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Denali's Horse Farm (50 foals challenge)


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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited September 2012
    Life at Denali’s horse farm continued, training the foals and breeding Arrow with the stallions. Arrow could give birth to her 4th foal at any moment so Skye kept a close eye on her. But seeing that all the birth went smoothly Skye didn’t expect huge problems. And on the evening Faith went to her prom Arrow gave birth to a little filly, which Skye named Saphire. She’s a playful genius, and Skye hoped that she’d make someone a great horse.


    The next morning Skye woke up feeling nauseous and when she came downstairs and smelled breakfast she had to run to the toilet to throw up the contents of her stomach. Skye had never experienced it before, but being newly wed she had a good idea of what was wrong with her. She immediately bought a pregnancy test at the pharmacy and it confirmed what she had expected. She was pregnant, Skye walked around smiling the whole day and of course she told Maxian right away. He too was very happy with this news.


    While Maxian and Skye were celebrating their pregnancy, Arrow and Apache were getting to know each other better. The two are getting along just fine and Skye doesn’t expect any problems with breeding the two. Skye hopes the two will produce a nice foal with paint markings.


    Not everybody in the family was right away happy with the news Skye was pregnant. Faith being an only child for most of her life had to get used to the fact that she would be sharing her home with a baby brother or sister. The first couple of days she was in such a bad mood that she placed *****-traps around the house.


    The next morning all was well again on the farm, Faith got used to the idea of a baby in the house and after Skye and Maxian promised her they wouldn’t treat her different when the baby was there she forgot about her bad mood and started helping out on the farm again after school.
    Skye found the weird horse statues in her garden every day and couldn’t figure out where they came from, but they sell for a nice price so Skye got rid of them.
    The same afternoon Skye bred Arrow and Apache. Still hoping for a good-looking paint foal.


    Now that Arrow was confirmed pregnant with Apache’s foal Skye needed a new stallion. There weren’t any horse owners that wanted her to train their stallion so Skye decided to have Faith take a look at the stallions at the EC. Skye thought that now was a good time for Faith to learn how to run the farm. Faith saddled Kal’El and rode him to the center to look for a stallion.
    At the EC Jennifer was there to help her out.
    ‘Hey Faith, how is are you and how is your mom?’ She greeted her.
    ‘Hey Jennifer, good to see you again, I'm fine and my mom is doing good with the pregnancy and all,’ Faith greeted Jennifer.
    ‘What can I do for you?’
    ‘Mom send me here to look for a new stallion, and I was wondering if you could help me out.’ Faith explained.
    ‘Sure we’ve got some good ones at the moment. How about this Gray?’ Jennifer asked Faith.
    ‘Nah, don’t really like him. How about this one?’ Faith asked, pointing at a chestnut colored stallion.
    ‘That’s Beasley, he’s a mustang stallion. He’s a bit nervous, but he’s fast and a genius. You won’t have much problems with this easy going guy.’ Jennifer told Faith.
    ‘Okay then I’ll take him. We haven’t had a Mustang yet, let’s see what kind of foal he and Arrow will produce.’ Faith decided and after arranging everything she could take Beasley home. Faith just bought her first stallion for breeding and hopefully her mom would agree.

    When Faith left the EC with Kal’El and Beasley a lady came towards her.
    ‘Hello my dear, can I ask you something?’ She greeted Faith.
    ‘Sure, what can I do for you?’
    ‘Well, that horse you’re riding, is he for sale?’ The lady asked Faith.
    Faith looked at Kal’El, and stroked his neck. ‘Ehm, yes I think he is. I'm not sure my mom wanted to sell him this quickly but I think he's ready to go.’ Faith told the lady, in the mean time hoping her mom wouldn't get angry with her.
    ‘Then I would love to have him. Did you have a price in mind?’
    ‘Ehm how about $10000,- he’s got a good bloodline and he’s fully trained.’ Faith told her, crossing her fingers behind her back hoping she didn't scare away the potential buyer.
    ‘Okay, I will pay you $10339,- if I can take him home right away.’ The lady offered Faith after a few minutes.
    After thinking about it for a minute or two, Faith decided to sell Kal'El, hoping her mom wouldn't get mad. And so she dismounted and handed Kal’El’s reins to the lady. And after discussing the payment method Faith went home with only Beasley. And well mounting Beasley showed that even though Faith found a stallion and sold Kal'El, she's got a lot to learn.


