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Spending a day with the Dalai Lama

cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is seen by his people, and those who share his religious views or belief in reincarnation, as an enlightened (bodhi) being (sattva) who has chosen to be reborn in order to serve humanity. A Bodhisattva (or enlightened being) is full of compassion and love and wishes to help all other sentient beings, insects and other animals included. A lama is a teacher and dalai means ocean; so Dalai Lama implies an ocean or depth of wisdom. Thus, the Dalai Lama is a very wise teacher who has chosen this life to serve humanity.

His typical day starts at 3/3:30 in the morning with a shower and meditation until breakfast at 5:30. He listens to BBC radio while eating porridge with bread and jam and drinking tea. Then he meditates again until 9 when he goes for walk around the lawn or uses a treadmill (if it's raining).

This is when we will join him for the day, when he goes for his walk around the grounds.

He usually reads until having a vegetarian lunch at 11:30, which we will share with him. So, we will get to sit with him and learn his prospective on things.

After lunch, he goes to his office to see visitors or do interviews until around 3 pm. We are allowed to sit in on observation only basis for this.

Evening tea is around 5 p.m., but it will only be tea and maybe a biscuit for, by his own vow, he chooses to eat no food in the evening. He usually retires early (because he gets up so early) so we should be back home before dark.

NOTE: The Dalai Lama was found on the exchange here by vsmith:

Source of data: Info mostly provided from

Also: This is for Jojo777's bachelor competition, competing for approval of one of two bachelorettes, which are her creations and available in her studio. Link to the contest which has the links for Noemi and Eloisa right at the top:


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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited March 2014
    Abe finished explaining the day's activity by the time they arrived promptly at 9 a.m. The view was awesome. And the part of the monastery where His Holiness lived (when in Bridgeport) seemed to fit both the man and the environment.

    Noemi might not have been that impressed, but all Abe could think was "Beautiful vista!"

    Noemi set out briskly on the walk around the grounds, but Eloisa wanted to take some time to enjoy the garden.

    So Noemi found a bench and His Holiness explained how important it is to nurture love, laughter, and kindness as he harvested the fruit from one of the plants.

    The Dalai Lama thought they could all use more laughter, though Noemi didn't appear to agree.

    Then the search for enlightenment began.

    Eloisa worried they wouldn't find their way.

    They all walked around the grounds to the back of the home

    And stood transfixed for a moment.

    The view was beyond spectacular.

    Again, Noemi might not have been impressed, but the Dalai Lama seemed to find the reactions amusing.

    His Holiness seemed to be assessing Abe, which caused him to feel a bit unworthy,

    But they continued to walk in silence.

    The Dalai Lama stopped to fill a bowl for the strays.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited March 2014
    Then they settled in the study to discuss theology.

    His Holiness did glance briefly at the newspaper that had just arrived, but he chose to discuss the six perfections with his guests this morning. (Info from:

    To be a bodhisattva, one must first perfect six things:
    First, generosity: With no wish for recompense or recognition, volunteer time and talents to help others help themselves, so that they, in turn, help others, creating a positive ripple effect that is far-reaching.

    Second, ethics: Refrain from doing harm to yourself (for example, drugs and alcohol) and all those around you. All harmful actions are caused by a mind that harbors harmful thoughts.

    Third, patience: Patience is the antidote to anger. If no patience, then, high blood pressure and impaired breathing and reasoning. Calm brings joy, happiness, peace, and even a younger looking face.

    Fourth, effort: Keep motivation simple and sincere. Whether we achieve the goal or not does not matter so long as we make an attempt. Even if we fail to achieve our goal, we won't regret making the effort. If our motivation is not sincere, even if the objective is achieved the person will not be so happy or satisfied deep down. An optimistic attitude is also key for, right from the beginning, if you hold a pessimistic attitude, even small things may not be achieved.

    Fifth, concentration: Single minded focus is important. Pay unwavering attention to what you're doing to avoid many frustrations later.

