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What is the deal with the "stop stealing" on the gallery?


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    poisonedsodapoppoisonedsodapop Posts: 1,179 Member
    I think the stealing comes from the fact that the gallery used to (or still might sometimes?) have a workaround where you could in fact steal someone's work. You could download whatever they made and then reupload it without their name anywhere on it. And that's a pretty crappy move. So I get why people are asking for their work not to be stolen.
    Hoping some day for some toddlers. But also dreading they'll never come. JK THEY ARE HERE!
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    Cinebar wrote: »
    It seems that it is "stealing" to people who believe that the number of downloads and favourites are a currency, since that is really the only thing you get out of it. I assume one can spend this currency to buy prestige in the Simming community, but I wouldn't really know anything about that.

    The gallery is a competition to many. Or there wouldn't be any stealing would there?

    Its kind of a shame that stealing has to be used in this way. If you like your creations enough to want to share them shouldnt it be enough that people also like them?
    Maybe likes on here are the same lol
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    Heck, I custom make my houses, diners, and other items, upload them and they never get downloaded.

    Me to i do it to keep them.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    Can't you just save families to your library without clicking to share it to the gallery for the purposes of saving in an event of crashing, etc.? I have a sim that every time I reinstall the game, he has to be downloaded again. Then I change his athletic clothes because he looks like a bro instead of a superhero. So I make a few changes to him then save him to my library for future use, it doesn't show up for others to see I thought?
    Forgive me I don't play the sims 4 much, but you have 2 options when trying to save which is share to gallery or save to library, right? If that's so then I can see why someone who spent hours or has talent and wants to be known for it would get annoyed if you could just avoid reuploading by saving to your library instead. If there is no way to avoid sharing it online, and I say this because I'm not totally sure, then there needs to be a trend started where whenever we save the creation back to our library, we write right off the bat maybe even in caps "credit for original work goes to..." or whatever.

    I have done this i changed a beautiful baseball park. I deleted things to get it to fit on a lot near a highschool i made for windenburg. I put it on my gallery not to lose it should my game get deleted from my computer someone said in the comments it was incredible when they downloaded it from my site i wrote back that it was not mine give credit to original creator.
    Really a solution would be for this that if you re upload it you cant get any credit for it. Only the original creator can.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    ehaught58 wrote: »
    I have been building and uploading my creations since TS1. When people started re-uploading my creations, with or without changes, I did feel (at first) like I was being ripped off. However, after thoroughly reading the rules, I had to get it through my head that everything done and uploaded to the Gallery belongs exclusively to EA. Once I accepted this fact, I realized that when I upload a creation, I relinquish any control over what happens to it... that is a fact! Only EA can decide what will happen with it. EA is very aware of this and has through the years implemented ways to combat “stealing” to the best of their ability. Even though they have added the name of the original creator before the description, I believe many people over look it when they download because it is not very prominent. But, just like in the real world, people will find ways around established safe guards to put themselves into the spotlight at other people’s expense. If someone is going to upload something created by someone else, with or without changes, they should include something in the description thanking the original creator for the time and work spent on it so as to give credit where credit is due. Then, give a short description as to what changes they made to it before uploading it back to the Gallery. If a person is uploading it for personal safe keeping, why not state that in the description so the original creator understands why they re-uploaded it to the Gallery.

