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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Julyvee94 wrote: »
    @jes2g it's a todo/Journal System that works with different bullets for different stuff and an Index at the front of the Notebook. There's a website ->

    @InfraGreen normally I think they are too expensive as well but this time I really want a Notebook with better paper which is inksafe so I can write in it with my special pen

    EDIT: I ended up ordering a notebook from another brand. I didn't know it but they seem similar to moleskin and the paper quality was even better. Same price though *hides* well I guess I treated myself. No food for me this week xD

    So, my original thought was that I wouldn’t like it because I hate lists LOL. What’s funny is I actually have a journal like this! My job gives them to all the new people, and I inherited one. I thought they chose it because it was different and they like to be fancy lol. What’s even funnier is, I use it for exactly what it’s intended for! I write down things I want to remember, short notes from meetings, and I organize my thoughts/projects in it too. Cool!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    This is the last chapter in the Pancakes’ rotation. Yeah…I know…sadness! Next week we’ll get back to the Pruetts in 3D.

    Mary visits Eliza who is tempted to change her mind about her, but the jury is still out on that one. Enjoy!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    hellohannah2hellohannah2 Posts: 839 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hey guys! I juts updated my story :3 Jack & Jolene reach New Mexico, 750 miles down, 1'500 to go!

    This will also be the last chapter in a long time where i'll be playing in Lucky Palms T_T moving on to Twinbrook next because it's the closest world i've found to Arkansas/Mississippi/Alabama which they'll be crossing next! (Well, Jack will anyway)

    Here's the link :)
    Post edited by hellohannah2 on
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    SilentWolf101SilentWolf101 Posts: 3,898 Member
    Hey guys -- sorry if I'm not on much these next few days -- I've got some issues to deal with. :(
    ~Open your mind before your mouth~
    Yes, I'm still working on my stories. But I am restarting them (again). Links will come when they're up. :)
    Come Join The Mafia! | Monthly Simlit Story Challenges
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    Hello, lovely people :)

    @SilentWolf101 Oh dear. I hope everything works out for the best, whatever it is that you're dealing with.

    @everyone I've started something a little different: a Tumblr-based story about two Stardew Valley Characters. (Yes, a game within a game. Couldn't get more meta than that!) It began life when I tried to create some of the SV characters in The Sims 3, and they turned out so beautifully that I couldn't resist writing something about them.

    So far, I've created Elliott, Sebastian, Shane, and Willy. Here's a quick composite of them all:


    A slightly more, um... intimate shot of Elliott. Mercy me, poor Sebastian is doomed, I tell ya :mrgreen:


    Ocean Wild is a short-chaptered story about Elliott (SV's resident writer and aesthete) and Sebastian (its socially-awkward loner computer programmer/emo goth boy). Due to the way that Tumblr works, each chapter comprises a set of large images (click to view them full size) followed by the scene's text.

    He’d seen Elliott around quite a bit since the old shack on the beach had been filled with books and an old piano a year or so ago. The guy frequented the saloon sometimes of an evening, and could often be seen standing around town, daydreaming. Elliott liked a strong drink, too, it seemed, and so–after wrestling for too many nights with the dialogue for the new game he was working on–Sebastian had dug into his pockets and bought two of Gus’s best ales, taking them to the table where Elliott sat. One awkward conversation later, and here they were in Sebastian’s basement bedroom. And, boy, did this feel even more awkward than that conversation.
    Click the image (or click here) to go to the main index page for the story. (Warning: at some point in the near future, it will feature adult content.)

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend :)
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    Howdy everyone!

    I know I haven't posted here in ages. I hope everyone is doing well. Me, it's been pure craziness lately and next week will be much the same. Thankfully though, I've had some bouts of down time and have used them to do some writing and shooting videos for my LP's. Sadly, I haven't gotten to read any of the wonderful stories here lately but am hoping to sit down sometime over next week with my IPad and grab some reading material. I'll try to do better at keeping up here on the thread, too. :)

    Got some updates.

    "Another World," Chapter 10, A Crazy Little Thing Called Newlyweds

    Alina and Robin are settling in to the home he and Alina now share as husband and wife. Alina is ecstatic to be the lady of the manor in such a nice home, and she and Robin are having fun entertaining members of the family. Of course, they are newlyweds and are taking plenty of time to enjoy each other's company.

    I've got a couple of updates for "Forever in Time" as well. Since I didn't post Chapter 38 when I got it done, I'll post info for both it and for Chapter 39 in the same post.

    "Forever in Time," Chapter 38, Fallen Fairy No More

    Ella answers Carson's questions once he wakes from his transformation. Silvan asks Aurora to accompany him to the Fae Kingdom.

    "Forever in Time," Chapter 39, The Time is Now

    Silvan takes Aurora to his special place he's never shared with anyone until now. They talk about their life together and what the future holds for them.

    And here is the latest video in my S3 Quest for Supremacy Challenge LP.

    TS3 The Quest for Supremacy Challenge Part 17, Graduation Day
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    JLBDreamerJLBDreamer Posts: 622 Member
    This first 100% new post in 2 years. Liam is officially back!


