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Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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What Happened In Your Game Today?


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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    Stutum wrote: »
    A miracle happened today! My sim had some friends over, served them dinner, and..... everybody ate at the table!!!!! :open_mouth: What's next, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria? :lol:

    Omg, I’m Lmao 😂

    “Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling!”

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    StutumStutum Posts: 1,146 Member
    Stutum wrote: »
    A miracle happened today! My sim had some friends over, served them dinner, and..... everybody ate at the table!!!!! :open_mouth: What's next, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria? :lol:

    Omg, I’m Lmao 😂

    “Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling!”

    I'm glad you got the reference. :lol:

    Seriously, this hasn't happened in a long time, and I'm glad it did. :smiley:
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    MorkovkaMorkovka Posts: 662 Member
    Speaking of ugly grandchildren, I had to do a horrible thing :confused:
    I realized mermaid genetics were broken only after I read about it here on forums, because I'm stupid not very observant.
    And with my Sulani household I really wanted to preserve those Evie's genes, because I find her really unique and beautiful.
    But both their merkids were born ingame, and therefore they inherited nothing of it.
    So I decided to take a desperate step and delete the kids :scream:
    And then made new ones in CAS.
    *David Attenborough voice* Let's see how the family reacts to the new fingerlings.
    Looks good, they accepted them as their own.
    Pippa the kitty might be a little suspicious.
    And now I have a lot of catching up to do with skills, relationships, grades and what not :/
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    NeenzNeenz Posts: 44 Member
    I took all the mods and cc out of my game and started a brand new game with Create-a-Story. My sim’s name is Hailie Cooper, she’s a young adult and set for the entertainment industry. It’ll be weird playing a vanilla game but here goes...
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    Once again, my apologies if this message is weird in any way. I am extremely overtired I'm going to sleep now LO,

    @Morkovka Thank you! They are so fun 😁 How is he always so cheerful like that? Lol, and she's always sweet ❤️

    And everyone seems to love the pond, so that's cool.

    Holy cow! Your Lucas is adorable 😊 Is that a bunch of CC? The hairstyle is so similar to his childhood one, it's wonderful 🥰


    Wow! I didn't know Caleb's parents were still alive? 😳

    What do they think of the whole "vampire thing?"

    And Wow! Congratulations on being mentioned in the official Friday announcement about what posts we should check out! That was amazing 😍


    Considering that I know exactly what Zion is capable of doing, I'd say those guys got off easy.

    And wow, I'm glad he was a more gracious loser to Avery.

    She seems to have forgiven him quickly 😊


    Lmao 😅😂
    I don't suppose she met her date goals did she?


    Wow! How did I miss that Jocelyn was adopted 😯

    It was great to see the post with pictures this time. Mortimer looks really cool!

    Alexander is seriously out of his mind, but I guess that's what erratic is. 😄

    The fire situation was ridiculous. And you tried debugging them?

    That guy definitely got what he deserved, what a dumb cluck to nap and eat etc by a fire! Whatever Mr. 🙄

    I'd love to hear where else she goes to find Mr Right. There used to be Tons of people down by the grills and tables in Willow Creek, by the gym and lounge, but I never see anyone there anymore.

    My coffee shops are always bustling with people though.


    Lol! I love your last little bit. Geez, thank God Cassandra was home, instead of being off somewhere because of her distant phase.

    It sounds like you're doing very well with her! How much do you change her before you play her?

    I can't stand her hair or clothes. But I feel like I can't take the glasses off, that would be too much for me. Lol


    So good to see the Adler's again! It's great that Aubree and Dec are still at her parent's house!

    I hope the trailer idea has fallen through. They are all getting along better now, they don't have to move out!

    Their little park trip is sweet, as are Reed and Nadia, all the time! ☺️

    Anyway, I was afraid that the spoiler was going to be them moving out while her parents were gone, but it's something good! Yay!


    OMG Bob is Really starting to tick me off!!

    I was blaming Eliza, hmmm, I don't think I do anymore

    Bees? Seriously, bees,? What is wrong with him 😠

    Eliza's date was eventful, I'll say that much about it. What is up with Marcus Flex? Has he called his daughter at all again?

    And what kind of bar does Eliza have with Marcus? Is it even in the green?

    Lol, what a mess.

    Bob, if you hurt your kids anymore, I'm going to grab you right off of thir screen and slap the Hell out of you!!


    Lol, yes, Don didn't do well with that man. I seriously did the same interactions with the man as Don does with every girl I've had him speak to, but it did Not work out with a man. 😄

    And yeah, J is freaking out, they need to try a bit harder.


    Is the girl really his child? Did you make her in CAS? I'm wondering how you got the ages of the kids correctly.

    Also.... How do you so nonchalantly kill off a couple of Sims? In Sims 2 I know you could let them drown in a pool, but they can jump out of pools now, can't they? 🤔


    First things first, I'm sooo happy that he and Gordon got back together 🥰

    They are so perfect together! And I can't believe how he took over the care of Bondi so much! All autonomously 😳

    Do you just sit and watch the other Sims while Adam is at work?

    Anyway, good riddance to Hailey. She almost allowed her child to be taken by child services?😠 Yuck, she's awful.

