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Sims 2 Discoveries !

SimeggrollsSimeggrolls Posts: 637 Member
edited February 14 in Nominated Threads
Cool things you didn't know were in The Sims 2.

-Real honeymoons
-The grocery store freezer fogs up when you open the door and thaws seconds after you close it
-If you don't have the expansion pack that lets you save leftovers just slide them in your inventory
-Sims whistle The Sims 1 theme song
-Angry sims give other sims the death stare with a hand gesture
-If you have all family members and toddlers in their seats they will all get served by whoever made the meal

Share your cool facts ! :)
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    SimeggrollsSimeggrolls Posts: 637 Member
    @EgonVM The moons and coupons are new to me :) thanks for sharing !
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    This is all so cool!
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    SimeggrollsSimeggrolls Posts: 637 Member
    Aine wrote: »
    -When loading a lot, you can bypass the popup window by just double clicking on the lot directly. (useful if you get the glitch where the popup freezes)

    -Neat sims will clean windows when they get dirty.

    -If you have a pet bed on the lot, toddlers will crawl into them and sleep when they are tired.

    -When toddlers have learned the nursery rhyme, they will occasionally sing it by themselves.

    I didn't know about the nursery rhyme how cute is that :)!
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    cleo00cleo00 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I never realized it actually snows in the neighborhood view as well as on the lot.

    And apparently sims can lay down when they're hanging out in Uni.

    Also was extremely creeped out to see that if you line a bunch of sims up and have them all pose their heads follow you. Give it a try. Line a bunch of sims up - have them all pose stand still - pause it - rotate the screen - unpause.
    I had it with sixteen sims. Utterly terrifying.

    Also, not from my experience but from watching sims 2 lets plays on YouTube that there are video cut scenes for birthdays to the different age stages. I wonder how come I never saw any.
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    Child Sims can jump on their beds for fun.
    Sims can make paper aeroplanes from the newspaper.
    Sims can learn how to break dance if they pay a fee.
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    EgonVMEgonVM Posts: 4,961 Member
    cleo00 wrote: »
    I never realized it actually snows in the neighborhood view as well as on the lot.

    And apparently sims can lay down when they're hanging out in Uni.

    Also was extremely creeped out to see that if you line a bunch of sims up and have them all pose their heads follow you. Give it a try. Line a bunch of sims up - have them all pose stand still - pause it - rotate the screen - unpause.
    I had it with sixteen sims. Utterly terrifying.

    Also, not from my experience but from watching sims 2 lets plays on YouTube that there are video cut scenes for birthdays to the different age stages. I wonder how come I never saw any.

    For the birthday cut scenes, you need to throw birthday party and blow out these candles. Also, make sure, that sim's aspiration bar is green or above. So you need to do three things:
    1.Throw a Birthday party,
    2.Blow out the Candles on birthday cake,
    3.Have sim age up well.
    And then you should get birthday cut scene.
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    SimeggrollsSimeggrolls Posts: 637 Member
    cleo00 wrote: »
    I never realized it actually snows in the neighborhood view as well as on the lot.

    And apparently sims can lay down when they're hanging out in Uni.

    Also was extremely creeped out to see that if you line a bunch of sims up and have them all pose their heads follow you. Give it a try. Line a bunch of sims up - have them all pose stand still - pause it - rotate the screen - unpause.
    I had it with sixteen sims. Utterly terrifying.

    Also, not from my experience but from watching sims 2 lets plays on YouTube that there are video cut scenes for birthdays to the different age stages. I wonder how come I never saw any.

    If I remember correctly there is a special event camera option that you have to enable.
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    SimeggrollsSimeggrolls Posts: 637 Member
    Children and teens can also slide down stairs(spiral only I think) and dogs love to play with the water sprinklers(servos can short out). Kids and teens get embarrassed if they walk in on their parents woohooing lol
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    When playing families if one of the parents has an affair and the children witness it they will cry and the parents can console them. Their relationship with the parent having the affair also takes a hit!
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    Sha2520032003Sha2520032003 Posts: 2,258 Member
    1). Once a Sim is a werewolf, he has the option to 'Savage' another Sim....which is a fight. Your werewolf Sim always wins & the other Sim is now a werewolf.
    2). A teen that gets caught sneaking out, can actually get smacked by the parent (if caught more than once in the same night). Once caught, a message pops up from the parent. I made the teen go out again and the parent was waiting for them and gave the teen the smack down (similar to cheating). Not that I'm an advocate for hitting...I just thought this was hilarious, as I had never seen this before & have played this game for years.
    3). The genetic system rocks in TS2!!! Hybrid can get some weird looking Sims. My Sim is a hybrid between alien and human. She has human skin, hair. But her eyes are like the alien eyes....very big & black. She's now aged & has kids...and those big bug eyes have been passed down to her children, grandchildren. Love it!
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    Frogprincess_qFrogprincess_q Posts: 1,269 Member
    There are a lot of weird and wonderful autonomous actions that can occur.
    Toddlers can play in the toilet, rock to music, eat sand, sometimes even break out of their cribs.
    Animals can sing along to music:
    Even adults can do some unexpected things such as playing in the bathtub or washing themself in the kitchen sink:
    And then you get the neighbours stopping by to steal a yard gnome or the newspaper.

