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  • I am not clubers, but... Yes. Caveat: I don't use the adventure board very much, because my Sims just tend to take the pop up adventure opportunities that show up as they travel. Yes. My Sims have never been cloned and restricted from travel. Yes, unless there was an object missing that I didn't notice. I think I had…
  • I remember when I had a gaming laptop, I found it was easiest to just plug in a cheap mouse. I honestly can't remember if that's the ONLY answer, but I found it much easier to do that way.
  • Of the things the OP listed, I definitely agree with open restaurants, food stands, and fun-fairs/carnivals a la Makin' Magic (I think Vacation had some fun fair stuff too IIRC). I'd also like to see karaoke (or moreover, some other way of having Sims sing to perform, so they could join a band and be a lead singer) and…
  • By the way, I figured out the problem I was having was NOT anything to do with Origin (which I have not yet installed). I was getting the "Sims 3 data not found" error. After reading this thread more, I finally figured out that the issue is the newest version of CAW looks for an executable file which ONLY comes with…
  • I had the same problem. It turns out the latest version of CAW available ONLY works if you have Generations, because Generations comes with a new executable file (.exe), which CAW looks for to be able to run. I fixed it by downloading the pre-Generations version of CAW mentioned in the FAQ sticky thread at the top of the…
  • Thanks for your response. And yeah, I don't run the game while connected to the Internet. :) I knew some of that was going on but if the only thing is changed is that the EULA is more explicit about it... I suppose full disclosure is a good thing. But requiring it to run the game I purchased goes right down to the issues…
  • And what if you don't want to install Origin? Are you just S.O.L? (Origin's EULA has a lot of explicit stuff about agreeing to share your personal data for marketing purposes. Maybe EADM had that too and I didn't notice. But it creeps me out a bit, and the EULA said "if you don't agree to this, cancel the installation…
  • Maxis were the software developers of the original Sims (and a number of other "Sim" titles like SimCity). They got absorbed into EA awhile ago; their last credited project was Spore. The current developers of the Sims are EA's The Sims Studio. xkookypandax: Llamas were a trademark running gag BY MAXIS, and have been for a…
  • I am also having this problem. Background: My OS is Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I have the Sims 3, plus World Adventures, Ambitions, and Late Night. I have NOT updated my game to the latest patch (the one that released with Generations) because of the bugs I have heard about (I will update when I hear the update has…
  • Personally, while I liked Sims 2: University AT FIRST, I did get bored with it after awhile. Going through the four semesters started to feel like a chore, especially when it seemed like half your Sim's day was doing homework, and after you'd discovered the secret society once in awhile or joined a frat and the like, it…
  • Agreed! I'd actually forgotten about the songs from World Adventures--not because I don't use it, but it's become just part of my Sims' activities to randomly sing while fishing or taking a bath---but that's not the same thing as being in a band and singing with a mike! I miss the "freestyle" thing from the Sims 2, too. I…
  • I don't want to see a jillion instruments because I'd like to see design go into some other areas, but I absolutely would at least like to see a few additions: - Bass Guitar (and more electric versions of existing instruments) -- I want rock bands! Bass guitar isn't that hard programming wise either--make a bigger version…
  • I'm having a similar issue Samadamsplayer is having -- Sims went on vacation to Egypt, but time never elapsed -- was 0/8 days the whole time I was there. I have read other reports where people had this issue in conjunction with other issues--Sims disappearing or lots not reloading. I have not (yet) had these problems,…
  • Well, because of the Sims franchise's track record of lots of bugs on release, I very seldom buy a game on release day (and never pre-order). I wait till there's lots of reviews ensuring it works and/or a patch for the game. I don't pay for it until it works! So I will just have to do without the special feature. I do hope…
  • There are two stickies at the top of this forum that deal with this issue in detail. The manual cumulative patch that the above poster (his name keeps being censored for some reason) mentioned fixed the issue for me. The other solutions mentioned did not work (for example, the suggestion to reinstall EADM and update…
  • Create a lot around the area you want your pond to be. Edit in game, and then edit the lot and use the Water Tool to make your pond. :-) ETA: If that's not working, I have no idea. Maybe you need to take the waterfall effect out, make the water, then add the waterfall back in?