    Thanks for answering all of my questions! I love knowing how things work, because so often I don't, but someone here will mention it in passing, so then I'll know! And yeah, I'd love the link or whatever of the photograph challenge 😄

    I'm happy for everyone in this story! The pictures of he and Gordon together are heart warming ❤️

    Oh and I laughed ii+¡{the guy in the woods who w
    as spooked by the ghost6 just thought it was great that he made you think of enough

    Okay, I have to go for now! I am literally falling asleep trying to type

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    AngeliqueAdelaideAngeliqueAdelaide Posts: 1,033 Member
    edited August 2019
    Jocelyn's parentage has never really come up before. The only people who know are Amara, Noelle, and now both Jocelyn and Joaquin. Mortimer is gonna find out soon, though, since Jocelyn loves to talk :D
    I was worried about how Mortimer was going to look, with Alexander's unfortunate genetics, but he turned out fine.
    I know whom Jocelyn wants her mother to date, but I am not sure if she will get her wish. In theory, there are tons of single men around, the real problem lays in tracking them down. My cafes are full of 🐸🐸🐸🐸 creeps, my parks are full of erratics, and there are always same faces in gyms and nightclubs. Where is half of the male population? Watching tv at home?
    Post edited by AngeliqueAdelaide on
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 971 Member
    edited August 2019
    How is the family doing?

    My celebrity chef is still dead, and he may find himself deader if he persists in breaking the plumbing. My patience is limited. -_-

    Samira finally fulfilled her painter asp, and is rapidly finishing up the bodybuilder aspiration.
    Wait....Samira, you have a DRESS? Her uniform is hiking boots and cargo pants most of the time.

    Amaar somehow managed to catch himself on fire while cooking fish, and from across the room. He walked away from the grill, and while I was trying to get one of the screaming ninnies to point some CO2 at the inferno. Amaar seemed to erupt in flames in the background, but by the time I noticed he was toast. Despite Samira’s pleas to the Reaper, poor Amaar is no more.

    Samira then had a baby girl, which was named Amaara.

    Nasira, now a teenager, was used to being the only child, doted on by six adults (her parents + aunts and uncles); we’ll have to see what she makes of young Amaara. Nasira is especially good friends with her aunt Luna (formerly Villareal, now married to Khalil) and her cousin Stephanie Fairchild, Rayyan’s adopted daughter.

    J Huntington-Rashid has temporarily moved out of the house to help Rayyan’s oldest son Sydney establish himself; Sydney is very close to fulfilling his Friend of Everybody aspiration, only shy two charmisa points. He’s a vegetarian politician who urges everyone to Save the Trees. (Most of Rayyan’s house is vegetarian, save for Rayyan herself.) Although J Huntington and he are good friends, Sydney is a very poor roommate who often makes J sleep on the couch; there’s only room for one bed and Sydney usually has company over.

    Nasira (left) and Stephanie (right)
    In the casa de Rayyan, things are going swimmingly. Stephanie is a young adult, as is her little brother Sydney; their youngest, Karen, is a child. Stephanie and Nasira are BFFs, and I’m thinking – once Nasira has hit YA - -that I’ll have them move in together somewhere seperately, or join Sydney, for a cross-household household.

    Khalil and Luna have pretty much been relegated to townie status. They’re part of the family – Nasira wants to hang out with Luna all the time, and Sydney has a similar obsession with his uncle Khalil -- both I don’t have an interest in playing them.

    UPDATE: Nasira is now a young adult who has just fulfilled both the Friend of the World and that Serial Romantic aspirations. She’s INCREDIBLY self absorbed and is slowly accumulating portraits of herself in her bedroom.

    Nasira's favorite person in the world.

    Samira discovered that J Huntington and Zoe were having a fling, so she’s kicked them out for good. To make up for the lost income, Hallie Fairchild and her son Dominique (...the game rolled that, not me; I renamed him to “Dom”) have moved in. Dom is...surprise, surprise....Amaar’s lovechild from when he was sowing his wild oats!

    The cousins: Regina, Khalil's daughter; Dom, Amaar's son who will get a different name if he ever grows on me; and Amaara.

    Khalil’s daughter Regina is invited over on a regular basis by Dom and Amaara.

    I wrapped this one up when Amaara had a birthday. Smile for the camera, Amaara!

    ...okay, close enough. I really want to do a house with just the cousins...I'm thinking Nasira, Stephanie, Amaara, Regina, and maybe Sydney.
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    KeidraKeidra Posts: 460 Member
    edited August 2019
    @AlwaysAsking I actually typed the last bit as the fire happened, that's why it's a little more reactionary instead of tale-telling. Lol

    What's even better, I guess, is Cassandra had *just* come home, after not having been at home the entire weekend. Come back Sunday afternoon and Bella's out there setting herself on fire grilling hamburgers. So the first thing she does after coming home is save her mother. WELL then. The best part is if she'd chosen to cook in the house like a normal person when it's that cold outside (it was the last day of autumn and very cold), she'd have just triggered the sprinkler system. In the screenshot, she's hopping around on fire in front of the grill while the sprinkler control box rests silently on the back wall of the house, and the irony in that screenshot is probably one of the best things to have happened in the last week of playing.

    Edit: Here we go:

    Cassandra put her out without my intervention. Mortimer comes home from work all smiles while Alexander's still out on the street from running to safety with a crazy tense moodlet.
    "... oooookay. And what's that smoke smell?"

    I changed her hair straight away. She's now got a nice, loose soft wave down to her mid-back, it looks very nice on her. Then I decided I didn't care for the vague schoolgirl look, and changed her clothes, too. She's actually got five outfits, and she rotates through them, usually, but she really fancies the sweater with the scarf and black mini-skirt, and will choose that one more often. I've never had a Sim favour a specific outfit that way, so it's interesting to me. I did change her glasses *type* to flatter her face better, but she still has them. c: I believe I also fiddled with her eyebrows, and made her kinda live up to her last name. She's presently in a Gothic phase. lol I may leave her in it because she looks good in dark colours.

