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Pronouns are coming to the base game?!



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    LatinaBunnyLatinaBunny Posts: 4,666 Member
    edited January 2022
    In my area of Yorkshire, older folks still use thee and thou. And they use 'while' to mean 'until', like 'I'm working while five', which was confusing at first.

    And there are many really old sayings, phrases, and some older idioms, etc, that folks still use today like, "kick the bucket", "tie the knot", "hit the road", "break a leg", "getting hitched", etc. And, of course, some different sayings or idioms and such depend on culture and region, too...
    ~*~Occult Family Player player~*~
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    kusurusukusurusu Posts: 971 Member
    Yeah, "thou" is still used in a few regions/situations, but not as commonly as a few centuries ago. And in the future (not now), the same might be true for other pronouns (even with access to modern media).
    My SuperSim Collection: Rosetta Stone · Sona Ali
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    StrawberryYogurtStrawberryYogurt Posts: 2,799 Member
    kusurusu wrote: »
    Anyone remember "thou"? Well, he/she might suffer the same fate.

    Doesnt "thou" just mean "you" though? Its not indicating a gender.
    I am female and will always be female. She isnt going anywhere. 😕
    The Sims has currently lost its identity. Bring it back for TS5


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    dearie_blossomdearie_blossom Posts: 707 Member
    Also, we are rarely attracted to a person's sex, and much more attracted to their gender. Breasts are usually the exception here.

    I don‘t believe this, sorry.
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    kusurusukusurusu Posts: 971 Member
    kusurusu wrote: »
    Anyone remember "thou"? Well, he/she might suffer the same fate.

    Doesnt "thou" just mean "you" though? Its not indicating a gender.
    I am female and will always be female. She isnt going anywhere. 😕

    loss of gendered pronouns != loss of gender itself (also, "thou" is an informal version of "you" and while the former is barely used anymore, familiarity is pretty much still a thing in our society).

    In most cases, gender (and numerosity) is pretty much irrelevant when talking about someone else. It might help telling two people apart, but other than that...
    My SuperSim Collection: Rosetta Stone · Sona Ali
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    lunaodditylunaoddity Posts: 632 Member
    In this era of dissenting comments not allowed, let's stick to talking about the Sims, fellow ladies.
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    greydonngreydonn Posts: 721 Member
    kusurusu wrote: »
    Anyone remember "thou"? Well, he/she might suffer the same fate.

    Yes, of course. Just like how when we got our first gay couple in this franchise, we never got any straight couples. Bella Goth has a wife now, how 'bout that? Oh, she doesn't? Soooo weiirddd.

    Or, how when gay marriage was legalized in the States and no straight person has gotten married since. What a common and reasonable phenomena. Certainly we should vilify all nonbinary people so that cis people may continue to exist in this horrible progressive society we live in. Obviously they are at risk. Simply asking someone's pronouns (once! I don't get why some people are acting like you must do this hundreds of times. you ask once, the person tells you, you use it and move on. one sentence. it's just being respectful.) is far too much effort and puts us fragile, decedent cis people in too much danger to even imagine. Yay, division!

    • Gen 25: Xanthe! >:)
    • She/Her.
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,417 Member
    edited February 2022
    I'm curious to know if the custom pronoun will allow long text like "Her Excellency" or "His Imperial Majesty"

    How the game will handle the custom pronouns with feminine/masculine/plural form for the adjectives and verbs in french.

    I could also use the nickname, for example Mike instead of Michael, Vicky instead of Victoria.
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    CAPTAIN_NXR7CAPTAIN_NXR7 Posts: 4,515 Member


    I would like to take a moment to apologize for my recent immature behavior in relation to a now locked thread of the same topic.
    I often try to make a point by sharing satirical scenes and fictional dialogue regarding trending themes, unfortunately however- this behavior occasionally results in me crossing lines that should not be crossed.

    For those who believe that ignorance is what drives me, it most certainly is not. I’m very much aware of my social environment and what’s happening on stage and behind the scenes. I’ve had my fair share of life experience and I’m still on that journey. Like all of us.
    I’m not out to offend groups or individuals. My mission isn’t to belittle those who follow different belief systems nor is it to disrespect lifestyle choices, or in this case, use of pronouns; on the contrary, as an artistically inclined person I recognize how important it is to be able to express oneself as an individual or as a community.