    Seth’s Interlude # 4: The Marines
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    @ValoisFulcanelli wow those Characters do look amazing and the excerpt you posted sounds good as well :) I still need to play stardew valley but I have heard a lot of good things about it.

    @Jes2G cool! I am starting one now to organize my tasks for my bachelor thesis and for writing sims stories :D (and remembering birthdays, I am terrible at it)
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    We’re back with Delicious Dishes & Dreams this week, affectionately known as “Pruetts in 3D.” This week I’ll give you snapshots of life in the Pruett house as Jonathan works hard to save §25,000 to reach his goal of §50,000 to start his restaurant. Enjoy!

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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    CCYNTHIAACCYNTHIAA Posts: 7 New Member
    Hello everyone!
    i like everybody's story's here.

    i Made a beginning to my 10G legacy today!
    its my first attempt at writhing a blog in English so i'm very exited about that.
    i would love if somebody would check it out! since there are so many talented writers here.

    i cant post links yet but i hope you guys think its okay if i do it like this:

    Let me introduce myself:

    My name is Cynthia, im 22 years old and i'm dutch.
    Originally i'm a modder, i'm also an ICT engineer.

    i loved writing since i was a child, i always loved it.
    but when i got older i lost believe in myself.

    about a year ago i began reading sims 3 stories and legacy's ( like most of the stories here. )
    and i absolutely love reading them, but it also gave me back my inspiration, so about 3 weeks ago i decided lets give it a try again.
    i'm motivated to complete this blog and learn along the way.

    i have a lot of free time lately so now is best time as ever.

    i hope you will enjoy my blog :)

    xoxo Cynthia
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    gnaslinggnasling Posts: 208 Member
    Hi guys! So uh, yeah, I still exist. Sure hasn't felt like it, since I've just been a big ball of anxiety worrying about getting my driver's license. I failed the test on Thursday, which sucked :( But I'm going to try again in July. Thankfully, I'm getting less anxious by now and starting to feel more human and thus: New chapter of the Talented :)


    I hope you're all doing really well and that you're doing more story than I am.
    Actually, I recently bought the Sims 4 on Origin's sale (my wallet is crying, but my heart is soaring). I was really intrigued by Dine Out, so I had to give it a try :)

    Cheers, guys :D
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    gnaslinggnasling Posts: 208 Member
    @CCYNTHIAA - Welcome to the thread :) Congrats on your first legacy story. It can be pretty scary to begin, but the SimLit community is a super friendly and lovely one, and Sims stories are such a good way of improving your writing and learning, I find. I'll make sure to have a look at your story. Good luck :)
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    hellohannah2hellohannah2 Posts: 839 Member
    @CCYNTHIAA hello! Welcome to the thread :) It's great that you got back into writing, it was easily happen that you lose faith in yourself and believe you aren't good enough, but the simlit community is full of people who are just learning too - and I've found everyone is really kind & willing to read your story :) Where can we find your blog?

    @gnasling hey! long time no see :P i need to get caught up on your story, i was gone for a little while too and lost track of everything I was reading. I know how you feel about the driving test - it's so stressful, I failed mine THREE TIMES before finally getting my licence, so don't feel too bad! You'll pass next time :)
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    InfraGreenInfraGreen Posts: 6,693 Member
    @gnasling: Good luck with your license! Not being able to drive bothers me. I have a legit medical reason not to, but I feel stupid whenever I have to say "sorry, I can't drive." To events, to job offers, to everything!

    @CCYNTHIAA: Welcome!
    A thousand bared teeth, a thousand bowed heads

    outrun / blog / tunglr
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    gnaslinggnasling Posts: 208 Member
    @hellohannah2 Hi there :D Yeah, things get busy, don't they? But it's always great to come back here - such a friendly place :)
    I'm not even caught up to your story - I should really read it next time I feel like binging :)
    Ugh, tell me about it! I was so sure I'd vomit before I took it. Fortunately, I didn't. Both of my parents failed like four times or something, but it's always good to hear from others that I'm not the only one who's tried failing. At least I know that the city I'm taking it in has like an 80 % fail rate -_-

    @InfraGreen Thank you. I understand how you feel - sorry to hear it :( I've felt a bit bad about those times when the boyfriend had to drive for hours and hours because I don't have my license yet.
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    mastressalitamastressalita Posts: 2,874 Member
    edited June 2016
    @gnasling : Would it make you feel better to know that I, a person who has been a straight-A student all through school, INCLUDING keeping a 4.0 GPA throughout my entire college/university program... barely passed Driver's Ed with a D? My teacher intimidated the h*ll out of me and I'd have terrible panic attacks behind the wheel, and I too had an awful final test as a result. He was one of those "football coach driver's ed teachers" that seemed to take great pleasure in tormenting kids that he could tell were submissive and scared. Even though I got the liscence with a bunch of heavy restrictions on it, I didn't use it for three years... at that point my parents had to "re-teach me" out in the country and try to undo all the terrible panic and paranoia that I immediately got behind the wheel that the teacher from years ago had created. It really is best to not end up getting those kind of feelings associated with it from the get-go, so I say take your time until it doesn't feel nerve-wracking.