    Taking a little time to type something in the description about why you are uploading someone else’s creation would sure help save a lot of people disappointment and headaches. I am not going to hold my breath on this one though, because, unfortunately, we have lazy people who would not take the time to do this. It’s a matter of courtesy and respect.
    ehaught58 wrote: »
    I have been building and uploading my creations since TS1. When people started re-uploading my creations, with or without changes, I did feel (at first) like I was being ripped off. However, after thoroughly reading the rules, I had to get it through my head that everything done and uploaded to the Gallery belongs exclusively to EA. Once I accepted this fact, I realized that when I upload a creation, I relinquish any control over what happens to it... that is a fact! Only EA can decide what will happen with it. EA is very aware of this and has through the years implemented ways to combat “stealing” to the best of their ability. Even though they have added the name of the original creator before the description, I believe many people over look it when they download because it is not very prominent. But, just like in the real world, people will find ways around established safe guards to put themselves into the spotlight at other people’s expense. If someone is going to upload something created by someone else, with or without changes, they should include something in the description thanking the original creator for the time and work spent on it so as to give credit where credit is due. Then, give a short description as to what changes they made to it before uploading it back to the Gallery. If a person is uploading it for personal safe keeping, why not state that in the description so the original creator understands why they re-uploaded it to the Gallery.

    Taking a little time to type something in the description about why you are uploading someone else’s creation would sure help save a lot of people disappointment and headaches. I am not going to hold my breath on this one though, because, unfortunately, we have lazy people who would not take the time to do this. It’s a matter of courtesy and respect.
    ehaught58 wrote: »
    I have been building and uploading my creations since TS1. When people started re-uploading my creations, with or without changes, I did feel (at first) like I was being ripped off. However, after thoroughly reading the rules, I had to get it through my head that everything done and uploaded to the Gallery belongs exclusively to EA. Once I accepted this fact, I realized that when I upload a creation, I relinquish any control over what happens to it... that is a fact! Only EA can decide what will happen with it. EA is very aware of this and has through the years implemented ways to combat “stealing” to the best of their ability. Even though they have added the name of the original creator before the description, I believe many people over look it when they download because it is not very prominent. But, just like in the real world, people will find ways around established safe guards to put themselves into the spotlight at other people’s expense. If someone is going to upload something created by someone else, with or without changes, they should include something in the description thanking the original creator for the time and work spent on it so as to give credit where credit is due. Then, give a short description as to what changes they made to it before uploading it back to the Gallery. If a person is uploading it for personal safe keeping, why not state that in the description so the original creator understands why they re-uploaded it to the Gallery.

    Taking a little time to type something in the description about why you are uploading someone else’s creation would sure help save a lot of people disappointment and headaches. I am not going to hold my breath on this one though, because, unfortunately, we have lazy people who would not take the time to do this. It’s a matter of courtesy and respect.

    I do put that in my description that i just put it there to keep it for myself.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    I'm so glad to know there are other simmers who uses the Gallery as a back up...Personally when I make Sims and builds .. I only upload the ones I can't do without in my game and my favs to the Gallery just for back ups and when they get downloaded its just a bonus for me..

    This has actually paid off cause there was a time a particular Dlc or patch Came out that caused mad lag and we were advised to clear out our tray folder /library to solve the problem...Since then I got even more serious with making the Gallery my back up save.

    Meanwhile I actually kinda understand the no stealing concept..not that I have ever used the hash tag before (lol what do I even have to be stolen ) and most times when I download other people's creation I always end up modifying it to my taste and when I re-upload I just write original design not by me (most times I don't even know the original author's name but thank God for EA's Credit system now) and I state what I modified (i.e interior..redesigning..etc)

    Thats what i do i say its not mine.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    I think the stealing comes from the fact that the gallery used to (or still might sometimes?) have a workaround where you could in fact steal someone's work. You could download whatever they made and then reupload it without their name anywhere on it. And that's a pretty plum move. So I get why people are asking for their work not to be stolen.

    I have never heard of that. Learn something new everyday.
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    Kilov17Kilov17 Posts: 1,795 Member
    edited January 2018
    I, after reading this, get your point 110% BUT still I get the point of those that call such choices as 'stealing'... A two sided "argument" each with valid points. Personally, I try to only share Randomly Spawned sims in my game and/or sims I create and never share someone else's work or EAs (aside from Jasmin Holiday) in fear of being a thief...

