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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @Daephene I almost forgot, I'm glad you are enjoying Calden's story. I feel like following Calden's whims have led to some deviation from my original story for him, but he's definitely better developed for it.

    I hope you can forgive Zeph for interrupting the story with a Zalrian Summer Break.
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @daephene thanks for the comments _ I was very happy that they did like each other so much again.

    @Metior_Ice thank you for the comments about teen Rohan and Quin. I just enjoyed going back to the early days when they frst met - and this time they don't have the burden of the 100 babies challenge hanging over them. If I wasn't 75% through (all those babies and toddlers aaargh still traumatised thinking of them) I would just have stopped and played Quin and Rohan but I wasn't giving up at that point so they had to wait.

    @AlwaysAsking I love seeing the full story of your don save. The Js arguing with themselves was so funny. Its amazing J didn't flirt with himself because as much as I adore him - I do get that vibe from him. I like Don's mother - she looks like a strong woman and would have no trouble with twice as many Dons in the save. I bet Don says yes maam no maam politely to her. By the way - I don't suggest you do to Ian what I do to Rohan in this post! It nearly killed me and reminded me how much I adore Rohan.

    I know I have 3 quin saves:

    A. original 100 babies, b. the one I made to give Morgyn a clone of Quin (which they were very ungrateful about by the way and tried rejecting the clone- grr Morgyn) and c, the teen Quin & Rohan

    I have made a 4th save because I find Quin such an interesting and contradictory person and he is fun to play. As I mentioned before I had a nightmare that Rohan died and although I have made sure that will never affect my main save by multiple ways of saving their save and their library sims, it really got me thinking what would happen for Quin..... hence the fourth save...

    SO I placed Quin from 100 babies who is 2 days off becoming adult and high skilled plus a 5 star celebrity etc. I deleted Rohan in CAS because killing him in Game would have been more than I could take (it took me several weeks and tries to actually hit delete on Rohan too).

    Quin is living in Pier Palace on Windenburg island and I imagine it is several years since Rohan died.
    He still has Beowoof to keep him company
    OH no - do I really want to play this? - my poor baby (he just got random sad moodlets - as Rohan didn't die in game he can't be sad about that but he knows something is missing)
    He sat outside and looked across the bay to Brindleton Bay (where he and Rohan lived) :(
    Then he sat in the bath and had a sad drink.
    Not even shopping next day could cheer him up. (and Quin LOVES shopping).

    Thiings cheer up...
    As I had been thinking about this for a long time, I had thought about what sort of sim Quin would like if Rohan waasn't in the picture and made myself a sim..
    Meet Anton Nilsson. Anton has just become an adult but is one of those people who went grey very early in life. His traits are cheerful, art lover and romantic.
    (Quin is a goofball, art lover and book worm). Anton is currently a mixologist but used to be a lawyer (this part is sort of based on one of my real life friends). Anton has been married before but it did not end well. So he is a bit wary about love.

    I just think he would balance out Quin in a different way to Rohan but still a complementary way (and a bit more social way)

    I was very pleased with how he turned out because I struggle to make male sims look like anything other than sad potatoes. His artbreeder looks just like the man I imagined when making him

    Anyway, I put him in San Myshuno and crossed my fingers he may turn up somewhere where Quin is so they can meet.

    Poor sad Quin had an alright time at the arts centre.
    Then he went to the Blue Velvet. He wasn't there more than 5 minutes when he did the biggest smile ever (his first real smile in the game). And why .... because Anton walked in.
    Quin moved down 2 bar stools autonomously so he sat right next to Anton (poor Quin has absolutely NO subtlety - he's never needed it as every sim throws themselves at him most of the time so he really doesn't have any flirty skills)
    Like me please... (now I thought Quin would like Anton when I made him but I was unsure whether Quin would appeal to Anton)
    Thankfully it looked like Anton was not immune to Quin's charms
    and he didn't reject Quin's number

