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"Sims and Friends: Share Your Stories!!


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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    @thesealofthesims I can't wait for it to be over
    @SilverDaybreak Thanks for checking it out.
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    ra3reira3rei Posts: 2,418 Member
    @SilverDaybreak It's so fun reading your comments on my legacy. I drafted my final post last night and was putting in a lot of those early pictures. Makes we want to start another legacy! (holds off. . . too many other story ideas right now). Thanks for putting up with the stranger style I was writing in back then. It works, but I would definitely do things differently next time around...if nothing else be more consistent in my generation lengths, I think gen 1 was 4 posts. gah...
    Check out Raerei's Fortress for Builds, Short Stories, and maybe some longer stuff.
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    MunnieSimsMunnieSims Posts: 235 Member
    @SilverDaybreak Thanks! Currently I am trying to work on my first chapter. I should have something soon. :)
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    @SilverDaybreak and @RebornMonster Thank you both. :)
    @RebornMonster Ohhh. I'd love to see your builds! :)
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    RebornMonsterRebornMonster Posts: 552 Member
    He’d thought he’d feel different today, like he was older or smarter or something. Instead he just kinda felt scared. He kinda wished someone was going to be there to see him walk, but that just wasn’t possible.
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    mastressalitamastressalita Posts: 2,874 Member
    Oh my, I feel my ears burning! ^_~

    @SilverDaybreak and @RebornMonster : Thanks so much for checking out my work. ^_^

    Daaaw, Reborn... Thanks so much for your kind words about my Purple Day Sims post! I had the idea in my head for a while and as December 1st was drawing near I was like, "Oh man, I'm not going to get this done!" Because ya, I had created the Hatcher family with Rose and Earl as elders, Ashton as an adult (and already married to Melody with toddler Ivy), and Senna as a young adult and at the beginning of Cat Chronicles I just split them all into their proper households. So I basically I had to load a new file (before Earl was gone) and save everyone into the bin, then create new files where I made duplicates of the family at different ages to get all the footage... it was kind of like working backwards, hahaha. But it's really hard to get to show much of Rose's dementia when your viewpoint is that of a cat, so it was nice to get to do something from the owner's point of view for a change. But yes, it's very true, it is very much a memorial of Rose as well... I know I am going to lose that Sim soon and I'm not even sure how I'm going to handle it. I'm really quite fond of that demented old cat lady, even if she forgets to put her clothes back on after taking a shower. T_T

    Hmm, yes, there are so many unfinished stories out there. I think the sister thread of the Stories and Legacies Index, the Stories and Legacies Archive, is testament to that. I typically don't mind reading discontinued works, as long as I know ahead of time that they are discontinued. I find there is still a wealth of good reading out there, of inspiration to be had, from legacies that may have not made it all the way through ten generations. But ya, being in the middle of a story, and really invested, and then suddenly... no more updates. That, as a reader, is always heartbreaking. It seems to me more often than not its just the author deciding they want to do something else with their life, they just "aren't into Sims/writing SimLit" anymore, but sometimes... ya. Sometimes it's what I like to call the "Tween Syndrome" -- not producing more content unless getting x amount of reviews/likes/comments/follows/etc. and that should never be a persons reason to write. Whenever I saw people writing stuff on their fanfics like, "I won't release the next chapter until I get x amount of reviews!" I would just shake my head sadly and think, "You don't understand what this whole writing thing is really about, do you?" Granted, I truly believe the vast, vast majority of SimLit authors really do abandon their projects from either a) game file issues or b) life changes/disinterest in the project over time rather than things like that, thankfully. Still, I do believe strongly in not getting obsessed in hits/comments and to just write for love of the hobby.

    As for being surrounded by so much talent... I try to just use that as inspiration to constantly improve myself, rather than beat myself up over it. I'd rather look at the things I really love about those authors and think, "How can I push myself to be like that?" than tell myself, "Well, I can never be that good, so what's the use?" I spent so much of my life drowned in negativity, and I didn't like it, so these days I try to not let such things get me discouraged.

    Hahaha, way to show the forum who's boss with that double-post! :-P

    Regarding the Stories and Legacies Index...