    At home Skye first got a bit angry when Faith came home with only Beasley but after Faith told her what the lady payed for Kal'El Skye told Faith she'd done a good thing and told her she was proud of her.

    Beasley felt home right away, but Skye couldn’t train with him because her pregnancy was getting in the way and the doctor told her no more horse riding until the baby was born. This meant Faith and Maxian had some extra work to do, and Faith took over training Beasley.

    On a late Sunday evening Skye started having contractions and she got Maxian to take her to Appaloosa plains hospital.

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    cosmiccathorsecosmiccathorse Posts: 1,268 New Member
    edited September 2012
    :D Love the update and OMG Apache is gorgeous grown up! :P
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited September 2012
    :D Love the update and OMG Apache is gorgeous grown up! :P

    Yes he's an amazing horse! You did a good job creating him, can't wait to see what your other foals will be like, but you have to wait for them :twisted:
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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited September 2012
    Great update! Can't wait to see Apache's foal
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited September 2012
    On a late Sunday evening Skye gave birth in Appaloosa Plains Hospital to a booming baby boy. Maxian and Skye named him Kitt, he loves to be out doors and is a brave little boy. Skye and Maxian were allowed to take Kitt home with them right after he was born. He was a healthy and strong little guy. At home the whole family had to get used to having a little baby at home. They had to feed him, change his diapers and give him plenty of attention. Everyone helped. Even Faith fell in love with her new little brother.


    Besides taking care of Kitt there were horses to train and take care off. The stabled were getting filled again and that meant some horses had to be trained so they could go back to their owners or could be sold.


    Arrow was confirmed pregnant with Apache’s foal and thus Apache could go home now that he was fully trained and grown. Skye called Comica Jones to tell her that after all these months she could pick up her stallion. Comica couldn’t wait to see her horse again and promised to be there the same afternoon to pick him up. Saphire grew into a gorgeous mare and that was another horse to train for Skye and Maxian.


    ‘Hi Skye,’ Comica greeted her.
    ‘Hey Comica, well here he is, your little foal grew up into a gorgeous paint stallion.’ Skye said pointing at Apache who came over to investigate the strange woman.
    ‘Oh my he’s amazing!’ Comica exclaimed while stroking Apache.
    ‘Yeah, I’m said to see him go, but I’m still hoping for a fine looking foal from him and Arrow.’
    ‘If you’re not statisfied with the foal, I can give you another foal to train and raise in a couple of months.’ Comica promised Skye.
    ‘That would be great. Thank you.’ Skye said to Comica. ‘Well I guess it’s time to say good bye my big friend.’ Skye told Apache while hugging him good bye.
    ‘Thanks again Skye and great doing business with you!’ Comica waved goodbye and loaded Apache in the trailer. Comica paid Skye $6165,- for raising and training Apache.


    Beasley will be the sire for the next foal and so Skye spend all her time with Arrow and Beasley so they would get to know each other. After a while Arrow and Beasley didn’t need Skye anymore to like each other and thus Skye turned to training Saphire.


    A few days after Apache’d left Arrow gave birth to her 5th foal, it was a colt and Skye decided to name him Chinook.
    Skye was a bit disappointed that the foal didn’t look like his father. But apparently Arrow’s DNA is stronger then Apache’s.


    While training and raising horses Skye and Maxian also need to make time to take care of Kitt. A baby takes up a lot of time and Skye and Maxian are glad that Kitt finally grew into a toddler.


    They could now leave him alone with his toys for a while.
    Between breeding Arrow and Beasley, Skye and Maxian also had to teach Kitt how to walk and talk. And of course he needed to be potty trained. Thanks god Skye had already been through this process years ago with Faith and Kitt turned out to be an easy learner.


