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The Going Solo Challenge (main) Updated to include TS4


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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    I'm quite behind in posting pics compared to where I am at in the game but I want to do a poll to see who the Baby daddy should be so I am going to post bios and pics of the 3* I have narrowed it down to. keep in mind that the future child has to have one trait from daddy. Please pic one!

    Titus - Jane's oldest and best friend. They have a little chemistry but he is dating Vera His traits are:
    Love outdoors

    Maximus - Jan'es old boss. He really likes her but he's engaged to Betty
    Green thumb

    Cory - regular woohooty text, major attraction currently has 2 children with Jane's sister Joan, but Jane doesn't know

    light sleeper
    social awkward

    Poll closes friday at noon EST

    *I knocked it down to 3 from 5
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    Ra345Ra345 Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited June 2013
    Titus! :)
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    mimzy34mimzy34 Posts: 73
    edited June 2013
    Titus. I think he would be the only one who would treat Jane right.
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    MajestykMajestyk Posts: 2,624 Member
    edited June 2013
    I'm all caught up and I vote for... Titus. good luck!
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    angldiorangldior Posts: 4,379 Member
    edited June 2013
    This story is getting really good. I pick Cory to be the next baby daddy since he already knocked up Joan he might as well knock up Jane.

    New update
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    LittleMinxUndrLittleMinxUndr Posts: 4,196 Member
    edited June 2013
    I vote for Maximus, because he's a ginger and I want to see how that works out when Jane gets pregnant by him. ^^
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    DRSsimsDRSsims Posts: 519 New Member
    edited June 2013
    Yup, I vote Maximus. ^^ That'd be some interesting genetics! :D
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Thanks everyone who voted! I appreciate the input so much!

    The winner is Titus by one vote!

    (honestly I'm surprised all the votes didn't go to Cory because of the drama it would have cause between the sister)

    NOw I will try to catch the story up to Jane's adult Birthday

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    First day at her new job! Jane was super excited. She new she wouldn't get far without a degree but college just never interested her. She hated high school, why would she CHOOSE to go to a bigger, harder school? But it would be a nice change. New people, new place.

    or so she thought

    "Hey Maxiums! I swear I see everyone from the coffee house here all the time. Are you stalking me? Hahaha"

    "Jane! I'm here because I've missed you. The place is not the same without you. Are you sure I can't convince you to come back?"

    "No way! I needed change. I get bored if I stay at one place to long. You knew that when you hired me!"

    "Well, since you don't work for me anymore, how about I take you out for a drink later?"

    "Whats going on! Jane? Maximus?!"

    "I thought you and I had something?"

    "Oh no no no, Cory. It's not what it looks like. Max was just asking me to come back to work at the V. I promise, that's all!"

    "Alright, I guess. I think he has a thing for you. I saw the way he was looking at you!"

    "Don't worry sweety, you're the only woohooty text for me" and she winked at him.
    phew, that was close

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    "Alright Janie! You're going to get that promotion today!" Sometimes you just have to talk yourself up to get motivated.

    Constance heard the door close behind Jane when she left for work
    hruumph, that child is never going to succeed, always jumping from one thing to the next. Now where was 1? 141, 000...145,000

    "I can't believe it! I reached the highest point in any writers career! I am number one!"

    "My life is now complete"

    (in other words, Constance has achieved both her LTW to be a prof. author and reached the top of the writing career :D )

    She felt complete. All those hours of working had finally paid off. She was a famous author and now she was a RICH author. "Perhaps I should go on vacation?" She

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Since Jane turned out to be a disappointment in her mother eyes, Constance decided to drop in on Joan.
    Perhaps this child of my womb turned out to be something

    "What have you been doing with your life? That's my name your carrying around with you!"Screenshot-42_zps281aeb28.jpg

    "What's this I hear about 2 ******* children? What? Can't you get a decent man to marry you?"

    "I don't know what your problem is lady, but you had better back off!"

    "You can't stop me from meeting my grandchildren!"

    "Mommy, Whos the crazy old lady?"

    "Oh aren't you beautiful! You're the good one aren't you?"

    "There is no way I am letting that batty old hag sink her claw into my girls. NO WAY"

    "Listen Joan, I'm rich now and those are my granddaughters, I'm sure we can work something out?"

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013


    "Hey hot stuff, how about I make the other day up to you?"

    "This way lover boy"

    "Jane, you know I'm crazy about you right?"