    Since ya'll so kindly brought it up, thank you! ^_^ No, it is not affiliated with any thread. But yes, as @RebornMonster mentioned, I happen to have a subscription to this thread, so pretty much if someone happens to register their stories with the Stories and Legacies Index, and they post news about their new chapters in here, since I am subscribed to this thread, I will of course see the news and make sure the updates get over there in a timely manner. Also, since I have a subscription here, I tend to "fish" here a lot. Surprise! 80% of the submissions I get to the Index are from PMs I send directly to folks that I notice have story sites (with roughly only 20% just going to the thread and submitting their sites themselves, despite the fact it is typically always on the first page of the Stories and Legacies forum... proof the "If you build it, they will come" model really doesn't work). So usually if I see a new face around here, and they have a story site, I'll send them a message telling them about the Index and asking if they want to submit their story site. These PMs are, of course, completely optional. In fact, I'd say about 50% of the PMs I send out actually do not net any results at all, with the authors choosing to not come and add their sites to the Index, for whatever reason.

    The Index itself welcomes any Sim story site. Brand-new authors are welcome. Well-established authors are welcome. Stories of all formats imaginable are welcome, from text-only to video-format to anything in-between, as long as it involves storytelling using a Sims game (any Sims game!) About the only "restriction" I have on it at the moment is that the stories there are either completed or updated at least once every three months; any stories listed in the Index that haven't been updated in three months get moved to the sister thread, the Stories and Legacies Archive (unless, of course, they get an update, at which point they can get moved back into the main Index). So yes, if you go there for reading material, you can expect the stories there to be updated at least within 3 months (but most of the submissions are updated much, much more frequently, if the ever bustling Monthly Sites Update section isn't evidence enough of that!)

    As far as maintenance... yes, it is a lot of work! I'd say I put in at least an hour on it every day, some days a lot more! I'm really dedicated to making sure it stays up to date, and I keep devising new methods in which to do this as the Index grows in size. Also, usually at least once a week I will go out into the Stories and Legacies forum and the Sims 4 Stories and Legacies forum to look for threads run by SimLit authors, or signatures advertising story sites, and I'll PM those authors, asking if they'd kindly add their site to the Index. I usually leave those PMs in my box for about a week and if after that time the person hasn't come to add their site I figure they never will and remove it out of my crowded PM box and do another batch. Like I said before, I'd say I get about a 50% return on those.

    Currently there are 149 listed sites on the Index, 125 of those from referrals, 24 of those sign-ups without referrals. Approximately 8 will move to the Archive this month if they don't update. (I am just full of worthless stats, aren't I?)

    But I'm really glad that I've had several folks say that they find the Index useful... it definitely makes the effort I put into maintaining it totally worth it!
    Have a Sim story site? Please submit your link to the Stories and Legacies Index!
    Check out my Simlit at Sim Stories: Hijinks from the World of Sims 3!
    My Simlit Discussion/Updates | The Fringe | Short Story Challenges
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    TheNay83TheNay83 Posts: 3,253 Member
    @RebornMonster , I miss good old days 2 years ago but I accepted how things are now. Just gotta move on to the next thing. I still have contact with half of the ones I met 2 years ago via Facebook or Tumblr. But yeah, it's difficult to chat with Tumblr users. With the comments being removed was a huge blow. They wanna take away comments but won't fix the ask & message system. I miss being able to comment on a post that I like. And I miss reading comments on my own.
    I plan to play 3 for a long while. There's still a lot that I have yet to explore. With story writing a lot, I really haven't enjoy the game. I got every EP & SP. I still wanna mess around with things. In the first part of my BC, I had my sim be a magician. I never played that career. It was nice but I needed to mod/fix the Showtime careers. There were things that I didn't like and fixed them. Now I'm trying out the P.I. career in the 2nd part of my BC. It's kinda silly tbh lol
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @SilverDaybreak - Nice to meet you too. :) this is definitely a fun group...and chatty. LOL. I'm enjoying seeing what everyone is getting up to. Sometimes those breaks are needed, bit it's nice to come back when you're able. Awwww. :) So glad you enjoyed Lenora's first chapter. It starts off with more text than anything, but more pictures start gradually making their way in. I will definitely check out your stuff as well. :)
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    @SilverDaybreak where can I find your post I'd love to read :) you have so many stories there I'm not sure where to find the most recent update ^^ the link is somewhat broken. You have to copy the link from your actual Website not from the wordpress editor :)
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    RipuAncestorRipuAncestor Posts: 2,332 Member
    @SilverDaybreak My day only just started, but it's pretty good already thanks to your kind words! :blush:
    My Sims stories:
    The Fey of Life - fairytales in life are few and far between (Forum thread HERE)
    The Chrysanthemum Tango - a story about life, death, magic, and how to be a good landlady (Forum thread HERE)
    Forget-Me-Not - some things just refuse to stay buried; an Ambrosia Challenge story (Forum thread HERE)
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @SilverDaybreak -I should take a look at your builds.
    @sweetnightingale -Hi there and welcome to the thread.I've been playing Sims 3 so heavily modded out that I've lost track of how many Mods I've got besides the 95 NRaas Mod files I know I've got.I've got a few legacies going and have a recently started 100 baby challenge being done by town legacy challenge rules modified for the 100BC game.It's located in the empty version of Storybrook County and I'm populating the town and playing the town myself for a mostly manual story progression with help from the NRaas version of SP.
    @TheNay83 -I've been here for at least two years myself and never left because I'm still playing TS3 with the collection and tons of Mods.
    @everybody -I've just been working on setting up my blog for the Storybrook game I started a while back to test the world.I've been delayed on pdating my stories because of having to upload pictures to the Flickr albums to use them on my blog since they wrecked their Google Pictures when they changed it and the option to bypass that and use Google+ pictures isn't available anymore.
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    SilverDaybreakSilverDaybreak Posts: 2,080 Member
    @everyone Here's the link to my latest update on my blog from Lorraine Tedford. Sorry I messed up the link in my first post from yesterday as I didn't realize I was still in 'edit' mode at the time. For any who haven't read it, yet please head over for some great music, birthday cake and refreshments that you'll find at the end her update.