    A couple of weeks later the vet came to check on the horses and especially on Arrow. He confirmed she was pregnant with Beasley’s foal. Skye was very happy with this. It meant Beasley could be sold and there would be space for another stallion.
    Skye started looking through her contact list of suitable stallions for Arrow. While she was doing this Maxian came rushing in the study, with a huge smile on his face.
    ‘Kitt learned how to walk and talk!’ He told Skye, the smile never leaving his face.
    ‘Really! That’s awesome!’ Skye said hugging Maxian. ‘And now that we’ve crossed that bridge can you help me pick a stallion for Arrow?’
    ‘Sure babe.’ Maxian said. And together they looked at the different stallions. They decided on Bolt from the Wheatley family. Skye called them right away and the promised to send Bolt over the next morning.

    Bolt is a creation by Rdhed1990. Thanks for letting me use him! You can find Bolt here:


    The next morning the Wheatley family arrived with Bolt. After handing him to Skye they told her good luck and Skye promised to call them as soon as the foal was born and Bolt was trained and ready to go back home.
    After making sure Bolt felt at home, Skye saddled Beasley and took him to the EC.
    ‘Hey Skye,’ Jennifer greeted her.
    ‘Hey there, I’m bringing back Beasley. He’s done his job and it’s time for him to find a permanent home.’ Skye told Jennifer.
    ‘No problem, leave him here and I will find him an owner. I’ll give you a call when he’s sold!’ Jennifer promised Skye. ‘By the way, Skye I talked to a costumer yesterday and he was interested in one of your horses. He said he saw her on your property and wants to buy her. I’ve got his phone number maybe you can give him a call.’ Jennifer handed Skye a little note with a phone number on it.
    ‘I sure will, thanks Jennifer I don’t know what I would do without you!’ Skye said while waving goodbye.


    At home Skye immediately called the guy to ask him which horse he was interested in. It turned out the guy was interested in Saphire. He was willing to pay $10318,- for her. And so Skye decided to sell her mare to this gentleman. The same afternoon he came to pick her up.

    Eventhough Bolt is a bit aggressive he and Arrow are getting along just fine. That afternoon also called Skye to tell her Beasley was sold for $5571,- Chinook also picked that day to grow up.


    Everything went well for days and one day Arrow gave birth to her 6th foal. It was a filly that Skye named Brenda. She was Arrow and Beasley’s foal. The same day Skye bred Arrow and Bolt. The two were getting along great and thus Skye hoped everything would go as planned.



    Later that week Faith graduated from University. The whole family went to Faith’s graduation. Now that Faith is done with school she can start taking over the farm and Skye can start doing less and less. Sky is very happy with this. She celebrated her birthday the same evening Faith had her graduation and became an elder. Skye knew she had to take it easier.


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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited September 2012
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    cosmiccathorsecosmiccathorse Posts: 1,268 New Member
    edited September 2012
    Thats a shame about Apache's foal, Arrow must indeed have strong genes. :P
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited September 2012
    Yeah, I think half of Arrows foals look for 90% like her. Chinook only has a big brown spot on his forehead that indicates Apache. But maybe my next mare will give nice foals. I can give you guys updates till foal #20 :)!! So more soon!!
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    madhu_vatimadhu_vati Posts: 406 Member
    edited September 2012
    Brenda is so cute :D . She does look a lot like momma, but certainly not a clone, which is always nice :mrgreen: .
    Rainbowcy: story home, forum thread
    Completed 50 foals challenge: Prairie and Desi
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    NaathRLNaathRL Posts: 3
    edited September 2012
    My god, this is SO cool I can't seriously wait for more. I LOVE every single one of your foals, and certainly Arrow has strong genes hehehe
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    horse98tobbyhorse98tobby Posts: 18
    edited September 2012
    amazoing story the foals are so cute
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited September 2012
    The day after Skye turned into an elder Arrow turned out to be pregnant with foal number 7. Life at the farm continued Skye still did her chores but she decided to hand Faith ownership of the farm as soon as possible.