    The anxiety we may experience due to fear of being judged for who we are, how we live our lives or how we choose to express ourselves is very real. I know what it’s like to be the odd one out. Although I seem pretty old-school, many times I’ve been given the boot for not blindly following traditions I was expected to follow. No matter what you do to please others, it will never be right if it ain’t right for you.
    I will always try and motivate people to be themselves, their BEST selves, no matter what anybody else says. Folks who truly know me would tell you so.
    But these are the forums. Here I’m the ignorant clown. I get it.

    On the other hand, I don’t like to sugarcoat things either, so there’s always the inner rogue who, somehow, feels compelled to make light of serious topics - not with the intention to mock - but to playfully explore the subject from different viewpoints in order to understand it better. I can’t help but be amused by society, for me this world has gone too bizarre to take seriously anymore - if I did I’d be crying for the rest of my days - but mocking individuals is and has never been my intention. I understand I may come across as a sarcastic bully boy to some because I’ve pulled legs here and there and traversed sensitive topics - dressed up in my absurd clown costume - at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Not everything has to be a circus. I know.

    Most of the time I’m just having a laugh without ever meaning to offend, although I admit that the abridged version of my reason for feeling this urge to breaking the rules last time I shared “my opinion”, was nothing other than me being an absolute aubergine head. I had a particularly bad day and I was being an aubergine head, as in this guy: 🍆 stuck on my neck. A near brainless eggplant. And that’s being disrespectful to eggplants.
    Still, at the Finchwick Oversized Vegetable Fair I’d definitely take 1st place. If you get me.

    And just to be clear, I’m not apologizing for what I said. A lot of topics and conversations between folks on these discussion boards inspire me to explore dialogue between characters. I love fabricating stories. You deserve all the credit for giving me ideas and in any given situation unrelated to the topic it may not seem so cruel, in case it came across as such. It’s just silly dialogue.
    I do however apologize for where and when I said some of the things I said and in which context they were spoken. It was tasteless and uncalled for. I realize that.
    I am sorry.

    And thank you. I’ve enjoyed the 1.5 years I’ve actively scoundreled about this place. You’re a pretty ok bunch. Don’t ever mind me.

    I’ll see myself out now.
    May you get all the wonderful things you wish for in life and in this life simulator.
    Happy Simming. ❤️

    Captain Aubergine Head.
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    ElliandreElliandre Posts: 2,468 Member
    @CAPTAIN_NXR7 Welcome back! :smile:
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    12JEREMIA12JEREMIA Posts: 3,143 Member
    Huh?! I'm confused here, why is he back?
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    ElliandreElliandre Posts: 2,468 Member
    12JEREMIA wrote: »
    Huh?! I'm confused here, why is he back?

    @12JEREMIA I noticed he hasn't been posting in over a week, I missed reading his posts, that's why I said welcome back.

    I don't know what your topics are that got locked, I'm sorry about that, but I don't think your thread will get locked because of what he posted. I thought you were joking actually. How can you say it will be the worst year since 2016-2017? Even with the coronovirus pandemic of the past two years?
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    12JEREMIA12JEREMIA Posts: 3,143 Member
    Elliandre wrote: »
    12JEREMIA wrote: »
    Huh?! I'm confused here, why is he back?

    @12JEREMIA I noticed he hasn't been posting in over a week, I missed reading his posts, that's why I said welcome back.

    I don't know what your topics are that got locked, I'm sorry about that, but I don't think your thread will get locked because of what he posted. I thought you were joking actually. How can you say it will be the worst year since 2016-2017? Even with the coronovirus pandemic of the past two years?
    Ohhhh!! I forgot to tell Captain that I'm sorry about that
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    Erja888Erja888 Posts: 4,846 Member
    Why does the Sims team waste their time on something like this (text!) when they could develop great stuff i.e. gameplay?
    I'd love to see a singing career in game, EA! You can't let the singing skill go to waste! My TS4 EPs: GTW, GT, CL, C&D, S, GF, IL, DU, EL, SE, CoL, HSY, GrT, HR, FR GPs: OR, SD, DO, V, P, JA, SV, RoM, DHD, MWS
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,417 Member
    edited February 2022
    Erja888 wrote: »
    Why does the Sims team waste their time on something like this (text!) when they could develop great stuff i.e. gameplay?