    I found, somewhere amid playing dress-up with her, she's actually about as pretty as her mother, just in a different way, and certainly those pigtails weren't doing anything to flatter it. (I gave Bella shoulder-length curly hair, and an off-shoulder red dress that's more flattering. I believe I also um... tamed her chest add-ons. Lol xD) My present avatar is Cassandra.
    Post edited by Keidra on

    I am kind to everyone. But if you are unkind to me, kindness is not what you will remember me for.
    I am autistic. Wording isn't my strong suit.

    Stop player on player violence.
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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Falling asleep at the keyboard - i know the feeling.

    I was in love with Gordon as a sim and felt awful that I had made Adam pick the wrong person - sims are usually pretty clear about who they like. Adam has been my favourite sim to play almost always. I didn't expect Hailey to be so boring. Yes, I watched the sims when Adam was asleep or at work. The cats are very entertaining. As are toddlers.

    I learn so much on this thread eg. I need to try share a bite - I didn't know that existed. So I read everyone's answers to your questions as it helps my game and then my enjoyment.

    Your park was wonderful. I can add a park back in Oasis Springs at the end of Bondi's aspirations and I have to decide if I will build or put the old one in. I haven't done a park before so thanks for your ideas. I love seeing Brock's family out and about as I don't do so much with them except family gatherings. Plus all my favourite thread sims.

    Vihisha's photography challenge from part 5 of the drifter challenge:
    *You may only use a Sim (Subject) once in order to be counted towards the completed Treasure Hunt collection
    Required Items
    1. Hats (Hats and Masks)
    2. Hair (Hair, Facial Hair and Eyebrows)
    3. Makeup (All types)
    4. Accessories (Glasses, Gloves and all Jewelry)
    5. Tops (All types)
    6. Bottoms (Underwear, Swim Bottoms, Shorts and Pants)
    7. Skirts (All types)
    8. Full Body Outfits (All types)
    9. Socks (Socks, Tights or accessory Leggings)
    10. Footwear (All types)
    Required Colors
    1. Red
    2. Orange
    3. Yellow
    4. Green
    5. Blue
    6. Purple
    7. Pink
    8. Black
    9. White
    10. Brown
    Example: If I take a photograph of Z Less in a Orange Shirt, I can no longer use Z Less as the Subject for any future Treasure Hunt items. The same applies to the color Orange as well as the item Shirt.
    Example: If I then take a picture of Homie Williams in Grey Pants, even though Homie Williams is a new Subject and Pants are something we are after, it would NOT count towards a completed Treasure Hunt collection because Grey is not a color that is needed.

    I think the fun in this is making the shots as artistic as possible too - and maybe then you could add them to one of the galleries or museums. And hold an art show opening by doing one of the party events (I have plans for this sim :smiley:

    Bondi: Part 1
    Thanks all for your feedback on ALana (she will return) and the new family - I am enjoying moving through the generations even though I have to have death for it to happen. @DoodlyDoofus family has been an inspiration in knowing that generations can move on and the game still offers you sims you love and want to play.

    Bondi Jeong: Lone wolf, active and jealous

    Bondi’s goals:
    1. As a minimum create a 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom home worth at least $40k Simoleons

    2. Complete the Angling Ace Aspiration

    3. Achieve level 10 of the Gardening Skill and the fishing skill.
    *Upon reaching level 10 in BOTH the Gardening and Fishing Skills, may place a Park on Desert Bloom in Oasis Springs

    4. Acquire a Cow Plant and collect 5 unique Essence potions by interacting with it

    5. Produce and raise The Heir to the Young Adult life stage

    Bondi aged up to a young adult. She knew it was time to take on her part of the challenge. She had heard her Grandma’s and her father’s stories and was excited to start her own adventure. She said goodbye to her dad and the cats and moved to Sultry Springside in Oasis Springs. (Waffle loved to sleep on top of the fridge)

    It was lovely and green there – nothing like Agave Abode. There were manicured gardens, expensive fruits and flowers to pick and plenty of good fishing. It was set up to become a fancy estate – Bondi couldn’t believe her luck that she was chosen to build and live here.

    She got started on her tasks right away and made a bit of money. Then she got a phone call from her mother. She couldn’t believe what her mother was saying………
    Her father had passed away. Bondi was in shock – he had seemed so happy and vital that morning. She knew his heart had broken when Gordon died and guessed that he had just given up, he had not been an elder for many days. She went to collect his urn.

    She also picked up his cats Waffle and Peanut because she couldn’t trust her mother to care for them at all.

    She went to her Uncle’s house to seek some comfort but he was upstairs in bed crying and wouldn’t come down so she talked to her cousins Dewayne and Camilla.

    Her first few evenings and nights – much, much more successful then Adam but terribly sad.

    Her mother invited her out to the local restaurant.

    Fabian has arrived as an NPC and he is wearing his usual restaurant outfit.

    The lucky lady is his wife and daughter of Beckham Hecking – something has gone severely wrong with her genetics. That is one interesting face. Her head is twice the size of a normal sims - she looks like a bobble head and that is one serious jaw.
    But Fabian loves her…. (or loves that doing this will make me screenshot him).

    She fell into a routine of gardening, fishing, exercising and playing with the cats. As a lone wolf sim, this solitary life made her happy. Only elders seemed to walk around the neighbourhood – no promising young adults.

    Establishing a life.
    Adam and Gordon came to visit as ghosts at different times. Bondi was very pleased to see them but they both cost her lots of money as they never fixed anything they broke and they broke everything.

    Finally they came out at the same time and Bondi could see them happy together in the afterlife. Then she released their spirits to the netherworld (along with her grandparents.).