    First date
    Thankfully, for Quin's sanity it didn't take long for Anton to call and ask him on a date. (less than 12 hours because obviously Anton has as much dating chill as Quin).
    Its a new save and I hadn't set up all my public lots so they ended up in Magnolia Crescent. They explored a new section I hadn't taken sims before.
    Its quite a pretty area
    Yes, being totally subtle with how he is looking up at Anton.
    I don't blame Anton for being all flirty - I couldn't resist if someone looked at me with puppydog eyes like Quin did.
    But then Quin got up and walked away
    I imagine he was thinking of Rohan and shared the story of how he died etc
    Anton was understanding and shared some of his own past.
    Quin got flirty again when suddenly...
    Anton grabbed him and laid one on his neck... (I didn't know they could do this autonomously or before first kiss - is this the trait update?)
    Anyway he got both me and Quin by surprise..
    Quin relaxed into it
    This is actually a long animation (and the sound is quite slurpy - especially when this is a first "kiss"
    Followed by some intense staring by both guys
    and a whole pile of sentiments
    Then Anton had to leave
    I have a feeling Quin is imagining himself in the lead of a romantic musical right here and can hear the music in his head....

    This is only the second time ever that I have made a sim for another sim and it worked - the first was Flynn with my simself and I kind of cheated that as they lived in the same household. I am pleased that it worked so well.

    A jealous rival?
    Quin needed the bathroom so we went back to the store...
    Then he spent some time just silly, happy smiling at the mirror

    Enter Morgyn...
    Oh no - that look they are giving Quin - How dare you be single in a save and NOT CALL ME!!! (Sorry Morgyn, you had your save and behaved so badly I didn't want to keep playing it) I think Morgyn is tooo late - Quin as it bad already.

    I PROMISE I will post the rest of Quin and Rohan's honeymoon in my main save and my Not so Berry (I love that save). But I think I will do more with Quin and Anton as they will have a very different life from Quin and Rohan. (where teen Rohan and Quin and Morgyn and clone Quin were one offs).
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    zheplayszheplays Posts: 24 Member
    Glowfrogs make excellent presents. Also looks like that was a good date!

    Glad Quin and Anton worked out so well! Morgyn needs to take a seat though. Behavior exactly like that is why I don't have Morgyn in my game anymore.


    The first thing Benito did on aging up was hug his mother. I thought that was cute. Yesterday, Aurelia and Benito maxed their toddler skills with a day before their birthday to spare. As celebration, we went to the park, and spent some time playing. Bjorn Bjergsen destroyed the dollhouse, but Magnus was nice enough to fix it.

    Now that I can post pictures, I'll introduce everyone.

    This is Magnus, and Aurelia.

    This is Benito, Angelica, and Aurelia. Angelica is also my avatar at the moment.
    Find me on Tumblr and Instagram at zheplays !
    siempre bruja.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @Becka28 my heart broke when I saw Quin alone. When I attempted a story where Dylan and Zeph died and were separated, I remember Reef having to give Dylan a pep talk to keep Dylan from fading away. It seemed like separating Dylan and Zeph was the worst thing I could do to them. Their Twin Bond is so strong, not a romantic relationship like Quin and Rohan, but I'd say they are similar in regards to how they do everything together.

    I hate seeing sims that fit together getting separated. You really played with my heart strings.
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    DaraviDaravi Posts: 1,153 Member
    @AnnaLoo91 You did a great job with the house makeover, I love all these details in the rooms.
    @AlwaysAsking Wow, so many Don's, I would be confused and would make horrible mistakes with so many of them.
    @Daephene, @sunblond Thank you for your feedbacks. I have already played with words to get along with the forum rules, and this is quite exhausting with the time when you have to do this in a foreign language. Since it's here the english forum I wanted to make sure not to step into some controversity, which would make me or others feel uncomfortable.


    However the sim days are running currently, and with that the years. In 1952 the European Coal and Steel Community come into effect, one goal was to burried the century old enmity between France and Germany. The Sovjet Union was against it and offered the reunification for the price of neutrality, which was declined by the ruling goverment of westgermany. In eastgermany the ruling party had decided to building socialism after a plan, which had lead to the uprising of 1953, with a unknown death toll. The 17th June of 1953 became the national holiday for Westgermany in the aftermath and is now a public holiday in my game.

    Hans had to repair the doll house, becaus one of the children had destroyed whil I have visited them with my other family.


    The toddlers are excited, because is christmas time.


    Look at these gifts.

    Then it's time for opening these gifts. At first Erika, then Holger and Toni.

    After the kids were brought to bed, Hans and Annemarie celebrate christmas privatly.


    Hans tells a story from the book.


    Autonomous hugs and a pregnant Annemarie.


    Holger has his Birthday.

