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Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited August 2019
    Day 2

    They finally caught some fish and had a decent meal.
    Then with a lot of digging and some luck they managed to set up a tent!
    Good food and sleep made Judith so happy I didn't want it go to waste, so I made her read her book and talk to Cap while in a flirty mood hoping for some development.
    Unfortunately he was too tired for that and Judith was back to her usual self in no time.
    She's mostly 🐸🐸🐸🐸 off because there's no mirrors around for her to admire herself.
    Come on, lady, we have no reliable source of food, no toilet, no shower and you only miss your vanity!?

    Day 3

    Judith woke up to one nasty surprise after another.
    Cap watched her run around screaming with nearly perfect pokerface while eating his rotten pepperony pizza for breakfast.
    He's so done with it.
    None of it boosted their morale so it was a sad and uneventful day.
    Stargazing in the evening did help them get slightly entertained and improved the relationship.
    So I'm not giving up on the idea of Seduction by the Sea.
    Post edited by EA_Joz on
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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    Been thinking of ways to improve the reporting of activities from Sims 4 households for some time, but for that to happen i need outside opinions and i haven't seen anything on that point in any on any of my comments for some time now (like i've been ignored?), it has gotten a bit annoying by the lack of responses and so i've been assuming for a while now you're all happy with it?

    So i'd like to ask kindly to get some honest responses back rather than nothing so i know if i'm on the right or wrong track. I'd like to be able to deliver some quality household updates from TS4 and have some fun doing it and that would be great. As it is, i'm likely to stop reporting on this thread since no one seems interested.

    With all that said, this complicated Sandra Matthews family tree is starting to come to a close now on Family Echo and i can get back to that save in game. Brandy and Wesley have a wedding to take part in, family members to show themselves in both Everson and Matthews family, as well as the Parker family later on.

    I got some real embarassment waiting on Sandra through her mother in regards to her behavior and her dress sense, sort of thing that makes Sandra mortified by what she is seeing and Bruce looking at Jeri wanting more of that! Then the Parkers show up very surprisingly one day. Lots of fireworks planned down the road. That is all in doubt at this point.

    So anything i can do through other households now and take feedback from it would help enormously later on in how i present it on others like the Matthews family.
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    I don't comment on others' updates mostly for the following reasons:
    1) I'm too late to this topic and just can't catch up, especially when the story started long before I got here and has too many characters in it for me to even try to understand who is who.
    2) I can't correlate pictures with text. Unless there are pictures and they are followed by short captures it's very hard to me to understand what's happening and to who. There are a lot of people and names here in this topic, without seing Sim faces it's nearly impossible for me to remember them all.
    3) A lot of text. Sorry, I'm lazy to read long text without pictures.
    4) Nothing in the update strikes me as especially interesting or amusing.

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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    edited August 2019
    Morkovka wrote: »
    4) Nothing in the update strikes me as especially interesting or amusing.

    Now that drew my attention the most. Some elaboration on what could be improved on, any good tips or hints as they come. i'm always open to them. :smile:
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    Hoverael wrote: »
    Now that drew my attention the most. Some elaboration on what could be improved on, any good tips or hints as they come. i'm always open to them. :smile:
    Well, I'm pretty new here and I feel like it's wrong for me to give that sort of advice.
    But let's say, as much as I want and can rant about my Sims, their background, their development, their motives for hours, I try to minimize it and focus on what actually did happen in my game today because it's what the topic title suggests.
    I try to omit the usual and repetetive things and make accent on key events, achievements, out of ordinary things.
    Because that's what I like to read about in other people's updates: people setting goals and showing how they reach them, coming up with unusual and funny interpretation of things, playing out plot twists etc.