    Waffle aged up to an elder (again – Adam gave them several age down treats but they lose skills each time and live less each time). I love how they go grey.

    Cats on an unbuilt lot are great. They sprint around, jump up in the air, do amazing leaping somersaults etc. But Waffle and Peanut are very depressed at losing Adam and they have become fussy and clingy – they follow and meow at Bondi everywhere – she gets no peace.

    Uncle Bu Wei knew she needed invitations to travel so invited her out to the Romance festival (yay expensive dragonfruit for free – now Bondi will make good money) and Geek con – he teased her about being on a manhunt but Bondi did want to find a boyfriend.

    No single young adults at the romance festival as usual but geek con had several young men whom Bondi formed good green friendships with.
    I was ultra excited to find out billboard guy was young and single.

    This young man is a Landgraab: Stefan and very self assured (it was easy to guess this trait without asking).

    But the good news was he was also very flirty and wanted to be very flirty with Bondi. Bondi was very pleased.

    Altogether there were 5 young men she hoped may call her up and ask her out.

    She had barely got home from geek con when Stefan called said he couldn’t get her out of his mind and would she like to go on a date. Of course she said yes.

    Luckily, he invited her to the Salty Paws which is normally not very crowded so she didn’t freak out from her lone wolf trait.
    Bondi is not one to sit around pining and wait for the person she likes to make a move (she could give her Dad lessons.)

    None of the other men from geek con called but Stefan visited a lot and asked her out on another date.

    He was not at all put off by outdoors woohoo.

    Bondi managed to make a start on her house and decided to work as a freelance writer. The cats did not like her working – Adam never used a computer – he sat on the couch and cuddled with them!

    Then she got another sad phonecall, her mother had passed away. She couldn’t even find her urn.
    Stefan looked after her and tried to cheer her up during the time she mourned.

    She thanked him for being such a wonderful boyfriend and then ….

    …she proposed. She was sure she couldn’t find anyone who treated her as well as he did.

    Of course he said yes.

    Right at this point, one of the other men from geek con called and asked her for a date. Sorry buddy – played it too cool and left looking a fool.
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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    edited August 2019
    @AlwaysAsking yes they are alive, and they don't know... he didn't tell them yet... They visited their parents on Easter but we haven't had a reunion with them in a while now...
    I surely didn't expect to be mentioned in there, that was quite a surprise...

    So, she's adapting to her new life very well...
    and now that she's here, we need someone to take care of her needs, so Vlad decided to hire a butler...
    this is our butler... I use Npcc to stop the random townies, so he's a homeless sim I have around... still perfect as a butler...
    Last time Vlad had a butler, he died while I tried to turn him into a vampire...
    she wanted to ask him to be her boyfriend, so she did...
    and this is how we welcome guests at the mansion:
    now the problem is... Caleb flirts with her and she doesn't mind...
    he also took the time to do the job the butler doesn't do...
    risking his life in the process

    there is something Vlad wanted to do:
    and now Bella realized that something's happening...
    we can't lose the Goths to old age, can we?

    meanwhile... Lord Ruthven and his sidekick Orlok are planning to take over the world...
    Well, Lord Ruthven is planning, Orlok is not so bright...

    and Carmilla is obsessed by our new guest...
    the fish Bela Lugosi.

    When I was playing Vlad, the kittens are born... they're children of one of Vlad's cats... and as soon as I freed space in the household, I got two... females...

    and Sekhmet...
    they're quite the opposite one of the other....

    I put them up on the gallery for adoption with the name Vatore's Kittens... they show up as modded but have no cc
    Post edited by SiliClone on
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    Felicity1169Felicity1169 Posts: 592 Member
    edited August 2019
    Nope! She was born in game and is actually Mortimer's daughter. I was playing where only the current family ages up with her mother so Mortimer and the Goths were not aging. I realize now I don't know if it would make sense in game for Mortimer to have an adult child. But I think if I did my math right if he had her at the beginning of his YA stage she would be a YA by midway through his Adult stage which is where he is at currently. It doesn't help that I aged her up two days early though. I used cas.fulleditmode to add Mortimer's parents to the family tree.

    I feel bad but I locked Cornelia and Gunther in a room with a fireplace and made them put on their winter clothes. Since it was middle of summer I figured they would eventually die from overheating, hunger, or fire. It ended up being overheating.

    I'll post some photos and an update when I get home. I really want to redo their patio and add some stuff to their roof.
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    KoteykaKoteyka Posts: 537 Member
    edited August 2020
    @Morkovka thank you!
    I like the parallel: Tony is as much confused and helpless as Peter, both at the mercy of society they are not sure they want to be part of, both judged harshly :(

    Wow, that's some amazing analysing! :o I really wish I could say something like "yes that's totally what I was going for!" but honestly it wasn't intentional at all. It will be from now on though! :D
    I'd like to know Steve's perspective in all this.
    It will happen one day :)

    @AlwaysAsking thank you! <3
    Tony needs to stop being such a pushover too. I know it's because he's afraid he'll lose them, but he's going to really damage Peter like this.
    He should, he really should. But since confronting Nick means loosing pretty much everything, Tony feels like it's best for Peter to be raised as a typical rich kid in a picture-perfect family the whole world loves and adores rather than to be raised by one parent somewhere in a cheap flat under the pressure of everyone disapproving his dad (and him, therefore, too) and constantly spreading gossip about his family.
    Their picture for the milk ad is the sweetest thing ever!
    Two hours! I spent two entire hours on creating that one piece of CC! But it was worth it and now that ad is hanging on every single venue in my game :p

    P.S I couldn't stop aww'ing at the Starks in your gameplay😊

    @Becka28 thank you!
    I have several major concerns 1. steve will find the diary 2. Nick will or worse a klepto paparazzi will get hold of it.
    Both very valid points that could lead to some interesting plot twists. But I don't think Steve would read the diary even if he found it. Steve trusts Tony and respects his personal space. And if Nick finds it... well... what exactly is he going to do with it? It's pretty much evidence against him! Maybe he'll burn the diary but that's pretty much it :D

    Ladies and gentlemen - I present to you Tessa. Grown up and beautiful.