    However, on the other hand... Lets say there is a simmer with the User name Eureka, they share A_SIM, that sim gains a like/favorite count and download count but IF we download that sim and re-share it, we are taking from this Eureka simmer's count; and while off hand doesn't seem like a big deal; I think people take great pride in those numbers as I would/ do...
    Kilov17 (Gallery ID: SimOppresser)
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    I'm so glad to know there are other simmers who uses the Gallery as a back up...Personally when I make Sims and builds .. I only upload the ones I can't do without in my game and my favs to the Gallery just for back ups and when they get downloaded its just a bonus for me..

    This has actually paid off cause there was a time a particular Dlc or patch Came out that caused mad lag and we were advised to clear out our tray folder /library to solve the problem...Since then I got even more serious with making the Gallery my back up save.

    Meanwhile I actually kinda understand the no stealing concept..not that I have ever used the hash tag before (lol what do I even have to be stolen ) and most times when I download other people's creation I always end up modifying it to my taste and when I re-upload I just write original design not by me (most times I don't even know the original author's name but thank God for EA's Credit system now) and I state what I modified (i.e interior..redesigning..etc)

    i understand that others may want or need to be recognized for their creations. But what i find quite ironic is that some of the content that says not to steal or do not upload have a lot of custom content and they do not give credit to the creator of that content they see nothing wrong with putting their name on what is technically someone elses work that they used to put together the creation they claim to have made. All they did was assemble the sim with cc skin cc eyes hair clothes etc. Is that not the same thing as someone changing their creation and putting it on the gallery to keep it for the future?
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    There are two different aspects to this in my view.
    1. Gallery users who re-upload the creations of others: I personally don't do it. I regularly backup my tray folder, so I do not feel like I am in danger of losing anything. Some users do it though to backup files or for easy sharing with other devices and that is a legitimate use of the gallery. Some do it for download numbers, I guess, and that is just sad/silly/childish (take your pick).
    2. #dontsteal: There is no stealing; there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose. No crime has been commited and no actual harm is being done.

    An example of actual theft does exist in simming history, when a "gaming" company downloaded a bunch of original cc creations and sold them. This was back in TS days. (It was called That's Life and LGR made an excellent "review" about this "add-on".) This was stealing because it was original content created by modders and the company was making money selling stolen creations. Unlike the intangible gain of enhancing your prestige in the simming community, you can actually spend money. Not only on cars and boats but things that matter: shelter, nutrition, healthcare, safety, education.

    The whole #dontsteal movement on the gallery seems a bit trivial to me and I understand why the outrage confuses players like OP. I don't understand it either.

    Thank you could not have said it better. Apparently i didnt. Thanks for clarifying.
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    Jenna2376Jenna2376 Posts: 120 Member
    I wondered about this too. The whole, "Stop stealing" thing, that is. Personally, I upload homes and sims I make. I'm by no means popular or anything. However, I feel pride when someone likes something I've made enough to download it to use in their own games. I upload things under the impression that that person is going to customize it to the needs of their sims. If they reupload that, I don't care too much. Some people don't build very easily, so using my build as a base is fine with me. If anything, I'm flattered they loved my work enough to improve upon it to use. That makes me happy.

    Plus, it's a little hard to "steal" something that was giving freely to share around. But, that's just my silly little opinion.
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    Jenna2376Jenna2376 Posts: 120 Member
    > @Netzspannung said:
    > It seems that it is "stealing" to people who believe that the number of downloads and favourites are a currency, since that is really the only thing you get out of it. I assume one can spend this currency to buy prestige in the Simming community, but I wouldn't really know anything about that.

    I guess that makes sense, it's the only thing that does. I don't care how many favs, likes, and comments I get on the things I upload. If even just one person likes it enough to download, I'm happy. I've got things uploaded that have 0 downloads. I make them for me, things I put in my game that I think other people might like too. I guess when you don't do it for the like, favs, and downloads it becomes less annoying when people "steal" them. Personally, I put that chizz out there for you to use how you want. I'm not going to get 🐸🐸🐸🐸 when someone does just that.

