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One Old Lady and her Many Cats - A Kat Sprat Challenge - Conclusion

This is part of an epic play for the Kat Sprat Challenge found in the gift gifting forum. If you think you'd like to play it your way or read what other adventures Kat is having in alternate planes of reality, go here for more info and links:

Kat Sprat Challenge/Contest rules, discussion, and links -

In an effort to help you find the latest update...
Page 1 - Diary, Mr.Swete, Food and Politics, Fluffy and Romance
Page 2 - Fred, Documentary (Following Fred), Fluffy's Adventure
Page 3 - Happy Day, Atypical Day, A Typical Day, Charmed Ants
Page 4 - Creatures and Paw Prints, Hunters, Decision
Page 5 - Date, Visitors, Ramblings, Kat Philosophy
Page 6 - Make-over, Parks, Weekend, Cat Herder
Page 7 - Circle Continues, Newspaper Article, and Comings and Goings
Page 8 - Reflections and Ascension


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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited January 2012

    It occurred to me, that at 788 days old, I should keep a diary. So, that's this. It also occurred to me that cleaning litter boxes isn't any fun.


    So, I bought a new-fangled one that cleans itself. Isn't that a hoot? While I was busy getting new things, I bought myself a much more comfortable bed. Then, I got a fancy smancy thing-a-ma-jig for the cats for sleeping and for playing. I also got a new door with a window so I can see what's going on in the world and a few more lights so I don't feel left in the dark so much, even though I usually am.


    I got a hankering to do some gardening. I don't know why. I don't have much extra room for one, especially after adding a pond so the cats could get water whenever they are thirsty. Anyway, I went to the grocery store and bought a tomato and then I went by the library. What kind of library doesn't have books on gardening? So, then I went to the book store. Do you realize they want $350 for an introductory book on gardening? That's outrageous! Highway robbery is what that is! They aren't getting my hard-earned money!


    Speaking of hard-earned money, I'm going to have to get me some. I'm running pretty darn empty of the green stuff. Any ideas what might earn me a bit of pin money?

    No advice on how Kat should get some money, huh?
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited December 2011
    After looking around at the library a bit, I did manage to find a gardening book. Then, I was intrigued by a charisma book. I saw this nice looking gentleman and began to have a hankering for a new friend.


    (What do you think? Should she be forward and introduce herself?)
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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited December 2011
    Oh yeah I could see the two of them together! To make money, she could go fishing...
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    smashbridges20smashbridges20 Posts: 7,397 Member
    edited December 2011
    Hmm. Without modified community lots like my library I gestured to with art creating items and a pond, she would have to try her luck mooching, selling things she owns, getting a part time job, stealing things....
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited December 2011
    Oh, I hate when entries don't take and I have to retype everything.

    Ducky, I think those two were born to get along! Thanks for agreeing. I think fishing would be a great money maker and I wish I had seen your entry before I did something else.

    Smash, Unfortunately, she is not a klepto, so stealing is out. She doesn't own enough to sell anything worth while either. I think the part-time job and mooching are great, and you'll notice if you read the next installment (coming soon) that she has used the mooching speciality a few times. Again, as I stated above to Ducky, I do wish that I had seen your entries earlier. As I wanted this to be more interactive, but I hope you'll be happy with the current solution (at least for now).
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited December 2011
    It's nice that this here swimming club has a beautiful vista, but to be honest, I really only care about the showers. I can't afford one of my own you see. I haven't solved that niggling problem about getting more simoleons yet.
    Maybe I spend my money on too much stuff for my cats, but look how much they love it!
    And, I saw this here cat stereo. Who could resist that? Senor Gato loves to sing along. (And that's Mittens being a good cat and not scratching the furniture.)
    If you're wanting to know more about me by reading my diary, you might should know that I really like my food.
    Sometimes, I even dream of food.
    'Course I also dream of my cats.
    But, I have been known to mooch a plate of food from some sims I know.
    Maybe, quite a few sims, actually.
    You see, us older people, we don't have much money for eating out and fancy vittles. So, I've planted a garden, so I can grow some food.
    I spend a lot of time playing with my cats. They love playing with the laser and sharpening their claws on the scratcher. (Too bad that cat scratcher didn't last too long.)
    They like fishing in the pond we dug in a corner out front.
    They are such good cats, my babies.
    And they get on so well together...
    that I thought maybe I'd like another one. So now, we have Cayln too.
    They get along so well together.
    And, she's such a good cat.
    I saw a stray cat at the house the other day...
    And another gorgeous cat at the library.
    With so many beautiful cats in the world and only so much money to take care of them, I finally figured I should go into politics to change the world and make it a better place for cats everywhere. So, I'm going to get me a job at City Hall.
    And I plan to make a difference.

    (Tell me what you think... more cats... romance... something different...)
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    smashbridges20smashbridges20 Posts: 7,397 Member
    edited December 2011
    I didnt know it was interactive until just recently! lol! I like it! this is so fun!
    I had some caffeine earlier! can you tell?! ACK!

    I think it would be funny if she got a bf, and then the cats didnt approve so she has to dump him.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited December 2011
    Okay, expect a romance with Mr. Swete soon.

    And I think I overdid the pics last time, didn't I?
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    DrapesDrapes Posts: 2,794 New Member
    edited December 2011
    Romance! She needs a man in her life :D
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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited December 2011
    Lol its ok. Fishing was just a suggestion. And she can still do it in her spare time :D I like the politics idea! And there was just the right amount of pictures. I'm thinking of posting my Kat contest too, just because it is so hard the way I'm doing it right now. but I don't know yet... I think you should go the more cats route. And throw in some romance.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited December 2011
    More cats, romance, and some fishing on the side... carrying on in politics ... and keeping up on pics... check, check, check.

