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Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
Forum Announcement, Click Here to Read More From EA_Cade.

Did you know it was neighbor appreciation day today? Random gifting.

That's right. I want you all to say something nice and tell a neighbor why you appreciate them.

I'll start with:

RoundHeaded - I appreciate your sense of humor and the way you throw your all into whatever you do. I hope you are practicing patience and perfecting your will power. Be strong, you can do it!

BlackSheba - I appreciate the way you always listen and provide comfort and direction and keep on keeping on. To be a leader for your sons, to be their for your co-workers, and to put in so much time all around the forums and my pages. Hugs!

ErnesaT - Wow! I appreciate that you help out so many so generously repeatedly and keep your cool so well. I make great peach smoothies. Here's one for you!

There are many, many more and I'd like to hear yours. I plan to spend 1000 SPs randomly throughout the thread, so please tell me how you appreciate your neighbors.

Edit: It is strongly discouraged to show appreciation of the neighborly kind to the hostess (me) at this time. This is about the neighbors. Thank you.


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    ThelessyThelessy Posts: 1,764 Member
    edited September 2013
    Ciane, I love your smoothie ideas (as a big fan of smoothies myself) and I enjoy making them myself after you give the inspiration.

    Jezebelthenun I love your Doctor Who thread (and enjoy talking to all the awesome whovians!)

    Dangerdanger your quick and quirky wit often makes me chuckle.

    There are many more, so please don't feel unappreciated if I haven't mentioned you- I'd be here all day listing all the friends I've made here.
    *Hugs to all my friends*
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited September 2013
    Great job, thelessy and a reminder that I should mention NOT to mention me in the appreciations!

    I totally agree that I appreciate Danger's perspective on so many things. They do bring a chuckle if not a full belly laugh or ROFL!

    And, there are so many Whovians for other Whovians to appreciate! I appreciate Jez for a very well-balanced sense and ability to say and do the nicest things under really stressful times.
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    TheZommbieTheZommbie Posts: 712 New Member
    edited September 2013
    i lurk alot in the GG forum usualy in store posting

    AznSensei, I appreciate hes store set reviews helps alot for what to buy

    Thelessy and Jezebelthenun, love watching the gift wars they have :mrgreen:

    nice new topic Ciane

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    mattnjenn05mattnjenn05 Posts: 2,627 Member
    edited September 2013
    I did know only because of your post on your mypage earlier ;) I wish I had neighbors I could share things with other than the nasty smell of their cigarette (and other stuff :shock: ) smoke.

    Ciane, I love your positive upbeat messages and how you always take time to stop by and say hi.

    Mmdrgntobldrgn, I loved the message you left on my status yesterday and it has inspired me to attempt my first ever fondant cake! I'm excited!

    SimMommy05 I love how you always have a kind word to share :D

    There are so many more amazing simmers/neighbors here that I could go on for ages! *hugs to all!*
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    mattnjenn05mattnjenn05 Posts: 2,627 Member
    edited September 2013
    :wink: I included you before I saw your little reminder.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited September 2013
    It's okay mattnjenn. I do like to be appreciated, but I want to appreciate your neighbors too!

    I also appreciate what AznSensei does. He goes out of his way to show appreciation for all the hard work EA creators put into the store items.

    I seriously didn't know about theLessy and Jez's gift wars! I do bet they are fun to watch!

    I appreciate SimMommy, who is a recent friend I am just getting to know.

    And, I very much appreciate Momma Dragon who loves fruit as much as I do or almost as much as I do. She is always sneaking in and liking a post or an upload and she is taking a positive action against pollution by becoming an urban bike rider. That is right... no more cars for her. Check out her blog. (Find it on her page.)

    Edit: MattnJenn, I showed SimMommy your appreciation with a little gift.

    I have lots of Sim Points left, so I hope I get to share lots more appreciation!
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    BeezarBeezar Posts: 193 New Member
    edited September 2013
    I'm new here so I don't know my neighbors as well as some other simmers do, but here it goes:

    Loppie1988 - I've never spoken to you but I've seen some of your builds and they are BEAUTIFUL. I think it's really awesome that you put so much time into creating things for other simmers.

    mayray - Your furry friends lotto is my favorite contest I've seen so far. Asking everyone to post pictures of their furry friends was a great idea and it brightened my day to see everyone's cute pets. I'm going to miss it now that it's over!