    @Julyvee94 : Hope you had a great birthday, yesterday and am glad you managed to find Lorraine's surprise for you.

    A big hello to everyone else and here's to wishing you all a great day. I'll be visiting @CathyTea's Writer's Lounge, today but lurking over here throughout the day.

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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    @TheNay83 God, I know that feeling. There's not really anyone on here anymore that was here when I began (though I suppose that's to be expected since that was like two years ago) and sometimes it makes me so sad missing everybody that I just loose the energy to even try. I mean, I wasn't that active back then, but there were like a dozen users that really fostered my love for this community and with them gone I feel like a part of my heart is missing. :heartbreak: I follow those that are still active on Tumblr, but it's near to impossible to have a conversation on there and I miss half of what get's posted and then can't find it when I try to find the other half of everything! :confounded:

    This post darn well near broke my heart, and I had to come back and answer it.

    I was one of those very active and engaged users who quit this thread (and, consequently, the forums) early last month. In my case, I quit because I was made to feel very unwelcome by the behaviour of certain people, who told me that I had offended them and made them feel as if they weren't among friends anymore, simply because I had said (in what was actually an apologetic post) that I didn't like the graphics of The Sims 4.

    Several other people have since said that very same thing (including @TheNay83 just a few posts ago), and nobody got offended or upset or called them out for it. But the fact that others backed up that initial series of complaints against me and then collectively decided to both drop the subject and silence anyone else who tried to tactfully bring it up again and suggest that there had been a bit of an over-reaction to my post, made me realise that it was ME who was no longer welcome or among friends here.

    It was intimated that, because of that post, I was: prejudiced, had issues with my social status and problems with my English teachers (I'm an author and editor; Eng. Lang. and Eng. Lit were my two favourite subjects at school), that I was "judgy", and - finally - I saw a newbie here worrying about "haters". It broke my heart to realise that - since the recent 'disturbances' on this thread had come about because I had 'offended' someone - the 'hater' was, apparently, me. Peace-loving, non-confrontational little me.

    I'll be honest: I do miss this place. I miss the chat and interaction, especially now that Tumblr has removed the ability to comment on posts. But I can't forget or forgive the way I was treated in this thread. Many other people have fallen silent since that incident, and I can't help but wonder if they, too, no longer felt welcome, or realised that they might be silenced if they voiced certain opinions. Maybe they saw how things blew up so quickly for me, and decided not to say anything for fear of things blowing up for them, too.

    I had no idea that my post (you can read it, in all its apparent offensiveness, here) would blow up in my face so spectacularly. I feel that, were I to return to this thread now, I would have to censor myself to the point of not *being* myself. And I'm not sure that I want to be part of a place where I can't be myself.

    Some of the posts that accused me have since been edited and deleted (although, since I come from the "pics, or it didnt happen" era, I have screenshots), but I refuse to cover up things that I said, and my original post stills stands, unedited. I have always thought carefully about how I phrase things (my original post that caused all of this took me almost three hours to compose, edit, re-write, etc; I was that desperate to try and avoid upsetting someone, because I know that "TS3 vs TS4" can be a fraught avenue for debate) and I always stand by my words, unless someone can politely show me that I was, in fact, wrong. In that case, I will accept the correction and issue an apology in the same post, but - importantly - I will leave that post standing, just striking it through, so it can still be read. I'm old enough and mature enough to own my mistakes and admit to being wrong. But there is no 'wrong' in a simple preference for something. You may as well liken what I said to "I'm sorry, but I just don't like rice pudding." Nothing wrong with that. It's not offensive, and it certainly shouldn't make people who love rice pudding feel as if they're no longer among friends or welcome.