    Might as well be bigger than Peter by now!

    Peter's favourite pillow. Tessa's favourite blanket.

    As time passes they're friendship only grows stronger😊

    Stanley still sees Tessa as a teeny pup, constantly disciplining her and acting pretty much like a dad.

    But anyways - today is a special day. The summer solstice! This means celebration and partying going all around town. Steve decided to start off the day with some freshly made lemonade.

    "No school today, yay! Look, Papa, Tessa is excited too!"

    "I thought you started liking school."
    "No but Daddy give's me Oreos if I g-"

    "Ha-ha, I give him a cookie when he get's a good grade, it's surely nothing to be worried about! Just to stimulate him and you know..."

    "I'll just let that one slide, okay?"

    "Really..? I mean good, very good because it's um- nothing special. Just a cookie."

    "I just think we should stop arguing about this topic. Let's just accept that Peter's attending a high-qualified school with stupid kids to get a good education and make sure he never has to do things he doesn't want to ever again."

    Tony breathed a sigh of relief.
    "Yeah! Yeah, let's... let's just agree on that. So... we good?"
    Finally peace was back at the Stark mansion.

    So why not leave it and go to the park where all of the fun stuff is going on?
    More under the cut:
    Peter. Has. Teddy ears. On a headband, obviously. Also we got him face paint and a temporary panda tattoo and IT'S TOO ADORABLE!

    Just look at him playing in the toddler thingie.

    Fun on the swings...

    Nobody said skating is easy, Tony.

    Time for some ice cream... but Peter has other plans.
    "Look Daddy, look Papa!"

    "Peter wait- Why does he always have to run off like that?"
    "I think he dropped his ice cream on the way too."

    Because balloons are more fun than ice cream.

    "We have to get him one."
    "Alright. Which one, Peter?"

    Peter chose the yellow one with a kitty face. It was really cute and fun until he accidentally let go of the balloon and it flew away.

    To cheer Peter up, Tony tried to win him a different toy.

    Not too bad!

    Now Peter has a hamster!

    Time for more ice cream, of course.

    And Peter's totally ruining that face paint.

    "Look at yourself, you're all wet!"

    "But it's FUN! You should have fun too, Daddy!"

    "Oh who cares."

    As the sun settled, people started to pull out sparklers and spinners.
    "Hey Peter, look! This is going to be epic!"

    "Oooh, pretty!"
    Tony's sad. Probably because Steve's spinner flew higher than his.

    And then...

    "Look up there, Peter Rabbit!"

    "It's so loud I can't hear you!" screamed Peter in excitement.

    "How's this, better?"
    Peter nodded.


    "That's so cool..."

    The firework show came to an end. Time to go home.

    Today wasn't so bad. Me and Steve didn't argue the least and Peter was rather happy the whole time.

    Maybe everything will be alright.
    Maybe I can do thi

    "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

    "But it's the longest day of the year! No one sleeps!"

    "Oh yeah? Well, as far as I'm concerned this little kiddo is going to sleep right now!"
    "Noo! Play!"

    "Play? What is this "play" you speak of? That word doesn't exist after dinner!"
    "I'm not going to bed!"

    "But aren't you sleepy? Don't you wanna have enough energy to play tomorrow?"
    "Nooo... Play today..."

    "Not sleepy, eh?" Tony smiled softly.
    "I love you so much, Daddy." mumbled Peter.
    "I... I love you too, kid. So much..."

    It's funny how one second a child can run around and the next he's already snoozing.

    "Asleep already?"
    "Yeah... He just said he loved me."
    "Well congratulations, that would be the 38th time he said that to you which still wont beat those 42 times he said it to me..."

    "Tony? You okay? Hey, I was joking. And I promise I'm not keeping count."
    Tony smiled.
    "I'm fine."

    Maybe things will be okay. Actually not maybe - everything surely will be okay. Because there's one thing Nick can never take away from me and neither can anyone else - my love for Peter. Who cares what happens tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or the day after that. Who cares when right now I'm holding my son and experiencing this wonderful feeling called love. I don't care what will happen in our life, I don't care how things will turn out, I'll love him anyway. And the fact that he loves me back... well... that's enough to hold on.

    That's enough for me to be the happiest man to ever exist. Because what else would I want from life?

    And on this positive note I'm leaving on vacation for two weeks. Already can't wait to get back to my gameplay! :)
    |Beginning|Previous update|Next update|
    Post edited by Koteyka on
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    ldmarkoldmarko Posts: 5,487 Member
    @Koteyka Have fun on your vacation, but I'm going to miss your darling family!
    Gallery ID: LDM2
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    JaseJase Posts: 2,147 Member
    edited November 2019
    @Daephene Thank you! Without a doubt, the Freshes have been on an emotional rollercoaster. I'm hoping the addition of Kelp will bring happier memories.

    @AlwaysAsking Thanks! I'm pretty proud of Kelp. After everything the family has been through, I wanted to make sure the newest addition was a good one. I also hope that you enjoy playing with the Marine Brothers.

    @Koteyka Gorgeous pictures as always! I really like the one of the family holding hands.