    Lastly, wisdom: Key are impermanence (for everything changes constantly) and selflessness. The physical world and all living beings are created by the mind and the results of our past actions. Any action from fear, anxiety, or hatred creates violence. Each action depends on motivation, so avoid self-centered interest and think globally instead.

    These areas seemed simple enough and should help everyone be happier.

    The thought of generous, moral Sims who were wise and worked hard, yet who never lost patience and remained focused certainly made Abe happy.

    It was surprising how quickly the time passed. At 11:30 lunch was ready and everyone grabbed a salad.

    Eloisa decided to eat with a fork rather than try chop sticks or eating with her fingers.

    After lunch they were invited to sit in on His Holiness' afternoon interviews.

    It would be easy to lose one's way as the layout of rooms is much different than traditional Western style!

    Noone was lost though, and everyone was seated before the first interviewer arrived.

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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited March 2014
    The Dalai Lama is an incredible charismatic speaker who expresses compassion and sincerity in many areas.

    Speaking on compassion:

    All human beings are the same. We all want happiness. Whether people are beautiful and friendly or unattractive and disruptive, ultimately they are human beings. Like oneself, they want happiness. Their right to be happy is equal to one's own. All beings are equal in both their desire for happiness and their right to obtain it. Develop a feeling of responsibility for others: the wish to help them actively overcome their problems. As long as they are human beings experiencing pleasure and pain just as you do, there is no logical basis to discriminate between them or to alter your concern for them if they behave negatively.

    We must promote human values such as compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. Compassion is by nature gentle, peaceful and soft, but it is very powerful. If it is necessary to express your views and take strong countermeasures, do so; but, without anger or ill-intent.

    Anger and hatred are always harmful. Anger and agitation make us more susceptible to illness. On the other hand, if the mind is tranquil and occupied with positive thoughts, the body will not easily fall prey to disease.

    Individual happiness can contribute in a profound and effective way to the overall improvement of our entire human community. If you have a sincere and open heart, you naturally feel self- worth and confidence, and there is no need to be fearful of others.

    Speaking on religion:

    Religion must serve a practical purpose. Times change. Situations change. So always do thoughts. You can accept God and be sincere or you can deny God and worship money, but it is not possible to do both.

    Religion can bring harmony on a personal level - one truth, one religion. But, on a world level... several truths / religions necessary.

    The purpose of religion is not to build beautiful churches, or temples, but to cultivate positive human qualities such as tolerance, generosity, and love. Despite philosophical differences, all major world religions have the same potential to create better human beings. Every world religion is founded first and foremost on the precept that we must reduce our selfishness and serve others. It is therefore important for all religious traditions to respect one another and recognize the value of each other's respective traditions.

    If we practice religion properly, or genuinely, religion is not something outside but in our hearts. The essence of any religion is good heart. Sometimes I call love and compassion a universal religion. This is my religion. Complicated philosophy sometimes create more trouble and problems. If these sophisticated philosophies are useful for the development of good heart, then good: use them fully. If these complicated philosophies or systems become an obstacle to a good heart then better to leave them.

    We do not need to become religious, nor do we need to believe in an ideology. All that is necessary is for each of us to develop our good human qualities. We have the same potential to live useful life and have inner peace if sincere as if religious. These ideas work for everyone. Less things to clutter your life, less things to worry about. More compassion, good will, and loving kindness spinning outward to all; then more happiness in the world.

    Speaking on the environment:

    We need to renew our commitment to human values in many fields. Political life, of course, requires an ethical foundation, but science and religion, as well, should be pursued from a moral basis. Science and technology together with human affection will be constructive. Science and technology under the control of hatred will be destructive. Without morality scientists cannot distinguish between beneficial technologies and those which are merely expedient. The environmental damage surrounding us is the most obvious result of this confusion.