    It's time again for family pictures. I had to stopped, because Erika became hangry.


    The attic was renovated, and you see a heavy pregnant Annemarie.


    Toni is a wild toddler, but he loves his mama.


    Welcome Alexander Kaufmann, he was born in 1953 and was named after the famous Austrian artist Peter Alexander.

    Holger has met a new friend and joint the pathfinder, despite this organisation wasn't big in germany and was seen critical.


    Holger learns how to bowling.

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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    @DeafSimmer aww, how cute to see the next generation as toddlers! Caelen looks so smart in his little suit and bow tie. Awesome names, too. And ugh, I can foresee little Lucian and Wardon causing trouble in the future...
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    marissimmarissim Posts: 55 Member
    My Sim died of laughter. She was idling in the middle of the road, and just... died.
    Thankfully I saved 5-10 minutes before that! Also had a Flower Bunny, Father Winter & Patchy hangout in my garden. The poor Bunny got attacked by bees.
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    Lady_EarthLady_Earth Posts: 187 Member

    Juliette isn't the first person Johnny has woohooed. Venus McFlytrap (Monster High) was his first, but they really didn't talk to each other after that.

    Much like Larry Laffer, Consort also got beamed-up by aliens. And just like Larry, he lucked out on not get impregnated.

    Having the wild trait, Viola decided to wear her birthday suit (without me influencing it) as a Winterfest outfit.

    The other Capp family (Goneril and Albany) is next.
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,771 Member
    I'm a bit behind on posting my sims. So this will end with today's play but it starts last week sometime. This post is primarily about holidays and birthdays!

    First, All Spook's Eve (Halloween) with the Goths, in a very warm autumn in Strangerville.
    We tried the costume options that come with the holiday tradition first. Bella was amused by dressing as a maid and serving drinks.

    But twins with the same costume?

    That's better.

    Bella changed too, and joked around with the actual servant.

    Gillian had a good time.

    While Moms were at work, kids had a dancing party with Grandma.

    And got both tricks and treats from the candy bowl.

    They ended the night with a horror movie, after Gillian and Cass both got home. Even the cats and Aunt Amelia joined them.

    The next day, Day of the Departed, since Mortimer's ghost was unfortunately culled, Bella found another ghost to flirt with.
    Yes, that's Don.

    Shortly afterwards, Bella aged to elder.

    In other news, the girls both joined the scouts.

    Lorelei loves fishing because it gets her badges plus mental skill.

    Gwendolyn just likes doing stuff in general, as an active sim.

    Bella, Cass and Gillian all got promotions, but then Gillian wished for career success at a fickle wishing well and got demoted back to her previous rank.

    And the we had Harvestfest with Holly and Lucas Andreas-Munch.
    First was Lucas's birthday. He is now an adult. With a beard.

    Then Harper, who looks cute in the Paranormal pack's outfits, aged to teen.

    And then it was time for Harvestfest, when they invited Holly's twin sister Ivy and her family, Alexander and Isabella, for dinner.

    Harper and Isabella had some teen cousin bonding time.

    Holly thought Maybelle meeting her Aunt Ivy was so cute she didn't notice she walked through the table.

    Maybelle aged up then too.
    (That's cousin Noelle who stopped by to visit there)

    And then it was Holly's turn. I believe she gained about 50 pounds just from aging.

    So they went out for ice cream and she ordered taste of diet.

    Before and after:

    After that, I had Winterfest with the Fyres in Del Sol Valley.
    Forrest aged up from toddler to child. Here's a before with mom Siobhan and cousin Farrah.

    And after with his half-brother Finnian, who recently aged to adult.
    Forrest is adorable and I call that his Miami Vice outfit.

    And Morgan aged up also. She looks more like Moira now. But she still has a thing for leather.

    Some Winterfest fun.

    Siobhan concentrated on her fame quite a bit this round, including hosting a meet and greet and posing for paparazzi.

    She also may have started a new relationship.
    I just imagine that paparazzo thinking, "Didn't I shoot this guy with Brytani Cho a few years ago?"

