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Share Your Community Parks Here!

luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,895 Member
edited February 20 in Nominated Threads
Hello my Building Friends

As I enjoy creating Park's for our Sims to enjoy and as I have created so many over the Years and have so much Fun doing different Themes I thought a Special Parks Forum Thread was needed as I have found them very popular Lots on the Sims 4 Gallery. So not CC Parks please. It is not a Challenge it just a thread to show off your creations. A may get your creation spotted and get a Maxis Fave, you never can tell!

So feel free to add yours here with Screenshots and please use the Spoiler if there are lots of pictures.


Entry Form
Origin ID: On Gallery
Gallery Name:
Gallery Link: (URL top of page)
Note: Please add and creators names for example Art used
A few on the Forum page
The Rest in Spoiler/s or Link to Slideshow such as imgur

I have made a List of Park Theme Ideas if you are stuck for some
Dog Park, Cats Park, Desert, Woodland, Harvest, Hanging Garden, Roman, Ruins, Pirates, Spooky Fun or Haunted, Halloween, Kids Park, Pets Park, Sports, Basketball, Skating, Beach, Dinosaur, Water Park, Safari, Hippie Park, Outdoor Cinema, Sixam, Futuristic, University, Fairy, Tudor, Moroccan, Japanese, Chinese, Romantic, Gnomes Park, Llama, Seasonal, Cafe, Ice Cream/Sweets, Alice in Wonderland, Artists, City Park, Rocky park, Fishing, Wedding, Scifi, Color Themed eg White, Skills, Eco, Freezer Bunny, Toddler, Live Stage, Acting or Singing, Volcano, Spa park, Pride, Picnic, Steampunk, Fantasy, Industrial, Modern etc.

Some can be joined together, just enjoy yourself. I do suggest at least 2 bathrooms and more on a large lot and I usually have a shower room as well so sims stay longer and a BBQ or kitchen for food. If catering for Toddlers add at least 1 potty and Highchair. Do add Lot Traits as well.
Personally I build as residential with a sim to test the stairs and platforms and change light colors, then I move them off and go back to change it to a Park or National Park.

Park Requirements
1 Sink
1 Toilet
1 Waste Disposal
2 Benches
1 Chess Table
1 Monkey Bars or Children's object
1 Patio Table
4 Outside Patio Chairs
1 Jungle Gym
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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