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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    edited August 2021
    Loved this chapter :)
    I already mentioned this on the blog post but in my game a sim got bitten by a spider and recovered by herself recently which I didn't even know was possible so hopefully the same will happen to Eve. I wonder what the chance of recovery without medicine is...

    I really like Jackson. I can tell his squeamishness is going to make for a lot of funny moments!

    Also Buck is so cute <3

    Since you asked for possible challenge suggestions, have you considered doing something with the temple in Selvadorada? Those traps can have deadly outcomes ;) e.g. maybe everyone gets to select a random option on traps in the temple and hope that they don't get burned alive/poisoned (obviously there would be no fire extinguishers to hand)

    Otherwise, I have a few challenges from my bachelor/ette challenges but they probably aren't the sort of thing you're looking for so feel free to ignore:
    - Fishing (the winner is whoever catches stuff worth the most in simoleons)
    - Painting - mostly painting from reference (if I recall correctly you need to cheat them up to level 3 in painting so they can paint from reference though) (the winner is whoever paints the most valuable painting)
    - Kicking a football (the winner is the one who keeps it up for the most kicks)
    - Diving for treasure in Sulani or beachcombing for treasure (the winner is whoever finds treasure worth the most)
    - Egg hunt with the seasons holiday tradition: have everyone look for an egg and then eliminate whoever doesn't find an egg, then have the remaining people look for another egg and eliminate those who don't find an egg and so on until only one person is left.
    - Don't wake the llama
    - Queenarella and Pammiechick have both used knitting as a challenge (the winner is the one whose knitted item sells for the most on Plopsy)
    - You could have everyone plant an oversized crop and then the winner is whoever's crop is worth the most when fully grown (you may want to cheat to make them fully mature quicker though)
    - Ping pong
    - Debating with the debate podium thing (it should say who wins debate) (Queenarella has done this but I haven't)
    - Video games (probably not where they are though!)
    - Have everyone use the rock climbing wall. The winner is whoever is able to climb on it for the longest without falling off.
    - Some kind of relationship challenge: let them all talk to the host and the winner is the one with the highest relationship to the host. Or use relprint to determine who has the highest relationship with the rest of the tribe members and they win something.
    - I've also taken sims to Mount Komorebi and had them snowboard down the mountain. Whoever doesn't fall over on the first try wins something. But this is probably not really doable in your challenge given where they are!
    - I feel like you could possibly also do something with the spectres from Happy Haunts. Everyone has one chance to get a spectre to go away and if they succeed on their first go they win something.
    - A darts competition or chess would be another possibility.
    - You could have some kind of cooking or mixology competition if the game tells you how much food/drink is worth after preparing it (the winner would then be whoever prepared the meal/drink worth the most)
    - Or: Maybe everyone prepares pufferfish nigiri and then you get some hapless townies in to taste all of the meals. Whoevers' pufferfish nigiri does NOT kill the townie who eats it wins (ok I am totally using this in my own story now lol)
    Post edited by MaggieMarley on
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    Loved this chapter :)
    I already mentioned this on the blog post but in my game a sim got bitten by a spider and recovered by herself recently which I didn't even know was possible so hopefully the same will happen to Eve. I wonder what the chance of recovery without medicine is...

    I really like Jackson. I can tell his squeamishness is going to make for a lot of funny moments!

    Also Buck is so cute <3

    Since you asked for possible challenge suggestions, have you considered doing something with the temple in Selvadorada? Those traps can have deadly outcomes ;) e.g. maybe everyone gets to select a random option on traps in the temple and hope that they don't get burned alive/poisoned (obviously there would be no fire extinguishers to hand)