    So that's what we've been up to. Hope you and your sims are all doing well!
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    sunman502sunman502 Posts: 18,325 Member
    edited May 2021
    I didn't play at all today. But late last week I did, and I created a new Y.A.F name Paula. And I gave her pet German Sheperd named Koji. Koji is in honor of one of seven elite guard dogs that is found in Conan Exiles, Isle of Siptah. There are seven elite guard dogs in Isle of Siptah, and they are as in order: Apollo, Aries, Brutus, Koji, Oskar, Sigrid, and Tor. It took me some time to find all seven dogs in the game. But I have found all seven dogs, and I love them all. Brutus was the first one that I had found, and he was the hardest to find because he's stuck down in a hole in the game. And you have to drop down in the hole in order to find and get to him. The other six dogs are just walking around in the same area on the other side of the island from where Brutus is.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    Some things don't change.

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    sunman502sunman502 Posts: 18,325 Member
    Keidra wrote: »
    Some things don't change.
    What do you mean by some things don't change? Are you referring to the game contents and game play? Or are you referring to some thing that your sim or sims did in your game?
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    I take it you've never played Caleb Vatore before... the pic is Caleb Vatore. Knitting autonomously. As he does. Some things don't change.

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @DeafSimmer aww such toddler adorableness (is that a word LOL)

    @zheplays Yes Morgyn is quite a creeper in a lot of my games (I still can't help liking them though). I had another save where he visited my sims everyday for weeks and weeks and weeks (I was doing challenge where sims were restricted to their lot). Eventually they formed a romance with one of the household sims. When the challenge finished I decided to use another sim in the household as my main sim so I had the sim Morgyn fancied propose to them. Morgyn slapped that ring out of my poor sims hand and screamed at them until they were mortified. Morgyn has major issues!
    Your toddlers are sweet and adorable. :) It's hard work to max out their skills. well done.

    @Metior_Ice So sorry to play with your heart strings. My dream was so real I thought making the sim Anton would give me resolution but I couldn't let it go so I had to play to see Quin happy - I hope your heart stri ngs felt soothed as Quin cheered up. I am totally surprised just how well the two of them mesh. I still like the orignal Rohan/Quin better though -mainly because it was so out of my control and something they really wanted despite me. And also because of how much I adore Rohan.

    @Daravi Wow you are in the 50s now.The thread moves so quickly I think I missed a decade of your story. As always I love how well your decorating represents the era your sims are in. I love that paiting with the green field and fence - it looks like something my grandma had in her house probably bought around that era.

    @marissim I lost a sim to laughter lately too - I wonder if the game has increased the emotional deaths slightly or is it the traits changes?

    @Daephene Bella is one of thse annoying people who look great in everything isn't she - I always feel sorry for sims 4 Cassandra because she looks so awkward in clothes and looks compared to her mother. And the Bella is the hottest elder I've seen too - its not fair! Sulky Alexander sitting at the dinner table made me chuckle. I have always liked Lucas and he looks so sweet and cuddly with a beard (and just a touch of Bjorn or Benny from ABBA so an extra reason for me to love him lol ).My sims are always aging upenormous and they just love taste of diet. I had one sim become obsessed by it and he got stick like skinny. My sim Brock marriied to ALana refused to eat it when all his family did and just got fatter and fatter when they all got skinny. I like a sim with Principles.

    @Keidra long haired knitting Caleb <3<3<3 Hopefully, some things NEVER change.

    Quin and Anton part 2

    Random Quin and Beowoof cuteness

    Geek con
    Jacques Villareal invited Quin to Geek con... Anton was there in the crowd (lovvely outfit Geoffrey!)
    Quin did a bad job of pretending he hadn't seen Anton being excited because ANton had seen Quin.
    Anton didn't mind
    They had a quick drink together but then Anton had to go to work.
    Quin enjoyed geek con and people enjoyed Quin enjoying Geek con
    You know you are popular when even Hyacinth Bucket is happy to see you and wants a hug.