    So, anyway. For what it's worth, I miss the way this place was, too. I miss my faithful 'stalker' (@RebornMonster, I'm lookin' at you, kid!) and I wish it hadn't been so tainted for me by certain peoples' behaviour. (And that's the plural of 'people' because more than one person made me feel unwelcome with their subsequent comments; thoughtless as they were in their rush to comfort the 'offended' and ignore the 'offender'.)

    I almost didn't make this post today. My finger is still hovering over the 'post comment' button, after several edits and re-writes, so I'm going to just bite the bullet and post it anyway. Initially, I just slipped away quietly and never posted again, after my original 'offensive' post, because my default mode whenever I'm upset (and boy oh boy, did I cry a lot of bitter tears in the days following it...) is to withdraw and go silent. It was intimated by others that I would come back and start a fight or a flame war, but that's not how I behave. I just go very, very quiet, and I cry in private. I was told by a couple of people that, because I didn't come back and tell everyone how upset I'd been by what happened, nobody would know, but... I simply couldn't bear to post when I was still feeling so raw and attacked.

    It's nice to see this thread being lively and positive again, and it's lovely to see @SilverDaybreak - the Thread Mother! - returning. I just wish this post of mine could have been happier. My apologies for bringing a 'downer' into the thread.

    I wish you all well, my fellow Simmers. <3
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli i was wondering where you went and i know i said it before but you were't being mean or offensive. I think that person feeling were too sensitive. I was about to tell him or her to save their drama for another thread. Sheez. Everyone has their own preference. I choose not to play sims 4 because the graphics are not to my liking but i'm not going bash anyone who likes sims 4 graphics
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    You know...sometimes the gameplay actually catches up with my crazy imagination. See what traits the twins rolled for their birthday.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    PinkslinkyPinkslinky Posts: 306 Member
    MIchele and Jerome have a small bit of peace in episode 14. How long will it last?

    I may have mentioned that I have gotten way ahead of myself in the telling of My Sim Story and I had to stop playing them for a bit. They are a ISBI challenge family and, since I can't quit The Sims cold turkey, I started a Legacy Challenge family-- The Same Old Sames. Since I can't play without taking screenshots, they now have their own blog. This one isn't a storytelling type story so much as a play-and-narrate type dealie.

    Meet Sarah Same, Founder.

    Meet Willie Baum, Founding Spouse with a secret.

    Meet the Heir, Sammy

    P.S., if anybody knows a way to present your blog entries in reverse chronological order, I'd be happy to hear it!
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    PmlTryPmlTry Posts: 783 Member
    Update added.

    Fear is another first thing.

    Inheritance: Chapter 3, Part 1

    The Bell

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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    Well, last night sure made me happy. I got to see my Capitals beat out the Red Wings in a shootout. First time I ever saw a shootout since becoming a hockey fan. It was sure close though.

    Anyway, on to replies.

    @Julyvee94: It's amazing what sounds get put into a video game isn't it. I've known even some early games that had some great sounds.

    @sweetnightingale: No problem. Hope you like what you read.

    @RebornMonster: Wish I could tell you why, but I'm not sure either. Maybe I should move out to Arizona, but with my luck, something would follow me. That reminds me, true story, one year, we went out to California. Every day we were there, it rained and rained. At least we could get in on all the water rides. Then on the day we left, it was nice and sunny, the lines were long, and the roller coaster I wanted to ride was shut down. What a trip. :tongue: It is really cool. Long-lasting but cool. Thanks. It's coming around okay, so that's a plus.

    @RipuAncestor: Nice. :) Most of my stories lie in the PoR/RD universe, but I've recently started writing for Awakening too. I'm one of the oddballs who think Chrom and Sumia make a nice couple. :tongue:

    @TheNay83: I know what you mean by that, it being awesome to finish. Once, I polished off a three chapter story, and it was the first multi-chaptered story I ever completed. My week's going okay. Still fighting writer's block, but it would be a lot easier if I could just lock myself in a bubble and no one could find me. :lol:

    Kind of to address multiple people who brought this up, I understand completely. While I wasn't active in this thread, I posted and read a lot on another thread. It was fun showing people just what was happening in my Sims household. Looking around and seeing faces that I don't know, it's a little disheartening. I especially wonder how the old group would have liked the stories I've posted since they followed my family for so long. But I'm also glad to have met so many new people in this thread. You guys really make a newcomer like me feel welcome.