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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    I read everyone comments when I get time, I rarely comment though because I feel my English is not good enough most of the time, that said I have pretty much the same problem as @Morkovka with your posts, @Hoverael ... I can't follow who is who without pictures.
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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    edited August 2019
    I present you Nicolas Rosier, who, after finishing his diary entry, got up from behind his desk, walked out of his room and into his parents´to do his homework sitting on their bed. On saturday morning at 7 AM. Why? I honestly have no idea anymore. bxHIBzy.png

    Whatever failings Andrey has as a person, he really loves his kids m1WTMzN.png

    Some loving... Ct3uI0B.png
    ...aand hello, Noelle CDAkAIo.png
    Noelle: "What´s up?"
    Andrey and Angelique: should have locked the door. Nothing ruins the mood faster than a child barging in, no matter the age of said child.

    I finally unlocked the mystery of why Antony tended to prefer Noelle´s child violin to his own. Whenever Angelique stops playing, she puts the violin into her inventory, instead of putting it back to from where she took it.

    Andrey and Angelique went on a dinner date. Sadly, the cool waiter I had encountered last time and had forgotten to take a pic of must´ve had a day off, since he was nowhere to be found. He is a vampire that flies between the tables in his bat form. An innovative way to offer fast service :D
    Andrey brought his own food, I didn´t even notice when did he manage to sneak it into his inventory. It was uncharacteristically smart move from him to come prepared - he has the refined palate quirk and eating restaurant food always makes him sad because it isn´t good enough for him FNCuj4Z.png
    (which didn´t stop him from trying to steal his pregnant sister-wife´s food once he was done with his. I put an end on it, since poor Angelique was already starving, having spent the entire dinner chatting instead of eating her meal.)

    Nicolas set the kitchen - and himself - on fire while cooking FwKgP0q.png
    Nina to the rescue rcxqhs8.png
    (this random lady just wandered in)
    Nina, being a good sister, grabbed Nala and ran out of the house, even though she had already managed to extinguish the fire. Two of her parents didn´t see what all that fuss was about and the third one didn´t even wake up before the fire was over. pkOgAhS.png
    Nicolas was okay, I had him make a salad for himself, since he can´t be allowed near the stove k2slOfe.png

    Nina called in a club meeting to get away from her parents. This time, everyone actually showed up. Bp4qs0B.png (I may have gone a little overboard with the fence, but when I had tested the clubhouse out earlier with a low fence, some unwelcome sims had not gotten the hint the locked gate was meant to give and had kept trying to talk to club members over the fence. It is meant to be a private property that strangers have no right to enter, so it was unacceptable. With the high fence, sims still keep spawning outside, but they are unable to interract with those inside and vice versa. That woman had managed to sneak in before Nina had locked the gate, but she was still unable to enter the building. I deleted her out of spite for messing with my hard work.)
    Darren and Mortimer, who had met briefly as children but had never really interracted with each other (Cassandra´s and Alexander´s relationship has been strained for ages, and it didn´t help that the only grandchildren Bella - who isn´t really family-oriented at all, despite the trait that claims otherwise - ever aknowledged and bothered to occasionally talk to, were Darren and Helena), were reunited. Mortimer introduced Isobel as his sister, something she was not happy about, since she had spent a long time pretending that he didn´t exist and was still not overly fond of him. Poor Morgan, it can´t be very comfortable with all these passive-agressive vibes. jmjmXbE.png
    Isobel´s and Mortimer´s relationship is not bound to get any warmer, since they both liked Morgan. Who seems to prefer Isobel EJsjKwF.png
    Poor Mortimer had to sit down to share his sadness with his diary 3GWy0KT.png
    Another of their club members, Jason. I have yet to find anything special about him other that he is nice to look at and that Isobel really dislikes him for some reason. KwhCK3V.png
    I am kind of starting to regret matching Nina up with Darren. He barely talked to her the whole time and turned his head away when she serenaded him. She may not be the best singer, but still, rude qnG7K0x.png
    No one in their club seems to like Darren that much, because neither of the boys wanted to join him against Nina and Isobel in a table football and Morgan would rather chat with the bartender than with him. 19BVf9a.png Darren´s whole nature is against him - lazy and self-absorbed are not great traits to make friends.
    Nina was pleased with how her club turned out, now she needed to recruit more members (I have a mod that lets to have up to 20 club members, because 8 is way too few for lively meetings, and Nina wants her club to be really popular)