    I did discover something new (for me) just yesterday. Sims can juggle cups from the coffee machine and if you get another sim to join in they will juggle the cups between them.

    Edits made and not mentioned will be for typos.

    - Froggie
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member
    Thank you everyone for posting all this info and pictures as I am still in the early stages of learning all about Sims 2 :)
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    Olivesplum06Olivesplum06 Posts: 1,076 Member
    1. Sims with very low nice points, will make an "irritated" and a "get a room" motion when close to two sims being romantic
    2. Toddlers will autonomously go outside and play in the leaves during the fall
    3. If you have Bigfoot moved in with you, he can fight a burglar that attempts to rob you
    4. I NEVER knew for the longest time that you could bring your dog on a leash on a jog with you
    5. Having a romantic relationship with your professors in uni will improve your gpa
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    MidnightAuraMidnightAura Posts: 5,809 Member
    1. Sims with very low nice points, will make an "irritated" and a "get a room" motion when close to two sims being romantic

    I have never noticed this! Only thing I have noticed is sims with few nice points make evil snowmen!
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    I just moved a family into an apartment and they've got no neighbors yet.
    Here's their apartment which they rented furnished.
    My game is in windowed mode so I got screenprints.
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    Frogprincess_qFrogprincess_q Posts: 1,269 Member
    All that talk about the servos reminded me of the time my servo was watching the sky at a community lot and a satellite fell out of the sky and killed it. I think that I was never so stunned in all my time playing Sims 2. Sadly, he was the only playable sim on the lot so it had to quit without saving because I couldn't send him home. It never happened again in all my time playing Sims 2.
    Edits made and not mentioned will be for typos.

    - Froggie
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,951 Member
    Just to let you know, if you have two toddlers on the lot, they can fight over a bottle! I used to love this interaction. You have to be quick, though, so that the first toddler doesn't finish off the bottle, before the second one can come 'grab' it.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    cleo00cleo00 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I bought my Michael Cera sim a hamster/gerbil/whatever it is. While zoomed in I noticed it standing on its hind legs reaching up the side of the cage like it wanted to get out. It was adorable.
    I guess I just never managed to zoom in on it before in all of my playing.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    I just discovered I can have a single parent go out for groceries while their child is a toddler and not have to pay for a baby sitter.It's the result of a Mod I installed to fix the single parents with toddlers issues.It's impossible without this Mod to have a single parent raising a toddler alone.
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    cleo00cleo00 Posts: 1,088 Member
    @TadOlson is that really a discovery though if it's a mod and not something the game does automatically? Mods add so many features to the game that may or may not have been there before.
    I also don't know why you'd want to bring your toddler to the community lot unless there was things for them to do :D it'd be like bringing an infant and just leaving it on the sidewalk.

    I discovered last night that your sims wave at their pets like they do other sims. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they do that in ts3.
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    Frogprincess_qFrogprincess_q Posts: 1,269 Member
    TadOlson wrote: »
    I just discovered I can have a single parent go out for groceries while their child is a toddler and not have to pay for a baby sitter.It's the result of a Mod I installed to fix the single parents with toddlers issues.It's impossible without this Mod to have a single parent raising a toddler alone.

    You can actually order groceries on the phone and have them delivered. I have played quite a few single parents. Another, much more time consuming way, to get food points for the fridge without leaving the house is gardening and fishing.
    Edits made and not mentioned will be for typos.

    - Froggie
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    I always wanted to be able to have single parents go out to buy groceries without needing a babysitter for their toddlers and I found a Mod that allowed that and another one that allows them to use stairs like a child can.These Mods are in MTS like the one that stops NPC neighbors from taking over the apartments and getting into fights with each other.I also found some great Mods to fix the fights on community lots like a shrub to set a limit on lot visitors and one allowing your sim to ask others to leave.

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