    Dangerdanger - I've seen a few of your posts and I agree with Thelessy - you're very funny. You've made me (honestly) laugh out loud before, so I appreciate your sense of humor.
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    TheZommbieTheZommbie Posts: 712 New Member
    edited September 2013
    ty for the gift ciane
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    AlitoniAlitoni Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited September 2013
    There are so many that I appreciate, but since we are limited on space and whatnot -

    I appreciate Christinebremner because she is such a lovely person. She goes out of her way to bring a smile to our faces by her words of kindness, and her generosity. Hide your WL when she's around.

    I appreciate Noxxi because she has always been so sweet and kind to me. Since my early arrival in to the GG forums aside from you Ciane, she was another who accepted me and helped to make me feel a part of this lovely forum.

    I also appreciate Shrill. She was another who just scooped my up and helped to make me feel so welcome to the GG forums. I will always think of Shrill when I recall my first experience here as she stepped right up and took me in.

    This is such a lovely idea, Ciane! And of course I appreciate you for all of the times you chat with me or respond to my ramblings on My Page, as well as those yummy smoothies you are always sharing. :wink:
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited September 2013
    Thank you Alitoni. I appreciate all the times we have laughed and danced together! Those are all awesome neighbors that surely deserve appreciation!

    Beezar. I shared appreciation with Mayray. ; } I loved all the cute critters and their tails, er tales, too! (Danger does have that effect on many and I agree about Loppie and all the beautiful builds shared with the rest of us.)
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    XxHannelorexXXxHannelorexX Posts: 2,943 Member
    edited September 2013
    I did not know it was neighbor appreciation day today. I APPRECIATE you informing me that it was so :wink:

    Let's see...

    I appreciate SmashBridges20 for being a generous, sweet, and helpful person (I totally blame them for infecting me with gift giving syndrome :lol: Now I completely understand how delightfully devious it is to swipe at people's WLs on the occasions that I have SP in my balance XD) Their Mentor a Newbie thread was a fabulous idea and I found it incredibly helpful.

    I also appreciate YellowJane and Thelessy for being lovely people ^_^ They're both sweet and say nice things :)

    I also appreciate thesims3boy and emilzydiva for being fabulous hosts in last month's Flash Mob :) They made me feel extra glad to participate.

    I appreciate Alitoni's lovely status' that always brighten my day :)

    And I've never properly met ErnesaT, but I've seen the wonderful things that she does for this community and I appreciate her for that, as I'm sure many other people do too :D

    There are plenty more too. Just about everyone that I have met in this forum has been lovely. It's filled with wonderful simmers :)
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited September 2013
    What a great laundry list of people to appreciate. Smash is great at letting everyone know about sales and great deals as well as helping sponsor and participating in contests, but one rarely catches something on her WL, so I shared a little appreciation with YellowJane! ; }

    It's time for me to shut down for the night, but I hope to read lots more by the time I awake.

    Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow. It's only a day away.
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    DangerDangerDangerDanger Posts: 5,327 Member
    edited September 2013
    Aw thanks y'all! There's nothing that makes me happier than knowing I can make other people laugh. :)

    Okay, so there are a few things that make me happier. Like the following peeps. I'm just going to throw up some quick shout outs because there are so many y'all. I'm not so good with the feelings, so sometimes these might not make a lot of sense.

    Agstah - for being my first real friend in a real long time. :) A neighborhood isn't complete without ********* old ladies yelling at the youngin's to get off her yard, and I love being a grumpy cynical old lady with you! LOL!!!!! :D

    Alyssaluvscookie - Every neighborhood has those two weirdo kiddos who giggle about something so remarkably offputting that the neighbors begin to wonder if something's wrong with 'em. You and I are those children Alyssa!!! (((("How does Ronnie Ron taste Master?" "Like some kid with eyes!"))))

    Amarise - my very first friend on this site! It says words of kindness about the person willing to be friends first with the freakydeaky new kid. :P

    Bookworm742 - Such a lovely calm voice of reason. Every neighborhood needs one of her for sure.

    Brighty - My brain. Everyone's brain. How does she have time to be her own brain, when she's so busy being everyone else's brain? She's a scientific marvel and a lovely neighbor.