    I followed Isobel home to see what she has been up to. Not homework, since her grades are terrible. Even Stefan, who hates school with passion, has better grades.
    I don´t think I have ever mentioned what Caleb and Anastassia actually do when they are not guest-starring in my updates. Caleb is a pastry chief, while Anastassia is a former pop star. She retreated from active showbusiness when Stefan was a toddler with a fortune on her bank account that allows her to never worry about money again. Anastassia still writes music from time to time to entertain herself, but she is quite comfortable staying out of spotlight and just enjoying life.

    Caleb was sad - as a former vampire with ethernal sadness weakness, he still occasionally gets the moodlet - but no worry, Anastassia knew just the right way to cheer him up CDdSZmu.png
    (They really liked that hot tub, because they spent the whole day there, just chatting and enjoying the view. I can´t recall the last time any of my sims remained at one place for hours at the time. I even suspected that they were glitched, but as the conversation topics were changing, they were flirting and kissing, they must´ve been pretty content there.

    Isobel, Catarina and Stefan returned from school, hungry (I could´ve sworn that children used to eat at school, but lately they all come home in a bad mood with both their hunger and fun at yellow). Isobel cooked salad for dinner, while the younger ones did their homework dLIujbd.png
    All three had a project to finish m3fGiGK.png
    Caleb went to work and Anastassia went to make a drink KqNuw07.png
    As soon as Caleb got home, both Anastassia and Stefan ran outside to greet him lv5nCOT.png
    Anastassia had news for him - they were going to have a baby! nernKkh.png
    Caleb was very happy, because he loves new stuff and what can be more new than a baby?
    Like his wife, Caleb enjoys the occasional drink or three mFdUpqM.png
    That´s Princess, Anastassia´s extremely spoiled cat. And Caleb is ill again, he got ill in every few days as vampire and remains the same way as a human. It´s a good thing that they can afford the medicine, because it is an expensive stuff wDrLdOi.png
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    @AngeliqueAdelaide there is a mod to stop the vampires weakness to still affect sims who don't have them anymore
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,368 Member
    I decided that I wanted a swimming, so she had one built on the side of the house as there wasn't much room in the backyard... :)

    I ended up doing the back float for a little bit before heading back inside... :)

    I was hungry, so I had a peanut butter & jelly sandwich... :)

    I just love the smell of the pb&j sandwiches... :)

    When I was done with my food, I went into the bathroom to wash my plate off... :)

    She went and brought herself a computer, so she plays bric-a-brac on it... :)

    I had ordered me a computer from a catalog the other day, so it had arrived and once I got it together, I played a game of bric-a-brac... :)

    I got a promotion at work in my artist career... :)

    When I got home, I finished up preparing eggs and toast as that I was was going to have for breakfast but had to leave for work... :)

    After I cleaned up my dirty dishes, I started a new painting... :)

    Travis Scott called and wanted to know if he can come over to hang out for a little bit. He was angry when he got over here and headed to the bedroom to go talk to himself in the mirror before going out to talk to me... :)

    Once he was done talking to himself, he came out to where I was and waved to me while I was painting... :)

    I could tell that he was angry about something, so I'd asked him what was on his mind and he talked to me until he started to feel better about his issues... :)

    He headed over to the computer and played a game or 2 of bric-a-brac. He's not a bad player of the game... :)

    Then he headed back into the bedroom to go talk to himself in the mirror again. He must be really stressed out about something or someone... :/TPZlwMwl.png

    I did a little bit of dancing while he was in my bedroom figuring out his issues... :)

    I was thirsty, so I grabbed me something to drink and went and talked to Travis some more... :)

    So after I got home from work the next day, Travis called again wanting to hang out some more. I just hope that he's in a better mood when he comes inside... :)

    So I was eating when he came inside as I was in the middle of cooking when he called to ask if he could hang out... :)

    Travis went straight to computer while Hannah decided to come over for a visit as well... :)