    Faith needs to learn the ropes of owning a horse farm, so she took over training Chinook. Faith also went looking for a new stallion at the EC.
    ‘Can I help you?’ Jennifer greeted Faith when she entered the EC.
    ‘Hello, I’m Faith Denali, and I’m looking for a stallion.’ Faith introduced herself.
    ‘Oh now I remember! You’re Skye’s daughter! I sold you Beasley the last time, how did he turn out?’ Jennifer asked Faith.
    ‘He was awesome he was a good match with Arrow and now I came back to look for another one. So I was wondering if you have some stallions left worth while.’ Faith told Jennifer.
    ‘Good to hear we made a good match, and I think I’ve got another one. Come with me.’ Jennifer motioned Faith to follow her. ‘What do you think about this guy? This is King, he’s an Australian cattle horse.’
    ‘He looks gorgeous I’ll take him.’ Faith decided without giving it another thought.
    Faith took King home right away and during the ride home she found out King was an agile horse.


    Now that Skye decided to hand the ropes to Faith she spend her time with Kitt and with painting. And she let Faith and Maxian take care of the horses.
    While life at the farm continues in this new routine Arrow gave birth to foal number 7, it’s a colt they decided to name him Brave.


    A few days after Brave was born Bolt was picked up by his owners, they paid $7037,-.
    Faith spends her days training Chinook and in the mean time King and Arrow were getting to know each other.
    And this continues to be the life on the farm. Breeding, training and taking care of the horses.


    Brenda grew up and Faith started training her. Bred King and Arrow, they turned out to be a great match and the Family hoped for foal number 8.


    Before selling Chinook Faith entered him in an endurance race on international level, the ended on 4th place. Immediately after Faith decided to sell Chinook and he was sold for $12513,-

    Now that there was some space again in the stables it was time to look for a new stallion.
    But it was also time to start training King so he can be sold again. Now that Arrow was getting older it was also time to start looking for a new mare for breeding, just in case Arrow wouldn’t give birth to a filly anymore.

    Arrow is confirmed pregnant with foal number 8 and Brenda was fully trained. Faith wants Brenda to be a better jumper and so she started jumping with Brenda. Maxian took over training King.


    A new stallion was found the Dream family offered their stallion Samson. And Faith and Skye agreed on the stallion and asked the Dream family to send him over the next day.
    The next day Samson arrived and Brave grew up. Now that there was another horse to train Faith decided it was time to sell Brenda. Faith decided to use the internet for selling her horse and after two hours on a website for buying and selling horses Faith received a phone call. After the phone call Brenda was sold for $9148,-. (Samson is a horse from Kymith you can find him here: Thanks fro letting me use him!!


    Arrow gave birth to another colt, and they named him Kaiser. Two more foals from Arrow and then it’s time to get a new mare. King was done training and so he could be sold. Faith started training Brave, and he turned out to be a good and easy horse to train. Arrow and Samson are getting to know each other, and again it doesn’t give any problems. Maxian took King back to the EC to sell him. Jennifer was more then happy to take him back and find a good home for him. She promised Maxian she would give the family a call when he was sold.


    A few days later Jennifer called to let them know King was sold for $8005,-. Samson and Arrow are getting along great and they will be ready to breed within a few days.
    Maxian celebrated his birthday with the family, he didn’t want to invite a lot of people. Maxian spend the next day with looking for stallions and a mare at the local shelter, but there wasn’t anything worthwhile to find.


    Arrow and Samson were ready to breed and so Faith put them together and hoped for a nice looking foal.
    Faith started training Samson so he would be ready to go home as soon as Arrow was confirmed pregnant with their foal.

