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  • Ahhh i see. I was quite lucky when i made "Bloke and his ladies", everyone was great :D I don't really remember any bickering...except between the So when is the next episode coming out? I can't wait to read it.
  • Hi Lolaland!!!! The new show looks great! By the way thanks for crediting "The bloke and his Ladies", i really appreciate it, most people would just take the idea and copy it. Anyway thought i'd drop you a line, since i noticed your story on the board Hope everything is well with you. :D EDIT: PS. What was the repulsive…
  • I feel so special...your making me blush :mrgreen:
  • limegreenfairy - I'm sorry but why exactly do you want to be friends? I accept your apology isn't that enough. You did something childish and you apoligized for closed.
  • SarahSim11 -Thats no problem at all, i would love if you did a challengacy, i don't mind if you don't call it a challengacy but it would be nice if you referenced me :D Limegreenfairy- I'm not angry just dissapointed that you couldn't think of your own original idea. Next time you should think about your actions first.
  • TW1996 I love your ideas especially the No money one, that certainly sounds like a challenge! WhenOxenFly i know what you mean about some of the younger sims3 members giving a bad name to other young members of the site. It's pretty unfair, because there are mature 10-12 year olds out there, but they are given a bad…
  • Thanks guys :D It does seem awfully similar dosn't it ? Man i hate it when people try and copy your ideas
  • I just read your Legacy Gjade, and it's great. Good work and thankyou for giving me credit :D
  • Lillik003 that sounds like a really good challenge :D
  • Yes definitly continue if you want to!!lol. Hopefully as time goes by more challenges will be posted on the thread by myself and other people which can be used if people want to continue past generation 10.
  • I should also probably point out that the regular legacy rules apply, such as no money cheats etc. So no more "Motherlode" or "Kaching".lol
  • WOW Wolfie, i love the challenges you've added, especially the homegrown challenge!! In answer to your all the challenges arn't mandatory, it is your game after all so you can play it how you like. The point of the Challengacy is to merely add more excitement and challenge to gameplay. So if you really…
  • Looks good!!
  • Yip you can adopt the children ecofriend2 if you would like. Although it is mandatory to adopt 3 children in Generation 8 and also for Generation 6 10 births must you may not want to adopt in that
  • Thanks guys :D I know it sounds a little difficult, but that was kind of the point. The sims3 was starting to become a bit too repetitive and easy for me so i wanted to give myself a challenge. And that was when i invented the
  • Gjade i have discontinued "The bloke and his ladies' as i no longer have the time to commit to the series. I would have loved to continue the show, but i just don't have the time, and i know that it is unfair making everyone wait so long for new episodes. Although i have discontinued the show i will be releasing a short…
  • Hey everyone thanks for the feedback. In answer to your question ecofriend2 the female heir can still have babies with a man...or many men ;D. She just cannot marry, nor have him move in with her, she has to be a single mother. Hope that helps :D
  • Hey pink,I'm so glad you continued to write the love triangle.I was so dissapointed when i thought the series had finished! Keep up the fabulous work :D
  • Thanks guys you've all been so great :D
  • I do feel like I've let you guys down, it wasn't a decision i took lightly. I just felt it was best. If you would like i could give you a summary of what was going to happen on the show?
  • I think you have may need to enable aging. There is an option within the game to turn aging on or off. If you wish to have your sims age it is the simple task of enabling aging. To do this click on the button in the lower left hand corner. A list of options will come up such as save, quit etc. You want to click Options,…
  • Hey guys, i'm really sorry for my absence recently. I have been super busy, and i have less and less time for things like The Sims 3, and really it's not one of my priorities. University is killing me lately, and the free time that i do have is spent either working or studying i honestly can't see myself finishing the…
  • Once you have achieved your lifetime goal, it gets set in stone with the silver background. Unlike in sims2 where once you achieve your lifetime goal you can choose another goal to pursue.
  • Personally i prefer to buy stuff packs.
  • Yeah my sims often just stand in front of the shower for an hour before they actually get in which is quite annoying. But i find my sims are generally only slow with tasks that are with newly purchased items.
  • Hey guys, sorry i havn't been online. I've been super busy with xmas, i've been working alot of hours (i work at a retirement village), and we had a bit of a family emergency. Isabella i honestly havn't been online, the only reason something was deleted off my wishlist is because you gifted me something off of…
  • Here are some ideas for baby names. Girls: Iris Rose Camellia Rosemary Daisy Dahlia Fern Olive Holly Ivy Jasmine Lily Lavender Poppy Boys: Yew Clover Juniper Lotus Laurel Sage Yarrow (I know some of the boy names are kind of girly lol But it's all that i could come up with, hope it helps :D)
  • I think in theory it could work. After reading the post what i get from it is that you don't necessarily have to stop playing the game. It's not like EA can hack into your computer to monitor if you are playing or not. But instead the writer wants you to just avoid the website for the allocated time, basically to show EA…
  • Haha i cut it off to build suspense, I'm thinking it Oh no that sucks Alexis!! I guess everyone wants what they don't have though. One year it would be cool to freeze to death instead of sweat to death though >_<
  • Hi there i would love to enter my sim Colton into the competition. Here's a little about him: Colton has always been very charismatic, he has never had trouble getting a girl, but usually treats them like dirt. He makes his living by working as a personal trainer for celebrities, but models part time. Although he has a…
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