    Next date
    Quin had met up with lots of different friends to discuss what was happenng including Izzy, Diego and Olivia Bailey-Moon. I have to imagine he also met up and talked to his children - as you would with the first serious looking relationship since their "father"died - most of them saw Rohan as their father despite genetcs. (as it was too much trouble to download them and fix all the relationships especially when I wasn't sure how long I would use this save.)
    While he was out, Anton called and asked him out again (2nd date)
    They both overdressed for a coffee date.
    What is that pose Quin? Can you stick your butt out any further?
    I did say he doesn't do subtlety. LOL
    They went upstairs and were having an enjoyable private time ....
    when teen Rohan showed up on the lot (I know I should have deleted him but deleting mature Rohan was bad enough.) Quin is way too old for teen Rohan and they are different age groups so it shouldn't matter but Quin just kept on getting Rohan faces in his action queue faster than I could cancel them. I had to give up and let them talk. Thankfully Quin realised this was not his Rohan and teen Rohan was just fan boying over Quin like he was any other celebrity. So Quin gave his attention back to Anton.
    I decided it was Quin wrestling with his loyalties to his memories of Rohan against his desire for a relationship here and now. (so not a "real" Rohan in that sense).
    Finally it was first kiss time. I don't want to rush this relationship.
    No Rohan - don't walk through the shot. So this in my mind is Quin thinking about Rohan approving of this relationship and Quin's mental shift from his memories of the past to the relationship here and now. or the immersion breaking version:
    Rohan reminding us that he is Quin's perfect match and just making me feel guilty - just know Rohan that if Young adults could romance teens he would have left Anton when you showed up, Quin fought my every command and wanted to go straight to Rohan - that should make you happy Rohan
    Romantic evening continues..

    Dinner Party
    Quin decided to hold a dinner party so Anton could meet his friends (and imagined family LOL) and to see how they blended together.
    Anton was charming as usual, and everyone liked him.
    Except for Izzy who was more impressed by this guest
    Quin invited Anton to stay and enjoy some time in the hot tub when everyone left.
    Not sure Anton was expecting the evening to end with this view LOL (Quin continues his zero subtley seduction techniques)
    Well this is awkward! They just sat there and I was freaking out about what to do when....
    Anton dived under the water and surfaced right next to Quin (who shuffled over and got as close to Anton as he could)..
    Much less awkward
    Well from the look on Quin's face I have a feeling that something NSFW might be going on under the water. LOL

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    zheplayszheplays Posts: 24 Member
    Ugh, yeah, that behavior is what made me replace the sages with the gallery ones. It's a lot of work and L and Simeon didn't do anything but Morgyn had to go. Made a habit of stalking my played Sims no matter who I was playing, acting like a jealous, jilted lover, and then rejected romantic advances left and right. I'm thinking, I had an ex like you once. Note the ex part. I'm nonbinary though, so I really wanted to like Morgyn, but the instability and seeming enjoyment of playing with hearts coupled with apparent possessiveness made me go "Yeah you're actually traumatizing to watch. Bye Felicia." It's like in Morgyn's world, everyone must love Morgyn and no one else. I'm sorry your mommy didn't love you enough, dang, but you don't get to monopolize everyone else like that. :#
    And thank you! It was a lot of work but we got there in the end! They should be aging into children today.
    Find me on Tumblr and Instagram at zheplays !
    siempre bruja.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    Right? He's my son. Caleb's my son. I restarted Ezio's legacy and went for Caleb this time. Idk what Ezio's secret is, but he managed to make 100k in a little over a half week, so now they have a proper house and everything (even a relatively nice one), and Caleb sat down and started knitting and I squealed under my breath. This one I'm just playing for funsies.

    As an aside re: Morgyn
    My Morgyn's only accepted proposals from one Sim, Liberty Lee, Morgyn's accepted it from her twice now. And so far, she's the only one that can tame the untamed. If Morgyn is involved with literally anyone else, the twit will probably refuse to get married, Morgyn's rejected Caleb's proposal more than once, and Cassandra's, and also act extremely jealous of whoever happens to be involved with Caleb or Cassandra. Or anyone else that looks remotely similar to either of them. Morgyn's also typically very jealous of whoever is the object of Ezio's affections (Ezio is Morgyn's twin brother).

    And for some reason, Ezio does not and has never behaved anything like Morgyn. Actually he was quite happy when his grandson started wooing Cassandra, and she's the first Sim he's ever married. Morgyn? Morgyn was pouting about it. Cassandra got Ezio instead of Morgyn because Morgyn spent their entire non-relationship running from her (she'd do a romance interaction and Morgyn would immediately quit the conversation, this was right after ROM was released, ngl, this behaviour is what made me go "I wonder how much Morgyn would remain in a copy" and I made Damian to find out). Morgyn has no room to be upset about her and Gabriel oh my god. I don't understand how this game works.

    I guess Morgyn's just ill-tempered in some people's games. Lucky us that ours are on the list.