    @SilentWolf101: Well, I have no doubt you'll do fine. :)

    @SilverDaybreak: I did. Well, apart from some thing down at one of my old schools. But I had to do it so there's no point moaning about it...but I do it anyway. :tongue: I learned that I'm apparently famous to one of my teachers. She enjoyed hearing about my fighting games, so I made a collection of my best fights on DVD. So, it was nice hearing that she got to enjoy part of it.

    @ValoisFulcanelli: If it's any consolation, I'm one that doesn't really like the graphics of 4 either. Actually, there's a lot I think that 3 did better. Of course, I'm sure that there were some things 4 did better, but not sure what they are. I'm sorry to hear that you were made to feel so unwelcome over a petty reason like that. Like you said, it might as well have been over rice pudding. I like rice pudding myself, but I'm not going to turn against anyone just because they don't. Besides, it's a shame that people can't learn to agree to disagree.

    Just curious to anyone who does Sim Lit or I guess anyone, do you incorporate the real world into your Sims? I mean do you portray things as taking place in the real world or in the Sims own little world? I know in the games, they portray every neighborhood as almost its own little planet. Oh, they try to include some real world, like making China, France, and Egypt for World Adventures. I know in my story, I'm planning to include real places, just to make it more real-world. I guess I'm wondering how do you handle it, or do you even try?
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    RipuAncestorRipuAncestor Posts: 2,332 Member
    @thesealofthesims :) Now that I think of it, the main storyline of Radiant Dawn is really good too. It's just the characters that aren't focused on enough in that game in my opinion. Anyway, back to Awakening: I paired Chrom and Sumia up in my game too.
    My Sims stories:
    The Fey of Life - fairytales in life are few and far between (Forum thread HERE)
    The Chrysanthemum Tango - a story about life, death, magic, and how to be a good landlady (Forum thread HERE)
    Forget-Me-Not - some things just refuse to stay buried; an Ambrosia Challenge story (Forum thread HERE)
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    thesealofthesimsthesealofthesims Posts: 722 Member
    @thesealofthesims :) Now that I think of it, the main storyline of Radiant Dawn is really good too. It's just the characters that aren't focused on enough in that game in my opinion. Anyway, back to Awakening: I paired Chrom and Sumia up in my game too.

    I agree. I was especially disappointed with the lack of support conversations and paired endings. I would have liked to have seen some conversation between Elincia and Lucia. I mean I could see Lucia not holding anything against Elincia after part 2, but they kind of brushed it off. That wouldn't be something easy to get over. And even though I think people read too much into it and pair them off as lovers (nothing personal against the people who do), I would have liked to have seen a paired ending between them.

    Cool, another Sumia shipper. I just got tired of people pairing Chrom and Robin. Every time I browsed the Fire Emblem fandom, that's all I'd ever see. It was enough to make me sick. :tongue:
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    mastressalitamastressalita Posts: 2,874 Member
    edited December 2015
    @thesealofthesims and @RipuAncestor : Oh man, I'm such a PoR/RD fan... I went through a phase where I saved tons of fics from those to my HDD (from LJ though :-P ) though I never did get around to reading most of them. I spent a lot of time on the K*nk Meme too *is terrible* I never did finish the games though. Could never afford to buy them and I think I'm still borrowing PoR from my friend and it's been years! Oh man, I need to give that back to them now that you guys are making Derpy Hooves here think of it! DOH! But ya... I definitely had a phase several summers ago, heheh... I'll have to check out your PoR/RD fics sometime, Seal.
    Have a Sim story site? Please submit your link to the Stories and Legacies Index!
    Check out my Simlit at Sim Stories: Hijinks from the World of Sims 3!
    My Simlit Discussion/Updates | The Fringe | Short Story Challenges
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    RipuAncestorRipuAncestor Posts: 2,332 Member
    @mastressalita :) Glad to see even more Tellius fans here!
    My Sims stories:
    The Fey of Life - fairytales in life are few and far between (Forum thread HERE)
    The Chrysanthemum Tango - a story about life, death, magic, and how to be a good landlady (Forum thread HERE)
    Forget-Me-Not - some things just refuse to stay buried; an Ambrosia Challenge story (Forum thread HERE)
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    gurllivinlargegurllivinlarge Posts: 91 Member
    I hope someone can help me. I am posting stories to and I 'am struggling with the layout. I am using the portfolio format and the image and words align to the right with the words looking like this




    I know using the post will get the words and image centered with the page but I cant get the image large enough like portfolio.
    If anyone can help me figure this out it will be greatly appreciated.

    here is the link to the post

    Relax, Play, have fun!
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