    Otherwise, I have a few challenges from my bachelor/ette challenges but they probably aren't the sort of thing you're looking for so feel free to ignore:
    - Fishing (the winner is whoever catches stuff worth the most in simoleons)
    - Painting - mostly painting from reference (if I recall correctly you need to cheat them up to level 3 in painting so they can paint from reference though) (the winner is whoever paints the most valuable painting)
    - Kicking a football (the winner is the one who keeps it up for the most kicks)
    - Diving for treasure in Sulani or beachcombing for treasure (the winner is whoever finds treasure worth the most)
    - Egg hunt with the seasons holiday tradition: have everyone look for an egg and then eliminate whoever doesn't find an egg, then have the remaining people look for another egg and eliminate those who don't find an egg and so on until only one person is left.
    - Don't wake the llama
    - Queenarella and Pammiechick have both used knitting as a challenge (the winner is the one whose knitted item sells for the most on Plopsy)
    - You could have everyone plant an oversized crop and then the winner is whoever's crop is worth the most when fully grown (you may want to cheat to make them fully mature quicker though)
    - Ping pong
    - Debating with the debate podium thing (it should say who wins debate) (Queenarella has done this but I haven't)
    - Video games (probably not where they are though!)
    - Have everyone use the rock climbing wall. The winner is whoever is able to climb on it for the longest without falling off.
    - Some kind of relationship challenge: let them all talk to the host and the winner is the one with the highest relationship to the host. Or use relprint to determine who has the highest relationship with the rest of the tribe members and they win something.
    - I've also taken sims to Mount Komorebi and had them snowboard down the mountain. Whoever doesn't fall over on the first try wins something. But this is probably not really doable in your challenge given where they are!
    - I feel like you could possibly also do something with the spectres from Happy Haunts. Everyone has one chance to get a spectre to go away and if they succeed on their first go they win something.
    - A darts competition or chess would be another possibility.
    - You could have some kind of cooking or mixology competition if the game tells you how much food/drink is worth after preparing it (the winner would then be whoever prepared the meal/drink worth the most)
    - Or: Maybe everyone prepares pufferfish nigiri and then you get some hapless townies in to taste all of the meals. Whoevers' pufferfish nigiri does NOT kill the townie who eats it wins (ok I am totally using this in my own story now lol)

    I already suggested darts and the rock climbing wall. But you had other interesting ideas. We could definitely have the competition where the person with the highest relationship with the host wins. And a chess match is totally possible. So is the painting one. I don’t know how the football one works. We could definitely do the ping pong one. And the fishing one I think is doable. I wonder how the pufferfish nigiri cooking will go.
    Post edited by EliteGirl on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2021
    @MaggieMarley -
    Thank you for reading and all your challenge suggestions. I about fell off my chair laughing with the last one [Or: Maybe everyone prepares pufferfish nigiri and then you get some hapless townies in to taste all of the meals. Whoevers' pufferfish nigiri does NOT kill the townie who eats it wins (ok I am totally using this in my own story now lol)]

    I had this picture in my head of Diego Lobo CLONES coming to the lot and testing all the pufferfish. I mean he is a food critic, right? Anyway, now I can't get that picture out of my head. lol

    @EliteGirl -
    Oh you had some great ideas. I do have my own, but I thought I'd ask the group and see if there were any others that I could try...with a twist of course. :)
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    The crop growing competition could be a possibility too, as well as the knitting one with Plopsy. Too bad we can’t do a video game competition. The video game competition would have been fun.
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    Thanks for hearing my ideas,@SoulGal7. I wonder what you have planned for us. @MaggieMarley has interesting challenge suggestions too that I didn’t think of.
    Post edited by EliteGirl on
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    divanthesimmerdivanthesimmer Posts: 1,462 Member
    Great chapter! Love how much drama there is already and that alliances are forming. Will be interesting to see what happens next!
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    Omg lots of poor Diego clones dying in the name of food criticism :lol: love it.

    Can't wait to meet the other contestants and to see what happens next!
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hey, the spoilers thing is not working for me. Do you have any advice? I'm NOT an expert on HTML code.It keeps saying how the body is short by 4 something, no matter how long and lengthy I make my spoiler post.
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    @EliteGirl you need to have at least four characters outside of the spoiler in order to post.