    And I'd love to see your story too Ducky!
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    Jurik1124Jurik1124 Posts: 4,627 New Member
    edited December 2011
    *peeks in*

    *sneaks out*
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited December 2011
    You've probably heard that saying, "Two's company. Three's a crowd." Well, I think four's purrfect. I adopted another cat. This here beauty is Fluffy. Senor Gato likes being surrounded by females, but I don't think Cayln was all that excited about not being the new kid on the block any more.
    The fancy cat tower has just enough room for all four of them to sleep...
    and sharpen their nails all at the same time if they wish.
    I'm sure glad I got a new fangled self-cleaning litter box for the cats. I wish I had one for myself.
    Remember that nice gentleman in the library the other day. He's been coming to call.
    He's a little sweet on me.
    And he gives me flowers.
    I sure would love to spend some time alone with him.
    But, I got a job now. And I just don't have that much free time.
    (How are you liking it so far? The cats have been fishing, but she hasn't. We need more cat pics, don't we?)
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    smashbridges20smashbridges20 Posts: 7,397 Member
    edited December 2011
    i LOVE the screen shots! do we have any shots of her feeding the cats? or doing something with the cats that requires her to ignore her own personal needs? cuz, that would be hilarious.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited December 2011
    I'll work on that! I usually have them go to the pond for a drink, but they have drank from the toilet and the water left on the floor after her bath. That could be interesting.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited January 2012
    Well, it didn't take long for Fluffy to make friends with the other cats. They all are turning into great hunters.


    Another stray wandered by. Isn't this just the prettiest cat ever?


    It did so make me want another cat, so I wandered over to the animal shelter and adopted Fred.


    I'm not sure he's all that happy with all the other cats, but I'm sure he'll get along with them after he gets to know them.


    (Do we want to see some cat adventures? Follow a cat as it explores the town and cat park or while it hunts prey or meets new sims?)
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    smashbridges20smashbridges20 Posts: 7,397 Member
    edited January 2012
    I will happily take a cat adventure and see things from their perspective for a day. see what they think of their human. ;)
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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited January 2012
    lol I love following the cats as they go hunting. They usually don't go too far from the house though.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited January 2012
    Okay, next play should include following a cat around and seeing things from his or her perspective.
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    cianeciane Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited January 2012
    Oh, big news today! I am now on the city council. That means a nice raise, so excuse me while I do a happy dance!
    No more long baths for me, I can now zip in and out of a nice hot shower in the comfort of my own home!
    I also went crazy and bought a table. I know, I know, splurging on myself like that when I could be taking care of more cats.
    Well, when I was looking at all my babies, I got an idea for a project. I decided to do a documentary on the life of an adopted cat. I am somewhat of an expert on that, and I thought Sims everywhere would see how wonderful cats can be and want to adopt more themselves.
    Here's the documentary, following Fred around for one day. The day of course begins with wonderful cat dreams of savory food.
    He started out having a conversation with Senor Gato about the sprinkler. I didn't know cats loved sprinklers!
    Then he talked to Mittens about gardening or about how to disable the sprinkler system. You decide.
    He took a break from socializing to scratch. Cats love to sharpen their nails. (Be sure they have a place for that or they'll make one of their own, usually on your sofa or chairs.)
    Then he did more socializing, this time with Cayln, and I learned that all cats have their own favorite prey.
    Fluffy actually likes to catch insects.
    Fred then went to get a drink and maybe do some fishing.
    Then, he did more nail sharpening.
    He's a good cat, my Fred.
    I love to play with the cat dancer with him.
    He also likes to play with that toy by himself.
    Later he went into stalking mode.
    And Fred practiced his hunting skills.
    And he played with the catnip mouse.
    He's a good cat who grooms himself so I have more time to play with the other cats.
    He deserves a treat for being so good.
    You are so adorable, Fred. I must pick you up!
    Good kitty!
    And that's enough filming for one day. It's time for bed and wonderful cat dreams.
    Don't you just want to adopt a soft little furry now?

    Should we follow one of the other cats and actually leave the lot next time? And fewer pics too, huh?
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Funky_fairy18Funky_fairy18 Posts: 318 Member
    edited January 2012
    Day in the life of her cats, that's wonderful. :D I like the route you're taking! Have the cats met Kat's new Beau yet? Maybe you could set up their meeting for next time and see how their reactions are. :D
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    DuckypantsDuckypants Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited January 2012
    I like the idea of following the cat. And I say you should leave the lot next time. See where he takes you.
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    smashbridges20smashbridges20 Posts: 7,397 Member
    edited January 2012
    I like the pics. I haven't had the chance to play too much with all my pets yet and seeing that they do is fun!

    I agree though, I want to see what happens off the lot somewhere. and of course, cannot wait for them to meet the bf! ;)

    awesome that she got promoted, too!
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    AunzaAunza Posts: 1,297 Member
    edited January 2012
    Hiya Ciane, Read your story last evening and see you have been quite busy. You are miles and miles ahead of me. I am liking your pictures and story. Forgive me, if i do not stop by too often. I do not want to read others simmers stories, and end up copying them as i play my game. I cannot even look at other builds when building, or i will start my build over, time and time again! :)
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    x_Saffronx_Saffron Posts: 624 New Member
    edited January 2012
    I love that :P ! You should make a complete chapter dedicated to all the cats (as well as the Cat Adventure you want to do). I kinda get confused with the names of the cats, since we don't see them often.
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