    Travis and I went outside and did a few laps around the pool while Hannah decided to dance to some music... :)

    I then decided to splash Travis with some water... :)

    Hannah came out to pool and changed into her bathing suit and sat down on the edge of the pool to talk to Travis and I for a little bit... :)

    Then Travis and I went back inside and danced for a little bit... :)
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    lisasc360lisasc360 Posts: 19,368 Member
    Hannah then came inside, so I went and sat next to her while Travis got back on the computer... :)

    Once I was getting tired and was ready for bed, I told my guest goodnight and asked them of they could lock up before they leave... :)

    So Hannah was the first to leave, so she said that she had fun and that we should do this again one day. Travis was still on the computer when Hannah left but when he got done searching the web, he left and locked my front door for me. I really don't think that I need to worry about anyone breaking in as I haven't read about any burglaries in Willow Creek but one can never be too sure though... :)

    Travis came back over the next day and went straight to the computer again... :)

    So while he was on the computer, I fixed up some fish tacos. I was about to fix me a plate and decided to fix enough for him to eat as well... :)

    When I was cooking the fish tacos, I called Travis to come and get a plate for himself... :)

    After he grabbed his plate, we came over to where I was to talk and to eat his food which he though was pretty delicious... :)

    Then after we got done eating and put our plates on the counter, I started to dance... :)

    I went in to use the toilet and then washed my hands afterwards. I then browsed the internet on my phone since Travis was using the computer again... :)

    When I woke up the next day, I noticed that my jukebox was broken, so I called the repair person to come and fix. They sent Sally over to fix it... :)

    When Sally was done and I paid her for her services, she stayed around to chat for a little bit... :)

    She saw my painting and went over to it to take a look and to talk about it with me... :)

    After Sally left, I decided to go to the art museum to check out the painting over there... :)

    After I got done looking at the paintings, I went out to the shoreline where I saw a log laying on the ground, so I searched it for some frogs... :)

    Then I saw some rocks that I went and chipped away at to see if there was anything in them... :)

    Then I decided to do some fishing while I was over there... :)

    I ended up catching a minnow and a goldfish before heading inside to use the restroom... :)

    When I went inside to use the restroom, I saw Morty Goth sitting there looking at some art as well... :)

    I was on my way to the library and thought that I saw something shiny inside of the trashcan, so I decided to search though it. And no, I don't go around digging through trashcans on a daily basis... :)

    Once I got to the library, I headed over to the shelf that I needed to find a gardening book as I want to learn to do some gardening... :)

    Once I got the book that I needed, I sat down at the desk to read it... :)
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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    I know about the mod and used it for some time. But I try to only use mods to fix things that really annoy me and this isn't one of those. I kind of even like it (I still hope that it gets fixed, for the sake of those who hate it and don't want to or can't use mods), because it makes sense for me that having been vampire - a blood-thirsty, undead creature - would have lingering impact for the person. So my former vampires have learnt to live with their trauma - Caleb has Anastassia and both her natural and supernatural charms to cheer him up, and Lilith, who can't keep the food down, has gotten really into healthy lifestyle and lives off raw fruits and vegetables.
    (I didn't meant to rant about it for so long. It is nearly 3 AM at my country and I may be slightly sleep-deprived.)
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Hoverael I am sorry you aren't feeling heard. I don't comment on everyone's posts just things that make me laugh or I have a question.
    When I first started posting I didn't have permission to post photos and I tried to keep my updates brief and visually descriptive. People did comment more when I added images but I write for my own pleasure too not for comments as such.
    . I do try and like everyone's indicate I have read them. Lovely @AlwaysAsking is the person who comments on everyone's posts but she has been quiet lately because of lRL issues.