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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited September 2012
    You can find Brenda here:

    I hope you are enjoying the updates!
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited September 2012
    Hey Everyone,
    I hope I can continue with my game... last time I wanted to play it got stuck as soon as I clicked one of the horses or moved the mouse. It happened in new games also and thus I decided to re-install the game. But this is what happens, my Mac won't let me install pets :(. So I've lost the game but I have some ideas to continue it, even if it's not by the rules... But I first have to wait for a chance to get pets installed. I will keep you guys informed. And if all else fails I will give you my update until foal #20.
    Keep you updated :D
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    ExpandSims2ExpandSims2 Posts: 373 Member
    edited September 2012
    This is a wonderful story! I've enjoyed it so much. I really like all the horses you've found and came up with. And the foals are a thrill to see the colors they turn out. And the romance and the babies. Certainly a story that has it all.
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited October 2012
    It seems like EA will send me a new Pets game, and thus I can continue with my 50 foals challenge :)

    Now is my question (because I lost my whole game) which mare will be my next mare?

    Brenda (foal from Arrow):

    Or Airbus (foal from Falcon):

    Please help me choose!
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    horse98tobbyhorse98tobby Posts: 18
    edited October 2012
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited October 2012
    A few days after Arrow was confirmed pregnant with Samson’s foal the Wheatley Family sends their stallion Meteor to the farm for breeding and training. Again life was getting busy at the farm and Faith decided one of the horses had to be sold. Brave luckily was fully trained and so he was the one to go. Faith already had an interested buyer and Brave was sold for $7487,-. (Meteor is a horse from Rdhed1990, thanks for letting me use him! You can find him here:


    Faith continued training Samson and after a couple of days he also was ready to go back home.
    While Faith works with Samson and the foals, Arrow and Meteor are getting to know each other.


    Kitt’s birthday was coming up and Skye decided to put her cooking talents to the test, and baked a Key lime pie for him. Faith took Samson to the city center to register as a horsewoman, because she needed to make a name for herself now that she would take over the farm.


    On the day of Kitt’s birthday Arrow gave birth to her 9th foal (#19), it was a filly and the family decided to call her Samoa.


    Samoa is over sensitive but fast. The same day as his daughter was born Samson was picked up to go home again, the Dream family paid $3849,- for training and breeding Samson. What a busy day it was because that same evening Kitt threw a big party at home. He finally turned into a teenager and that needed to be celebrated. The whole neighbourhood was present.


    A few days after Kitt’s party he decided he wanted to talk to his mom and dad. It turned out that he wanted to go to boarding school and he wanted to ask his parents for permission. Skye and Maxian told him they wanted him to do what made him happy and that they didn’t mind. And so Kitt enrolled in boarding school and left a few days later.


    Faith had a little accident while jumping Arrow through the ring of fire. She caught fire. Everyone run around screaming but it was the maid who put out the fire.


    Meteor and Arrow are getting along great and Faith and Skye agreed they would be ready to breed soon.

    That Saturday afternoon the air around the farm suddenly turned icy cold and the whole family gathered to figure out what was going on. But soon the cause presented itself . The grim reaper appeared to take Skye with him, everyone was crying and the foals were panicking. It was time for Skye to go to a better place.


    But Arrow didn’t agree with Grimmy’s decision and harassed him until he decided to resurrect Skye. Apparently he let Arrow bully him into giving Skye a few more days.


    Kaiser grew up and this meant Faith had another stallion to train. And Faith started immediately.


    But unfortunately the next day tragedy struck the family again. This time the all knew what to expect when the air turned cold again. The grim reaper was back.
    ‘I gave you another day!’ He said to Skye, ‘but now it is time to come with me. Say goodbye.’ And with those words he took Skye with him. And this time nothing Arrow or the family did could persuade Grimmy to let Skye go.


    Skye will be greatly missed, she was a fine horsewoman who loved her horses and family. Faith now became the owner of the farm and had to continue the legacy.
    After Grimmy took Skye away he decided he like it on earth and stayed a little longer. He tried to befriend Samoa, but she didn’t like him at all and so Grimmy went inside to talk to Maxian, they even watched television for a while.