    "Less talk! More tongue!"

    "Seriously babe, how about we live together? I want to see you everyday, not just when you're 🐸🐸🐸🐸"

    "Cory, why are you trying to ruin a good thing? I like you a lot too. Why can't we be happy with the way things are?"

    "hmhkhpjh hmm hoitmk.."
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    "I am not a morning person! This job is getting old, FAST. Hey Cory wanna hop in the shower.....Cory?"

    Cory had slipped out in the middle of the night but not without running into Constance. He knew that she knew Joan's babies her his. She never said anything to him but he could tell how much she loathed him.

    "You had that tramp over again last night! What have I told you about have men here?"

    "You will not disrespect me like that in my own house!"

    "I have had enough of you old woman! You're hateful and selfish and never gave a **** about me!"

    "I hope you and all your precious books rot!"

    "You ungrateful little witch! I have sacrificed and sacrificed for you! I gave up half my life for you! All you are is a good for nothing little 🐸🐸🐸🐸!"

    "Oh yeah, well lets see how well you do with out me around to feed you and clean up after you! I'm out of here!"

    "We should have had that fight years ago!"
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    What Constance didn't realize was that while Jane had been in charge of getting the mail and paying the bills, she had also been sneaking away with original copies of all of her best sellers. Which Jane sold for a ridiculous amount of money. She could have afforded the huge 4 br Victorian house on the corner, or even bought Meadow's old place. She instead settled on a small 1 br across town for no other reason than because it was farther away from her mother than her other options.

    "This place is a dump! Who decorated this?! UGH!"

    "Cory, come quick! I've had a bad day. We have a whole house to have fun in..."

    Cory never responded.
    "Well that's a first. I wonder what his problem is."

    "Hey Titus! I was just thinking of you. Want to come over and see my new pplace? I could really use a friend right now....Yeah, I walked out this morning... Stupid *****....ok!"

    "Hey hey! Come on in old friend!"

    "You sold your Mom's books to buy the house?! HHAHA She's going to be so mad when she finds out!"

    "I'm so glad your here!. I've really missed you. You're my best friend in the world. You know that right?"

    "You know you can count on me! We've known each other forever! I will always be here for you."

    "Oh Titus!"

    One thing led to another and they found themselves in the shower together. Jane had never felt such a connection before. Cory is good but this is great!

    "Listen Janie, this shouldn't have happened. You know I'm with Vera. Heck we were high school sweethearts! I'm sorry but we made a mistake."

    "How can you say that! This night has been one of the best nights of my life! We have a connection! We're soul mates!"

    "No Jane! We're not! I'm with Vera! I love her! I don't think we should see each other for a while. I gotta get out of here"

    "Please don't leave Titus! I love you!"

    Poor Jane. She lives in an ugly house with an aching heart. Titus sped out of the house as fast as his feet could carry him. He had a girlfriend! He's not the kind of guy to mess around!
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Home Make over!


    Jane was having a hard time coping. She had her own place and ore cash than she knew what to do with. But her heart ached for more. She wanted Titus. Wanted him in the forever kind of way. He stopped answering her calls or texts. It had been days since the wonderful night he had come over. She tried redoing the house. She tried buying a big expensive car. She watched far too many hours of TV. Life was just empty
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    So desperate not to feel so broken and unwanted, she sought attention out of anyone willing to give it. Even her old boss Maximus.


    She even went to her father for help. Heavens knows she wouldn't go to her mom. He was, of course, useless in the advice department but he did offer her a job at the police dept with him. Jane figured a job change might do her some good.

    She even tried to start some family bonding and hosted Feast Day at her house. Hal wouldn't stop crying over his recently deceased girlfriend and for some reason Joan refused to bring her kids with her. Jane awkwardly made herself look busy until the meal was over and Hal left.

    Joan at least attempted to make nice and chat. Jane eve talked her into calling her oldest over for some trick or treat fun

    But really is just turned into babysitting. Apparently Joan had a hot date.

    "It's really late, Don't you think it's time you came and got your kid??"
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Needless to day, when she received a woohooty text from Cory, she was happily surprised
    "Hey, can I come to your place for some fun?"
    Jane was in desperate need of 'fun'

    "I'm so glad you came over. I've been thinking about you a lot. Did you still want to give living together a try..hey? Whats wrong?"