    Or fixing the existing Gender Options in CAS, more than 50 pants are broken.

    Carnaval Streetwear Kit
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    SERVERFRASERVERFRA Posts: 7,192 Member
    I so agree with you @LeGardePourpre. Also, the tops needs to be fixed for both gender options.
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    SlackerSlacker Posts: 3,000 Member
    Oh i been meaning to ask why people write pronouns in their signature... And is this seriously something they consider putting in the game ? Id rather opt-out personally.
    Gallrey ID: Le_Slacker
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    LatinaBunnyLatinaBunny Posts: 4,666 Member
    Oh i been meaning to ask why people write pronouns in their signature... And is this seriously something they consider putting in the game ? Id rather opt-out personally.

    The pronouns feature for the game was announced recently and is still a a very rough work in progress feature and the team was open to (constructive) feedback about it.

    I’m putting pronouns in my signature to show my support for inclusive features like these. :smile:
    ~*~Occult Family Player player~*~
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    SlackerSlacker Posts: 3,000 Member
    ok ty @LatinaBunny but i dont understand why someone would be called they, my view is that everything and everyone should be an 'it' ! lol i mean in game its cool that you can dress up a man as a woman etc, and have a woman pee standing (w the CAS cheat). My personal experience is extensive in this area, while i am accepting of all sexual identities fluidity, expressions and all that. I dont believe in gender fluidity, rather sexual identity fluidity. My father is trans and it is a burden i have to carry. No one ever called him she ! Sorry ... i still hope they make it optional, i will feel excluded if they dont... lol anyhoo its just my own little opinion its very personal.
    Gallrey ID: Le_Slacker
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    LatinaBunnyLatinaBunny Posts: 4,666 Member
    edited February 2022
    ok ty @LatinaBunny but i dont understand why someone would be called they, my view is that everything and everyone should be an 'it' ! lol i mean in game its cool that you can dress up a man as a woman etc, and have a woman pee standing (w the CAS cheat). My personal experience is extensive in this area, while i am accepting of all sexual identities fluidity, expressions and all that. I dont believe in gender fluidity, rather sexual identity fluidity. My father is trans and it is a burden i have to carry. No one ever called him she ! Sorry ... i still hope they make it optional, i will feel excluded if they dont... lol anyhoo its just my own little opinion its very personal.

    I mean… he/him and she/her are still here to stay in the game. (I’m a she/her in real life, and all of my sims are regular typical binary as well.)

    It’s just an optional choice to choose custom pronouns.

    Some irl folks like to be called different pronouns and we should respect that, and some of those folks want to make their sims the same way, and it should be an optional choice for those simmers as well.

    (I am passionate about inclusiveness since I have a diverse family, including those with disabilities and such, and a younger sibling who is going through a genderfluid or transitional/transgender identity stage right now.)
    ~*~Occult Family Player player~*~
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,417 Member
    edited April 2022
    Technically it's a false advertising, this feature isn't in the game yet.

    This kind of behavior reminds me of all the lies the video industry has been telling for the past 5 years.
    The Sims world is a place for representation and self-discovery.
    Players can select the pronouns that best fit their Sims across a variety of languages.
    Post edited by LeGardePourpre on
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    dogzdinnerdogzdinner Posts: 422 Member
    I think it makes sense for the sims to do this. The game has always been extremely free with how your sims can identify and live their lives so this seems like a logical step. I feel like if anybody was offended by this then they havent really been paying attention to the game they are playing! :D
    It doesnt feel like a big deal to me. I would identify as nonbinary if I could be bothered....but really I dont care what you call me as long as you are polite about it!LOL
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    SilentKittySilentKitty Posts: 4,665 Member
    edited April 2022

    Many of my relatives com from Finland. Since the Finnish language does not have the words “he” or “she”, they use a gender neutral “hen” instead so that has always felt completely ordinary to me.

    In my family we use he or she when it applies, or a gender neutral hen for when when we do not know or that is the version that is preferred.

    I’m 40+ and this is how it has always been in my family.
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