    Then again, my stuff isn't popular enough to be so well known that it would be "stolen." I don't know. I'm just here to have fun, man. Haha.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited January 2018
    Jenna2376 wrote: »
    I wondered about this too. The whole, "Stop stealing" thing, that is. Personally, I upload homes and sims I make. I'm by no means popular or anything. However, I feel pride when someone likes something I've made enough to download it to use in their own games. I upload things under the impression that that person is going to customize it to the needs of their sims. If they reupload that, I don't care too much. Some people don't build very easily, so using my build as a base is fine with me. If anything, I'm flattered they loved my work enough to improve upon it to use. That makes me happy.

    Plus, it's a little hard to "steal" something that was giving freely to share around. But, that's just my silly little opinion.

    All opinions count. I am not trying to cause drama here i am just trying to understand something i feel is a little paranoid
    And seeing the irony of a heavily custom content sim being pisted with dont steal kind of at first made me laugh at the irony then made me wonder what the difference is that they can "steal" hair skin eyes clothes etc from wonderful mod creators and not give credit but can accuse others of "stealing" their work because rhey love it enough to want to save it. I just cant understand the big deal.

    Are we that shallow? I would hope not. But i am and older simmer a grandma and maybe i am too old to understand the need for this.
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    Jenna2376Jenna2376 Posts: 120 Member
    > @Netzspannung said:
    > There are two different aspects to this in my view.
    > 1. Gallery users who re-upload the creations of others: I personally don't do it. I regularly backup my tray folder, so I do not feel like I am in danger of losing anything. Some users do it though to backup files or for easy sharing with other devices and that is a legitimate use of the gallery. Some do it for download numbers, I guess, and that is just sad/silly/childish (take your pick).
    > 2. #dontsteal: There is no stealing; there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose. No crime has been commited and no actual harm is being done.
    > An example of actual theft does exist in simming history, when a "gaming" company downloaded a bunch of original cc creations and sold them. This was back in TS days. (It was called That's Life and LGR made an excellent "review" about this "add-on".) This was stealing because it was original content created by modders and the company was making money selling stolen creations. Unlike the intangible gain of enhancing your prestige in the simming community, you can actually spend money. Not only on cars and boats but things that matter: shelter, nutrition, healthcare, safety, education.
    > The whole #dontsteal movement on the gallery seems a bit trivial to me and I understand why the outrage confuses players like OP. I don't understand it either.

    Dude! LGR is my LIFE! haha, not really. But, I'm a huge fan of his! I remember that episode, I was in shock. That was some pretty shady chizz.

    Personally, I think people are just over-sensitive about this whole thing. Does it suck to have something re-uploaded by a stranger when you spent 20 hours over 3 days building it. Sure, but if you didn't want that to happen you shouldn't have shared it. I personally don't care. Do whatever you want with the chizz I make. That's why I uploaded it in the first place.

    PS. Have you checked out LGR Foods? Oh man, that makes me so hungry!
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    BlueBlack007BlueBlack007 Posts: 4,480 Member
    edited January 2018
    All I am going to say bout this is > I have created many Sim characters and No I do not want others uploading My work and saying it is their work, the only reason I have to add them to the stupid Gallery in the first place is so I do not lose any of them from My Library, cause My Library does get messed up once in awhile, so the only way I can get them all back is to keep them in the Gallery, that does not mean I want others to take them and claim them as their own, if others want to use My creations in their game play then no problem, but like I said in My Profile, Do Not re-upload My Creations to claim them as your own, that Is Stealing, for people like Me who actually took the time to make the Creations should be the only ones who get the Credit for them, that is how I feel bout it.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    All I am going to say bout this is > I have created many Sim characters and No I do not want others uploading My work and saying it is their work, the only reason I have to add them to the stupid Gallery in the first place is so I do not lose any of them from My Library, cause My Library does get messed up once in awhile, so the only way I can get them all back is to keep them in the Gallery, that does not mean I want others to take them and claim them as their own, if others want to use My creations in their game play then no problem, but like I said in My Profile, Do Not re-upload My Creations to claim them as your own, that Is Stealing.