    I have found this thread welcoming and accepting and try to make others feel that too :)
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    @Morkovka Your story with the Cap and Judith have me cracking up! Her facial expressions alone are hilarious. I can definitely see the potential for romance!
    @AngeliqueAdelaide I love Anastassia and Caleb together! They make such a cute couple. I'm with you on the vampire weaknesses mod. I like the idea if you need it, however I have made it my own personal canon, the higher the ranking, the more dangerous it would be for them to revert back to a human. It gives more consequence to gaining power.
    @Hoverael I am new here too! Hopefully you get the feedback you are looking for! Sometimes its just hard for everyone to comment on each other's posts as much as we would like. I'm with Becka28. Its a pleasure to be able to post your stories and share them with others . I play Sims 4 as a form of stress relief and an outlet for creativity as many people do. I'd rather play than watch tv. You can make your own drama, humor, and storylines. I find it difficult to form an opinion on another person's gameplay as each is unique and suited for them personally. Its a joy enough just to read their posts and stories.
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    sarabeth2984sarabeth2984 Posts: 849 Member
    Hello Everybody!
    Yesterday I posted about Griffin and Bella. I dunno. Bella is driving poor Griffin crazy. They have a very high friendship bar (higher than her's and Mortimer's) and are listed as lovebirds. I did not prompt the romance as Bella is married, this came about autonomously on their part. Bella was flirting with Griffin to no end, well when he flirted back or tried anything mildly romantic, she turned him down. I think Griffin will definitely be turning his affections elsewhere

    Well in my game today, I am back to playing Captain Eddie (and Griffin's uncle!) back on the shipwreck in Sulani. Here's a recap, because I know its been a hot minute since I posted about him lol!
    No one knows Captain Eddie's real name, everyone calls him Cap'n Eddie since he has lived at the old shipwreck on Mua Pulem for as long as anyone can remember. He's a fun loving beach bum who likes to hang with the locals at the bar, fish with his best friend Ukupanipo and go diving for seashells and treasure.
    Recently the Fontenots (a large extended family) moved in up at the Caldera Camp. Capn Eddie was delighted to have neighbors for once and they quickly became friends! Rachel Fontenot, the matriarch of the Fontenot mess of a family soon made fast friends with Eddie. She recently learned he has one estranged son with several grandchildren, and a brother Harry who lives in Brindleton Bay with his wife Maribelle. Harry has 3 adult sons
    Capn Eddie has a secret few know about however
    Yep. He's a vampire

    Shenanigans with Eddie.
    Eddie heads a Conservation Club. They meet regularly to comb the beach for trash and remove invasive plant species.
    Rachel Fontenot brings her cousin Agnes MaMuruch from Windenberg along. Eddie and Agnes really hit it off and he asks her to be his girlfriend

    Its Winterfest in Sulani. Eddie has got the shipwreck decorated for the holiday (I love the sandpals lol).
    He also renovated the indoors too finally. He recently had a generator put in so the place is no long off the grid

    Capn Eddie has invited his brother Harry and sister-in-law Maribelle to spend the holiday week with him. Ukupanipo has tagged along as he Eddie is the closest thing he has to family.
    Harry is the guy on the right.
    Harry is a famous author, he is known for his historical action novels and mysteries. He uses is yearly visits to his brother for inspiration.
    Harry writes a book, Shipwrecked!
    He met his current wife Maribelle at the island resort 10 years ago. Maribelle is a famous artist who also visits the islands for inspiration.
    Oh yeah, she's a mermaid

    Holiday fun
    Eddie gets a chess table
    Uku likes his too
    Father Winter gets a present from Capn Eddie

    Fishing the next day

    Eddie and Harry go searching for treasure at the deep sea pier.
    Harry spots a shark fin! First time I saw that lol


    I dont know if you all have seen the chest in the shipwreck. There's a special key that unlocks it. Hmmmm. Could this be the reason Eddie deep sea dives so much?

    See you next time!
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    LquinnLquinn Posts: 385 Member
    @HopeyStarr .

    Evil stepmother needs to have a visit from the beast. Which in my game would be Vlad in a bunny suit.
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    O-meezyO-meezy Posts: 165 Member
    edited August 2019
    Zion and Avery got home from their honeymoon and their first course of action was to open up a store together :)
    They decided to name it Libra and it's a place where they sell mostly furniture and clothing,


    They're even going to sell some of Avery's masterpiece paintings :)

    Avery was definitely nervous at first. She really doesn't do well in crowds or around new people but she was going to try her best to sell as much as she could.