    Oh okay, thanks! I didn't know that. As I said, I'm not good at HTML code. Thanks!
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    This is what I think about the chapter so far:
    When it comes to Lara Rose and Bella McAllister, I am team Lara. I didn't like how Bella McAllister was rude to Lara for no reason. I don't want Bella McAllister in part of the alliance that Tristan has with Buck so far, I want them to team with Lara because if Buck and Tristan choose Bella, Bella's obviously going to betray both Tristan and Buck for the money. That is, if Buck and Tristan are thinking about the other teammates. I understand she (Bella) is a genius and just trying to get used to the changes in her life and plan things to her advantage. I hope Tristan teams up with Jackson too. Can't hurt to have a backup plan in case Buck and Tristan's friendship doesn't work out. I hope that's not the case, that Tristan can be friends with BOTH Buck and Lara as well as Jackson. I think Lara Rose would NOT betray Tristan and Buck and Lara would be really helpful and be a good team mate. No offense, this is how I feel about the characters. Nothing against everyone here.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Fun chapter! So much going on, I love it! I wonder if anyone will ever put that 'immunity idol' in their pocket. hehe I hope Felix didn't make off with it. o.O I see alliances are already forming, not surprising. Some of these contestants seem a bit more scheming than others. Especially Bella and Lara. But the others have their own agendas as well. I think Tristan's strategy of being friendly to everyone is working, even I like the guy. ;) Well, except when he yelled at Buck. And I like that Jackson came over and tried to calm Tristan down then they became friends as a result.

    Buck seems a bit laidback, but that could just be his strategy. I think he might just be a bit quiet at the moment because he's in observation mode. hehe So sweet how he apologized to Eve, even though none of it was his fault. Poor Eve getting bit by the spider! o.O I like her too and hope she recovers on her own. Daphne is a fun surprise with her paranoia and fears. Cracked me up how she ran around freaking out about earthquakes and made poor Tristan afraid too. Then she starts flirting with Buck. hehe Not cool how Bella yelled at Lara, you're not going to make any friends that way. Although I think she feels that there's two little alliances forming here, her group and Lara's group, so maybe she's just trying to assert her dominance or something. :D

    Sorry these comments are all over the place, just typing as I remember things from the update. Can't wait to see the other teams' updates soon. If they're anything like this one, should be fun to read. :)
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2021
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    My thoughts on Chapter 4:
    Wow, looks like the Llama tribe is ahead of the other tribe in their thinking. I hope that the Freezer Bunny tribe and the Gnome Tribe figure out the strategy that the Llama tribe is having against them. That way they aren’t screwed over, the Freezer Bunny and Gnome Tribe.
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    More thoughts on Chapter 4
    I hope the Llama Tribe strategy backfires on the Llama Tribe. They have a higher chance of winning when it comes to the other tribes. Between Josiah’s skills and Ashley’s acting, they are perfect at scheming. And so is Chris Romeo, the sim, who started the concept of teamwork in the tribe.
    Post edited by EliteGirl on
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    MaggieMarleyMaggieMarley Posts: 5,299 Member
    Ohh new chapter already - yay!
    Poor Christopher having to be apart from his wife. Is it bad that I would totally get on board with Acacia being a homewrecker? >:)

    Josiah is so hot though and he's single. Plus he said all that nice stuff to Acacia...

    I like how they're all getting on with each other in this tribe and deciding to work together.

    LOL Grandad Vlad :D:D:D

    At least bats can't poison sims. I think.

    That scared face Ashley pulled is hilarious.

    Did Acacia actually flirt with Christopher or was she just feeling flirty?
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    Just some thoughts:
    I would like to see Bella break up the Llama team by pitting them against each other. By starting rumors and gossip in a way that makes it look like the members of the Llama team said those rumors about each other. And of course, I want a cat fight between Bella and Ashley.
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    SkeilahSkeilah Posts: 1,762 Member
    EliteGirl wrote: »
    Just some thoughts:
    I would like to see Bella break up the Llama team by pitting them against each other. By starting rumors and gossip in a way that makes it look like the members of the Llama team said those rumors about each other. And of course, I want a cat fight between Bella and Ashley.

    Are we making Bella the bad girl now?😂
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    Skeilah wrote: »
    EliteGirl wrote: »
    Just some thoughts:
    I would like to see Bella break up the Llama team by pitting them against each other. By starting rumors and gossip in a way that makes it look like the members of the Llama team said those rumors about each other. And of course, I want a cat fight between Bella and Ashley.