    I had alot to catch up on. While it's been fun, this summer has kept me pretty busy. As a result, it's been difficult to stay caught up on this thread, but I finally did it. Great updates everyone! :)

    I finally had some free time to sim. So, I decided to take a break from the Freshes and take advantage of TS4's rebrand. I started a new game save with the new sims that Maxis uploaded. I chose to play Noah Meyer.; however, I took so long setting up Newcrest just right and moving in all of the sims that I didn't have alot of play time. But I did manage to get this accomplished...

    I moved Noah Meyer into Twin Oracle Point in Newcrest and built him a small (but roomy) modern bachleor pad.

    Noah didn't waste anytime writing new comedy routines for his entertainer career.

    After finishing writing, he decided to take it easy and lounge around in his new backyard.

    However, the peace and quiet didn't last long because Noah's best friend, Mia Hayes, dropped by for a surprise visit.

    They ended up meeting Mia's girlfriend, Dela Ostrow, at the Le Blanc restaurant for lunch.

    Afterwards, Noah ended up preforming a short comedy routine at Halvsies Lounge and the crowd loved it.

    Noah had his favorite drink after the show and enjoyed getting to know the mixologist working that night, Kat Jenkins.

    On his way home, Noah got a call from his good friend, Jayden Armstrong, asking if he wanted to workout at the Fitbox.

    He was surprised to meet one of his new neighbors, Morgan Park, and decided to get to know her better.

    After working up a sweat, he decided to share a few posts on Simstagram for his followers.

    To end his night, Noah decided to stop off a the Creekside Smooth bar for a drink and ended up running to another friend, Hunter Evans.

    Hunter invited Noah to a late dinner at his friend, Camille Abbiza's restaurant, Chez Sul Sul.

    After saying goodbye to Hunter, Noah finally was able to go home and sleep after a very long and busy day in Newcrest.
    Post edited by Jase on
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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    edited August 2019
    Eliza invited Bob to a park. She needed to tell him something.
    She thanked him for taking care of her and her kids after Johnny's death. She also told him she has to cut loose already.
    Suprisingly Bob wasn't very happy.
    Eliza found herself a new "hobby". She had a plan.
    It didn't go very well.
    Soon the kids joined her.
    Johnny invited his family to a spice festival
    Eliza needed help with her plan. She knew exactly who could help her the best way. So she went and visited the person.
    Marie was very angry and yelled at Eliza something like this: "How dare you to come into my house?!"
    Eliza apologized and explained to Marie what she was up to.
    Marie said: "Just bring the fish." Eliza was very grateful.

    It's time for a family vacation! Just one last nap before the check-in.
    It's time to visit Selvadorada again! This time they're staying at Gloria Mendoza ;) airbnb. Too much of TV to my taste but whatever. As long as they're (finally) happy.
    Bob hit Opal in her face. Ouch!
    Eventually all is well.
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @Becka28, page 388.
    Thanks for the feedback!
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited August 2019
    Recently, Roddy went over to Daisy Hovel, where Carol and Dudley Brinson live. I had added another bedroom to their house.
    'What have you been up to, dearie?' Carol asked. 'I took Jessica Lacey, my sweetheart, over to the Von Haunt Estate. She loved seeing the gardens' Roddy replied, smiling.
    'Where does Jessica Lacey live?' Carol asked. 'She lives with Matthias and Penny Lacey, her parents, in Windenburg' Roddy said, cheerfully.
    'I've got something for you, Carol!' he said, presenting a box:
    'For me? Oh, you're such a generous boy!' Carol said, smiling:
    Roddy handed the present over to Carol:
    Carol opened up the present and found 10000 Simoleons inside. 'Why, thank you, dearie! You're such a kind hearted boy!' Carol exclaimed in delight. 'You're welcome, Carol!' Roddy said, beaming. Carol smiled. She then gave Roddy several big smooches on his face:
    Roddy went bright red and started giggling. Carol had covered his face in big shiny bright pink lipstick smooches. 'That's my present from me to you, dearie!' Carol said, smiling sweetly and batting her eyelashes at Roddy. Roddy smiled brightly and removed the lipstick smooches from his face:
    Roddy felt tired. Even though he inherited the ability to freeze his motives, he still needed the occasional sleep now and again. 'Sorry Carol, is it ok if I have a sleep?' Roddy asked. 'Certainly, dearie!' Carol replied, smiling. Roddy got changed into his sleepwear outfit and climbed into bed (his perspective):
    Carol came over and tucked him in:
    'Have a nice snooze, dearie!' Carol said softly. She then gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    Roddy fell asleep, with a big shiny bright pink lipstick smooch on his cheek.
    Carol got a book from the bookshelf and read it:
    A few sim hours later, Roddy woke up and got changed into one of his everyday outfits. He sat on a sofa next to Dudley and chatted:
    'Did you have a nice sleep, Roddy?' Dudley asked. 'Sure did. I dreamed of fairies, friendly witches and a big friendly titan' Roddy said, full of energy:
    'Sounded like you had a lot of fun in your dream world!' Dudley said, smiling. Just then, Carol came into the living room. 'Hello, dearie! Did you sleep comfortably?' Carol asked. 'I sure did, Carol! That bed is comfy' Roddy said, cheerfully. 'That's good to hear' Carol said, smiling. She gave Roddy a big hug:
    'Is it ok if I took a photo of you?' Roddy asked. 'I don't see why not, dearie!' Carol said, smiling. Roddy and Carol went into the guest room, Roddy took two photos of Carol:
    'Weehee! Looks like I still got it!' Carol laughed. 'Former fashion model?' Roddy asked. 'Yes, indeedy! I was quite the looker when I was young!' Carol said, full of pep. Roddy checked the time on his phone. 'Looks like it's time I went home. Thanks for letting me use the bed!' he said, thanking Carol and waving goodbye. 'You're welcome, young Roddy! You can use that room whenever you come over!' Carol said, smiling. She waved as Roddy set off back home. Roddy arrived safely back home. Tiffany had finished her shift at work. 'Hello Roddy!' Tiffany cheerfully said, hugging Roddy:
    'Hello Tiffany! Good day at work?' Roddy asked. 'It sure was! I got promoted!' Tiffany said, proudly. 'How did the visit go?' she asked:
    'It went well! I found out that Carol's a former fashion model!' Roddy replied, excitedly.
    'That's very cool!' Tiffany said, smiling. Roddy went upstairs to find that the desk area in his bedroom had been extended. He put the photos of Carol alongside the photos of Sophia, his sister:
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited August 2019
    @AlwaysAsking Thanks!~ I enjoyed all your pictures and your park~ as for forgotten idea well...... stay tuned.