    Tapping the limited resources of our world simply to fuel consumerism, is disastrous. We must respect the delicate matrix of life and allow it to replenish itself. We are drawn together by the grave problems we face: overpopulation, dwindling natural resources, and an environmental crisis that threatens our air, water, and trees, along with the vast number of beautiful life forms that are the very foundation of existence on this small planet we share.

    It is not at all wrong for humans to use nature to make useful things, but we must not exploit nature to make useful things and we must not exploit nature unnecessarily. Everything has its limit. Too much consumption or effort to make money is no good. Neither is too much contentment. These days we cannot afford too much contentment about the environment.

    Peace and survival of life on earth as we know it are threatened by human activities that lack a commitment to humanitarian values. Destruction of nature and natural resources results from ignorance, greed, and lack of respect for the earth's living things. This lack of respect extends even to the earth's human descendants, the future generations who will inherit a vastly degraded planet if world peace doesn't become a reality and if destruction of the natural environment continues at the present rate.

    Human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not for his or her self, family or nation, but for the benefit of all mankind. This is the real key to human survival and is the best foundation for world peace, the equitable use of natural resources, and through concern for the future generations, the proper care of the environment.

    I was taught the importance of a caring attitude toward the environment. Our practice of nonviolence applies not just to human beings but to all sentient beings - any living thing that has a mind. Where there is a mind, there are feelings such as pain, pleasure, and joy. No sentient being wants pain: all wants happiness instead.

    By simply looking at innocent animals, insects, ants, bees, etc., quite often I develop some kind of respect for them. They have no religion, no constitution, no police force, nothing. But they live in harmony through the natural law of existence or nature's law or system.

    I think our concept of building military establishments in the name of defense is wrong. I consider military establishments as the worst kind of human rights violation - but legalized. A police or military force should be created by nations by equally balanced forces. These collective forces should be controlled by collective leadership on an international basis. If we achieve this then there will be no more violent conflict between nations, no more civil war.

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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited March 2014
    After all the interviews, it was show time for Abe.

    At least the audience was small.

    Abe appreciated the support both Eloisa and Noemi offered as he played for His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.

    At first the Dalai Lama sat and listened.

    But then he too joined the others at the piano, so Abe's nervousness began to recede.

    The Dalai Lama liked the music. It moved him.

    Abe could bring some happiness into His Holiness' life, and into Eloisa's and Noemi's lives as well.

    That meant more than accolades,

    Though accolades from Noemi was high praise indeed.

    Praise from the Dalai Lama would stay in his thoughts along with the message of compassion for all.

    Evening tea was wonderful: chai with strawberries and cream or a dark chocolate blend.

    Then they gathered with His Holiness one last time and he shared the gift of laughter with each of them before they departed.

    What an honor and privilege to meet one of Fortune's top 10 leaders of the year who has won a Nobel Peace Award and spends all his energy trying to help everyone be happier!

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited March 2014
    Okay, it's overkill I know, but... I think you just have to love the Dalai Lama - a man who loves the Chinese even though they took away his country and torture and kill. I find him inspirational. One of his quotes, that I couldn't work in is that everything happens for a reason. It's not unlucky, nor unfair. It is an opportunity and a source for hope.

    I hope you enjoyed spending time with Dalai Lama with me.
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    tkbluebasketballtkbluebasketball Posts: 4,495 Member
    edited March 2014
    Wondeful job! He is a very inspiring man and I wish there were more people like him *cough* World Leaders *cough* :lol:

    Great job :)
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    YellowJaneYellowJane Posts: 6,589 Member
    edited March 2014
    Cool! :D
    Love the li'l story - Sims are great :) I love their clothes and style!
    Also the house is cool - did you build that or is it a pre-made Bridgeport home!? Well done on great pic's too :) Good luck with the competition ~YJ~
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited March 2014
    Thanks TK and YJ!