    Sorry but that is what i am talking about i am not claiming them to be mine your name stays on them i am doing the same as you putting items on the gallery so i can keep them when my library is gone. I am not claiming them to be mine. The lubrary should be online and then i would not have to worry about lising a creation i took off a shared gallery and made what improvements i lijed and saved it so i could
    d retrieve it in my library my gallery and my ext hard drive.
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    Jenna2376Jenna2376 Posts: 120 Member
    > @jimmysnan said:
    > Jenna2376 wrote: »
    > I wondered about this too. The whole, "Stop stealing" thing, that is. Personally, I upload homes and sims I make. I'm by no means popular or anything. However, I feel pride when someone likes something I've made enough to download it to use in their own games. I upload things under the impression that that person is going to customize it to the needs of their sims. If they reupload that, I don't care too much. Some people don't build very easily, so using my build as a base is fine with me. If anything, I'm flattered they loved my work enough to improve upon it to use. That makes me happy.
    > Plus, it's a little hard to "steal" something that was giving freely to share around. But, that's just my silly little opinion.
    > All opinions count. I am not trying to cause drama here i am just trying to understand something i feel is a little paranoid
    > And seeing the irony of a heavily custom content sim being pisted with dont steal kind of at first made me laugh at the irony then made me wonder what the difference is that they can "steal" hair skin eyes clothes etc from wonderful mod creators and not give credit but can accuse others of "stealing" their work because rhey love it enough to want to save it. I just cant understand the big deal.

    Oh, I feel you! I don't get it myself. To each their own. But, in a game with the option to share your creations, this is to be expected. I get how people can feel such strong ownership over what they've made. I've got sims that I refuse to turn aging on for cause I can't bare to watch them get old and die. Cheesy and sentimental, yes! haha. But, at the same time, it's a risk you take when giving something over to the community at large.

    I do agree with you about CC content and not giving credit to the CC creators. To me, the whole thing is like playing Mr. Potato Head and getting mad when people "steal" your configuration. I may have spent 3 days building that house, but I didn't really build it from the ground up. I just put it together in a configuration that I found pleasing. I don't want to make people who are sensitive about their stuff being stolen mad or anything. I do get it! I really do. But, it's just a game and we're all here to just have fun? Right? Why make it miserable for yourself? Either take the risk of having it stolen or don't share it at all. *Shrugs*
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    BlueBlack007BlueBlack007 Posts: 4,480 Member
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    All I am going to say bout this is > I have created many Sim characters and No I do not want others uploading My work and saying it is their work, the only reason I have to add them to the stupid Gallery in the first place is so I do not lose any of them from My Library, cause My Library does get messed up once in awhile, so the only way I can get them all back is to keep them in the Gallery, that does not mean I want others to take them and claim them as their own, if others want to use My creations in their game play then no problem, but like I said in My Profile, Do Not re-upload My Creations to claim them as your own, that Is Stealing.

    Sorry but that is what i am talking about i am not claiming them to be mine your name stays on them i am doing the same as you putting items on the gallery so i can keep them when my library is gone. I am not claiming them to be mine. The lubrary should be online and then i would not have to worry about lising a creation i took off a shared gallery and made what improvements i lijed and saved it so i could
    d retrieve it in my library my gallery and my ext hard drive.