    @CCYNTHIAA : Welcome to the thread! I actually run an index on these forums for Sim stories, the Stories and Legacies Index. You can go to that thread and on the first post there is a submission form where you can submit your story site to the listing. My index is new-member friendly; it is fine to list your URL on the submission forms without the http or by using * instead of . or something like that, and I'll link it up properly in the main index. ^_^
    Have a Sim story site? Please submit your link to the Stories and Legacies Index!
    Check out my Simlit at Sim Stories: Hijinks from the World of Sims 3!
    My Simlit Discussion/Updates | The Fringe | Short Story Challenges
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    gnaslinggnasling Posts: 208 Member
    @mastressalita Thank you. I think part of the reason this is so horrifying is that I've never actually failed any exam ever. I've gotten used to having failed this one, but it's still a bit rough. It does help to know I'm not the only one who feels scared behind a wheel, so thank you. I actually had to see a psychologist while taking driving lessons, because just going to the lessons terrified me. I've made a lot of progress just to get to the point where I didn't keep cancelling the test over and over out of fear.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    Just added my next chapter to my Chavis family.
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @CCYNTHIAA - Hi and welcome. :) Congrats on getting your first story going. I'm sorry to hear you lost faith in yourself for a while, but the important thing is that you're getting back into writing. Writing Sims stories is a great way to keep your skills sharpened and you get to do two things you love to do at once - write and play Sims. :) I'll check out your blog and will enjoy it, I"m sure.

    @gnasling - Good luck with the driving test. It's stressful when you don't pass and then have to try again. I imagine it's nerve wracking to begin with. I can only imagine how it must feel since I don't drive. Being visually impaired, I'd be a scary woman behind the wheel. Haha. :) I'm sure you'll do great.

    @InfraGreen - I can relate to not being able to drive. I don't have a medical consition, per se, but the eyesight is nowhere near good enough for me to drive. I can relate to how frustrating it is to have to rely on rides. My poor husband has been my personal taxi service for just about 24 years. Where we live, public transportation is nonexistent so I have to rely on the hubby and friends to drive me places that are too far away to walk. *sigh* Ah well. I suppose it could be worse.

    @mastressalita - I'm so sorry you had to go through such intimidation. It's one thing to be a coach and want a winning team but Driver's Ed isn't a sporting event. Sounds like this guy was a total jerk. Thankfully, your parents were able to help and get you over the hump. Nobody should have to endure such treatment.
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    mastressalitamastressalita Posts: 2,874 Member
    I have my June Short Story Challenge submission finished! I had a lot of fun with this one and fear these characters may show up again... ^_~

    Bibliotaph - A traveling bard stumbles upon a secluded library, and meets its most peculiar inhabitant. Written for the June 2016 Short Story Challenges theme "Balderdash."

    The setting for this story is none other than @ValoisFulcanelli 's awesome Veil Library! I'd been itching to use it and when I saw the theme this month I saw the perfect opportunity! So thank you so much, @ValoisFulcanelli !
    Have a Sim story site? Please submit your link to the Stories and Legacies Index!
    Check out my Simlit at Sim Stories: Hijinks from the World of Sims 3!
    My Simlit Discussion/Updates | The Fringe | Short Story Challenges
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    lisabee2lisabee2 Posts: 3,708 Member
    @CCYNTHIAA welcome :)
    New readers can visit here first: In-a-NUTSHELL
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    gnaslinggnasling Posts: 208 Member
    @sweetnightingale Thank you :) The worst part is honestly having to do it again. It was sad to fail, but I just didn't want to have to do it again (I also have to have a couple more lessons, so gaaaah). Nothing to do but keep on going. If I take a little break as I want to, the anxiety takes over.
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    RipuAncestorRipuAncestor Posts: 2,332 Member
    @CCYNTHIAA Hi and welcome! I hope you have a good time here and I wish you a lot of inspiration for your stories!
    My Sims stories:
    The Fey of Life - fairytales in life are few and far between (Forum thread HERE)
    The Chrysanthemum Tango - a story about life, death, magic, and how to be a good landlady (Forum thread HERE)
    Forget-Me-Not - some things just refuse to stay buried; an Ambrosia Challenge story (Forum thread HERE)
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    sweetnightingalesweetnightingale Posts: 2,084 Member
    @gnasling - I can understand that. It's nice to have something so nerve wracking over with instead of having to do a repeat performance. Hopefully, the extra lessons will help and you'll pass the second time with flying colors. You're right. Best to keep plowing ahead so the nerves don't get the better of you. :)
    Simming With Sweet Nightingale.Forever in Time, Short Stories, and much more
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Good morning!

    Lots'o birthdays in the Pruett house! Enjoy.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
    Origin ID: Jes2G | Forum Thread | Twitter | Tumblr
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