    Cheesetruck - Always brightening the neighborhood with a well placed fart.

    Christinebremner - One of the sweetest, kindest people I know!! She always knows the right thing to say. <3

    Envira_x - She is the female Mr. Rogers. What more can one say about a neighbor!!! I love her!

    Jezebelthenun - the neighborhood muse! She's just so creative in everything she does, it's hard not to be envious. Scratch that, it's not hard because I'm so busy enjoying the fruits of her awesome labors. Or something.

    Katieeee - Every time I turn around this girl is doing something uberly neighborly up in here. I've never seen her say a sour word and her contests are the bomdiggity.

    Mishmush - She's from Texas! It don't get much more neighborly than that. :) She's friends with everybody and hilarious to boot. HOLY CARP!

    Nanatorium - She's super fly. I adore her.

    Okido1987 - Neighborliliest neighbor there ever was. She just randomly pops up and always makes it a point to ask her friends how they are doing.

    Stafuny - MY BFF. We found each other in a time of need. She's saved my life!

    Sunsetsorbet - She's just always so darn helpful. I'm personally thankful for her being that neighbor I can go to to talk about all things pop culture. Sashay!

    Thelessy - for being the consummate british person. She's just perfect. And hilarious.

    I seriously could have gone on and on and on but I put a timer on myself because I need to go to bed soon. Maybe if this thread is still going on I'll add some more loverlies!!! These ones were just the ones that popped up first glance at my friendslist!

    Hi. I'm Danger. I like spaceships, Pringles, and cats. I dislike fruits and vegetables, sunlight, and the motion picture Titanic. I do not own a sword, nor do I know how to draw unicorns. As you can see, I don't have much to offer the world.
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    BlondePumpkinBlondePumpkin Posts: 93 Member
    edited September 2013
    I haven't really been here long enough to get to know a lot of people. I will say I really appreciate the Sims fandom as whole. From my very limited time observing the community as a whole, its been wonderful to see how happy, helpful and just plain friendly everyone is.
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    sunsetsorbetsunsetsorbet Posts: 3,171 Member
    edited September 2013
    SALTPASTILLEN- for helping me as the cohost for my first ever real contest here.

    Aminovas- is a new friend to me, but she always has such kind words about my uploads, and I see her doing the same with other people creation's as well.

    DangerDanger- We all enjoy your random sense of humor, and I enjoy my gossip buddy.

    Katieeee- Every time I turn around, she's found something new to host a giveaway around.

    And many many more!
    My SimblrMy ShowcaseMy StudioMy Page
    (no ts3 wishlist, because I own the store)
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    anettesbanettesb Posts: 39,168 Member
    edited September 2013
    I didn't know that...

    my real life neighbor... I'm not sure I appreciate this evening/night/morning... but then a lady a few doors down is very sweet...

    ok of to forum neighbors

    Stinalina, so sweet I wish I could spend more time with her, she seem to know how to fix many mac problem (or atleast where to find the info)

    JediAriel, I love how dedicated you run the birthday thread, you and your whole team now ... it made me so happy when you decided to stay with the thread but get some help.

    Blyth you just do so much to help, makes help full and fun threads and posts

    XxHannelorexX your lottery with traits FUN... lets have more... actually that made me think of a game I thought of a year ago... maybe we need to talk .... if you like to host... really it could just be a game with no prizes... sort of a mix between your lottery and some of Jojo's games...

    that brings me to Jojo... keep those fun games comeing... they are glue... I do mis your genetic games and other games whit a story angle, and your story... you writ great

    Mcsnjb.. keeping the unofficial wishlist thread active.... nice job dear keep it up


    I could go on for a long time
    🌺 streaming at 🌻come join the Sylvan legacy, and help control their life. 🌳
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    edited September 2013
    Yay - such a fun thread!

    Sunsetsorbet - because she opened my eyes to the GG and she is full of helpful advice and encouragement :)

    Charicharn - she always have something nice to say and she is kind enough to comment on my status updates almost every time! She makes me feel as if what I write is important, and that is one of the best feelings there is.

    christinebremner - she's an all around sweet person and I'm so happy I have met her! She was one of the first people I got to know on the GG and we still have great contact.