    Some people are trying to claim them as their own, That is the Big Problem with the gallery, and that is why others are saying Stop Stealing, yes you use them for your own game play, but that is Not the problem, its the people in there trying to take credit for work they did not do, plain and simple, and before they started putting the Original Creators name on them, that option did not exist for awhile, so others were taking peoples creations and claiming them as their own work, that is why others were getting upset, and made complaints to Ea and Maxis with the Stop stealing campaigns.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    Jenna2376 wrote: »
    > @jimmysnan said:
    > Jenna2376 wrote: »
    > I wondered about this too. The whole, "Stop stealing" thing, that is. Personally, I upload homes and sims I make. I'm by no means popular or anything. However, I feel pride when someone likes something I've made enough to download it to use in their own games. I upload things under the impression that that person is going to customize it to the needs of their sims. If they reupload that, I don't care too much. Some people don't build very easily, so using my build as a base is fine with me. If anything, I'm flattered they loved my work enough to improve upon it to use. That makes me happy.
    > Plus, it's a little hard to "steal" something that was giving freely to share around. But, that's just my silly little opinion.
    > All opinions count. I am not trying to cause drama here i am just trying to understand something i feel is a little paranoid
    > And seeing the irony of a heavily custom content sim being pisted with dont steal kind of at first made me laugh at the irony then made me wonder what the difference is that they can "steal" hair skin eyes clothes etc from wonderful mod creators and not give credit but can accuse others of "stealing" their work because rhey love it enough to want to save it. I just cant understand the big deal.

    Oh, I feel you! I don't get it myself. To each their own. But, in a game with the option to share your creations, this is to be expected. I get how people can feel such strong ownership over what they've made. I've got sims that I refuse to turn aging on for cause I can't bare to watch them get old and die. Cheesy and sentimental, yes! haha. But, at the same time, it's a risk you take when giving something over to the community at large.

    I do agree with you about CC content and not giving credit to the CC creators. To me, the whole thing is like playing Mr. Potato Head and getting mad when people "steal" your configuration. I may have spent 3 days building that house, but I didn't really build it from the ground up. I just put it together in a configuration that I found pleasing. I don't want to make people who are sensitive about their stuff being stolen mad or anything. I do get it! I really do. But, it's just a game and we're all here to just have fun? Right? Why make it miserable for yourself? Either take the risk of having it stolen or don't share it at all. *Shrugs*

    My point exactly if you cant stand your creation being changed or re up loaded then dont share it. If it is just there for me to look at and comment tell me that put it on a website without a link to download it.
    If you need that kind of credit make everyone aware that you have put it there for the recognition and i will recognize and comment and move on. But to accuse others of stealing when actually EA made the content you assembled it. That confuses me.
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    Jenna2376Jenna2376 Posts: 120 Member
    > @jimmysnan said:
    > Jenna2376 wrote: »
    > > @jimmysnan said:
    > > Jenna2376 wrote: »
    > >
    > > I wondered about this too. The whole, "Stop stealing" thing, that is. Personally, I upload homes and sims I make. I'm by no means popular or anything. However, I feel pride when someone likes something I've made enough to download it to use in their own games. I upload things under the impression that that person is going to customize it to the needs of their sims. If they reupload that, I don't care too much. Some people don't build very easily, so using my build as a base is fine with me. If anything, I'm flattered they loved my work enough to improve upon it to use. That makes me happy.
    > >
    > > Plus, it's a little hard to "steal" something that was giving freely to share around. But, that's just my silly little opinion.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > All opinions count. I am not trying to cause drama here i am just trying to understand something i feel is a little paranoid
    > > And seeing the irony of a heavily custom content sim being pisted with dont steal kind of at first made me laugh at the irony then made me wonder what the difference is that they can "steal" hair skin eyes clothes etc from wonderful mod creators and not give credit but can accuse others of "stealing" their work because rhey love it enough to want to save it. I just cant understand the big deal.
    > Oh, I feel you! I don't get it myself. To each their own. But, in a game with the option to share your creations, this is to be expected. I get how people can feel such strong ownership over what they've made. I've got sims that I refuse to turn aging on for cause I can't bare to watch them get old and die. Cheesy and sentimental, yes! haha. But, at the same time, it's a risk you take when giving something over to the community at large.
    > I do agree with you about CC content and not giving credit to the CC creators. To me, the whole thing is like playing Mr. Potato Head and getting mad when people "steal" your configuration. I may have spent 3 days building that house, but I didn't really build it from the ground up. I just put it together in a configuration that I found pleasing. I don't want to make people who are sensitive about their stuff being stolen mad or anything. I do get it! I really do. But, it's just a game and we're all here to just have fun? Right? Why make it miserable for yourself? Either take the risk of having it stolen or don't share it at all. *Shrugs*
    > My point exactly if you cant stand your creation being changed or re up loaded then dont share it. If it is just there for me to look at and comment tell me that put it on a website without a link to download it.
    > If you need that kind of credit make everyone aware that you have put it there for the recognition and i will recognize and comment and move on. But to accuse others of stealing when actually EA made the content you assembled it. That confuses me.