    Unfortunately, she got yelled at a few times by customers. She's never been the best at talking to people :(

    Meanwhile, Zion was charming and smooth-talking his way to sale. He saw a customer try on an outfit and walked over to talk to him.

    Zion:"You know, this is the same outfit that ummm... Tom Cruise wore in that one movie!

    Customer: "You mean, I'll be just like Tom Cruise?

    Zion: "Exactly like Tom Cruise.

    Customer: "Sold!"


    He then saw a customer thinking about buying a dresser and walked over to them.
    Zion: "The Queen of England herself, once used this very dresser as a coat rack." You'd be putting a piece of history in your home if you bought this!"

    Customer: "The Queen of England? Wow, thats awesome! Sold!"

    Now back to Avery. She saw a customer looking one of her paintings and approached her. Avery gained all of her fame from selling her paintings to museums but trying to convince someone to buy one in person was a completely different experience for her.

    Avery: "Hey, I, uh painted this picture myself you know..." - She said very nervously.

    Customer: "For someone so well known, this painting is very underwhelming.


    Avery noticed Zion's sales tactic of fudging the truth and decided to try it for herself.

    Avery: "But what I didn't tell you was that I painted is using one of Leonardo Da Vinci's paintbrushes!"

    Customer"Thats incredible! I'll take it!


    Eventually, she got the hang of being a salesperson and started selling products left and right

    Needless to say, the grand opening of the store ended up being a huge success thanks to some "crafty" salesmanship

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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    edited August 2019
    Morkovka wrote: »
    I don't comment on others' updates mostly for the following reasons:
    1) I'm too late to this topic and just can't catch up, especially when the story started long before I got here and has too many characters in it for me to even try to understand who is who.
    2) I can't correlate pictures with text. Unless there are pictures and they are followed by short captures it's very hard to me to understand what's happening and to who. There are a lot of people and names here in this topic, without seing Sim faces it's nearly impossible for me to remember them all.
    3) A lot of text. Sorry, I'm lazy to read long text without pictures.
    4) Nothing in the update strikes me as especially interesting or amusing.

    This. And I'd add 5) Then there is too much of chatting for my taste and it's kind of chaotic in here.

    I mean I do check ALL of the updates and mentions or quoting. Even those that are not for me. But I try not to comment unless I have an unstoppable need to do so.

    @SiliClone If you didn't write ananas I'd thought you were native english speaker :-P
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    HoveraelHoverael Posts: 1,230 Member
    edited August 2019
    Okay, good feedback so far. i'll reduce the writing down a bit and put just a few images up instead of a dozen or so and make them flashpoint updates instead of general.
    Becka28 wrote: »
    @Hoverael I am sorry you aren't feeling heard. I don't comment on everyone's posts just things that make me laugh or I have a question.
    When I first started posting I didn't have permission to post photos and I tried to keep my updates brief and visually descriptive. People did comment more when I added images but I write for my own pleasure too not for comments as such.
    . I do try and like everyone's indicate I have read them. Lovely @AlwaysAsking is the person who comments on everyone's posts but she has been quiet lately because of lRL issues.

    I have found this thread welcoming and accepting and try to make others feel that too :)

    At first i found it that way as well, but after each update i felt increasing more isolated. I'd very much like to get in on this fun activity and i'd just like the chance to try. I'm sure there are also other people as well hoping for the same level of communication while having fun doing it.
    @Hoverael I am new here too! Hopefully you get the feedback you are looking for! Sometimes its just hard for everyone to comment on each other's posts as much as we would like. I'm with Becka28. Its a pleasure to be able to post your stories and share them with others . I play Sims 4 as a form of stress relief and an outlet for creativity as many people do. I'd rather play than watch tv. You can make your own drama, humor, and storylines. I find it difficult to form an opinion on another person's gameplay as each is unique and suited for them personally. Its a joy enough just to read their posts and stories.