    DippyDesigns - also one of my earliest friends and she's great with encouraging words and also an awesome builder.

    anettesb - such a friendly soul! Her constructive questions and kind welcome is a great way to be introduced to the GG.

    rosemow - nothing makes a builder happier than to get feedback on their builds and rose is there almost every time to find good things to say. I love that she is so dedicated and kind.

    mashellestevens - we recently got to know each other and she's been nothing but helpful and fun. Her poses are great!

    Annadenise - an old friend who writes one of my favorite dynasties. She's always got a kind word and a willingness to gossip and laugh about life - just what I need some days.

    NessiePenguin - we met on the UWL thread where she is the major contributor. She lights up people's lives with her kind gifts and beautiful creations.

    tanubane - with kindness she welcomed me on the GG and she has helped me out of dicey situations a time or two. I love how she helps her friends :)

    These are just some of the great neighbors I have here on the GG - I would write more but I'm afraid I'd have to wear my fingers down to the bone to incorporate all.
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    DasheeeeeDasheeeee Posts: 766 Member
    edited September 2013
    I appreciate pixiegamer, she's just an awesome person in general.

    I appreciate TexasKittyKat, for being my first friend.

    I appreciate Katieeee for sponsering my first contest.

    I appreciate everyone because they're just fantastic and living.
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    roundheadedroundheaded Posts: 873 New Member
    edited September 2013
    Thank you Ciane, and for this opportunity.

    Figwit, Reach, Bluebell, Rflong, Aunza, Yoda, Sheba, Stevie, Sunny, Ciane, Klb, Jurik, Bluegayle, Carla, Leep, MrHawk, Murfeel, Patty, Dawn, Doll, ComputerTech, Blewis, Samanthajane, Romagi, and so many more…:

    Thank you, for being patient and kind with me, even though I'm not exactly very active here. All of you are amazing people in different ways, you guys rock! Group hugs :mrgreen:
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    XxHannelorexXXxHannelorexX Posts: 2,943 Member
    edited September 2013
    anettesb wrote:

    XxHannelorexX your lottery with traits FUN... lets have more... actually that made me think of a game I thought of a year ago... maybe we need to talk .... if you like to host... really it could just be a game with no prizes... sort of a mix between your lottery and some of Jojo's games...

    I'm glad you found it fun :D I'd love to host, or co-host, something else in the future :D For now I couldn't have any SP as prizes, but you're right, it could be something with no prizes, or could offer rec's or something :)
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    VamPandaVamPanda Posts: 6,226 New Member
    edited September 2013
    OG I could be here all day with the simmers I appreciate xD Most know though so I will share some appreciation about people who do not know I appreciate them xD

    AznSensei - Your store reviews are awesome. Always very detailed and well thought out. I appreciate this greatly because your reviews are great resource for us al and I love when you take a whacky set and tone it down to look more appealing!

    DangerDanger - your contest directory is fantastic, another great thing for us all and I appreciate all the work you put into it <3

    JedAriel - OMG The birthday thread! How do you keep up! I know I couldnt xD I bow down to you for putting so much into such a great thread :D

    Thanks for hosting Ciane this is an awesome idea!
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    duyguugudurduyguugudur Posts: 2,684 Member
    edited September 2013
    I am really glad to share this kind of thread with us,thank you !!

    Well i have met such a amazing and compressionate people here that support/accept me fully,it is hard for me to put down all names but i would like add some extra things to some of my neighbours :)

    @Saitouamy and NessiePenguin,thank you always listening me and foe ur warm hugs.

    @Wikdwikkan, u are one of my first friend here,thank you for accepting me, i love our in-game interactions!!

    @temerald7667 & ShaliAnel , Tem & Sarina u are awesome and fun !! Thanks for cheering me

    @thesims3boy & Emilyzdiva , guys thank you for ur patience, always support me and answer me!

    @shadowcat85 , thank you for being there for me !! Let the all spiders are far away from u!!

    @pixiegamer, pix we have recently met but i am glad to meet with u!!!

    @MOM1010 , she is also one of my first friends here, thank you for accepting me,being there for me!!Your generosity and kindness warm my heart!!

    @Loppie1988 & Loobylou1985, girls what can i say,u are best !! I am really hoping that i can help/support/cheer up you as much you do !! So happy that o know u!