    The family made a grave for Skye next to the stables. Even though the whole family was grieving live had to go on at the farm, and Faith bred Arrow and Meteor for Arrow’s last foal.
    Maxian was the one who had the greatest trouble with overcoming his grieve for Skye’s death and decided he didn’t want to live at the farm any longer, because of all the memories. A few weeks after Skye’s death he moved to an old people home in Appaloosa Plains. This resulted in Skye living alone on the farm with the horses.




    A few days after Maxian moved out the vet confirmed Arrow pregnant with her last foal. (#20)
    This meant Meteor was ready to go home and Faith called the Wheatley family to let them know. They promised to pick him up the next day. Faith decided to saddle Kaiser and take him for a ride. Just to get away from the farm for a while.


    When the Wheatley family picked up Meteor they told Faith they were sorry for her loss but that if she ever needed another stallion they would be honored to send one of their own again. They paid Faith #5067,-.

    With this money Faith decided to buy a stallion, so she could train him and use him as a sire for foal #21. So she bought Thunder. Faith has her work cut out for her, because training Thunder turned out to be a challenge.


    During the nights when the whole farm is sleeping Skye comes to visit. She plays on the computer and roams through the house, until the sun comes up and she has to leave again.


    Arrow gave birth to her 10th and final foal, a colt named Pluto. He hates jumping but is a very friendly foal.


    The same day Faith got a phone call from the old people home telling her Maxian passed away that night in his sleep. This was another blow to Faith, but again she had to keep going…
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited October 2012
    Just wondering, but is anyone still reading? :(
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    ElijahsBabyGurl9ElijahsBabyGurl9 Posts: 1,326 Member
    edited October 2012
    Just wondering, but is anyone still reading? :(

    I am. I happened upon your story a month or so ago and fell in love with the plot line. I love it. Your horses are absolutely fabulous. I decided to "borrow" Kal'El, Airbus and Snowy for my own breeding farm hope you don't mind. My mare is a gorgeous Appaloosa with red roan coloring named Quiet Rain. I will post pictures asap I'm just starting so I still have to make my characters. ~^_^~ Hope you will read it. And if you want to you can send me a friend request. This way I too can provide beautiful horses to keep the supply and demand up:D
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited October 2012
    Just wondering, but is anyone still reading? :(

    I am. I happened upon your story a month or so ago and fell in love with the plot line. I love it. Your horses are absolutely fabulous. I decided to "borrow" Kal'El, Airbus and Snowy for my own breeding farm hope you don't mind. My mare is a gorgeous Appaloosa with red roan coloring named Quiet Rain. I will post pictures asap I'm just starting so I still have to make my characters. ~^_^~ Hope you will read it. And if you want to you can send me a friend request. This way I too can provide beautiful horses to keep the supply and demand up:D

    Thanks for reading! I will continue but there will be some changes. I love it that you use my horses and I would love to read your story :) Please let me know when I can read it! I'd love to see what kind of foals my horses produce with your appaloosa. I send you a friend request and feel free to use more of my horse if you want :)
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited October 2012
    Okay so I finally have pets back and installed. And I'm continuing this challenge, but in a new town, hope it's ok I bend the rules a bit! So here we go again! Enjoy!

    On a warm day June Denali spend her free day at the Gazeboo, just enjoying the out doors and reading the Riverview Guardian. What started out as a great day, soon turned in a day full of sorrow and pain. Because when she opened the paper the first article she saw turned her whole world up side down.


    Tragedy strikes famous horse farm in Appaloosa plains.
    From Appaloosa Daily’s journalist James Jameson.