    He is! It's weirdly nice to see him doing 'normal' stuff lol he was a little depressed for a bit there.

    Recently I restarted my family save where I'd aged a bunch of premades I usually play down to toddler and created families for them and decided to raise them from babies. Except this time, they're all recreated from random Sims in CAS using MCCC's copy-paste feature, so these are all completely new Sims. Funny, none of them act notably differently to how they did originally. I started with the Embers, of course, I'll move over to the Vatores next. Originally Cassandra was a child but then I decided to make her also a toddler, and the Goths can remain in an age time vacuum, and not age until the other toddlers are children, and then when Cassandra is a child, then Alexander can start ageing.
    Alexander as Seen some things.
    I know he probably was completely unaware of it, but he was looking at Mortimer, and I'd just pasted his Mortimer-self onto his random-CAS-self so right before Alexander's little eyes his father had completely changed in an instant, lol and it looks like he Saw it.

    Baby Morgyn runs off at the mouth a lot. No one was surprised. The first thing baby-Morgyn did was babble to self. The first thing baby-Ezio did was go pet baby-Mayor Whiskers. Checks out.

    Tess does not know why, but something feels wrong here...

    And as always... find the child, and you will find his cat.

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    The Island Elemental Twins Index:

    MerMay Extras with Dylan and Zeph

    For those who are new and haven't followed my sims' story from the beginning, here's the story so far in the spoiler. I hope it helps to catch everyone up. I also plan on updating the index today, so it should be easier to find older posts.
    Everything started with Calum, a young merman that was both a Child of the Ocean and a Child of the Islands. Calum, for a time, had the power to summon the Island Elementals, and when he fell in love with Arihi Tilo, they settled down on the Islands of Sulani and had a family.


    Their first two children were Dylan and Zephyr, the Elemental Spirits of the Sea and Sky.

    Dylan, the Creative, wasn't exactly the brightest, but he had his own way of learning. Despite being a silly toddler, he was very well mannered and never threw tantrums. He made up for his lack of tantrums by making lots of messes.



    Zephyr, or Zeph for short, was curious about the world from the beginning. He was the Genius, and he definitely had his own way of thinking. His inquisitive nature made him much more independent than his brother as a toddler. Zeph threw many more tantrums than Dylan, but in all honesty, I think they were justified more often than not.





    Despite the twins' different ways of thinking, they did everything together early on in life.



    From a very young age, the merboys had a lot of power they could wield on a whim. Their mother, helped them learn to use their Elemental Magic. Summoning Lava Bombs and enriching the vitality of plants were a couple of their earliest abilities.


    Zeph was a Whiz Kid and never lost a game of Chess. Arihi assumed it was good luck at first, but eventually, she would quit midway through games with her own son once she started to lose.


    Dylan was an Artistic Prodigy, and he could create works of art faster than his brother. Dylan and Zeph would build Sand Castles together at the beach, and Dance to music together. Dylan really enjoyed music as a child.



    As Children, Dylan and Zeph joked together and swam together.

    Calum didn't know it, but the twins had inside jokes about parenting.




    As Children, both of the Twins had their embarrassing moments.


    It broke immediately after Dylan finished singing...


    Zeph to Dylan: "Do not feel bad for me. For I have found who I truly am."


    By the end of their childhood, the Twins naturally developed their relationship and became best friends.


    When the Twins became teenagers, they gained their mermadic powers, and Calum taught them how to use their power responsibly. The twins spent a lot of time together as teens. They were inseparable.






    Dylan is the only one that won a game of chess against Zeph.


    The Twins even have moments where they are completely in sync with each other.


    As young adults, they have each other's backs against anti-environmentalists.


    Dylan and Zeph continued to do most things together. They camped at Granite Falls and attended University together.






    If one of them felt overwhelmed by their studies or because they felt upset for any reason, the other was there help out.


    When Zeph got a girlfriend, Dylan was his wingman.


    Zeph helped Dylan meet the mermaid that became his girlfriend.


    Now, the deeper part of their story involves the Kailanis. Reef Kailani is a merman with an ancient connection to the Islands of Sulani, and his bloodline was passed onto his twin sons Kylen and Rylan. Rylan still lives with the Pod and is a Mua Pel'Am Conservationist. Kylen, on the other hand, quickly fell in love with his husband, Aaron. The two mermen left the pod and moved into the Kailani Ancestral Home Lot.