    "Living together? HA! You don't care about me. You only used me. Now I'm using you. How does it feel Jane?"

    "Used you?! I never used you! We were on the same page until you got all weird and clingy!"

    "You broke my heart Jane. I loved you. I offered you my heart and you tossed it aside!"

    "Oh Cory, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you"

    "Save it Jane! It's over! I never want to see you again!"

    Jane broke down into tears. Her already wounded heart hurting that much more

    "WAit! Don't leave like this! We can fix things. Get back to like they were before"

    "I don't want to fix things with you! I never want to see your ugly face again!"

    "Then Why did you come here! You came to me!"


    "That's right I did. I want you to know my pain, my humiliation! You're a useless, selfish brat just like your mother!"

    jane followed in out into the cold. How DARE he compare her to her mother! He was not about to have the last word
    "Oh yeah? I cheated on you! Loads of times! And you're terrible in bed! HA!"
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Winter was harsh that year. Relentlessly cold. Feet of snow. Lonely.

    In the weeks that followed her break up with Cory she had tried dozens of times to patch things up with him. He had even turn Max against her. She hated her job at the police station and her sister was oddly distant though she lived in the house just behind her. Jane felt like she'd hit rock bottom.

    "Hey Titus. I know you said you wanted space, but I could really use a friend. Can we please hang out sometime? I'm throwing a party for my birthday. Maybe you could come over early and talk to me while I bake the cake?"

    Titus sure was a site for sore eyes! She was so please he had come. But the second their eyes met, all the heat and passion from the last time they were together flared up. She couldn't help herself. She threw herself into his arms and to her great relief he held onto her tightly.

    If the igloo is a rockin', don't come a knockin'
    "I am so in love with you Jane! I have thought about every day. Can we give 'us' a chance?"

    Needless to say, Jane didn't get much in the way of party decorations up and Titus had to run to the store at the last minute to buy a cake... things were looking up for Jane.

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    MajestykMajestyk Posts: 2,624 Member
    edited June 2013
    Ohhh the drama and the woohooing! Haha I love the dress in the post where she woohoos with Max in the leaf pile. Where is it from? I have a feeling there is gonna be a "oh god who's the father post"
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Majestyk - It's not a dress, it's her nightie. I think it was from the stuff pack with all the lingerie and candles. (I can't remember it's name)
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    FYI I added links to sites that list the different jobs and careers as well as LTWs to the first page.

    *edit I'm also thinking about making an exception to the no room mates rule so long as they're NPC. What do you guys think?
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    MajestykMajestyk Posts: 2,624 Member
    edited June 2013
    Vuneca wrote:
    Majestyk - It's not a dress, it's her nightie. I think it was from the stuff pack with all the lingerie and candles. (I can't remember it's name)
    She's in her nighty sitting with her neice. OK.. And the stuff pack is master suite I have that pack. *off to look in my game*

    Edit: found it
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    oooh, I was talking about what she had on before jumping in the leaf pile. Sorry, totally dif. Glad you found it though.
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    MajestykMajestyk Posts: 2,624 Member
    edited June 2013
    Vuneca wrote:
    oooh, I was talking about what she had on before jumping in the leaf pile. Sorry, totally dif. Glad you found it though.
    I thought so :) Thats fine. *happy dance* Me too cause Someone is awesome *nods*
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    LittleMinxUndrLittleMinxUndr Posts: 4,196 Member
    edited June 2013

    Hey guys,

    Just introducing the first matriarch for the challenge. Her name is Merdakah Zolo. Merdakah is Bahassa (my first language, english is my fourth) and means 'Freedom'.

    I have cherrypicked her personality, but the generations after her will be a roll of the dice.

    Merdakah Zolo:
      Athletic (the family trait and the only one that will always be picked); Commitment Issues; Diva; Dramatic; Rebellious.
    She likes hamburgers, rock (love that station) and the color yellow. She's a libra. Her LTW is to become a superstar athlete.

    Her world will be Appaloosa Plains, so that I can do some things on the side like breeding horses and have the legacy live in on a ranch.

    I love the uni, it's as fun as the TS2 uni was. It took me some time to appreciate how Uni works in TS3, but now I'm down with it. So all generations will get a degree. Since in a drom you can't control the other sims present, all daughters (no boys will be born) will join the Sorority.

    I'll not write a story, but will report in semi-regularly using four/five screenies at the most and a written synopsis of the most important happenings.

    To the game!

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