    If you want to share it for recognition without the possibility of it being stolen, you can upload screen shots to a facebook page or even right here on the forums! I've got a facebook page for my simmer friends to share what we make and funny screenshots or stories. It's a great way to share what we've made and what's going on in the games we play. But, if you do it for the likes, downloads, and favs on the gallery this wouldn't really work. Then again, I don't upload stuff on the gallery for that reason. When I love something I make I tend to want to share it with others. Kinda like the compulsion to share your fandoms with people who couldn't really care less, haha.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    All I am going to say bout this is > I have created many Sim characters and No I do not want others uploading My work and saying it is their work, the only reason I have to add them to the stupid Gallery in the first place is so I do not lose any of them from My Library, cause My Library does get messed up once in awhile, so the only way I can get them all back is to keep them in the Gallery, that does not mean I want others to take them and claim them as their own, if others want to use My creations in their game play then no problem, but like I said in My Profile, Do Not re-upload My Creations to claim them as your own, that Is Stealing.

    Sorry but that is what i am talking about i am not claiming them to be mine your name stays on them i am doing the same as you putting items on the gallery so i can keep them when my library is gone. I am not claiming them to be mine. The lubrary should be online and then i would not have to worry about lising a creation i took off a shared gallery and made what improvements i lijed and saved it so i could
    d retrieve it in my library my gallery and my ext hard drive.

    Some people are trying to claim them as their own, That is the Big Problem with the gallery, and that is why others are saying Stop Stealing, yes you use them for your own game play, but that is Not the problem, its the people in there trying to take credit for work they did not do, plain and simple, and before they started putting the Original Creators name on them, that option did not exist for awhile, so others were taking peoples creations and claiming them as their own work, that is why others were getting upset, and made complaints to Ea and Maxis with the Stop stealing campaigns.
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    All I am going to say bout this is > I have created many Sim characters and No I do not want others uploading My work and saying it is their work, the only reason I have to add them to the stupid Gallery in the first place is so I do not lose any of them from My Library, cause My Library does get messed up once in awhile, so the only way I can get them all back is to keep them in the Gallery, that does not mean I want others to take them and claim them as their own, if others want to use My creations in their game play then no problem, but like I said in My Profile, Do Not re-upload My Creations to claim them as your own, that Is Stealing.

    Sorry but that is what i am talking about i am not claiming them to be mine your name stays on them i am doing the same as you putting items on the gallery so i can keep them when my library is gone. I am not claiming them to be mine. The lubrary should be online and then i would not have to worry about lising a creation i took off a shared gallery and made what improvements i lijed and saved it so i could
    d retrieve it in my library my gallery and my ext hard drive.

    Some people are trying to claim them as their own, That is the Big Problem with the gallery, and that is why others are saying Stop Stealing, yes you use them for your own game play, but that is Not the problem, its the people in there trying to take credit for work they did not do, plain and simple, and before they started putting the Original Creators name on them, that option did not exist for awhile, so others were taking peoples creations and claiming them as their own work, that is why others were getting upset, and made complaints to Ea and Maxis with the Stop stealing campaigns.