    Prom night! I have a mod, I think from Kawaii but it may be from brittneypinksims? Either way, I had a venue already set down (I am on offline mode at the moment) And with scraficial's slow dance mod the night was an absolute blast!

    "Hey beautiful would you like to dance?"

    Aubree could not help but giggle, of course she would!

    "Hey, Aubree, I am not as poetic as you, but bear with me, kay?" Dec gave a soft almost shy smile.

    Aubree grinned biting her tongue on a tease about how stumbly Declan was over words but resisted and nodded raising her eyebrows in curiosity.

    "Okay um... we've been together for about four years now.... a long time, well when I first met you, it was at school and I kept thinking, man she is hot, but then we got to talking and I kinda still thought that, but I liked, ya know, other things about you."

    "Then that day at the pool in the closet, changed everything for us, we got ourselves a baby and M-A-N. Lotsa fire came our way, lots of confusion and disappointment, I left my home with my brother to live with you and Hazel. Really, honestly, it was harder then I let on, but I think you noticed or at least your dad did, I took a lot of pent up stuff out on him...."

    Declan breathed deeply. *I'll make it up to him, I swear.* that thought consoled him enough to go on.

    "There was and still is, stuff between you and your mom, I thought we were not going to make it, together or as parents.... I was so scared and angry."

    "But even in all that, despite my fears and uncertainty, everything going on around us, I.... never been more happy. Well, well, okay, wait, I mean, I'm a lot happier now, but even in that time, I had you and Hazel. We created, you gave me, a missing part of my life I never thought I needed until she was here."

    "Yeah we could have waited, we could have done a lit differently, some I wish too, but, not her, not Hazel."

    "And you, I can't have my life without you both in it."


    "Sooooooo.... did I just word vomit all that? Did I talk like a plum?"

    Aubree suddenly did the dip this time, her expression full of humor and deep passion.

    "A little. But I understand it all, felt the same feelings, so its okay, I get you, I get us."

    "I love you."

    "I love you more."



    "Ye-mmm." words were silenced with a passionate kiss.

    After that sweet moment! More prom stuff!~


    Whole lot of prom pics!
    Aubree's newest friend Lottie Lockheart

    Declan and Vanessa

    Aubree and Sapphira

    Declan and his childhood friend Pinky (I forget her name all the time so yup, this nickname stuck xD She looks kinda intense!).

    Aubree and Amelia (Her twin Beck did not come too bad they are longtime friends as well).

    Of course the starring couple.

    And here were things take a twist. (Also I rolled a virtual dice, the odds are forever not in our favor :sweat_smile:

    Aubree recited some lyrics/poetry she has been working on with learning the writing skill. This was nice an all. No alarm bells yet....

    Declan was really touched and wanted to do a little something for her, erm okay, they are going to have a little... mess around a bit, not abnormal for prom night (don't worry they used protection).

    In an ABSOLUTE FLASH of rash decisions, after prom let out, the two went to Nadia and Reed's house briefly to gather their things and Hazel (who was being watched by Tucker and Rachel at their own house.)

    They did it, in a moment of passion and whatever else caused them to move, they moved. In the morning they began happily putting stuff away and cleaning on the bright spring day.

    Not re-thinking, no worries, not telling anyone, it was just their love and their little family, they could do it, things would work out. They have so far, haven't they?

    It was fine, there was no anger now, just their decision... is how they saw it, They'd be eighteen, at least Dec would in the coming fall and Aubs in the coming Winter.

    It. Would. Be. Fine.

    Look at their pretty little set up wall!

    Well all was "fine" right now, expect one little thing, one little girl.

    Hazel was not taking this new house well, even if mommy and daddy were full of excitement, her room had the same bunnies on the wall but not the same stuff in it... and this house had no grandma or grandpa. She knows they were away on a trip, but that meant going out of her home to live in a new house? This poor little girl was miserable and confused.

    She toddled outside to look around, maybe it was hide and seek? But she could not see her house, just this new place... and she was not impressed, having quite the breakdown.

    All alone outside for no one too hear or comfort her, mommy and daddy were moving boxes and music was playing, happy things, but Hazel did not feel a single bit of that happiness for one of the first times in her little life.

    :cry: That is all for now....
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    Felicity1169Felicity1169 Posts: 592 Member
    edited August 2019
    So I said I was gonna post photos and I guess I should make a new post...

    I started up the game to find Alexander dress as a bear staring blankly at a glass of orange juice, perhaps having an existential crisis. Meanwhile, in the hall Mortimer is having a conversation with his two daughters.
    and I don't really know what he's wearing as it's not one of his outfits and looks ridiculous. Speaking of which the summer outfit my game generated for him is terrible but I love it and am keeping it.
    I finally get a family together in one room on their own. HHBwmun.png
    Later... A mysterious visitor arrives
    and Mortimer makes grilled cheese while blissfully unaware of the ghosts of his parents.
    Cassandra and Cornelia have to share a bed for now.