    A few years back I wrote a story about a courageous lady that had the dream to start a horse breeding and training farm in our lovely city. Starting from scratch she made a name for her self and her horses. You’ll all remember her, our Skye Denali. After spending her whole adult live around the horses, marrying the man of her dreams and having two children she passed away. Leaving the farm to her daughter Faith. Faith continued with Denali’s Horse Farm just like her mother. Carrying on her mother’s good name, and breeding and selling horses. Everything was going well until tragedy struck! We all remember the night a couple of months back when the fire that killed Faith and her horses. Everyone in Apploosa plains was devastated, but there was hope that relatives of Skye and Faith would be willing to continue Denali’s Horse Farm. But the relatives let Appaloosa Plains government know they didn’t want to continue the business, and so the government tried to find a buyer, but nobody stood up to the plate and so after a few months there was nothing else to do then sell the land.
    We’ve lost dear members of our community but we also lost a profitable business that is now replaced by a big corporate building. Let’s see where this will lead Appaloosa plains.

    After reading the article all June could do was read it again. June new her aunt had died and that her cousin Faith died in this tragedy, but what June hadn’t known was that they were looking for someone to take over the family business. June would have loved to do it because she’s always loved horses. June couldn’t believe nobody had told her they were looking for family members that wanted to continue the farm, and so she took out her phone to call her mother.

    ‘Hey June, how are you sweety?’ Her mom answered the phone.
    ‘Hey mom, not so good, have you read the paper?’ June answered.
    ‘You read the article about your cousin’s Horse Farm, haven’t you?’ Her mom asked after a shot pause.
    ‘Yes… This means you knew! You knew this happened and didn’t tell me!’
    ‘I knew yes, but I didn’t want you to throw away your live for horses! I want you to get a good job, earn lots of money. And I don’t want you to waste your live in horses!’ Her mother told her.
    ‘But I don’t want to work in an office or something like that! I love horses and I would have loved to continue the farm, but now because you didn’t tell me it’s gone!’ June told her mother.
    ‘I’m sorry dear, but I just won’t allow you to throw your live away for some horses. And that’s final!’ Her mother ordered her.
    ‘Oh is it?’ June asked her mother. ‘I don’t think so! I’ll do whatever I want and I will continue Denali’s Horse Farm, right here in Riverview! And you can’t tell me what to do, I’m a grown woman mom. If you approve or not I don’t care, I’ll use my savings and restart the farm.’ After this outburst to her mom June hung up and started planning.

    First she needed horses and a piece of land. The piece of land was easy to get by, her father left her a big piece of land, close to one of the two Equestrian Centers and the training grounds of Riverview, after he passed away. June decided it was the perfect place for her to start the new and improved Denali’s Horse Farm. Now the horses, June really wanted to use Denali’s Horse Farm mares. And thus she started to search the internet. One mare was easy to locate and to find, Brenda was still at the EC of Appaloosa plains, and so June contacted them and bought Brenda. The mare June really set her sights on was Airbus, one of her aunt’s first foals, and after searching and searching she finally located the mare. And luckily she was for sale! So June made the transaction and after a few days she moved into her new home with Brenda and Airbus.

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    ElijahsBabyGurl9ElijahsBabyGurl9 Posts: 1,326 Member
    edited October 2012
    It was so sad when Skye and Maxian died. I hope that June can be as famous as her Aunt. Quick question for do I add more stallions to my game? I have seen a few on the exchange that I like but am not sure how to get them... :(
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    allong16allong16 Posts: 111 New Member
    edited October 2012
    I love the idea of the 50 foals challenge so I incorporated it in the challenge I am playing now...The Last Hope Challenge. Check it out at I put it on a blog website cuz I can't figure out how to post images on forums.
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    StessToCockpitStessToCockpit Posts: 178 New Member
    edited October 2012
    It was so sad when Skye and Maxian died. I hope that June can be as famous as her Aunt. Quick question for do I add more stallions to my game? I have seen a few on the exchange that I like but am not sure how to get them... :(

    Glad you like the story!! If you find a stallion that you like, you can click 'Add to Game' on the horse his page of the exchange. For me my sims 3 launcher will open automatically and the horse will show up in 'downloads'. Then you select the horse and click Install. Then another screen will open and the horse will be downloaded/installed there, when that's done click OK. Then go to 'installed content' and you will find the horse there. The horse will be added to the game then.
    In CAS you can find the horse in pre-made sims.
    I hope this is clear :) If not I can try to explain again!
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