    Mm i dont think of it as stealing when like jenna said you are actually assembling a mr potato head as the original creations you are making are being made with EAS stuff. What really prompted this post was the sim i saw on the gallery that went into a big thing about not stealing and not re uploadimg. And when i put the sim in to redo it in CAS she was bald no dress on became really different as her eyes her skin which became blue and her whole being except for personality was the work of someone else some very talented creators of cc and it was ironic that she or he was accusing others of stealing and was demanding that the work not be upliaded as uf she he created the whole thing not jyst assembled it. Is that not stealing when you do not give credit to the creators of the cc and claim it as yours? Is that not what some of these creators are asking for tit for tat.

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    BlueBlack007BlueBlack007 Posts: 4,480 Member
    edited January 2018
    they may have made the hair and such , but we are the ones who put the time in to make the right look and faces that we want for that look, we put in the time and effort to make it our own, that does not give anyone else the right to take our work and say it belongs to them now, just cause they changed the coloring or the outfit, We did the work, so yes the Original Creators names are the ones who should get the credit for it, I am done with this thread, apparently it is for those who want to take the credit of others work, bye.

    P.S. Yes you do give the Original Creators the Credit if CC was added, But for Me I do not use CC, so what I make I do Myself within the game, since I can not use any CC at all.
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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member
    they may have made the hair and such , but we are the ones who put the time in to make the right look and faces that we want for that look, we put in the time and effort to make it our own, that does not give anyone else the right to take our work and say it belongs to them now, just cause they changed the coloring or the outfit, We did the work, so yes the Original Creators names are the ones who should get the credit for it, I am done with this thread, apparently it is for those who want to take the credit of others work, bye.

    P.S. Yes you do give the Original Creators the Credit if CC was added, But for Me I do not use CC, so what I make I do Myself within the game, since I can not use any CC at all.

    Someone is a bit touchy. Technically once any creation is uploaded it belongs to EA. By sharing, the creator relinquished sole ownership. Besides, I look for single Sims to redo all the time off the gallery, I then add more family members to them and it will no longer show the original creators. I also usually change their name and add a backstory.
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    BlueBlack007BlueBlack007 Posts: 4,480 Member
    they may have made the hair and such , but we are the ones who put the time in to make the right look and faces that we want for that look, we put in the time and effort to make it our own, that does not give anyone else the right to take our work and say it belongs to them now, just cause they changed the coloring or the outfit, We did the work, so yes the Original Creators names are the ones who should get the credit for it, I am done with this thread, apparently it is for those who want to take the credit of others work, bye.

    P.S. Yes you do give the Original Creators the Credit if CC was added, But for Me I do not use CC, so what I make I do Myself within the game, since I can not use any CC at all.

    Someone is a bit touchy. Technically once any creation is uploaded it belongs to EA. By sharing, the creator relinquished sole ownership. Besides, I look for single Sims to redo all the time off the gallery, I then add more family members to them and it will no longer show the original creators. I also usually change their name and add a backstory.

    Point made.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    they may have made the hair and such , but we are the ones who put the time in to make the right look and faces that we want for that look, we put in the time and effort to make it our own, that does not give anyone else the right to take our work and say it belongs to them now, just cause they changed the coloring or the outfit, We did the work, so yes the Original Creators names are the ones who should get the credit for it, I am done with this thread, apparently it is for those who want to take the credit of others work, bye.

    P.S. Yes you do give the Original Creators the Credit if CC was added, But for Me I do not use CC, so what I make I do Myself within the game, since I can not use any CC at all.

    And when someone uses cc all over the sim and i redo that sim as I do not use cc in my game then am I not doing the same putting in my time and effort to redo that sim?
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