 31 and I can't wait to see what happens next!!
    1.17 I like the letter from Molpe's mother. How the letter speaks of neighboring tribes and gossip. AS well as how it affects Molpe's tribe. Also how much Molpe loves her son.

    1.18 Ooh a deeper look into some of the rumors. I feel bad for Theodon. Glauce seems very self-focused and entitled. But as an amazonian woman that is kind of how it works. She will end up using Theodon for her own means and I feel bad for him.

    1.19 Meda, oh sweet Meda. I like how she cares so deeply for everyone in her tribe. She is following her Queen's command but it causes her such pain because of how much she cares. Perseus is bold and entertaining. Meda made a good choice I hope.

    1.20 Polgara is a great teacher. I enjoy learning the lesson she teaches everyone!

    1.21 Oh poor Callianassa (who has a fantastic name) and Theodon. It doesn't seem like a good way for the to survive. I hope the best for them.

    1.22 Meda has a lovely wish for the goddess. It both seems sweet and concerning at the same time. One is protection for her baby and her tribe so that it may grow. But it worries me what can cause it to be in conflict.

    1.23 A queen's job is never done. A shame she can't visit her son more often but she has to keep things running as best as possible. I feel bad about how much of a stressful time she must be having while worrying about everything.

    1.24 awww Meda's baby! What a stormy night but a gift in time of the storm. It is good that Meda wasn't alone to deal with this.

    1.25 Ooooh! a story from Marcella's mother from her home. It is an interesting story and shows how different each culture is. Women are meant to rule in Amazonian tribes but in the frankish area they can rule but are also there to be married off. it is interesting.

    1.26 Callinassa is growing up and with a little sister! Glauce is a harsh woman. Demanding to be called a queen. Not caring for her children or really showing the same affection to Nassa as she does Calypso. Plus Nassa tending to her sister's nightmares, can't be fun or good for her if she doesn't sleep well. I don't like how Glauce keeps using Theodon as a way to control how her daughter acts.

    1.27 Molpe is thinking ahead and getting plans into place. A daughter would be good for her and the tribe but a son wouldn't be bad either. I mean Molpe wouldn't have an heiress but she would still love her new son. I wonder what she will have. Anikka being a scholar or an apprentice one is exciting! I am sure she will keep a good record and hopefully do a good job training her eventual apprentices.

    1.28 I'm glad this household has a system going. A way to care for all the kids without one being neglected. I wonder how Gorgophone and Perseus will interact when they are older.

    1.29 Icarius. I hope that he will not have the same fate as his namesake. I am glad that Molpe will care for herself and her new son. So far I like Timandra. Her quote about the Moon leading her to where she is needed is interesting. I hope that she helps reassure the tribe and help it prosper.

    1.30 I am glad to see that Anikka and Marcella are such good friends. They learn together and I am sure that Marcella will be a good companion to Anikka. I also like Anikka's chair next to Molpe. Anikka has her own chess set!! Yay! I am glad that Anikka is a patient teacher of chess to Marcella.

    1.31 Anikka has such a lovely dress! It is so pretty. Anikka seems to be going into her role as Scholar well! Her love of books and stories is great and keeping track of all the tales in Hesperia will be great for future generations. I wish Anikka the best in becoming a scholar. I am sure that she will write a great book and prove herself.
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm taking a break due to being under the weather. Watch this space, as your regularly scheduled content will be back soon!


    1.17 - Queen Clodia is doing her daughter a great service by making sure she's up to date like this, as she has many more connections than her daughter does.

    1.18 - There's using people because of tradition and then there's Glauce's approach. She was kicked out for good reason - she disobeyed her queen and tried to do something that was seen as being very bad for the tribe because she believed she knew better.

    1.19 - Meda does care, and she tries her hardest not to wear her heart on her sleeve. I think Perseus is definitely one of my favourites among the men too, he has such a different approach.

    1.20 - Thank you! I really enjoyed writing this episode, with the little language lesson!

    1.21 - I loved the name when I saw it! I like picking out the names from Greek mythology and known Amazonian names. The mythological Callianassa is one of the Nereids.

    1.22 - Meda is having a very tough time, to be sure. Thankfully she is not alone, and has the support of the other women.

    1.23 - Absolutely! Molpe has a very stressful job of keeping an eye on everything and trying to oil all the cogs of this little machine. However, she does also have time occasionally to do what she wants. This was still also a business trip to check up on Polgara and the children under her care, as well as to get Polgara's opinion on Meda's pregnancy.

    1.24 - It's very good, though she could have been alone thanks to the storm. But yes, Gorgophone is finally here!

    1.25 - In the Frankish area, they are only ever allowed to rule under specific circumstances. The queen who is ruling alone has been widowed, and has no son to inherit the throne. In the Artemisian lands, the roles are very much reversed, obviously.

    1.26 - Callianassa has it extremely rough, and she can't stand her mother either. Her mother is also breaking Amazon law by having two children by the same man, so there's that to think about, too. And yes, Theodon is having an extremely horrible time of it as well.

    1.27 - Anikka will make an incredible Scholar. At the moment, she pretty much has everything written down that she needs to, but those documents will be incredible for future Scholars if the research is needed. I'm honestly super hyped to see how this will turn out. And yes, Molpe has to be prepared for anything.

    1.28 - It would be much harder for Polgara to take care of all the children she has to watch over if she didn't have Diana's help! But yes, I think Gorgophone and Odysseus will definitely interact once they are older, for better or worse.

    1.29 - Timandra is a really fun character to write, honestly. I always enjoy bringing her into things, as you will probably be able to tell once you get a little further too. She's very down to earth.