    Bonus: Cornelia and her halfsister Leaf (Patchy the Straw Man's daughter) as children.

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    Becka28Becka28 Posts: 1,870 Member
    @Felicity1169 I love the slightly off usually outfits sims give themselves - if It is tolerable for me then they can keep it (usually I clean up glasses and accessories - no eyeball rings).

    @Tixyen glad to see things looking up for Aubrey, but poor little Hazel it must be tough for her. This happened for my family IRL when we moved out of my grandma's house - my younger sister cried for our Nanna for weeks.

    Bondi: Part 2 (reminder - Bondi is the only sim I can control.)

    Bondi couldn’t wait to tell her Uncle her good news about her engagement to Stefan.

    They celebrated in the typical Jeong fashion.

    Soon the big day was here …….

    Bondi scrubs up well. She looks a lot like Beatrix her Grandmother here.

    Her beautiful Bridesmaid Cousin Camilla.

    Uncle Bu Wei had some last minute words of encouragement and advice. He tried to say anything he thought Adam would have said on this day.

    An eventful wedding...
    Everything started perfectly…………

    But then an elder stood up and cried Dag Dag.

    Everyone became really depressed so Bondi begged for the lady’s life. (she wore a white dress to a wedding - she didn't deserve saving)

    Grimm decided to grant the request (Bondi’s wedding was saved.)

    Or was it …. No one looks very festive (plus I forgot the cake at home – no kitchen venue).

    Grimm wanted to hit on this lady in purple but she wasn’t into it.

    Bondi decided – it’s her party and she’ll dance if she wants to.

    Wedding selfies

    And next …………………………….

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    DoloresGreyDoloresGrey Posts: 3,490 Member
    @AlwaysAsking I agree I really love your park too. I wish I could have that in my game but I don't have that Toddler SP. The builds I love the most ALWAYS contains most of the objects from packs I don't own! :#
    -probably just playing Phasmophobia :p
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    mia_noelle97mia_noelle97 Posts: 575 Member
    Haven't had time to play these past few days, as I've been busy preparing for upcoming auditions. I sat down to play and ended up going CC shopping instead. I found this hair that I thought would be perfect for Brooklynn, so I used it on her (and I also had to fix her outfits because I accidentally deleted my favorite CC jeans when I was cleaning out my folder and I'm too lazy to look for them because I downloaded them a really long time ago. But I found some new ones so it's all good). Anyway, here's a picture of Brooklynn with her new hair (she's also in my avatar but that one is edited slightly):

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    SiliCloneSiliClone Posts: 2,585 Member
    not playing... I started giving the wolfsbane manor a bit of makeover... and a thing I wanted to add is a conservatory to grow flowers:
    he loves when I redecorate...
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    Recently, Roddy. Sophia, Benjamin, Wendy and Tiffany go over to the beach. Wendy goes beach combing:
    Benjamin has fun on a Jet Ski:
    Roddy, Sophia and Tiffany go around the fire pit:
    Wendy joins them and cosies up to Tiffany:
    After his session on the Jet Ski, Benjamin does a fire dance:
    When the fire dance is over, he gets his acoustic out and plays a few pieces of music:
    Everyone goes back home. Benjamin goes to tend to his garden:
    Roddy goes over to Orchid a Go Go with Carol Brinson and Jessica Lacey. He plays the piano for them:
    'How did you get so good at the piano?' Jessica asked. 'I practiced, with the help of dad. Music runs in the family. You see Advarius over there? He's my grandpa, and used to have a tile placed in Starlight Boulevard. He got that for his contributions to charity and musical innovation' Roddy replied, pointing to Advarius:
    'You're doing a fine job there, dearie!' Carol said, smiling. 'Why thank you, Carol!' Roddy beamed. Carol smiled and looked at her watch. 'Well, looks like I'm going to have to go. Thanks for taking me out to the lounge, young Roddy!' she said, waving. 'See you later!' Roddy waved back. 'Time I went home. See you, my knight in shining armour!' Jessica said, waving.
    'Have a safe journey, my sparkling pink sapphire!' Roddy waved back, and blew a kiss towards Jessica. He played the organ for a few more sim hours:
    Afterwards, he came home:
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited August 2019
    Have some more screenshots!

    Roddy sat and watched Roaring Vice on the TV:
    He was quite concerned for the wellbeing of the main character:
    Roddy was relieved that there was a happy ending to all of this, though:
    A lot later, Roddy, Sophia, Shine and Advarius played a party game together:
    Shine, Benjamin and Roddy won, but Sophia lost. She took it in her stride. After all, she wasn't competitive. Then again, neither was Shine, Benjamin or Roddy. Later, Benjamin played the organ:
    Berry Bliss comes over for a bit. She hugs Chloe:
    Then Berry Bliss came into the living room. 'Hello, my adorable grandnephew! How are you doing?' she said, smiling. 'I'm doing well, thanks for asking, grandaunt Berry!' Roddy replied, cheerfully. 'That's good to hear!' Berry said, smiling fondly at her grandnephew. She then gave Roddy a big smooch on the cheek:
    Roddy blushed. Grandaunt Berry had left a big shiny berry pink lipstick smooch on his cheek. Berry Bliss smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes at Roddy. She then gave him a big hug:
    Roddy smiled and wiped the lipstick smooch off his cheek.

    Oh come on, personal space, please!
    Post edited by ChuChuExpress on
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!

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