    Are we making Bella the bad girl now?😂

    My Reply Back
    Well, she did make that rude comment toward Lara without an apology, and plans to use people like a chess game as her strategy. But I was thinking that Bella's good side can be the exposing the scheme about Ashley and the rest of Llama Tribe using teamwork to get rid of the players of the other tribes after she turns the Llama tribe against each other after starting the rumors and gossip in a way that makes it look like the members of the Llama team said those rumors about each other as the perfect revenge and a way for her to redeem herself when it comes to her tribemates. Every good story has a good villain after all. And Bella would be the perfect villain.
    Post edited by EliteGirl on
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    Or maybe this would be better:
    Or maybe Ashley can be the villian instead. Maybe Ashley and Bella could get into an argument when Bella finds out about the Llama Tribe's using teamwork to get rid of the other teams, and then Ashley threatens to ruin Bella's reputation with her (Bella's) tribe by revealing embarrassing secrets about Bella. Then Bella calls Ashley an monster, and after that Ashley calls Bella a sissy girl and they both catfight each other. Then that's when Bella snaps and reveals the Llama Tribe's plan to get rid of the Gnome and Freezer Bunny tribe to both the Freezer Bunny and Gnome Tribe as a way of redeeming herself as a former villain. Ashley would vow to get revenge on Bella. And after Bella catfighting Ashley and revealing the Llama Tribe's plan, Bella apologizes to Lara for being rude to her. Then Bella goes back to Ashley and calls Ashley a phony and fake, and Ashley gets upset, stating Bella would NEVER be as cool, pretty and popular like Ashley.

    Yeah, I don't want to offend anyone here. That's why I thought maybe this suggestion could work instead, story wise. So that way @Skeilah won't be offended. I don't want @Skeilah mad at me for my story suggestions.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi All - Just here to comment on all your comments! lol Am working on the next chapter as well, so we can finally meet everyone! lol I had done just really short thoughts when I first started on the Gnome Tribe, but I felt it was too short and expanded it. lol Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying meeting the I'm A Survivor contestants. I am having a lot of fun just sitting back and watching what happens in the tribes and what alliances are formed.

    @EliteGirl -
    So glad you like my portrayal of Tristan. This is where I use the background info, and actually wrote the chapter after they did their first day. So, I kind of get a "feel" for the sims and a bit of their personalities. Of course, the lot traits do some weird things to sims, too. lol As I already mentioned, I love all your suggestions for the challenges, and I have used some of those ideas in the past in other stories I've done. So, them :) Poor Bella, she has the mean trait, and sometimes these sims just can't help insulting others. It's a mischief skill, and the lot traits of convivial really help this. In the next chapter, Lara might do the same to Bella. Who knows. Anything can happen here. I think I did mention that Tristan also formed an alliance with Jackson...when Jackson gave him a bro hug. I am sure there will be more alliances to come. The Tiny Home Residential lot really boosts relationships (pro and con wise), But once the first Tribal Council is over, all the lots will be changed back to boring Residential. With the lot traits, a lot of the emotions are already boosted, so that will work fine. I read all your other comments about the chapters. Whatever happens in a tribe is just based on what these sims arbitrarily do. I don't control them. I just take screenshots and sort of "loosely interpret" what these sims are saying or feeling or conveying by emotion. The Llama Tribe are not really plotting anything, but they were all just sitting around chatting, and chatting, and to take screenshots of sims just chatting is rather boring. I did do some research on the actual Survivor series and what strategies some of the players have used over the years, and just kind of "came up" with the Llama Tribe strategy because they were all getting along so well. So, yeah, it's just lots of fun. And all the tribes stay separate, until they merge into one tribe, so Ashley and Bella won't really interact with each other, unless they both last until the "merged" tribe. As I said, anything can happen. :):)

    @Skeilah -
    Bella...Bella...Bella...don't get that girl mad or she might bite ya! She talks a lot to Skelly as you can well imagine! hehehe