  • I am not an expert, but I've played PC games for a long time, and that actually sounds to me like a video card driver issue. It's quite possible the latest patch works with newer drivers only--and you want to update your drivers anyway because that'll make your computer happier all around. Check with your card's…
  • I don't want all the things listed--I'm honestly pretty darn amazed at what the current sliders do--but I would at least like some shoulders, hip, breast, and height sliders. As it's been done in mods, there's no reason not to make it part of the core game.
  • I haven't seen that before. The Insanity could be a factor--I think they do activities at random sometime, and combined with the fact that I think Sims often look in their inventory for stuff to do before they become attracted to stuff in their environment, the Insane Sim may just grab the high quality food/fruit as…
  • What I do like: Seeing town inhabitants change over time. I had neighbors who had a baby, and now they're elders and their teen son is running around, and I just love the sense of story and passage of time that goes with that. Also to see who randomly hooks up with who, etc. (sometimes I have seen the strangest but quite…
  • Looks like "Ambitions" will probably open up some of the Rabbit Holes. Or hopefully at least the Architecture path will allow people to customize their own, which will be an improvement. Maybe not what everyone wants, but an improvement nonetheless. We've never gotten restaurants and nightclubs in a Sims base game--we…
  • The blooper blog was a lot of fun! I'm sad Death still can't protest. :mrgreen: Love seeing more insights on what it takes to develop and support this software. I know it's really complicated, and it might help Simmers understand their game better and appreciate it more if they see what it takes to put it together! I know…
  • I can't check it right now, but I noticed fiddling with lots the other day that you can set residential homes to "townie" homes. I wonder if lots need to have that setting to make sure townies will show up? Total guess here. But you might ask the world creators what settings they have their lots set to.
  • This situation is just... confounding to me. This is what I am getting out of this: 1) EA uses the Sims Exchange for two reasons: a) so Simmers can easily share creations which makes them excited about features in the Sims, and b) so Simmers will visit the Website often so people will check the Exchange. 2) EA even starts…
  • I have had very few problems. The only ones I did have post WA-install--some photography snafus, and a memory/performance issue when navigating over the map--resolved after I installed the most recent update. (And the game was playable with the issues.) It's in part luck, probably, but I chalk up my lack of notable issues…
  • PollySim -- I think that is the case for at least a few Sims fans. If you installed Sims 2 plus only one expansion, versus Sims 3 plus World Adventures, you would probably notice how much further the Sims 3 has come a lot more. Indulging in nostalgia is a favorite gamer pasttime however. :) And I do certainly miss stuff…
  • Just want to echo the sentiment that I would prefer to see fewer but more polished expansion packs that come out when they're really ready, rather than see them forced out every 6 months (6 months is a VERY short period of time for software development and QA testing--I was really surprised that WA was released on time...…
  • A lot of what's shown in that preview trailer didn't actually make it into the Sims 2. I don't ever recall a "take off your top and tackle your partner" animation, for one example. A lot of what you see with the babies and stuff--baby puke wasn't as graphic in the Sims 2 as it is in the trailer, etc. I don't even think we…
  • You seem to be replying to me. This is what I said: Please note the word "much of." I did not say "all." Most of the items you mentioned I consider "sports and crafting" which I acknowledged had not been included and hoped it would be added later (perhaps more accurately, sports and exercise and crafting). I did forget the…
  • It's probably a given that we're going to see EPs that feature weather & seasons, "nightlife" activities, business running, and pets at some point. I'd reckon the next EP is either going to be seasons and weather and other outdoor activities, or one that focuses on community life and "downtown" activities. Much of what was…
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