    @GREENEYA,GreenCats,gr1zzly ,Your patience and kindness made me so happy!Thank you!

    @Dasheeeee , girl you rock!! I am so happy to meet with you, u are the spice of my life! If u aren't here, it won't be same you know!! :)

    @Blacksheba1973, you are so warm and welcoming, i am truely appreciate u from bottom of my heart.

    Thank you for being/bearing with me!! Love u all!! :mrgreen:

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    AnnitaEatsYaAnnitaEatsYa Posts: 1,583 Member
    edited September 2013
    Oh this is an amazing thread! Thanks very much for bringing neighbour appreciation day to the forums ^-^

    I appreciate AMariseS for chatting with me on my MyPage, and for being so kind and supportive to everyone. She's cheered me up just by taking the time to type a few words on more than one occasion.

    I appreciate SALTPASTILLEN for being my cheerleader when I first started desperately looking for a new job! I also appreciate her for being good fun and a friendly face to see anywhere on the forums.

    I appreciate and-it-is-on because that Vaporeon sim lifts my spirits every time I see it ;) pokénerd moment.

    I appreciate Thelessy for pointing me in the direction of vegetarian marshmallows! Bacon? Don't even miss it. Marshmallows? Gimme gimme gimme!

    There are tons more, including Shrill, mcsnjb, azara67, HadesDragoness, DangerDanger and...argh, loads of you lovelies! Sorry I couldn't go into detail on everyone, don't hate me! *dishes out huge hugs to all my simneighbours*
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    leep45508leep45508 Posts: 3,910 Member
    edited September 2013
    OH LORD :shock: there's so many who i appreciate i dont know where to begin :s

    Soooo ermmm here goes

    Bel008- i appreciate Bel for always taking the time to stop and say hello to everyone and wishes you a wonderful day :)

    blacksheba1973 - Because they are such a lovely kind person

    Brennachan - because of the disco fever they bring and always has something funny to say

    dawnrob - because she is a wonderful person to talk to and a great friend :)

    ciane - because you have funny little things to say about your dogs and you always make me want a smoothie with all these recipe's you tease us all with

    Msrednotdead - because she is a strong woman and sounds like a wonderful mother :) she is a lovely person and speaks her mind :)

    roundheaded - roundy weirdly makes you feel peaceful lol (only way i could describe it) makes little fun games from time to time which brings alot of people together :)

    SunnyBelle - because they are a warm friendly person i love reading what she has to say and from her last update she has made me want a stew lol its on my shopping list for next time :)

    Svineprutter - He is another wonderful friend i have had the pleasure of meeting on here and along side blacksheba and dawnrob they make a thread BDS were people come and show their creations and its such a friendly welcoming place :)

    AIRIS6962 - because she has little funny memories that pop in the corner when i am playing a game :) and once again a lovely friend

    front360 - though i havent seen her around much and i hope she is ok she is a wonderful person to chat to :)

    gngrsnp - she is currently making my dillions an extra home and she has used them with her work and it gives me a smile when she makes up the story as she goes along :)

    friendsfan36 - always have something funny to say about her simmie families :)

    Thank you Ciane for hosting and its lovely to know people's appreciation don't go unnoticed

    Have a wonderful day :)

    EDIT!!!! i missed another lovely soul

    rosemow - well what can i say they take there time to write about your builds and goes into so much detail even i forgot that it was there lol and i love ready what they have written :)
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    CrysCringleCrysCringle Posts: 900 Member
    edited September 2013
    Oh wow.... I've only been participating in the GG forum for a very short while and I've really haven't had the pleasure of speaking with any of them personally, but these are some of the people that I can think of right now:

    loobylou1985- I've noticed that she's always willing to help others with their contests by judging and/or sponsoring and she's hosted a couple of awesome contests as well. She's very generous.

    Katieeee - I've only participated in a few contests and giveaways and she's hosted a couple of them. She's very creative and generous. :)

    Lynnwood - I don't think she's active on the GG forum, but she's been really kind to me and we've read each other's sims challenges and stories. We've given each other gifts as well.

    EMPRESSPAMELA- A very kind and generous person.

    There are many many others that aren't coming to my mind at the moment though. :) I appreciate everyone on the GG forums really since they're all so very kind.
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