    I play TS4 for fun and creativity reasons. No point being creative if no one is going to acknowledge the effort and when that happens your efforts to build something nice suffers as a result and get stuck in a cycle of mediocrity. Justed wanted some help on the matter.

    I really do hope you get the same level of attention as others are getting as well as good feedback.

    I'm not asking for opinions on gameplay or characters, just how to present it and the way it is presented. A lot of the last 400 pages all have good presentation and good responses. if you get that right and people enjoy the way you posted it, it becomes a lot more fun. As @Morkovka pointed out, my replies are dull, so that needs immediate attention.
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited August 2019
    @SiliClone If you didn't write ananas I'd thought you were native english speaker :-P
    Hahaha, this is SO iconic :smiley:
    Because when I read SiliClone's update with ananas I didn't even notice something was off.
    Later when I was writing mine I was staring at the 🐸🐸🐸🐸 thing for a few minutes trying to remember how the hell it is even called in English.
    But I agree about @SiliClone and their English being very good :)

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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves Oh, I missed one of your posts and couldn't figure out what Christopher had against Isabelle. Yeeeah, I hate it when you invite them over and they kick your trashcan and make a mess everywhere. It's especially unfair that he got punished because of her :/

    @sarabeth2984 Thank you! I'm glad you and other people here find this pairing entertaining :blush:
    Unfortunately Judith is constantly in a crappy mood and it's hard to do anything romantic with her, but I'll keep trying :D

    And oh, I thought better of Bella than frienzoning a guy like that.
    Your multioccult family is quite interesting :)
    SANDPALS! I didn't know they existed it's brilliant! :D

    @O-meezy Your shop setup looks great! Zion is awesome in his resoursefulness :)
    I'm glad Avery didn't let that customer's attitude ruin her mood.
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited August 2019
    Day 4

    Judith has been putting all of her recognized acting talent into highly dramatic suffering...
    ...and throwing up in the bush.

    Captain Lecter is doing just fine, being a Loner who Loves Outdoors.
    He was bitten by spiders but it hardly changed his mood, so he was all happy and productive.
    He genuinely enjoys this kind of living.
    Judith does not!

    In the evening she accidentally burned the rest of their fish.
    It's too much for her, she simply can't take this anymore.
    And then there's this.
    I think it's a bad omen.
    (Yeah, it happened to be Harvestfest and this single gnome appeared behind their stinky bush, I only noticed it in the evening - it's CREEPY!)
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    mia_noelle97mia_noelle97 Posts: 575 Member
    edited August 2019
    So, I didn't actually play the game again today, but I did start building a house. I'm not the best at building but I want to get better so I thought I'd try. It's not done yet, I've only furnished a few rooms and I still need to finish landscaping but here is what the outside looks like so far. I also noticed that there's a weird spot where I forgot to make the second level match the first but I noticed it too late and didn't feel like loading the game back up to fix it. I'll probably use this house for Astrid once she ages into a young adult (she's the heir).

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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    Pancakeses and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
    Yep, it happened to be Harvestfest in my game either.
    This terrifying experience made Pearl become a bear once again.
    Bob had his calming honey bath.
    This lady just wandered in. No need to ask if she can come in. She just did. Mi casa is tu casa, I guess.
    More drama. The gnomes, THEIR! gnomes were very angry.
    Some nice events of the day. At least there were some.
    Pearl the mean bear
    Marie and Bob the good parents joined her.
    Very adult midnight fun
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    edited August 2019
    @DoloresGrey This made me LOL so much! :lol:
    Becuse it looks like Bob just blasted into the air in flames out of nothing (why did he start burning all of a sudden???)
    And then Marie being like "See husband burning - check!" tradition done.
    And then as things gradually become more and more unBEARable everyone slowly turns into those multicolored bears with internally screaming expression in the eyes.
    I'm dying :D:D:D
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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    @Morkovka :D there was an incense stick on the table
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p

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