    As I've already mentioned, thanks for all the wonderful challenge suggestions. And yes, Acacia flirted with Christopher. The poor guy ran for it. It was quite hilarious...and there was Acacia looking after him. All is good now...but, yeah, it was rather funny. And that scared face of Ashley' mean she was really scared. It's because of that spooky lot trait and Felix the ghost actually coming to the lot that did it. hehehe I think that scared emotion has been amplified since the Paranormal pack. And Grandad Vlad...well, I don't have the vampire pack, so don't know if Vlad can change into a bat or not...but it kind of just came to me when it was a bat attack and Acacia had that look on her face. lol

    @pammiechick -
    Yes, Daphne was trying really hard to get Buck's attention...but...nothing. :(

    @Karababy52 -
    Yes, Daphne in the Gnome Tribe and Acacia in the Llama Tribe are wildcards as far as their emotions go. And, I know, poor Eve, she was doing so well on her own getting all those alliances and then...wham...she gets bit by a spider and now is sick. I am hoping that she can recover on her own...but if she doesn't she will be heading to a hospital in San Myshuno for a day of recovery. We will see what happens there. During the whole "trying to get rid of the spider" with Eve running around, Buck just stood there motionless. Maybe he was afraid to move in case a spider went on him. Anyway, he got that cupcake thought, and I was thinking...oh want to give that to Eve to make her feel better. Ahhhh.... :)

    @LegacySims2017 -
    I know...poor Eve! As soon as she got bit, those green spots appeared. I am sure that you already know, but the waiting period is 12 hours. She might recover on her own, or she might not. If not, after the 12 hours are up, I will get a notification that she has been poisoned, and then if she doesn't get that anecdote, she will die in 3 days. So, since I don't want any sims to die in this challenge, she will get the medication, if needed, but will have to have a penalty point against her. She was really doing so well on her own, so hope she can recover on her own, too.

    @divanthesimmer - thanks so much for reading the chapters :)

    @VanPelt81 -
    Jackson is really a great sim to play in-game. I am surprised he didn't freak out from the earthquake lot trait and then the ghost being around their lot. But, seriously, he needs to go back and get that Hidden Immunity Idol again. Sheesh! He had it and then he puts it back down. We'll see who in this tribe will have it before the Tribal Council. He and Tristan might have to arm wrestle for it. lol
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2021
    Thanks for the feedback, @SoulGal7! And thanks for treating me nicely. I now see that it's a wait-and-see type thing how the chapters turn out.
    I have a question. Is Buck and Tristan's friendship totally over? I hope not.
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    edited August 2021
    EliteGirl wrote: »
    Thanks for the feedback, @SoulGal7! And thanks for treating me nicely. I now see that it's a wait-and-see type thing how the chapters turn out.
    I have a question. Is Buck and Tristan's friendship totally over? I hope not.

    @EliteGirl -
    No worries. Buck and Tristan's friendship or alliance is still the same as it was when I wrote that chapter. Each tribe is played in turn and I won't go back to that tribe until the 1st Challenge. So, I think it is safe to say that they are still friends... :)
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    SoulGal7 wrote: »
    EliteGirl wrote: »
    Thanks for the feedback, @SoulGal7! And thanks for treating me nicely. I now see that it's a wait-and-see type thing how the chapters turn out.
    I have a question. Is Buck and Tristan's friendship totally over? I hope not.

    @EliteGirl -
    No worries. Buck and Tristan's friendship or alliance is still the same as it was when I wrote that chapter. Each tribe is played in turn and I won't go back to that tribe until the 1st Challenge. So, I think it is safe to say that they are still friends... :)

    Awesome. Thank you!
    Yay! That's good they're still friends!
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    pammiechickpammiechick Posts: 12,262 Member
    Loved the new chapter! Everyone seems so interesting and motivated with this tribe.
    I think they're my favorite! Yes, I'm rooting for Josiah's tribe! ;)
    Yes, Daphne was trying really hard to get Buck's attention...but...nothing. :(

    Yeah...sims usually don't flirt autonomously unless they get into a flirty mood. I doubt that'll happen with all the challenges turned on. Everyone will be too spooked! ;)

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