    This house is a pre-built empty house in Bridgeport. I just redid some stuff. :D
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    ladydarkmoon24ladydarkmoon24 Posts: 1,252 Member
    edited March 2014
    Inspiring and well written. Great Job!!!!
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    RubysimRubysim Posts: 5,811 Member
    edited March 2014
    Wonderful Entry :D
    Gallery ID - Rubysim
    Pictures of my sims will be on my page :)
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    GreenCatsGreenCats Posts: 9,318 Member
    edited March 2014
    What a wonderful story :-)

    You can still find me on my old My page (, and see more of my game-play pictures and CC-free uploads at
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    TnT_TerryTnT_Terry Posts: 6,629 Member
    edited March 2014
    8) Very uplifting and positive hon, great job. I thoroughly enjoyed the story. And yes indeed, everything does happen for a reason, even if we don't understand why. And another lesson to learn that I didn't see mentioned and should be at the top of the list, "Never Regret anything", it wastes precious time and energy, learn from it and move on ;)
    I own every basegame, EP, GP, SP and kits for all sims, ie.., sims 1, 2, 3 and 4
    I am a sims 3 Store Owner Thanks to all my Amazing friends here, and I do own all store stuff from sims 2 as well!

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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited March 2014
    TnT_Terry wrote:
    8) Very uplifting and positive hon, great job. I thoroughly enjoyed the story. And yes indeed, everything does happen for a reason, even if we don't understand why. And another lesson to learn that I didn't see mentioned and should be at the top of the list, "Never Regret anything", it wastes precious time and energy, learn from it and move on ;)

    More stuff that hit the cutting room floor. It was between everything happens for a reason and it's not unfair, not unlucky. His words were face it and then get over it. :D

    Thanks for commenting and adding to the discussion. :D

    I love comments.
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    IdontrcallIdontrcall Posts: 19,349 Member
    edited March 2014
    Ciane -- your story is incredible! I really loved it, and Noemi and Eloisa have never looked more lovely.

    I really adored the picture of the group walking through the garden with thought bubbles of lights and a door and how you commented they were ready for enlightenment, but Eloisa was afraid they would not be able to find the way.

    So creative and enjoyable!!!

    Thanks :)
    Check out my cooking Youtube channel: Living with Leigh
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    edited March 2014
    Ciane, truly enjoyed your story. You did a great job telling it. And yes everything does happen for a reason, even if we don't understand why. It is not our place to ask why because only God knows & all is predestined. Good luck with the contest.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited March 2014
    Idontrcall wrote:
    Ciane -- your story is incredible! I really loved it, and Noemi and Eloisa have never looked more lovely.

    I really adored the picture of the group walking through the garden with thought bubbles of lights and a door and how you commented they were ready for enlightenment, but Eloisa was afraid they would not be able to find the way.

    So creative and enjoyable!!!

    Thanks :)

    :D hears the song lyrics "You make me so very happy" going through my mind.

    I tend to let the Sims do their own things and try to incorporate those random thoughts into the story.

    Thank you to everyone for sharing your thoughts.
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    Jojo777Jojo777 Posts: 21,909 Member
    edited March 2014
    ciane, this is wonderful!!! Wow!! :shock:
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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited April 2014
    ciane wrote:
    Okay, it's overkill I know, but... I think you just have to love the Dalai Lama - a man who loves the Chinese even though they took away his country and torture and kill. I find him inspirational. One of his quotes, that I couldn't work in is that everything happens for a reason. It's not unlucky, nor unfair. It is an opportunity and a source for hope.

    I hope you enjoyed spending time with Dalai Lama with me.

    He actually reminds a bit of H.H. the Dalai Lama and I'm glad you didn't forget to mention the source.
    And, I find it too, he is someone to admire. I had the honor to go to a whole retreat with him twice. Unforgettable experiences!
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited April 2014
    Oh my that is awesome Eliroc! I have met some Tibetan Monks, but have not had the pleasure of seeing His Holiness in person.

    I do enjoy reading his web site and listening to him via Netflix documentaries. :D

    I too found a certain likeness in the Sim and made no effort to tweak him by adding glasses.

    Thank you for leaving that comment and those awesome inspirational words.
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