    Kylen adopted a young merman named Lir, a merboy with a white tail. Lir, Dylan, and Zeph, represent 2 out of the 7 Original Elders with unique tail colors.

    Dylan and Zeph are descendants of the Blue Tail Elder, and the Blue Tail Trait was assumed to be lost forever before Dylan and Zeph came along. Kemps and Calum are carriers of the Blue Tail Trait, but they have green tails with patterns. Kemps is trying to protect the twins by keeping their social status in the pod a secret. Dylan and Zeph have no idea that they are the Heirs to the Blue Tail Elder title. Likewise, Lir is not immediately aware that he's the White Tail Elder Heir. However, Lir does have a distant memory of who he's meant to be.

    Lir, is the new founder of my Kailani Legacy, and a lot of the gameplay thus far has involved setting up the world for this legacy household as well as telling stories about other sims. Dylan and Zeph are only 2 out of the 7 Heirs the Kailani Legacy will need to recruit into a Club dedicated to caring for Mua Pel'Am and representing all the merfolk. The other 5 are based on 5 other packs:

    The Darkfins are the antagonistic force, and when I get to them in the rotation, things will get a bit darker in the story telling. The Darkfins are a family of merfolk that were banished by the original Elder Council. The Darkfins managed to take out the Elder Council. All the heirs scattered across the worlds for safety except for the Blue Tail heirs that perished with their parents. The Zalrian Brothers, Calum and Kemps, lost their parents after the Darkfins attacked.

    Kemps is the acting Elder and he's dedicated to helping merfolk learn how to blend in with humans. He looks after the pod and is essentially responsible for everyone in the Mua Pel'Am Pod. He goes out of his way to look after his twin nephews and often checks on them.

    Calden is a young merman that came to Sulani from under the sea after the Mua Pel'Am Island was restored to a thriving state. Calden is independent, but he also wants to swim with a pod, hence the creation of the MerBros pod.

    Ember Zalrian accidently turned her home and the homes of her childhood friends Lucas Munch and Alexander Goth into haunted houses.

    Jade is an adventurous vampire and her twin brother Juniper often has to bail her out of trouble.

    Zeph decided to spend his summer vacation with his MerBros. The Islands seemed to make sense for summer break.

    Commentary: "I'm actually not sure how I managed it, but the earrings are gone with their club outfit for swimwear. However, I can no longer edit the swimwear outfits..."


    While Dylan swam around the reef, Zeph encountered an Anti-environmentalist.



    Zeph did his best to explain that protecting the environment was important, but this was not what he had in mind for his summer break.





    So, Zeph, Dylan, and the Merboys took a trip to Selvadorada for a week in the Island Jungle. The Zalrian's recently bought a rental villa called Salamander Retreat there. While the merboys were too young to explore the jungle, Dylan and Zeph made plans to go exploring.
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,112 Member
    @Becka28 Heart strings are pulled no more. It was an interesting what if scenario.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    Masterson Family

    "Hey Xanthe," I said. "You know, I was thinking of taking us all on a camping trip."
    "Camping?" Xanthe replied, not sounding particularly enthused.
    "Yeah. I thought it'd be nice to get away for a bit. Plus it'll be good for Artemis and Apollo's Scout badge progress."
    "OK, then. Hopefully the weather isn't too bad."


    At the campsite, however...
    "Ugh," Xanthe said simply.
    "Sorry, Xanthe," I grinned. "Look at it as camping tradition."
    "Hopefully it won't be too bad," Artemis said brightly. "We have got tents, right?"
    I fled towards the ranger station where there was, thankfully, plenty in stock.


    We had all packed clothing that was more suitable to camping and hiking than our normal everyday wear. Artemis had cooked everyone baked potatoes, and then Apollo was making us elote.
    "Hopefully the weather will be nicer tomorrow, it's almost summer," I said.
    "Yeah, I hope so too," Artemis replied.


    (Just an image of everyone in their tents. Erytheia and Xanthe shared, as did Artemis and Apollo.)


    I made everyone a breakfast of grilled fruit the following morning. Cooking outdoors was a novelty for sure, but it wasn't fun having the smoke blow in my eyes.