    1.30 - Marcella and Anikka are very close, and I love writing about their friendship. It's a little spark of joy in every chapter it crops up in!

    1.31 - She will be incredible, I'm sure, and already has a veritable library! I can't wait for her to officially become a Scholar!


    Thank you! Yes, Gorgophone will suit this role well!
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    HaflingerHaflinger Posts: 975 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm taking a break due to being under the weather. Watch this space, as your regularly scheduled content will be back soon!

    I'll fill in for you in the meantime then, wot? ;)
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Haflinger wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I'm taking a break due to being under the weather. Watch this space, as your regularly scheduled content will be back soon!

    I'll fill in for you in the meantime then, wot? ;)

    And afterwards, I hope!
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    The Council (1.43)

    Molpe's mother meets with Tribe Juturna to discuss a serious matter.
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    MrsRacooneyMrsRacooney Posts: 2,091 Member
    1.43 I am not pretending there is no glee that Glauce got discovered. I dislike her very much. The queens seem to want to spare her daughter trouble, which is good. Like they said, she's innocent in all of this. I will wait whether they will make use of their power or whether they will try to convince Glauce. The latter could prove tricky lol

    1.44 See, Polgara? Molpe is overjoyed! After all, the more children, the bigger the tribe. The more security they will have later. For now, it might be difficult to raise all those kids but later, they will thank their mothers. Being more people strengthens a tribe
    Chapters | Updated 09/26
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member

    1.43 - Well, at the moment they're not aware of how deeply she's broken the laws, so I imagine that will make things a little harder. But yes, the queens are determined to do something about her, otherwise they risk the wrath of the goddess affecting them as well. And yes, the daughter they know about is very much an innocent that they wish to spare in this case.

    1.44 - Molpe knows how much work Polgara has put into raising the children of the tribe, and with her having an apprentice, it's a good time for her to take a break and have a child. Also, it's pretty difficult (trust me) but they are growing to be a stronger tribe for it.

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    MrsRacooneyMrsRacooney Posts: 2,091 Member
    Meda truly is an Amazon. Her daughter is going to be the so far only warrior in the tribe and she's just happy. Or maybe she thinks of the dangers in silence, when Gorgophone isn't around. If they are attacked, her daughter would be the first to step up and also, to fall. that must be hard to know. At least in the meantime, everything sounds peaceful. Who knows. Hesperia doesn't get word from the outside world so often, they may not even know about the wayward Amazon
    Chapters | Updated 09/26
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Meda truly is an Amazon. Her daughter is going to be the so far only warrior in the tribe and she's just happy. Or maybe she thinks of the dangers in silence, when Gorgophone isn't around. If they are attacked, her daughter would be the first to step up and also, to fall. that must be hard to know. At least in the meantime, everything sounds peaceful. Who knows. Hesperia doesn't get word from the outside world so often, they may not even know about the wayward Amazon

    They don't yet know anything of Glauce, but I promise you more on that will be in the next episode, which is in the works. I got a lot of beautiful screenshots today, so I'm eager to begin work making the new chapters. Hesperia relies solely on Queen Clodia's letters and the Frankish merchants for any news, so that's a bit of a restriction.
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    HaflingerHaflinger Posts: 975 Member
    Crazy Delusional “Queen” got what was comin’ to her!

    Starting to formulate plot theories here about who ends up where (‘specially the girls) and looking forward to the next chapter to see if I’m anywhere right.
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Haflinger wrote: »
    Crazy Delusional “Queen” got what was comin’ to her!

    Starting to formulate plot theories here about who ends up where (‘specially the girls) and looking forward to the next chapter to see if I’m anywhere right.

    I have definite plans, although we'll be heading back to Hesperia for the next chapter. And yes, Glauce had that coming! I relished unleashing Clodia on her. The girls will be taken care of, and the queen has definite plans for at least one of them.
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    MrsRacooneyMrsRacooney Posts: 2,091 Member
    Clodia's argument that Glauce tries to claim to be a queen even though she has no royal blood got me, somehow. Much like a lot of other Amazon laws given by the challenge itself or ourselves as author, we just accept that. A queen usually has royal blood or at least some kind of noble heritage. You have no royal blood, you can't be a queen. I've never questioned that even though I think we should, living in a society where social status should not determine your fate.
    "You sully the title by wearing it so falsely." Ah, man. Clodia's rhethoric skills truly hurt :#
    Poor Hebe. In some way, she will suffer the most from all this. She hasn't caused anything of that but will have to live with the bad conscience. Some might say it prepares her for her future role, I don't think so.
    Chapters | Updated 09/26
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    lilypadmeulinlilypadmeulin Posts: 1,655 Member
    Clodia's argument that Glauce tries to claim to be a queen even though she has no royal blood got me, somehow. Much like a lot of other Amazon laws given by the challenge itself or ourselves as author, we just accept that. A queen usually has royal blood or at least some kind of noble heritage. You have no royal blood, you can't be a queen. I've never questioned that even though I think we should, living in a society where social status should not determine your fate.
    "You sully the title by wearing it so falsely." Ah, man. Clodia's rhethoric skills truly hurt :#
    Poor Hebe. In some way, she will suffer the most from all this. She hasn't caused anything of that but will have to live with the bad conscience. Some might say it prepares her for her future role, I don't think so.

    I view Sirena as a much stricter society than Hesperia, and I think in the future that might cause some friction. Hebe doesn't agree entirely with all of this, though Glauce did break the laws while claiming the benefits. Hebe may in the future be a kinder queen than her mother, but only time will tell on that score. Unfortunately, Clodia isn't a perfect queen either. This is the same woman who sent her youngest daughter away to ensure another daughter's success.
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