    Recently, at school, my form tutor had been telling us about the dangers of being 'obsessed' with social media and the gaining of likes and followers on Simstagram. She had extolled the benefits of 'disconnecting' and 'rediscovering nature', all of which I was thinking about as I practised playing on the campsite's horseshoes court. It was true that, as city-dwellers, my siblings and I didn't spend much time in green space. After all, Spellcasters rely on nature to provide ingredients for potions and such.


    We all headed over to Granite Falls National Park. The information leaflet had mentioned a "mysterious hermit" who lived deep within the park, whom few people ever found...


    Sure enough, I noticed a small dwelling, and headed over. I bumped into an elderly woman, who introduced herself as Suzanne. She told me that although she enjoyed living as a hermit, she didn't mind the occasional visitor dropping by, as long as they were respectful.


    Artemis took the opportunity to work on her Outdoor Adventurer badge by going fishing.


    Apollo was intrigued by some of the plants and attempted to identify them, without much success. He was the most outdoorsy of all of us and was particularly enjoying the camping trip and being outside all the time.


    Back at the campsite, Apollo indulged in another of his hobbies and played the guitar round the campfire. His aspiration in life was to master several different skills, and he'd decided to pick skills that were related in some way to his Greek god namesake, who had been the god of multiple things such as music, healing and dance amongst other things.


    "So, how are we enjoying the camping trip?" I asked that evening.
    "Better than I thought, actually," Xanthe replied. "It's actually been surprisingly warm today. I don't know what we'd have done if the weather had continued being awful."
    "We could have hung out in Suzanne's place," Artemis pointed out. "She seemed pretty friendly."
    "Have you brought your homework with you?" Apollo grinned, seeing the open notebook.
    "Yeah..." Artemis said, blushing. "It's something to do, isn't it?"
    "Fair point," Apollo conceded.


    Later, I was headed towards the toilets when I spotted...


    "Alex! What on Earth are you doing here?" I asked.
    "I came to your apartment and your mum told me you'd gone away, so I decided to visit," he said. "How are you enjoying camping?"
    "Fine," I said. "The weather's been really nice today."
    "Yeah, it's been good in San Myshuno too," he replied. "You look cute in that outfit, by the way."
    "Thank you," I smiled. "You can't really go camping in mini skirts and ballet pumps. Well, you could, but they're not exactly practical."
    "No, I guess not."


    The next morning, we were all casually enjoying the fire when...
    "OH MY PLUMBOB!" I yelled, noticing the flames on the ground. "Quick, we need to extinguish this!"
    With the three of us girls on the case, the fire was quickly out.


    We decided to head home later that day. As it turned out, Mum had booked a couple of nights away in Sulani, and we were to go away that evening. Dad would be staying at home to look after the cats, and she'd invited Anastasia and Alexander along for the fun.
    I was so excited to be spending time on holiday with my boyfriend that I didn't care who witnessed our makeout session...


    "It's lovely here, isn't it?" Alexander said.
    "It is. But we've got to be careful about not getting sunburn."
    "Absolutely. Mum made me pack plenty of factor 50 sunscreen."


    That Tuesday was Summer Festival day, and it was becoming somewhat of a tradition to spend the day in Sulani.
    "I love spending time with you," I said. "Perhaps we could keep coming here in the future, on Summer Festival day."
    "Yeah, and maybe we'll eventually be bringing our own children here," he replied.
    "I'd love that," I smiled. "Not for a while yet, though. I don't feel old enough to be a mother yet."
    "No, and I'm not ready for fatherhood. Like we've said before, I'd prefer to have graduated university first."


    Some of the locals were gathered round a large bonfire nearby, and they invited us to join in. I nervously took some fire sticks and started twirling them around.


    Sibling love (Apollo and Xanthe hugging at the bottom of the picture) and romantic love...


    #thirdwheel #dontmindme


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    sunman502sunman502 Posts: 18,325 Member
    Keidra wrote: »
    I take it you've never played Caleb Vatore before... the pic is Caleb Vatore. Knitting autonomously. As he does. Some things don't change.
    I have, in fact one of my female vampires has a kid by him. And who said that vampires can't knit? Unless he's not a vampire in the pic above. :D
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,065 Member
    @Keidra glad to see you and your characters back again :)

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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,916 Member
    edited May 2021
    Having rebuilt the park in Willow Creek I went to choose a family to test it out and found it was sparkling and sunshine shining on it in Manage Worlds. I seem to have made a Eco Green lot and don't know how I did it! :o

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